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Halloween silhouettes for the 10/10 banner

Jingle Jangle

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Mia and Myrrh are so cute <3, especially Myrrh. I'll definitely be pulling for Mia(flying healer!) and if I'm lucky I'll try to get Myrrh also. Don't really care about the other two but I'm looking forward to seeing Dorcas. 

8 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

Wow, SO disappointing. More 3DS characters, Ike is yet again shafted in favor of a less popular Tellius character (and one I hate no less)... I was so excited for more costumes and I keep expecting Ike every seasonal banner because he's the most popular male and my favorite, and IS keeps ignoring him for some reason despite that it's obvious he'd make a ton of money. How much longer do I have to wait for a seasonal Ike?

At least this time it makes sense and doesn't offend anyone. Mia is fairly popular among the Tellius cast and this is her only alt.

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2 minutes ago, ChickenBits said:

At least this time it makes sense and doesn't offend anyone. Mia is fairly popular among the Tellius cast and this is her only alt.

We can all be grateful for that!

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3 minutes ago, ChickenBits said:

At least this time it makes sense and doesn't offend anyone. Mia is fairly popular among the Tellius cast and this is her only alt.

This is offensive to the many Ike fans though. How can IS keep ignoring him while giving all the other super popular characters seasonal alts? The fact that so many other Telllius characters alone have them now and he doesn't is baffling to me. How can they ignore such a huge moneymaker in Ike? And I've been waiting for a seasonal Ike forever because he's my favorite. Yeah, he has two other alts, but one's just a canon form and the other was voted by the fans. And IS thought making five Lyns, four Xanders, and four Camillas was fine.

Ike should've been in Mia's place imo. Not as a flying healer, obviously, but maybe as an axe unit.

Edited by Anacybele
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2 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

This is offensive to the many Ike fans though. How can IS keep ignoring him while giving all the other super popular characters seasonal alts? The fact that so many other Telllius characters alone have them now and he doesn't is baffling to me. How can they ignore such a huge moneymaker in Ike? And I've been waiting for a seasonal Ike forever because he's my favorite. Yeah, he has two other alts, but one's just a canon form and the other was voted by the fans. And IS thought making five Lyns, four Xanders, and four Camillas was fine.

Ike should've been in Mia's place imo. Not as a flying healer, obviously, but maybe as an axe unit.

I mean, I'd really like Setsuna because I thought she was a cool-looking mummy, but I'm pretty sure that isn't going to happen.  So if you're not going to pull, that's fine, but an extended rant isn't going to make things better.

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Can you chill? We already have three Ikes in the game, and he's bound to get a seasonal eventually. Complaining that someone that isn't a Lord is getting representation is actually silly, like come on now. I get that it's someone you don't like, but seriously? We get a unit from Tellius, in a unique movement/weapon combo, and that isn't even a part of the armour flood, and all you can manage is to complain that it isn't Ike or Elincia.

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5 minutes ago, Ether said:

Can you chill? We already have three Ikes in the game, and he's bound to get a seasonal eventually. Complaining that someone that isn't a Lord is getting representation is actually silly, like come on now. I get that it's someone you don't like, but seriously? We get a unit from Tellius, in a unique movement/weapon combo, and that isn't even a part of the armour flood, and all you can manage is to complain that it isn't Ike or Elincia.

None of those Ikes are seasonals and every other super popular character has gotten a seasonal. So why hasn't he? That's all I ask. And where was I ever complaining that these aren't lord characters?

I wasn't expecting Elincia in this banner, actually and didn't want her in it since she just got a seasonal recently. I just wasn't expecting Mia to steal her flying healer role from her. If Mia had to be in this banner, she should've been a different weapon and/or movement type.

But wow, is Mia ugly. So's her voice. I mean, I always thought Mia was unattractive before, but her art in this game is just ugly. Didn't think her design could get any worse.

9 minutes ago, eclipse said:

I mean, I'd really like Setsuna because I thought she was a cool-looking mummy, but I'm pretty sure that isn't going to happen.  So if you're not going to pull, that's fine, but an extended rant isn't going to make things better.

Sorry, I just wanted to point out a flaw in someone's logic.

Edited by Anacybele
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You were complaining that a non-Lord character(Mia) got a seasonal, and said that a Lord(Ike) should have gotten it instead. As for the other Ikes being non-seasonal, there are still three different versions of the man in the game. Being seasonal or non-seasonal doesn't change all that much in the grand scheme of things. There are also other highly popular characters without seasonal-specific variants. Ephraim, Eirika, Micaiah, Alm... Lief jumped up a lot in popularity as well in recent times from what I recall.

I suppose what irks me is that it's Ike. Him being popular is a known quantity, and he's definitely going to get something eventually, even if they hold back on it for whatever reason. Mia is popular, but her getting something was far from guaranteed, and is actually a nice way to please a lot of people without just shafting everyone who's favourite isn't a lord(which is something FEH has historically been pretty bad for).

As for flying healers, it's not like Elincia was unique in the role, Jugdral falcoknights had staff access, awakening and fates had flying healers. 

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42 minutes ago, Ether said:

You were complaining that a non-Lord character(Mia) got a seasonal, and said that a Lord(Ike) should have gotten it instead. As for the other Ikes being non-seasonal, there are still three different versions of the man in the game. Being seasonal or non-seasonal doesn't change all that much in the grand scheme of things. There are also other highly popular characters without seasonal-specific variants. Ephraim, Eirika, Micaiah, Alm... Lief jumped up a lot in popularity as well in recent times from what I recall.

But I wasn't complaining about that specifically because of Mia not being a lord and Ike being a lord. I'm upset because Ike is way more popular than any of these other Tellius characters and yet he still lacks a seasonal. And seasonals are more fun than normal alts imo, so that's why I want Ike to get one.

I think Ephraim, Eirika, and Alm are overdue for these too. Micaiah has an alt. Hoshidan summer, remember?

43 minutes ago, Ether said:

As for flying healers, it's not like Elincia was unique in the role, Jugdral falcoknights had staff access, awakening and fates had flying healers. 

Elincia is the most notable and important one though. And she's best girl imo.

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It wasn't specifically for that reason, but it's still the case between the two of them. Hoshidan summer had slipped my mind, yes, but the point was that Ike wasn't the only highly popular lord to lack one. I just think that, after the torrent of only getting fates royals and lords as the majority of our seasonals for a long time, a breath of fresh air is nice, even if a few popular characters get put on the back burner in order to do so. I'd contend with you on Elincia being BEST girl, rather obviously, but the point was that she far from had a claim on the unit type, and the first incarnation of unit types is usually a seasonal anyway, and don't tend to particularly make sense when you consider the character and unit type in question.

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I'm surprised Ike hasn't gotten a seasonal alt yet, too, but even though he's one of my favorite characters, I'm not outraged or anything. There may be other Ike fins out there who feel similarly to you, Anacybele, but I can't say what the percentage is. Even if I'm the only own who feels the way I do (and I don't think I am) it's impossible to say that this is offensive to Ike fans in general. On the topic of Mia specifically, there are characters I dislike, too, who get representation, but all that means is that I can ignore them (even if they annoy me.) At least their fans are happy. I'm with Ether on the topic of Elincia's "entitlement" to being the first flying healer. Ultimately, who gets to premiere as what is up to IS and IS alone. It's not like they broke some rule. It's too bad that what you wanted to have happen didn't happen, but the best thing to do in that situation is to accept the choices of the people who continue to work hard for us players, and get to a better emotional place within yourself. Stress has a terrible effect on the body, and so for that reason, if nothing else, it's better to try to move away from those emotions as quickly as possible. Determine what's perception and what's fact (like the opinion of who should be what class first vs whose choice that really is) so that you can process your disappointment and move more quickly to feeling better about the situation. I'm not trying to minimize said disappointment, either. Your feelings on this are valid, even if I don't share them. But they came about because of your expectations not matching up with reality, so the cure is to turn those expectations into hopes. Rather than "IS had better do this or I'm going to get upset," think "I would really like IS to do this, but if they don't, that's their prerogative." It's like wearing a parachute in case you fall out of the plane. Anyway, that's my advice. You can do what you want with it, including ignore it. You're under no obligation to listen to me, after all.

As for my opinion, I like Mia's design but wish/hope she was/is wearing shorts underneath that. Like many others, I like her "WAH!" too. XD Silly audio like that makes me smile. Myrrh's little bat hop is so cute! Someone mentioned wondering why Myrrh's dragon form isn't a dracolich, and while I think that's a good idea, Myrrh is being a bat. Would make more sense if her dragon form looked vampiric or something. Maybe dressed up all cutely, like "big dragon trying to be a little bat" kind of cute. Also, the trend of red breath users who are not Tiki continues. Not sure I can handle this acceleration... It's all so sudden... As for Niles, he has a colored bow but is not a legendary. So, cool; colored bows aren't locked to legendary. He seems handy with an attack/speed focus, and being an armored bow user is interesting, and what made me pull for Jakob last year (not that I ever pulled him.) I can't help but think that he's easily debilitated by stepping on his costume, though. The ends drag on the floor so much... And finally, Kagero. She recently got a seasonal alt as a rabbit ninja, so I can't help but think that it would have been better if someone else got that slot and she could get another turn at some other point. However, I was pretty excited when I saw her here and here's why: even though her weapon is (hilariously) actually juice and not alcohol, this is very much like what I said I wanted as a weapon for a New Years' Shinon alt. If he ever gets a dagger alt, I could totally give him this weapon and, even if he doesn't get a drunken New Years version, I can pretend he did and giggle stupidly at my dumb joke.

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2 hours ago, SuperTroll Maxim Lapierre said:

A Kagero that's actually sexy and not just a pair of oversized unnatural ballons on her chest.

Women with large breasts exist in real life, you know.

If they were drawn poorly, that'd be a different story, but they're not.

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As an Ike fan, I don't care even a little bit that he doesn't have a seasonal alt. In fact, as an Ike fan, I'd find it out of character for him to be dressing up for Halloween.

This Halloween banner is objectively good. It has characters from 3 different generations of FE and none of the outfits are embarrassing. 

Edited by Book Bro
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Well, Myrrh is just the cutest thing ever, and she's my definite #1. Mia looks cool, but I'm eh on her as a character and the open stomach seems OoC for her. Still, she's probably #2. Niles, I'm not a fan of as a character, but that outfit is awesome and bows >> daggers, so he's #3. Kagero, I like fine, but that outfit is pretty meh and an armored dagger sounds about as fun as, well I don't know. Still kind of eh on the whole continuing to favor armors, but Myrrh is cute enough that I don't care in her case.

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2 hours ago, Book Bro said:

In fact, as an Ike fan, I'd find it out of character for him to be dressing up for Halloween.

One of the whole points of seasonals is to see certain characters in funny costumes that they might not normally wear. :P It might not feel in character for Ike, but it'd be so funny!

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5 hours ago, Book Bro said:

As an Ike fan, I don't care even a little bit that he doesn't have a seasonal alt. In fact, as an Ike fan, I'd find it out of character for him to be dressing up for Halloween.

This Halloween banner is objectively good. It has characters from 3 different generations of FE and none of the outfits are embarrassing. 

I agree with this to a degree. While I don't see Ike as willingly dressing up (in FE9 he even voices concern with having to wear a "funny hat" after he grudgingly accepts being promoted in social status into a noble) FEH has surprised me with how in-character it is for others. I mean, Fates/Awakening is markedly more silly and naturally fall into these sorts of events, but so far, every character has been in-character with their costumes (at least, of the ones I've gotten to know in their home games and have seen here.) Innes and Tana hitting the beach and the former completely focusing on improving himself (and beating Ephraim) while the latter was just having a good time, for example. Elincia's stay in Hoshido for their summer festival had a heavily diplomatic feel, too. And for the Valentine's event, I felt like I was seeing Lycia in peacetime. Hector being "just here to fight" is also an important foothold that's easy to dismiss. Obviously, many FE characters are fighters. Some focus a good deal of attention on this, such as Ike. And most of these festivals have a combat component to them. I could see him and some of the other Griel Mercenaries going to a competition like the ones in the festival paralogues in order to compete in combat a la GBA/DS(?)/FE4/FE5 arenas (since, well, they're often low on funds.) In such a case, if certain costumes were required, Mist could whip some up for them. Or, if costumes are provided, they could use those. The goal would be all business, though, even if some of them might enjoy the festivities along the way. (Looking at Mist, Rolf, Titainia, Oscar, and Gatrie, specifically.) This would also obviously be a big in for the Askr folks since Alfonse would be looking forward to a cultural experience, Sharena would be excited for the festivities, and Anna would be all about that prize money. Of course, as a rule, all of Anna's moneymaking schemes must fail, so maybe the prize would be food supply or something, and Alfonse and Sharena manage to hold Anna back in order to get the food to the GM's, who need it more (seeing as those two are far more diplomatic than Anna is and they can see the value in giving the prize to their opponents.) This scenario could work with virtually any festival. However, I think that the one that makes the most sense would either be some sort of harvest/thanksgiving sort of thing, or summer. (Former for the needing foodstuffs scenario, and something that feels like something the mercs would be more willing to dress up in/something that suits them better for the latter. Seasonal quotes about the weather or whatever makes a lot more sense in-character for them, after all, than something Christmassy or whatever.)

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