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Are you worried about Three Houses?


Are you worried about Three Houses?  

188 members have voted

  1. 1. How worried are you for Three Houses?

    • Yes, I'm very worried.
    • I'm a little bit concerned.
    • No, not in the slightest.

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No, I'm not worried. Its far to early for either worry or excitement. We just don't know enough of the game at this point. When there's a next direct that actually tells us what we can expect then I'll have the info needed to form an opinion. 

But I generally don't agree with the fear that it will be yet another Fates. FE games generally reinvent themselves to some degree when they switch platforms and given what we know and suspect about the Fates development cycle I think even IS doesn't want to repeat that. 

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And no longer a SRPG. What I mean by this is that the new Fire Emblem basically ditches the chapter based progression like most older Fire Emblem and Conquest in favor of open world style with world map and ability to grind exp easily from regular encounters, seen in Sacred Stones, Awakening and Echoes. In my opinion Fire Emblem no longer feels like a tactical strategy by giving players the freedom to grind with ease. It's just becoming like a standard JRPG welfare of winning fights through bigger numbers instead of using strategy. Some people likes grinding, so I like the way Conquest did with dlc for that, keeping the main campaign a series of challenging, fair battle of wits and some luck.

Unfortunately, with how they allow players to roam the towns in Three Houses, I think my worst concerns of the game will likely just come true. :(

Personally, I think it is too early to make a judgement on Three Houses.

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Guest This Guy

I'd need to see more to be worried.


So far Ecstatic in that we are now FINALLY leading an army.

I wanted the Character to be troops leaders for years, never thought they'd actually do it.

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Well it's too early to say if I am worried. Yet I am thinking, the game has been is development since nearly the end of fates production by the main team. So since the end of 2015 let's say, which means somewhere around 3-4 years in development. It was announced at the beginning of 2017 which considering that they were moving on a different console it is natural that there would be no presentable footage. After one year and a half we get a trailer which delayed the game and at the beginning left many people sceptical and after 4 months we still have nothing. Now there are two things that come to mind. First, the game is going development hell like fates. That is their fist big game to the home console for years and they are having problems. Now a more optimistic side of me believes that they are making an awesome game the criticism they received for previous games gave them the will to make one one of the best FE games ever.

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On 10/31/2018 at 11:28 AM, Wraith said:

I feel more indifferent towards Three Houses rather than worried. As someone who has beaten every game in the main line series and thinks FE is the best JRPG series around, I just got to say I’m disinterested in Three Houses. While I enjoyed myself with the 3DS trilogy, I’d be lying through my teeth if I didn’t say these games left me snowed. I’m one of those ‘old guard’ guys that felt that Awakening isn’t as great as everyone says it is and thinks that Fates isn’t as bad as many claim it to be.

You’ve got to understand when Awakening came out I was so excited that I had my friend ship the game to me in England just so I could play it. I was just so happy to be playing a new FE game after waiting so many years. However, over the last five years I feel that FE has lost its identity in trying to incorporate waifus and the tropes of its lesser contemporaries. Maybe it’s just the fact that I’m getting old, but I just want more out entertainment these days besides ‘friendship is magic’ storytelling and waifu culture.

I’ve spent the last year reading a lot of older fantasy literature , ranging from Frirz Leiber to Michael Moorcock, and I got to say it’s been quite enlightening. From this experience I’ve begun to understand just how dull and boring modern day JRPGs and anime really are. I’m far more interested in reading Karl Edward Wagner’s “Dark Crusade” and exploring the works of Ray Bradbury rather then playing FE, my favorite video game series of all time. Call me jaded but much like Disney Star Wars I feel that Fire Emblem has lost its uniqueness in dumbing itself down to appeal to a wider audience. Then again, this is just the ramblings of an old dyslexic swamp Yankee.

Time for yoy to hang up fire emblem my guy. Seem like your been put into the elite class now and typical jrpg fantasy medevil stories or anime will stratified you anymore; probably watch some 80s or 70s maybe 90s anime. Bob samurai a good source for old school to recent 90s anime. Probably western games are more to your new refine test. No bull I am being 110 real with you. 

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1 hour ago, FireEmblemfan2006 said:

Time for yoy to hang up fire emblem my guy. Seem like your been put into the elite class now and typical jrpg fantasy medevil stories or anime will stratified you anymore; probably watch some 80s or 70s maybe 90s anime. Bob samurai a good source for old school to recent 90s anime. Probably western games are more to your new refine test. No bull I am being 110 real with you. 

I’m going to give FE Three Houses a try. As for anime, I’ve basically stopped watching it. I’ll watch an episode or two here and there, but it’s been years since I last watch on entire season of a show. I can’t even remember the last anime I watched to completion.

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On 11/8/2018 at 11:38 AM, Etrurian emperor said:

No, I'm not worried. Its far to early for either worry or excitement. We just don't know enough of the game at this point.

Fair point. However, I consider that worrying in and of itself.

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It's already dispelled one of my bigger worries, that being that Intelligent Systems was going to be less experimental due to Awakening and Fates' success and continue to make carbon copies.

That one trailer alone shows Three Houses will at least have a style and gameplay all its own, which is one of the big things I wanted.

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I'm not really worried at this point. As Etrurian emperor pointed out above, it's too early and not enough has been shown. I really wish they'd give us another trailer or something soon. Out of the three main characters besides Byleth, I like Edelgard the best. Dimitri's grown on me, though. His design is odd and kinda silly, but I am starting to like it. Claude looks pretty good. Overall, I think the game will be interesting. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm pretty woried, to be honest. I very, very much dislike the three 3DS games, and I've lost most of my faith in IS to make things I enjoy. But, from what little we've seen, it seems they're taking a step in the right direction. I think it's likely they'll keep some level of 3DSFE-ness in there, but I'm just hoping we get a good game this time around.

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7 hours ago, pannacotta__ said:

I'm pretty woried, to be honest. I very, very much dislike the three 3DS games, and I've lost most of my faith in IS to make things I enjoy. But, from what little we've seen, it seems they're taking a step in the right direction. I think it's likely they'll keep some level of 3DSFE-ness in there, but I'm just hoping we get a good game this time around.

Bet you and a few are a hoot at parties....?

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Such negativity here (well not mostly but still) not surprising....and I'm just all hype knowing a great game as usual is coming from IS which never disappoints!

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I'm slightly worried. The story telling in recent titles doesn't inspire confidence. Fates was a narrative disaster and the new elements in SoV didn't fix or enhance the archaic plot of Gaiden (but it had excellent presentation, so credit where it's due). I'm convinced that Heroes doesn't even have a writing team and every story chapter is something Intern-kun throws out (bless his heart, but he should really just stick to information leaks).

I'll be cautiously optimistic for the writing, but I fear the series will continue on its path of ridiculous player worship dragging the writing down. From what I observed in the trailer, I'm more concerned for the aesthetics of the game. The character models and musou style enemies look atrocious, as do some of the combat animations like that part where enemy soldiers are blasted into the air as if they were bowling pins instead of living people. Someone mentioned Advanced Wars before, which is an apt comparison. It's a silliness that doesn't jive with this series at all.

I think I could enjoy the game if it had two of three parts, good story/gameplay/aesthetics, but I already have a low opinion of the aesthetics and IS doesn't have the best track record for stories lately.


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1 hour ago, NekoKnight said:

I'm slightly worried. The story telling in recent titles doesn't inspire confidence. Fates was a narrative disaster and the new elements in SoV didn't fix or enhance the archaic plot of Gaiden (but it had excellent presentation, so credit where it's due). I'm convinced that Heroes doesn't even have a writing team and every story chapter is something Intern-kun throws out (bless his heart, but he should really just stick to information leaks)

Personally thinking, I think Heroes' writers are being told to intentionally keep the story simple. Given how Heroes plays out like a simplified Fire Emblem, I feel like they're taking that direction with the story too, hence why there is very little overall development and it feels very shonen.

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I'm slightly concerned about the direction of the story and characters, based on what IS has been doing in recent years and with its recent FE-related properties. But I'm also not super caring, either, because I think I lost interest in FE along the way. I got to chapter 22 or so of Conquest and just quit because I couldn't stand it (had finished Birthright and Revelation on the Japanese version, though) and was so bored with FE in general that I hadn't finished Echoes yet despite the fact that I thought it was all right. (Also, I lent it to a friend who has yet to return it.)

My stance is that I'm burnt out on FE games as a whole, or at least newer installments. If Three Houses is good, that's great and I'll maybe get it at some point in the future. If it's bad, then I drop FE (unless it's a remake of older games) and I don't really care either way.

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6 hours ago, Sentinel07 said:

Personally thinking, I think Heroes' writers are being told to intentionally keep the story simple. Given how Heroes plays out like a simplified Fire Emblem, I feel like they're taking that direction with the story too, hence why there is very little overall development and it feels very shonen.

Maybe. They do seem like they're almost trying sometimes. They had the hype Book II trailer and in game notifications presented the first real fight with Surtr as the "climax" of the story. They also had a recap video of the Book I and II plots as if they told an epic saga. It would be weird to intentionally write a minimalist story but also boast about how cool the story is.

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7 hours ago, Sentinel07 said:

Personally thinking, I think Heroes' writers are being told to intentionally keep the story simple. Given how Heroes plays out like a simplified Fire Emblem, I feel like they're taking that direction with the story too, hence why there is very little overall development and it feels very shonen.

Its a mobile game of course the stories usually are intentionally simplistic with little effort into it the main focus is about the characters you collect. 

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Of course. 

As much as I love Fire Emblem, IS' recent direction leaves the onus on them to put any of my worries to rest. The initial trailer didn't immediately raise a bunch of red flags, but that was a pretty quick trailer. There's also the chance that whatever new things they try just won't be very good. 

I have been burned far too many times to just have blind faith in a developer, especially when I don't think they've earned blind faith. 

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I just want something soon already I already loving the game and IS delivers I need more to make me feel more excitement....at least we're nearing the end of this year so they'll FINALLY focus on their next big game for Spring and beyond.....

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I'll be honest, there's not much game to worry about for me.

And it's December, so I actually am beginning to be concerned with the lack of information. Could it get delayed again?

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1 hour ago, Dayni said:

I'll be honest, there's not much game to worry about for me.

And it's December, so I actually am beginning to be concerned with the lack of information. Could it get delayed again?

Nintendo is still in Smash mode. I'm not surprised at all that we've heard little.

However, if January comes and goes and we get nothing, then it's time to worry.

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