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20 hours ago, Dragoncat said:

@Hawkwing I don't get the reference or the point of the Skyward Sword screenshots?

My poor attempt at referencing "Snakes on a Plane"  ends in glorious failure due to my avoidance and disliking of swearing. Then again, I've swore like a madman only twice in my life, and both times I lost my voice immediately afterwards. God was definitely telling me something.

My question was asking why I legitimately lost sleep over an obscure line of dialogue in Skyward Sword. I thought it was so obscure that merely quoting it would not be enough, and a screenshot would help people remember. Heck, I actually was wondering if I misread it the first time around.

20 minutes ago, IfIHadToPickADude said:

What happened in Arizona?

The most relevant thing I could find was a lawmaker bragging about driving 140 miles per hour on a normal road, believing he was above the law.

8 minutes ago, Karimlan said:

Why do I have a sudden craving for green chile cheeseburgers?

Because it's about that time when you can start eating dinner without anyone raising an eyebrow, and you just so happen to be hungry for green chili cheeseburgers.

How did Star Wars get away with the name "Therm Scissorpunch"?

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1 hour ago, Hawkwing said:

My poor attempt at referencing "Snakes on a Plane"  ends in glorious failure due to my avoidance and disliking of swearing. Then again, I've swore like a madman only twice in my life, and both times I lost my voice immediately afterwards. God was definitely telling me something.

My question was asking why I legitimately lost sleep over an obscure line of dialogue in Skyward Sword. I thought it was so obscure that merely quoting it would not be enough, and a screenshot would help people remember. Heck, I actually was wondering if I misread it the first time around.

Huh. I swear like a sailor at times and that's never happened to me...but I got the Snakes on a Plane reference, I thought the Skyward Sword dialogue was a reference. Why were you wondering if you misread it? I'm still confused.

Current question: This is also the franchise that tried to introduce an alien character for comic relief and for younger fans to enjoy (Jar Jar Binks) and got a ton of backlash for it, so that should say something about their decision making skills.

Why is my nose running right now?

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16 minutes ago, Dragoncat said:

Huh. I swear like a sailor at times and that's never happened to me...but I got the Snakes on a Plane reference

God speaks in several different ways, and He's intentionally inconsistent to prevent complacency. Matter of fact, a goal of mine recently is to pray more and to learn how to listen to Him speak.

Loosing my voice was one way of telling me that saying the f- bomb several times in a row is not how I should respond to getting lost on the road, even if I was running late (as well as saying that failing to defeat three guys in Morrowind is not an excuse to let my mouth run free with profanities. The amount of swear words I threw at the game during that moment is still embarrassing, honestly. I did give one of my craziest laughs when I played the game later with a different character build and defeated them in three swipes, though). I know that's he's communicated to me through dreams before, and I don't mind sharing an example if anyone is curious.

Also, nice to see that another reference was successfully made, even if it could have been worded better.

20 minutes ago, Dragoncat said:

I thought the Skyward Sword dialogue was a reference. Why were you wondering if you misread it? I'm still confused.

I'm asking why, of all the things to get hung up on, it was those stupid sentences. Seriously, for some stupid reason, I stayed awake in bed for several minutes wondering if I read that correctly the first time I played the game. I guess I have both a very easy and very hard time picturing Zelda doing that.

27 minutes ago, Dragoncat said:

Why is my nose running right now?

Allergies? Still not used to the changes outdoors yet? You're cold? Coincidence? Your nose decided that now was the time to get rid of all that built-up shot? I'm throwing out as many possibilities as I can.

Does everybody have a water buffalo?

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I have one; I keep it in my barn. I keep my pet face-hugger in a cage in my bedroom (he can be a little TOO playful at times).

Has anyone watched the Netflix show “Comedians in Cars getting Coffee”? I haven’t seen it yet, but it seems like it might be worth the trouble.

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Because it desperately wanted to become juice.

11 hours ago, TheGoodHoms said:

I like option 2. Mainly because my preconceived notions of what a fairy is makes it hard to take option 1 seriously unless you were going for a Maleficent type fairy, but I also think option 2's villain sounds like a potentially more interesting character so long as he's not motivated by malice and believes that what he's doing is good, a hero of his own story if you will. But don't let my suggestions limit your own creative freedom.

I had trouble deciding on which one I want to go with, that's why I asked. Thanks for the insight! I'll go with option 2.
I agree that this character has more potential, especially with how personal the conflict with him can be, so it all works out.

Do you have thoughts on how to convince politicians to paint the entire world pink?

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I have the same problem, actually. My father and grandfather are constantly fighting (or were; they refuse to talk to each other these days), as are my grandfather and grandmother and sometimes when I visit my grandparents, pretty much all I hear is complaints and more complaints. It's gotten to the point where it's taking a toll on my psyche, because I actually love both my grandparents.
I do have a little trick that usually works: when they fight, I'd shout something inane or stupid and distract them with that (like, for example, how elephants have longer noses than parrots or some crap like that.)
If I am in a good mood and they fight, I usually just stop listening and concentrate on my own stuff. And when they try to involve me (a tactic my grandpa just LOVES to employ), I usually just say something along the lines of "a sack of rice just fell over in China and you don't hear me complaining about it, now do you?" It's harsh, but it helps them realize how stupid the stuff they fight over actually is - sometimes, at least.

It really depends on how this toxicity of your family expresses itself. If they fight a lot, maybe my advice above can help. Not sure what to do about other forms of venom, though.

After the "DragonFlames got serious for a second there" moment, let's get back to the fun stuff.
How many crocodiles does it take to sign a petition against crane feathers?

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You picked a really really bad day for your vacation to X, since it turns out its biker week. Enjoy your relaxing trip being interrupted with leather, lace, outlaws, dirty partying up the wazoo, and traffic galore.

How about you, and I, go and murder the Oxford comma?

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Ask Bill Shakespeare. He came up with quintessence.

What runs in your head when you hear someone say he/she is psychic?


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Buttermilk crispy chicken sandwich! Bacon egg and cheese biscuit with hashbrowns and an orange juice! Can't decide. BOTH!

Who ate all the cheese?

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I didn't. I ate steak for dinner.

Why am I on an Internet forum while I'm waiting for a musical to start? (I'm seeing Newsies tonight)

Edited by TheGoodHoms
Auto correct mistake.
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I'd be willing to try lamb. Although somebody won't let me since "lamb" makes the meat sound sweet, innocent, and cute. Veal is similarly off limits, and I can sympathize here.

Why do the people with conditions in pharmaceutical commercials go on so many more picnics than I do?

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