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My Hero Academia Mafia - Game Over


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also calling that agenda-y is so weird. I gave several reasons for scum reading him and posted several of the posts as i was reading them. If you think that my agenda included shading 2 dead villagers, freaking lol. but you guys do you


I can only do so much and I've outposted several people that have been in this game since d1 and I'm giving my thoughts. I guess it doesn't matter because my predecessor was a slanker

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7 hours ago, dyachei said:

Like his reactions to stuff are similar to what I'm feeling when I read through d2. I have mindmelded a few times with him, particularly concerning athena - and on that note, shinori and alette pushing athena feelsbadman

I'm not really pushing athena anymore though. nani

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Oh bart's voting me i should read his case.

But for clarity i literally only pushed athena like once, and was told "But what about the slip that Athena caught" too which I went "oh there was a slip?" and then stopped pushing Athena.

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3 hours ago, Bartozio said:

Not really liking Shinori either, a lot of his posts feel focused on defending himself, and the few cases he did make were pretty odd. This feels a lot more like scumNori then townNori to me. Snike at least had some other points I agreed with, so I'd like a lynch here more:

Oh this is it.


Okay.  I guess I'll just ignore this since I can't really respond to it that much.  Do people really think my scum play is this bad?  Serious question.

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Just now, Shinori said:

I still have bad feelings about snike but I think I would look at marth/mack/Bart outside of snike.  Personally I'm somewhere along the lines of:

Snike > Marth > Mack > Bart > Other people

what do you say to the meta reads of mack?

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2 minutes ago, dyachei said:

it was at the point in reading where you were

Understandable.  Me missing the whole Slip thing is defintely silly.

Speaking of which, do people really think Scumnori attacks Athena after Athena catches a slip?

Like why does scumnori go after athena when scumnori would not miss the fact that his buddy got lynched over a slip?

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I mean based off of meta(especially recent meta) I'd be scum this game because of how little effort im putting into this game at the moment so meta can be wrong.  I also don't quite know Mack's meta or remember it so I can't judge anything meta related to mack.

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4 hours ago, Bartozio said:


Just to be sure, can you confirm/deny you're an Aesthetic/have a passive that blocks actions targeting you at night? No need to tell us anything else role-related, just yes/no here.

I don't have anything of the description but I am a VT, so a roleblock probably fails on the pretence of no role to block 

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With respect to my vote last night I thought corrobin was one above fjp so I switched my vote to assure that scum couldn't pull a fast one and force a no-lynch, but I must have missed a vote when I was counting the votes added since last votals cause he was 2 infront. 

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27 minutes ago, Shinori said:

Snike was blocked. And assumes you're ascetic because why would snike be blocked is his reasoning

Isn't Ascetic too powerful of a role though from what we've seen flipped?

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18 minutes ago, dyachei said:

what do people think of weapons slot and why?

I would say townlean on my end, this isn't from any specific vote but the progression of their tone felt correct, in their attack of me specifically you can see his aggravation with the whole game pretty clearly and if you read his posts before that you can see him gradually getting more frustrated. 

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