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Chaos reigns when I take the reins! - Let's play Tear Ring saga, Ironman mode, while being terrible at Fire Emblem!

Saint Rubenio

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I kinda wish the patch didn't call it the Brave Crossbow. Brave weapons in this game are ridiculously powerful. So calling it the Brave Crossbow implies that it's apart of the weapon group, which it is not. It attacks twice just like a Brave Weapon, sure. But it's very having so it's almost impossible to double attack. Individual attack power and durability are also significantly inferior.
Maybe it could have been called something like Double Crossbow or whatever.

Edited by BrightBow
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On 12/21/2018 at 11:32 PM, Saint Rubenio said:


Lee took a lance to the clit, so let's have Lee do something about it with his staff.

...I should probably rephrase that, but I won't because I am lazy.

Definitely needs a rephrase. Unless the poor guy is secretly a hermaphrodite.

To explain the Barlowe look-alike, there is a series called "2000ad", an anthology science fiction comic that has been around so long that it's name actually seemed like a good idea when it started but now serves as a reminder of the fact it's been published so many years it's "future year" title ended up being the past. Which in turn I guess proves it's longevity. One of the features in this series, "The Alienist" features a man named Reginald Briggs, an out of work actor (who is the spitting image of Barlowe) who was hired by a supernatural entity to serve as a frontman on her mission to prevent invasion of 1800s Britain by supernatural forces. So long story short, Reggie pretends to be the one actually fighting these beings for the world, the supernatural entity poses as his assistant, Miss Vespertine, and Reggie is constantly out of his depth because despite being instrumental in saving the world from demonic invasion on numerous occasions, the poor guy really doesn't know what he's doing, though despite wanting to get away from the danger, he still risks his life for the greater good. Naturally, my first reaction to the series was "damn this guy looks like Barlowe, next time Ruben's doing a LP, I'm using some images of him".

Not sure what the biggest surprise of this was. The literal tank, or the molten skulled knight who fights computer viruses in his spare time being a non-generic.
I'd make some comment about the lack of deaths thus far, but I don't want to jinx it while it's going well.

So many questions to ask. Does Narcus stand for Not Marcus? Why didn't you just use Lee with a slight edit as Wrys? Why are there tanks in the middle ages? Was getting a sex change and leaving Elibe Martel's next plan after escaping Elibe in the Sacae timeline? Does this mean this is definitely happening in the Sacae timeline? Will there be a random chapter where you play a chapter of another series you plan to LP as a semi-teaser? Who was the dickhead who made a tank that could be damaged by swords and axes?
All mysteries to ponder.

Speaking of Wrys, discovering he made it as a support spirit in Smash Ultimate was nice. Not the most useful, but at least he's there. Shame Barlowe wasn't there. Setting the two up on Marth or Roy would be just about referential humor.

Also, what's Zeiss doing on the prep screen? Didn't he die?


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36 minutes ago, Mad-manakete said:

So many questions to ask. Does Narcus stand for Not Marcus? Why didn't you just use Lee with a slight edit as Wrys? Why are there tanks in the middle ages? Was getting a sex change and leaving Elibe Martel's next plan after escaping Elibe in the Sacae timeline? Does this mean this is definitely happening in the Sacae timeline? Will there be a random chapter where you play a chapter of another series you plan to LP as a semi-teaser? Who was the dickhead who made a tank that could be damaged by swords and axes?
All mysteries to ponder.

Saying "can be damaged by swords and axes" is a bit underselling their enormous defenses. This lv1 generic tank has 15 defense in a game where no stat ever goes higher then 25. These things are significantly more durable then Armored Knights. As you could see, Julia was barely able to scratch that thing with a critical hit. And critical hits double attack power in this game instead of tripling damage. Even Garo would only have been able to deal 6 points of damage if he hadn't scored that critical. And now imaging these things carrying shields because that's gonna be a thing.

Man, I really like the doubling attack power formula for critical hits. This means critical hits can actually be used to solve problems rather then simply speeding up the inevitable.

Edited by BrightBow
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13 hours ago, BrightBow said:

Saying "can be damaged by swords and axes" is a bit underselling their enormous defenses. This lv1 generic tank has 15 defense in a game where no stat ever goes higher then 25. These things are significantly more durable then Armored Knights. As you could see, Julia was barely able to scratch that thing with a critical hit. And critical hits double attack power in this game instead of tripling damage. Even Garo would only have been able to deal 6 points of damage if he hadn't scored that critical. And now imaging these things carrying shields because that's gonna be a thing.

Man, I really like the doubling attack power formula for critical hits. This means critical hits can actually be used to solve problems rather then simply speeding up the inevitable.

I knew I should have left the question as "who was phone" and not worried about that being an old joke with nothing to do with the LP.

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Part 11 - More ingenious plans.

On 21/12/2018 at 5:00 PM, Pengaius said:

How dare you...even forgetting...who saved you...you...useless tactician!

He... never saved me? Still, I like it when people embrace the Barloweness, so I'll forgive you.

See, Arkis is great, he has had more character development in the story so far than Runan has had, so yeah.

If you say so... I mean, what are you even arguing for? I'm rather liking how he's growing (enough mastery for javelins makes me very happy), and I already said I'm giving him a shot!


On 21/12/2018 at 6:16 PM, Dayni said:

Well, I see that someone wanting to cut loose doesn't sit will with you.It's not like her design's bad, it's just the fanservice isn't it?

I don't care that it's a christmas outfit, that's not the problem, and I'm fine with people wanting to take liberties. The problem is, that's not even close to resembling Cecilia! If they wanted to make a busty, bubbly-faced bimbo, they could've just shit out another Camilla alt! Drawing a piece of generic fanservice, coloring the hair green and calling it "Cecilia" does not make it Cecilia. That's really my only problem with it. Taking liberties is fine, but if you're trying to draw a specific character, make it at least feel like they're that character, or try to explain why they look so different. I mean, not trying to sing my own praises here or compare myself ot professional artists, but when I made Matthis into a badass, I had an explanation to give, a backstory that made the drastic change at least understandable. This? This is just slapping the name "Cecilia" on Camilla.

...that's a longer rant than I would've liked. Guess my inner weaboo reared its ugly little head. Urgh...



I mean, I can't pretend like I hadn't noticed, but she's a free unit and I'll take it.

Ah, so you're just a beggar trying to defend your lack of money! HAH u poor, man. So sad. Soooo saaad. Hahahah... ahem... uh, sorry. Don't leave meeee...

Look into it.

I knew it, I just fucking knew it.

This and Ippei's Arden meme work are just stellar. (Oh yeah, he also did Arden. And Garon. And Walhart. He got a lot of meme characters actually. And Walhart.) Aside from that he's done some other characters like Dorothy as well, Ippei's a fan favourite even if he wasn't best artist as chosen by the subreddit..

Bah, the subreddit has no idea what it wants. I know what I want: Eugen for Heroes. Make it happen, developers.

Well considering you're taking the time to make these edits might as well do something back.

To be fair, none of my edits thus far have been hard at all. The sprites were really what took the longest, and that's something I did in my free time when I was feeling bored, and considering I had quite a few months since the end of the last LP...

Honestly, Codha wouldn't be there to give the order and most of those who would have followed it are also dead at this point, so Roger was probably good.

Huh... good point. Still, there needs to be a game and a Codha battle, right?

I mean, once he hears what that Morgan did. He's willing to take families hostage and put them to the sword, Codha seems like he'd do that to Guilt!Morgan's family if he got the chance.

Ah, I'm sure he won't ever find it out.

I was more thinking along the lines of Der Fuhrer, but eh what do I know?

Jeez, that's not-- my mustache is not a Hitler mustache! What the hell!?


I'm only a few centimetres taller anyway (between 192 and 193, or about an inch taller for imperial units).

Man, measuring units are so confusing... who thought it was a good idea to take something as basic and vital for an essential part of human life such as infraestructure, invent like 5 different ways to do it and give each to a part of the world?


Whoopsie forgiven.

I'll be honest, I though that the cape just wrapped around the arms.

To be honest, I've been toying with the idea of making that canon. The original intent was to make those sleeves, but I'm bad at things so... yeah, let's say it's the cape.

Poor Doomguy's cousin, forced to fight with just a sword.

Doomguy would be pissed.

I love that you refer to Sid as Doomguy's cousing. Maybe I should try to find a way to make that canon. Wouldn't be so far-fetched, given this is the same universe where some dork can come this close to ending existance as we know it.

"You whippersnapper!"

How dare you... and you know the rest.

A really nice new sprite for Ruben?

Not really, I just grabbed the Sage map sprite, gave it a little beard and then changed the colors to fit anime!me.

I actually like it more, the extra colour isn't quite fitting but the higher saturation on character sprites would have been to the game's benefit imo, it feels like I'm looking at SD with this map artwork.

I mean, my sprites don't fit at all, I supposed I might as well do the same for the map sprites. Ignore the fact that I didn't change Sid's at all, too many screenshots to change.

Okay, I'm loving that swing.

Are we sure he doesn't have magic? Garo the Spell Pirate sounds like a character I'd watch.

Hahahah... well, perhaps. All is possible.

Guy nearby: "How could you miss, he was three feet in front of you?"

FE logic, that's it. What, this is not FE? Of course it is! Can't you see?

Maruj is that one kid whose parents try to avoid telling anything and he still learns about it anyway.

He's at least good at information gathering. Maybe he'd get spy work?

Maruj as a spy just doesn't sound like a good idea to me. He'd try to infiltrate an air base by pretending to be a plane.

So Eisenbach approved of the elopement.

I assume now that Eisenbach was telling him all this stuff as he got Wundergust ready for Maruj.

Ah, yeah, perhaps it really was Eisenbach telling him everything. That makes sense.

Reinhardt objects.

Who cares about Reinhardt?

...everyone? Well, everyone but me! Hah! I am winner!

That is actually broken. I'm not so sure she isn't above Brigged.

Gonna guess Brigged here is Brigid.

Well, Speed would have been nice too but hey he got one of the big three and some others.

Not just one of the big three and some others, the one of the big three he's in a most desperate need of, and mastery, which he badly requires more of.

So wait, Sasha knew her mother was a pegasus knight.

I think that means Wellt just doesn't care for flying units. Maybe that explains all the playable archers.

Wellt's racist for pegasus knights? Huh...

Well, the Brigadier is a pretty convincing guy actually. Shame what happens to him.

There was no other way. This is FE, after all. Couldn't let the experience go to waste.

He's like a less horny Roger.

No, not The Roger.

Not The Roger, but... how about The Roger the Paladin?

It didn't.

I might not think he'd be all that good, but he could be worth deploying over the cavs.

Oh my God, the cavs really are going to be this game's Dougy for you, aren't they? That's it, they're staying in the team till death do us part.

It's defence at least alongside some others.

Not amazing but it's not nothing either.

Could've been a Lee lev-- never mind, Lee's levels are great.

Hey, Runan got speed! Use him more if he's going to bother levelling stuff.

I like how he's doing thus far. Double digit something this early is a great thing to see.

.....How far did you go with this?

Again, that wasn't really hard at all, I just copypasted from one of the earlier "talk menu" screenshots.

Ruben: Tripping over a world too small for him.

I have a feeling that has more meanings than one.


On 21/12/2018 at 8:14 PM, Unknown Gamer11 said:

I mean I liked the clone reveal and that was quite a ways after what got me the worst in that LP (which I need no reminders of please), I'd just straight forgotten Martel was the name of the one. Clearly this just means I need to hack Martel somewhere into green...

Please, spare yourself the trouble. He's not worth it. His hair isn't even green!

I'll keep that in mind if I ever play again!


Yeah I'm asking for trouble.

You know me, dude... you know what I'm going to do with those people. Why are you forcing me to do this!? If noone watched me, I wouldn't keep on sending so many innocent souls to their untimely ends!

Had to look this one up!

Hope you didn't run into too many spoilers...


For fuck's sake...

Ooh movement growth! Didn't think that was gonna be a thing in this game. Is she the only one with one or does anybody else in the game get it?

We'll be seeing more of those.

For some reason when I saw this image, I thought the axe was spinning like a chain saw or something.

Now THAT would've been awesome.

I do really like the weapon trails on these animations.

Yes, it's a really cool detail.


My thoughts exactly.

Yeah the arrow looks like it's flying towards Raquel, not away from her.

We're never going to get over this. Understandably so.

I feel like you just have to use him now. So how much fun was it trash talking his outfit to those of us new to this who didn't know he was playable?

I mean, I already intended to, I didn't use him last time and I missed him a lot, but... stop it! At this rate you're going to fill all of my deployment slots before chapter 10!

I'd pay for that.

Of course you would. The fee's 1000 dolans. Send them to me at once.

So does Sasha get promotion bonuses coming out of her trainee class?

Wait, and you will see in due time.


On 22/12/2018 at 1:23 AM, Hawkwing said:

So... I just got all four of my wisdom teeth pulled today.  While better than I was earlier today, I'm still a little loopy. With hope, this should make this interesting.

I am sorry.

Lets see, FTL: Advanced Edition was released... about a year and a half after FTL: Faster Than Light. I'm expecting them to pull the same thing in that amount of time.

That means only a few months left!

Don't blame you. All I knew at first was that he was the guest writer for FTL: Advanced Edition. Then I noticed the new events, and thought they were pretty good.

Then I played Star Wars: Knights Of The Old Republic 2: The Sith Lords, and thought that it was a very thought provoking analysis of the Star Wars universe. I was so impressed and intrigued that I looked at who wrote it... and it was Chris Avellone. So I researched the guy a little.

Apparently, he's responsible for writing what are mostly considered the best video game stories ever made.

Needless to say, my reaction to FTL: Advanced Edition went from "Huh, they have a guest writer? Cool." to "Holy Crap! They got Chris Avellone?!?" It does explain quite a few of the addend events in hindsight.

Huh... that's interesting.

In that case, I blame you not at all for warpskipping that level. Seriously, why didn't anyone think of adding bridges to those levels when making Echoes?

Because IntSys hates you almost as much as Kaga did back in the day.

Yeah, I basically wrote who died, which pairings I made, some random things I noticed when replaying the game, and several thoughts on the difficulty of the game and what it did right, what it could improve, etc.

Now that I think about it, it might not be  bad place to get an idea of what Awakening is like. It certainly handled ironmanning better than I originally thought, even if my objective problems about it do still stand, and I can see why people enjoy playing the games like that.

Well, here's me, I enjoy playing them like this. Even though I'm usually not as strict with myself as I am when playing for you guys.

Whoops. Forgot to finish the sentence again. What I was going to say was that the story mode has an odd way of easing a player into how to recruit soldiers, how to own a fleet, what being a noble is like, etc. and then throws them into hard as nails levels that take a lot of time and resources to even come close to beating. Apparently, the hardest mission in the games is having to defend a city during a series of sieges. That... does not sound like fun.

God, sieges already suck... but many of them in a row? Aaargh!

I think I actually spent some time just listening to the music before forgetting that there was a game there. What is it with the Mount & Blade developers finding the best people to sing/play free domain songs? I've brought it up before, but the soundtrack for Napoleonic Wars is phenomenal.

Yeah, it's a cool soundtrack. My problem with it in Warband, really, was that it seemed like half the time, there was no music, and it just suddenly came up at random times. Kinda ruined the whole effort, to be frank.

If it means anything, the moment I actually tried the game against the AI, it kicked my butt. I guess we both sucked at the game, only I sucked less and actually bothered to look at the moves list, but because I never watched Dragon Ball at that point, I had absolutely no idea what these words meant.

Hahahahahahah... that's a cute story.

That... makes sense. And I would have laughed if not for how many other sad scenarios that sentence is applicable to.


Yeah, I realized that quickly, but that was my response the first time I read through that, and it was too great a moment to pass up.

That, and now I have more meme material from Hiimdaisy's Metal Gear comics.

Hwahahah... okay, then.

In that case, I don't blame you at all.

Relevantly Irrelevant

I was about to close the video and wonder exactly why you recommended that to me when I have no idea where it's from, what it's supposed to reference or what is the funny part about it.

Then the music and the loop started. That was a good laugh, thanks. I still don't get the correlation, but who cares about the little details, am I right?

Eh, five of those could be considered good, although it depends if it was used with good or evil intent.

...Ah. who am I kidding? Only two of those are guaranteed to be good.


Since when has sexism and racism ever made sense?

Perhaps I phrased that badly. What I meant to say was that, in the real middle ages, it's true that female soldiers weren't so common, as far as I am aware of. Commanders, camp followers and other roles were executed by women, but for a female to pick up a spear and fight in the frontlines? If I'm not mistaken, that wasn't common at all back in those days. If this was real life middle ages, Zieg's statement would only be pointing out a fact, and his surprise would feel legitimate.

However, this being the middle ages of anime, female warriors aren't rare at all, even in Gerxel's ranks (as we'll be seeing later), so Zieg's comment just doesn't make any sense.

...Well, besides in fantasy or sci-fi environments were there really is a difference between races, and thus it really just depends on how blind or reasonable a character is about it

That, and androphobia and gynophobia are an actual things. Although those don't excuse bad behavior.

Yeah, that much is true.

Image result for wreck it ralph tragic backstory

And Kaga saw that scene in the movie, and said "Ha! I can make something ten, no, TWENTY times more tragic!"


Practice? I mean, getting the signal wrong when you're about to save the world is a pretty embarrassing way to blow it up...

But we aren't saving the world, we're fighting some big ball of grease and pizza that thinks he's great because he puts knives to innocent civilians' throats!

Image result for That isn't very reassuring

It wasn't, was it?

And now we get to see how he gets out of it!

Maybe he won-- wait, it already happened, right.

Due to getting my wisdom teeth removed, as mentioned above, I cannot have popcorn over the next few days.


Celebratory Ice Cream/Mashed Potatoes instead!!!

Dang it!

I see. Well, I'll be eating the ice cream/mashed potatoes as I'm waiting for dinner to come home anyway.

Well, joke's on you, sucker: things went smoothly!

Huh, so tanks can work in Fire Emb I mean Tear Ring Saga. Remind me to tell a friend about that later.

They don't work that well, though. 3 move and all.

Also, that's the first time I've heard of rivers (or at least, parts of the river) being treated similarly to desert tiles. Usually, most units can travel on water tiles, just like they can go onto mountains, but with a high movement cost that really isn't worth it most of the time.

Yeah, well, here the river's essentially a brick wall except for those shallow parts.

Eyyy, there's Sid! And it really does look like the extra armour and weilding a sword isn't doing him much good.

Can't wait to see how he gets out of this.

Like that.

Huh, so a personal weapon that isn't all that strong, but makes up for it in durability? That's honestly how I wish a fair chunk of legendary weapons worked in Fire Emblem. Then again, a fair amount of personal weapons work because they're powerful, but limited, so I guess the games already do that.

Don't think this will be the norm. If anything, it's the exception.

Also, I forgot that score was a thing.

I can't really blame you.

It's hard to aim things doing a Hadouken the first time around? And weapons still get used if they miss in this game?

Magic does, as it always did and does in FE, and I'm pretty sure bows do, too.

So... the bolt gets an electric shield around it? Or is it just really hard to make firing an arrow look fancy (the path an arrow can take to hit its target, on the other hand...)?

Nah, it's just a circle that shrinks into the

It's easier to take a screenshot when she's NOT in a ridiculous pose, isn't it?

I can't say I've tried too hard, the ridiculous poses won't last that long, so I want to enjoy them while I can.

Nice sprite.

Like I told Dayni, I just grabbed the game's Sage sprite and edited it.

So just another Troubadour, except they can (badly) defend themselves this time around? Sounds about right. Although why they give a movement growth (even a poor one) to a unit already on a horse is beyond me.

Kaga. 'Nuff said.

I knew it! I knew this would happen!

...Of course, the game already hinted at it earlier, and then all but outright stated it later...

That sounded better before I started thinking.

Like my OP, you mean?

Okay, that, is cool.

Compiler of critical hits, where art thou?

The compilation is a lie.

Well, that sucks. Although now I'm trying to remember if Fire Emblem ever actually changed up the spells themselves when a critical hit occurred.

I don't think the spells themselves ever changed.

Thais probably looks awesome in action, but some parts look silly when still.

Fair enough.

That alone made the conversation 5 times better to picture.

Hahahah, see? You wouldn't have experienced that by playing the game yourself! I truly am the better alternative. Eh? Eh!?

Agreed. Although what in the world caused Norton to try that? I'm actually curious about that now.

Your guess is not as good as mine.

You are not alone there.

Good to know, I guess...?

Holy crap. I can genuinely say I did not see that coming

I didn't either: in my very first run, which I dropped eight chapters in, I completely missed him. He's really well-hidden behind that horrendous face.

That was a genuinely hilarious way to take advantage of the nonsensical movements of the AI.

And then the later half made me sad. Darn you, Ruben

That seems to be a talent of mine, right? Hand out laughter and joy to the readers with one hand, and while they're not looking stab them in the heart with the other.

[Story Because I'm too lazy/tired to go back up and quote something]

How I missed these moments from the FE6 lets play, and how happy I am to see them again.

Good to know there's at the very least one person who likes 'em aside from me! More will come.

You are right. The Generals do look awesome. I'd say they're on par with SoV's Barons

I agree. It's not quite the same charming animation as the GBA battle mechs, but it's damn great in its own right.

Yeah, it was a large update. Took me about two hours to write all this.

Your rank really does not lie, huh?

SF, please don't log me out, please don't log me out, please don't log me out...

That would've been a pain on par with that I feel when I post an update only to realise I wrote it all outside the spoiler box. I sure hope that never happens in this LP, I absolutely despise that.


On 22/12/2018 at 7:47 AM, DestructionDragon360 said:

Dang, those Three Four Stooges had quite a bit of character!

A success, me. Allow me to propose a toast in your name, me.

Also dang, I was thinking Norton was going to be one of those poor-sod Boss types that are just fighting on the wrong side, I didn't think he'd be recruitable. Not quite a Camus, more like... Mustafa? Shit that's awakening, but I don't remember any older game bosses that were Decent People. I look forward to Norton's future!

I know Mustafa. I suppose it's a fair comparison, but frankly, I'm not sure if Norton's really comparable to anything in mainline FE games. Arden's the closest thing I can think of, but other than both being ugly Knights who are actually good people, they're not that close. Norton's case is a really unique one.

>inb4 Mel gets str blessed

Oh, she won't, and even if she did, she'd just be a worse Norton. Fuck that!


On 22/12/2018 at 10:20 AM, Ruminant said:

If I recall, the ballisticians of FE1 were also tanks. Anachronistic as it may be, it's far more than hilarious enough than to make up for it - even if the Armor Knight build isn't all that interesting to fight against, either.

Yeah, I love these guys.

Aw man, Gotoh was a cool guy after all... I'm sad now. Or, well, I was already sad after Maruj's rant last time; unreasonable as it was, it's hard to fault him for it after basically seeing his grandfather die in front of him. Or, well, I'm still not sad because Gotoh had like 2 chapters of screentime before biting it and that's not enough to get me to actually feel for a fictional character. You get the idea.

Still, you can respect him posthumously.

I'm still calling him Gotoh even though there's no punchline anymore except the fact that they were both old guys who can use magic sort of good I guess? Maybe I should stop, to pay respects.

Press F to do that.

Unfortunately I've already spoiled myself on all the recruitables for this game, but if not for that I can't imagine I would have called Norton being playable. He showed up earlier, sure, but at the time of his first appearance you'd probably write him off as just a generic. Now that he's here, though, he reminds me a lot of Arden, as a sword armor with an almost comically ugly design who isn't the brightest bulb in the shed, but still a good guy. As a unit, he unfortunately sounds like one of those cases where he has unique qualities that don't actually benefit him a whole lot; would it have killed Kaga to give Great Knights something other than just swords?

He's still a lot of fun, I think.

TIL the army has two people in it named Lee, one of whom is a girl. Didn't you hear, people aren't allowed to have the same name in Fire Emblem?

Actually, no. As you can see in the OP, the one you're thinking of is actually Leetena. Or Letena, in this new translation. That's a Jeorge-ish change, all right.

Also I just want to say that I really like how you made an entire little subplot out of the AI doing dumb shit. Written well too; you did a good job of characterizing them in the screentime they had, and a lot of their interactions were pretty funny, as well.

A success, me. Allow me to propose a toast in your name, me.

...I have a feeling of déjà vu, anyone else feel the same?

Are helmeted Zieg edits going to appear more in the future or are they just a one-off for this part? It doesn't really matter, having a full-face helmet means you can't really have the same charm as a Morgan, just a bit of curiosity on my part.

The game will use helmeted Zieg in the future for people who aren't Zieg. It's basically supposed to be "generic enemy soldier", which is why it was used as a basis for Zieg's design, given how he's a deserter from the ARMIES OF DANKNESS. Of course, the fact that the game tends to use guys with bland faces as generics kinda defeats the purpose of that sprite, as people end up associating it with Zieg since he's the only one who uses it for a long, long time.


22 hours ago, BrightBow said:

I kinda wish the patch didn't call it the Brave Crossbow. Brave weapons in this game are ridiculously powerful. So calling it the Brave Crossbow implies that it's apart of the weapon group, which it is not. It attacks twice just like a Brave Weapon, sure. But it's very having so it's almost impossible to double attack. Individual attack power and durability are also significantly inferior.
Maybe it could have been called something like Double Crossbow or whatever.

That would perhaps have been a more sensible idea, but still, I don't really have a problem with the name. It is, after all, a brave weapon, even if it blows.


19 hours ago, Mad-manakete said:

Definitely needs a rephrase. Unless the poor guy is secretly a hermaphrodite.

I can't edit it anymore, so... them's the breaks?

Barlowe talk

I like how the Barlowe-like seems to be the complete opposite of Barlowe. Good to know.

Not sure what the biggest surprise of this was. The literal tank, or the molten skulled knight who fights computer viruses in his spare time being a non-generic.

I, too, thought of making antivirus jokes, but the whole situation with Norton and his squad's movements and his bizarre recruitment were already enough for one update.
I'd make some comment about the lack of deaths thus far, but I don't want to jinx it while it's going well.

That's a good boy. Keep behaving like this.

So many questions to ask.

Allow me to provide answers where I can.

Does Narcus stand for Not Marcus?

No. Or, wait... maybe it does. After all, he isn't Marcus, nor is he anywhere near Marcus's badassery.

Why didn't you just use Lee with a slight edit as Wrys?

Because I want the artstyles to be clashing and off-putting.

Why are there tanks in the middle ages?

Because Kaga.

Was getting a sex change and leaving Elibe Martel's next plan after escaping Elibe in the Sacae timeline?

Don't you dare suggest that again.

Does this mean this is definitely happening in the Sacae timeline?

I SAID DON'T SUGGEST THAT AGAIN! Dang, I want to be able to sleep soundly tonight!

Will there be a random chapter where you play a chapter of another series you plan to LP as a semi-teaser?

I don't know. That one update back then wasn't really supposed to be a teaser, I just so happened to be playing Tear Ring at the time and decided to get creative with Sacae. In actuality, that was closer to being a test than a teaser: I'd been toying with the idea of playing Tear Ring next for a while, so I used that part as an excuse to see roughly how it'd work from the technical side of things, how the emulator would handle so much screenshooting, how hard it'd be to get specific shots, how the bigger size of the screencaps would affect things, stuff like that.

It should go without saying, but the game passed the test.

Who was the dickhead who made a tank that could be damaged by swords and axes?

Like Brightbow said, it is possible to damage it with swords and axes, but to be entirely fair, I lucked out and got crits. Without those crits, I guarantee you, it would've taken a lot longer to get through the tank. Maybe that's why the AI of Norton's pals short-circuited: they weren't expecting me to defeat the tank so easily.

Speaking of Wrys, discovering he made it as a support spirit in Smash Ultimate was nice. Not the most useful, but at least he's there.

He is!? I must have him!

Shame Barlowe wasn't there. Setting the two up on Marth or Roy would be just about referential humor.

Well... does this count?

<blockquote class="imgur-embed-pub" lang="en" data-id="MDYIiLk"><a href="//imgur.com/MDYIiLk">View post on imgur.com</a></blockquote><script async src="//s.imgur.com/min/embed.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

Does that even work? I always have so much trouble with videos... couldn't even convert it to a gif, none of the sites I tried worked. Let's try this, as well.


And just in case neither of those worked... here is the link to the meme!


Also, what's Zeiss doing on the prep screen? Didn't he die?

Ah, here it is. What I've been waiting for, for so long. It's about as lazy as I expected it to be. I am profoundly grateful.


19 hours ago, BrightBow said:

Man, I really like the doubling attack power formula for critical hits. This means critical hits can actually be used to solve problems rather then simply speeding up the inevitable.

I agree, I, too, like it better than the formula most FEs use.


5 hours ago, eclipse said:

Maruj, I'm rooting for you~!

Oh, dear. You're rooting for the earlygame, squishy mage? I thought you'd have learnt after last LP...


5 hours ago, Mad-manakete said:

I knew I should have left the question as "who was phone" and not worried about that being an old joke with nothing to do with the LP.

Hey, can't say I get that, so I'm fine with the way the events played out.




Tougher than the rest, for sure, but...

vUN6DQJ.pngWith the river behind us, nothing stands in our way now. Let us march towards Fort Wellt!

tN4k68u.pngCount Marlon, are the troops not exhausted?


tN4k68u.pngAll right, let us push on towards the palace. Eugen, give the order to march!

vUN6DQJ.pngYes, milord!


As always, it's time to see what Codha and his guys are up to.


78Uuld9.pngBerom, you're the only one I can rely on now. You must execute the plan!

MksatFt.pngYes, milord. Preparations have already been made.

78Uuld9.pngWhat's the situation with Roger?

MksatFt.pngFor now, he remains oblivious of Lady Mel's escape.

78Uuld9.pngThank goodness... I still require his assistance.

xQunKTk.png You do know that the moment he learns of her escape, he'll tear you apart, right?


0zFk3fj.png You take hostages to force people to fight for you, you hypocrite!

MksatFt.pngHe is indeed fortunate. I would not have expected the knights of Razelia to land on our shores at such an inoportune time.

78Uuld9.pngNot to mention that they are all seasoned warriors... They lasted an entire year in Granada against an Imperial region. It's no surprise that our inexperienced troops are having a hard time against them.


0zFk3fj.png The only "seasoned warrior" from Razelia that made it here is Eugen, and he can't lift a sword anymore. Everyone else's either a scrub or not from Razelia! We have barely done anything! Lee alone could've stopped you!

78Uuld9.pngBut they shall come no further. I have sent our best men to the town, and they've all been briefed with the plan. You must not fail me, Berom.

MksatFt.pngFear not, milord.


xQunKTk.pngThat's a cool line. You're already cooler than your boss. Even if you look like a pig, at least you aren't a pig with facial cancer.


Speaking of, looks like he's leading the enemy! Finally, a chance to run him through with a spear!


Codha's stats are incredibly bad, but that's good because I get to talk about another thing this game does that I love: you know how in other FE games, it doesn't matter if the enemy's a seasoned general or a cowardly lord, their stats depend on how far into the game they appear? Well, not here: if the boss's a cowardly weakling, their stats will reflect that fact, even if they appear really late into the game, and the same goes for veteran warriors who are fought early. The latter, in particular, makes for one of the most memorable and amazing battles in the entire game. Just you wait...


Other than that, his army consists mainly of Knights, tanks and Archers. There's also this Bishop, who will make my life miserable by healing the enemy, but... not too much so.


I have no more to say. Let's go kick the fatso's ass!


Uhhh, fancy capter title screen!


Another infiltration squad, Eugen? Well, it worked wonders last time, so...

LRWwhwO.pngExcuse me, General Eugen... An... infiltration squad?

vUN6DQJ.pngI sent a small number of troops through the back gate on the eastern side of town. The gate was wide open, without a single guard on watch. Once again, Codha shows his incompetence! Bwahaha!

xQunKTk.png I love how, in stark contrast to Merlinus, who saw traps and spies at every turn, Eugen is faced with this extremely obvious trap and just falls for it like an idiot. Ah, the irony... all those times I gave Merlinus shit, but in this one instance, he would've done better than Eugen...

0zFk3fj.png Just this once, though. Don't you get any funny ideas, Merlinus, you're still the worst for allowing chapter 7 to happen!

LRWwhwO.pngThis is bad... very, very bad...


LRWwhwO.pngThis is certainly a trap, Sir Eugen.


hTMofYU.png Poor guy. He really did think he was a genius! Hahah... oh, man.

tN4k68u.pngEugen, the squad you dispatched is in danger! We have to go to their aid!

vUN6DQJ.pngYes... at once, milord!

xQunKTk.png By the way, as we'll be finding out later when I actually play the chapter, these guys are all overreacting.


78Uuld9.pngBerom, take your troops and rout the enemies still in the town. Leave none of them alive!

MksatFt.pngYes, sir! I shall dispatch our best troops to engage them at once! I will stand guard here, so feel free to return to the palace, milord.

78Uuld9.pngGood... Hm? Where has Roger gone?

MksatFt.pngHe is on watch with his knights to the south of us. He should be reporting back shortly.

78Uuld9.pngBe wary of Roger, General Berom.


0zFk3fj.png Oh, so that's how you intend to deal with him. Well, not if I can do anything about it. It should be pretty obvious how one's supposed to save Roger.

MksatFt.pngUnderstood, milord!


And what do you know, the gigantic asshole really did flee into the palace. Oh, well, at least we still have a boss to kill for exp. In fact, I think I prefer it this way. Codha couldn't have been worth much.
























And that's that. Shorter update than the last. Next time is Codha's last stand! Do not miss it. Farewell!

Death count: --

Reset count: 0


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56 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

78Uuld9.pngBe wary of Roger, General Berom.


Do those rumours involve him having cake on his face, or do they involve his illicit relationship with a brilliant dumbass turned pegasus knight... that thing I'm not supposed to suggest?

Has anyone here ever tried to go through a sheet of metal with a sword or axe? It takes forever. I did it once to prove a point, and ended up with blistered hands from swinging that axe like 300 times. That wasn't even tank grade. Then again, I guess if you took out the treads that may be faster. We'll go with that.

Wrys was one of the first spirits I got by pure luck from clearing Classic. Actually the only spirits I do not own are Dracula and Marx, both of which because of the fact you'll only get them once per run-through of adventure... and they're enhanceable. I have every other spirit in both enhanced and non-enhanced forms if applicable. This with completing all offline challenges means I kind of clocked the game.

If my computer didn't throw a fit attempts to emulate PS1 games, maybe I'd have my jokes planned. As it is, I'm going to have to work it out as I go. Shame.

Nice touch incidentally working the fanfiction in a different way than just conveniently being there from the start.

"Who was phone" is the ending to a "crappypasta", which is like a creepypasta, but deliberately bad. It may be the most famous, but my favourites remain "Deathman" and the lost classic (thanks to Trollpasta wikia's demise) "Teh Evil Babby". The other two can be found easy enough by looking up "crappypasta" and the phrase "Who Was Phone" or "Deathman" respectively.

Edited by Mad-manakete
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6 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:


Codha's stats are incredibly bad, but that's good because I get to talk about another thing this game does that I love: you know how in other FE games, it doesn't matter if the enemy's a seasoned general or a cowardly lord, their stats depend on how far into the game they appear? Well, not here: if the boss's a cowardly weakling, their stats will reflect that fact, even if they appear really late into the game, and the same goes for veteran warriors who are fought early. The latter, in particular, makes for one of the most memorable and amazing battles in the entire game. Just you wait...

While it's of course understandable why most Fire Emblem games don't do it this way (having guys like Narcian and Roartz be weaklings would have made for anticlimactic finishes to their respective story arcs, and on the other hand I imagine it's very easy to make FE bosses too difficult for players with less resources at their disposal...) I'm looking forward to how TRS handles having bosses' strength correlate more directly to their in-story strength. In particular, I'm now eagerly anticipating the encounter you describe near the end of the paragraph.

6 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

LRWwhwO.pngThis is certainly a trap, Sir Eugen.


also just gonna take this opportunity to laugh at Eugen because another one might not come up soon


(still love you, Eugen, man. it's just... hahaha)

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6 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Ah, so you're just a beggar trying to defend your lack of money! HAH u poor, man. So sad. Soooo saaad. Hahahah... ahem... uh, sorry. Don't leave meeee...

I mean, it's bad enough that they're all considered armour units.

No need to be begrudging free armours.

6 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

To be fair, none of my edits thus far have been hard at all. The sprites were really what took the longest, and that's something I did in my free time when I was feeling bored, and considering I had quite a few months since the end of the last LP...

It's still taking time to do them. I feel like I can't just do nothing.

6 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I love that you refer to Sid as Doomguy's cousing. Maybe I should try to find a way to make that canon. Wouldn't be so far-fetched, given this is the same universe where some dork can come this close to ending existance as we know it.

On second thoughts probably not.

The last time Doom involved family the movie happened. Sure, it's not as bad as most video game movies but that's a very low bar to clear.

6 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Oh my God, the cavs really are going to be this game's Dougy for you, aren't they? That's it, they're staying in the team till death do us part.

Eh, if it means not having to see another time through the Letenna event I'm fine with them dying.

6 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Again, that wasn't really hard at all, I just copypasted from one of the earlier "talk menu" screenshots.

I mean, I though you'd had to do more there.

Shows what I know.

6 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Also, what's Zeiss doing on the prep screen? Didn't he die?

Excuse me, is that a random dragon?

Why this edit?

6 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

xQunKTk.png You do know that the moment he learns of her escape, he'll tear you apart, right?

Again, The Roger does a punch through Codha's face.

I mean that would be a suitable end.

6 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

78Uuld9.pngNot to mention that they are all seasoned warriors... They lasted an entire year in Granada against an Imperial region. It's no surprise that our inexperienced troops are having a hard time against them.


0zFk3fj.png The only "seasoned warrior" from Razelia that made it here is Eugen, and he can't lift a sword anymore. Everyone else's either a scrub or not from Razelia! We have barely done anything! Lee alone could've stopped you!

Maybe it's like that theory for why units in Book II of Mystery don't carry their stats from Book I: They pretty much used up their strength in the time between the two.

I mean, I didn't subscribe to that, but still.

6 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

vUN6DQJ.pngI sent a small number of troops through the back gate on the eastern side of town. The gate was wide open, without a single guard on watch. Once again, Codha shows his incompetence! Bwahaha!

xQunKTk.png I love how, in stark contrast to Merlinus, who saw traps and spies at every turn, Eugen is faced with this extremely obvious trap and just falls for it like an idiot. Ah, the irony... all those times I gave Merlinus shit, but in this one instance, he would've done better than Eugen...

Let's be honest, neither of us want to see BB Merlinus again, do we?

6 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:


hTMofYU.png Poor guy. He really did think he was a genius! Hahah... oh, man.


Eugen Fuck-Ups: 1

6 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

xQunKTk.png By the way, as we'll be finding out later when I actually play the chapter, these guys are all overreacting.

I'm utterly surprised.

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With those stats, I don't know how unsatisfying it would be to kick Codha out.  Maybe Maruj can do it!  As a lesson on why diet and exercise are important~!

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13 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I am sorry.

It's fine. Second-ish day recovering, and even though the left side of my jaw hurt this morning, I'm still not in any deep pain. The loopiness is gone, at least.

13 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

That means only a few months left!

In theory, anyway. But you're right, it would only be coming out a few months from now. Man, this year flew by.

13 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Huh... that's interesting.

Yeah, Chris Avellone is pretty well known for having the gameplay and story work hand in hand with each other. As well as for deconstructing any trope that comes within his reach.

13 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Well, here's me, I enjoy playing them like this. Even though I'm usually not as strict with myself as I am when playing for you guys.

I had fun with the ironman, even though I know that it'll be a while before I'll try one with another game in the series (with the exception of Echoes, but that's because Milas turnwheel and resurrection shrines make it pretty easy to unlock the achievement for beating the game without loosing anyone on classic, even on hard difficulty). That's largely because I had a good idea of "which-unit-did-what" in Awakening as I had beaten it several times before. Meanwhile, I'll have to find a way to find and play the other games in the series first, get comfortable enough with how they work, and then finally decide to ironman it. On top of all the other games I wish to complete first... I'm starting to remember why I was soured about the idea for a while.

13 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Yeah, it's a cool soundtrack. My problem with it in Warband, really, was that it seemed like half the time, there was no music, and it just suddenly came up at random times. Kinda ruined the whole effort, to be frank.

Viking Conquest and Napoleonic Wars (although the latter is a multiplayer mod, so it debatably counts) were much better at handling that, as far as I'm aware. The former also has a solid story and better dialogue than Warband as well.

13 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Hahahahahahah... that's a cute story.

Yep. I remember doing the Kamehameha by complete accident. I looked at the move list, charged to max power, and the next thing I knew, I launched a giant laser beam at my friend and ruined half the map. It was great.

13 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I was about to close the video and wonder exactly why you recommended that to me when I have no idea where it's from, what it's supposed to reference or what is the funny part about it.

Then the music and the loop started. That was a good laugh, thanks. I still don't get the correlation, but who cares about the little details, am I right?

Mentioning slapping+remembering a video I had recently watched+loopiness (heh)=That

I told my cat not to do drugs once I got home. Chances are, anything weird I said last time was a result of the the medicine not wearing off yet.

13 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Perhaps I phrased that badly. What I meant to say was that, in the real middle ages, it's true that female soldiers weren't so common, as far as I am aware of. Commanders, camp followers and other roles were executed by women, but for a female to pick up a spear and fight in the frontlines? If I'm not mistaken, that wasn't common at all back in those days. If this was real life middle ages, Zieg's statement would only be pointing out a fact, and his surprise would feel legitimate.

I see.

13 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Well, joke's on you, sucker: things went smoothly!

Well, the jokes on both of us, as I got to have mashed potatoes while I saw you succeed!

13 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

They don't work that well, though. 3 move and all.

Eh, he won't care.

13 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Don't think this will be the norm. If anything, it's the exception.

I see. Guess we'll have to wait and see how overpowered they can be, then.

13 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Magic does, as it always did and does in FE, and I'm pretty sure bows do, too.

Huh. I'll have to check again, but I was pretty certain that if magic or bows missed, it didn't use up the tome/bow. Unrealistic, yes. but there's some limit to the cruelty IS/Kaga have against archers.

13 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Nah, it's just a circle that shrinks into the

Forgot to finish the sentence. It's so easy to do.

13 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

That seems to be a talent of mine, right? Hand out laughter and joy to the readers with one hand, and while they're not looking stab them in the heart with the other.

That... is astonishingly accurate.

13 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Good to know there's at the very least one person who likes 'em aside from me! More will come.

Glad to hear and waiting to see more!

13 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Your rank really does not lie, huh?

It does not. Part of that is because of how much I overthink things, and part of that is because I really need to take a typing class.

That, and Blustone 2 (technically not an actual sequel, but a massive update. However, seeing as the game has been out for a year and a half with several important updates in the meantime, I think they are allowed to add the 2) really was out for a few weeks before I decided to change it again.

13 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

That would've been a pain on par with that I feel when I post an update only to realise I wrote it all outside the spoiler box. I sure hope that never happens in this LP, I absolutely despise that.

Ever since I lost three hours of progress back in my SF interview in May, I've been paranoid about being logged out when typing something. Even if a good amount of it is due to having pictures, the google doc I made that records almost everything I've written and was afraid of losing is over 50 pages long.

13 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:


0zFk3fj.png You take hostages to force people to fight for you, you hypocrite!

Perhaps Codha has played enough 4X games to know that if you ally with the AI, you'll end up doing all the dirty work. It still makes him a hypocrite, but I know that's happened enough times to me that I don't blame him for feeling the same way.

13 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Codha's stats are incredibly bad, but that's good because I get to talk about another thing this game does that I love: you know how in other FE games, it doesn't matter if the enemy's a seasoned general or a cowardly lord, their stats depend on how far into the game they appear? Well, not here: if the boss's a cowardly weakling, their stats will reflect that fact, even if they appear really late into the game, and the same goes for veteran warriors who are fought early. The latter, in particular, makes for one of the most memorable and amazing battles in the entire game. Just you wait...

Huh, that's a nice way of combining gameplay and story. The closest I can think of of FE doing that is Echoes having three enemy units promote inbetween meeting them.

Also, you're definitely hyping up the fight with the latter. It should be interesting to see...

13 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:


Other than that, his army consists mainly of Knights, tanks and Archers. There's also this Bishop, who will make my life miserable by healing the enemy, but... not too much so.

Ah, there's Wrys! Let's see how he gets out of...

Never mind

13 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

xQunKTk.png I love how, in stark contrast to Merlinus, who saw traps and spies at every turn, Eugen is faced with this extremely obvious trap and just falls for it like an idiot. Ah, the irony... all those times I gave Merlinus shit, but in this one instance, he would've done better than Eugen...

0zFk3fj.png Just this once, though. Don't you get any funny ideas, Merlinus, you're still the worst for allowing chapter 7 to happen!

Well, one mistake is better than several. And it helps humanize Eugen a bit more, as if his bloodthirstiness and snark didn't do that before...

13 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:


I can see why the enemy never bothers to use captured healers to aid on their side.

So will Wyrs be going the "waste valuable staves on minor injuries" route of not helping or the "I won't heal you until you're near deaths door because staves aren't cheap!" one?

13 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:


Something tells me that that injury will bite Ruben in the butt later.

13 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

And that's that. Shorter update than the last. Next time is Codha's last stand! Do not miss it. Farewell!

Man, I have to get used to these shorter updates. I know that these will become longer as time goes on, but it's still catching me off guard.

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16 hours ago, eclipse said:

With those stats, I don't know how unsatisfying it would be to kick Codha out.  Maybe Maruj can do it!  As a lesson on why diet and exercise are important~!

Well, Maruj has already been known to pretend to be a plane. Perhaps it would be out of place for him to shoot down a Zepellin. First tanks now this. Maybe we're in WWI of anime and no one got the memo?

17 hours ago, Dayni said:

Excuse me, is that a random dragon?

Why this edit?

Ruben can explain it better, seeing as it was his LP, but being responsible for the edit, it's essentially a reference to Zeiss, the Wyvern Rider who canonically died but due to circumstances I'll gloss over was still in the roster, and therefore showed up on the prep-screen, leading to people who missed it questioning why he was on the prep-screen when he was dead according to the casualty list. So it became a thread-meme, eventually ending in the joke people would still be asking next LP. Which resulted in that edit to make the joke true, which either resulted in you continuing the joke deliberately and me explaining when you knew or you not getting it, which would poetically enough result in a joke leading to the actual question and the continuation of the meme. Either way, with that, the ongoing Morgans, Sid's continued existence, Martel jokes that I'm no longer allowed to make and the horsemen making a comeback earlier, we just need the spooky axebros, Saul Frollo, badass Matthis/Marcus and Wrys' metamorphic hair back and we've got all the references we need, and I swear if they don't come into it organically, I'm going to badly edit them in somehow.

Also it's now headcannon that The Roger the Paladin is in fact the former Roger of Archanea after the New Mystery incident. He fell off the bridge after the battle and washed up elsewhere, just like Camus, but kept his name and became a badass instead of the failure he would have been if he survived the war. It makes everything even less painful than his death was already.

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Part 12 - Tanks!


I'd just like to wish everyone a happy christmas. As a gift, here's an update.

On 23/12/2018 at 2:29 PM, Hylian Air Force said:

Where have I been?


And why is the Ruben Saga so good?

Because I'm a genius.


On 23/12/2018 at 3:14 PM, Mad-manakete said:

Do those rumours involve him having cake on his face, or do they involve his illicit relationship with a brilliant dumbass turned pegasus knight... that thing I'm not supposed to suggest?

G-gaaaah! Never show yourself before me again.

Has anyone here ever tried to go through a sheet of metal with a sword or axe? It takes forever. I did it once to prove a point, and ended up with blistered hands from swinging that axe like 300 times. That wasn't even tank grade. Then again, I guess if you took out the treads that may be faster. We'll go with that.

Actually, in the old translation the tanks were called "woodshooters", which implies these tanks are made of wood. I know, I know, that makes even less sense, but hey. This is the same game where old men go around throwing hadoukens.
Wrys was one of the first spirits I got by pure luck from clearing Classic. Actually the only spirits I do not own are Dracula and Marx, both of which because of the fact you'll only get them once per run-through of adventure... and they're enhanceable. I have every other spirit in both enhanced and non-enhanced forms if applicable. This with completing all offline challenges means I kind of clocked the game.

I'll be honest, I got bored of adventure mode pretty quickly. For a while now all I've been doing is match after match after match against the bots, in lieu of internet that would allow me to play online. I'm pretty proud of some of the things I pull off with Luigi occasionaly, even if deep down I know that going online would result in my death over and over. Still, against the bots, I can manage some sick offstage plays with that karate chop of Luigi's. I also play Marth, Roy, Lucas, Zelda, Wolf, Robin, Dr. Mario and the Miis, aside from the occasional smashdown where I just settle for what I can. But, I digress. I've gone on for long enough.
If my computer didn't throw a fit attempts to emulate PS1 games, maybe I'd have my jokes planned. As it is, I'm going to have to work it out as I go. Shame.

PS1 games are easy to emulate, man. Just get Mednafen and a launcher like Medlaunch and you'll be all set.

Nice touch incidentally working the fanfiction in a different way than just conveniently being there from the start.

I've had that idea for a while now. It's good to see people are liking it.

"Who was phone" is the ending to a "crappypasta", which is like a creepypasta, but deliberately bad. It may be the most famous, but my favourites remain "Deathman" and the lost classic (thanks to Trollpasta wikia's demise) "Teh Evil Babby". The other two can be found easy enough by looking up "crappypasta" and the phrase "Who Was Phone" or "Deathman" respectively.

I've looked it up. Okay, that was funny.


On 23/12/2018 at 9:13 PM, Ruminant said:

While it's of course understandable why most Fire Emblem games don't do it this way (having guys like Narcian and Roartz be weaklings would have made for anticlimactic finishes to their respective story arcs, and on the other hand I imagine it's very easy to make FE bosses too difficult for players with less resources at their disposal...) I'm looking forward to how TRS handles having bosses' strength correlate more directly to their in-story strength. In particular, I'm now eagerly anticipating the encounter you describe near the end of the paragraph.

Frankly, I like this better. For the most part they handle weak bosses in pretty interesting ways.

also just gonna take this opportunity to laugh at Eugen because another one might not come up soon


(still love you, Eugen, man. it's just... hahaha)

It's understandable. I, too, found it highly amusing.


On 23/12/2018 at 10:42 PM, Dayni said:

I mean, it's bad enough that they're all considered armour units.

No need to be begrudging free armours.

Wait, Camilia is an armor? Where's the armor!? There's no armor to be seen, unless she stops the swords with her b--

It's still taking time to do them. I feel like I can't just do nothing.

Not that much time, and keep in mind I'm doing this for personal enjoyment too, it's not like I'm suffering or anything like that. I mean, I don't get anything outta this, if I wasn't enjoying it I wouldn't have started a third LP.

On second thoughts probably not.

The last time Doom involved family the movie happened. Sure, it's not as bad as most video game movies but that's a very low bar to clear.

I'll take your word for it.

Eh, if it means not having to see another time through the Letenna event I'm fine with them dying.

Man, just embrace the schadenfreude, like the rest of the readers who loudly cheer every time I fail at something. It'll do you good.

I mean, I though you'd had to do more there.

Shows what I know.

Ah, don't worry about it. It's also that I have two LPs of practice behind me, I've learnt some things out of those.

Excuse me, is that a random dragon?

Why this edit?

Remember how in the last LP, people asked me why Zeiss was alive even though he was in the death count like, a thousand times, and in one of my very last posts on the thread I complained that, at that rate, the first reply on my next LP was going to be some doofus asking why Zeiss was in the prepscreen?

He 'membered. He was late, but oh well, them's the breaks.

Again, The Roger does a punch through Codha's face.

I mean that would be a suitable end.

A punch from The Roger The Paladin would do quite the massive damage, I agree.

Maybe it's like that theory for why units in Book II of Mystery don't carry their stats from Book I: They pretty much used up their strength in the time between the two.

I mean, I didn't subscribe to that, but still.

Or, the canon tactician from book 1 used all of their resources on a RNG-screwed Abel. At least in the remakes they used a few more units. Even if they were some of the game's worst units. Maybe I was the canon tactician for FE11?

Let's be honest, neither of us want to see BB Merlinus again, do we?

Fuck that, I'd have anything before BB Merlinus.


Eugen Fuck-Ups: 1

Inb4 the LP ends and his fuck-ups counter is still at 1.

I'm utterly surprised.

I don't get it, is that sarcasm?


On 23/12/2018 at 11:18 PM, eclipse said:

With those stats, I don't know how unsatisfying it would be to kick Codha out.  Maybe Maruj can do it!  As a lesson on why diet and exercise are important~!

You really like Maruj, eh? Shouldn't you be trying to push me into not using him, then, knowing my track record?


On 24/12/2018 at 4:06 AM, Hawkwing said:

It's fine. Second-ish day recovering, and even though the left side of my jaw hurt this morning, I'm still not in any deep pain. The loopiness is gone, at least.

I'd be worried if it wasn't.

In theory, anyway. But you're right, it would only be coming out a few months from now. Man, this year flew by.


Yeah, Chris Avellone is pretty well known for having the gameplay and story work hand in hand with each other. As well as for deconstructing any trope that comes within his reach.

Heavy Rain still has the best videogame story of all time. I mean, how can you go wrong with a Magical Fatso with superpowers who can defy the laws of physics? And SHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUN!?

I had fun with the ironman, even though I know that it'll be a while before I'll try one with another game in the series (with the exception of Echoes, but that's because Milas turnwheel and resurrection shrines make it pretty easy to unlock the achievement for beating the game without loosing anyone on classic, even on hard difficulty). That's largely because I had a good idea of "which-unit-did-what" in Awakening as I had beaten it several times before. Meanwhile, I'll have to find a way to find and play the other games in the series first, get comfortable enough with how they work, and then finally decide to ironman it. On top of all the other games I wish to complete first... I'm starting to remember why I was soured about the idea for a while.

I completely understand.

Viking Conquest and Napoleonic Wars (although the latter is a multiplayer mod, so it debatably counts) were much better at handling that, as far as I'm aware. The former also has a solid story and better dialogue than Warband as well.

Maybe I shall have to try it out at some point.

Yep. I remember doing the Kamehameha by complete accident. I looked at the move list, charged to max power, and the next thing I knew, I launched a giant laser beam at my friend and ruined half the map. It was great.


Mentioning slapping+remembering a video I had recently watched+loopiness (heh)=That

I told my cat not to do drugs once I got home. Chances are, anything weird I said last time was a result of the the medicine not wearing off yet.

I've got to thank medical science for that. That was great, even if I didn't get it.

I see.

Well, the jokes on both of us, as I got to have mashed potatoes while I saw you succeed!


Eh, he won't care.

I wouldn't either, if someone told me there were tanks in FE.

I see. Guess we'll have to wait and see how overpowered they can be, then.

You have no idea.

Huh. I'll have to check again, but I was pretty certain that if magic or bows missed, it didn't use up the tome/bow. Unrealistic, yes. but there's some limit to the cruelty IS/Kaga have against archers.

Perhaps they scrapped the idea in the modern games, but I know for a fact magic wears out even if it misses in the GBA games. Not so sure about the DS titles.

Forgot to finish the sentence. It's so easy to do.

Did I, now? Huh... I was pretty sure I...

...what the hell happened?! I just randomly spaced out, or what? I guess that's what happens when you have a bazillion of replies to reply to. I really wasn't expecting it to get this out of hand back in the days of FE12 when I barely got a reply every five updates.

That... is astonishingly accurate.

Agh... I'm so sorry. Hopefully, this time around it'll actually be a comedic little side-story and won't evolve into a full-blown fucking tragedy like last time. Well, at any rate, we can always count on my self-insert to be humorous. Right? Right...?

Glad to hear and waiting to see more!

Perfect. Keep reading, and you'll be very glad you did.

It does not. Part of that is because of how much I overthink things, and part of that is because I really need to take a typing class.

Ah, yeah. That's something I'm rather proud of, I can type extremely fast.

That, and Blustone 2 (technically not an actual sequel, but a massive update. However, seeing as the game has been out for a year and a half with several important updates in the meantime, I think they are allowed to add the 2) really was out for a few weeks before I decided to change it again.

I see.

Ever since I lost three hours of progress back in my SF interview in May, I've been paranoid about being logged out when typing something. Even if a good amount of it is due to having pictures, the google doc I made that records almost everything I've written and was afraid of losing is over 50 pages long.

Hwahahahah... to be fair, the only time I lost progress entirely due to SF's shenanigans was that one time the site went down temporarily for maintenance and it ate the whole update. Other than that, not much, aside from all those times the site decided ctr+z does not mean "undo last change" but "undo half the update". I swear, I never, ever undo anything unless it's absolutely necessary out of fear of that happening.

Perhaps Codha has played enough 4X games to know that if you ally with the AI, you'll end up doing all the dirty work. It still makes him a hypocrite, but I know that's happened enough times to me that I don't blame him for feeling the same way.

Or maybe he's just an asshole.

Huh, that's a nice way of combining gameplay and story. The closest I can think of of FE doing that is Echoes having three enemy units promote inbetween meeting them.

That's Fernand, LIESLIESLIESLIESLIESman and... I don't know, Slayde?

Also, you're definitely hyping up the fight with the latter. It should be interesting to see...

You bet! If there's a chapter where I fully expect to lose someone, it's that one. Then again, I said the same thing about chapter Douglas in FE6 and that was pretty much the one and only chapter where everything went well in the whole LP...

Ah, there's Wrys! Let's see how he gets out of...

Never mind

Yeah, more on that today.

Well, one mistake is better than several. And it helps humanize Eugen a bit more, as if his bloodthirstiness and snark didn't do that before...

All things considered, he's a pretty complete character.

I can see why the enemy never bothers to use captured healers to aid on their side.

It's a lot easier to hold back with the healing than the hurting.

So will Wyrs be going the "waste valuable staves on minor injuries" route of not helping or the "I won't heal you until you're near deaths door because staves aren't cheap!" one?

We'll just have to wait and see.

Something tells me that that injury will bite Ruben in the butt later.

Ah, perhaps...

Man, I have to get used to these shorter updates. I know that these will become longer as time goes on, but it's still catching me off guard.

Believe me, when we get to some of the game's more verbose dialogue segments, you'll be begging for these to come back. I love this game's story, but even I choke on a few of those segments. And this time around, I have to transcribe them!


21 hours ago, Mad-manakete said:

Well, Maruj has already been known to pretend to be a plane. Perhaps it would be out of place for him to shoot down a Zepellin. First tanks now this. Maybe we're in WWI of anime and no one got the memo?
Hwahahahahah... goodness gracious, this is ridiculous.

Ruben can explain it better, seeing as it was his LP, but being responsible for the edit, it's essentially a reference to Zeiss, the Wyvern Rider who canonically died but due to circumstances I'll gloss over was still in the roster, and therefore showed up on the prep-screen, leading to people who missed it questioning why he was on the prep-screen when he was dead according to the casualty list. So it became a thread-meme, eventually ending in the joke people would still be asking next LP.

He was there! He replied to every single update! That's the only reason he didn't get the joke: unlike seemingly everyone else, he didn't miss Zeiss's death!

Which resulted in that edit to make the joke true, which either resulted in you continuing the joke deliberately and me explaining when you knew or you not getting it, which would poetically enough result in a joke leading to the actual question and the continuation of the meme. Either way, with that, the ongoing Morgans, Sid's continued existence, Martel jokes that I'm no longer allowed to make and the horsemen making a comeback earlier, we just need the spooky axebros, Saul Frollo, badass Matthis/Marcus and Wrys' metamorphic hair back and we've got all the references we need, and I swear if they don't come into it organically, I'm going to badly edit them in somehow.

This is just going to be another trainwreck, isn't it? Well, then we shall drive this damned train into the nearest wall!

Also it's now headcannon that The Roger the Paladin is in fact the former Roger of Archanea after the New Mystery incident. He fell off the bridge after the battle and washed up elsewhere, just like Camus, but kept his name and became a badass instead of the failure he would have been if he survived the war. It makes everything even less painful than his death was already.

Actually... hmmm... hold on a sec.

On 13/8/2017 at 2:33 AM, Saint Rubenio said:




He did get killed.


Holy shit, he was not meant to live, was he?

He did die in the bridge, actually! But this makes no sense, his eye is very much there, and his hair's not the right color...

However, the hairstyle's the same, and it is true that traumatic events can cause a person's hair to go white, or even fall off prematurely... so maybe our dear The Roger The Paladin's just toting a wig! Or maybe pink hair just goes dark green instead of white upon aging! Yeah, that's right, and his eye... it could be a fake glass eye! And of course, the first thing he'd do upon reaching foreign lands would be to get a girlfriend like he never could in Archanea! Mel looks a lot like Shiida! It all makes sense now! He's definitely Roger from Archanea! I cannot believe it!



Let us liberate!


First off... uh, I have no idea what to do. I want both Julia and Kreiss in, but there's no space!


Sorry, Garo, but you're amazing. You can sit one chapter out.


I hand out some goodies before we go.


Here is the map. It's, uh... a little underwhelming. That's Codha's trap? There's noone to attack the guys in the town! The guys by Berom's side will be heading towards them, but the fastest one is the Archer and even he'll take a few turns, enough to break down the gate and let Runan and company in. But that's really not needed: if anything, Runan's in a slightly worse position, because he's stuck with one forced healer and four other troops, whereas the southern group can be all fighters, and he has to face tanky enemies from all sides and Archers with extended range. Yes, I did say that, and no, it's not because they have longbows.


I'll show you in a minute. Right now, I want to reset so I can do some changes to the formation.


There, that's a lot better. It doesn't really matter, to be honest, but this formation will prove to be a lot more convenient later.


Anyway, there's something very special about these "tower" tiles: they increase the range of the enemy by one. As you can see, this crossbow only has a range of 2, but thanks to the tower, he can reach further. This isn't that much of an issue here, but it'll be incredibly annoying later on when they start throwing units with longbows and the like on these tiles.


There's also a really special tank by the entrance. It has a name! And a face! And a lazy eye! And... wait, Lot? Well, I suppose the defense checks out...


Well, whatever. Let's go.


The enemies move.


fmFlrfa.pngThat blasted Codha... He tells me he wants my archery skills, but he sticks me in this awful moving closet! At least no one can recognize me in this. Bartz would laugh his head off if he saw me...

0zFk3fj.png Well, I sure wonder who needs to talk to you.

xQunKTk.png I have no idea, myself. I suppose I'll try with Juliattisnacordst.


Runan slices the gate with his dinky, 1-pixel-wide sword, and that suffices to take almost a third of the gate's health.


Hmmm... that works.


I love how, sometimes, units don't dodge, they just sort of stand there and the game decides the enemy whiffed the swing.


Maruj one-rounds with the Wundergust. I do believe it's about time we tried it out. Do the honors, Maruj!


It's basically wind times 3.


Sadly, due to the score increase and attacking at range, he doesn't gain as much from the battle. That's another detail I don't think I discussed: the more dangerous the battle, the more experience the unit gains. If I had Maruj attack at melee range, where the enemy could counterattack, he would've gained some more experience. It's really cool. I wish FE handled experience more like this game does.


While we have time, let's have Juliattisnacordst use the money bag. Remember, we could get anything from 2000 to 4000.


Aaand of course we get just about as little as we could have. Gee, thanks, RNGoddess. You're sweet, you know that?


Sigh... here, Raquel, shoot... wait, Runan!?


...that counts as hitting the gate? Eh, I won't question it.


Kate kills this guy, but now she's in range of Tom. I'm not afraid of her dying, but she's got too high a crit chance.


So let's just place Sasha next to her as bait, and open a money bag while we're at it. Do not let me down like Juliattisnacordst did, Sasha!


Damn you...! I should just settle for selling these. Yeah, you can sell bags of money, and that gives a flat 3000 gold. I can't say I get it, but oh well.


Since she has nothing to do, I might as well let Mel poke the gate some more.


Son of a--


Arkis is such a lame fighter, he can't even double Knights! I know I said Knights in this game are surprisingly fast due to how weight works, but still!


Why are you surprised? You're the one who charged at her! Besides, she's on the other side of the wall, how do you even know she's there? How do you fire over the wall through that tiny hole? How short is he, that he has enough space in that tiny box to aim, pull the string and fire through the hole? Then again, he is using a bowgun, but he can use normal bows just as well! So many questions...


What matters is that he can't kill Sasha.


The enemy creeps closer. But they're too late.


It's called a "tank", Juliattisnacordst.

fmFlrfa.pngCrap... Found me, huh? Long time no see, Bartz! How'd you know it was me?

H7NXgsy.pngOh, trust me, I can tell by your smell. 

fmFlrfa.pngBah! As if you're one to talk.

H7NXgsy.pngWhat are you doing here, Tom? I thought you'd become a ranger in Lot.


0zFk3fj.png And he didn't take your family hostage? Odd. Maybe Tom just doesn't have a family.

fmFlrfa.pngAnd, well... This is my job now.

H7NXgsy.pngPathetic... Simply pathetic, pal.

fmFlrfa.pngSince when am I your "pal"?

H7NXgsy.pngLook, just come with me. I can guarantee it'll be better than whatever crap you're doing now.

fmFlrfa.pngThanks, man! That means I can get out of this box, right?

0zFk3fj.png No, actually, I'd like having a playable tank.

H7NXgsy.pngSure thing, pal. Except...

fmFlrfa.pngExcept what?


xQunKTk.png Juliattisnacordst bamboozled him, by the way: he never gets to leave his tank, which I'm fine with. Also, in the old translation he was called Thomas, but I can't make the obvious tinpot conspiracy theory because Tomas never died. He was a hero all the way through.


HP 30% - Strength 10% - Skill 35% - Speed 45% - Defense 10% - Magic 0% - Luck 20% - Mastery 40%

You know how Norton had the most bizarre recruitment conditions ever but was otherwise a rather standard Armor Knight, save for a few oddities? Well, Tom's the opposite. I don't get this guy. He's a tank, but his strength, defense and HP growths are unbelievably low, at 10% for the formers and 30% for the latter. On the other hand, his speed growth is sky-high for this game and class, and he learns Adept at level 30 as his one and only skill, which is a really weird choice for this sort of unit. I suppose that's what happens when you stick a Hunter in a tank. Still, his strange growths aren't as much of an issue as they may seem, since his defensive bases will carry him for a long while, and, while his strength is low, he can just use more powerful bows. Really, what ruins him is that 3 move. He can't get anywhere fast, and unlike Norton, he can't get any more without statboosting, and this game's move statbooster is really, really rare (as it should be).

Still, I mean, c'mon, he's a tank! I have to at least give him a shot!


Let's start right now. He may have no move, but his bases are very good, so he can be useful if you give him the time to fight.


And Maruj seals the deal with some ordinary wind.


And a horrible level.


Anyhow, the gate's down. We may proceed.


Hmmm... not Maruj, though. That situation looks dangerous, and where there's danger, there's experience to be gained!


The rest advance.


Ah! 4% crit! Juliattisnacordst, nooo! If you die, and I have to scream your name, I'll choke to death!


Okay, thanks.


Fun fact: this guy isn't the same class as the last guy. He's a Marksman. The difference? This guy uses Holmes's animations. I'm not even kidding. I also don't get it.


Also, he sucks.


Funnily enough, Maruj faces exactly 1% crit against these guys. Thankfully, Enteh's support is sufficient to lower that to a more agreeable 0%.


That's the brightest frame ever. It's not quite a flashbang, but it's damn close.


Go down, imposter!




Even Maruj's idle stance is weird. What even is he doing with his arm? It looks like he's twisting it to the side or something. What was wrong with his fighting stance? That looked idle enough, and at least it didn't make me question my eyes.


Outclassed! You cannot defeat the tank!




Whoa, whoa! Calm down with the sparkles there, man!


That's the basic thunder tome, by the way. Higher level tomes get a lot more freaky than this.


The remaining enemies attempt to keep up.


Juliattisnacordst's healing pose just never ceases to amaze me. One of these days, people are going to have had enough of his shit and they'll leave him to die.

Or maybe Lee will simply shoot a hadouken his way. Maybe I should avoid healing him with Lee...


The dark Bishop dies.


And he leaves his tome to us! Nice. Lee could use that, he's running out of hadoukens.


A level for the Lee.


Are you realee sure that's what you need?


Very well, Norton will defend the gate.


A job well done.


The tank didn't attack. I guess he's just afraid of Norton's lack of range...?


Whatever the case, the time has come for Norton to surprise his foe with the estoc!


Come nooooowwww what's wrong with you all?


Enteh will go back and visit the house outside the town now that the coast is clear. The rest will continue moving forward.



I know that doesn't look like much, but that weapon, it's...!


SHIT GAH okay, she dodged. Yeah, that weapon hits four times, and those would've been just enough to kill Kate. Thankfully, she's good, but... oh, God. First close call of the LP.


She couldn't even do anything to the bastard in return.






Son of a bitch...


Oh, and now that piece of trash healer will heal him. How I look forward to killing him...!


At least this other bastard's out of the way.


Hey, at least the shitbag didn't fully heal the tank, so he had to flee as fast as he could (read, really slowly and ineffectively). Maybe that Bishop's not such a bad guy after all.


Still, I'd rather not let him run amok. Lee... release the hadouken.


Here we go! Four-shot that, you bastard of a bastard!


Looks like the road to Fort Wellt is clear, and only Berom stands between us and the liberation of Wellt.


But first, houses.

orfi8jp.pngThe castle town is heavily defended by Codha's troops.

0zFk3fj.png Well, heavily, heavily... eh.

orfi8jp.pngI used to be a blacksmith over in town, but I got sick of Codha's attitude and moved my shop out here. Ah, yes, I've got a little something for you. I made this sword myself. It'll cut through mail like a hot knife through butter. Here, take it. No doubt you'll find it useful.


I don't know about that, because...


Berom's an interesting one. His stats aren't as impressive as Dommes's, but he's got a gate, and a really unique weapon: the swordbreaker. If you try to use a sword against him, be it a normal sword, the rapier or the armorslayer we just got, and he hits you, you'll be down one sword. However, since he has no range, we can just nuke him or Raquel him without a worry in the world.


To that end, we march forward with caution.


...oh, balderdash! That's way too close for confort! What if Mel's in Roger's range... and what if Roger suffers from the Matthis syndrome?!


Now that I've gotten another look at him, I can say... you can't really see his right eye all that well from this angle. It looks a little odd. Maybe Mad-manakete's Roger theory's correct after all!


Ah, perfect, he didn't move yet. In that case, let's wait for him.


There we go!


wDsFnYT.pngMel! How did you...? Weren't you being kept prisoner by Codha!?

nsbm6hd.pngThe Liberation Army rescued me. I'm safe and sound, so you don't have to listen to him any more!

wDsFnYT.pngThank goodness... All I could do was worry about you!


hTMofYU.png Hell yeah, The Roger The Paladin's on the house!

wDsFnYT.pngStay by my side, Mel! I don't want to be separated from you ever again!






(I know, I know. I did reuse the screenshot from chapter 4. He's the same here, don't worry)

HP 65% - Strength 20% - Skill 20% - Speed 20% - Defense 15% - Magic 5% - Luck 25% - Mastery 20%

The Roger the Paladin is a pretty solid unit. He joins as a better Raffin with a different, more defense-oriented skillset, with Pavise and Vantage to excel at taking hits. He also learns Wrath at level 18, which is pretty damn good when coupled with Vantage, as you can get him to low-ish health, and he'll more or less be unstoppable as long as he can kill with one critical hit. As for his stats, he's what you'd expect from a prepromoted Paladin: solid stats all around and balanced growths ensures Krarkiss look even worse than they already did. Roger does suffer more than either of the christmas cavvies and Raffin indoors, though: the Silver Paladin, while good from a statistical perspective, loses a ton from dismounting, and can only use swords on foot. Still, Roger's a good clutch for a while, and with some luck, he can remain useful for the entire game. A solid unit, I think.


Now, I could just have him fight already, but I don't think that'd be such a good use of my experience.


Incidentally, here's the reason that random cavalier has such low speed: he's toting this sucker. The Greatlance is heavy as shit and rather inaccurate, but you can be sure that if it hits, the receiver will be crippled.


Anyhow, Kate jeigans for her liege and Tom kills.


The Roger hands over his weaponery to Raquel so that he may tank in peace without worrying about killing too much.


And with that, the turn is over.


Oh, that guy retreated to heal! Good for him that he had a herb, I guess, because the healer didn't bother patching him up.


The Roger emerges victorious!


With any luck, Maruj will too, from this level up!


An oddly defensive level, but I'll take it. Still, where's the magic, kid? Well, where is it?


I move Roger one tile forward, which later proves to be a grave mistake. This guy heals some more.


Ah! Crit! Noooooooo not The Roger the Paladin!


Jesus... all right, he's fine.




Ah, how nice it is to have Arkis throw some javelins! Still, it'd be better if I had remembered to give him Raffin's javelin.


Nearly a level? Good.


Sasha, too, gets one!


Kick ass! Now she's even better. But what numbers did she get?




Only the coward with the herb and the Bishop remain.


The Sasha hop, unfortunately, cannot safe her from getting greatlanced.


Irrelevant. He's down, and she'll be healed.


Arkis, that's enough mastery now. Get other things.


Take back your things, Roger. I'm sure we could use the help of The Roger the Paladin in wrapping things up here.


But before anything else, Enteh's made it back into town and is on some more visiting duty.


xQunKTk.png Oh it's you. Always good to see you.

orfi8jp.pngBut a lot of times, they just judge you based on how good your weapon looks. You might be able to fool them that way.


That's it? No goodies? I do believe I already explained how the arena works... ah, well. I'm not sure if I mentioned the fact that you use your own weapons in it, so there's that.


Berom, your time is soon to run out! Your minutes are numbered!


As is yours! Stop running away and face destiny!


While checking whether Roger has a support with anyone other than Mel (he doesn't), the game reminded me that Roger has a talk with Runan. Let's check it out.


You are mistaken. He's The Roger the Paladin.


LRWwhwO.pngSir Roger, you've suffered quite enough.


wDsFnYT.pngCount Marlon... You would forgive a wretch like me?

LRWwhwO.pngIf you still have your dignify as a Knight of Wellt, then surely you have not forgotten your loyalty to the royal family. I ask you as a fellow citizen, please use your strength for the good of Wellt.

wDsFnYT.pngThank you, Count Marlon! It would be my pleasure. You have my deepest gratitude.


That was cute. On to less cute things...


Nice toy sword you got there. Seriously, blue?


The brave bow has this cool effect where arrows leave behind a trail of red circles. Also, they're golden. Rather wasteful there, don't you think, Raquel?


Why!? Why can only my Jeigan get good levels!?

Sigh... astounding performance, Raquel. Thank you for joining, after all.




Fss... stay down!


And so--



Sick flips, Roger. I don't get why you felt the need to spin your lance around before throwing it, but sure.


And so, it is over.


Sure was. Buh-bye!




Well, then. More text.

orfi8jp.pngSounds just like something that Codha would do. But this is a battle for the future of Wellt! We need you guys to win, no matter what. Here, take this key. You can use it to lower the bridge!


That was so useless... still, unlike in FE12, there's more than one bridge in the entire game, so perhaps this'll come in handy later.


Okay, let's deal with this guy... mm?












Well, Hawkwing... it really did come back to bite him in the butt, in a way!




Where was I? Oh, right, Norton level. It's not good.


We also got a heal, which is all right, Lee's is almost broken.


4wf1MCa.pngYou interested? You might be hot stuff on the field of battle, but arena matches are a whole different game. If you don't want to lose your head chasing after the reward money, then get studying!

0zFk3fj.png This fellow teaches the Gladiator skill, I'm pretty sure that's its name? What it does is basically the same as Urbanite, etc. but when fighting in the arena. It's... not very good, all things considered.


Before we go, I'll be giving Sasha a couple levels at the arena. Call me names if you will, but a pegasus will be extremely useful next chapter, and Sasha risks getting left behind if I don't get her a pegasus right now.

And c'mon, I want Paragon on best murderprincess and I'm already gonna screw myself over by using some of the game's worst units, spare me some arena abusing, okay?


So here's how it goes in this game. This fellow greets us, repeats that little spiel every single time, and then we get...


Some basic details about the potential opponent. Should we accept...


We'll get the statsheet so we can lament our foul luck. Nihil's already bad enough, but look at that! The shieldblade is a sword that, for every single hit the wielder takes, increases his defense by a random amount between 1 and 20. Yeah. The chances of it failing to turn you into an invincible juggernaut are pretty slim.




Gah! Pull out, pull out!


At least the arenaman isn't an asshole, like arenamen usually are in FE. He stuttered a bit with the "point" there, but he's still pretty cheery about this. Can't say I would've expected it, seeing those serial killer eyes.


Another level for Lee. Let it be a good one, friend.


Ah, that's all right. He has another 19 levels, and even if he got jack shit with any of them, he'd still be better than every other healer in the game except for one. Can't say this worries me too much.

...I can't think of a Lee pun, no matter how much I try. I suppose I shall leed myself to the exit. Yeah, that's the best I've got.


Next opponent! That's a nasty spear, accurate, mighty, rather light, buyable... it'll be great when we can get our hands on it, but right now, I don't like it. Sasha, don't fail me now!


Awesome! Thanks, pal. Disregard the fact that Sasha just murdered that man.


Next! Hahahahah... hand axes in this game blow, so I'm okay with this match up.


Look at those odds. Pathetic!


Look how long it took him to hit her! She never got a crit.


...and then he hit her again, but by then, it was too late.


Hahahahahahahahahahahahahah... WAAAHAAAHAAAHAAHAAAHAH ahem, cough cough... hmph. Sorry. Got a bit carried away there.


There goes the heal staff. Good thing the Bishop left another one for us in pristine condition.


It's a girl this time! A sucky girl (avert your dirty thoughts, you miscreants). The wardblade increases resistance by a flat 7, if I'm not mistaken, but of course, in this case that'll do our unfortunate gladiator no good, and the sword has a whopping 1 might. Yeah. She's so screwed.


Sasha couldn't double her, which helped her case ever-so-slighly, but in the end, the result was clear. She couldn't press the retreat button in time.


No, Enteh. You cannot compete.


This could be the last opponent of the day, and it's... another fool with the wardblade! Hah!


Uuhhhh cool duds, dude.


Hah! Outcla--


Ah! Shit! Stop, stooop!


Okay, now we face the final opponent of the day.


It's a blonde Yazam. He sucked.


Aaaaand of course, to top off her princess career, she gets an empty level. Thanks, Sasha.


Without further ado, let us have ourselves a promotion.


No more embarrassing poses, everybody...


...for she has taken to the skies!


Awesome. Astounding, damnit! Martel wishes she was this awesome.

...I mean, of course, she has 7 less levels and only -2 in most stats, except luck where Sasha wins by a wide margin and HP where they're tied. But still, given the choice between best murderprincess and friggin' Martel, I'll take Sasha any day.


That'll be all! We were throughoutly successful, and for that, I am profoundly grateful. Thanks, game. You behaved.

Next time, we get the first of many dialogue-heavy segments. It's going to be a long update, so fasten your seatbelts. I'll be seeing you then, if you will remain by then. Not much else, aside from the F word. No, not that F word, this F word: farewell!

Death count: --

Reset count: 0


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I don't know if Tom is a more appropriate translation or not, but I'm still going to call him Thomas the Tank Engine, dammit.

Arena Fighter gives +20 Hit and Avoid instead of the usual 10 but doesn't grant any movement... obviously. However, I do believe this skill actually works on desert maps too.


This might be a good time to recap: In order to for Sasha to become a Pegasus Knight you have to...
1. Talk to Narcus in Chapter 3. Easy enough.
2. Avoid killing Roger and Mel. You know, Roger the prepromote Paladin who is charging right at you.
3. Deploy Sasha in Chapter 6, with no indication given that this would be a good idea. Because Mel just can't give her the flute after the map is over for some reason.

It's crazy just how merciless this event is considering the alternative is a completely useless Sasha taking up space for the entire rest of the game. Especially considering that logically speaking the only way Sasha should miss out on the Pegasusflute permanently is if Mel would get it but then she would die before the two can meet. Every other scenario should lead to her eventually getting that thing.

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11 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

0zFk3fj.png Well, I sure wonder who needs to talk to you.

xQunKTk.png I have no idea, myself. I suppose I'll try with Juliattisnacordst.

I don't know myself. There's no "Bartz" in your army. Maybe he's looking for Barst from Archanea?


13 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:


Here is the map. It's, uh... a little underwhelming. That's Codha's trap? There's noone to attack the guys in the town! The guys by Berom's side will be heading towards them, but the fastest one is the Archer and even he'll take a few turns, enough to break down the gate and let Runan and company in. But that's really not needed: if anything, Runan's in a slightly worse position, because he's stuck with one forced healer and four other troops, whereas the southern group can be all fighters, and he has to face tanky enemies from all sides and Archers with extended range. Yes, I did say that, and no, it's not because they have longbows.

Codha is almost as much of a brilliant dumbass as the guy who shares a name with a pegasus knight. As a Christmas present no jokes will be made about that.



19 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:


Damn you...! I should just settle for selling these. Yeah, you can sell bags of money, and that gives a flat 3000 gold. I can't say I get it, but oh well.

Maybe they're in a different land's currency and the price fluctuation depends on the exchange rate, with the stores knowingly ripping you off on the grounds they're just going to wait for it to be good before cashing them in? No? Too far-fetched?


24 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

fmFlrfa.pngBah! As if you're one to talk.

H7NXgsy.pngWhat are you doing here, Tom? I thought you'd become a ranger in Lot.

Ranger in "Lot".... no thanks. That joke is not something I want to make.


26 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

xQunKTk.png Juliattisnacordst bamboozled him, by the way: he never gets to leave his tank, which I'm fine with. Also, in the old translation he was called Thomas, but I can't make the obvious tinpot conspiracy theory because Tomas never died. He was a hero all the way through.

Plus Tomas doesn't need a tank. He just needs an apple. This guy's Thomas... the Tank Engineer.



33 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:


Are you realee sure that's what you need?

Leegad that was a bad pun. I expect a Leegion of better ones.


36 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:


A job well done.

antivirus engaged.


39 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:


SHIT GAH okay, she dodged. Yeah, that weapon hits four times, and those would've been just enough to kill Kate. Thankfully, she's good, but... oh, God. First close call of the LP.

Is Kate a grasshopper? I could of sworn she was a Katie Dead for a minute. That's worse than the Lee puns.


49 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:


The Sasha hop, unfortunately, cannot safe her from getting greatlanced.

Broken ankle last update, greatlance this. Thank god she gets that pegasus, she's gonna need it.


54 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:


Sure was. Buh-bye!

Those wounds look famiiar. Shame there was no bridge for him to fall off to end up in a future LP after some self-improvement. Maybe he could have been something.


59 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:


We also got a heal, which is all right, Lee's is almost broken.

Can't have Lee breaking his heal. How would he walk. I'm sorry. I need to be punished for all these bad jokes.


1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Awesome. Astounding, damnit! Martel wishes she was this awesome.

...I mean, of course, she has 7 less levels and only -2 in most stats, except luck where Sasha wins by a wide margin and HP where they're tied. But still, given the choice between best murderprincess and friggin' Martel, I'll take Sasha any day.

Not to mention naming. But I'm not saying more than that due to earlier promises.

Now to see if The Roger the Paladin ever admits to being Roger the Knight. I imagine not, because I wouldn't want to admit to it either. Though I did figure the green hair may have been because he was dyeing it (before he got knocked off a bridge). The dye isn't available in Wellt, and suddenly it all makes sense. The glass eye was pretty much my first thought on his eye, and while I hadn't thought of it, the fact he picked a girl with a resemblance to Caeda is certainly fitting. This has to become LP cannon now.

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Merry Christmas Everyone!

5 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:


I'd just like to wish everyone a happy christmas. As a gift, here's an update.

Nice! How long did that take to make.

Thanks for the gift, by the way.

5 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Heavy Rain still has the best videogame story of all time. I mean, how can you go wrong with a Magical Fatso with superpowers who can defy the laws of physics? And SHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUN!?

Speaking of Heavy Rain, what are your thoughts on Detroit: Become Human? I've heard of people who liked it ironically, loved some moments and hated others, only praised the technical achievements (that spreadsheet isn't lying with the amount of choices there are) and everything inbetween.

5 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Maybe I shall have to try it out at some point.

They're pretty cheap, and because they're official mods they should take much time to find. Napeolonic wars is multiplayer only, and is the complete opposite of a competitive game, but the huge amount of charm and wackiness that can occur keeps me coming back to it. Viking Conquest is pretty interesting, as calvary units are a rarity, there are boats, multiple ways to make the game more "realistic", and several other changes and additions to Warband.

5 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I've got to thank medical science for that. That was great, even if I didn't get it.

Glad to hear.

5 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Perhaps they scrapped the idea in the modern games, but I know for a fact magic wears out even if it misses in the GBA games. Not so sure about the DS titles.

Huh, interesting. I honestly wonder why they would do that.

5 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Agh... I'm so sorry. Hopefully, this time around it'll actually be a comedic little side-story and won't evolve into a full-blown fucking tragedy like last time. Well, at any rate, we can always count on my self-insert to be humorous. Right? Right...?

We'll see. I personally found the humor and the tragedy to actually be pretty well done in the previous let's play, so we'll see what happens.

5 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I see.

...And once again, I talk about Blustone whenever I get the chance.

I love the game, but my inability to not talk about about it concerns me at times.

5 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Ah, yeah. That's something I'm rather proud of, I can type extremely fast.

No wonder you can reply to so many people and still write the update.

It's something I can still joke about, but my slow typing skills has screwed me over more than a few times.

5 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Or maybe he's just an asshole.

That too.

5 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

That's Fernand, LIESLIESLIESLIESLIESman and... I don't know, Slayde?

That's correct, although Slayde is an odd case if you factor in DLC. He's a paladin in the prologue, a cavalier years later in the DLC, a paladin again when you storm Zofia Castle, and finally a Gold Knight when he sells himself out to Rigel and you fight him a final time.

5 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

You bet! If there's a chapter where I fully expect to lose someone, it's that one. Then again, I said the same thing about chapter Douglas in FE6 and that was pretty much the one and only chapter where everything went well in the whole LP...

That's usually not something you promote...

5 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Believe me, when we get to some of the game's more verbose dialogue segments, you'll be begging for these to come back. I love this game's story, but even I choke on a few of those segments. And this time around, I have to transcribe them!

I shall relish in these moments, then.

5 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Anyway, there's something very special about these "tower" tiles: they increase the range of the enemy by one. As you can see, this crossbow only has a range of 2, but thanks to the tower, he can reach further. This isn't that much of an issue here, but it'll be incredibly annoying later on when they start throwing units with longbows and the like on these tiles.

Interesting tile that makes sense, although it doesn't take much thought to see how they can be an annoyance.

With hope, there will be a few times to use then against the enemy! Right?

5 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:


fmFlrfa.pngThat blasted Codha... He tells me he wants my archery skills, but he sticks me in this awful moving closet! At least no one can recognize me in this. Bartz would laugh his head off if he saw me...

Ah, moving coffins. Military efficiency always disregards personal comfort.

Although the physics of aiming and shooting a bow are pretty different from aiming and firing primitive cannon. Same thing could be said about ballistas.

5 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Runan slices the gate with his dinky, 1-pixel-wide sword, and that suffices to take almost a third of the gate's health.

Hey! They actually bothered to add animations on the map screen! Seriously, the 3DS games still just have the unit ram into each other if you hold L or play with the animations off. Which is a little odd as they still bothered to make map sprites for transformed shapeshifters.

5 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:


It's basically wind times 3.

Nice magic effect. That always seems to be were the game budget goes with RPG's, isn't it?

5 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Sadly, due to the score increase and attacking at range, he doesn't gain as much from the battle. That's another detail I don't think I discussed: the more dangerous the battle, the more experience the unit gains. If I had Maruj attack at melee range, where the enemy could counterattack, he would've gained some more experience. It's really cool. I wish FE handled experience more like this game does.

Interesting risk vs reward system. It encourages the player to keep riskier strategies in mind with the promise of increased reward. I can see it having problems if a unit (or the game itself) isn't designed to take advantage of it, but otherwise, I wouldn't mind it appearing in Fire Emblem.

5 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Damn you...! I should just settle for selling these. Yeah, you can sell bags of money, and that gives a flat 3000 gold. I can't say I get it, but oh well.

Maybe the bag itself is worth 1000 gold, and the shopkeeper assumes it just has 2000 gold inside it?

5 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:


Looks like Wyrs is going the "heal unnecessary injuries" route, except he forgot that wasn't a minor injury.

5 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:


Even Maruj's idle stance is weird. What even is he doing with his arm? It looks like he's twisting it to the side or something. What was wrong with his fighting stance? That looked idle enough, and at least it didn't make me question my eyes.

He's just hanging on to his arm. Or he's playing rock-paper-scissors with himself and though rock beat rock. Or he's doing a small cha-cha dance.

It looks different when you zoom closer to it.

5 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:


Whoa, whoa! Calm down with the sparkles there, man!

Yep, this will be another game that put its budget into the magic effects.

Although what is it with lightning in videogames and getting the coolest powers visually (if not in actual gameplay)?

5 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:


That's the basic thunder tome, by the way. Higher level tomes get a lot more freaky than this.

Basic thunder tome?!?

...We're in for a treat on the later ones, that's for sure.

5 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:


And he leaves his tome to us! Nice. Lee could use that, he's running out of hadoukens.

Instead of mimicking Ryu, Lee can now mimic Raiden.

5 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

orfi8jp.pngI used to be a blacksmith over in town, but I got sick of Codha's attitude and moved my shop out here. Ah, yes, I've got a little something for you. I made this sword myself. It'll cut through mail like a hot knife through butter. Here, take it. No doubt you'll find it useful.

So... this blacksmith is willingly going outside the castle walls, where he'll be an easy target to bandits, wild animals, and enemy armies that want quick access to armor and weapons.

I understand that Codha is just that much of an @$$, but the part of me that loves Stronghold is screaming at his stupidity.

5 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Berom's an interesting one. His stats aren't as impressive as Dommes's, but he's got a gate, and a really unique weapon: the swordbreaker. If you try to use a sword against him, be it a normal sword, the rapier or the armorslayer we just got, and he hits you, you'll be down one sword. However, since he has no range, we can just nuke him or Raquel him without a worry in the world.

That sounds incredible annoying and I'm kind of glad IS never stole that idea.

Although maybe they were also afraid of it glitching the game if it was used against a sword with unlimited uses.

5 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:


Not gonna lie, The Rogers horse sprite looks... off. Maybe it's the angle, but it seems like Roger is falling off one side, while is horse is too large on the other.

5 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:


Nice toy sword you got there. Seriously, blue?

Well considering he made a warped Lord of the Rings reference, maybe he was also a fan of Star Wars and painted his sword blue?

5 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:


Well, Hawkwing... it really did come back to bite him in the butt, in a way!

Well, from a certain point of view...

5 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

We'll get the statsheet so we can lament our foul luck. Nihil's already bad enough, but look at that! The shieldblade is a sword that, for every single hit the wielder takes, increases his defense by a random amount between 1 and 20. Yeah. The chances of it failing to turn you into an invincible juggernaut are pretty slim.

Sheesh, a blade that can randomly increase defense? How many unique weapons are there in this game?

5 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Next opponent! That's a nasty spear, accurate, mighty, rather light, buyable... it'll be great when we can get our hands on it, but right now, I don't like it. Sasha, don't fail me now!

This just adds to my question above.

5 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

It's a girl this time! A sucky girl (avert your dirty thoughts, you miscreants). The wardblade increases resistance by a flat 7, if I'm not mistaken, but of course, in this case that'll do our unfortunate gladiator no good, and the sword has a whopping 1 might. Yeah. She's so screwed.

Huh, the resistance sounds nice, but it seems that it's might limits it to killing mages.

I suppose though that just equipping the sword is all you need to get the boost, so it might just be a weapon you never actually use in combat, but abuse to avoid damage.

5 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:


No more embarrassing poses, everybody...


...for she has taken to the skies!

The promotion animation is both rewarding and underwhelming.

Then again, Fire Emblems promotions could be called the same thing, so I don't see a point in complaining.

I'm also going to miss the silly animations, but with hope, her new ones will make up for that.

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5 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Part 12 - Tanks!


Not going to lie, I missed the pun first time round.

Also, Merry Christmas to you.

32 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Wait, Camilia is an armor? Where's the armor!? There's no armor to be seen, unless she stops the swords with her b--


Man, you just can't get over the idea that Cecilia could wear anything other than her mage knight armour.

Which still didn't protect her from a Zephiel crit.

Maybe she just gave up trying to tank after that incident.

33 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Inb4 the LP ends and his fuck-ups counter is still at 1.

It really could.

35 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:


Anyway, there's something very special about these "tower" tiles: they increase the range of the enemy by one. As you can see, this crossbow only has a range of 2, but thanks to the tower, he can reach further. This isn't that much of an issue here, but it'll be incredibly annoying later on when they start throwing units with longbows and the like on these tiles.

I'm sorry.

You're saying Kaga made high ground matter? Dammit all, so many obscure things you think would be neat for the series and Kaga uses all of them after he leaves.

Also, obligatory "I have the high ground" reference.

36 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:


There's also a really special tank by the entrance. It has a name! And a face! And a lazy eye! And... wait, Lot? Well, I suppose the defense checks out...

So, I guess we'll start theorising why he's of Lot.

So, we know that Bizzaro Sacae looks very similar to the so called land of Lazberia. Now, thing is that Lot was of Bizzaro Sacae and while he supposedly dies, that's no guarantee even in FE. Lot is also someone who is confirmed to have 1. Massive Defence, 2. Ability at archery, 3. A rugged look and headwear.

Bizzaro Sacae is the land before the backstory of Lazberia and the lineage of Lot is one of the final lineages left of the older nations.

37 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:


fmFlrfa.pngThat blasted Codha... He tells me he wants my archery skills, but he sticks me in this awful moving closet! At least no one can recognize me in this. Bartz would laugh his head off if he saw me...

Thomas the Tank Engine had seen better days.

Then again, he has seen worse, considering he had met with Codha:


39 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

H7NXgsy.pngSure thing, pal. Except...

fmFlrfa.pngExcept what?


Man Butz is a dick.

Him telling someone they're too ugly or useless to be allowed out is a terrible thing honestly.

41 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:


Even Maruj's idle stance is weird. What even is he doing with his arm? It looks like he's twisting it to the side or something. What was wrong with his fighting stance? That looked idle enough, and at least it didn't make me question my eyes.

He seems to be messing with his bracers. I think that's it.

42 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:


SHIT GAH okay, she dodged. Yeah, that weapon hits four times, and those would've been just enough to kill Kate. Thankfully, she's good, but... oh, God. First close call of the LP.

More like Chu Ko NUUUUUUUU am I right?

Is there any chance you can get it?

46 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:


An oddly defensive level, but I'll take it. Still, where's the magic, kid? Well, where is it?

It was stolen by the physical units?

49 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:


Nice toy sword you got there. Seriously, blue?

I see it's blue, the same colour as weapons that are effective against swords in FE Heroes.

Kaga did it first again!

49 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:


Why!? Why can only my Jeigan get good levels!?

Sigh... astounding performance, Raquel. Thank you for joining, after all.

Those enemy monsters will be begging for mercy.

52 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:


Hahahahahahahahahahahahahah... WAAAHAAAHAAAHAAHAAAHAH ahem, cough cough... hmph. Sorry. Got a bit carried away there.

Go on Sasha!

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On 12/23/2018 at 8:19 AM, Saint Rubenio said:

Please, spare yourself the trouble. He's not worth it. His hair isn't even green!

Tis true, though I was thinking replacing a random boss or something. Still probably not worth it for him, plus SS has at least some good bosses, I actually can't think of many more throw away ones from where I'm at aside from monsters.

On 12/23/2018 at 8:19 AM, Saint Rubenio said:

That's really my only problem with it. Taking liberties is fine, but if you're trying to draw a specific character, make it at least feel like they're that character, or try to explain why they look so different.

While I don't play heroes, I do follow it a bit and have a friend who's very invested. This reminds me of how I feel about Raigh's art and how I really really dislike it and hope that they use one of the other artists if Lugh ever gets in the game. Seriously, to me, Raigh's makes him look like he's eight or something instead of thirteen.

On 12/23/2018 at 8:19 AM, Saint Rubenio said:

You know me, dude... you know what I'm going to do with those people. Why are you forcing me to do this!? If noone watched me, I wouldn't keep on sending so many innocent souls to their untimely ends!

Hey things are at least going well so far...also, I feel like it's the opposite for me with my LP right now. Because I'm recording it I'm being so careful not to screw up and force a reset, which is the one downside of it not being an ironman. Especially if I lose someone late it's gonna really suck re-doing a lot of work for an update.

On 12/23/2018 at 8:19 AM, Saint Rubenio said:

We're never going to get over this. Understandably so.

I seriously thought on that one for a moment that Raquel had been attacked and I'd missed something.

On 12/23/2018 at 8:19 AM, Saint Rubenio said:

I mean, I already intended to, I didn't use him last time and I missed him a lot, but... stop it! At this rate you're going to fill all of my deployment slots before chapter 10!

Sorry! I kind of have a problem with this in FE sometimes too, I'm just going "Oh I really like all these people lemme start using em, but wait I wanna use these other people later and now I don't have room! What do?"

On 12/23/2018 at 8:19 AM, Saint Rubenio said:


I just love the stache on this Morgan edit.

On 12/23/2018 at 8:19 AM, Saint Rubenio said:

Well, not here: if the boss's a cowardly weakling, their stats will reflect that fact, even if they appear really late into the game, and the same goes for veteran warriors who are fought early. The latter, in particular, makes for one of the most memorable and amazing battles in the entire game. Just you wait...

That sounds really interesting, good way of keeping gameplay just a little more intertwined with the story. Looking forward to that chapter.

On 12/23/2018 at 8:19 AM, Saint Rubenio said:


I love that they have him actually realize he dun goofed in an amusing way.

On 12/25/2018 at 7:14 AM, Saint Rubenio said:

Hwahahahah... to be fair, the only time I lost progress entirely due to SF's shenanigans was that one time the site went down temporarily for maintenance and it ate the whole update. Other than that, not much, aside from all those times the site decided ctr+z does not mean "undo last change" but "undo half the update". I swear, I never, ever undo anything unless it's absolutely necessary out of fear of that happening.

Do you type out your updates for the first time in actual SF or do you copy paste from somewhere (I typically do from either notepad or notepad++).

On 12/25/2018 at 7:14 AM, Saint Rubenio said:

Anyway, there's something very special about these "tower" tiles: they increase the range of the enemy by one. As you can see, this crossbow only has a range of 2, but thanks to the tower, he can reach further. This isn't that much of an issue here, but it'll be incredibly annoying later on when they start throwing units with longbows and the like on these tiles.

Can the player ever make good use of these? Or is it like how ballistas are in some FE games where by the time you can get to them they're practically useless?

On 12/25/2018 at 7:14 AM, Saint Rubenio said:

Sadly, due to the score increase and attacking at range, he doesn't gain as much from the battle. That's another detail I don't think I discussed: the more dangerous the battle, the more experience the unit gains. If I had Maruj attack at melee range, where the enemy could counterattack, he would've gained some more experience. It's really cool. I wish FE handled experience more like this game does.

That's really interesting, but I feel like I'd have mixed feelings on it. Does it feel like more of a penalty if you don't attack in this way, or more of just extra reward/higher than the norm if you do?

On 12/25/2018 at 7:14 AM, Saint Rubenio said:

he never gets to leave his tank

Poor Tom, talks about not liking the tank and he's stuck in it forever. Wonder how miserable he is at the end of the war, or if he just ends up loving it so much he never leaves?

On 12/25/2018 at 7:14 AM, Saint Rubenio said:

Fun fact: this guy isn't the same class as the last guy. He's a Marksman. The difference? This guy uses Holmes's animations. I'm not even kidding. I also don't get it.

This isn't another weird Pirates vs Corsairs thing like from FE7 is it?

On 12/25/2018 at 7:14 AM, Saint Rubenio said:

That's the basic thunder tome, by the way. Higher level tomes get a lot more freaky than this.

Looking forward to that. I've always been a sucker for magic stuff, especially elemental magic stuff.

On 12/25/2018 at 7:14 AM, Saint Rubenio said:

Awesome. Astounding, damnit! Martel wishes she was this awesome.

Those are some good promotion bonuses!

On 12/25/2018 at 7:14 AM, Saint Rubenio said:

Why!? Why can only my Jeigan get good levels!?


On 12/25/2018 at 7:14 AM, Saint Rubenio said:

An oddly defensive level, but I'll take it. Still, where's the magic, kid? Well, where is it?

Now you know how I feel?

On 12/25/2018 at 8:23 AM, Mad-manakete said:

Leegad that was a bad pun. I expect a Leegion of better ones.

Oh you should be a little leenient, I'm sure if he seriouslee tried he could easilee come up with some leegitimately better puns.

I'll...I'll just leave now. Forever.


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On 12/25/2018 at 7:14 AM, Saint Rubenio said:

Here is the map. It's, uh... a little underwhelming. That's Codha's trap? There's noone to attack the guys in the town! The guys by Berom's side will be heading towards them, but the fastest one is the Archer and even he'll take a few turns, enough to break down the gate and let Runan and company in. But that's really not needed: if anything, Runan's in a slightly worse position, because he's stuck with one forced healer and four other troops, whereas the southern group can be all fighters, and he has to face tanky enemies from all sides and Archers with extended range. Yes, I did say that, and no, it's not because they have longbows.

imagine setting up a trap for your enemy only to do absolutely nothing to take advantage of your tactical upper-hand

(this post was made by Eugen gang) (also sorry for the dead meme)

On 12/25/2018 at 7:14 AM, Saint Rubenio said:

Sadly, due to the score increase and attacking at range, he doesn't gain as much from the battle. That's another detail I don't think I discussed: the more dangerous the battle, the more experience the unit gains. If I had Maruj attack at melee range, where the enemy could counterattack, he would've gained some more experience. It's really cool. I wish FE handled experience more like this game does.

Agreed on this. It's even somewhat realistic, insofar as anything about a system where you get better at fighting randomly at arbitrary intervals can be: Being attacked by a foe lets you observe the way they fight, giving you the experience to fight more effectively in the future.

Okay, now that I put it like that, that's probably not what a real person would be focusing on in a real battle to the death... Works better as an explanation for the hit/avo bonuses from killing lots of a certain unit type, anyway.

anyway, the point is that it's cool, doesn't really need any justification outside of gameplay and I probably shouldn't have tried to give it one

On 12/25/2018 at 7:14 AM, Saint Rubenio said:


HP 30% - Strength 10% - Skill 35% - Speed 45% - Defense 10% - Magic 0% - Luck 20% - Mastery 40%

I don't have anything to say about Tom himself that hasn't already been said (epic prank by Juliattisnacordst though) but that said it's a real bummer that a class as cool as the Artilleryman is made nigh-useless in the player's hands by having 3 move and no way to get more other than valuable statboosters. I get the feeling that there won't be readily-available ballistae in this game, either, so he won't even have that going for him.

Oh well, at least his other stats are alright, I guess? And, I mean, he's a tank, you kind of have to use him considering that fact.

What is a tank engine, anyway? I've never heard that terminology used outside of referring to Thomas the Tank Engine.

On 12/25/2018 at 7:14 AM, Saint Rubenio said:

Berom's an interesting one. His stats aren't as impressive as Dommes's, but he's got a gate, and a really unique weapon: the swordbreaker. If you try to use a sword against him, be it a normal sword, the rapier or the armorslayer we just got, and he hits you, you'll be down one sword. However, since he has no range, we can just nuke him or Raquel him without a worry in the world.

The swordbreaker sounds like it could be really overpowered... in the player's hands, anyway. Berom's not exactly a threat with it considering you can just snipe him outside of his range.

Then again, it only has 8 uses (I've been meaning to bring it up for awhile, but what is it with the weapon uses in this game? They're all over the place, and this is nowhere near the weirdest example so far), and I can't imagine the game will be too generous with passing out a weapon with such a unique effect, so maybe not.

On 12/25/2018 at 7:14 AM, Saint Rubenio said:

We'll get the statsheet so we can lament our foul luck. Nihil's already bad enough, but look at that! The shieldblade is a sword that, for every single hit the wielder takes, increases his defense by a random amount between 1 and 20. Yeah. The chances of it failing to turn you into an invincible juggernaut are pretty slim.

...forget the swordbreaker being overpowered, this is just absurd

On 12/25/2018 at 7:14 AM, Saint Rubenio said:


Let's all congratulate Sasha for finally becoming a good unit!!

I mean, ignoring the fact that her level-ups have been consistently the best across the entire team so far, for a moment. It was really just her 4 move and swordlock holding her back before, and now in addition to not being subject to either of those, she gets a hefty boost to Str and Spd, and also Mag.

Considering she now has Paragon under her belt, might it be a good idea to drop her from the team for a bit so she doesn't get too far ahead of everyone else? With her stats as they are now she shouldn't have too hard a time getting up to speed later if need be.

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6 hours ago, Unknown Gamer11 said:

Oh you should be a little leenient, I'm sure if he seriouslee tried he could easilee come up with some leegitimately better puns.

I'll...I'll just leave now. Forever.

Don't leeve. I'm sure this will inevitablee be something people start to do both intentionalee and subconsciouslee. We all just need to cut ourselves a little Lee-way.

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Part 13 - We were just about to have a feast.

On 25/12/2018 at 2:11 PM, BrightBow said:

I don't know if Tom is a more appropriate translation or not, but I'm still going to call him Thomas the Tank Engine, dammit.

I think the "Tom" translation was more of an attempt to avoid jokes about terrible Archers and tank engines. Obviously, it was a failed attempt.

Arena Fighter gives +20 Hit and Avoid instead of the usual 10 but doesn't grant any movement... obviously. However, I do believe this skill actually works on desert maps too.

I would doubt that. Maybe it's true, but I'm pretty sure Frontiersman works for desert maps.

This might be a good time to recap: In order to for Sasha to become a Pegasus Knight you have to...
1. Talk to Narcus in Chapter 3. Easy enough.
2. Avoid killing Roger and Mel. You know, Roger the prepromote Paladin who is charging right at you.
3. Deploy Sasha in Chapter 6, with no indication given that this would be a good idea. Because Mel just can't give her the flute after the map is over for some reason.

It's crazy just how merciless this event is considering the alternative is a completely useless Sasha taking up space for the entire rest of the game. Especially considering that logically speaking the only way Sasha should miss out on the Pegasusflute permanently is if Mel would get it but then she would die before the two can meet. Every other scenario should lead to her eventually getting that thing.

Ironically enough, I think killing Roger and Mel is actually better when it comes to Sasha's promotion. Now, I'm not a 100% sure, but I've heard that, if Mel is dead by chapter 6 but you visited the inn in chapter 3, Narcus gives Sasha the flute personally after the chapter is over, allowing you to skip the rest of the steps. Of course, you miss on two pretty cool units, but it's still rather hilarious.


On 25/12/2018 at 2:23 PM, Mad-manakete said:

I don't know myself. There's no "Bartz" in your army. Maybe he's looking for Barst from Archanea?

Or he's dumb and he forgot his friend's name is Juliattisnacordst. I can understand, it's an easily forgotten name.

Codha is almost as much of a brilliant dumbass as the guy who shares a name with a pegasus knight. As a Christmas present no jokes will be made about that.

Great. Thanks.


Maybe they're in a different land's currency and the price fluctuation depends on the exchange rate, with the stores knowingly ripping you off on the grounds they're just going to wait for it to be good before cashing them in? No? Too far-fetched?

It sounds more reasonable than what's probably the canon explanation: because game.

Ranger in "Lot".... no thanks. That joke is not something I want to make.

I would like to be a ranger in Lot.

A-ahem, I mean, I... I never said that. Who typed that!? Was it you, cat? Wait, no, all of my cats live outside, since this is a rural village and all... who did it, then? WHO IS TYPE!?!?!?

Plus Tomas doesn't need a tank. He just needs an apple. This guy's Thomas... the Tank Engineer.
Oh, God. Maybe I shouldn't give him a shot, after all. I can already see you guys bombarding me with three or more of these every update.

Leegad that was a bad pun. I expect a Leegion of better ones.

Christ. I am ashamed of ourselves. We should leeave the punning to the experts.

antivirus engaged.

He's the best Norton to have purged my computer of enemies.

Is Kate a grasshopper? I could of sworn she was a Katie Dead for a minute. That's worse than the Lee puns.

I don't even get this one! What?!

Broken ankle last update, greatlance this. Thank god she gets that pegasus, she's gonna need it.

She'll find a way to be ridiculous even with that pegasus, I'm sure of it.

Those wounds look famiiar. Shame there was no bridge for him to fall off to end up in a future LP after some self-improvement. Maybe he could have been something.

This fatass? I wouldn't count on it.

Can't have Lee breaking his heal. How would he walk. I'm sorry. I need to be punished for all these bad jokes.

Leave my thread. And then return to give me more views.

Not to mention naming. But I'm not saying more than that due to earlier promises.

Hmph... good, good.

Now to see if The Roger the Paladin ever admits to being Roger the Knight.

Maybe he'll admit to being The Roger the Knight.

I imagine not, because I wouldn't want to admit to it either. Though I did figure the green hair may have been because he was dyeing it (before he got knocked off a bridge). The dye isn't available in Wellt, and suddenly it all makes sense.

Oohhh so that's w-- wait, no! Whatever in the world gave him the idea to dye his hair drab pink of all colors?!

The glass eye was pretty much my first thought on his eye, and while I hadn't thought of it, the fact he picked a girl with a resemblance to Caeda is certainly fitting. This has to become LP cannon now.

Consider it LP canon. Not cannon, I'm sorry. Unlike Codha, I do not possess a steelworks press.


On 25/12/2018 at 6:41 PM, Hawkwing said:

Merry Christmas Everyone!


Nice! How long did that take to make.

About 10 minutes.

Thanks for the gift, by the way.

Ah, you're welcome.

Speaking of Heavy Rain, what are your thoughts on Detroit: Become Human? I've heard of people who liked it ironically, loved some moments and hated others, only praised the technical achievements (that spreadsheet isn't lying with the amount of choices there are) and everything inbetween.

'Kay, then. Spoilers ahead for anyone who cares.


Detroit: Become Human is, doublessly, David Cage's best work. Well, more like his least bad work. It doesn't turn into a shitfest of epic proportions halfway through like Farenheit, it doesn't have quite as many laughable plotholes as Heavy Rain (I love when people try to defend the Manfred scene saying "but the camera focused on Lauren for about 10 seconds! Scott could've snuck into the office, grabbed the typewriter, smashed Manfred's skull in, checked his pulse, erased his own fingerprints from Manfred's neck, looked through his records - he never cleaned the fingerprints he left in those, by the way -, called the police and snuck back outside to idle in a corner in that time!". There's a reason I can't take Heavy Rain seriously and always root for Scott, and it's this one. Who wouldn't want to root for the fat wizard?), and it's not just plain horrible like the other one.

It has one story that's actually pretty cool and that allows the player's choices to... impact the storyline? You can choose to be a goodie-two-shoes or a straight up villain and the game lets you do it? And it doesn't try to force you into "the good path" (well, not too much)? Whoa! Impressive! And the whole "you can die a thousand times but it actually has consequences in that Hank fucking kills himself if you screw up too much" is really clever. I almost can't believe David Cage did that. The good ending for that storyline's a little weird (soooo Hank can't tell that the guy who's singing his praises and is trying desperately to get the gun from him and is behaving nothing like Connor is the bad guy?), but that's okay, I can forgive 'em.

Of course, once you look away from Connor and Hank's Excellent Adventures, you realize that Kara's story is a very by-the-numbers plot with a twist that completely undermines any sort of subtle message that the story could've had (this story proves that humans and androids can actually get along, and what matters is that the human and the android are good and kind andNOPE, NOPE, ALICE IS A BOT TOO, FUCK IT), and Markus is a walking agenda that is used to shoehorn political messages (whether they're wrong or right, I leave up to your interpretation) and is oh so important that, if he dies, the game punishes you by not letting anybody else be the hero of the day. Literally. Neither of these characters have a branching storyline in the way Connor does, by the way. They can make it to the happy ending in one slightly different way or another, or they can die along the way. That's it. Yawn.

Bottom line, Connor's story is good for a thing written by David Cage, Kara's is mediocre, and Markus's is very David Cagey and very political. That is my humble opinion.

They're pretty cheap, and because they're official mods they should take much time to find. Napeolonic wars is multiplayer only, and is the complete opposite of a competitive game, but the huge amount of charm and wackiness that can occur keeps me coming back to it. Viking Conquest is pretty interesting, as calvary units are a rarity, there are boats, multiple ways to make the game more "realistic", and several other changes and additions to Warband.

I actually bought them alongside Warband, but ever since the Frozen Incident, I just haven't had the heart to return to that game.

Glad to hear.


Huh, interesting. I honestly wonder why they would do that.

It's FE. Who knows, who cares.

We'll see. I personally found the humor and the tragedy to actually be pretty well done in the previous let's play, so we'll see what happens.

Hey, praise! Thanks, man. We'll just have to wait and see.

...And once again, I talk about Blustone whenever I get the chance.

I love the game, but my inability to not talk about about it concerns me at times.

Eh, it's okay. I can understand.

No wonder you can reply to so many people and still write the update.

It's something I can still joke about, but my slow typing skills has screwed me over more than a few times.

Ah, don't worry too much about it, mate.

That too.

That's more probable, I feel.

That's correct, although Slayde is an odd case if you factor in DLC. He's a paladin in the prologue, a cavalier years later in the DLC, a paladin again when you storm Zofia Castle, and finally a Gold Knight when he sells himself out to Rigel and you fight him a final time.

Gr8 attention to detail, right there.

That's usually not something you promote...

Consider that a hint as to how difficult that chapter is.

I shall relish in these moments, then.

Today you'll get a taste of how text-heavy this game can get. It's all interesting, mind you, but it's a lot, I can see why some people might find it tiresome.

Interesting tile that makes sense, although it doesn't take much thought to see how they can be an annoyance.

With hope, there will be a few times to use then against the enemy! Right?

Eh, maybe.

Ah, moving coffins. Military efficiency always disregards personal comfort.

Although the physics of aiming and shooting a bow are pretty different from aiming and firing primitive cannon. Same thing could be said about ballistas.

That's a good thing, then, because these guys still use bows. I like to imagine Tom all hunched over trying to fire a bow through the hole.

Hey! They actually bothered to add animations on the map screen! Seriously, the 3DS games still just have the unit ram into each other if you hold L or play with the animations off. Which is a little odd as they still bothered to make map sprites for transformed shapeshifters.

Yeah, I usually just play FE games with animations on and speed the emulator up through those I don't want to see / skip them for games that allow to do that (the DS games, for example), but here? I'm pretty sure it'd be a blast even with animations off all the time. Then there's the part where the game is very PS1 slow, but oh well, win some, lose some.

Nice magic effect. That always seems to be were the game budget goes with RPG's, isn't it?

Oh, I love this game's magic. You have seen nothing.

Interesting risk vs reward system. It encourages the player to keep riskier strategies in mind with the promise of increased reward. I can see it having problems if a unit (or the game itself) isn't designed to take advantage of it, but otherwise, I wouldn't mind it appearing in Fire Emblem.

It works well in this game, if that's any indication.

Maybe the bag itself is worth 1000 gold, and the shopkeeper assumes it just has 2000 gold inside it?

A brown bag that's worth 1000 gold? What the heck is it made of, dirty gold?!

Looks like Wyrs is going the "heal unnecessary injuries" route, except he forgot that wasn't a minor injury.

Hey, forgive him, he's on the other side of the map. Kinda hard to tell minor injuries apart from the grave ones when there are multiple walls between you and your patient.

He's just hanging on to his arm. Or he's playing rock-paper-scissors with himself and though rock beat rock. Or he's doing a small cha-cha dance.

It looks different when you zoom closer to it.

Hm? Really...?

...oh, wow, it actually does! Now I can tell that he's just doing the same he does in his fighting stance, he just switched which wrist he's grasping with his other hand! I always thought he was doing something like this, only weirder:


Damn... the things low resolution can do.

Yep, this will be another game that put its budget into the magic effects.

Although what is it with lightning in videogames and getting the coolest powers visually (if not in actual gameplay)?

I don't know, but personally, I think dark magic's prettier in this game.

Basic thunder tome?!?

...We're in for a treat on the later ones, that's for sure.

Hah, you have no idea.

Instead of mimicking Ryu, Lee can now mimic Raiden.

We need Lee in Smash the next Street Fighter.

So... this blacksmith is willingly going outside the castle walls, where he'll be an easy target to bandits, wild animals, and enemy armies that want quick access to armor and weapons.

I understand that Codha is just that much of an @$$, but the part of me that loves Stronghold is screaming at his stupidity.

Maybe he'd rather die than serve Codha? I mean, he did just give us an armorslayer for free.

That sounds incredible annoying and I'm kind of glad IS never stole that idea.

Although maybe they were also afraid of it glitching the game if it was used against a sword with unlimited uses.

Friggin' IntSys. If you're gonna rip off, do it right, like Kaga.

Not gonna lie, The Rogers horse sprite looks... off. Maybe it's the angle, but it seems like Roger is falling off one side, while is horse is too large on the other.

Hey, he was a Knight in his past life. Forgive him.

Well considering he made a warped Lord of the Rings reference, maybe he was also a fan of Star Wars and painted his sword blue?

He did? I had no idea. Enlighten me, if you please.

Well, from a certain point of view...

Now you are the one making Star Wars references!

Sheesh, a blade that can randomly increase defense? How many unique weapons are there in this game?

Too many.

This just adds to my question above.

Like I said above...

Huh, the resistance sounds nice, but it seems that it's might limits it to killing mages.

With 1 might? Even Mages could tank that.

I suppose though that just equipping the sword is all you need to get the boost, so it might just be a weapon you never actually use in combat, but abuse to avoid damage.

Yes, that's more or less what it's supposed to be used for.

The promotion animation is both rewarding and underwhelming.

Then again, Fire Emblems promotions could be called the same thing, so I don't see a point in complaining.

With the things this game pulls off sometimes, I can forgive them for a slightly below par promoting animation.

I'm also going to miss the silly animations, but with hope, her new ones will make up for that.

Ah, we'll have to wait and see.


On 25/12/2018 at 7:59 PM, Dayni said:

Not going to lie, I missed the pun first time round.

Apparently, so did I. Where's the pun? I didn't have any puns in mind there!

Also, Merry Christmas to you.



Man, you just can't get over the idea that Cecilia could wear anything other than her mage knight armour.

Goddamnit, how many more times must I repeat, it's not the outfit that bothers me, it's the fact that she looks nothing like Cecilia! Those aren't Cecilia's boobs... Cecilia's boobs aren't huge monstrosities, they're the right size. Also, soft, peachy, and very succulent... heh, succ... I, uh, I mean, uh... how do I save face now...

Which still didn't protect her from a Zephiel crit.

Maybe she just gave up trying to tank after that incident.

Look, a distraction! I can get mad that you're dissing Cecilia again and everyone will forget about the other thing! Brilliant! Is anybody going to pat me in the back, or am I going to have to do it myself?

It really could.

It's highly likely, too!

I'm sorry.

You're saying Kaga made high ground matter? Dammit all, so many obscure things you think would be neat for the series and Kaga uses all of them after he leaves.

I mean, Radiant Dawn does it, if I recall correctly, but that doesn't change the fact that Kaga did even something as minuscule as this first.

Also, obligatory "I have the high ground" reference.

It's over, and you know the rest.

So, I guess we'll start theorising why he's of Lot.

So, we know that Bizzaro Sacae looks very similar to the so called land of Lazberia. Now, thing is that Lot was of Bizzaro Sacae and while he supposedly dies, that's no guarantee even in FE. Lot is also someone who is confirmed to have 1. Massive Defence, 2. Ability at archery, 3. A rugged look and headwear.

Bizzaro Sacae is the land before the backstory of Lazberia and the lineage of Lot is one of the final lineages left of the older nations.

I am positively flabbergasted by how much sense that makes.

...too bad this isn't the land of Lazberia, but the land of Lieberia. Big difference. Sorry, dude.

Thomas the Tank Engine had seen better days.

Then again, he has seen worse, considering he had met with Codha:


Why didn't I see this one coming? And why did I laugh so hard even though you already used it once in the last LP? Heck, I used it too!

Man Butz is a dick.

Him telling someone they're too ugly or useless to be allowed out is a terrible thing honestly.

Juliattisnacordst isn't such a nice guy, yeah.

He seems to be messing with his bracers. I think that's it.

Well, forgive me for not seeing things right.

More like Chu Ko NUUUUUUUU am I right?

Is there any chance you can get it?

This one? No. Later on? Perhaps. Also, I like the pun.

It was stolen by the physical units?

Hahah, you're right! Although, to be fair, sword users can use magic for the levin sword.

I see it's blue, the same colour as weapons that are effective against swords in FE Heroes.

Kaga did it first again!

Jeez, now we're just grasping at straws.

Those enemy monsters will be begging for mercy.

I don't think so. They won't even have the time to beg!

Go on Sasha!

She's the girl.


On 25/12/2018 at 11:15 PM, Pengaius said:

Maruj looks like he's T-posing on us

Don't make me hate Maruj, now, would you?


...you just made me love Juliattisnacordst even more, now.


On 26/12/2018 at 9:16 AM, eclipse said:

Maruj led two other people to Skill-only levels.  It's a sign.  USE HIM! :P:

How was he responsible for that? There is but one guilty party, and that is the RNGoddess.

...jeez, all right, all right, okay! I will use Maruj, and when he dies, you'll be very unglad you forced me to use him!


16 hours ago, DestructionDragon360 said:

Sasha coming out and proving that good levels can happen to non-prepromotes!

I'm glad to have her.


8 hours ago, Unknown Gamer11 said:

Tis true, though I was thinking replacing a random boss or something. Still probably not worth it for him, plus SS has at least some good bosses, I actually can't think of many more throw away ones from where I'm at aside from monsters.

Make him a monster. That would work. Although, I'm not sure the readers who don't read me as well would get it. I mean, think back, you were reading the LP and you didn't get it!

While I don't play heroes, I do follow it a bit and have a friend who's very invested. This reminds me of how I feel about Raigh's art and how I really really dislike it and hope that they use one of the other artists if Lugh ever gets in the game. Seriously, to me, Raigh's makes him look like he's eight or something instead of thirteen.

Yeah, I agree. While I don't think Raigh's art is a complete debauchery of the character like Camilia is, it always irked me a little how tiny he looked. Also, the fact that he's bad.

Hey things are at least going well so far...also, I feel like it's the opposite for me with my LP right now. Because I'm recording it I'm being so careful not to screw up and force a reset, which is the one downside of it not being an ironman. Especially if I lose someone late it's gonna really suck re-doing a lot of work for an update.

I know how it feels.

I seriously thought on that one for a moment that Raquel had been attacked and I'd missed something.

This is going to be a problem, isn't it?

Sorry! I kind of have a problem with this in FE sometimes too, I'm just going "Oh I really like all these people lemme start using em, but wait I wanna use these other people later and now I don't have room! What do?"

Well, lucky for you, something is going to happen very soon that will give us more than enough deployment slots to work with. Just the next chapter's going to be a pain, there are even less slots than there were in Fort Wellt!

I just love the stache on this Morgan edit.

Right? I thought of making him fat too but with the goatee I figured I'd already done enough.

That sounds really interesting, good way of keeping gameplay just a little more intertwined with the story. Looking forward to that chapter.

Everyone's looking forward to it except me. Well, not really, even I am, despite knowing it's going to be a disaster. I just love that chapter, one of my favourites from this game in every aspect.

I love that they have him actually realize he dun goofed in an amusing way.

It's Eugen. Even when he fails he's the best.

Do you type out your updates for the first time in actual SF or do you copy paste from somewhere (I typically do from either notepad or notepad++).

I just write them in here, since Serenes saves the progress very reliably (like I said, I lost one of so many updates throughout 2 LPs + what we have of this one thus far). There's probably a better way, but I've never had the need for it.

Can the player ever make good use of these? Or is it like how ballistas are in some FE games where by the time you can get to them they're practically useless?

Well, it depends. I don't remember, myself. We'll just have to find out.

That's really interesting, but I feel like I'd have mixed feelings on it. Does it feel like more of a penalty if you don't attack in this way, or more of just extra reward/higher than the norm if you do?

The minimum experience you can get for kills is always 20, so it's pretty much an extra reward every time.

Poor Tom, talks about not liking the tank and he's stuck in it forever. Wonder how miserable he is at the end of the war, or if he just ends up loving it so much he never leaves?

The tank giving Tom a depression sounds like something I'd come up with.

This isn't another weird Pirates vs Corsairs thing like from FE7 is it?

Yeah, except it's not relegated to one chapter or one class. We'll be seeing weird stuff like this all the way throughout the game.

Looking forward to that. I've always been a sucker for magic stuff, especially elemental magic stuff.

Lucky you, then. This game's awesome when it comes to that.

Those are some good promotion bonuses!

Aren't they?


Very much so, but if she could share, I'd be that much happier.

Now you know how I feel?

Not really, your mages get magic occasionaly. Maruj hasn't gotten a single point yet.

Oh you should be a little leenient, I'm sure if he seriouslee tried he could easilee come up with some leegitimately better puns.

I'll...I'll just leave now. Forever.


Hey, at least those were a leeap above my own.


5 hours ago, Ruminant said:

imagine setting up a trap for your enemy only to do absolutely nothing to take advantage of your tactical upper-hand

These throwaways, they can't do anything right!

(this post was made by Eugen gang) (also sorry for the dead meme)

Genial. Absolutely genial.

Agreed on this. It's even somewhat realistic, insofar as anything about a system where you get better at fighting randomly at arbitrary intervals can be: Being attacked by a foe lets you observe the way they fight, giving you the experience to fight more effectively in the future.

It does make sense.

Okay, now that I put it like that, that's probably not what a real person would be focusing on in a real battle to the death... Works better as an explanation for the hit/avo bonuses from killing lots of a certain unit type, anyway.

It does not make sense.

anyway, the point is that it's cool, doesn't really need any justification outside of gameplay and I probably shouldn't have tried to give it one

It makes middling sense.

I don't have anything to say about Tom himself that hasn't already been said (epic prank by Juliattisnacordst though) but that said it's a real bummer that a class as cool as the Artilleryman is made nigh-useless in the player's hands by having 3 move and no way to get more other than valuable statboosters. I get the feeling that there won't be readily-available ballistae in this game, either, so he won't even have that going for him.

Oh well, at least his other stats are alright, I guess? And, I mean, he's a tank, you kind of have to use him considering that fact.

I'll see if I can have him tank, at least.

What is a tank engine, anyway? I've never heard that terminology used outside of referring to Thomas the Tank Engine.

Pretty sure it's just the engine of an old train. As for why it's called a tank engine... well, english is dumb. Almost as dumb as having a playable tank in FE and calling him Thomas. Not sure if it's a good or a bad thing he was changed to Tom.

The swordbreaker sounds like it could be really overpowered... in the player's hands, anyway. Berom's not exactly a threat with it considering you can just snipe him outside of his range.

Then again, it only has 8 uses (I've been meaning to bring it up for awhile, but what is it with the weapon uses in this game? They're all over the place, and this is nowhere near the weirdest example so far), and I can't imagine the game will be too generous with passing out a weapon with such a unique effect, so maybe not.

Pretty sure this is the only one we get!

...forget the swordbreaker being overpowered, this is just absurd

Heheheheh... yeah, don't quit your day job. We'll be seeing tons of such weapons!

Let's all congratulate Sasha for finally becoming a good unit!!

I mean, ignoring the fact that her level-ups have been consistently the best across the entire team so far, for a moment. It was really just her 4 move and swordlock holding her back before, and now in addition to not being subject to either of those, she gets a hefty boost to Str and Spd, and also Mag.

Her growths aren't even that impressive, they're very much average, she's just been stealing all the stats!

Considering she now has Paragon under her belt, might it be a good idea to drop her from the team for a bit so she doesn't get too far ahead of everyone else? With her stats as they are now she shouldn't have too hard a time getting up to speed later if need be.

I hadn't thought of that, actually. Given that she's surpassed the rest of the team by a few levels, I think I might just do that. The next chapter's going to be a pain with how limited the deployment slots are.


2 hours ago, Mad-manakete said:

Don't leeve. I'm sure this will inevitablee be something people start to do both intentionalee and subconsciouslee. We all just need to cut ourselves a little Lee-way.

Staph! I can't keep up with you, I'm a leetle bad at this whole pun deal.




tN4k68u.pngNow only Codha and his guards remain. But so long as he still holds the queen hostage, we have to stay on guard.

0zFk3fj.png Oh, that's right. That could be a problem...


hTMofYU.png It's you! The badass!

QYm6zYy.pngNot only that... we got the wretched man himself, too.

78Uuld9.pngErgh... Unhand me at once, you traitors!

QYm6zYy.pngThe only traitor here is you, Codha!


hTMofYU.png With pleasure!

tN4k68u.pngSorry, but... who are you?

QYm6zYy.pngOh, right. I'm Lionel of the Royal Guard. Codha had me slated for execution, but one of the prison guards helped me out.

xQunKTk.png One of the prison guards, huh? Maybe I wasn't so far off the mark when I jokingly said that the prison guard wasn't fooled by Narcus's disguise...

QYm6zYy.pngMy compatriots and I haven't taken too kindly to Codha's tyranny, so we've been waiting for the right time to strike. And since you made such a hgue commotion outside, the palace's defenses were in disarray, giving us the perfect opportunity.

xQunKTk.png Man, that must've been an awesome battle, and we missed it. Still, it surprises me that Codha didn't have anything planned in case something like this happened... how I wish we could've seen the battle, but I suppose that's just how life is.

Some time earlier...


78Uuld9.pngOh, dear... this doesn't look so good...! Treacherous scum! We already have enough problems as it is, and now we have to add the insurrection of those filthy royal knights to the pile!

aoOr4zg.pngIt has all played in Count Marlon's favor, that much is true...

78Uuld9.pngYes... I'm just glad to still have loyal knights like you by my side, my friend.


78Uuld9.pngB-But what are we doing, wasting time like this? Run! We must escape the Fort at once!

aoOr4zg.pngY-Yes, Milord!


78Uuld9.pngHah hah hah... nobody knows of this secret passage's existance! The fools... I almost wish I could see their dumbfounded faces when they fail to find me!

78Uuld9.pngCome, let's go... soldier! What are you doing? I ordered you to run! Are you loyal to your Chancellor or not?




Sq79WBa.pngYou aren't going anywhere, t-traitor!

78Uuld9.pngH-huh? What?!

Sq79WBa.pngAre you deaf, or does your ego plug your ears? T-This is as far as you go, Codha!

78Uuld9.pngBut I thought you were... I thought you were loyal to me! Didn't you say that serving me was your life's purpose!? That surviving the battle at the Great Bridge was a sign from the Goddess that you must continue to be by my side and protect me against all harm?!

Sq79WBa.pngY-You took my family, you evil dastard! You forced me to fight for you, and now... it's time to pay, Codha!

aoOr4zg.pngGoodness gracious... I told you we shouldn't have trusted him... I told you his survival was all too suspicious! I told you, Lord Chancellor! I told you!!

78Uuld9.pngShut up, you! ...w-wait! Don't do this! I... I am... I was never going to hurt your family... uh, who are they again...

Sq79WBa.pngHow about Lieutenant Brigadier Berlin? He died out there to ensure his family's survival, and you didn't so much as mention him and the rest of the fallen in the middle of praising yourself in those pathetic little speeches of yours!

aoOr4zg.pngHe doesn't seem to be paying any attention to me... I'll get out before someone else arrives.

78Uuld9.pngWho are you talking abo-- oh, that's right, him! You want his position, is that it? Y-You don't have to settle for so little, m-my friend! You can even be a general if you so desire! You can have money, too! All that I have and more! Please...! Anything you want!

Sq79WBa.png...I want my family back, you son of a bitch.



QYm6zYy.pngWhat in the world is this tunnel? I never knew something like this existed!

78Uuld9.png...oh, no.

QYm6zYy.pngYour Chancellorness! There you are! You are under arrest!

78Uuld9.pngNo! No, don't take me! Nooo...


QYm6zYy.pngThanks, man. We are in your debt. If it wasn't for you, he would've escaped... but how did you know about this secret passage?

Qvtd9oy.pngW-well, I didn't... I just pretended to still be loyal to Codha, and he bought it... h-he led me here, and I decided this was the perfect place to reveal my true intentions.

QYm6zYy.pngThen we're lucky you were there! Thanks a lot. We're going to welcome Count Marlon's army. Come with us! I'm sure the Count will reward you for your efforts.

Qvtd9oy.pngT-Thanks, but... I think I'd rather go see my family now. N-Not just them, I also owe it to a good man to make sure his family's safe too. M-Maybe I'll join you later.

QYm6zYy.pngAll right. I'll be sure to let him know of your deeds, then. Thanks again, my friend!


xQunKTk.png Norton's still relevant to the plot?! This guy keeps getting more and more weird.

QYm6zYy.pngNorton?! What are you doing in the Liberation Army? What was all that talk about not caring about politics when I tried to get you on my side?

O93jT9f.pngHeh... I always have been--and always will be--on the princess's side. You would never understand.

QYm6zYy.pngWhat does that even mean?

xQunKTk.png It means he's awesome, but don't worry. You are awesome too.

tN4k68u.pngChancellor Codha, do you have anything to say for yourself?


hTMofYU.png Look at the despicable mass of fat. He's so scared, he can't even speak!

78Uuld9.pngEverything I did was for my kingdom's well-being! I only played the role of a villain to unite our people under a single ideal! We cannot confront the Empire if our countrymen are divided!

tN4k68u.png...You claim that you had no interest in wealth or power?

78Uuld9.pngI swear it! Indeed, I have not laid one finger on Her Majesty the Queen! I shall forfeit my position of chancellor to Count Marlon if the queen wishes it so! I will return to my land and repent for my deeds, so please, good sir! I beg you to spare my life!

0zFk3fj.png Now that's believable.

tN4k68u.pngIt is not I who will choose your fate. Count Marlon, what is your decision?

LRWwhwO.pngCodha's sin and corruption is(sic) clear. However, I must not let my personal grudges cloud my judgment for a fair and just punishment. We shall leave Codha's fate to the King when he returns.

vUN6DQJ.pngI must say that is rather lenient, but I have no right to object the new chancellor's decision.

xQunKTk.png There's the reason you're so much better than Merlinus, right there. You can contain yourself.


78Uuld9.pngY-Yes... Count Marlon, I will be forever in your debt.

hTMofYU.png Ahahah... can't be a proper victory without Eugen being a badass!

LRWwhwO.pngMake no mistake, Codha. Once King Raphael returns, I can guarantee he will sentence you to death for treason. There is no escape, Codha.

0zFk3fj.png And if he doesn't return? What, then?


LRWwhwO.pngGuards, throw this man into the dungeon! Keep watch over him at all times!

xQunKTk.png Then again, I guess rotting in a dank cell for life might just be an even worse fate than death.


On 19/12/2018 at 1:13 PM, Saint Rubenio said:


hTMofYU.png Look! It's him! It's really him! I was right! He really did see through Narcus's disguise, but didn't like Codha enough to foil his plans!

LRWwhwO.pngNow, Lord Runan, please follow me. I shall lead you to the queen's chamber.



zHr72ok.pngLord Runan... I had heard rumors of your arrival in Wellt, but it's truly wonderful to see you wish my own eyes. No doubt your coming here was a blessing from Yutona!

tN4k68u.pngNo, if I only I (sic) had thought of coming here earlier, neither you nor Sasha would have had to go through such hardship.

0zFk3fj.png Plenty of typos today. I suppose Aethin was just tired. Eh, it's all right, it doesn't hinder the quality of the dialogue.

tN4k68u.pngMy humblest apologies, Your Majesty.

zHr72ok.pngLord Runan... I understand that Razelia has fallen to the Empire since Duke Gramud's death. Yet you would still show compassion to a nation leagues away from your overrun home! You have grown strong, Lord Runan.


tN4k68u.png...Your Highness?

zHr72ok.pngAh, I was just reminiscing. Now, what do you plan to do next, Lord Runan?

tN4k68u.pngI will return to my homeland and challenge the Empire once more.

zHr72ok.pngChallenge the Empire?


hTMofYU.png Hah! Business first as usual, eh, Eugen?

tN4k68u.pngEugen, we can't just say that...

vUN6DQJ.pngThere is nothing to be ashamed of, milord. We are fighting not only for ourselves, but for the well-being of the entire continent. No one could possibly refuse to cooperate.


hTMofYU.png Oh my God, did he just do that? Did he just casually try to guilt-trip the queen using Runan? This guy's too much...

zHr72ok.pngGeneral Eugen is right, Lord Runan.


xQunKTk.png And the best part is, it worked.

zHr72ok.pngI can do no less than to provide you with our finest soldiers. You shall have Wellt's full support in your efforts to reclaim your homeland and bring an end to the darkness that haunts Lieberia.

tN4k68u.pngYou have my sincerest thanks, Queen Liza!

zHr72ok.pngHowever, due to Codha's wasteful expenditures, we have only 20,000 gold remaining in our treasury. It is but a trifle, but I shall donate it all to your funds.

hTMofYU.png B-But a trifle?! That's amazing! Gimme gimme gimme!


IfRBMws.png Eugen, say something! He's trying to refuse the money!

zHr72ok.pngPlease take it. Our people would wish the same.

tN4k68u.pngVery well, if you insist.

zHr72ok.pngNow, as for troops...

xQunKTk.png I'll take the orange-haired badass, one prison Morgan, two Nortons, and--

tN4k68u.pngCount Marlon already provided us with a great number of troops, and others have also joined us during our efforts here in Wellt.


zHr72ok.pngThat is fine by me.

0zFk3fj.png A shame, but I suppose keeping Lee's good enough.

zHr72ok.pngWhen will you be departing?

tN4k68u.pngSeeing as Wellt is safe in your and Count Marlon's capable hands, there is no need for us to tarry any longer. If possible, we shall leave tomorrow morning.

zHr72ok.pngI see... Sasha will be disappointed.


0zFk3fj.png Phew... I was worried for a moment there.

tN4k68u.pngWhat are you saying, Sasha? I can't possibly take you along!

Qd8087b.pngI'll be accompanying you at least as far as Balt. I must find my father. I've already made up my mind, so I'm coming with you whether you like it or not!



tN4k68u.pngBut Lady Liza...

zHr72ok.pngTo tell the truth, I would like to come with you to Balt, too. I know that Raphael is alive. The people of Salia... my homeland... They would never abandon a good man like him to die.

U8ZKzY4.png Mother...

0zFk3fj.png Don't worry Sasha, you'll come with us. And even if you don't find Daddy, you'll get to murder hundreds of enemies along the way! Isn't that great?

zHr72ok.pngSasha, go with Lord Runan. Your journey will be filled with hardships, but you are my daughter. You will be able to overcome anything that stands in your way.


0zFk3fj.png D'aww... she's sad.

zHr72ok.pngCome now, tears already? You will be a burden to Lord Runan like that, Sasha. Remember, you carry the blood of the ancient plainsmen of Salia in your veins. You have a legacy to uphold!


hTMofYU.png Who cares if she's a woman, and also 15 years old? She's better than half the men in my team!

zHr72ok.pngDo you understand, Sasha?


Well, that was nice. However, it's not all over! We have the first what I'd like to dub "supportive moments", where everyone in the army just has a good old time and talks about stuff.


LRWwhwO.pngPlease feel free to relax and recuperate amongst your troops.

xQunKTk.png I know that probably really means "we had it prepared", but the idea of Marlon cooking with an apron and a funny chef hat is hilarious.


vUN6DQJ.pngMy, this looks like a fine meal indeed. The young knights will be most pleased.

hTMofYU.png Oh, boy... get ready everyone. It's here! Runan's hilariously adorable smile!


hTMofYU.png Pfffffhahahahahahah... look at that!


hTMofYU.png Blistering motherfucking barnacles! He looks like he's dead inside and had to physically force that smile out of his system. Is it just me? It can't just be me.


xQunKTk.png Runan's smile is so powerful, it even made Arkis be in a good mood for once.

ilEV0SF.pngYes... but it pains me to think that our people back in Razelia may very well be starving as we speak.

fTBbnRo.pngC'mon, let's not ruin the mood! Now that we've succeeded in recruiting troops from Wellt, we're ready to go back to the mainland. We'll take back our country in no time.

ilEV0SF.pngWell, you've changed your tune. Weren't you saying the exact opposite just a few days earlier?

fTBbnRo.pngI was just having a bad day! I know that Lord Runan always has Razelia's best interests at heart.


ilEV0SF.pngOf course.

xQunKTk.png I can just read the skepticism in that "of course". Come now, Kreiss, brighten up! Even Runan's smiling, even though he clearly has no idea how to!



fTBbnRo.pngAh! Hello, Esther. We've got fine wine, a delicious feast, and the beautiful traditional dances of Wellt. What more could we ask for?

2Nd837x.pngI heard from Kreiss that you have a fiancee back in Razelia. Aren't you worried about her?

fTBbnRo.pngYou mean Kreiss's sister? That was just something our parents decided on without consulting us. We're not really lovers. Besides, Lina's still just a kid.


0zFk3fj.png Bit of a weird typo there, but that's all right.

fTBbnRo.pngLet me think... I think she's turning fourteen this year.

2Nd837x.pngThat's quite old enough to be a lady. You shouldn't treat her like a child.

fTBbnRo.pngYou think so? I was a mischievous little demon when I was her age.


hTMofYU.png Everyone in my army enjoys a good roasting, I love it.

fTBbnRo.pngHey, now! That was uncalled for!

2Nd837x.pngHaha, sorry. It was a bad joke. See you around, Arkis. I hope you and Lina make a happy couple!



2Nd837x.pngWhy, yes. Yes I am. Got a problem with that?

J3ntLLJ.pngDon't be a selfish child! You should be staying in Wellt to help Father!

2Nd837x.pngI've already gotten Father's permission to go. I'm not a little girl any more, Raffin. I don't take orders from you.

0zFk3fj.png Gotta love how she pulled an Arkis and went from mischievous to aggressive in the span of a minute. They aren't so different. Don't think they'd make a good couple, though. They'd just skip right past the good stuff and become an old married couple instantly.

J3ntLLJ.pngWhat is it with you lately, Esther? I'm only trying to protect you as my dear little sister. Have I done something to upset you?


J3ntLLJ.pngWe may not be related, but I've always though of yo as my true sister throughout these five years. You're my family, Esther, and I want it to stay that way. Is there something wrong with that?

2Nd837x.pngFamily? Don't make me laugh! Even after staying with us for five years, your heart has never left Barge.



IfRBMws.pngO O F



QYm6zYy.pngWith so many Wellt soldiers leaving, the bandits might start acting up again. Someone's got to stay behind to defend Wellt and Queen Liza.

O93jT9f.pngYeah, I s'ppose you're right. I have to admit, I'll miss having a reliable guy like you around. Come join us once things calm down in Wellt, y'hear, Lionel?

QYm6zYy.pngSure thing. You'd better stay alive till then.

O93jT9f.pngHa! Same to you.

xQunKTk.png I like the dynamic these two have. A healthy, simple friendship.



0zFk3fj.png On a more depressing note, however...

TNnkiLw.pngLady Kate... You needn't worry about me. No one should be associating with a man like myself. I'm not deserving of your pity.

kkXZfYc.pngIt's not pity. I just want to get to know you.

TNnkiLw.pngUnlike these other knights, I have no tales of glory or merriment that I could share. My past is tainted with sin. There is no enjoyment to be sought from a conversation with me.

kkXZfYc.pngThen you should know that not all women care about jokes or witty banter. If you don't want to talk, then let me sit by your side in silence. I just want you to keep an open heart, Zieg...




xQunKTk.png Ah, Juliattisnacordst. No way you could possibly be depressing, right, Juliattisnacordst?

fcJEJ9A.pngStop eating like a pig, Bartz! You're embarrassing me.

H7NXgsy.pngOh, stop acting so high-and-mighty. You've been acting real funny lately, you know that? Who are you trying to impress?

fcJEJ9A.pngNobody! I'm fifteen years old, Bartz. I have to start acting at least a little ladylike.

H7NXgsy.pngHey, no need to be touchy about it. Here, you gotta try some of this roast quail. It's tender and juicy! You'll love it!

fcJEJ9A.pngBartz! Oh, what's the point...

xQunKTk.png Juliattisnacordst eats like a pig. Hm... are there any gluttons in old FE games? Dolph was characterized as one in FE12... maybe we should add another name to the pile of people Juliattisnacordst rips off.


vebK9SH.pngWell, well... you never lower your guard, not even in a place like this. Perhaps I should learn from you.

WCDiKFw.pngIt's in places like this that one must be particularly on guard. That should come naturally to a warrior.

vebK9SH.pngI suppose you're right. If I had eyes as watchful as yours, I'd never have been tricked by that Zemsellian fiend...


0zFk3fj.png I still can't believe this name. It's as long as Juliattisnacordst! Wait, no, actually... Juliattisnacordst has 17 letters, whereas Lentzenheimer has... 13, but a lot of Juliattisnacordst's letters are slim ones like "t"s and "i"s and "l"s, which makes Lentzenheimer look almost as wide. Bottom line, Lentzenheimer is a terrible name, Lentzenheimer should be ashamed of himself and his parents.

vebK9SH.pngAs are you. You came all the way to a little island like this, not even suspecting that you were being used. Quite an embarrassment for the Reaper of Schram, wouldn't you say?

WCDiKFw.pngHow do you...

vebK9SH.pngOh, and one more thing. The mainland is filled with swordsmen who can match your mediocre skills. My father, Yoda

0zFk3fj.png ...I'm sorry?

vebK9SH.pngMy father, Yoda

0zFk3fj.png Am I seeing things? Hold on...


hTMofYU.png Your father's called Yoda? Yoda?! And he's a swordsman!? Bwahaaaahaaahaahahahahahahah! Amazing. I love this game. When do I get to recruit Yoda?

WCDiKFw.pngWhat!? You... You are the daughter of Yoda?

vebK9SH.pngThat's right. Surprised?

WCDiKFw.pngYes... The name of Yoda the Zoan is renowned in the darker corners of the continent.

hTMofYU.png And he's legendary, to boot! This is amazing. You can't make this shit up, everybody! There's a famous master Swordmaster in this game whose name is Yoda!

WCDiKFw.pngI suppose being his daughter would explain your fighting style... Still, you are no warrior, woman. I suggest you retire your blade before you shame your father's name any more.

vebK9SH.pngW-What!? What makes me unfit to be a warrior?

WCDiKFw.pngThere is no hostility in your sword. If you do not fight with the aim to kill, you may as well not be carrying a blade at all.

0zFk3fj.png You're so edgy, Vega. I'm so glad I am not using you.































All right, that was it for the party! We finally got the 20,000 gold we were given by Liza all those years ago. Now...


...now, more text. Of course.


tN4k68u.pngChancellor Marlon, thank you for everything you've done for us. Do take care of Queen Liza.

LRWwhwO.pngOf course. Until King Raphael returns, I shall protect her and this kingdom with my life.

vUN6DQJ.pngWell then, Lord Runan, shall we head out?




All right! Finally, I can control things! Now, bear with me, I'm going on a shopping spree.


There we go. I'd have liked a javelin for Sasha, but that's life. Now the troops are fully equipped, and I got a Smith's Hammer to boot! That item can repair any weapon that isn't unique. Handy, although perhaps a little too expensive.


Now, of course, you'd think "well, Ruben, it's over now, isn't it? It's time you said "farewell" and all those things". Well, no.


We have to make it to Isura, and every time we creep closer, we'll get some more text. It's rather hilarious. Still, don't worry, we're almost done. The first scene's the only one that's really lengthy.


Well, that's one way to kick things off.

ciDy8aH.pngI'll get you guys for this! Just you wait and see!


FF3NqbQ.pngMan, those guys are the Isura Pirates? What a bunch of pansies!


xQunKTk.png Hey, it's Holmes and a bunch of new faces! These guys are Holmes's crew, but they aren't the only ones here.


xQunKTk.pngThere's, for instance, a palette swap of Enteh.

FF3NqbQ.pngTechnically, yes, but we prefer "privateers." Don't lump us together with those heartless idiots who were holding you prisoner.

prSiLUK.pngI knew it, you are pirates! O dear Yutona, please save your humble servant!

FF3NqbQ.pngI said, we're not gonna hurt you!

prSiLUK.pngAhhh! Get your hands off me!

FF3NqbQ.pngUgh... this is getting nowhere.

0zFk3fj.png We're off to a great start with these guys, aren't we.

iawnUpK.png...What's your name?

prSiLUK.pngHuh? Um... I'm... Katri.

iawnUpK.pngI'm Xeno. Pleased to meet you, Katri. That's an unusual name... Where are you from?

0zFk3fj.png How is it any more unusual than Xeno?

prSiLUK.pngI don't know... I'm not even sure where I was born.

iawnUpK.pngHow's that?


0zFk3fj.png Actually, scratch that, Bishop Law and Order takes the cake for the weirdest name.

prSiLUK.pngHe's the one who named me. He was very good to me, and raised me like his own daughter. But he was...

iawnUpK.png...killed by pirates, right?

prSiLUK.png...We were on our way to the Temple of Mars. He was going to leave me in the protection of a priest named Eisenbach. He said it was to prevent a great catastrophe from occuring...

0zFk3fj.png Fuck me sideways, then it's a good thing you couldn't make it there!

iawnUpK.pngThat's quite a story! Do you have nothing left that could be a clue to your heritage?

prSiLUK.pngMy father said I was wearing this bracelet when he found me. But that's all he ever told me about it.

FF3NqbQ.pngWhoa, let me see that!

prSiLUK.pngNo! This is very dear to me! Please, anything but this!

FF3NqbQ.pngCalm down! I'm not gonna steal it! Geez, so touchy... Xeno, you try.

iawnUpK.pngI think we should just leave her alone for a while, Holmes.



0zFk3fj.png Oh look, it's another asshole to add to the pile of assholes that form this dysfunctional family.

iawnUpK.pngD-Don't be ridiculous! She's had a rough time, so...

PRLIyny.pngIs that so...?

FF3NqbQ.pngWhat're you doing here, Juni? Finished looting the pirates' treasure?

PRLIyny.pngNo way, I'm not even half done yet.


PRLIyny.pngI can't do it all on my own! Why don't you help me out for a change, huh, Holmes?

FF3NqbQ.pngJuni, the only reason I let you on board is because you cried and begged. I won't think twice about giving you the boot if you don't make yourself useful!



iawnUpK.pngNo, it's okay...

FF3NqbQ.pngThen I'll look for him. Wow, this could sell for a pretty penny... Hey! Ow!

prSiLUK.pngI wasn't showing it to you! Give it back!

FF3NqbQ.pngAll right, all right! You can have it back...!

0zFk3fj.png Class act, Holmes. Get used to it. This is Holmes for most of the game.

prSiLUK.pngThank you...

FF3NqbQ.pngI'll leave this girl in your hands, Xeno. Don't let her do anything crazy.

iawnUpK.pngSure, sure.


0zFk3fj.png Juni's full of shit, by the way, as you'll understand when you see what this "valley" of hers looks like.

prSiLUK.pngI'd love to! Your name is Juni, right? Lead the way!

iawnUpK.pngHey, wait! Don't just run off by yourselves!



HAh2rZH.pngWhat's the matter, Holmes?

FF3NqbQ.pngIt's that girl's bracelet... Something about it just bugs me. I know I recognize it from somewhere...


I am given control over this game for 10 secs, a time I use to move to Gram.


FF3NqbQ.pngGah! Get that creepy thing away from me!

prSiLUK.pngCreepy? You think so? It could be the legendary Staff of Morse! If I could learn how to use it, I might be able to bring my father back to life...

FF3NqbQ.pngSure, sure. Or more likely, it'll summon a horde of zombies and kill us all. Besides, why waste the effort bringing and(sic) old geezer back to life?

0zFk3fj.png Holmes. You know, there is this thing called "tact". You use it to not crush someone emotionally after they've lost the only family they've ever known, being left alone in a cruel and merciless world. With you.

prSiLUK.pngYou're horrible, Holmes! Xeno and the others are nice, but you... Is it that fun to be mean to me all the time!?

FF3NqbQ.pngI'm just being normal. I can't stand airheads like you, that's all.

prSiLUK.pngFine! I'm never talking to you again, Holmes! I'll bring my father back to life myself!


Well, to be fair with the man, Katri's a bumbling idiot, and you'll see why now.


FF3NqbQ.pngYeah... That idiot! I told her not to use the staff! Now we're knee-deep in zombies!

HAh2rZH.pngOh yeah, that reminds me. I found a similar-looking staff back when we raided that old temple in Salia. Nobody knew how to use it, though, so I ended up leaving it there... Guess it was a summoning staff, huh? I bet we could've sold it for quite a lot if we'd kept it...

FF3NqbQ.pngNow's not the time to be worrying about that! Katri said she tried swinging that thing dozens of times to resurrect her dad. There's gotta be hundreds of zombies out there now! We can't even walk outside safely! That idiot...!

0zFk3fj.png Yeah... you'd think she'd have realized that wasn't going to do any good around the third swing. Maybe she just wanted to bring her father back in the form of a zombie, but that's an even dumber idea. Oh, well.


We're almost there!


HAh2rZH.pngShe ran out in tears after you finished yelling at her. Xeno and Juni went out to look for her.

FF3NqbQ.pngThey're too soft on her. Letting her cry it out for a while will do her some good.

HAh2rZH.pngYou don't think we should go looking for her too?

FF3NqbQ.pngNah, we can just leave it to the others.

HAh2rZH.pngYou sure? What if she tries to use that staff?

FF3NqbQ.pngShe'd still be fine. Not even a zombie would want to get anywhere near that girl.

HAh2rZH.pngHah, if you say so.



FF3NqbQ.pngWe'll wait a bit longer...


FF3NqbQ.png...And if they don't come back soon, then we'll go.

xQunKTk.png Hey, he's a little worried, at least! Good to know there's a heart in there somewhere. Anyway, Xeno, Juni and even Katri are going to be absolutely fine.


Because this is the best the enemy has to offer. Yeah... when I said monsters in this game are actually challenging, I didn't mean the zombies. These guys are just there to show that this game has monsters, and that's about it. We'll see more interesting fiends in future chapters, but for now, this is it.


Now, since I'm sure everyone's getting tired of so much text, I think I'll leave the introduction to the chapter for next time. It's short, so it shouldn't be too much of a problem.

That's all for today. I'll keep the customary farewells short, since this update has enough text as is. Goodbye!

















Death count: --

Reset count: 0


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