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We Need Serenes Forest Mafia Mafia 5 After All! - GAME OVER


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30 minutes ago, Vi-astra said:

at this rate if makaze starts a wagon on me I'm ripping him a new asshole

this isn't going to happen

you are way too emotional to be pretending

If you look at my reasons for being pinged by Refa, you might not agree with them, but I think you can at least see where I'm coming from.

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14 minutes ago, Makaze said:

I am not trying to get Refa lynched today lol.

I am voting him because I had some things that pinged me (mentioned in post before my vote) and I don't want a hammer on Snike.

I am not pushing this lynch.

"I'm not trying to lynch them I'm just doing the thing that does that." 

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Just now, Fable said:

I legitimately think mak is trying to expand the PoE as wide as he can so he has place to fall back to after each one flips V. 

Did you read badfellas by any chance?

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Just now, Fable said:

"I'm not trying to lynch them I'm just doing the thing that does that." 

I don't see how my vote is a problem. Even if it somehow leads to a CFD there is more to be gained from that than hammering. The opportunism alone would be good info.

I highly doubt most people want to lynch him so this is just pressure at this point.

And my main reason. Not hammering.

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1 minute ago, Makaze said:

I don't see how my vote is a problem. Even if it somehow leads to a CFD there is more to be gained from that than hammering. The opportunism alone would be good info.

I highly doubt most people want to lynch him so this is just pressure at this point.

And my main reason. Not hammering.

But if you don't wanna hammer you could just like....not vote. 

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3 minutes ago, Fable said:

I legitimately think mak is trying to expand the PoE as wide as he can so he has place to fall back to after each one flips V. 

I made a promise and I intend to keep it (it all of Snike, Walrein and Omega flip and we are still playing, I will bow out, stop PoEing, stop defending and you can lynch me). Addendum: I will post enough to avoid a MK.

I am not going to change that just because I suspect Refa. But I think someone should bring it up before that if no one is willing to consider it.

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Is it? Because my problem is....

"I'm only not voting snike cuz I don't wanna hammer" 

but then you're voting refa  because you think he's acting like he already knows snike is gonna flip V and I struggle to figure out a way you can legitimately think snike is gonna flip wolf and that refa is a wolf with TMI that snike is V. That makes absolutely zero sense and your not even pushing it as a purely wolf!refa you're partly doing as "Refa doesn't want to lynch snike cuz he's 3p which is super ??? and doesn't seem like a real thought. 

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5 hours ago, EvanManManMan said:

I did read it and your wall failed to convince me in any way. I townread Kirsche as well as Kill. His posts are literally slapping your face and pointing to a big sign saying "I'm town." Kirsche should be proven town based on EoD2 wagons and reactions. 

Then just say that.  It's super obnoxious when you're like "his case is shit" without pointing to why you disagree.

4 hours ago, Omega. said:

Refa, if Kill flips V, where are you at? If you're just confused and don't really know, then say that.

Alette (replacing Fenrir Aesir (replacing Anime27Arts))- Boron, 1x Dayvig
Via- Prims, Gets a role if guesses all of the characters correctly
Makaze (replacing zeus_112)- Omega, ???
Beru (SullyMcGully (replacing Elieson))- Rapier, Lazy Watcher
Fable- Weapons, Role Bomb
Baldrick (replacing eclipse)- Eclipse, Mayor
Omega (replacing Marth)- Jaybee, Self Watcher/Delayer
athena_57- Snike, Co-Networker
Walrein- Via, Motivator
SatsumaFSoySoy + Snike (replacing Polydeuces)- Rein/Juliette, Role Miller
EvanManManMan (replacing (Lord Gaius (replacing Eärendil))- Paperblade, Bookie
Killthestory (replacing Zkirsche)- Gaius, Co-Networker

This is where my reads are at.

@Makaze Who is scum? You're basically clearing everyone except Snike.

2 hours ago, Makaze said:

Before I go: I have been thinking about it and something did bother me about the way Refa did his case.

Firstly, he made a quote wall about Kirsche.

Then, he asked me if Shinori reacted to Kirsche's and Athena's claims, as if he hadn't read it over himself.

This seems odd and makes me feel less sure about whether Refa is actually having his own reads, or just trying to change my mind instead.

I didn't read Shinori's ISO...I didn't even have time to fully read over the slot's ISO, let alone Shinori's.

2 hours ago, Makaze said:

It also seems like Refa is distancing himself from this Snike lynch. He has been saying stuff like "idk I just think Snike is town" and has been lowkey pushing on Athena and now Kirsche, despite them having actual reasons to be clear. It's weird. A possible world that needs reconsidered is one where Kaoz empowered Refa, and Refa is either ITP or scum.

I'm not distancing myself from the lynch, I've said that it's a mislynch.  I have not been lowkey pushing them, I have been HIGHKEY pushing them because I don't want him lynched.  No one has managed to come up with a convincing case on Snike other than "well all of my friends are town, so this guy with his CLEARLY scummy role must be scum" and I'm pretty sure he'll flip town.  Kaoz empowering me wouldn't make a difference, but that'll be obvious soon (depending on flip/claim).  This is so dumb, like "wow how did Refa know Snike was town?" when he flips.

2 hours ago, Omega. said:

Kill is just kind of brash as a player. I think you're overestimating his focus on you; he does the bravado thing on everyone and if he's villa, does actually reconsider his reads at different points. I think it's possible you've read his "The town savior demands Refa be killed thing" and took it more seriously than he means out of unfamiliarity with his play.

I mean, if he's wolf/ITP, you have to consider that you think kirsche bussed out the gate. A possibility, sure. But a probability? I don't know.

Tell me why Makaze is villa. If you feel that strongly, I'll leave him alone and probably try to kill Evan. I am not down with all this "Let's try to make a NA plan" thing that village is talking about.

Maybe.  I agree that his reads progression on you read as natural, it's just that I get that sense from like EVERY living player besides Walrein and it's like "this doesn't mean anything to me".  You said you were super confident that he's town right?  How sure were you on that?

I don't want to disclose that for reasons.  Not trying to be cagey or anything, I just legitimately think you should be looking at other people.  Having just been pushed by him for ??? reasons, it's super frustrating but if he's scum then this is some fucked up game.

Who would you scumread assuming Makaze is town?

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2 minutes ago, Refa said:

Who would you scumread assuming Makaze is town?

Walrein/Evan. I'd be surprised if that little side wagon I quoted earlier was all V.

I am down to YOLO CFD either of the above two, claims be damned. This whole "let's let them live and do a NA plan" is whack imo, I've benefited from that as wolf before. Makaze too, but if you really don't want it then FINE. That said, I veto a Kill kill today, so if you want to pull some shit near deadline on one of the above two or someone else, let me know.

Regarding Kill, I think he's V and probably wouldn't lynch him 'til F3, and even then I'd probably lynch the other person unless it was [disclosed].

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Just now, Beru said:

quoting a role list is reads?

oh sorry my reads are ordered that way from town to scum

i just have it on a notepad document w/roles because i always forgot those

Everyone from Baldrick up I would never lynch (don't see them making sense as either scum or ITP), I don't want to lynch Omega/Athena/Snike but I have more reservations there, and everyone below I'd lynch.

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Just now, Omega. said:

Walrein/Evan. I'd be surprised if that little side wagon I quoted earlier was all V.

I am down to YOLO CFD either of the above two, claims be damned. This whole "let's let them live and do a NA plan" is whack imo, I've benefited from that as wolf before. Makaze too, but if you really don't want it then FINE. That said, I veto a Kill kill today, so if you want to pull some shit near deadline on one of the above two or someone else, let me know.

Regarding Kill, I think he's V and probably wouldn't lynch him 'til F3, and even then I'd probably lynch the other person unless it was [disclosed].

Fair enough.

CFD?  Agree about the NA plan.

Okay, I'll trust your Kill read.

##Vote: EvanManManMan

Just now, Omega. said:

Oh, we both have Walrein/Evan in our POE. Swag.

Did someone say CFD? Cuz I'm down to CFD a mofo.

Also, why you have Fable above eclipse? I'd put eclipse above him, along with athena/Kill/Snike as well tbh.

Eclipse should definitely be above Fable, I'm dumb.  Fable is more likely to be mafia than Athena/Snike but there's like 1) not much chance of that to begin with 2) he's less likely to flip ITP.  I'm going to trust him more because he's less likely to be pushing an agenda.

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