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Ask a stupid question, get a stupid answer


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Because they are the provider of many things edible, in both life and death.

In Ocarina of Time, how/where did Adult Link get his pants when Child Link wasn't wearing any?

Edited by Hawkwing
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Who needs pencils? Write with this brown crayon that may or may not be poop.

Why is Guzma the only evil team leader in Pokemon who specializes in one type?

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Neither, the fans came up with them and she thought that sounded cool so she made them canon.

How is Red Bull allowed to say "Red Bull gives you wings" without being sued for false advertising by people mad because they drank it and didn't sprout wings?

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Disclaimers. Ingenious, as they can get their money back from the suers who didn't bother looking for it. Also, as awesome as it would be, wouldn't sprouting wings be painful?

Why are most martial arts named after animals?

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Because it increases the credibility of the world along with one's respect of the writers creativity.

There are several offensive hand gestures, but can you do anything insulting with your feet?

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I mean, it doesn't have to be. School can actually be pretty fun if certain conditions are met. Though I don't believe that's the answer you're looking for, so I will say that it is boring because it's childhood was rater uneventful.

What's been the most important factor in the survival of elephants?

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7 minutes ago, ZeManaphy said:

People trying to stop the poachers.

Why is Pokemon not rated E 10+ or higher for enslaving living creatures and forcing them to engage in Cockfights?

The same reason why FE7 and FE8 were not rated E 10+.

Why can't you jump on Metroids?

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Yes, everybody is number one. All the other numbers are just foolish machinations of a judgemental society trying to push people into categories and make them feel worse about themselves by pretending they are somehow worth less than others.

This is not sarcasm, by the way.

Why is sarcasm so hard to convey through text?

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