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How do you feel about math now compared to before?


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How do you feel about math right now? How did you feel about your math skills 5, 10, or 20 years ago?

Right now, I feel terrible about my math skills. I can do basic algebra and that is pretty much it. I guess I do not really need much beyond that for financial equations, but I feel a little sad that I lost my touch with math.

5 years ago, my math skills already slipped to its poor current state.

10 years ago was almost the peak of my math skills. While I am not the best at math, I was confident in my skills. I could do proofs, matrices, break quadratic equations into two terms, etc. There were brutal math projects where we have to provide or find an equation based on the data we got and report how we figured it out (the report is there to enforce that we did the work alone, and there were no inappropriate uses of calculators), and I was usually one of the first few in class to figure out the equations. 7/8 years ago was about my peak, since I have just finished trigonometry in college.

20 years ago, well, I think I was in kindergarten or first grade so there was not much math.

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I was diagnosed with Dyscalculia just recently and because of that finally I understood why I was so bad at maths despite trying my best during the entire school period. I still hate em' and teachers as school didn't help any bit.

Hell, I still find difficult to count how much damage will a double attack deal in FE without using my fingers or keeping money without losing count!

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I'm a graduate with a degree in humanities, so I haven't studied math since I finished high school, I don't remember anything about it, and to top it all, I had unpleasant experiences with some of my math teachers.

That being said, because I never exercised my math skills, I have always been incredibly bad with numbers... embarrasingly so. I can barely count small quantities of anything, provided I use objects or my fingers for it or I'll lose count.

I love bookkeeping though, because it's all written, organised, and you use a calculator.

Good thing I don't need math for work, anyway.

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I can obviously do standard PEMDAS calculations, I've got a grasp of algebra, can probably do some geometry and arithmetic, and that's about it.

If I'm allowed to pull up resources, I'm probably capable of quite a bit.  I do use more advanced mathematics for gaming, probably more than I even realize I do.  But if I were to list my peak, I'd say it was in 2013 when I was still doing math in college.  Or early 2013, when I was doing the same in high school.

Honestly, I never really got the BS about why calculators were disallowed throughout primary schools.  I get it when you're learning basic elementary level math, but why the hell should I need to multiply 12! x 13 without a calculator when I'm doing factorials?

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I suck at math. Since not using it on a daily basis I tend to make mistakes on even elementary school level and it's kinda embarrassing. I was writing fanfic and Heropon Riki, his wife Oka, and their current litter were renting out Dunban's house. And I had to go back and fix that there were 7 nopon, not 8. 2 parents plus a litter of 5 is NOT 8. Derp. I felt really stupid. Luckily the only one who read it didn't catch the mistake until I pointed out I'd had to fix it.

Math has never been my strong subject.

Mental Abuse To Humans. That's an acronym btw.

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11 minutes ago, 1% Critical Hit said:

That's a new one for me!

Don't mind if I share it with some fellow colleagues? XD

Go ahead! You can also have:

Shit No One Wants(snow)

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I've always liked math and was also very good at it. I feel like i'm less good at it now if it's unrelated to my area of enginering, though, due to a lack of practice.

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I liked math until I got to proofs. Loved trigonometry proofs back in high school since those were pretty easy(for me at least). I was able to follow up with proofs up until a certain point in discrete mathematics. Took linear algebra and that was a mistake but that's mainly my fault for not really studying.  

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The basics I am good at, but I have to be since I have to count out exactly how many carbs I eat so that I can give just the right amount of insulin.  I do math every time I eat and I can do up to algebra but after that I have trouble since I haven't used it since math class.

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In truth I don't think I'm all that great at maths at all. But I do have an immense respect for it. It's so phenomenally cool that these logical consequences we humans have thought up some how map out the very nature of the universe itself. It's like there's an underlying order and sense to existence and we've some how hacked it to build bridges and send people to the moon and stuff. That is so ridiculously cool.

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On 8/30/2018 at 1:18 AM, (s)ad touch said:

math is fun ya'll, suck it up, and go find X.

Stop asking us to find your X, math, she's not coming back! We don't know Y either.

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