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Move a character to another game.


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2 hours ago, DragonFlames said:

To wit: The characters I was talking about are Nyx, Mozu, Kaze, Velouria and Midori.

Huh, for some reason I was under the impression that everyone on this site hated Midori.  I don't even know why, I guess I've just never heard anyone talk about her in a positive light and have only heard about the complaints regarding her age.  Never really minded the character, personally.

Speaking of, I think she'd actually fit in FE6 on account of the high volume of underage characters in that game.

2 hours ago, DragonFlames said:

You're not trash. Nobody is trash for having different tastes and I don't plan on insulting anyone who likes different characters than me. If my post made you feel that way, I'm sorry.

I don't assume people hate me or think less of me unless they make it a point to insult or berate me, so I didn't interpret your post as such.


I'd like to move Catria to Awakening or Fates so that she could finally find true love.  Probably not Marth, but someone.  After all, Cordelia was able to find love in someone other than Chrom, or else Severa wouldn't have even existed.

Probably should move the other Whitewings too so that she doesn't feel lonely/isolated.

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Gietz to any other fire emblem game, as it would probably play out the same. (unless its FE4 part 1, then we all know what will happen)

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17 hours ago, Ertrick36 said:

We talking FE2 Clair or FE15 Clair?

That insane speed growth of hers in Echoes tells me she'd be one of the most broken units in that game since dodge-tanking's more viable in the GBA games, but her defense in Gaiden is super garbage.


I was talking about both but even then she is still trash, 0/10 worst unit needs more bench in her diet

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17 hours ago, NinjaMonkey said:

Camilla to Awakening, so that I have another reason not to play Fates.

I can't believe I forgot this, but Micaiah to Genealogy Part 1, so she can take part in Arvis' barbeque extravaganza.

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Takumi to SoV just so he can be the one to really pinpoint Jedah's suspicions and be the one to truly knock some sense into Celica when Conrad failed to do so. You might as well also put him in Heroes's story alongside the Askr Trio to join Hrid in his suspicion regarding who that traitor in Book II was.

Forde to Fates so that him and Kagero can bond over paintings, and perhaps he can even become her personal art teacher (not to mention the shipping potential).

Oboro and Hinata to Awakening so that the former can become Ylisse's top fashion designer for the royal family and help Lucina with her taste in fashion (it was missed support potential in Warriors), and Hinata could bond with Vaike quite a bit since the two have similar personalities.

Deirdre and/or Julia to any of the Archanea games so that they can pay homage to Naga and maybe even meet Tiki to tell her about their tomes.

Walhart to SoV so that he can meet his likely ancestor Rudolf, and the two would engage in what could be the greatest battle in Valentia/Valm's history.

Laurent to Blazing Sword so that he can meet Canas can geek out about the many books they read.

Mitama to SoV so that she could perhaps inspire Genny to write about a character who loves haikus, or maybe even learn how to tell multiple stories through haikus.

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@Erureido All of those are objectively good choices.

4 hours ago, Kazuya said:

I was talking about both but even then she is still trash, 0/10 worst unit needs more bench in her diet

Still better than Gwendolyn.


Let's move any non-Fates armor knight to Fates where defense is actually more relevant than ridiculous speed.  See if they fair any better there.

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Arthur have a nice personal skill, but shitty stats. My Claire was the 3rd powerhouse of my team behind Alm and Kliff.

mm Kurthnaga or any laguz in FE archanea VS medeus, so they can claim : how you can transform without dragonstone :P

Chiki in Awakening..oh boy the paradox.


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1 hour ago, link16hit said:

Arthur have a nice personal skill, but shitty stats. 

Saying that Arthur has a "nice personal skill" is quite the oxymoron - a nice personal skill does NOT render whoever has it a liability, EVER. And that's where Arthur's personal skill fails. Miserably.

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to be honest, after all the spotpass teams available in Awakening and the amiibos in Awakening/Fates, i just hope that there will be at least Marth, Chrom or Corrin in Three Houses unlockable via amiibo.

if they manage to make available all other already existing amiibos, even better i guess. it would be a real shame to just keep them on my shelf taking dust all day.

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Seth. To some game that isn't SS (Let's go with Conquest).

See how good he is in a tougher title and make SS harder at the same time. Progress!

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15 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

How about Soren to Sacred Stones, so he can explain to Ephraim that no he can't conquer the entirety of Grado by himself (I mean it worked with Titania, maybe he can convince Ephraim to stop acting like a Gary Stu and help make a better game...)

How would it be different from what he had to deal with in his own games, though? Ephraim fighting Grado seemingly with just the playable party is no different from Ike doing the same against Daein in PoR and Begnion in RD. It's even the same situation, they supposedly have armies backing them and all (Freila for Ephraim, Begnion for Ike in PoR and the Laguz Alliance in RD), but only they are shown doing stuff for the most part. If anything, him being there would only make it a bit more believable.

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One big difference would be chapter 5x, where it is just Ephraim and his three cavaliers, and changing that map into an event that resembles something possible (which I think Soren's advice might have accomplished) would go a long way toward making the story of Sacred Stones better. This display of how Ephraim and the party can basically do it alone undercut any good the Frelia army's presence in the story might have done.

14 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

If anything, him being there would only make it a bit more believable.

This goes a long way towards making the story more palatable, when the event of the story feel believable it helps us maintain that suspension of disbelief that lets us engage with the story. One of the biggest problems with Sacred Stone's story is how obnoxiously Gary/Mary Stu like the lords were, and that made it so much harder to care about the characters the story centered around. If the conquest of Grado is something believable instead of the only possible due to the narrator's love of Ephraim that would make the story better. Having Soren to remind Ephraim, and by extension the player, of the fact that Ephraim and Seth are not (and cannot) do this alone, it makes them feel like the have flaws and are creature imperfect enough that they might even resemble humans that the player can than identify with and care about.

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8 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

One big difference would be chapter 5x, where it is just Ephraim and his three cavaliers, and changing that map into an event that resembles something possible (which I think Soren's advice might have accomplished) would go a long way toward making the story of Sacred Stones better. This display of how Ephraim and the party can basically do it alone undercut any good the Frelia army's presence in the story might have done.

This goes a long way towards making the story more palatable, when the event of the story feel believable it helps us maintain that suspension of disbelief that lets us engage with the story. One of the biggest problems with Sacred Stone's story is how obnoxiously Gary/Mary Stu like the lords were, and that made it so much harder to care about the characters the story centered around. If the conquest of Grado is something believable instead of the only possible due to the narrator's love of Ephraim that would make the story better. Having Soren to remind Ephraim, and by extension the player, of the fact that Ephraim and Seth are not (and cannot) do this alone, it makes them feel like the have flaws and are creature imperfect enough that they might even resemble humans that the player can than identify with and care about.

I can conceed you on Renvall. That was definitely quite implausible as a whole.

To be fair, I don't see Grado's conquest to be actually that unbelievable. Despite barely being shown, the narration doesn't actually state it's only Ephraim and the PCs doing all the work. Remember that the bulk, if not all, of Freila's army is also there. It's mostly standard FE fare where we don't see most of the armies that accompany the protagonist(s), only the PCs. About the only time this gets subverted is actually in the Tellius games. In PoR, it's explicitely stated the Begnion Army accompanying Ike and company are mostly used to guard the rear and stuff, more so once they reach Crimea, as a symbolic thing. In RD, you have Part 1 where it's also explicitely stated some of the missions are just Micaiah bringing few people (the PCs) instead of bringing the entire Liberation Aarmy. There's also early to mid Part 3, where most chapters were also Ike and company doing stuff mostly alone (assaulting one of the border forts, burning the supplies, rescuing Skrimir, scouting the lava caves, etc), separate from the main Laguz Alliance army.

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Acacia Sgt I think we have derailed this topic enough, you might find the conquest of Grado believable, but I don't. The way the game undermined its plausibility in 5x, and then the poor way they handled Frelia's army (and Grado's as well) in the story did not help in this regard. In truth drawing attention to these armies (and the lack thereof in 5x), without explaining what they were doing, or contributing, or even where they are, just made it feel even more like Ephraim and co. were doing it all on their own, and for no good reason (whereas FE9/10 at least explained why there were solo missions, and which ones even were). I think having Soren fulfill a similar role in the FE8 story that he did in FE9/10, by adding context through explaining the role of the armies and PCs in the battles to come, telling harsh truths to the Lord about the PCs abilities, and explaining why they need the help of the Frelia army, would have made the whole thing more believable and interesting. This is my last word on the matter in this thread.

Do you have a character you would like see moved to a different game?

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On 10/11/2018 at 3:01 AM, Acacia Sgt said:

I can conceed you on Renvall. That was definitely quite implausible as a whole.

To be fair, Renvall was supposed to be a trap:


“Hmm… How interesting. The lad’s beginning to whet my appetite. Tirado…Bring him to me as quickly as you can, will you?”

“As you command. Just grant me an army, and I’ll bring him down swiftly.”

“What sort of plan do you have?”

“Master, I am your loyal adjutant, and you are my general. For you, my lord, I have many plans ready and waiting.”

“Really? Well then, let me hear them.”

“Very well. First, you and I will leave this fort and head north. Then, we will find Prince Ephraim in his leafy playpen.”

“But he’s not easily found, is he?”

“Do not worry. At Prince Ephraim’s side is… a friend, shall we say. When the time is right, our friend [Orson] will move on our behalf…”

Now the post-gameplay-battle escape by Ephraim? Perfectionism^10^10^10^10. That is inexcusable, and the reason why I abhor him. He ran in headlong, into what was supposed to be a trap, loses nothing from it, nor learns anything, instead impossibly winning it unchanged.


For the defeat of the Grado Empire as a whole. I can accept it given that it didn't interfere with the plans of the mastermind of Grado's aggression in the first place- the Demon King/Lyon.

Grado could afford to lose when it does, because it is after Frelia's SS has been smashed. And Renais is in ungovernable chaos under Orson's rule- so whenever they catch Eph and Eri, if they don't unseal the Renais SS themselves, they can go and get it destroyed with Orson's misrule. With these things accomplished, Lyon could afford to lose the country of Grado. Jehanna's SS gets smashed while Grado is losing to Ephraim. Rausten alone is uncounted for in this plan, and yet the remnants of the Grado were, were it not for the heroes being there, enough for a nightly surprise attack on Rausten to succeed.

Formortiis was not interested in Grado itself, only its military as a tool for his resurrection. Once his body and soul were reunited, the entire continent would be his. Smashing the Sacred Stones was needed to ease the process of his resurrection and eliminate a tool that could defeat him again.



To be on topic, I'd like if in an FE6 remake, they threw in cameos of say Pent, Louise, Erk, maybe a small handful of other characters from FE7.

I think Sephiran, given his apparently liking for traveling incognito would be have some sort of grounding in slim plausibility.

For purely gameplay, sending Takumi, complete with Darting Blow and a limited-use Fuijin Yumi, to non-Fates games. Why? Because he is an Archer with solid bases for once! While he'd be not much different from say Innes (who starts as a Sniper) t'would be interesting to see if he would be that much better than say 'becca, Neimi, Wolt, Rolf, and Virion, just due to having actual base stats. 

Ashnard to Elibe or Zephiel to Tellius, complete with their entire armies, so we can see whether the King Who Hates Human Desire and the King Who Embraces Human Desire would ultimately win out.

Tibarn and Naesala to Jugdral, so they can meet their predecessors Quan and Travant.

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Maybe moving Niime to sacred stones? Fortemis and the demons are so ill defined that the plot might have benefited from an expert on dark magic to explain things. She did some lore building on dragons when recruited by Marth so she could do the same for the demons.

On 10-10-2018 at 5:24 PM, Acacia Sgt said:

How would it be different from what he had to deal with in his own games, though? Ephraim fighting Grado seemingly with just the playable party is no different from Ike doing the same against Daein in PoR and Begnion in RD. It's even the same situation, they supposedly have armies backing them and all (Freila for Ephraim, Begnion for Ike in PoR and the Laguz Alliance in RD), but only they are shown doing stuff for the most part. If anything, him being there would only make it a bit more believable.

Did Ephraim really have much help from Frelia? Its been a while but I don't really recall Seth mentioning having mooks accompany them or having Frelian mooks talk with Ephraim. I know Frelia invades Carsino in Eirika's route but I always got the impression that taking Grado really was just Ephraim and his company.

And then there's also the fact that Frelia isn't Begnion. It seems a pretty minor nation compared to the powerhouse that is Begnion. Ike's invasion of Daein was also helped by Ashnard not bothering to defend the place because he didn't care. Ike didn't even have to fight any mayor general on Daein soil. 

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24 minutes ago, Etrurian emperor said:

Did Ephraim really have much help from Frelia? Its been a while but I don't really recall Seth mentioning having mooks accompany them or having Frelian mooks talk with Ephraim. I know Frelia invades Carsino in Eirika's route but I always got the impression that taking Grado really was just Ephraim and his company.

There are three relevant instances here I think:

The first is not so relevant, from the A New Journey intermission before picking a route:

“Very well, I will begin. I’ve directed the body of Frelia’s army south to engage Grado directly. Our troops are proving themselves superior, and the battle progresses favorably.”


The second is if you pick Eirika's route:

“Prince Ephraim rides with Frelia’s finest at his back.”


The third is from Chapter 9 Ephraim- the pre-battle narration:

"Ephraim coordinates Frelia’s troops in an effort to advance the front lines."


And to pick a few more lines:


“We leave the prisoners and the fort to the Frelian troops.

“Prince Ephraim, we must now take to the seas. The Frelian army is readying a ship for us now. We have some time to rest until it’s ready to set sail.”

“But… The Grado army outnumbers our own by a tremendous amount. We have talented soldiers, but that counts for nothing against those numbers. Currently, we have some ready reservists in the rear, protecting our supply convoy. What good is defending our convoy if it comes at the cost of losing the front? We must abandon our rear guard and strengthen the van, or we’ve already lost.”

With no time to wait for Frelia’s troops, Ephraim leaves for Jehanna immediately. He must go to his sister’s aid.

I don't think you discuss a vanguard and rearguard without significant numbers or just a driver and two blades, which to me implies the Frelian Army. 

That Seth and Ephraim call the Frelian Army, the Frelian Army, not "their forces" or something to the effect of that, I think is just an acknowledgement they've been loaned them by Hayden and Innes, Ephraim is Renais royalty, he doesn't own them. Does he, like other FE lords, prefer leading with their own ragtag group? Of course.

And I find it to be rather odd that Seth is being the aggressive one here- Ephraim should be it I feel. Although there is actual military logic being discussed at this moment so Seth isn't just being guns ablazing.


24 minutes ago, Etrurian emperor said:

Ike's invasion of Daein was also helped by Ashnard not bothering to defend the place because he didn't care. Ike didn't even have to fight any mayor general on Daein soil.

And I've tried to make the point several times in different topics including this one, that although it is not stated, logically speaking, holding Grado is no longer necessary after the Frelia stone is smashed.

I'm curious as to your opinion of the argument. Lyon certainly didn't seem to care in Father and Son when Grado Keep was under attack.

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5 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

And I've tried to make the point several times in different topics including this one, that although it is not stated, logically speaking, holding Grado is no longer necessary after the Frelia stone is smashed.

I'm curious as to your opinion of the argument. Lyon certainly didn't seem to care in Father and Son when Grado Keep was under attack.

My opinion on that is that its possible but the game didn't really depict it as Lyon purposefully letting Grado fall because it had outlived its usefulness or that he just sat back in apathy. Lyon doesn't mind but when the twins reunite its also clear that they already eliminated all that Grado had to offered and that the rest is just a remnant. There's Orson but he and his troops are far closer to a remnant then Ashnard and his soldiers who are said to be the majority of the Daein military. 

While Grado's use might have ran out their candle burned out noticeable quicker then any other conquering nations and I don't feel the writing does enough to convince me that this was intentional on Lyon's part. He loses little by losing Grado but he also doesn't gain anything by it either. This is different then the situation in Daein where people discuss how weird it is that Ashnard doesn't properly defend the place and where it turns out that Ashnard is actively plotting a final climactic battle in occupied Crimea to awaken his dark god. 

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6 minutes ago, Etrurian emperor said:

My opinion on that is that its possible but the game didn't really depict it as Lyon purposefully letting Grado fall because it had outlived its usefulness or that he just sat back in apathy. Lyon doesn't mind but when the twins reunite its also clear that they already eliminated all that Grado had to offered and that the rest is just a remnant. There's Orson but he and his troops are far closer to a remnant then Ashnard and his soldiers who are said to be the majority of the Daein military. 

While Grado's use might have ran out their candle burned out noticeable quicker then any other conquering nations and I don't feel the writing does enough to convince me that this was intentional on Lyon's part. He loses little by losing Grado but he also doesn't gain anything by it either. This is different then the situation in Daein where people discuss how weird it is that Ashnard doesn't properly defend the place and where it turns out that Ashnard is actively plotting a final climactic battle in occupied Crimea to awaken his dark god. 

Fair enough.

And to your Orson point, the enemies are even rebranded "Remnant" instead of "Grado" after a certain point, with their little descriptive blurb being something like "Soldiers of what was the strongest nation on the continent". 

Furthermore, Lyon is injured enough after River of Regrets as to comment about it, san teleport, it would have been feasible that they could have killed him there. This second point doesn't absolutely contradict the possibility of Grado as logically unnecessary, it could just be he underestimated the twins.


And not to send this topic onto another tangent. But to your point about Ashnard leaving the majority of his troops in Crimea, I'm not sure how well I've felt that. The Petrine, Bertram, 27 pre-BK duel, and the final fight contribute to this. Yet the other three chapters at this point- the Geoffrey rescue, the boulders, and the Laguz tower, are small fry battles. If you have over half your forces left, I just needed to feel more. I think I felt more from Chapter 18, 20, and 21. But it has been so long since I last played FE9.

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Silque as a Saint in... pretty much any game really.

Our heroes (and the player) see her under attack by bandits, and rush to save her! And after the player and enemy phase are over, Silque proceeds to summon 8 dread fighters, and they steal all the experience on the map. And then she joins your party.

If nothing else, it'd be a fun one-shot joke. And maybe they could extend it if they gave each dread fighter a unique personality that references ninja in popular media, such as one that throws a spear and yells "get over here!", one that does insane and lengthy combos, another that has a deep hatred of birds...

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