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How do you think IS should handle Skill creep?


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So... If I had any doubts, they're definitely gone now. With Death Blow 4, Windfire Balm+, Earthwater Balm+, and Fortress Res/Def 3 skill creep is making no efforts at hiding itself.

IS has been great with fixing things so far to keep up with the meta. Giving all the healers higher level recoveries (which are FAR better than their original versions) and better weapons (Other than might the range increase is great). Additionally characters have been given Prfs and many weapons, legendary and common, gain extra effects when refined (might increase on some weapons and a wider range of debuffs, regardless of the effect chosen). We have also seen various common weapons gain evolved forms.

What do you all think?

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Personally, I wouldn't mind being able to use a currency (such as arena medals) to "upgrade" a skill (that being a character acquiring the next level of a skill without needing to have it inherited off the very few and hard to get units that have them). Tbh though, I'm not sure it's that likely.

I want to hear what other people expect though

Edited by Arcphoenix
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Make all third-level skills learnable at 4* for consistency. Then for skills that have a fourth level, have it learnable at 5*. Being able to get Fury 3 from Jagen or Bartre would be huge.

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A skill version of the weapon refinery. Skills like Death Blow 4 remind me of Slaying Weapons in comparison to Killer Weapons. I know people compare Defiant Skills and Brazen Skills, but I don't know how to allocate which Defiant becomes which Brazen. Something big for Book 3.

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The skills themselves existing is fine. The improved Balm and Rally skills and Fortress Def/Res are improvements to skills that have simply not aged very well. I even feel Death Blow 4 was a decent means of helping player-phase units with the ever-increasing bulk that units have.

As for skill availability, I think that issue simply hasn't been addressed at all by the developers and is something that isn't mentioned much by players, either. It's kind of an annoyance that skills (good or mediocre) typically end up with only one or two sources. I don't think this is really a problem for new skills that should remain fairly exclusive for a while, but their's really no excuse for older skills like B Tomebreaker (only available from female Robin) or even Def Ploy (Summer Gaius and Flora).

I've personally been an advocate of a skill shop, especially now that Combat Manuals are a thing. This game is currently seriously lacking in true endgame content (right now, it's just the Arena and non-permanent challenge maps), and I think this could be made into something that could be rewarding for players who are at that state. It would also give players a reason to actually farm resources since the only farmable resource currently in the game is feathers.

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Some sort of skill refinery, with a grindable currency that can let units learn specific skills.  Not every skill, but at least older skills and families that IS has shown willingness to have given out for free or put in the 4* pool, like tactics skills. 

The problem with skills in general is more availability than anything, with about one demotion a month, or two at best, the rate of things gaining availability is just way too slow for a game where one of the bigger appeals is customizing things.  The entire reason Fury/Desperation is so common is there's very little other choices.

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Ahem, dunno what came over me just there.

Also, @Ice Dragon's idea of buying Combat Manuals with specific skills - I've been thinking of that myself.

Either way, I'm assuming/ hoping they have a fix in mind and they're just waiting 'til 3.0 to implement it.

Edited by DefyingFates
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