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4 minutes ago, ProfImpossible said:

Here's the gruesome conspiracy perspective.

That's actually kind of awesome and disturbing at the same time.

Current question: No you do not get away with murder and I am not a hoe. (lol I know that was a typo)

What was the best thing before sliced bread?

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Well, if my email is a living person, then yes.

Why couldn't Nintendo implement cloud save storage on the Switch from the start? I'm not complaining about the price btw, $20 is cheap.

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For the same reason they have no virtual console, they got all excited cause everyone liked the switch and then decided to quit while they were ahead.

Who was the grandest pirate ever to sail the seven seas?

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Cause you're posting here.


59 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

Spotted the Stella Glow reference.

I was actually referencing One Piece, I've never played Stella Glow. Cool that it's in both though.


Are we good?

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I don't, so I wouldn't know. Been asking the same question about myself, actually.

2 hours ago, ProfImpossible said:

I was actually referencing One Piece, I've never played Stella Glow. Cool that it's in both though.

There is a female ninja in Stella Glow, who tends to end her sentences with "Nin, Nin!" It's adorable and funny simultaneously.
The funniest part is that she has the same voice as Tatiana from FE Echoes, so when I first encountered Tatiana, I was always expecting her to go "Nin, Nin!" after every sentence...

Why are we here?

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10 hours ago, ProfImpossible said:

Who was the grandest pirate ever to sail the seven seas?

5 hours ago, DragonFlames said:

Current question: It was Shanty Pete, of course.

You're both wrong. It's Incognito, the player character from Pirates: Live the Life!

Henry Morgan. Forget Blackbeard, Morgan was the most successful pirate to set sail in the Caribbean! He became filthy rich attacking Spanish shippings and settlements (although he was technically a privateer, which is like piracy except you give some of your earnings to a government in exchange for them not arresting you), and he managed to conquer three cities during a war without government help. He was arrested, but there was no trial because the people loved him so much. He was knighted, and lived the end of his days as the Lieutenant Governor of Jamaica, being one of the few pirates to die surrounded by loved ones. All this, from a pirate.

If I got anything wrong, please correct me.

26 minutes ago, TheGoodHoms said:

Why am I obsessed with Theatrthythm Final Fantasy as of late?

The same reason I'm addicted with Blustone; The games are fun and, well, addicting.

Is 'floofy' a word?

Edited by Hawkwing
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So they can build up a bunch of allies to make invading them a horrible idea. It's also so the attacker feels guilty about invading Canada.

That, and because being nice isn't that hard, honestly.

Is holding the door open for someone else considered romantic or just being kind? I've heard both, so I want to make sure.

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It's all about context, it's usually thought of as romantic if it's a man holding the door for a woman because it's classic chivalry. Most other situations is just being polite.

What's the best way to write a rebuttal for a debate speech?

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Imagine you're a kid on the playground. Sure, your rebuttal will be full of insults like "poopyhead" and "your mom" but it will be effective.

Are furbies self aware?

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