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You just say "Hi Jack!"...oh...

Just say "Hello, Jack."

If a police officer quit their job, but later rejoins the force, would they keep their previous rank, or would they have to go through the whole process again? 

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Probably depends on how long they'd been out of the force and if they still have the required skills.

Why did my dog eat rocks a couple weeks ago like an idiot?

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Would depend on the size of the desert in question. And how large an area is need for a ton of sand to be lifted and moved?- sand is small and light. If you wanted a definite answer, go and find one of those geologists who study tubes of Saharan sand that sank to the bottom of the eastern Atlantic over millennia. Some people might think they're cool, but I find their job BORE-ING.



Why do people shell out huge money for coffee beans that have passed through the digestive tract of one of these?

Asian Palm Civet Over A Tree.jpg

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It supposedly removes some of the acidity but honestly I'm just glad it's so expensive that I'll never accidentally buy a glass AKA I'll never buy a glass.

Can you inherit a time frame for your birthday?

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Well, a time frame is any period of time where a specific event or occurrence is planned to take place. I guess you could inherit it from someone else, depending on what the event is, and giving someone a new responsibility on their birthday isn't out of the ordinary.

Why is Discord so finicky with inserting an avatar from a picture?

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Yes, they do actually. I believe you can find some in Myanmar (aka Burma), they play a part in the Rakhine-Rohingya conflict I thought I remember reading once. The Rohingya are a Muslim minority the Buddhist Rakhine majority (in only this part of the country a majority, otherwise they're another minority) oppresses and persecutes.


Given Boston Cream Pie is actually technically a cake, does that mean the lie is a cake or the pie is a lie?

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Ease of recognizability I think, no other sign is shaped that way.

In addition: Squares are for squares and are never paid attention to. Triangles are just plain weird. Pentagonal signs increase traffic accidents by 666% percent. Hexagonal signs are for squares as well. Heptagons are the forgotten child of the -gon world. Nonagons and Decagons and all thereafter just leave one asking "why not use a circle?", and circles lack the strength to get the attention that a sign with ANGLES gets. Rectangles, Rhombuses, Trapezoids and the like were banned from the sign world after a bloody mass rebellion by the International League of Mathematicians tried to include them.


If there is a group of assassins who set out to kill the co-protagonists of FE3H, will they be called the House Hunters?

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If they're also tasked with destroying their houses, then yes.

If you leave your overcoats, canes, and top hats with the doorman, would you be out of place and under dressed?

Edited by IfIHadToPickADude
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Gangrel's Fingernails.

Why was I the first/only person to mention Lugaru on this site? (Warning that the game is bloody if you decide to search it up)

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Because I guess you're more interested in werewolves than anyone else. I assume it's about werewolves?

Does Marth wear boxers or briefs?

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1 minute ago, DisobeyedCargo said:

Neither, keeps the family jewels free


Because if everybody agreed on everything it'd be boring.

Related to the above answer: How often does Reyn go commando and has Shulk ever told him to "Stop it, get some help"?

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57 minutes ago, Dragoncat said:

Because I guess you're more interested in werewolves than anyone else. I assume it's about werewolves?

Website Link: http://www.wolfire.com/lugaru Wikipedia Link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lugaru





Related image

Interestingly, the game was among the first, if not the first, indie game to use ragdoll physics. There was even a physics engine for the blood to work realistically.

It's also hard as nails, because everyone in the game knows kung-fu, weapons are as lethal as they are in real life, and mook chivalry isn't a thing.

Also, it's why I don't find the Taguel as ridiculous as others do.

43 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

So, if guys go commando, then will we hear the bells ring in Scotland?

No, because the bells broke. Swimsuits are a massive technicality in that area, ya know?


EDIT: Where's my medal for "most times ninja'd"?

@Interdimensional Observer Because Hong Xiuquan was delirious after failing the third exam, had a dream that definitely wasn't about God but later misinterpreted that it was, and changed some scriptures when translating the Bible, which is always a very big mistake to make, even today. Needless to say, his sadly false sect of Christanity was attacked, which led to the Taiping Rebellion, which lead to several million dead.

Unless you're talking about a different conflict.

Why does it feel like I'm accidentally advertising every obscure game I talk about?

Edited by Hawkwing
Ninja'd. Again. Why?
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No, we'll hear the bells ringing on the commandoes. Since they've all taken after a certain Southeast Asian society of old where the men pierced bells onto their seedbags.

Because you love the games so much you subconsciously evangelize about them. Nothing exactly wrong with that.


How did a thrice-failed exam student who thought himself Jesus's little brother end up being responsible for a civil war that killed millions of Chinese?

Edited by Interdimensional Observer
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