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New summoning banner: Doorway to Destiny


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2 minutes ago, Corrobin said:

To be fair, Lewyn was a pretty popular character, and people have been asking for Quan since Leif came. I understand your plight (Yes, I want Kieran or Brom or Edward or Geoffrey or whoever you want from Tellius), but IS listens to both sides of the canvass, and thise banner seems like a JP-focused banner.

We just got an FE4 banner recently though. That wasn't enough? And if IS thinks some swimsuits and yukatas are enough to satisfy Tellius and Magvel fans, they're sorely mistaken. We want new characters too, not just alts. Where are laguz, Kieran, Marcia, Kyle, Forde, Franz, etc.?

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3 minutes ago, sirmola said:

Not nesesairaly. everyone expected leen to be demoted in her banner, but we got ares instead (thus breaking the rule no characters with legendary weapons are demoted when characters with  non-legendary characters are avalible to demote instead, which had been a thing since forever) . This is especialy likely given that drive atk is the only drive NOT avalible at 4* rarity, and IS seems to like to add spur and drive skills to the 4* pool.

It's not for sure yet, but there's a difference. Lene and Ares both had 4 base skills. Cuan has 5, Silvia has 4. I don't think there's ever been a case like this where the unit with less wasn't demoted.

1 minute ago, Vaximillian said:

Yeah, no. She is still a dancer and dancers stay locked.

And how can you be so confident this will remain the case?

Edited by Florete
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Man, if I wasn't so invested in my F!Grima project I would absolutely go for Lewyn.  With a tome and skills like those, no doubt he'll be featured in future banners, so no rush I guess.  

Good to hear that Ethlyn's a staff user.  More potential Dazzlers are always welcome in my barracks.   

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20 minutes ago, Florete said:
  • Silvia looks to be the demoted unit despite being the only woman on the banner

Is this FEH?

Nah, I'd say that Quan is the most likely of the 3 to be demoted - buffbot kit (and possibly to throw a bone at the Quan fans). Silvia is a dancer (every refresh unit that isn't Olivia: Blushing Beauty is 5*-locked/seasonal). Lewyn's kit is too premium to be demoted lol.

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1 minute ago, Vaximillian said:

Everyone loves patterns. No dancer has been demoted, hence it’s likely that this dancer won’t either.

And what about this pattern?

8 minutes ago, Florete said:

It's not for sure yet, but there's a difference. Lene and Ares both had 4 base skills. Cuan has 5, Silvia has 4. I don't think there's ever been a case like this where the unit with less wasn't demoted.


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8 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

I honestly didn't notice until you mentioned it. I'm more used to Yukana's singing voice than her speaking voice.

I'm unfortunately low on budget this month due to the Brave Heroes banner, so I'll only aim for one or two copies of each character, sadly. But the voices are great.


That was male Morgan, actually.


Oh right. I just mentaly changed the rule to " no characters with legendary weapons are demoted when characters with  non-legendary weapons who are not fully built are avalible to demote instead". only after ares did i consider the rule gone forever.

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5 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

Once I actually see Silvia getting demoted, I’ll be happy to eat crow. And maybe even a crow.

Shall I prepare some KFC for you? Kilvas Fried Crow. How many featheries would you like? -Feathers removed first of course.


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7 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

Once I actually see Silvia getting demoted, I’ll be happy to eat crow. And maybe even a crow.

COme to think of it, Have there been ANY nonstaff users with both an assist and a special? i think quan is a first in that regard (plus the first third tier generic assist besides staffs.).

In fact, everyone who wants to run optimal arena teams will have to run this skill, which is a good argument for why quan will not be demoted. IS usualy waits a while before letting a new sort of skill into the 4* pool, and they HAVE to know that people will whale to stay in tier 21.

Edited by sirmola
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17 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

We just got an FE4 banner recently though. That wasn't enough? And if IS thinks some swimsuits and yukatas are enough to satisfy Tellius and Magvel fans, they're sorely mistaken. We want new characters too, not just alts. Where are laguz, Kieran, Marcia, Kyle, Forde, Franz, etc.?

Well, they might be throwing in beasts as its own new weapon in a big update since it could potentially change the meta, so that's probably where the laguz are. :P

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1 minute ago, NoirCore said:

Well, they might be throwing in beasts as its own new weapon in a big update since it could potentially change the meta, so that's probably where the laguz are. :P

Sure, but they've also had time to prepare such an update, I would think.

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3 minutes ago, JSND Alter Dragon Boner said:

@Vaximillian thoughts on how Quan's artwork is deliberately made to contrast Leif while being as simmilar as possible?

My thoughts is that Quan is gorgeous. I love how different and yet how similar they are. They aren’t just Ctrl+C Ctrl+V. Awesome.
Also Silvia somehow doesn’t share artist with Lene. Can’t wait to see the Chiko Pose in Silvia’s damaged art.

2 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Shall I prepare some KFC for you? Kilvas Fried Crow. How many featheries would you like? -Feathers removed first of course.

All of them.

7 minutes ago, Florete said:

In other words, a pattern must be broken.

I mean, fuck, I wouldn’t mind a new dancer addition to the non-five-star-locked club and I wouldn’t mind a new dancer at all but still, I wouldn’t be so sure she does drop. Skeptical, you know.

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4 minutes ago, sirmola said:

COme to think of it, Have there been ANY nonstaff users with both an assist and a special? i think quan is a first in that regard (plus the first third tier generic assist besides staffs.).

No, Cuan is the first non-staff to get both a Special and an Assist.

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4 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

Once I actually see Silvia getting demoted, I’ll be happy to eat crow. And maybe even a crow.

Crows can actually taste pretty good if they're prepared properly and are quite nutritious. Caught one by accident when I went camping and it was pretty good.

5 minutes ago, ZeManaphy said:

I'm already broke for being pity broken, so a pass for me too. I don't even know any of these characters; but I'm guessing Quan's Leif father?

Bingo, he's also close friends with Eldigan and Sigurd which is why I call them the dad trio.

1 minute ago, SilvertheShadow said:


Remember Legendary Marth? Patterns are meant to be broken.

What makes this tricky to predicate is that both units don't bring anything new except a power-crept dual rally skill. Rodrick introduced dual rallies and he was the one who got demoted.

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2 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

I mean, fuck, I wouldn’t mind a new dancer addition to the non-five-star-locked club and I wouldn’t mind a new dancer at all but still, I wouldn’t be so sure she does drop. Skeptical, you know.

I mean, I'm not so sure, it's just my guess. I said "looks to be" not "definitely is."

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