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Lilith, anyone?


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My theory is that she's the next "Legendary".

- The cycle is about to restart. It started with Fjorm, with the element of water.

- They conveniently mentioned not too long ago they're planning on adding Colourless Dragons.

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Corrin's technically sister that served them as a dragon maid before becoming the steward of their pocket dimension castle? I don't know, Lilith's actual story involvement was minimal, and she died in two routes that, rather than evoke much emotion, are generally laughed at. 

The alts thus far have been main characters. Eirika, Ephraim, Ike, Chrom, Robin and Celica. Because of that I'd assume the colorless dragon legendary - provided that is what we get; we've got no confirmation on it - will be Corrin.

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I almost forgot that Lilith existed, and is Anankos' daugther because her role in Fates is that minimal. She does not deserve to be a legendary hero who I have to rely on for my other blessed heroes for a specific stat boost. She shouldn't even be in a banner.

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Just now, Rezzy said:

I wouldn't mind it.  I could whip out my Lilith drawing again.  It's one of the ones I'm prouder of.

yeh. Cute fishy.

19 minutes ago, Mackc2 said:

I'm not sure what would be worse the colourless dragon being Lilith or corrin 

Why. She's a lovely dragon maid.


so pretty

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29 minutes ago, Mackc2 said:

I'm not sure what would be worse the colourless dragon being Lilith or corrin 

corrin, at least lilith has a somewhat appealing design and was not a complete hypocrite throughout the entire game. 

Also, new character.

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Just now, Zeo said:

God forget Fatewakening for a second and make the dragon Kurthnaga or Dheginsea.

You say as if Tellius isn't my favourite. I really wouldn't mind Kurth. Dheginsea seems more like a GHB reward.

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10 minutes ago, Soul~! said:

You say as if Tellius isn't my favourite. I really wouldn't mind Kurth. Dheginsea seems more like a GHB reward.

Too powerful to be regulated to an average-tier GHB unit. Same reason why despite @Vaximillian's wishes there will be no Ishtar GHB and she'll probably be OP and on a banner sharing a color with a worse unit.

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12 minutes ago, Zeo said:

Too powerful to be regulated to an average-tier GHB unit. Same reason why despite @Vaximillian's wishes there will be no Ishtar GHB and she'll probably be OP and on a banner sharing a color with a worse unit.

Thanks a lot Fallen Heroes Banner! You've set an new ugly precedent. Sephiran, please avoid this fate. You too Dheginsea.


If Lilith comes, can we get a Mess Hall? Or to be a little fancier, a Cafe? Never enough resources to load up on in a game like. An army marches on its stomach- introducing Culinary Campaign! An endurance mode where your army's stats must be kept up to par by sating their hunger! 

We also need more things for the cute sprites to do. Snapshotting Zelgius having made a strawberry shortcake and posting it on SF sounds very appealing. Or Fae preparing a stack of ribs. But of course we need Marth making mochi, or Sakura some takoyaki, being a Japanese game.


Lilith herself? Give her a healing assist or a second variant with Astral Blessing. And actually that food idea wouldn't be bad if you could use to customize Lilith's stats with certain limits, in addition to SI.

Edited by Interdimensional Observer
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1 hour ago, Soul~! said:

- She's also a ranged attacker in her own game, for whatever it's worth. Colourless are all ranged attackers, aren't they?

Colourless dragon is on the Close counter inheritance restriction thus they are confirmed melee

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4 hours ago, Mackc2 said:

I'm not sure what would be worse the colourless dragon being Lilith or corrin 

Both are worse and should never happen.

Edited by Vaximillian
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I would be happy to get her in the game. I see her as more of a tempest trial unit but a grand hero battle or even a seasonal similar to Charlotte is something that I can also see. For some reason I just can not picture her as a legendary or even a normal new addition.

Edited by nirvanafan
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I wouldn’t mind Lilith getting added, but as a legendary hero? Sorry, that’s a bit out of left field for me. She’d be better as a TT award or something. We’ve yet to get a free dragon anyways. 

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