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Voting Gauntlet: Heroes and Legends!


Voting Gauntlet: Heroes and Legends!  

165 members have voted

  1. 1. Whom are you going to support?

    • Alfonse, Prince of Askr
    • Sharena, Princess of Askr
    • Anna, Commander
    • Fjorm, Princess of Ice
    • Ryoma, Supreme Samurai
    • Gunnthrá, Voice of Dreams
    • Robin, Fell Vessel
    • Ike, Vanguard Legend

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  • Poll closed on 06/07/2018 at 05:00 AM

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3 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

Oh, the tracker was listing funny numbers. Both of the numbers were in the 50 million range when I checked like an hour ago.

That's pretty far off. Ike had over a 50 million lead.

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Looks like a huge fight  etween Ike and Gunthra. Ike did won the first, then Gunthra had a big comeback, and it felt like Ike had an e en biger comeback. Im on Team Gunthra btw.

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5 hours ago, mampfoid said:

@mcsilas Wow, great ranking. Welcome to team Anna. 

My lead is currently Cordelia, but I'm open for other wishes. You should know one or two of my units. :-)

Yeah i think you're the only one on my friends list in the same team haha

Let me know if you need other colour units for quests. Currently have Kinoka for colourless quests

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11 hours ago, Rezzy said:

I misread "batch" as something else there for a second.

Yeah, he put in some good work.  I don't think I lost a single match this round.  Having Ike plus what seemed to be a guaranteed Green worked out pretty well.

I only lost a couple I think. I know one was because at least one enemy had a Falchion while I was stuck with a couple dragons, including one that was green. Strangely, both were Grima Robins, each gender. lol

8 hours ago, Korath88 said:


Sent you two friend requests.

Changing my lead to Hardin for the time being. If anyone on my list would prefer another unit, just ask

What's your summoner name? I have two pending friend requests and I need to know which one is you and which is someone I don't know. xP

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8 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

I only lost a couple I think. I know one was because at least one enemy had a Falchion while I was stuck with a couple dragons, including one that was green. Strangely, both were Grima Robins, each gender. lol

What's your summoner name? I have two pending friend requests and I need to know which one is you and which is someone I don't know. xP

My summoner name is Luke, with the Hardin lead

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3 minutes ago, Korath88 said:

My summoner name is Luke, with the Hardin lead

I think i accepted yours.  I've pretty much autoaccepted everybody while I have room, but let me know if it didn't go through.

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7 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

I think i accepted yours.  I've pretty much autoaccepted everybody while I have room, but let me know if it didn't go through.

Yep, you're there. Just got your Titania in the last battle as well

Definitely need the extra friends after dumping all those who lack the common sense to not use another red sword as their lead.

Edited by Korath88
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6 minutes ago, omegaxis1 said:

So anyone consider Ike besting Female Grima to be a bit like Ike getting some form of indirect revenge on Grima? For defeating Zelgius? 

"I have avenged the Black Knight! Wait... that sound wrong..." 

That's hilarious xD I can see it. Ike respects Zelgius for his strength I'm sure (even if he hates him for Greil) so I can see that.

Speaking of, I have a question for people. Why do people keep putting level 1s in this? Like what's the purpose?

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Just now, Silver-Haired Maiden said:

That's hilarious xD I can see it. Ike respects Zelgius for his strength I'm sure (even if he hates him for Greil) so I can see that.


Well, Ike confesses that his hatred for him has been gone for a while now. Ike wasn't fighting Zelgius for the sake of revenge or even because Zelgius was in their way. Ike wanted to fight cause him and Zelgius are similar in that regard. 

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16 minutes ago, Silver-Haired Maiden said:

Speaking of, I have a question for people. Why do people keep putting level 1s in this? Like what's the purpose?

It's to rig your opponents to be lv. 1 as well so you can just steamroll the battle with your friends' lv. 40 built up units.

Also, if any Team Ike people want me to switch as well, I can! I can put Summer Freddy in if you need colorless, or horse Ephraim if you need blues.

Edited by Anacybele
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27 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

It's to rig your opponents to be lv. 1 as well so you can just steamroll the battle with your friends' lv. 40 built up units.

Also, if any Team Ike people want me to switch as well, I can! I can put Summer Freddy in if you need colorless, or horse Ephraim if you need blues.

Ohhhh gotcha. Makes sense.

I could really use some colorless honestly. Seriously I've had all of one show up xD

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5 minutes ago, Silver-Haired Maiden said:

Ohhhh gotcha. Makes sense.

I could really use some colorless honestly. Seriously I've had all of one show up xD

Are you in my friends list though? I'm not sure...

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1 hour ago, omegaxis1 said:

So anyone consider Ike besting Female Grima to be a bit like Ike getting some form of indirect revenge on Grima? For defeating Zelgius? 

"I have avenged the Black Knight! Wait... that sound wrong..." 

Ahaha! I like to imagine so. I was very upset when Zel lost, as I supported him a lot.

In the end, Ike did acknowledge Zelgius as his teacher so this is pseudo-canon. XD

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51 minutes ago, Silver-Haired Maiden said:

I'm not sure. My friend code is 9925235353

Yeah, we didn't friend each other, I just sent you a request.

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