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Your avatar is now the final boss of the next Fire Emblem game.


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y'all think your avatars would be a tough final boss well i tell ya what my avatar is a guy in a pink suit and anyone confident enough to wear a pink suit has to have some pretty insane power so i think it is in fact the people who said we are all doomed who are doomed to be dappered to death.

A man in a pink suit attempts to conquer the world so he can spread fashionable dress to the people of the world. His abilities include being so dapper that his foes die instantly. It'd be kind of a disappointing end to a normal Fire Emblem game, but given the context and the villain's plan I think it would be the best possible way for the game to end.

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  • 4 weeks later...

If Neimi were the final boss of a game? Let’s say Colm one day abandons her and goes back to being a thief. After crying about it for awhile, she decides to get revenge against the world, so she digs up that legendary bow and gets to work. She also starts wearing sexy, provocative clothing. As a final boss, she cries every time you hit her. However, it’s a slightly happy ending for her after all. She’s put in prison for life, but Colm shows up again, apologizes, and they continue their relationship.

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Lute as a final boss? Hmm...

Upon seeing how badly humanity is treating nature, and disrespects the very plants, insects and worms that grant us life, she starts wiping out the populations of entire countries to let nature retake the land. The final boss is made up of a huge army of strong ecoterrorists that side with Lute, designed to try and overwhelm the player, and back them into a corner.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Alm and BK, among two of the series's strongest units, realising their reputation start up the revolution of Red units in Heroes, leading to the insurrection of the meta with them at the helm.

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Don't skip the quest to recruit a guy wearing a red denim vest, jeans, hi-tops, and a red/white trucker cap. He'll come in handy to take Double Reppuken after Double Reppuken.

Edited by Karimlan
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Stupidfox decides to distract our heroes with a meme! Unfortunately for him, Fire Emblem is already loaded with them. Cue the gameplay turning into something completely different from the rest of the game as an actual meme war occurs.

(I know I replied already, but I didn't want to edit something that would probably go unnoticed).

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Instead of the dragons being slow and looming above everyone, the dragon is now fast and quick moving.

A much tougher opponent that would actually be able to fly a bit too!

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 8/15/2018 at 11:49 AM, Dayni said:

Instead of the dragons being slow and looming above everyone, the dragon is now fast and quick moving.

A much tougher opponent that would actually be able to fly a bit too!

Same, only now the dragon has some kickass shades.

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If Karis were the final boss of a game?

Let’s say after the events of Golden Sun: Dark Dawn, her powers as a Jupiter Adept start to develop more. Once she gains Mind Read, she uses it on Matthew to reveal a shocking secret: that he isn’t just a silent protagonist, but a soulless, thoughtless, irredeemable doll that is not even a real person (I say this because I absolutely hate Matthew). Mind Reading Tyrelle doesn’t go so well either: she finds out that his IQ is under 80 points, making him more of an idiot than Garret was in the first two games. She also gets the ability to see the future (a little bit) and she is pissed to discover she marries one of those two idiots.

So, even though she knows it’s futile to try to change the future, she tries to kill both of them anyway by teaming up with Alex. She also starts wearing sexier clothing in the hopes she can seduce someone else into marrying her. 

The final boss fight of this game is Alex and Karis fighting together for *reasons*, and the game ends with Karis being forced to marry both Matthew and Tyrell as punishment for teaming up with Alex.

Now that I think about this, this would make a good fanfic.

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  • 1 month later...

My avatar is actually the symbol of an ancient relic that through millenia of worship and sacrifices, gains sentience. Lacking inherent morality, it seeks to assimilate and rule over all, with its cult of followers being the final group of enemies with it on the final map. The relic itself is a potent spellcaster that shoots AOE magic damage and debuffs from long range.

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Well, Mako is a fire bender, so how we would attack doesn't leave much to the imagination. As for why, well, it wouldn't be out of evil intention. Perhaps he thought that the protagonists statements or reasons for fighting were so dumb that he decided to skip the talking part just get straight to the combat?

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Since I've changed my profile picture, I thought I'd chime in again.
Christophorus as a final boss, huh? Well, the fight would certainly be interesting, since she can summon Toy Soldiers, an undead count and instruments that would serve as obstacles you'd have to overcome before facing her (kind of like Grima's infinitely respawning minions in Awakening's finale). As for her own attacks... at close range, she can beat you up with a conductor's baton and at long range, she'd do a move similar to her Musou attack in Warriors All-Stars: summon a giant horn and shoot a laser soundwave from it. Or she'll throw more instruments in your face. One of the two.
As to why she does it... well, being a pureblooded demon noble, her allegiances have always been kind of vague (even if she tends to help the protagonists more than hinder them), but she's not evil at heart - unless you count her conducting the "orchestra of death" to be an evil thing -, so I'd imagine she'd do it just for entertainment value or to give her ideas for her next opera.

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Suzaku....? Barring any, well, difficulties that may occur during her transit from FFXIV to... a Fire Emblem setting (Archanea?), she would start pining once more. Where before she pined for her long-dead lover Tenzen, she now would pine for the friends she had left behind--- the other three with whom she stood as the Four Lords, and the warrior of light, amongst other things. She would thus sing, and sing, and sing a haunting melody. Roaming the land singing a song of sorrow and with it sway the hearts of the weary, the heartbroken, the sympathetic. Not with ill will, no!

All the while she would try to find a way to return to the world from whence she came. Desperate, sorrowful, afraid. She would find people willing to lend her their strength. And so she would grow in power --become a leader of a cult, perhaps?-- and with that power she would seek even the faintest glimmer of hope that she can return and unwittingly cause things to go slowly go sour. First some of her followers would fall to banditry in their eagerness to lend her their help---- and then she would unwittingly stumble upon the darksphere. Suzaku is not human, and thus the darksphere's effects would, perhaps, be stayed somewhat. But eventually it will eat at her sorrow, and at auspices' natural tendencies to slowly fall to blind fury over time.

She will... slowly regress into the state she was in before her fury was quelled by the warrior of light, back in her own world. Worse, even, with the darksphere breaking what morals held dominion over her heart. Seeking power by any means possible, she would start aggressively sowing discord, taking over nations so that she may draw upon their knowledge and power. At one point she will be so lost in her fury that she will have forgotten the reasons why she had become so in the first place. Some of her followers will have left her side at this point, seeing that she had changed too much. Others yet would be drawn to her, seeking a sliver of that power and dominion over all that she held should she ever leave their world.


And then she loses in the end, the darksphere prised from her hands. In her weakened state, she would come to her senses and weep. Weep for all the sadness and suffering that she had brought upon the world. For the friends that she had made in her stay in the new land but had overlooked in her obsession for her old friends--- some of them now dead because of the things she has done.

She bursts into flame and disappears to recuperate someplace distant. A place where she can live out her suffering until at last she can return and make amends... and live a life of contentment as a wandering musician.



Suzaku would not be a character that you would see and immediately declare as evil. She's... a mixed case, honestly. Quite far gone, but the good in her heart will shine through despite everything.

Her weapon would be... fire. Just fire. No tomes. She can conjure pillars of fire, huge fiery explosions, and summon bird-like familiars without having to hold a tome in her hand. This would make her the subject of curiousity.

Call me mad, but....


Suzaku   Level 20 Vermilion Bird
Flier, Magical

HP   80     SPD  28
STR  10     LCK  16
MAG  26     DEF  24
SKL  29     RES  24

Eternal Flame    - Fire/Wind    14 mt / 60 hit /  5 crit / 1~2 / infinite uses ; not affected by silence
Wall of Fire     - Fire         30 mt / 15 hit / 10 crit / 1~4 / four uses ; strikes four times in succession
                                                                 raises hitrate by 10% for every use less the maximum uses
                                                                 all units adjacent to the target recieve 10% damage dealt
Phantom Flurry   - Fire         10 mt / 40 hit / 60 crit / 1~2 / infinite uses; physical

Blazing Fury     - ((skill+luck)/2)% chance of striking another time after concluding any attack;
                   the extra attack is treated like a regular attack and also has a chance
                   to recursively proc Blazing Fury
Renewal          - recover 30% of maximum hp at the beginning of each round
Vermilion Melody - every allied unit except herself within 7 tiles gains 10% chance to strike another
                   time after concluding an attack. The extra strike is considered a
                   regular attack and thus may recursively proc itself
Fast Flier       - effective damage from bows decreased by 40%, evasion against bow attacks increased by 50%
Pavise           - (skill)% chance of halving incoming damage
Vengeance        - (skill/2)% chance of dealing triple damage when counterattacking
Lethal Guard     - 30% of remaining hp is preserved after taking a hit from a one hit knockout move

Use wind tomes and status effects to bring her down. Poison would help in counteracting her persistent regeneration,
paralysis or sleep will keep her from unleashing her devastating attacks, and wind tomes exploit her weakness
to wind as a flying entity-- bows are not as effective against her because of her Fast Flier skill.

Have units with undesirable matchups against her protect those units that are attacking her; she periodically
summons reinforcements during the course of the battle, and her Vermilion Melody skill has the potential to
make them deadly if not dealt with properly.

Her high defenses, periodic summons, healing, and high attack all mean that you should work on disabling
her as quickly as possible and as often as possible while overwhelming her with sheer force. Dancers and/or
singers are highly recommended. Units with luna or aether come highly recommended. Units with OHKO skills
slotted in are always desirable.



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  • 1 month later...

Well this has been a while.

This avatar is all about trolleys. So, he attacks opponents with trolley systems that are liable to drive them insane from being just a second off hopping the rail in the right second and blowing up to their deaths. Manage to survive that and you realise you left a cog somewhere and have to look all over for it, likely dying on the way. And hope you're not a slug because he will try to tear into you with his powerful beak.

You can't win against Trolley Gull- Wait, the dragon just did it.

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I am the final boss of the Fire Emblem game where all of the protagonists are zombies. The fight involves fighting a squad of powerful exorcists and mercenaries banded together to finally put an end to the monsters who've already raised two kingdoms and killed hundreds more from other nations. The enemy healers (which include me) can choose to attack with light magic, or use their staffs as an attack to heal the party to death.

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I'm guess my character was that one enemy general who's actually decent guy but can't be recruited so that he can die to make you feel bad. However at the end of the game during the final battle he comes back as a Dullahan who's both aggressive and really hard to kill.

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Vincent... Technically is already? Admittedly, I haven't gotten that far yet in the game, but I wouldn't be surprised if it was a dual-boss fight alongside the black dragon that's mentioned elsewhere in the story.

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  • 3 weeks later...

My cat is secretly evil and is making plans for world domination in order to devour all the gravy in the world for herself. She has the ability to manipulate humans and bend them to her will via meowing. She also likes to sink her claws into her subjects who wear dark clothing and drool over said clothing.


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  • 2 years later...

Mini Godzilla-like beast that can eat mountains and whose shell is tough to crack, but takes a ton of damage from water.

Slow moving, stronger than expected, destroying terrain as it goes? Map becomes a test of how to stop it from tearing up the land around.

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My avatar would be hands down the moss annoying boss in the franchise.

During the fight she can
- Polymorth your best units
- Shield herself for damage
- Heal herself
- damaging and slowing you down

To top it all off she has an annoying laugh. I think players would quickly hate her.

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