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We Need Serenes Forest Mafia Mafia 5 After All! - GAME OVER


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Plz no I wanna die.

Wrt Kirsche timing I was referring to this post:

On 4/16/2018 at 7:02 PM, Zkirsche said:

god I leave to focus on my work thinking I didn't need to worry about this game and I'm getting turbo'd. Refa wtf are you doing man what inconsistencies are there in my posts? I'm the other co-networker btw.

It makes me feel a little like someone (ie a member of the scumteam) could've told him to come back since refa switch was like 3.5 hours beforehand. Also I didn't say this at the time but I called it.

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Right so I was just checking cuz I wanted to be exact with when junko started his kirsche tunnel and it was 18 hours into d1 and junko's 5th post which is like lightning speed for a bus.  

That would be like junko decided he wanted to run kirsche over as he was pulling out of the driveway on his way to the game. 

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2 minutes ago, Fable said:

Right so I was just checking cuz I wanted to be exact with when junko started his kirsche tunnel and it was 18 hours into d1 and junko's 5th post which is like lightning speed for a bus.  

That would be like junko decided he wanted to run kirsche over as he was pulling out of the driveway on his way to the game. 

Didn't read to me like a dedicated bus (just a pressure vote on a buddy) until Kirsche voted Junk back some ways into D1 and Junk was like "oh yeah, well I'm going to stick to my case and not budge on it because I know I'm right".

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I once again want to iterate I kind of doubt that they would try to intentionally lynch Athena if Kirsche was Mafia, because Athena claimed co-networker early on and it would lose them a power without gaining any cred.

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1 minute ago, Makaze said:

I once again want to iterate I kind of doubt that they would try to intentionally lynch Athena if Kirsche was Mafia, because Athena claimed co-networker early on and it would lose them a power without gaining any cred.

Kirsche backed off Athena after he claimed and in general waffled on the slot on D2.

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Just now, Refa said:

Kirsche backed off Athena after he claimed and in general waffled on the slot on D2.

Did the same thing happen with Shinori after the claim? Let me see...

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52 minutes ago, Snike said:

I also feel like I've been a huge source of confusion in-thread unwittingly and so removing that will help tomorrow.

Honestly, I found all the paranoia/thunderdoming/excessive rolespeccing from you kind of villagery. You have been front and center and changed the dynamic of the thread with a strong presence several times and generally gave zero fucks what village thought about you.

I dunno, I found it kind of villagery. I was wolf with you a couple years back and I'm not saying you're a one-trick pony, but you were quieter there while here you gave absolutely no fucks about your survival or how village perceived you. I would be very impressed if you're wolf/ITP here.

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it just feels like you're going in circles to me because last night I read some ISOs and said that Athena and kts were both Not Mafia and it feels like you're using a bunch of words for a conclusion I already reached with less effort but that's also really self centred lol ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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1 minute ago, Beru said:

it just feels like you're going in circles to me because last night I read some ISOs and said that Athena and kts were both Not Mafia and it feels like you're using a bunch of words for a conclusion I already reached with less effort but that's also really self centred lol ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I'm there too but people keep going back to it and I'm lost af as to who the last (two?) wolves are so I'm like "maybe I missed something" and then I reread and I feel like I didn't. 

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All of these posts are right after Athena claimed.

On 4/12/2018 at 3:45 PM, Shinori said:

Fuck im tired and not fully around at the moment.

Kirsche hard misrepped me a couple of pages ago and that bothers the fuck outta me.

I agree with BBM's sentiements on Athena's role but I'm leaning more towards Athena being the scummy member since I find them scummy. I guess this is reliant though on whoever is the other co-networker.  They should not claim though right now I feel.

Want a claim from Bart if possible.


On 4/13/2018 at 6:46 PM, Shinori said:

Can you explain on this a bit more.  I disagree with this and the fact that Kirsche said stuff along the same lines.

I'd like to hear peoples reasonings again for voting Bartozio > Athena at the end of the last day phase.  Mainly from Nightmare, Kirsche, Fable, and Fenrir.  Up until Nightmare's vote they were tied(I think?) and I feel that Nightmare's vote was the spark that pushed people towards voting Bartozio.  I wish I could have Hijacked Snike and co's votes back towards Athena but that's more of a hindsight is 20/20 thing.

I also don't think everyone should claim their characters but that's just my personal opinion.  You could probably guess some peoples roles based on just who they are and even though I'm leaning town on Via there is no proof that he isn't Third party of some sort.

##Vote: Nightmare


On 4/13/2018 at 6:55 PM, Shinori said:

Athena is one of my higher scumreads at the moment but I'd like to hear peoples reasoning for voting Bart > Athena at the moment.


On 4/13/2018 at 7:05 PM, Shinori said:

Looking at Nightmare's vote I kind of dislike it.  What about Bart's claim was worse than Athena's claim?  Especially if people are operating under the possibility that one of the co-networkers is scum as that idea was bounced around a bit.  He even admits that the cases are relevant but it's just gut that doesn't want him to vote for Athena.  Felt like he voted Bart based on Role alone while saying the cases on Athena were better.


On 4/13/2018 at 8:48 PM, Shinori said:


Are we voting people for using night actions now?



On 4/13/2018 at 9:15 PM, Shinori said:

You actually think this is a good reason to vote someone Via?



On 4/14/2018 at 12:05 PM, Shinori said:

1: I wasn't confused, so I don't understand why my name was even mentioned WRT the stupid claiming fiasco of Sully and weapons.  Sully was obviously not saying he was a tracker tracking someone to Eury, otherwise he would have just stated that.  I'm not quite a fan of Weapons response though because he's not acting like the town!Weapons that I know of.  I don't see his play as similiar to EO3 and I feel it's different.

2:  Stuff I meant to reread regarding vote swaps was that I felt Nightmare's vote swap was ass but I'm not to confident on Nightmare being scum based on his role.  Mind you my thoughts on players have been posted to an extent in my quote walls; I'm not gonna go into crazy detail about my town reads as I don't like to do that as much but my scum reads are currently along the lines of:

Scum reads:


Leaning scum:


No particular order.  I haven't read Junko's most recent wall post so that may chance some thoughts/opinions on them. 

Walrein is starting to rub me the wrong way and I'm getting scum vibes from him.  I was town reading him from Early day 1 play but that was primarily based on the fact that he was actually posting and that's probably a bad idea to just town read someone on.

Jaybee is completely unmemorable and I don't even remember them really doing anything, apparently like the first vote on the Bart lynch wagon though so I dislike that.

Refa is actually giving me Third vibes.  This is mainly gut though and I don't actually think he's scum.  Kind of the reason I'm not really pushing this at all cause I don't wanna deal with ITP hunting when we don't even know if there is one in the game.

I disagree with Bibbon when he said he town read BBM based on BBM's case on Bibbom followed by BBM unvoting Bibbon.  I could see Scum!BBM unvoting and not just continuing with the pressure because otherwise it would look bad.  I was iffy on bibbon last phase but after thinking about it more and re-reading some of the content I feel he's a bigger town read now.  Especially with the random Jailkeeper claim?  I gotta say that came outta nowhere and I'm not a fan but I don't see it as scum.

Athena case's have already been posted, both by myself and Snike and I'm really disliking Kirsche over this past day phase.  Day 1 I was leaning scummy on him but it's only gotten worse in my eyes.

So for now since I forgot to unvote a while ago:


##Vote: Athena

However, it's very possible that Shinori wanted his other scummates on the Bart lynch and pushed Athena knowing it wouldn't work to make himself look better after the Bart flip.

He also never voted for Kirsche, ever. Could be the same situation where he thought Kirsche was going to get lynched anyway, knew he was Mafia, and was trying to clear Junko after Kirsche died. Like I said at the start of D3.

On 4/14/2018 at 3:56 PM, Shinori said:

Not really around at the moment as I'm not feeling well and I don't mean to Hijack your question towards Eclipse but can we stop role digging and fishing.

There have been a lot of claims and people asking for claims or people asking about night actions and I don't think it's all that helpful.  Unless we are planning to just outright massclaim today which I think is a terrible idea.

I want to point out this post responding to Snike. Snike mentioned it earlier too, when he said "Do you REALLY think that he left a coded message to his scum buddy? And this? And that? And that other thing? All at the same time???"

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1 minute ago, Fable said:

Can I lynch Zeus without lynching Mak cuz Zeus's posts were still trash tier reading them again. 

I try not to read the people I sub into.

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