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Doctor Seuss Mafia - X-Site Summer Invitational (Day 5 - *YLO)


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1 minute ago, EvanManManMan said:

Rwfa I already answered that question 

My bad, this thread is moving so fast, it's great.

##Vote: Animal Midlife

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1 minute ago, Alpha Male said:

what? You know what


she's been ITT and you've definetly heard the case against her, but you've been abstaining from actually giving a read on her


I haven't been paying attention to AM. My focus has been elsewhere. 

And I don't remember the case on her.

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animal was a top wagon for a large part of the Day (wavering at the top until am, marth and naana got to 5 each). the formatting was like an icing on the cake. animal was actively lurking for the first like multiple hours of the Day. during this time, he had one target that he focused on and didnt heed much attention toward in all honesty: johncarter. he was an easy target cuz of how he plays and his sporadicness. perfect target for dumbscum to latch onto imo. after john stopped ignoring animals request for bla bla bla (the like one thing he had on john), animal kinda peetered out. animal then ghosted and popped in a couple of brief times giving zero content. then made the display we all just saw.


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1 minute ago, EvanManManMan said:

I haven't been paying attention to AM. My focus has been elsewhere. 

And I don't remember the case on her.

wait what

how they're like absorbing the focus of the thread like a black hole

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1 minute ago, EvanManManMan said:

I haven't been paying attention to AM. My focus has been elsewhere. 

And I don't remember the case on her.

no, you aren't getting away with this

there's no conceivable way you haven't seen the case unless you haven't been reading the thread, which clearly you have as you've been responding to posts frequently and chastising others for missing posts

make a read on her

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Just now, EvanManManMan said:

This isn't meta. It's just me explaining my style to you

Sound pretty similar to me. Have you thought about what you're gonna do if AM is scum or perhaps Shinori is town?

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Just now, Animal Midwife said:

I'm sorry. I just don't know what going on. Not like I can self-preserve anyway.

You said you were reading up, what happened?

Don't give up if you're town, at least make them fight for this wagon

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Just now, Alpha Male said:


ok people, read this for me and try to point out one instance since AM has gotten back where she did more than just react to ppl asking questions and making accusations, she's in full defense mode rn

hey hey alpha male

assuming animal midlife is scum (are you hyped to be the only am alive?), who do you think is scum based off of that information?  to shamelessly steal sb's question, do you think scum busses or defends?  i mean before the slip btw.

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2 minutes ago, Alpha Male said:

no, you aren't getting away with this

there's no conceivable way you haven't seen the case unless you haven't been reading the thread, which clearly you have as you've been responding to posts frequently and chastising others for missing posts

make a read on her

This is the truth. Whether you like it or not isn't my decision but I'm telling it as it is.

I don't mind them getting lynched I guess but there are better targets imo

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Just now, Ichigo said:

gross, this is trying to push your own agenda about the marth wagon

What agenda?

I asked about it because marth seemed fine to me and was told it was made just to have a CW. Is that not something you think warrants investigation? 


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