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Etrian Odyssey 3 Mafia - Game Over


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So this is how it ends... Well listen to me , you stupid idiots.
I am undefeatable, you can never stop me! Death is only the beginning!
Now if you'll excuse me, I'll see you in hell!

##Vote: Athena

Hammer time peeps

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Athena seemed kinda shifty. Some interesting last words, too.


Dear Athena,

You are Athena, the Yggdroid.
You begin with 35/35 TP.

You are an unlockable class that plays very differently to conventional classes. You have skills that intentionally bind your limbs, preventing you from taking certain actions, but enable different skills instead.

Rocket Jump (15TP): You may use this action with the command ##Rocket Jump. You will be unaffected by all actions that night, no exceptions. You may only use this ability once during the game, as it will bind your legs by doing so.

Defrag (5TP): You may use this action with the command ##Defrag. You will unbind your body completely, restoring functionality, and allowing you to use Rocket Jump again.

You are aligned with Armoroad, and you win when all threats have been eliminated.



This is all mostly true... aside from one little thing.

You have been corrupted by the power of the Deep Ones, making you turn against your makers from the Deep City. Ironic, to be sure.

Your abilities above stand, with one addition as follows:
HP Cannon (20TP): You may use this action with the command ##HP Cannon USER. Your target will be unable to be protected that night. You must use this action as a modifier to the factional kill, and only if your legs are bound (ie, only after you use Rocket Jump.).

You have factional communication with your partners here.

You are aligned with the Deep Ones, and you win when you achieve majority or nothing can stop the same from happening.

It is now Night Three. You have until midnight GMT 3/27 to submit night actions. Phase ends in 25 hours and 50 minutes.

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Annnnnnnd no one ended up dying last night!

It is now Day Four. With 7 alive, it takes 3 to lynch at deadline, and 5 to hammer. Phase ends at midnight GMT 3/30, in 72 hours.
Night results going out shortly.

It is still MYLO! Town can lose following a mislynch today.

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@Eurykins Needs to post.

Not gonna out anything yet.

With what's assuming to be 5/2 we are still in MYLO, so that means there is some other sort of death potentially able to happen tonight.  I'm gonna assume Bart lied about something or Eury role-delayed a target and has been lying about her role.

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Also I totally called something along the lines of strongarm/something that would enable a kill to bypass protection. 10/10 I actually predicted something right this game.

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3 minutes ago, Eurykins said:

Prims was blocked last night. If I blocked the NK, then he needs to die or two of us die tomorrow.

This is the second time you have appeared to lie about your role.

Full claim.

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Sigh. Why you gotta make me claim information I would really not like to?

I started with 2 shot role. The RB delay.

I had a mechanic built in though, that enabled me to refresh a shot if I blocked or otherwise prevented a fatal role from killing someone.

N1: As we know, I saved myself from Bart's shot. I was lucky as dog shit with the block.

N2: I tried blocking Omega, but fizzled on Weapons instead. -1 shot.

N3: Blocked Prims, and enabled success.

I did not say anything wrt getting refreshed upon hitting Bart N1 because of the implications of either Vig or scum shot. After N1 flip happened, I assumed Vig was more likely.

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But yeah Prims is probably scum and I was gonna push for that lynch anyway.

Still not going to out my night action for reasons.

Eury's role is basically mod-confirmed though since we are still in MYLO which means a delay'd kill + a regular kill and a misslynch would cause us to lose.

After we lynch Prims we should be out of MYLO and we can lynch snike tomorrow followed by Via if Snike flips town.

Games over GG.

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I figured as the game wound down, it was more likely of a chance for me to refresh my shot(s). 

It was also x10000 safer for scum to assume that I was basically a vanilla and survive another night phase. 

So yeh, there ya go.

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Snike - Probably scum. Also flavor wise Gutrune is scum. so that's a double whammy.
Prims - Scum?
Via - Inventor - The only like not proven town role but it's basically town role.  Could only see this being scum if Snike/Prims somehow aren't.
Weapons - Bodyguard thing. - Was shot - Town clear
Shinori - Doc thing - Me obviously town.
Eury - Role delay, should be proven clear based on mod actions/MYLO factor. - Town clear most likely
Bartozio - Vig, should be cleared based on Eury's role claim and MYLO being a factor which proves Eury's role targeted scum.  (The only way this is false is if Scum Eury used her action on scum to move the night kill to a different night but I highly doubt that cause that would be really strong for scum and scum should have been abusing that factor all game.


Yeah. We lynch Prims then Snike, if snike flips town we lynch Via.

The only way Eury is scum is if she's buddy with Bart and that would mean Bart committed suicide previously and it would also mean that Eury hasn't been using her role to make it so scum could have 2 kills every other night and confuse the fuq outta people.

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