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Before the Big Day


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Alright, well tomorrow is when I'll more than likely be more inactive, and no don't expect a lot of lurking either.

I figured I'd have a fun little topic before I go.

It's a simple question and answer topic. Just ask something, and I'll do my best to answer your question. It can be about anything really, doesn't have to pertain to myself even. Keep in mind it should be appropriate though.

Ask away.

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how is this "big day" special other than youll be less active?

Well, I am the kind of person who is dedicated to a relationship, and I love Kayla. I spend a large deal of time with her as it is, and I foresee myself taking up more time to spend with her.

Also we have some other issues around us that we have to work out, and I need time to help her with those.

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Well, I am the kind of person who is dedicated to a relationship, and I love Kayla. I spend a large deal of time with her as it is, and I foresee myself taking up more time to spend with her.

Also we have some other issues around us that we have to work out, and I need time to help her with those.

oh! me to! ^_^

especially since i just got back into one

well best of wishes to ya, both ^_^

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Thanks Gatrie.

I can see though there is a lot to cover. Her step-father already doesn't like me because I'm too "different," for his liking. Even though Kayla never cared what he thought anyways, nor does he mother in most cases, as her mother considers me like a child of her own in most cases.

Her step-father practically worships Brad, her ex-boyfriend, he actually told Kayla's mother that he wished she would date Brad, and that he hopes she doesn't end up dating me, as he thinks she showed interest. Neither of our parents know about our relationship however, and I intend to keep it that way for mine.

Edited by Cynthia
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Thanks Gatrie.

I can see though there is a lot to cover. Her step-father already doesn't like me because I'm too "different," for his liking. Even though Kayla never cared what he thought anyways, nor does he mother in most cases, as her mother considers me like a child of her own in most cases.

Her step-father practically worships Brad, her ex-boyfriend, he actually told Kayla's mother that he wished she would date Brad, and that he hopes she doesn't end up dating me, as he thinks she showed interest. Neither of our parents know about our relationship however, and I intend to keep it that way for mine.

you didnt have to tell me if u didnt want to. that said...it might make u feel better if u talk about it.

my ear (or eye in this case) is always there if you need someone to listen :mellow:

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Huh...no questions..

However, I will say this...though I may have said it many times before.

I love you Cynthia. (Obviously enough, as a friend, nothing more) I am so happy for you, that you found someone to love. Good luck, and have fun~

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Two questions

1. Do you forgive for the bullshit back the anime pillows?

2. You think Jay Leno's funny?

1. That goes without saying, as I don't hold grudges. You were forgiven the minute I left the topic, I don't hate people because I disagree with them.

2. I have never watched Jay Leno.

Edited by Cynthia
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