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What type of characters should Legendary Heroes be?


Which type of character should receive legendary status?   

48 members have voted

  1. 1. Which type of character should receive legendary status?

    • Original Character (Fjorm and Gunnthra)
    • FE Lord (Ike, Ephraim, etc.)
    • Major Character (Ryouma and Tiki)
    • Obscure Legends (Athos, Bramimond, Lehran, etc.)

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Obscure legends easily. They are so unbelievable in their games but we never get to see or hear them. It would give IS the opportunity to basically create OC's as no one's really seen the character themselves. Create personalities for them and really make kits worthy of a legendary hero without being better versions of themselves like most of the Legendary Hero lords.

Roland, Hartmut, Baldr, Thrud, St.Elimine, Altina, Dheginsea, list goes on. I'd love to see these units become Legendary Heroes because they were the originals. Not to mention they'd basically be OC's so that's 2 birds with one stone. Gives IS the chance to go ham with Designs as well. A beautiful/waifu St.Elimine would bring in $$$ for sure.

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12 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Moonbow? No. +300% damage Goddess Astra. She also needs minimum of 36 Atk, since Ragnell and Alondite have 18 Wt each, and we can't have her slowed down. Distant Counter, +10 Def (five from each sword) and PoR's critical hit immunity in the form of nulling enemy Specials, all must be on there too. Add Mantle just to make absolutely sure she isn't afraid of dying.

Altina is a broken sword lady I would approve of.

Then I want my Hasha Legendary Zephiel [wind, Atk].

Royal Eckesachs: 16 Mt, 1 Range. Effective against dragonstone foes. Bold Fighter 3 + Death Blow 4.
Binding Blade Prime: 16 Mt, 1 Range. Effective against dragonstone foes. Vengeful Fighter 3 + Renewal 3.
Basileus Dine: Blazing Wind followed by Growing Wind activated back to back.
King's Counter: Distant Counter 3 + Bracing Stance 3.
Special Spiral 3
March of Liberation: Unit and all armored, flying, and dragonstone allies gain +1 movement range.


Someday, I really do want a Hasha Zephiel, though.

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13 minutes ago, Zeo said:

A beautiful/waifu St.Elimine would bring in $$$ for sure.

She already has at the least face set in stone:


And this group portrait shows her dressed conservatively, to the lower right of the central figure (Hartmut)



However, Durban looks like Hector here, and his spirit in FE7 is clearly shirtless. So if they wanted to, they could throw Elimine in a miniskirt and a top that emphasizes her cleavage more and claim prior grounds.

However, the true legendary wifeypon of Elibe will be Hanon, Lyn's Sacean ancestor. Brave Lyn will be naught once she arrives, even if Hanon is surprise! a clone of Lyn visually.


Also, Fjalar is strong, confident, and possibly sexy to some. She could sell an ocean of Orbs on her own. 



The middle one with the earrings.

Edited by Interdimensional Observer
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3 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

However, Durban looks like Hector here, and his spirit in FE7 is clearly shirtless.

Those are all muscles.


3 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

So if they wanted to, they could throw Elimine in a miniskirt and a top that emphasizes her cleavage more and claim prior grounds.

I would pull for schoolteacher Elimine.

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The one place I'm fine with there being alternates is probably the legendary heroes.

It does not make much sense for the most important FE characters to be powercrept infinitely so this helps keeping them relevant.

I don't want to see them in normal banners though.

Edited by Vince777
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OCs Lords of Emblia, Askr and Nifl (Veronica, Bruno, Alfonse, Sharena, Anna, the Nifl siblings)
Lords from other games
and very very olde/mythical Legends like Athos etc.

In that regard Tiki shouldnt be a Legendary Hero.

I would be more excited for OCs and the olde/mythical legends like Athos etc. because you could go batshit crazy on those.

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I think that any character could be legendary since I see it less as "character is legendary" and more "this version is a legendary version of this character." Besides, it gives more opportunities for us to see characters in new lights, or highlighting specific aspects of the character that his/her other incarnations don't focus on. Plus, it makes people happy to see their favorites receive recognition and to have incarnations that are easier to use than other sorts. And though I think IS is the only group allowed to decide who's going to be legendary and who isn't, personally, I like it when precedents are stuck to. So, villains are allowed to be legendary heroes since F!Grima is one. And since the other 2 Nifl siblings are legendary heroes, the remaining 2 should likewise become legendary heroes. That's my take on it anyway. If IS wants to add more precedents to what qualifies a legendary hero (like "must have plot importance in his/her home game") then I'll support that, too.

tl;dr, IS can do what they want and I'll be happy with it on the whole.

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I think Lords and Major Characters. I know why the OCs get that status, but I think it's better suited for actual Lords and Major Contributors to their series.

Seriously, Fjorm and Gunthra are just taking up space on their banners

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