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Great bravery. Or being courageous and brave.

Why should you never split the party?

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If I was in a horror movie I'd be more focused on getting the hell out of there and to safety than eating...

Before drawing boards existed, what did people go back to?

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I'm assuming yes, as I haven't played either of those two games.

Why should you listen neither "to the over-wise nor the over-foolish giant"? I'm curious about what the phrase means. (Try to provide both a funny and a serious answer, please. Or one or the other if you want to say something but someone else already responded).

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18 hours ago, Dragoncat said:

Does anyone actually eat Spam?

I do!

56 minutes ago, Hawkwing said:

Why should you listen neither "to the over-wise nor the over-foolish giant"? I'm curious about what the phrase means. (Try to provide both a funny and a serious answer, please. Or one or the other if you want to say something but someone else already responded).

I dunno, but it's from Hyperion by John Keats and C.S. Lewis apparently alluded to it once.

Why in the world do "Nice Guys" exist?

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13 minutes ago, IfIHadToPickADude said:

I dunno, but it's from Hyperion by John Keats and C.S. Lewis apparently alluded to it once.

I've read it from C.S. Lewis in the Four Loves (great book, by the way), though I didn't know that someone else had used the phrase. I'm curious largely because I wonder the the supposed danger in being "over-wise" is (other than seeing the world for what it is, and the disillusionment that follows).

14 minutes ago, IfIHadToPickADude said:

Why in the world do "Nice Guys" exist?

...Because kindness is a virtue that some people have? And some of those people happen to be guys?

Unless it's a reference to something I don't know about.


Why are feet so oddly shaped on humans and animals alike? And how do they work?

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59 minutes ago, Hawkwing said:

Try to provide both a funny and a serious answer, please

Don't tell me how to live my life! but here I go.

joke: Becuase giants do not exist, and listening to them makes you seem crazy

I've always seen over-wise in the sense of someone being wise beyond their years you might say, it seems to be slightly derogatory here though.

serious: This is my first time seeing the phrase, but it seems to say take everything in moderation to me. Don't follow one extreme or the other. I'm not sure though. If you want to start talking about "over-wise" and over-righteous though, C. S. Lewis is a prime example. (His books are fine but I'm not exactly a fan of the guy)

9 minutes ago, IfIHadToPickADude said:

Why in the world do "Nice Guys" exist?

joke: Cause jerks had to start re-branding themselves.

serious: They're trying to win some theoretical high road victory, so they can say "I guess I'm just to nice". In reality people who claim that they are a "Nice Guy" or complain that "nice guys finish last" tend to be manipulative losers. If you're kind you don't have to broadcast it to the world. I assume this cultural trope is what you're referring to.


What is matter?


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On 5/9/2018 at 4:43 PM, ProfImpossible said:

I've always seen over-wise in the sense of someone being wise beyond their years you might say, it seems to be slightly derogatory here though.

Since my dictionary doesn't actually have the word, I had to search online for it. That's basically the same definition I found, although strangely it seems to be used derogatorily in several other works as well.

On 5/9/2018 at 4:43 PM, ProfImpossible said:

serious: This is my first time seeing the phrase, but it seems to say take everything in moderation to me. Don't follow one extreme or the other. I'm not sure though. If you want to start talking about "over-wise" and over-righteous though, C. S. Lewis is a prime example. (His books are fine but I'm not exactly a fan of the guy)

Searching another resource, the "don't follow any extremes" part might be accurate. I actually got the phrase from C.S. Lewis's "The Four Loves" which I'm rereading (again), and since I was always curious on what it meant, I decided to bring it up here.

I'm a fan of Lewis, although I can understand the sentiment. I personally enjoy his style of writing, but I can see why others don't. Some of his earlier fictional works, although good, do have some pretty noticeable flaws (Although "Till We Have Faces" is probably his best fictional work. It avoids the problems that his earlier works have, and it really shows his growth as a writer. It also helps that the story is "mature" in the sense that the story is thoughtful and surprisingly heavy, and avoids the "we're mature 'cause we got violence and s*x and sh*t" problem that plagues most modern works). And although I'm understanding towards his occasional misogyny as I keep the time period of historical authors in mind when reading, I can see how others can be bothered by it.

The Screwtape Letters and Till We Have Faces are still my favorite books in general, though.


Seeing as I accidentally Ninja'd you, let's, uh, count this as an interlude, shall we? The next guy/gal can answer both our questions.

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40 minutes ago, Hawkwing said:

Why are feet so oddly shaped on humans and animals alike? And how do they work?

They're oddly shaped because they can't be evenly shaped. And I don't know how they work, but it's one heck of a feat.

41 minutes ago, ProfImpossible said:

What is matter?

Not antimatter.

Why are there so many Pennsylvanians on this forum?

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Well, the moon has holes in it, and so do certain types of cheese, so someone thought they were clever by putting two-and-two together, and everyone else just rolled with it.

How do you drift with a car in real life?

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No superheroes, no good guys, hell no guys in general. #ForeverAlone

And THANK YOU for getting Dora songs stuck in my head @Purple Mage, now they'll be in there all night -_-

How/why did neanderthals die out?

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They started asking too many questions.

Real answer, cause I can't resist (Nsfw):


Well, to put it bluntly, we basically F'd them out of exsistence. True story.


44 minutes ago, Dragoncat said:


Well moping won't make it better. :P

If one were to say, accidentally triple the amount of almond extract in a recipe. You wouldn't, like, get sick or die right?

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