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Valentia Accordion Translation Project Thread

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18 minutes ago, omegaxis1 said:

I prefer to call those blood contracts rather than pacts since I attribute blood pacts in Fire Emblem to be the dragon human blood bond. And those blood contracts really doesn't make sense for any kind of prototype.

Isn't it strange how they have the same name? I don't think it's a coincidence.

But anyway, there is a massive gap between Tellius and the other games so I can't really explain how the two are linked.

Still, if you consider their basic properties, they do have similarities. Both are promises between two parties and both are magically based. Perhaps the dragonkin simply found a way to improve them?

On another tangent, the developers talked about the ability to use Dragon Veins as bring the result of a geas. Previously, geas were used in Jugdral to grant special power to humans.

So the developers do like their references ^^

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1 minute ago, VincentASM said:

Still, if you consider their basic properties, they do have similarities. Both are promises between two parties and both are magically based. Perhaps the dragonkin simply found a way to improve them?

That's... not the same. There isn't any actual promises between the subjects really for the dragon blood pact. The dragon one is the user ingesting the blood from the dragon, thus gaining the ability to use weapons that possesses a dragonstone, allowing them to gain tremendous power. The blood also allows the essence of the dragon to live on through the person, and thus weapons that contains the powerful will of the dragon can possess them, such as Naga, Forseti, and Loptyr.

The blood contract in Radiant Dawn instead seems more human based and even has a curse because reasons. No explanation as to their origins and how it even came to be or how one can actually create it. 

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Sorry for the possible double post, but I forgot something.

While I don't really know about the origins of the Regalia, I do want to point out that they are called divine weapons in the Japanese version.

I also recall that they were retroactively made divine weapons in the DS remakes. Before that, they were just called the Three Weapons.

When I think of "divine", I think of dragons (as in dragons are revered as gods). But then again, Elibe's divine weapons were man-made, right? So I guess it doesn't mean much XD

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11 minutes ago, r_n said:

Well I mean everything is technically draconic if we go with #2 considering the dragons brought things like iron & fire (& by extension: the forge). Including all alcohol

It just seems if the 3 weapons were made by dragons, it'd have been mentioned in the 7 games they appear in or either artbook? But they just sort of exist without comment, just strong weapons that make their wielders feared. The closest thing we have to an origin is you can make them at any forge in Echoes out of blessed items but that's all quasi-canon.

But I guess to return to my original point, actual origins of the weapons aren't listed on the timeline, merely that the regalia were stored there. 

Well, from what we understand, Adrah somehow got the three regalia and used them to conquer the continent after funding his campaign by selling the gemstones from the shield of seals. So by that case, this would mean that Adrah may have stolen the Regalia from the Fane of Raman as well for all we know. 

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3 minutes ago, VincentASM said:

Isn't it strange how they have the same name? I don't think it's a coincidence.

But anyway, there is a massive gap between Tellius and the other games so I can't really explain how the two are linked.

Still, if you consider their basic properties, they do have similarities. Both are promises between two parties and both are magically based. Perhaps the dragonkin simply found a way to improve them?

On another tangent, the developers talked about the ability to use Dragon Veins as bring the result of a geas. Previously, geas were used in Jugdral to grant special power to humans.

So the developers do like their references ^^

The dragon vein thing is also detailed in Anankos' long

oh so long

entirely too long

Spiel in the 2 part prologue dlc to the awakening trio. 

I don't think the tellius blood pacts and the blood pacts of the archanea super saga are really that similar beyond name (& blood pacts in fiction are fairly common to begin with). Tellius is a literal contract with magical consequences for breaking it. It's more like dark magic's hexes. In archanea (etc) it's blood locking things with no consequence unless you're Loptyr. If Fates is indicative of anything* blood pacts might be literal exchanges of blood that you actually ingest to give you dragon powers; in fates I think it was a show of bonds between anankos and the kings.



*Fates' "pacts" could be its own things and not related to any other game. I know some things in the game make people think its a very very very early timeline with archanea but the evidence seems shaky and fates' setting is so ill-defined as it is overly detailed. Hopefully the Fates artbook will detail...any of that...at all...

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Dragon-Human blood bonds are more like magical blood transfusions than actual contracts, and Tellius's blood pacts don't really involve much blood anyway...

Did it really take Mila and Duma over 3000 years to organize their own kingdoms? What were they doing all that time? This was one of the reasons I thought they left Archanea after the Earth Dragons were sealed, but I didn't make this timeline so what do I know.

And this is only page two of eight? Does it cover the timeline of the entire series or something?

Edited by Lightchao42
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I won't spoil too much, but a lot happens between Rudolf's era and the beginning of the War of Deliverance.

Sorry, here's a spoiler: in case you were wondering, Rudolf has a Brand.

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12 minutes ago, VincentASM said:

I won't spoil too much, but a lot happens between Rudolf's era and the beginning of the War of Deliverance.

Sorry, here's a spoiler: in case you were wondering, Rudolf has a Brand.


inb4 Liprica has one too

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29 minutes ago, VincentASM said:

I won't spoil too much, but a lot happens between Rudolf's era and the beginning of the War of Deliverance.

Sorry, here's a spoiler: in case you were wondering, Rudolf has a Brand.

When does the timeline end?

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11 minutes ago, omegaxis1 said:

What? That sort of breaks the entire case of the prophecy.

he has a brand but it may not specifically be the brand in the prophecy

Placement of the brand also matters doesn't it? like it has to be the back of the left hand or w/e

e: Double checking the Memory, I think the fact that Celica was born at the same time with the brand also matters. Mycen & Rudolf both put emphasis on both children being birthed with matching marks.

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29 minutes ago, omegaxis1 said:

What? That sort of breaks the entire case of the prophecy.

However, in the case of Jugdrali blood contracts between dragons and humans, all with Major Blood have a Brand. If the Valentian contracts also have the Major-Minor setup and Brands, then it makes perfect sense that Rudolf as father of Alm who has a Brand, would also have one. And he can use the Falchion, which now as we've seem to have discovered requires sufficient dragon blood.


1 hour ago, r_n said:

Hopefully the Fates artbook will detail...any of that...at all...

One is coming on the way? When is that? 

I've never paid attention to Fates' plot, but I'll soak up the artbook details. If there are any.


1 hour ago, Lightchao42 said:

Did it really take Mila and Duma over 3000 years to organize their own kingdoms? What were they doing all that time? This was one of the reasons I thought they left Archanea after the Earth Dragons were sealed, but I didn't make this timeline so what do I know.

I get the sense that they were laissez-faire in their rule. The Mila and Duma Faithfuls had free-reign of their halves of the continent, but neither Mila nor Duma made themselves the day-to-day monarch. A bit like an idealized Medieval papacy. A Faithful member can roam the various polities and be respected and exercise religious and social authority even in the midst of a war between city-states. If Pope Mila or Pope Duma wanted to, they could call it out a polity or individual politician and praise and reward them well, or criticize and punish them into oblivion. These are dragons that can live for thousands of years, why would they want to get caught up in the short-term daily business of race that lives for 100 years at most? They can focus on the long term of humanity, humans can be largely left to the small stuff.

Duma I can get, but why would Mila let her people run around freely and disunited? You'd think her spoiling would unify the kingdom under her direct day-to-day rule. 

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1 hour ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

However, in the case of Jugdrali blood contracts between dragons and humans, all with Major Blood have a Brand. If the Valentian contracts also have the Major-Minor setup and Brands, then it makes perfect sense that Rudolf as father of Alm who has a Brand, would also have one. And he can use the Falchion, which now as we've seem to have discovered requires sufficient dragon blood.

Only issue with that is that Brands only appear on the Major bloods. It takes two Minors to make a Major.

Also, Marth being Seliph's descendant sort of is proven here more. Seliph has Minor Naga blood. Though in regards to Falchion, Kaga stated that Falchion and Aura have a special contract spell on it that prevents misuse.

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Sorry to interrupt all the awesome history talk and speculation, but...

I finally uploaded every single full body portrait available in the book/game. Every character/civilian/enemy/monster/etc.

Enjoy! Every character seen above has a profile/description that makes the meat of this translation project. I cut out the text to save image space/file size, but figured people may want the pictures first. I'm working on concept art, but I plan to upload those with the translations rather than isolating the image like here.

Edited by Kirokan
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@Kirokan I think you may be missing Gray and Tobin, bu wow, it's nice to see pretty much every character, including bosses got 'village' art.

Also, interesting to see the male and female villager class packed with mercenary and mage respectively, which makes sense since they use swords.

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1 hour ago, VincentASM said:


Awesome! It feels kind of strange how they made such high resolution artwork even though the game's resolution is tiny ^^

Timeline Part 3 of 8

I don't think there's anything too remarkable here, but it sheds more light on Mycen's exploits.

Huh, not only that, but it seems that Rudolf was not a direct descendant, but a distant one. This kind of thing matches up to how Brands work with Kaga, in that the Brand manifests and Major Blood always goes in random directions and are not guarantees. 

Not only that, this also sheds more light on why Rudolf was preparing an invasion of Zofia in the first place. Duma's been going insane and demanding it for some time now.

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Many thanks to both @Kirokan and @VincentASM! I'm internally squeeing every time I see more of the beautiful artwork of this game and learn more of this worlds history!

It's interesting to see that the lore of Valentia, Duma, and Mila actually runs this deep, especially since I thought that the original game was merely okay in the worldbuilding department (better than Awakening and especially Fates, but I've seen better examples). It's cool to see that Duma was originally a military commander, and that both Mila and Duma were involved in several other conflicts.

I wonder if this pirate nation was lead by Shanty Pete, or at least is a nod to him, since he was created by the localization team, and has been an in-joke ever since. He's building up to be one of the most bad@$$ side-character's in Fire Emblem, especially since "the only human that had to be taken down with the Falchion and Ragnarok itself" looks very good on a resume. Also, nice to see that Falchion and Ragnarok are nation exclusive. Celica's ultimate art makes more sense now.

On 4/5/2018 at 11:31 AM, VincentASM said:

Timeline Part 3 of 8

I don't think there's anything too remarkable here, but it sheds more light on Mycen's exploits.

Interesting to see that the anointing kings in Rigel can be doesn't necessary need to be based on line of succession. No wonder Berkut is so distressed and heartbroken after Alm is revealed to posses a brand AND be Rudolfs firstborn. It's also cool to see to that both Lima and Rudolf are not the first of their namesake, and that the previous kings were on very good terms. Also, Rudolfs plan continues to make more and more sense, along with how Desaix managed to gain his position and why Lima IV grew up to be one of the biggest @$$holes in the series.


Take your time with the book overall, but may I do ask that you translate some of the character profiles eventually? Saber's, Jesse's, and Dean's backstories actually caught me off guard, and I'm interested in seeing the official translations (the choice to kill Dean is actually kind of tragic now, as his brave sword is a family heirloom).

Edited by Hawkwing
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1 hour ago, Hawkwing said:

Take your time with the book overall, but may I do ask that you translate some of the character profiles eventually? Saber's, Jesse's, and Dean's backstories actually caught me off guard, and I'm interested in seeing the official translations (the choice to kill Dean is actually kind of tragic now, as his brave sword is a family heirloom).

Don't tease me! Waiting not-so-patiently is hard enough as is!


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3 hours ago, VincentASM said:


Awesome! It feels kind of strange how they made such high resolution artwork even though the game's resolution is tiny ^^

Timeline Part 3 of 8

I don't think there's anything too remarkable here, but it sheds more light on Mycen's exploits.

ah yeah gimmie that political backgrounds, that's the stuff

As I figured multiple people have had the brand, pretty interesting that Duma has final say in who rules.

I like how they went out of their way to state Mycen probably had no relationships with anyone and even if he did it wasn't long lasting. Like geeze historians, put the guy more on blast why dont ya.

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I resolved the Gray and Tobin issue. Their page is now up. Thanks to all who pointed it out!

2 hours ago, Hawkwing said:

Take your time with the book overall, but may I do ask that you translate some of the character profiles eventually? Saber's, Jesse's, and Dean's backstories actually caught me off guard, and I'm interested in seeing the official translations (the choice to kill Dean is actually kind of tragic now, as his brave sword is a family heirloom).

I did see that new tidbits were being revealed in the profiles. I was thinking it would be like Tellius Recollection where barely anything new came about. But now i see there is plenty of new information.

I reached out to those translators to see if I can use their work (and edit it if needed), and will start gathering other translators to see if we can get through the vast amount of profiles in a way that satisfies demand without any of us overworking. : )

For people in this thread, any preferences on which profiles you want to see translated first? Everybody who has a full body portrait has a profile attached, so feel free to pick!

Concept art I still will do in the background slowly!

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1 minute ago, Kirokan said:

I resolved the Gray and Tobin issue. Their page is now up. Thanks to all who pointed it out!

I did see that new tidbits were being revealed in the profiles. I was thinking it would be like Tellius Recollection where barely anything new came about. But now i see there is plenty of new information.

I reached out to those translators to see if I can use their work (and edit it if needed), and will start gathering other translators to see if we can get through the vast amount of profiles in a way that satisfies demand without any of us overworking. : )

For people in this thread, any preferences on which profiles you want to see translated first? Everybody who has a full body portrait has a profile attached, so feel free to pick!

Concept art I still will do in the background slowly!

Grima, Genny and Nuibaba

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