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Who would you take?

I could literally do either. I love both units and think they both have advantages.

That said I would prefer Sumia...

Edited by bearclaw13
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I can defend Cordelia. But I won't be able to start till 5:00pm est. tomorrow.

I could open then. If you want me to.

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You know what? Screw it. If you want to do a debate I'll go against you.

I have some MUs.

Vaike (me) vs. Gregor (you) (I could switch here but wtv)

Stahl (me) vs. Sully (you)

Nowi (me) vs. Sumia (you)

Donnel (me) vs. Virion (you) (you could switch to Ricken or another D tier here)

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4:43 AM

Church is 6:30 AM

Need to sleep, and the core of the arguments is pretty lopsided

But yeah, lets do it, maybe like 3 hours from now.

Can you open it?

Which one?

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  • 3 weeks later...

While I'm not interested, Avatar would win by a landslide, it's not really even a competition.

This. It just wouldn't work unless you like banned Veteran and used Donnel!Morgan or something.

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How so?

First, Morgan technically has access to EVERY non-DLC skill in the entire game, better than MU (who can only get skills of the same gender). (S)he will start with stats close enough to MU so that Morgan can catch up easily and turn out amazing. Veteran doesn't make a unit, and Morgan can easily insta-reclass to get Veteran anyway, and starts in Tactician for three (all good, one my waifu <3) parents, and two of those give another child for MU to pass MU's genes onto. There isn't any other base classes worth reclassing into anyway, unless you want Armshrift/Vantage, and those are better passed down imo anyway unless you want to give her a gender-exclusive skill, like Galeforce or Counter.

So, Morgan has better skills BY FAR, better potential class set, and while MU has better availability, Morgan can catch up easily enough anyway. Morgan >> MU.

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Actually Veteran does make a unit

I can easilly argue that My Unit would NOT be overpowered if they lacks Veteran

Also the list of class that is a good reclass investment is.... huge. Tactician is IMO not one of them because of their terrible base stats

Edited by I have a Dragon Boner
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Actually Veteran does make a unit

I can easilly argue that My Unit would NOT be overpowered if they lacks Veteran

*AS overpowered

And I mean any playthrough, Morgan can catch up/get opposite gender skills/get Veteran in ANY playthrough pretty much.

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Didn't Olwen KO the boss with an axe-wielding Morgan in his run? So if you want, try proving that the difference in the performance of lategame MU and lategame Morgan is big enough to offset Morgan's absence in the first part of the game. Most people here take availability and opportunity cost seriously enough though.

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Morgan's ability to catch up is something with which no one disagrees. In my efficiency playthrough, Morgan caught up by like Chapter 24; in Chiki's LTC, Morgan caught up within a few chapters.

If you're going to argue in terms of turns saved, the Avatar still wins by a landslide.

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*AS overpowered

Avatar has rather terrible base stats, and their skills are nothing special before Godmode Rally

If you want to put it in simple terms, without Veteran, Avatar IMO is just a Panne who joined some chapter earlier. Granted thats pretty OP, but.... not exactly special, or at least, not enough to make her better than Sumia like they are with Veteran

(im biased to Sumia btw ;p)

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Avatar has rather terrible base stats, and their skills are nothing special before Godmode Rally

If you want to put it in simple terms, without Veteran, Avatar IMO is just a Panne who joined some chapter earlier. Granted thats pretty OP, but.... not exactly special, or at least, not enough to make her better than Sumia like they are with Veteran

(im biased to Sumia btw ;p)

lulz. Avatar w/o Veteran would be like around Vaike. Have you seen his growths?

Also on debating Lissa and Maribelle' it sounds like an interesting matchup but I'm not doing it.

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I won't even bother explaining why my choices are the best reclass :p

Avatar +S -L



16 4 3 5 5 5 3


16 4 2 7 8 4


-1 MAG

+2 SKL

+3 SPD

-1 DEF

+3 RES


18 6 0 5 6 7 0

+2 HP

+2 STR

-3 MAG

+1 SPD

+2 DEF

-3 RES


19 7 0 6 5 8 0

+3 HP

+3 STR

-3 MAG

+1 SKL

+3 DEF

-3 RES

Averages at Level 10

HP: 26.2

STR: 10.5

MAG: 9.05

SKL: 9.95

SPD: 13.40

LCK: 6.5

DEF: 9.6

RES: 6.7

Growth are innacurate but.....

I take it back. Thats much worse than Panne >_>

Edited by I have a Dragon Boner
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