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Who do you think is going to drop to 4 star? Male Morgan or female Morgan?


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Yeah, I keep getting into this debate with people, it seems, and the sides always seems to be split evenly.

So what do you think?

I think it'll be male Morgan. Everything points to him imo.

- He's not as popular as female Morgan, so naturally, IS would want to keep the bigger money maker 5 star only.
- Female Morgan comes with a complete A/B/C skillset and male Morgan does not. Characters with that privilege have never dropped to 4 star as far as I know.
- The red pool already has so many units and 5 stars, we don't need to add another 5 star exclusive one to it on top of horse Chrom. It'd still be easier to pull female Morgan than male Morgan if both remained 5 star only. The only way male Morgan would be easier to pull is by dropping him to 4, or else he becomes much harder to pull.

Then I see people argue "but female Morgan doesn't have a unique weapon while male Morgan does!"

Firstly, why does that even matter? Jeorge has a unique weapon and he's 4-5 star. Eliwood has one (or did. But for a time, he did) and he's 3-4 star! There's precedent for characters with unique weapons to be 4 star or lower. There's no precedent for characters with full A/B/C skillsets being 4 star.

Second, female Morgan does have a unique weapon. No one else has Blarserpent. It's new. So until someone else gets that weapon or gets something called Gronnserpent or Rauorserpent, it's a unique weapon for now.

So yeah, this is why I think it'll be male Morgan. If anyone has any other reasons it could be female Morgan though, I'm interested in hearing. I've not heard any evidence as strong as what I'm presenting for male Morgan, honestly.

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Considering none of the Fallen units dropped, it might be neither. Sure it would be a terrible trend for the already stagnant 3 and 4* pools, but I am not sure if they won't do it for the  cash.

If it's anyone though, I agree it should be M!Morgan.

Edited by Nanima
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I think it's possible neither or both will drop since both are the same character as different genders, yeah. But the fallen characters were mostly alts and Hardin...well, I can't imagine him being 4 star. Chrom is an alt, the Morgans are not. So I think they'd be more likely to drop than units like the fallen ones.

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MMorgan's kind of really underwhelming and less desirable overall for most players, so he'll probably drop. Lucky me, it means merging him will become a bit easier if it happens.

FMorgan is both a non-seasonal flier and, like you said, she has a full kit. I don't see her dropping mainly for the second reason, I can't see them putting a unit with a full skill kit in the 4* pool.

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M!Morgan is who I think will drop since he is the least impressive of the three units on his banner and F!Morgan being a flying mage mage makes it highly unlikely she will drop.  I hope he does drop so I have a chance of pulling him in the future since I am skipping this banner.  

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I do wish male Morgan hadn't gotten the short end of the stick though. Why did female Morgan have to get the awesome options? They're both Morgan, so they should've been made more equal imo, like their parents were.

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1 hour ago, Nanima said:

Considering none of the Fallen units dropped, it might be neither. Sure it would be a terrible trend for the already stagnant 3 and 4* pools, but I am not sure if they won't do it for the  cash.

If it's anyone though, I agree it should be M!Morgan.

yea i have a feeling it will be nobody. But honestly i think it would be M!Morgan. Don't think we'll see 2 Chroms in the 4* pool and F!Morgan is a flying mage they wouldn't be so kind

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2 hours ago, Anacybele said:

Second, female Morgan does have a unique weapon. No one else has Blarserpent. It's new. So until someone else gets that weapon or gets something called Gronnserpent or Rauorserpent, it's a unique weapon for now.

Off-Topic, just so you know, it's apparently actually 'Raudrserpent' - the letter looks like an 'o' but is apparently a 'd' because Norse Background I assume. If you check closely there's a little tail thing at the top of the letter.

On-Topic, yeah, if either drops it'll be Male.

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3 minutes ago, Will Bill said:

It’ll probably be Female Morgan as the Serpent tomes’ll probable start becoming more common, as IS releases Gronnserpent and Rauðrserpent.

Remember that the red Owl tome is still 5-star only (Katarina).

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3 minutes ago, Will Bill said:

It’ll probably be Female Morgan as the Serpent tomes’ll probable start becoming more common, as IS releases Gronnserpent and Rauðrserpent.

We're still waiting for Rawrowl on a 4*.

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I don’t think people should look at what happened in the previous banner and say “Well nobody dropped there so it won’t happen here!”. That’s comparing apples to oranges. The Fallen banner is comparable to the Brave and Farfetched banners, whereas this one is not. 

Anyways, male Morgan will definitely drop. If he doesn’t, I’ll drink a bottle of hot sauce.

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1 minute ago, SilvertheShadow said:

I don’t think people should look at what happened in the previous banner and say “Well nobody dropped there so it won’t happen here!”. That’s comparing apples to oranges. The Fallen banner is comparable to the Brave and Farfetched banners, whereas this one is not. 

Anyways, male Morgan will definitely drop. If he doesn’t, I’ll drink a bottle of hot sauce.

Seems like a bit of a stretch comparison, but can we get a video of this hot sauce drinking?

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34 minutes ago, SoulWeaver said:

Off-Topic, just so you know, it's apparently actually 'Raudrserpent' - the letter looks like an 'o' but is apparently a 'd' because Norse Background I assume. If you check closely there's a little tail thing at the top of the letter.

On-Topic, yeah, if either drops it'll be Male.

Looks enough like an O to me and I've never seen this "tail" you're talking about. My eyesight isn't the best though, I'll admit.

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There are ample arguments for both sides. I think it's up in the air, and I wouldn't be surprised at all if either of them, both, or neither are dropped.

Female Morgan has her rare class and 5 default skills going for her. Of her skills, only Blarserpent and Mirror Stance are noteworthy, but I'm not sure they're special enough to warrant a guaranteed lock for 5-star exclusivity.

Male Morgan has a unique weapon and Dull Ranged as well as Tharja's offensive stat line.

If female Morgan drops, this will be the first time a character with 5 default skills is dropped to 4-star rarity. If male Morgan drops, this will be the first time a character with a unique weapon is dropped to 4-star rarity when a character without a unique weapon is available to drop, but doesn't. Either way, it'll be a first.

Or neither can drop or both can drop.


32 minutes ago, SoulWeaver said:

Off-Topic, just so you know, it's apparently actually 'Raudrserpent' - the letter looks like an 'o' but is apparently a 'd' because Norse Background I assume. If you check closely there's a little tail thing at the top of the letter.


The letter is called "eth" or "edh" and is usually transliterated as "d", though I personally use "dh" (due to the spelling of the letter's name), which is also valid.


8 minutes ago, SilvertheShadow said:

The Fallen banner is comparable to the Brave and Farfetched banners,

I still haven't found someone who can make an argument to substantiate this claim beyond superficial features like "having the word 'heroes' in the banner name".

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7 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:


The letter is called "eth" or "edh" and is usually transliterated as "d", though I personally use "dh" (due to the spelling of the letter's name), which is also valid.


Personally, I prefer "th", since that's how it's pronounced. But, I mean, it's alt+208. ð, see? Easy.


2 hours ago, Anacybele said:

Second, female Morgan does have a unique weapon. No one else has Blarserpent. It's new. So until someone else gets that weapon or gets something called Gronnserpent or Rauorserpent, it's a unique weapon for now.

That's not what people mean by "unique weapon" - and I think you know it - so this argument is the fallacy of equivocation. Blárserpent is inheritable; thus, it's non-unique.

As far as the actual question goes, I'm leaning towards neither M!Morgan, if any. Like you say, there's precedent for legendary weapons users in non-5* pools, and no precedent for 5-skill units in said pools.

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7 minutes ago, Seafarer said:

Personally, I prefer "th", since that's how it's pronounced. But, I mean, it's alt+208. ð, see? Easy.

Looks to me like an O with a tilde or similar mark above it. You know, that wiggly line sometimes seen above an N in Spanish.

Edited by Anacybele
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1 minute ago, Seafarer said:

Personally, I prefer "th", since that's how it's pronounced.

No language uses that transliteration, though.

For languages that dropped the letter in favor of the Latin character set, it was replaced with "dh", "d", or "dd". Contrast that with thorn, which was replaced with "th". The most common transliteration in modern English is "d".


4 minutes ago, Seafarer said:

But, I mean, it's alt+208. ð, see? Easy.

I don't have a numpad on my keyboard on my work laptop, making it exceedingly difficult to use alt-key shortcuts.


2 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

Looks to me like an O with a tilde or similar mark above it. You know, that wiggly line sometimes seen above an N in Spanish.

Check out my link to the Wikipedia article on the letter if you haven't already. It has a picture of the letter zoomed in.

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1 minute ago, Ice Dragon said:

Check out my link to the Wikipedia article on the letter if you haven't already. It has a picture of the letter zoomed in.

Why? I've seen the letter now. I don't need to see it again. But should be fine for others that want to.

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5 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

Why? I've seen the letter now. I don't need to see it again. But should be fine for others that want to.

Because it's nothing like an o with a tilde at all.

Claiming the sun to be a featureless yellow-white circle (hint: it isn't) because you don't look closely enough at it to see the details is exactly what you're doing right now with ð.

Also, an o with a tilde looks like this: õ.

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1 minute ago, Ice Dragon said:

Because it's nothing like an o with a tilde at all.

Claiming the sun to be a featureless yellow-white circle (hint: it isn't) because you don't look closely enough at it to see the details is exactly what you're doing right now with ð.

Also, an o with a tilde looks like this: õ.

I still see the similarity though. Doesn't mean I'm lying or wrong about that. I don't feel I need to look at it any closer, so why is this an issue? It's a freaking letter...

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