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30th May's Legendary Hero Predictions

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5 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

Except you're probably wrong because for one thing, this hero is going to be red. Fjorm is coming back which means no blue. Gunnthra and Grima are coming back too. So this hero is red. And Corrin would not be red unless he/she got a sword again, pretty sure.

If I keep predicting Corrin every month I will eventually be right. Easiest prediction of my life.

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If there’s one thing I’m sure about is that it has to be a water legendary hero. As for who, I’m hoping it’s the Nifl brother. Red bow Alm would be neat too but Alm seems more of an Earth or Fire legendary Hero. 

1 hour ago, Selena4Lyfe said:

My guess is either Nils or Alm.  I want Ninian to be reunited with her brother already.   Also,  caped Alm is bae.

Gosh, I can’t even imagine how my reaction would be if Nils introduction to the game was as a legendary hero. In one sense, I’d be overjoyed beyond belief because that’s definitely not something I would ever expect, but in another, my luck on legendary banners has been non existent. I’m expecting to end up with 3 of the same character I don’t want just like Genny from the last banner.

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Give me Owain or give me death. I want the sword dork please. He has the mark of the exalt and is in two games, isn't that legendary enough... please?

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42 minutes ago, NPR said:

Give me Owain or give me death. I want the sword dork please. He has the mark of the exalt and is in two games, isn't that legendary enough... please?

I second this.  It's Sword Nerd or or Nothing.

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I hope it's Jagen or axe fighter Wrys because why not. Bartre as an archer would work too. C'mon, do it for the memes, developers. :p

Edited by Kaden
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There are so many reds that could end up here. I'm expecting it to be a guy since the last two legendaries have been ladies. But that doesn't really narrow things down. At the very least, we've gotten variety in either weapon type or movement type with each color repeat so far, so maybe we're safe from infantry swords... That still means that we could end up with a sword cav, and there are also plenty of those at the moment. Some Heroes that might be interesting:

  • Roy as a red manakete/dragon. I'm fairly certain IS won't do that, but it'd be pretty neat. 
  • Alm as a red archer. Already been mentioned several times. 
  • Hector or Old Man Hector as a sword armor. Maybe they're saving this for CYL, but he'd make for a decent legendary hero too.
  • Eliwood - Probably just better version of cav Eliwood. Maybe he'd end up with a "Divine Durandal." Maybe they could do sickly Old Man Eliwood and give him the old man penalty.
  • Fallen!Chrom - I feel like Chrom and Lucina will eventually get legendary alts. Whether or not they'll be red remains to be seen. But we've got evil Female Grima. Why not evil Chrom to go with her? We've already got Horse Chrom who already feels like a legendary alt. I'm not sure how they'd improve upon him as a red. 
  • NoPants!Marth - He just got an alt, and I don't think another infantry sword Marth would do him justice... But I ought to go ahead and mention him.
  • Seliph/Leif/Sigurd - I don't know enough about these games to think of alt ideas for them, but we've had a lot of Jugdral love lately. Maybe we'll get a pleasant surprise.
  • M. Robin w/ Levin Sword - I don't really want another Robin alt, and I don't think we need one, but as we've seen, IS doesn't seem to care much about that. Even so, I feel like Levin Sword could be super fun. 
  • EDIT: Corrin - Forgot to add him/her. I expect we'll see legendary alts for this avatar as well. I'm kind of hoping to see M. Corrin as a dragon and F. Corrin as a sword unit, but we'll just have to see. 

I'm not sure they'll do another OC quite yet. We haven't seen Fjorm's brother. We also haven't really gotten closer to recruiting the Muspell sisters, but they're likely all contenders. We could also get surprised with IS deciding not to do a lord/main antagonist. 

Edited by Rafiel's Aria
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We know it's a red unit, and it's almost certainly Water based on the element the week before the new Legendary is added (to clarify, the last week before has always had the element of the previous hero with the element of the new hero, and it's currently Wind/Water). I'm confident it's going to be a sword wielding lord because they'd want to focus on those kinds of characters first, and give them their proper iconic weapon.

I'd guess either Marth, Alm, Seliph, or Corrin.

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I really want red dragon M!Corrin because only having 2 red dragons and they are the same character is boring and adding another male dragon would be great.  If the new legendary is water and that is possible since they will either be water or fire then M!Corrin is a safe choice.  If it has to be fire then I would guess Alm or Seliph since Marth just had an alt.

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Ever since we knew it was red, and figured out it was probably Fire or Water, my prediction's been Roy if Fire, Corrin if Water (preferably red dragon if male, swordie with Omega Yato if female). Although, now that Hrid is a thing, it's possible he could be it if it's Water. He's about as relevant as Gunnthra was when she was added, and I think they might be deliberately not showing us what weapon Ylgr uses as a unit yet.

5 hours ago, Simpsons138 said:

One thing also is that Ike and Ephraim will return next month, and maybe Gunnthra will return as well since Lyn returns on July, so next Legendary on June will be a colorless, Colorless Dragon Corrin Maybe?

To my knowledge, due to Lyn not reappearing until July, June's legendary must also be green. If June was colourless, then Lyn would be returning in June instead of July, since we've seen with Fjorm and Ephraim that they alternate once we have two of the same colour, and Gunnthra's already being repeated for May's banner. Bolded is confirmed (as far as I remember).

May: New Red, Fjorm, Gunnthra, Grima

June: Ike, Ephraim, New Green, Grima

July: ???, ???, Lyn, ???

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10 minutes ago, C. Turtle said:

To my knowledge, due to Lyn not reappearing until July, June's legendary must also be green. If June was colourless, then Lyn would be returning in June instead of July, since we've seen with Fjorm and Ephraim that they alternate once we have two of the same colour, and Gunnthra's already being repeated for May's banner. Bolded is confirmed (as far as I remember).

May: New Red, Fjorm, Gunnthra, Grima

June: Ike, Ephraim, New Green, Grima

July: ???, ???, Lyn, ???

This is correct

Also Ylgr seems to have a tome in her art, though one never knows what the hell IS is planning

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Given it will be most likely red tome user, maybe finally Aversa? Well Braimond would be also fun copying enemy animation, including generic enemies and OG.

Edited by Tenzen12
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I don't expect legendary heroes to be anything other than OCs or main protagonists for the time being. (Female Grima is a bit of a weird one in this case, but she's still called "Robin", who is a main protagonist.) There may be a day when they add popular minor characters as legendary heroes ... but I don't see that day coming until all the lords get a legendary variant.

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4 minutes ago, Tenzen12 said:

Well Braimond would be also fun copying enemy animation, including generic enemies and OG.

And he copies all battle quotes of whomever he is fighting as well (he'll have his own set that plays vs. generics/himself). Think of all the out-of-character quips he could utter.

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Well i've thought this out,

Basically it's gotta be 1 of these if they don't choose to add a brand new character

Altwise we got:

  • Alm, red bow probably?
  • Corrin, dragonstone colorless or blue?
  • Marth, could just have a straight up upgrade to falchion, and gives his original form an upgrade as well. Maybe give him a mount


  • Cipher OC
  • Brand new OC from Switch (might be too early for that but a reveal on heroes would be dope)
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Marth will be my first option for Legendary Hero. The Hero King deserves it, but with Groom Marth being added in this last update I am not sure IS will release 2 Marth in the same month. Male Corrin is also a opition, with Omega Yato as his weapon, or even as a Red Breath user. For red archer, Alm is my only choice. There is also a possibility of being a red mage, which I don't know who can be.


I know this topic is about the Late May's Legendary Hero, but I want to talk about the June's Legendary Hero. We know Ike and Ephraim will return in June, so the next Legendary Hero will be a Green unit or a Colorless unit. We know Lyn will return in July, so I believe Gunnthrá will return  in June's banner, and the June's legendary will be a colorless hero, being Ylgr as a staff user. Another thing that make me believe the next Legendary Hero will be colorless is Robin. Late May's banner will be her 3rd banner. The Fell Dragon needs to rest!

There is also a possibility of June's Legendary Hero being a green unit, but with Lyn as Early May's Legendary Hero and Ylgr being added to the story this month makes me believe in my thoughts.


Edited by Diovani Bressan
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What about... the one hero whose presence and power, their story and legend, their whims and mischief, spreads faster in crimson than even Muspell's flames?




I seem to recall an alternate for Anna being teased, or at least teasing of such being mentioned? She could easily be a Red Bow user to, since some of her special attacks in Warriors are very explosion-y in nature.

Beyond the lords of any FE game, Anna is seen most often, even as just a side NPC. It'd be weird if we didn't get alternate versions of Anna, and of the three lords, she seems the most likely to get a random Legendary Hero variant.


Edited by Xenomata
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8 minutes ago, Xenomata said:

What about... the one hero whose presence and power, their story and legend, their whims and mischief, spreads faster in crimson than even Muspell's flames?

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I seem to recall an alternate for Anna being teased, or at least teasing of such being mentioned? She could easily be a Red Bow user to, since some of her special attacks in Warriors are very explosion-y in nature.

Beyond the lords of any FE game, Anna is seen most often, even as just a side NPC. It'd be weird if we didn't get alternate versions of Anna, and of the three lords, she seems the most likely to get a random Legendary Hero variant.


That's not a bad idea. I would love to see her as a Legendary Hero. I don't recall a alternative version of her being teased... but I want her now. She deserves a Alt. version.

Edited by Diovani Bressan
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9 minutes ago, Diovani Bressan said:

That's not a bad idea. I would love to see her as a Legendary Hero. I don't recall a alternative version of her being teased... but I want her now. She deserves a Alt. version.


17 minutes ago, Xenomata said:

What about... the one hero whose presence and power, their story and legend, their whims and mischief, spreads faster in crimson than even Muspell's flames?

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I seem to recall an alternate for Anna being teased, or at least teasing of such being mentioned? She could easily be a Red Bow user to, since some of her special attacks in Warriors are very explosion-y in nature.

Beyond the lords of any FE game, Anna is seen most often, even as just a side NPC. It'd be weird if we didn't get alternate versions of Anna, and of the three lords, she seems the most likely to get a random Legendary Hero variant.


I don't remember her being teased either, but I want her too! I assume she'd have a Legendary weapon unique to FEH though.

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Fjorm's sister or brother. If it's a fire hero, I bet it'll be Roy. Also maybe that guy we just saw in the last chapter. That's a wild guess though.

Edited by SSbardock84
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2 minutes ago, Water Mage said:

Why people are so sure it’s going to be a Red unit? Was it said somewhere?

People are assuming it’s red cause Fjorm, Grima, and Gunnthra are coming backs banner, taking up the green, blue, and colorless slots, leavening only red for the legendary hero

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Just now, Poimagic said:

People are assuming it’s red cause Fjorm, Grima, and Gunnthra are coming backs banner, taking up the green, blue, and colorless slots, leavening only red for the legendary hero

Ah, makes sense. Thought with the rising number of legendary heroes, it wouldn’t surprise me to have two of the same color, but it’s unlikely.

Changing the subject, I’m suprised there wasn’t a reveal trailer yet. The banner is Wednesday isn’t it?

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34 minutes ago, Water Mage said:

Changing the subject, I’m suprised there wasn’t a reveal trailer yet. The banner is Wednesday isn’t it?

Yeah. We should get the trailer today.

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