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Another sucky season.  I got 2 defense losses within 24 hours, what the hell. At least I one was a -60 instead of a -80.  Anyways light season 2 Eir, whatever no tier 21.  This is what turns me off of arena (very different mode as well) when one is just going against premiere skillsets and +10 or close to it merged units, etc.  At least I will finally be able to upgrade my offense fortress to lv 4 this week.  

Yeah it would be great if there was a free mode where you could just play random against random defense maps without points counting and then try out a bunch of different things. 

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On 3/6/2019 at 3:43 AM, Raven said:

Well, that's one way to identify other SFers.


I don't know if there's any other Rezzies out there.

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Today's a good day in AR at least. Another 60 loss. This guy used Cecilia to tank my units, winning with a 3o fort against my 4+1. In turn, I rematch him, use Legendary Lyn to tank his units, and win with no casualties. Hopefully he got a full 80 loss from me. Second battle was also a perfect victory.

Switching L'Arachel to SM!Eirika so Cecilia can't tank her.

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I changed my offensive team, so now I am using 2 Eirs, with a max score of 160 lift per battle. Two battles that I had with this team I lose 1 unit, scoring 140 instead, which is ok for me, because I could lose 1 unit with my last team and scores 120.

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So far T21-up is actually a bit more relaxed, yes the def teams are better. But I really don't care anymore about losing 1 or 2 units each battle and so far if I am willing to lose a unit I don't feel like I can lose many battles. Even if I lose, I don't think it will be more than 1-3 times a week.

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And I'll be far short of T20. Bled out again with defense losses, and couldn't crack the defense teams.

I will return to whaling for an Astra-type mythic so I have a chance at seeing T20. I do not have the time nor the energy/talent to improve at this mode, but I may have the funds to help me procure the tools necessary.

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12,540 Lift. Pretty ok, unlikely for me to reach top 1k at this pace. I really hope Mila will be an Astra mythic hero. Should be pretty likely for her and she could be finally someone I'd like to merge. 

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I did a dumb thing today... I accidentally ended my player phase with my Veronica in front of a Bold FIghter Duma... I am so dissapointed with myself because this Veronica was the only unit that died in that battle. I had 4 perfect battles prior to this one... :dry:

I decided to accept my penalty of -20 lift to my final score instead of using one of my ladders. I don't expect to reach next tier this season, because 100 lift isn't that much in comparation of the 140/160 lift from Light Season, but if I don't reach next tier because of 20 lift I will be so pissed!

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From what I've seen we're getting close to the point where we need to be in Tier 21 to get a Silver Chair. As for me, I got another Bronze one, my offense didn't do exceptionally this week. But now I upgraded my Fort to Lv4, so hopefully next time it'll be easier to get big points - in offense at least.

Taking this week lightly, for the first day I already got 400 points to secure my rank and my escape ladder is still untouched.

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19 hours ago, Javi Blizz said:

Yay, so I have officially finished at 10974 lift ?‍♂️

Been at 1099X (10993 according to a previous post of mine, though I now forgot the precise digit since) myself the first time I came close, so I know how it feels. While I made it the following Light season, it still was painful to waste more time in T20 as someone who just wants be done with it and stay in T21. With that said, if you manage to get to that score you will eventually make it there, with a bit of refinement in defenses to mitigate losses and some typical effective strats on offense (Super Tank, CC Vantage, Galeforce, Dancers, Ophelia, Aversa and Loki if available). I hate the mode with a passion and still managed with my "I just don't care" attitude, so I know you can, too.

On that note, me trying to get rid of my daily matches this soon wasn't smart, but hey, I'm impatient and won't have to think about it till tomorrow. Lost a unit and two ladders with unlucky matches, should really wait out on the tryhards to get higher before I make my matches to secure my position. Will also kick Velouria out of the team, no bonus unit this season would help me in my endeavour, at least not yet (Velouria can be quite handy with another unit, but I don't have anything ready yet), so I might just be more content with consistent 80 than possible failure.

I kinda want to turn my Tibarn into a Galeforce user for the future, but I am very inexperienced with these units and hate wasting resources. Does anyone with Galeforce experience in AR have some pointers to what my team needs to have and do in order to make it work? This is one instance where I could see Velouria being helpful to reduce the CD of Tibarn's Galeforce. I also have Reyson and Leanne and L!Azura for buffs and dancing, but I still don't see myself succeeding with it yet. I feel I'd just position Tibarn poorly and he'd die the following turn.

Edited by MonkeyCheez3K
Misremembered the last digit on the score, could have sworn it was 10992, tho...
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Not Lighr seasons are a pain, I just hope to not go down to T19 after my horrendous start of season. 

Thanks @MonkeyCheez3K, it’s the second time I finish so near, and both by getting an ofensive loss in the last days. I’m working on improve my defense too. But I just upgraded my defensive fort to Lvl.3. The more I miss T21, the slower that my defense upgraded can be done. Actually using some armors, but I need more Draugs

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10 minutes ago, Javi Blizz said:

Not Lighr seasons are a pain, I just hope to not go down to T19 after my horrendous start of season. 

Thanks @MonkeyCheez3K, it’s the second time I finish so near, and both by getting an ofensive loss in the last days. I’m working on improve my defense too. But I just upgraded my defensive fort to Lvl.3. The more I miss T21, the slower that my defense upgraded can be done. Actually using some armors, but I need more Draugs

Hmm, I find armors to be very easily disposed of. Either by kiting them or with Pain-SavageBlow/Uncounterable attacks. Also, armors do a very bad job at limiting the opponents space to maneuver around your threats. I remember trying armor balls in the past, and seeing them getting obliterated even with good units like H!Jakob, W!Fae, Hectors and the like was just painful. Luckily I didn't waste too many resources, but a waste it was.

I'm going for a flier ball atm, with enough anti Bow-CC-Vantage-Approach to not get roflstomped by it. While it doesn't really matter at T21, it helped quite a bit in T20. Since I suck at defense builds and one could explain my failure with me being unable to properly build a good map with my armors, I won't be telling you what to make yourself, but I can safely say that whenever I see enemy armor teams my match becomes way easier. Anyone can teach me otherwise here, but I feel it's generally the case.

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@MonkeyCheez3K Galeforce Tibarn user here. While I kind of didn't use him in AR as much because I needed the red slot for other units, I can say Galeforce is really made for Tibarn thanks to Sturdy Impact and Heavy Blade seal. 3 hit exchange with a melee unit means he activates GF straight away if he has higher Atk, and the 3 mov flier movement is a player phase dream (and very oppressive if facing him as an enemy, especially with Heron support). Plus trenches don't slow him down.

One of the best GF users in the game to be honest.

As for AR, I just missed out on enough points to get to Tier 21, lost one battle because I decide to rematch since I hear it's the safer bet....and I get faced with flying beasts + Herons team which is really oppressive for my teams...

On the plus side I'm finally in Tier 20 on my other account so there's that.

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If Tibarn doesn't have a support partner, you could also support him to Velouria. With the QPS, Tibarn can then proc first Galeforce even if he doesn't have Atk higher than the enemy for Heavy Blade (granted, that's kind of unlikely, but you could also do that and allow someone else to use the Heavy Blade Seal as a result). I don't get a chance to use Galeforce myself (I keep running into teams where the frontline would just die instantly to Cordelia), when I see it used against me, there appears to be two popular ways to approach: run one Galeforcer—preferably one with 3 Move—kill something, then hard disengage and kill the enemy once it's out of position; run several Galeforcers and a WoM refresher, with Smite on the bonus unit, then sweep the whole team in one go. The latter is way more flexible, but also rather expensive.

Side note: one funny thing I'd like to see would be a comp of 2x Galeforce Tibarn and 2x Galeforce Velouria, with the two supported.

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Ha, two Tibarns and Velourias sounds like fun, alas, Velouria got no demotion, and pulling another Tibarn might take a while, completely ignoring the fact that my Tibarn is -Att, which sounds useful against squishies but atrocious against bulk when triggering galeforce while killing the unit. I'm tempted to invest in the idea, but the risk of me being totally inept at executing either retreat or obliteration remains.

AR defense costing so many resources is really bothering me, making me hesitate with any other major investment. Same goes for a Witchy Wand approach for those stupid Pulse teams who think they are oh so clever. I hate this mode :D

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the difference between 16 and 17 is crazy, as someone who just started trying, my fortress levels are much lower than what I’m facing now. guess i’ll just go to one match a day for now.

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2 hours ago, MonkeyCheez3K said:

AR defense costing so many resources is really bothering me, making me hesitate with any other major investment. Same goes for a Witchy Wand approach for those stupid Pulse teams who think they are oh so clever. I hate this mode :D

Pulse Parties are the worst thing about this mode, and I'll be super happy if I pull a Mia at the end of the month. That said, whenever I see those builds, I think those players are making an extremely unnecessary setup and doing the mode a huge disservice. Beating them is a great way to send the message that it was all for nothing.

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2 minutes ago, Johann said:

Beating them is a great way to send the message that it was all for nothing.

Beating them means nothing if it wasn't the match that got counted, and I'm sure most people don't care if their defense team loses one match.

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5 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

Beating them means nothing if it wasn't the match that got counted, and I'm sure most people don't care if their defense team loses one match.

On the contrary, I assume everybody making that kind of crazy investment is petty, or else they wouldn't have pooled so many resources into it. Like shit, if someone's spending grails for extra Marisas to give Infantry Pulse for the 38 HP Young Azura, they care more about getting Def wins than what those Def wins could potentially earn them.

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I don't think the entirety of the Pulse Parties are built for AR defense. I mean, there's obviously some tweaking and whatnot to get things lined up for a six-unit team (including finding 1-2 additional units that work with the comp), but running a Pulse team is also generally a good way to take down any content where the player is at the helm (particularly if the nukers are also Special Spirallers).

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I just realized the free blessings this season are one Astra and one Dark blessing. It seems they want to give us a chance to stock up on them before they release Mythic Heroes to actually utilize them, but I'd really have preferred more Light blessings that can be of immediate use.

Well, at the very least, we have Fire element for Arena all month, meaning I don't need to waste Light blessings on blessing swaps for the rest of the month.


33 minutes ago, Johann said:

On the contrary, I assume everybody making that kind of crazy investment is petty, or else they wouldn't have pooled so many resources into it. Like shit, if someone's spending grails for extra Marisas to give Infantry Pulse for the 38 HP Young Azura, they care more about getting Def wins than what those Def wins could potentially earn them.

Or they could just have a giant pile of pitybreaker Dorcases like I do (just not merged like mine are). Or Helbindi since I'm sure some people pulled extras for G Duel Infantry and repurposed spares for Infantry Pulse.

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