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I'm still on hiatus FYI, so as a pre-emptive "but you said you were going to be gone for awhile" posts, whatever.

Anyway, topic:

The reason I've wanted a breather from the site is because we're all an extremely opinionated bunch. More so than a lot of other web forums I've ever attended.

I think we should take a time out from time to time. There's a lot of people here who WILL criticize your every remark, who will disagree with you and then turn around and try to demean your soul in retort, who will stop at nothing to "prove" that you are inherently a bad person for believing in something that is not definitive.

I'm probably as guilty of that as anyone. I'll readily admit my shortcomings; I have a terrible temper. So, I'm trying to get that under control. I just hope other people can do the same.

I've come to like this place. Just because someone disagrees with you, doesn't mean they are a bad person or that you wouldn't get along famously in person. It's human to squabble. I mean, look to couples that have been married for 50 years. They still bicker and argue. It happens. I don't think my Grandma and Grandpa agreed on anything politically their entire marriage but they still loved each other.

This is the bleeding heart part of myself you don't see often so drink up while it's out there. :P WHY CANT WE ALL JUST GET ALONG

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I love you Sandman.

Don't look at me like that, I don't mean it in a gay way, geeze.

But you're kinda right. And usually it just takes like 15 minutes away from the computer to get the blood out of your head.

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If things get get too heated for me, I;ll just step back, relax, and let all the animals fight and I pick off all the weaken and near death victims.

This is a forum with many of different viewpoints, races, opinions, ages, and beliefs. Because of that, opinions are going to clash and attack head on. It's unavoidable but it does not means you can just step away from the fights.

But seriously, I think many of us would benefit from time off from Serenes if things would to go out of hand again.

Kids, don't get so work up over what somebody said ON THE INTERNET!!! Oh, somebody doesn't agree with me, boo hoo! Grow up. It's call "life"! NOT EVERYONE, in life on the forums is going to agree with you. Don't get upset and just step back and avoid fighting.

Edited by Snow_Storm
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You all take life too seriously.

I, for one, can say whatever I need to without remotely caring what is said in response. And if I do consider the responses, I actually *consider* them. I don't write them off. And I certainly don't look for the responses first thing.

Somewhere along the line, all my wrong choices in life, the universe, and everything are actually the right choices.

And to be fair, I've seen much worse than this.

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there was only ONE THING here that could possibly make me avoid this place for a few days, and that was only so i didnt make retarded flame topics about special ppl (i think we all know what that thing is)

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there was only ONE THING here that could possibly make me avoid this place for a few days, and that was only so i didnt make retarded flame topics about special ppl (i think we all know what that thing is)

I don't. :mellow:

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I do love this place and everyone in it, though I debate alot on politics I don't mean to offend anyone and whatever happens in a debate stays in a debate, I don't dislike anyone here, and I don't think I have ever gotten upset, well I have once, when some people in the chat who shall remain nameless kinda said I was a dumbass and I should like leave, but I got over it, so yeah now after my long rant you can continue with your lives

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I do love this place and everyone in it, though I debate alot on politics I don't mean to offend anyone and whatever happens in a debate stays in a debate, I don't dislike anyone here, and I don't think I have ever gotten upset, well I have once, when some people in the chat who shall remain nameless kinda said I was a dumbass and I should like leave, but I got over it, so yeah now after my long rant you can continue with your lives

You're not a dumbass! LET'S GET THAT FOO!

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In all honesty, I think that people should just take things as they come. I enjoy arguing, so I'm going to jump all over anything anyone says that I might disagree with, and hell, I often jump all over people I agree with just for fun. I want to understand/know as much as I can, and this is the best way for me to do it. State something really hard, and as if there is no way it could be different and I can guarantee you, you will find a lot of other perspectives quickly. I like that.

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In all honesty, I think that people should just take things as they come. I enjoy arguing, so I'm going to jump all over anything anyone says that I might disagree with, and hell, I often jump all over people I agree with just for fun. I want to understand/know as much as I can, and this is the best way for me to do it. State something really hard, and as if there is no way it could be different and I can guarantee you, you will find a lot of other perspectives quickly. I like that.



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I very rarely have a break. Whenever I'm at my laptop (surprisingly often) this place is always open on one tab, and I find myself just randomly looking round tha place. I've often been the only one online. I don't plan on leaving for anything.

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In all honesty, I think that people should just take things as they come. I enjoy arguing, so I'm going to jump all over anything anyone says that I might disagree with, and hell, I often jump all over people I agree with just for fun. I want to understand/know as much as I can, and this is the best way for me to do it. State something really hard, and as if there is no way it could be different and I can guarantee you, you will find a lot of other perspectives quickly. I like that.

Honestly I find ZXValaRevan adorable when they argue actually, so I don't mind if they disagree with me.

I find some of your points I agree with Sandman, however certainly not all, and there are some things I wish you wouldn't do, as with everyone. I won't hate you for them though, but certainly I call people out when I disagree with something, as do you.

I actually don't see the need to "take a break," for the reason you stated, as I only do so if I am just bored of a place, or if issues outside of the internet arise. (Which they have.)

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I've never taken a break from this place. I don't think I ever could. It's become a normal part of my life. I'll welcome you when you return.

Same here :mellow:

This place is like a drug. I am so addicted coming to the forum...

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There have actually been a number of days where I told myself I wouldn't have time to log in here, I needed to do other things. I was unsuccessful.

don't we all?


i believe everyone here has gone through that at least once!


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