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Alice in Amexitland Mafia - Capitalism Wins


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2 minutes ago, SullyMcGully said:

So if Squirtle is town and NK is scum, who are all of these other people?

Something in between of course. Why would you assume good vs evil? Only Sith deal in absolutes! And Sith are evil!

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##Monde Became a Beautiful Butterfly

##Monde Became a Beautiful Butterfly

Edited by Lil Bean
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athena_57 X
Fable X
Fenrir Aesir X
Iris X
Lil Bean X
Juliette X
SullyMcGully X
Via X
Edited by SB.
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1 minute ago, Omega. said:

Snike, if you pm me your partners I will scumside and try to help you win. I always try to make town lose in multiball, you have my word.

Btw guys, is EIMM anything like this? Never played one but this game is way more fun than regular mafia/werewolf.

I played my fist EiMM last game and I thought it was pretty fun and less stressful/serious than NOC. It can get dramatic though because people's feelings can be hurt easily in the game, but I recommend.

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EiMM has no factions. Well, everyone is a faction with themselves I suppose. It's a lot of fun if you like being social and being manipulative and being chaotic. SOME PEOPLE take it very seriously though.

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8 minutes ago, SullyMcGully said:

You contacted me! And I thought North Korea sounded like a bad guy name! Granted, I don't know what a Squirtle is (either a fizzy drink or a Pokemon IMO).

I think if you did that I wouldn't be able to shoot you.

Wait, can everyone else here only shoot once?

sounds sus

i only said post in game, it was not game related, sully pls

also read your role pm it's once per phase ;/

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also wouldn't recommend for other scum to pm omega bc he'd probably just tell his scumbuddy (buddies?) their identities zzzzz

feel free to out your scum team in public tho 

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I guess the primary difference is that in plain ol' NOC you're trying to convince everyone you aren't scum, regardless of whether you are or not. In EiMM, you don't have to convince anyone about anything!

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31 minutes ago, athena_57 said:

Hm but don't kittens always turn into CATastrophies?

this is true but i have a feeling she took on rein's wincon so she's a good gal

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yo so im new and i just knew i wanted to kill monde? I'm confused on how to play? I thought we just lynched people and voted on who looks suspicious. 

4 minutes ago, Omega. said:

Snike, if you pm me your partners I will scumside and try to help you win.

imo this looks suspicious but this is my first game so is this suspicious to anyone else?

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On 3/31/2018 at 4:33 AM, SB. said:

5. Lynches are not ethical enough for my pure Christian mafia game and I know that we as a community can do much better.

no lynches this game! too evil apparently, gotta keep things wholesome

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2 minutes ago, SullyMcGully said:

I read my role PM. I get to shoot once every hour. I still haven't shot for this hour though...

if this is true, i suggest proving it on a lurker

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2 minutes ago, Lil Bean said:

yo so im new and i just knew i wanted to kill monde? I'm confused on how to play? I thought we just lynched people and voted on who looks suspicious. 

imo this looks suspicious but this is my first game so is this suspicious to anyone else?

Yeah, that Omega guy sure is scummy.

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Just now, Omega. said:

I won't tell my team anything and will explain to any other scum why if you PM me. I will even tell you my team first alongside why I won't out you in exchange for yours.

Iris is spreading lies and slandering my slot, clearly scum deserving to be shot.

Clearly you don't think I'm scum if you're begging for everyone to shoot you, Omega man because I HAVE THE HIGH GROUND and outlived him :^O

> slandering my slot

> flipped scum


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8 minutes ago, SB. said:


athena_57 X
Fable X
Fenrir Aesir X
Iris X
Lil Bean X
Juliette X
SullyMcGully X
Via X


would suggest shooting someone who hasn't shot but the choice is yours

> cryptic fates music plays

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