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Favorite and least favorite character endings


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4 hours ago, Anacybele said:

Yeah, but it's not simply the wording that gives me that vibe. It's the tone of voice I imagine it in, and the situation as well. Elincia's near death, possibly thinking she's about to die. Then she says Ike is "hers"? Not to mention, that if I were close to dying, I'd mention the person/a person I love/care for most with my potential last words to them. Elincia could very well be doing that with Ike. So you kind of answered your own question there by mentioning that it's a death quote.

Geoffrey does say "I am yours" as well to Elincia in part 2, but that's not a near death situation or anything. It's a normal one. It's entirely different circumstances, so it's a little more vague. And Elincia's "you are surely my finest and most faithful knight" and all are the same situation. Different from the death quote scenario.

I look at three things when interpreting a character's dialogue for some implications and such:

1. The wording, of course. We all see this first, right? This includes punctuation too, as exclamation points mean different things than a period or question mark.

2. The situation the dialogue is spoken in. This can be a big one, as different circumstances make people want to convey different things.

3. The tone of voice, or the tone of voice that comes to mind first if there's no voice acting. Tone can change a lot too. Though when the line is not voiced, tone becomes harder to get since what I imagine may not be what someone else does. For example, when I first saw female Robin say "Hey there, Freddy Bear!" in her support with Frederick, what came to mind first was her saying it in a cutesy flirtsy way. And I wasn't yet a big shipper of the pairing at the time, so there's not much bias to cloud my judgement (in fact, that line is what made me ship them in the first place lol). But someone else could've just as easily pictured it as more casual sounding.

Funny thing about that line is that male Robin says it, too. It's quite hilarious, actually.
I interpreted it as being a nickname so Robin can further his friendship with Frederick (you know, after the whole mistrust part), but I can very well see your interpretation, too, at least when it comes to female Robin, as she tends to be a little more into teasing as her male counterpart (kind of like Morgan, really).

I agree that Geoffrey's whole "I am yours" shtick might just be him declaring his undying loyalty to his liege, since it is a common line from loyal knights to their masters (I think Frederick says it to Chrom at one point and I believe Saizo does to Ryoma, too).
What's interesting to note about their conversation in part 2, in which she gives Geoffrey the Brave Lance, in the German translation, Elincia switches from addressing him with "Euch" (which is actually the third person plural "you", which was used in medieval times to address Nobility) to the more personal "Du" (which is equal to the normal "you" used between friends, siblings and the like), something she never does with Ike. 
Maybe she implied that she still thinks of Geoffrey like a brother and not a mere servant, which would be my own interpretation, or she wanted to express some kind of affection for him. Either way, I am not the biggest Geoffrey / Elincia shipper. An Ike / Elincia pairing would have made more sense coming from Path of Radiance in my opinion, but my personal OTP for these games is Ike / Mia and Ike / Sanaki for the heck of it. Crack pairings ftw!

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9 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

Funny thing about that line is that male Robin says it, too. It's quite hilarious, actually.
I interpreted it as being a nickname so Robin can further his friendship with Frederick (you know, after the whole mistrust part), but I can very well see your interpretation, too, at least when it comes to female Robin, as she tends to be a little more into teasing as her male counterpart (kind of like Morgan, really).

I agree that Geoffrey's whole "I am yours" shtick might just be him declaring his undying loyalty to his liege, since it is a common line from loyal knights to their masters (I think Frederick says it to Chrom at one point and I believe Saizo does to Ryoma, too).
What's interesting to note about their conversation in part 2, in which she gives Geoffrey the Brave Lance, in the German translation, Elincia switches from addressing him with "Euch" (which is actually the third person plural "you", which was used in medieval times to address Nobility) to the more personal "Du" (which is equal to the normal "you" used between friends, siblings and the like), something she never does with Ike. 
Maybe she implied that she still thinks of Geoffrey like a brother and not a mere servant, which would be my own interpretation, or she wanted to express some kind of affection for him. Either way, I am not the biggest Geoffrey / Elincia shipper. An Ike / Elincia pairing would have made more sense coming from Path of Radiance in my opinion, but my personal OTP for these games is Ike / Mia and Ike / Sanaki for the heck of it. Crack pairings ftw!

No, male Robin actually calls him something different which is another reason I interpreted female Robin as being flirty. Male Robin calls him "Fredericson" instead.

Huh, that German translation is interesting though.

I'm not fond of Ike/Mia, personally. I prefer Rhys/Mia or Boyd/Mia. I just don't think Ike and Mia mesh and Ike definitely has zero interest in her. He's just like "okay" every time they spar. And sometimes I'm not sure he actually feels like sparring with her, he just goes along with it because she wants to. He even said "you know you never win, right?" or something like that. xP

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i am not a fan of sonya's ending and that's all i remember for dislike

i actually don't really remember anyone else's. luthier's was kinda funny though so i liked it for that reason only

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1 hour ago, Anacybele said:

No, male Robin actually calls him something different which is another reason I interpreted female Robin as being flirty. Male Robin calls him "Fredericson" instead.

Then that is a translation error on the German's part, since there, male Robin also calls Frederick "Freddy Bear" as far as I can remember.
But then again, they also refer to female Robin as a "he" a few times and play one of the male voice clips instead of the female one at one point.

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On 01/03/2018 at 10:37 PM, NekoKnight said:

You clearly didn't read her endings. She's unable to marry two of her support  partners because she's a noble and they're commoners, and she can marry the 3rd (Erk) because he has connections to Pent . None of her endings specify following her brother and in Raven's paired ending with Lucius, he gets over his hatred.

My bad. I've read her endings before, but I really don't know how I mistook it that badly. Thing is, I could swear someone else had a similar ending, but none fit the bill. Oh well.

Her ending is still a big downer because in 4/5 of her pairings she can't stay with her love interest. This wasn't badly written, though.

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4 hours ago, DragonFlames said:

Then that is a translation error on the German's part, since there, male Robin also calls Frederick "Freddy Bear" as far as I can remember.
But then again, they also refer to female Robin as a "he" a few times and play one of the male voice clips instead of the female one at one point.

Oh, huh. In English, female Robin says "Freddy Bear" while male Robin says "Fredericson" so yeah, it seems to be a translation goof up in the German one.

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5 hours ago, DragonFlames said:

Then that is a translation error on the German's part, since there, male Robin also calls Frederick "Freddy Bear" as far as I can remember.
But then again, they also refer to female Robin as a "he" a few times and play one of the male voice clips instead of the female one at one point.

Pretty sure even English Warriors had both Robins say Freddy Bear. They're just getting under his skin. Maybe not in the initial support, but that seems to be the intent in Warriors. 

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