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New Nintendo Direct at 9/13/2018 3pm PT: New date

Jingle Jangle

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Y'all better get ready at the 6 minute Xenoblade 2 Torna trailer that Japan already got. Now it's our turn. I'd be down for that since Golden Country is my most wanted game of the month.

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46 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Y'all better get ready at the 6 minute Xenoblade 2 Torna trailer that Japan already got. Now it's our turn. I'd be down for that since Golden Country is my most wanted game of the month.

I love the fact that despite ot being an expansion, we treat it as a new whole game. Just shows the amount of content it will have!

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5 minutes ago, Water Mage said:

I love the fact that despite ot being an expansion, we treat it as a new whole game. Just shows the amount of content it will have!

Even Nintendo and Monolith consider it it's own game, as it'll get it's own icon on the Switch home menu, regardless of how you purchase it. They could've just given us a short campaing like Octo Expansion or the DK Story in Mario+Rabbids. Instead, they gave us a whole new game and Monolith Soft has given me anothe reason to consider them the best game developers. Have you listend to the battle theme yet? It got uploaded to the official Japanese website and i posted it on the XC2 thread.


As for my Direct predictions, other than the Golden Country stuff, i predict:

  • Nintendo Online stuff
  • Super Mario Party
  • One or two character reveals for Smash (got a feeling we'll get one every month)
  • Pokemon Let's GO
  • Mega Man 11 (they did say that's coming to Switch, right)
  • Indie game reel
  • Xenoblade X port (Nintendo please)
  • Maybe Three Houses info.
  • Maybe Bayonetta 3.
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25 minutes ago, Corrobin said:

Please have more Three Houses info, please have more Three Houses info, please have more Three Houses info

15 minutes ago, Cysx said:

Please have more Three Houses info tho!

Inb4 half the Direct gets devoted to Smash again

Really, anything more about Three Houses would be appreciated.  Shin Megami Tensei V would be nice too, but I'm not holding my breath.

In all honesty, we really need to hear more about the new Yoshi and Metroid games.  I'm hoping they don't spend too long talking about 3DS games.

Edited by Von Ithipathachai
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57 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Y'all better get ready at the 6 minute Xenoblade 2 Torna trailer that Japan already got. Now it's our turn. I'd be down for that since Golden Country is my most wanted game of the month.

Since Japan already got the trailer I'm not sure if they'll show it again to avoid being repetitive, unless they only include it in the American/European Directs. But I do want to hear more of the English voices so let's goooooo.

Aside from getting a new Smash Bros. character I don't know what to expect, which is fine because I'll be satisfied with anything new. Free Mouses is still at least six months away so I don't know if we'll get anything about that either.

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I just want three things, really:

- FE: Three Houses info
- Yoshi Switch info (why nothing at E3, seriously...)
- Dixie Kong announced for Smash

That's it. xP Anything else is just...well, a surprise. :P

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I have seen a leak mentioning a Three Houses trailer. It could be false but I'm excited !

I mostly hyped for Smash news but since they had a direct a month ago and will surely have one or two before release I'm not counting on it too much this time. Also the other Nintendo IPs should be allowed to breathe between smash hype announcements :)

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Well this is certainly exciting though something tells me we won’t be seeing three houses. I dunno just feels a little too soon but what do I know. Anyway this direct is most likely gonna focus on the online or at least they’re gonna dedicate 5 min to explaining it. Also that new smash mode is likely gonna get a mention as well. 

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44 minutes ago, Michelaar said:

This is midnight. :(

Least it's not 3am. Then again, I'm at 11pm.

I would be surprised if Let's Go! gets nothing, Smash possibly will get nothing as it got its own direct last month, Switch's online will probably be a big part because it's out this month I think and maybe we'll finally know when TWEWY Switch is out.

As for Three Houses, maybe next time imo. We might get a minute at most here but I wouldn't be surprised if it's a while before we get a big infodump, but hey it's 35 minutes, I could very well be wrong.

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JonTron the game is going to be shown off and it'll be about JonTron and his friend, Taco Bell. It's an open world gambling game with 6 different loot boxes that you have to buy to get the chance to unlock the loot box via a loot box inside of the paid loot box also JonTron dies in the game 

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35 minutes? I'm having trouble imagining 35 minutes of stuff Nintendo would want to show without this turning into another surprise Smash Direct near the end. Definitely lots of Pokemon Let's Go and the Xenoblade expansion. An English supercut of the gameplay Japan got to see on Mario Party. A character reveal trailer for Smash at the very end. Reminder of some ports like Dragon Ball Fighterz and Dark Souls coming within the next month ish.

I'd be genuinely surprised if Nintendo talks any 2019 stuff, since a Direct at this time is typically laser focused on stuff they want people to buy before the holiday season.Then again, last year's September Direct popped the cork on Kirby Star Allies, so maybe we'll see the same for Yoshi? Oh and 3DS games. They're contractually obligated to make and show those off in order to feign support regardless of release dates. A reminder of Switch Online might happen as well, but I'm anticipating they'll continue to keep sweeping this under the rug. Not unless they have something of substance to say regarding the program's future which I pessimistically doubt at this point.

Edited by Glennstavos
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Three Houses information would be great. Hope they show that even though they're busy trying to make Smash Ultimate look like the biggest, most bombastic game ever.

Aren't they trying to sell an online service too? As far as I know we know almost nothing about it besides the fact that we'll get some free NES games? I hope they have one hell of a sales pitch for this Direct.

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My hopes are :

-A Three Houses trailer, and maybe a protagonist as a Smash Echo Fighter.

-A new FE Echoes announced (probably not before FE16 is out but I really liked SoV :)

-Xenoblade Chronicles X ported to switch, and possibly Elma for Smash :)

-Metroid Prime 4 trailer, and Metroid Prime Trilogy on Switch

-Some kind of way to access old nintendo games with the online service.

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i only care about fe three houses but something's telling me that we won't get that much, if any, information for it. but i hope there is.

otherwise i'm not sure. probably something about their online service since I hear that's coming out this month?

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