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We Need Serenes Forest Mafia Mafia 5 After All! - GAME OVER


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Omega: "Im willing to lynch anyone as long as it isn't me. especially if its makaze"

Makaze: "I want to lynch Snike, but depending on the flip I might consider Kill."

Omega: "Oh my god Makaze wants to kill Kill"


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2 minutes ago, Killthestory said:

no, i didn't do that, but i don't think he's had very many meaningful pushes THIS PHASE if it all. the post you showed me where he was in a spiral of not knowing what to do is what i called scummy by sometimes saying scum get caught up in trying to find a good push that they accidently tmi too many.

I don't agree with your read on refa, but I'm willing to believe that it's genuine and you're not OMGUSing him.

That was the only part of your re-entrance that bothered me, so.


Be back before phase end, but I really need to get away from this game for a while. Not having fun trying to keep up with all the posts.

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2 minutes ago, Makaze said:

Omega: "Im willing to lynch anyone as long as it isn't me. especially if its makaze"

Makaze: "I want to lynch Snike, but depending on the flip I might consider Kill."

Omega: "Oh my god Makaze wants to kill Kill"


It's wolfy. It's the same shit Shinori did when he put BBM / Sully on his list. Shading / keeping obvious non-plays on the table = wolfy.

And no, I've stuck to my pool today and resisted the Kill/Snike wagons. Lies and spins denied, boyo.

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2 minutes ago, Omega. said:

You put him in your list. It's wolfy AF. You need to be killed. I like you, but next game we need a strong village to counteract your wolfy style regardless of alignment.

In what world does me putting him in my list mean I think he is the best lynch for today? I read him villager and I seriously doubt he could pocket me this hard as scum.

Snike has all kinds of bad tones that have pinged me throughout.

Yet you're claiming you townread Snike yourself? You're not even scumreading me, you're just trying to kill me.

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Just now, Makaze said:

In what world does me putting him in my list mean I think he is the best lynch for today? I read him villager and I seriously doubt he could pocket me this hard as scum.

Snike has all kinds of bad tones that have pinged me throughout.

Yet you're claiming you townread Snike yourself? You're not even scumreading me, you're just trying to kill me.

It doesn't mean you think he's the best lynch. You're either a villager keeping him on the table despite just saying he's pure, or a wolf keeping his options open for a potential future mislynch. You've done this 180 nonsense a few times now.

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I actually think it is fundamentally more likely that Walrein faked his mod error than that Kill is this good, to be honest. It's simpler to believe that Walrein is lying and that Kaoz did not empower his killer.

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Remember that Makaze called Kill pure and unlikely to be wolf/ITP, then put him on a lynchlist in his next post as well as having found a way to now shade Refa for what must be garbagecan reasons unless he shares.

This is really top villa hero right here, in this game right now, boyos. This guy.

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3 minutes ago, Omega. said:

It doesn't mean you think he's the best lynch. You're either a villager keeping him on the table despite just saying he's pure, or a wolf keeping his options open for a potential future mislynch. You've done this 180 nonsense a few times now.

I mean you're not wrong, but I have reasons for my switches. The re-considering of the Kill argument came from Walrein claiming that Kaoz got killed by an empower. I think that Walrein disappearing after outing that info looks bad too.

But I also don't have any solid reasons not to believe his claim that he was RB'd night 1, which would clear him. The only other options are BBM and Eurykins for the N1 RB.

Occam's razor says Walrein is lying before Kill got empowered and shot him OR that Refa did.

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6 hours ago, Snike said:

I feel like whoever walrein motivates is going to die anyways making the claim completely untraceable.

And for the record we don't know if he actually had a mod error so there's a distinct possibility the role is fake.

Also I think athena townreading my slot consistently is false. I distinctly remember him reading me as mostly null and I believe yesterday he scumread?

I think we're like 3 votes off from meeting lynch.  Is there a consensus to some extent as to what to do/who to pursue tomorrow when I flip town today? If so we'd may as well end the phase early to deliver that information.

Final thoughts: I think makaze definitely needs to be looked at on my flip, maybe at the same time as walrein. I think there is/was a chance of an athena/zeus scumteam.

I would also agree that I think omega has been acting oddly, however I would not go after him before aforementioned players.


@Omega. what are your thoughts on this post?

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1 minute ago, Makaze said:

I mean you're not wrong, but I have reasons for my switches. The re-considering of the Kill argument came from Walrein claiming that Kaoz got killed by an empower. I think that Walrein disappearing after outing that info looks bad too.

But I also don't have any solid reasons not to believe his claim that he was RB'd night 1, which would clear him. The only other options are BBM and Eurykins for the N1 RB.

Occam's razor says Walrein is lying before Kill got empowered and shot him OR that Refa did.

What are your thoughts on Omega again?

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Just now, Makaze said:

I mean you're not wrong, but I have reasons for my switches. The re-considering of the Kill argument came from Walrein claiming that Kaoz got killed by an empower. I think that Walrein disappearing after outing that info looks bad too.

But I also don't have any solid reasons not to believe his claim that he was RB'd night 1, which would clear him. The only other options are BBM and Eurykins for the N1 RB.

Occam's razor says Walrein is lying before Kill got empowered and shot him OR that Refa did.


 Why is Refa ITP? I'm not, so tell me why he is.

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Day 4.25 - Votals
Snike + SatsumaFSoySoy (5): Alette, EvanManManMan, Makaze, Walrein, Killthestory
Killthestory (2): Refa, Snike + SatsumaFSoySoy
Makaze (2): Omega., Fable
Omega (2): Via, Beru

Not Voting: athena_57, Baldrick

You have ~17.25 hours left in the day. With 13 alive, it takes 5 to lynch and 9 to hammer.

22 hours ago, SB. said:

Hi, this is an announcement from your co-mod.

I'd just like to remind you all that you to try take a step back from the game when things get heated and do something else for a while. The game thread is more than capable of surviving without your input while you clear your head (160 pages is a lot to read anyway) and I'm slightly concerned that certain players are getting a little too invested. Please remember that mafia is a game and that the people you're talking to might be mafia aligned, they aren't scum irl.

Repeating this, because it's important.

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1 minute ago, Alette said:

@Omega. what are your thoughts on this post?

He shaded Makaze and Walrein. He could be a wolf, but I have zero issue with this in a vacuum. The only bad thing is claiming that athena/zeus are ever a team; that's very unlikely and hard to believe that someone would conclude that.

Is there a reason why suspecting Walrein is problematic at this point?

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1 minute ago, Omega. said:


Remember that Makaze called Kill pure and unlikely to be wolf/ITP, then put him on a lynchlist in his next post as well as having found a way to now shade Refa for what must be garbagecan reasons unless he shares.

This is really top villa hero right here, in this game right now, boyos. This guy.


Those reasons on Refa have nothing to do with shade. I am defending Refa because he can never be Mafia in my mind.

I'm not scumreading Refa, I just think he could do this as ITP, and we'd have no way to catch him. I would vig him on a long enough time frame because there would be no one else and Refa is probably the best person when everyone else is towncleared.

WRT Kill, I am not going to just take him out of my PoE because he reads as pure, especially not after what happened with Walrein. It would be more strange if I did another 180 and discounted a world where Walrein isn't lying.

You're blatantly misrepping my arguments. I state my plans which depend on the results of flips and I think even Kill sees what I'm saying, even if he doesn't necessarily like it.

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1 minute ago, Killthestory said:

yolo ive been talking about that for the past 3 pages lmao

Was it just the push onto you? He's been casing different people throughout the game; why is it wolfy? Why is Makaze okay when he's been doing the same shit but his results have consistently been more harmful to village?

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4 minutes ago, Alette said:

What are your thoughts on Omega again?

Omega is not playing a town game. Ever since I called him out on his claim slip he has been voting for whatever wagon has been popular, including wagons I pushed/started (see: Walrein). I made an argument at kill a second ago, read the last two pages or so.

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1 minute ago, Makaze said:


Those reasons on Refa have nothing to do with shade. I am defending Refa because he can never be Mafia in my mind.

I'm not scumreading Refa, I just think he could do this as ITP, and we'd have no way to catch him. I would vig him on a long enough time frame because there would be no one else and Refa is probably the best person when everyone else is towncleared.

WRT Kill, I am not going to just take him out of my PoE because he reads as pure, especially not after what happened with Walrein. It would be more strange if I did another 180 and discounted a world where Walrein isn't lying.

You're blatantly misrepping my arguments. I state my plans which depend on the results of flips and I think even Kill sees what I'm saying, even if he doesn't necessarily like it.

Underlined / bolded is wolfy AF. Don't really care about the rest of what he's saying. Remember this if Makaze somehow finds a way to case Kill in F3.

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1 minute ago, Omega. said:

Was it just the push onto you? He's been casing different people throughout the game; why is it wolfy? Why is Makaze okay when he's been doing the same shit but his results have consistently been more harmful to village?

i explained this. it's not really a push because using a predecessor to push someone isnt gamesolving. thats a last stand for pushing someones lynch, not trying to figure out their alignment, and me and refa have never interacted previously. why all of the sudden start attacking me on this info he could have used yesterday with similar results or even better if he genuinely thought my slot was wolfy, or alternatively, why not just try to engage me on my play?

furthermore, his only push of consequence has been on me today. that rings a little hollow.

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2 minutes ago, Makaze said:

Those reasons on Refa have nothing to do with shade. I am defending Refa because he can never be Mafia in my mind.

I'm not scumreading Refa, I just think he could do this as ITP, and we'd have no way to catch him. I would vig him on a long enough time frame because there would be no one else and Refa is probably the best person when everyone else is towncleared.

Why can't anybody else do it? Why do you conveniently pluck out a universal townread to say "He could do this as ITP"? Couldn't a lot of people?

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2 minutes ago, Omega. said:

Underlined / bolded is wolfy AF. Don't really care about the rest of what he's saying. Remember this if Makaze somehow finds a way to case Kill in F3.

please dont make it sound like ill make it to d3 id rather get lynched

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Just now, Killthestory said:

please dont make it sound like ill make it to d3 id rather get lynched

You're on the mislynch list. People wagoned you today and confirmed villa hero Makaze is actually here trying to justify you ever getting lynched in this game with a straight face. Sorry bro.

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2 minutes ago, Omega. said:

Underlined / bolded is wolfy AF. Don't really care about the rest of what he's saying. Remember this if Makaze somehow finds a way to case Kill in F3.

It would never get that far. I think Evan would vig me on a long enough time frame.

But I think this is pointless because it can't be anyone not in the PoE. Even estimated conservatively, the PoE is (I'll just include myself for your benefit):


Refa not impossible if all of these flip and no ITP.

Let me know if I've forgotten anyone.

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Just now, Omega. said:

You're on the mislynch list. People wagoned you today and confirmed villa hero Makaze is actually here trying to justify you ever getting lynched in this game with a straight face. Sorry bro.

town savior killthestory didnt ask for this life... but has must do what he can for the good of mankind.

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2 minutes ago, Killthestory said:

i explained this. it's not really a push because using a predecessor to push someone isnt gamesolving. thats a last stand for pushing someones lynch, not trying to figure out their alignment, and me and refa have never interacted previously. why all of the sudden start attacking me on this info he could have used yesterday with similar results or even better if he genuinely thought my slot was wolfy, or alternatively, why not just try to engage me on my play?

furthermore, his only push of consequence has been on me today. that rings a little hollow.

Interacting in real-time is not yet a standard on SF. Refa's mostly done it with me in this game cuz we tend to mindmeld as villabros. 

I don't see how you conclude the bottom part. He tried to wagon/lynch athena earlier.

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