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Vestaria Saga English Version Trailer, 2019 release date


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Forgot to mention, but I'm trying to interview Dangen Entertainment regarding the game's translation and how they acquired the rights.

If anyone has any questions they'd like to ask, feel free to post here or PM me, etc.

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39 minutes ago, BrightBow said:

Sweet. It being on Steam is pretty convenient. I was worried about the method of distribution.

Btw, the news page currently links to SRPG Studio's Steam page, not the Vestaria Saga one. That would be this one: https://store.steampowered.com/app/694770/Vestaria_Saga/

Thanks! I've corrected it now.

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Since I still don't have access to a PC, nor will for likely the remainder of the year, I'm okay with a 2019 release, presumably it'll be early in the year. Imagine if its release was close to FE3H. 


Does anyone know the track record of Dangen Entertainment in translation? Good? Decent? Any terrible ones that are just giraffe after gaffe?


The trailer is a little off in one of its boasts though, in particular "Loving translated into English for the first time.". Yes, I've waited on the game and eagerly want it, but the game is only two years old. They aren't translating a decades-old relic, say Bahamut Lagoon. But this is just itty-bitty light criticism. As is that "Classically Styled Strategy RPG" part, which has the first issue of some thinking SRPG and going FFT as "classic". And the second issue is very understandable- saying "Fire Emblem Styled" would put Kaga in the cauldron again, and SRPG Maker this time as well.

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5 minutes ago, Captain Karnage said:

Love the "BWAAAMP" in the opening of the trailer.

Looks cool, but wasn't this a free game in Japan?

It was, but the translation costs money, so there will be a price here.

It sucks, but there's not much that can really be done about it.

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5 minutes ago, Captain Karnage said:

Love the "BWAAAMP" in the opening of the trailer.

Looks cool, but wasn't this a free game in Japan?

Yes, Kaga himself pointed this out on his blog, but the costs of translation made it impossible for him to distribute the English version for free. Basically, if you buy the English version, you are not supporting Kaga himself, rather Dangen Entertainment's localization team.

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49 minutes ago, MCProductions said:

Yes, Kaga himself pointed this out on his blog, but the costs of translation made it impossible for him to distribute the English version for free. Basically, if you buy the English version, you are not supporting Kaga himself, rather Dangen Entertainment's localization team.

No royalties involved for Kaga himself? That's strange. Unless their contract says Dangen Entertainment will receive everything in exchange for translating "for free".

I also don't see why Kaga's team just didn't allow fans to translate it, if he's "not earning anything off it". It's not like we don't have translations for FE4-6 and 12, with some of them being well done (I'd argue FE5 is the only exception) and I doubt he isn't aware of the fandom. I'd also much rather play a fan translated version than actually pay for a free game simply because I don't know moonrunes.

Sorry for being a naysayer about this, but Vestaria Saga's translation is taking too long. The game was released on mid-late 2016, and yet they've not only held off on giving a greenlight to fans who were interested with translating the game, but managed to delay this until two years later? Talk about incompetent handling.

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24 minutes ago, Rapier said:

I also don't see why Kaga's team just didn't allow fans to translate it, if he's "not earning anything off it". It's not like we don't have translations for FE4-6 and 12, with some of them being well done (I'd argue FE5 is the only exception) and I doubt he isn't aware of the fandom. I'd also much rather play a fan translated version than actually pay for a free game simply because I don't know moonrunes.

Sorry for being a naysayer about this, but Vestaria Saga's translation is taking too long. The game was released on mid-late 2016, and yet they've not only held off on giving a greenlight to fans who were interested with translating the game, but managed to delay this until two years later? Talk about incompetent handling.

I think there might have been a licensing issue as well, but I'm not sure how true this is.


Furthermore, we don't even know the price point at this point. Hopefully it'd be $9.99, any thing more than $19.99 and the localizers are Mammon.

Edited by Interdimensional Observer
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7 hours ago, Rapier said:

I also don't see why Kaga's team just didn't allow fans to translate it, if he's "not earning anything off it". It's not like we don't have translations for FE4-6 and 12, with some of them being well done (I'd argue FE5 is the only exception) and I doubt he isn't aware of the fandom. I'd also much rather play a fan translated version than actually pay for a free game simply because I don't know moonrunes.

If the fans want to translate the game, they are welcomed, but "who will do it" is the question, and "when" is the next question.

As you can see the FE4, 5, 6, and 12 fan translation, none of them has ever reach to the goal of 100% completeness after decades of working.

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25 minutes ago, hanhnn said:

If the fans want to translate the game, they are welcomed, but "who will do it" is the question, and "when" is the next question.

As you can see the FE4, 5, 6, and 12 fan translation, none of them has ever reach to the goal of 100% completeness after decades of working.

I mean, I don't think it is viable to say right now that fans should translate the game. I complained because there was no greenlight or response as to allowing fans to translate his game independently back then.

I can understand Kaga's prudency in actually hiring a professional(?) company, but I don't see why he didn't simply allow fans to translate the game when we were asking him about it, since there are enough decent fan translations out there (and the FE ones are good enough). I can't help but feel conned for having to buy a free game that could've been slowly fan translated.

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So, is SRPG studio and the games made in it Windows only? I wasn't allowed to download the demo for this game, just wanted to know.

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Just finished the demo. It was only the first map plus story bits both before and afterwards. I will say that I probably need to replay it to get all the details (like, there is a LOT of Kaga-esque political intrigue, which I suppose is the selling point for a few people). That said, the map was probably one of the bets "prologue" maps that I've played in a Fire Emblem or FE-esque game, since you have to reach a port town on the other side of the map before all of your escape ships leave. In addition, there are a lot of houses to visit, enemies to combat and mechanics to get used to. Overall, I enjoyed it and am looking forward to the full release. 

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18 hours ago, Rapier said:

I mean, I don't think it is viable to say right now that fans should translate the game. I complained because there was no greenlight or response as to allowing fans to translate his game independently back then.

I can understand Kaga's prudency in actually hiring a professional(?) company, but I don't see why he didn't simply allow fans to translate the game when we were asking him about it, since there are enough decent fan translations out there (and the FE ones are good enough). I can't help but feel conned for having to buy a free game that could've been slowly fan translated.

You're assuming too much.

Kaga didn't mind if fans translated the game. It's just that nobody talented enough approached him. That is, until Dangen Entertainment came.

So the ideal scenario you're describing probably doesn't exist. If it wasn't for Dangen Entertainment, we might not even have a translation at all--or we'd have to wait many more years for one.

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Wasn't there something about Kaga not being legally able to allow a fan translation, due to the game engine or the rights to some assets or something? Was that resolved?

...Or am I imagining things and that was never an issue?

Either way, I never got around to playing the game in Japanese, so I'm looking forward to this. I'll have to try the demo sometime.

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The demo has definitely been very promising. I mean, it has just the intro map but the script most certainly gives me the impression that this mysterious S_Kaga was definitely not half-kagaing this.

Also, despite what the controller illustration at the start of the game may say, the D-Pad does not actually move the cursor. Something about the Joystick also feels wrong. Seems to be a SRPG Studio thing, as I recall always having that problem with those games.

Fortunately these days I am able to help myself with Controller Companion, a pretty convenient piece of software on Steam with which you can assign keyboard and mouse buttons to the gamepad. So in the case of SRPG Studio games, I simply assigned the function of the arrow keys to the D-Pad. It's crazy how often that software comes in handy when dealing with these Japanese indie game engines. Definitely worth the 3 bucks.

There is also an issue where during battle animations the weapon sprites won't show up during most frames. But since this isn't something that occurs in the full version of the game, I guess there is no need to fear that this won't be fixed until 2019.

Well, now that the demo helped me getting a little into this, I guess I could try playing a few more maps in the full version.

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Man, why does it feel like 2018 just became a lot longer? I did play some more with the full game but without being able to read anything I kinda feel like I'm fiddling around in the dark. And it's difficult for me playing games that way.

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