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Rate the Skill (Closed due to community inactivity)

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Hello everyone :)
Hope you've been having a wonderful day, and welcome to a new topic called Rate the Skill! This topic was made pretty much as a Skill variant of The Priest's "Rate the Unit" topic, and heavily operates in much the same way with some obvious differences.
How this will work, is that every day we will rating and discussing two skills in Fire Emblem Heroes. Because there are 7 different types of skills, this will be based weekly for each skill type until further notice. The order will go as follows, starting from Sunday: Weapon -> Assist -> Special -> A -> B -> C -> Seal. Since at the start of this topic, the day will be considered around 12:00 AM on Saturday, we will be starting based on Saturday, so we will start on Seals. Please refer to Format Rules for more clarification.
But more on that later. First, we get into the rules. Please make sure to read them, and please make sure to follow them. The rules will be divided into 3 parts, with the first being the User Rules, the second being the Rating Rules, and the third being the Format Rules.

User Rules:
1 - Be polite, courteous, and/or civil to others if you have a problem with their rating or review. If it becomes an argument, please take it outside of this topic. If it is required for this reason, this topic will be shut down with no arguments.
2 - Only one statistical rating (score of 0-10 out of 10, see in Format Rules) per skill will be allowed per user. If you wish to edit your rating, please do so before the next Day starts. Changes to statistical ratings made after the next Day begins will be ignored. This will continue to be the case in the case of generic Distant Counter (DC) weapons gaining a Forge Upgrade; in a case like that, we will simply rate/review on the weapon again on the next Sunday (see the first Format Rule for more information on the rotation).
3 - Spam is prohibited, as well as anything not pertaining to the skills being rated. Take your random comments to a different topic, or refer to the first User Rule.
4 - Though this sort of counts as a continuation of the second User Rule: Any statistical ratings for skills done previous to the current day will be ignored. Reviews alone are okay for skills from previous days, but please put them as a Spoiler in a single comment if you do so. If you have a problem with this rule, refer to the above (third) User Rule.
5 - Tying together with the second Rating Rule: This is NOT "Rate Every Unit That Can Use This Skill", please DO NOT make a review about how every character can use the skill. This topic is about the usage of each skill, not the characters that use the skills. If you have a problem with this rule, refer to the third User Rule.
6 - Moderators are allowed to break a rule or rules if they need to. Mods, please do not abuse this. I have enough faith in you guys to not abuse the rules, but bad apples can pop up from anywhere.

Rating Rules:
1 - Arena usage is assumed, but usage in the Chain Challenges and/or Rival Domains/Grand Conquests is/are welcomed.
2 - Skill Inheritance is assumed. However, this does not give you the excuse to make your review about specific units. See the fifth User Rule for more clarification.
3 - Weapon refinements and their effects are assumed. If you wish to review a specific forge upgrade, please clarify.
4 - Assume that the skills are in their best possible state, but please give clarification if you decide to talk about their lesser incarnations (Fury 2, Rally Resistance, etc).
5 - While the skill's Arena Score is important to Arena, it is not important to the review. Please do not make your review solely about the skill's Arena Score.
6 - You can give scores between 0-10 with 0.5 decimals if you need them. If you see a skill with a score not following this rule, assume the score is rounded up or down to the nearest whole or 0.5.
7 - Your vote requires a constructive explanation or at least the quote of someone else's with that requirement. If you do not abide by this rule the vote is invalid.
8 - Exclusive skills (like Armads or Solar Brace) are hard to discuss without the specific characters in mind, but please refer to the second Rating Rule.
9 - As something of an exception to the second and above (eighth) Rating Rules: Exclusive weapons with only a generic Distanct Counter (DC) effect are allowed to be reviewed somewhat on the characters wielding them. Emphasizing more, DC swords like Alondite and Raijinto might be the same (until a forge upgrade happens for them, at least), but the characters that wield them have different stats and therefore different ways of using them. You can talk about the character and how they can use the generic DC weapon they have; however, this does not mean you can talk about every skill that unit has as though it was a Unit Review. You can talk about how the unit(s) uses specific skills in optimal or different ways alongside the DC weapon based on the unit's stats, but remember that that specific rating/review is about the weapon and its usage and not solely the unit or different skills alongside it. Hopefully I explained this clearly enough...and a huge thanks to Xenomata for pointing this out!
10 - Reffering to the eighth Rating Rule, please be fair when discussing exclusive skills, as due to their exclusivity they tend to be more powerful than others. In the matter of generic DC weapons, please refer to the above (ninth) Rating Rule.

Format Rules:
1 - Two skills of a single type will be discussed each day starting from Sunday, except Saturday in which only one Seal will be discussed that day. The rotation will be Weapon -> Assist - > Special -> A Passive -> B Passive -> C Passive -> Sacred Seal. Since it happens to be (or is around) 12:00 AM on Saturday, UTC time, we are beginning on Saturday, which means Seals.
2 - The order of skills will be based alphabetically, unless the skills happen to have the same type of name or effect (like Threaten Atk and Threaten Def, or Spur Atk and Spur Def). In that case, the like skills will be skipped until the next week, in which the next skill with that name/effect will be one of the skills. This rule is ignored for Saturday's Sacred Seals, as only one skill will be discussed that day.
3 - When new skills are added that appear earlier in alphabetical order than we happen to be at, then we will go back to those specific skills as per the second Format Rule. Depending on the reviewers' satisfaction/dissatisfaction with that, we may speed it up if it becomes an issue.
4 - Duplicate skills in separate slots (like Drive Def as a C or Seal, or Heavy Blade as an A or Seal) will be counted as separate skills, as build recipes tend to differ greatly based on slot placement most of the time. Thanks to Alexmender for bringing this up!
5 - Branching off from the above rule in a different way, this is less of a rule and more of a clarification. Hybrid skills will be treated as separate skills from their singular counterparts. So Spur Spd 1/2/3 will be treated as a separate skill than Spur Spd/Def 1/2. Since the hybrid skills technically do things differently than their singular counterparts and fill different playstyles and niches, this is perfectly logical. Just clearing that up. Also, this rule will apply to Sacred Seals as well once they release a hybrid skill in that area.
6 - Every round starts at 12:00 AM UTC time and ends at 11:45 UTC time. Please refer to a search engine like Google or Bing, or whatever you wish to use, to see what time it currently is in UTC time.

That's all I can currently think of at the moment. If you have anything you wish to add, like a rule that should be added, please comment it. As long as a comment like that it is constructive to the topic in such a way like this, it won't be considered spam. Again, a huge thank you to Alexmender (fourth Format Rule) and Xenomata (ninth Rating Rule) for helping flesh the Rules out! You, as well as others that can speak up at any time, are what makes the forums what they are :)

Well anyhow...without further ado, let's start with the first alphabetical Sacred Seal, one that people were very happy about when it was added to the game: Armored Boots. I'll put my review down below as soon as I can. I'll start this topic 5 minutes earlier than the hour, so you guys can have a few minutes to get acquainted with the rules.

Edited by MilodicMellodi
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Well since it's basically parallel to Rate the unit, no reason not to partake in this as well.

Armored Boots


The thing holding back Armored Units most, if anything, is their weak player phase, attributed to their one movement. Sure they CAN run a player phase set, but the battle will have to be brought to them.

Armored Boots fixes that problem... mostly! For as long as the unit has 100% HP, they can move 2 spaces. While they aren't impacted by trees or trenches, they can't go over mountains unfortunately, so Armors in that regard are kind of a mix between fliers and infantry...

There are a few possible uses for Armored Boots in the long term... one, give it to a powerful Brave weapon Armor (Effie, WE!Chrom) and let them wreck the enemy team in their two permitted hits, before the enemy can even attack. Assuming they never get hit, they may as well be an Infantry unit. Two, for maps that separate one or more units from being a unified group, giving this skill to one of the armors will let them catch back up to the group.

Since it doesn't rely on team support to trigger, as Armor March does, it lets the user go off on their own for the most part. Until they get hit, their movement is all the better, so getting positioned faster is not a problem. But the inherit problem with Armor Boots is that it only triggers at 100% hp, and can't be upgraded, ergo any damage taken, even just one, will remove the effect for a whole turn, even if your HP does reenter 100%. Any time an offensive armor does not have the Armor March buff is a bad time, to be quite frank, but it doesn't matter as much for defensive armors.

As another note, it doesn't have a direct effect on combat, so the SS slot that could be used for a defensive skill is instead being used to enhance someones movement for as long as they are undamaged.

Probably the best users of the skill are those who can take no damage at all, see Ward Armor stacking on a high Defense unit such as Arden, Sheena, or Gwendolyn. Pairing the skill with Fortify Armor would also be nice, though it does render the unit vunerable to Panic, and also separates them from the team unless Armor March is present as well. Since the user needs to be at full HP, having a healer around to return to full HP can help matters as well.

Rating: 6.5/10 Unlike the more used Armor March, Armor Boots enables an Armor to go off on his or her own without support, or even fit in on a mixed movement types team. On the right armor unit, this lets them start the fight much faster than their compatriots, and the right armors can also be enabled a frightening Player Phase set not dependent on their allies. The biggest drawback being a 100% hp requirement may not even matter depending on the skills on other units. What stops me from rating it higher is the fact that the effect is so similar to Armor March, and movement problems can easily be fixed with excessive positioning skills, that the Sacred Seal may find trouble fitting in on some teams.

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Well I'm not really sure of a rating methodology for skills. But I'll try. 

Armored Boots: Only worth 100SP but armor units didn't need much help in their arena scoring to begin with. The HP threshold for armored boots is almost a non-issue. Since most armor units just need to get in and let the enemy attack them. It also improves the odd player phase build immensely. Armored boots is a viable seal skill for probably every unit that can possibly equip it. For Arena Defense however, Armored boots can be taken out of the equation by any ranged unit with assist support, thus Armor March is outright superior unless you're running a mixed emblem team. 7 out of 10.

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Armored Boots is a decent Seal, but it does have a few problems. First off, since it's a 100 SP Seal, most looking to bump up their Arena score would be using a 240 SP Seal instead, so that already hurts its Arena usage, especially AA usage where you want your lead to score as high as possible.

If that isn't a factor (sometimes not using max SP doesn't drop you a score point anyway), then I think it's a decent option to consider, but only really for armors you have Bold Fighter on. In general, Quick Riposte S is much more high priority (as well as Quickened Pulse for Zelgius), and there are many other strong Seals like Panic Ploy to consider. Armored March also does replicate the effect. However, Boots allows for a bit more flexibility in positioning, which can be life-saving, especially when you're using Dual Rallies instead of positioning Assists.

With Aether as your Special and Bold Fighter, you can attack -> get hit back ->second attack to kill, which will leave Aether charged for your next round. It's not a guaranteed way to get HP back to 100% for the Seal to trigger again, but there is some form of sustain available.

6/10, though could be a 7 if Arena score wasn't an issue.

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  • Its lower point value makes it a good Arena Defense Team seal (where point value is practically inconsequential), especially (or arguably by necessity) with Bold Fighter
  • Allows armored units to mesh better with other movement types, which would also allow for integrating a healer onto the team, giving that unit a chance for maintaining activation
  • Arguably more useful than Armor March on a Defense Team since it's often easy to trick the AI into splitting up on most maps
  • Like Armor March, allows armored melee units to safely approach ranged attackers, which can be invaluable in any mode

8/10 -- I don't think its value needs to be weighed against Armor March, because while they give the same effect, they have very different drawbacks that make either one superior in a given situation.

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^.^ I'll start on my review then! Like I wouldn't partake in my own topic ;P

Tl;dr, my rating is 7/10.

Armored Boots is definitely a useful Seal, letting an Armored unit travel across the map with close to the same efficiency as Fliers as long as their HP is full. While it does have a lower addition to Arena Score than most Seals thanks to it being single-tier, its efficiency to the unit using it makes up for it quite a lot. Unfortunately, it does have quite a few flaws, mostly having to do with the units it's used for. I'll explain the banes before the boons.
Since Armored units tend to have much higher HP on average than most movement types in the game, they're harder to fully heal thanks to the lack of help from Reciprocal Aid. Moreover, it completely nullifies its effect if the unit happens to drop even 1 point below its max HP, making it nearly useless when equipped to a unit with the Fury skill. This lack of effectiveness at below full HP also spreads to the even more popular Brazen skills, as well as niche B options like Desperation, Brash Assault, or Escape Route. Another flaw from this is that the unit has to equip a form of self-sustain if its allies don't have any sustain options for it, leading to the usage of Sol or the high-charge Aether over offensive options like Moonbow, Ignis/Bonfire, or Dragon Fang.
However, it does have many good points. The simple fact of being able to move your Armored unit around without assistance from its allies makes positioning a breeze, especially when space is tighter like on that one map with the bridges; this in combination with a movement-based Assist skill like Drag Back or Reposition, makes your army and especially the user of Armored Boots quite nimble when need be. Moreover, the problem of sustainablity is lessened when your Sol or Aether is assisted by charge-reduction options like Slaying Sword/Axe/Lance, Steady/Warding Breath, and/or Wrath, Quick Riposte, or Bold/Vengeful Fighter. Renewal is also an option, though it should only be considered on more defensive, supportive builds like those that make use of Pavise/Escutcheon or Aegis/Sacred Cowl.

Overall, Armored Boots is very useful for what it was made for, but Armored March is a safer option for Armor-oriented teams. Though Armored Boots does allow for the unit to work well on Hybrid Emblem teams, it can quickly also become a hindrance or even a crutch without proper (or even expensive) management. Still, it does well in the area it's supposed to, which is why I'll rate this Seal as 7/10. 

Edited by MilodicMellodi
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Armored Boots is only worth 100 SP, which is of a similar worth as a tier 2 seal. This is alright for Arena if the player doesn't have any fully upgraded seals yet but in top tier Arena, the player most likely would be relying on Pivot or Armor March for their Armor Emblem mobility needs.

It mainly finds usage among armored units that attack via projectiles, such as Halloween Jakob, or armored units specifically built for the player phase, such as Firesweep Effie with Bold Fighter and Galeforce. It may also find usage among armored units carrying the Armor March skill so, assuming they weren't damaged beforehand, they can easily catch up to their armored allies should they be separated for whatever reason. It can also be useful for mixed teams that include an armored unit, especially if the player doesn't have the Guidance seal, a unit with Guidance (ie. Tana, Legendary Ryoma), or a weapon that provides the Guidance effect (Summer Tana's prf tome). While it's pretty useful in mixed teams and has its uses in Armor Emblem teams, it's more likely to be used as a bandage if a player doesn't position their units correctly.

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7/10: Armored boots a decent skill for a armor unit needs for get somewhere fast. Or as a patch for a mixed team. The problems is that it only work at full hp, meaning that rush down tactics are preferred and the low sp cost for arena. 

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Can't hurt to give this a shot, although I'm not that well versed in only skills.

Armored boots: This skill is great when using armors in mixed teams as it lets them move alongside it's infantry and flier peers. Taking into consideration that armors can cross forest tiles without any kind of penalty just like fliers opens a great amount of flexibility to the team when it comes to positioning. The catch is that the skill is only active when the unit is at 100% Hp, which means it'll only work during the first round of combat 95% of the time and afterwards you'll lose your S-Slot. It faces competition from other seals with more universal use but most of the time arena matches last 3-4 turns at most making the lose of the seal not that big of a deal. 

Rating: 7.5/10


By the way, I'd like to ask if we're going to rate duplicate skills twice or just once. Like Heavy Blade in the A and S slots or Quick Riposte in the B or S, most of the time the slot of a skill greatly changes it's value (Heavy Blade is one of the best S-Slot skills while being mediocre in the A-Slot).

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On 6/22/2018 at 8:48 PM, Alexmender said:

By the way, I'd like to ask if we're going to rate duplicate skills twice or just once. Like Heavy Blade in the A and S slots or Quick Riposte in the B or S, most of the time the slot of a skill greatly changes it's value (Heavy Blade is one of the best S-Slot skills while being mediocre in the A-Slot).

It'll probably be a better idea if we do duplicate slots separately, since like you said their value to a kit changes based on what slot it's located in. I'm very happy you brought this up, I'll update the Rules.
EDIT: Please refer to the fourth Format Rule :)

Edited by MilodicMellodi
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7/10. Armored boots is useful and I've used it a lot of time. However, the fact that it is only a 100SP seal and it only works when the user is at Full HP, it can be a bit unreliable. 

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I have to agree with a lot of what has been said already: it's useful especially for an armor on a mixed team (especially since they aren't slowed by forests) but the hp requirement is stiff and there are other ways to move an armor without using up the seal slot. Rating: 7/10

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Not sure how much I'll participate but Armored Boots annoy me so much that I can't help but to dive in here.

6/10 - While we certainly can't expect this type of seal to have no HP threshold, 100% is far too stiff. Same reason I never used Hardy Bearing back when it was a 100% seal. Breaking the effect is just far too easy. It's saving grace is the fact that some of the most important turns for movement can be done early before engaging. It relaxes some of the issue of getting your units into place before the hammering begins. However, to be truly useful to me it would have to get a 90/80 refine type option so that it doesn't get easily broken by savage or some such. No I am not at all salty about that Elise nuking my armor's movement just before I most needed it. Not at all.

Anyways the above issue plus skill value, plus opportunity cost, etc is just too high for me to really consider it most of the time. Unless I know the AI will be in control. The AI can't handle the march requirements or 1 move very well so for defense teams Armored Boots are actually quite useful. But I don't really ever need them to get a defense win so this value to me is kinda low.

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Sorry I was an hour or so late, it's so hot here and I totally forgot about the topic until now because of it.

Today we're starting on the first two weapons in alphabetical order, the first being a staff and the second being an exclusive item. Featuring: Absorb+ and Alondite!

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Absorb+. This staff has a Sol effect built-in which allows healers to become quite sturdy if they get hit. This staff has two glaring issues, however. First of all, most healers are too squishy and don't want to get hit ever rendering this staff pretty useless outside of some Close Counter solo shenanigans which tend to be more suited for PvE rather than arena. The second issue is that it has an extremely low Mt at 7 which means it'll barely heal because healers don't deal that much damage, even worse the bulkier healers tend to be the ones with the worst Atk stat making them unable to use this staff. 

Rating: 2/10. 

Alondite. This one is a Prf weapon so I'll have to talk a bit about it's two users. Alondite is a very simple weapon, it has 16 Mt just like every other non-brave Prf and it's only effect is having Distant Counter built-in. Now, having DC on a weapon is already a big deal as it gives the user a free A-Slot that they can use to further increase their stats or in the case of BK/Zelgius it allows them to run a Breath skill which leads to a disgusting build capable of destroying almost every unit in the game. While many weapons with DC built-in are starting to show their age the way this one helps it's owner shows why these types of weapons are one of the strongest in the game even to this day.

Rating: 9/10

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Ah... I see a number of very samey reviews for DC weapons in the future...




Absorb used to be the worst staff in the game. I mean, look at it's base Might: 4. Oh my please keep the rival of an Iron Sword away from me!

Thankfully with Absorb+, we now have... well okay it's not that much stronger, in fact it's still one of the worse staves you could have, but it's effect has been strengthened for better team support.

The base effect is that Absorb recovers Half the damage done as HP. 10 damage translates to 5 recovered. Basically, this is the closest we have to having an Offensive Special on a staff unit. It's just Sol on a permanent trigger. Once becoming Absorb+, it also has Breath of Life built in, but with a range of 2 rather than the 1 of regular Breath of Life.

That would theoretically make the healer a solid all-round healer, stacking Breath of Life skill and SS with Absorb+, but you do need to position your injured units next to the attacking space of the staff user to get the strongest heal. It also doesn't work on Enemy phase, unlike Absorb+.

The biggest weakness of Absorb+ is that it rivals with other, more offensive staves, and does nothing to hinder the enemy team. And if you really need to heal en masse, what's stopping you from just using the healers Healing Assist? Having a lower might than other staves also means it weakens the healing potency of said healing assist slightly.

At the end of the day, if Absorb+ is all you have, you can try to use it. But once you can replace it, please do.


Rating: 4/10 Absorb+ wants to exemplify the supportive trait of healers, but only manages to be one of the weakest staves in the game. Still, being able to heal up to 21 hp to your entire team is a pretty neat trait.




Uhhh... okay, so how do I do this, because there'd be nothing stopping me from copy-pasting this review of a DC weapon every time the subject comes up.

I suppose as a base, being a Personal Weapon with DC is a nice trait to have, enabling counterattacks against all units save for those punks with special skills, but... well, Alondite at least has been given to two Armor units, which is a boon in and of itself.

Rating: 8/10 Alondite has been given to two Armor units, a unit class that struggles to get to the battle. That itself is a great boon, and is enough to not consider replacing Alondite with anything else, something the AI... heh heh... had a little trouble realizing for a good while.

So @MilodicMellodi, how are we going to handle DC weapons for the future? Because I honestly don't know how we'd be able to rate the weapon properly without going into the units who wield it.

Edited by Xenomata
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Absorb+ is a really niche staff. With Close Counter and Wrathful Staff, you can have your healer basically Nosferatank. It can be a fairly effective tactic, especially with buffs, but it does require the healer to have a stat spread conducive for it to be effective (mostly good Atk and Spd; you only need enough bulk to live one hit). However, with how insanely stupid Razzle Dazzle Gravity+ and Pain+ are (the latter doesn't even require a good stat spread at all), there is much less reason to build CC Absorb compared to before, when it used to be one of the strongest options for the healers that could abuse it.

A gimmick you can do with a tanky healer like Azama is, assuming you screwed up positioning, throw him in front of a vulnerable and low health unit, then as your healer tanks the attacks instead, Absorb+ will give some HP back to the other unit. A pretty passive way to use a unit slot, though.

5/10. Niche, not abusable by many healers, and (if you care), expensive to build around.


Alondite is just a run of the mill DC weapon; circumstances surrounding it (its user and its user's properties) make it a cut above a few other DC weapons, but that's not really the point today.

DC weapons are idolized for their ease of use and budget-friendliness, but their previous practical advantages over other weapons has really diminished with the advent of DC refined Slaying. The ability to run Fury while having DC matters much less when Slaying gives 5 HP and another stat boost of choice. Being able to run Steady/Warding Breath is nice, but as the meta has shifted to favouring getting high damage immediately (or you get Bold Fighter'd and it sucks), sets like Steady Breath Ignis are much less effective, and there's no real point to Steady Breath Glimmer over Slaying Glimmer. Even for Zelgius/Black Knight, DC Slaying Edge performs similarly to Alondite, and the way the 5 HP tilts certain matchups means DC Slaying may even be more favourable than Steady Alondite.

7/10, possible 6/10 if I rethink the scale in the future. Built-in DC weapons are losing their edge over other options, even cost-wise, as Steady/Warding Breath are just as premium as DC in A.

Edited by SatsumaFSoysoy
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1 hour ago, Xenomata said:

How are we going to handle DC weapons for the future? Because I honestly don't know how we'd be able to rate the weapon properly without going into the units who wield it.

I think...we should make our reviews on DC-only weapons based on how the characters wield them. I'll edit the Rules to explain this a bit better. Thanks for that, I wouldn't have thought about it otherwise.
EDIT: Please refer to the ninth Rating Rule for the explanation :)

Edited by MilodicMellodi
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Kinda surprised we are doing prf. I think the rules made me think only inheritable skills were going to be done. Anyways rather than tying the rating to the unit which sort of goes into a rate the unit territory, it might be better to make it so that we rate the prf effect rather than the weapon. For DC swords this would be a 'imagine a  standard mt sword(14, irc) that has DC'. So we would rate all DC swords at once. Cause, lets be honest, the DC swords/lances/axes are basically just DC in weapon slot. That is basically all it is from a skill perspective. And just like with heavy blade the slot eaten up could alter skill rating. As for dividing it by weapon category well that is because DC would serve some colors better than others due to the colors of common ranged threats. Of course this steps into the problem of bypassing limits in game, which is iffy territory to step into for this type of thread. I suppose it depends on how much we want it to be purely a 'skill rating' vs a unit rating. Prf skills are effectively part of the unit rather than a skill in my eyes(which is one reason why I didn't really consider that we might do them). Anyways I am fine either way, it may just get a bit dull everytime another DC of the same weapon type comes up since they are all effectively the same skill.


Absorb - 3/10 - I want to like this staff, but I have never really managed to make it in a good way. Looks like a good build would just be way too expensive for what you get out of it. Still you can get plenty of passive healing out of it when paired with Breath of Life skill and seal. Probably would only use it as a budget option for units already having it though.

Alondite - 8/10 - DC in weapon slot. Not only is DC a hard to acquire skill but the A slot is a highly contested slot. However, some of the more prominent ranged threats are blue, which makes a red DC a bit less viable than green or blue. That said they do handle green threats well and green is a bit more common than red ranged threats. Their biggest weakness would be that all of them came before the PRF free stat trend and that they can't be refined for free stats. Though given Expiration maybe they wouldn't get free stats? Then again Expiration did get rid of its +1 cooldown weakness which one could count as equivalent to free stats. Anyways I can't give RED weapon All-counter a 10 because that belongs to Lightning Breath and there is no way Alondite and friends are on the same footing.

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Next skills: Ardent Sacrifice and Dance. Note that Dance and Sing, like the DC skills, are better explained as per the ninth Rating Rule. Anyho, sorry for doing it late, I only just got back from my girlfiend’s place.

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