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Chaos reigns when I take the reins! - Let's play Tear Ring saga, Ironman mode, while being terrible at Fire Emblem!

Saint Rubenio

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Format change works~!

The only request I have is that Maruj goes with Holmes.  Otherwise, I'm afraid he'll turn into Azel, and I'm still salty at FE4 for that!

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8 hours ago, Dayni said:

Well there's some more there.

Also, what's with the pinkshirt?

Was meant to go with Scrooge McRuben. Showed up at the end for no reason other than my incompetence.

11 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Tell me if you like the new format better or not.

Great idea. Means it's easier to navigate, and now I feel less guilty for all my commentary.

11 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Ah, with so littlee to work with, this battlee of puns is going to die out! Can't leet that happen!

Fortunately, I've got Leetres worth of puns still. Just follow my leed.

11 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Maybe Morgan did it. Morgan's cool like that.

Morgan Necromancers in my forum? It's more likely than you may think.

11 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

It's late December.

Ghostmas. It's like Halloween, and like Christmas, but you celebrate by vandalizing people's property with pumpkin while giving them gifts, which may be a box of tongs.

11 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Bad wording, okay? Spare me some of it, english ain't even my first language.

It really was normal wording. I'm just using one of those wordplay jokes, like how being on a phone can either mean using the phone to communicate or literally sitting on the phone.

11 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

But first, how do you even know about Codha? Who told you about that? Were you watching Runan fight the fatass with a spyglass? I mean, you are a pirate captain...

Codha's bulk is hard to miss. He probably just had to look the right direction.


11 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I've been pondering deeply how to handle this, and I have decided to do the following: you are free to suggest where to send whatever units you like. Take into consideration these facts: Runan's chapters are generally outdoors and are of a higher difficulty. Holmes's chapters are more often than not indoors and are easier than Runan's. As well, Holmes has access to skirmishes that can be used to train up weaker units.

With that said, here are my recommendations. They're the choices that I feel would be the most interesting to both play and watch.

- Kate, Sasha, Zieg and Norton with Runan.

- The three Cavaliers (Kreiss, Arkis and Esther) with Holmes.

- Julia and Garo with Holmes (Yes, you can send Garo back to Runan's army and he doesn't complain).

- Plum with Runan.

- Raffin with Runan.

- Tom with Holmes.

- The Roger the Paladin and his girlfriend must be put in the same army: if they're separated, they will both automatically join Runan, so keep that in mind.

I'm going to say The Roger the Paladin and not Caeda just about have to be with Runan. Likewise I agree on Kate Sasha and Norton, on the grounds any one of them benefit from their mount... and indoors missions waste that benefit. Sucks you can't put Lee on both armies, but I think again tactically Runan might need him more. Otherwise, I'm pretty much in agreement on the grounds that I don't have the experience to say otherwise, and the fact I'd like to see the Cavaliers get a chance to shine.

11 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

That's everything, I'm pretty sure. All I have left to say is, happy new year! I wish you fare just as well the next year as you did in this last one! Goodbye, and see you in 2019!

Appreciate the sentiment, but I'd prefer if it weren't the case. I don't feel like being impaled a second time. So instead, I propose the notion may the next year be better than the last for us all. Even if only marginally.

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On 12/30/2018 at 5:38 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

(new format description)

Tell me if you like the new format better or not.

I like the new format better. The reply sections have certainly gotten quite lengthy in the recent updates, and it wouldn't be too surprising if they become even more so as the LP continues.

As for finding your posts, that shouldn't be a problem for regular commenters since SF sends people notifications when they get replies to their posts, and as far as I can tell you always respond to every post on these threads (props to you for doing that, btw: I know it can be difficult to come up with things to say, sometimes). Other than that, it looks like it should be fairly easy to get to your posts here through your profile, since you aren't super active elsewhere on SF? Maybe a clunky solution, but spoilering the replies is better overall, IMO.

On 12/30/2018 at 5:38 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

0zFk3fj.png Now that's believable. Everyone, this innocent, unimportant little girl is not suspicious. Avert your suspicions!


Seeing as Enteh's class is "Shaman" and Holmes just explained how Shamans on this land are girls who turn into dragons, the interface sure isn't doing her any favors in her attempts to remain non-suspicious...

On 12/30/2018 at 5:38 PM, Saint Rubenio said:


I guess it's somewhat of an obvious thing, but I like how Runan voices his suspicions of Matthis's motives right away: if this were a real-world situation, it'd come off as incredibly suspicious for an army to offer their services to your cause for no apparent benefit to them ("world peace" is a lofty aim, but I get the impression that Archanea and Elibe/Lieberia haven't had much previous contact, so what happens on one continent won't necessarily impact another much... no material interests to protect, in other words, just ideals.) As an outside observer, the whole "military intervention overseas in the name of peace" thing is rather dodgy to begin with, or at least it would be if not for Matthis being a good guy and the fact that his presence here (and in FE6) is moreso to continue the narrative from the Archanea LP than anything else. (I touched upon this slightly in the FE6 LP, but my perspective might be due to being from the United States, which throughout the last century has been very bad about claiming noble ideals and intervening in other countries only to inevitably make things worse for the people living in those countries.)

On 12/30/2018 at 5:38 PM, Saint Rubenio said:


On the other hand, because this is Fire Emblem, I also appreciate Eugen's enthusiasm in accepting the extra help. (Even if we don't actually get any of Matthis's guys in gameplay because of TRS hacking limitations, but the thought's appreciated.)

On 12/29/2018 at 6:27 AM, Saint Rubenio said:

Sasha, too, will rest today, as she doesn't need experience too much now that she has Paragon (thanks for the suggestion, Ruminant!).

also I was too lazy to properly reply to last update and I still am but you are welcome for the suggestion (don't know how to make that sound not sarcastic but it isn't, trust me. not that there'd be a reason for it to be sarcastic in this context but I worry too much about these things sometimes)

On 12/30/2018 at 5:38 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

We've got two armies. This is one of my favourite parts of the game: you're effectively playing two FEs at once. And this isn't just a pointless gimmick, both campaigns feel very distinct. Holmes is right: his part of the game is easier and has free-roaming (for the most part) and skirmishes, which encourages sending your most scrubby units with him. One thing he didn't mention, though, is that he will generally get a lot more indoor maps than Runan, who will in turn find himself fighting harder battles that reward speed and high movement.

Up to this point, this is sounding a lot like Gaiden. Here's the main difference: unlike in Gaiden, where each army had a set amount of units who couldn't be sent to the other army, here we get to shape Runan and Holmes's armies to our liking. We can have all our infantry go with Holmes and all our cavalry go with Runan, we can send every benchwarmer with Holmes so they may have a second chance, or even do something crazy like send Runan and Enteh (and Eugen) on their own. The only locked units are the Lords and the Shaman (Shamans? Shamen? Shamanae?).

I've been pondering deeply how to handle this, and I have decided to do the following: you are free to suggest where to send whatever units you like. Take into consideration these facts: Runan's chapters are generally outdoors and are of a higher difficulty. Holmes's chapters are more often than not indoors and are easier than Runan's. As well, Holmes has access to skirmishes that can be used to train up weaker units.

I agree; letting the player make the choices of how to split up your army is a really cool way of handling things, and though mainline Fire Emblem eventually did something similar with Radiant Dawn, that was only for a few chapters near the end of the game. Really, I feel like Sacred Stones not doing it this way was a wasted opportunity; theoretically you could still play it like this, but it requires two save slots and you'd have to take only one of them for Ch15 onwards unless you want to play all of those chapters twice.

Regarding unit choices, having not played it myself I don't know this game very well, so I'll just second all your recommendations and abstain from voting on the rest. Hopefully things work out for the better.

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I like the format change, the previous posts were getting pretty long.

Here are my choices,

Runan - Sasha, Kate, Zieg, Norton, Plum, Raffin, Lee, Raquel, Garo, Julia

Holmes - Arkis, Kreiss, Esther, Roger, Mel, Martel, Juni, Xeno, Vega, Tom, Bartz, Maruj

I started playing TRS for the first time after seeing your LP, currently at chapter 6, seems pretty enjoyable so far. This LP will be a nice guide for me since I don't like playing blind that much. Had to restart once so far (for underestimating black hole, because it didn't look all that threatening in your LP...)

Oh and happy new year everyone, hope you stay well.

Edited by ranger016
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It's me and I'm baaaack!

Yeah, I spent a lot of time trying to log into my SF account, but it seems like I finally did it. Although I have never played TRS myself, I'm pretty familiar with it thanks to having having read an LP of it on the LP Archive and watched Deltre's. When it comes to the gameplay, I must say I'm quite happy with some units you're using (namely Raquel and Kate), but it feels a little weird seeing someone not use Plum a whole lot. Granted, I never realized Lee's potential until now, but Plum does get some pretty good things later down the road (I won't go too in depth to avoid spoilers). On the fanfiction-y side of things… your OCs always crack me up for some reasons, and so do Wrys, Matthis and Frost (although I will never be able to bring myself to believe that the Matthis here and in the last LP is the same person as the Matthis from the Archanea games).

Edited by Goddess Serra
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Part 16 - Dick.

More format changes. Since I'm still worried about my posts being hard to find for anyone who falls behind, I'm going to use this bigger, greener font for the titles. Let's see how this works out.


On 31/12/2018 at 1:58 AM, BrightBow said:

Yeesh. First time I ever bothered to think about how horrifying it is that the threat of a country-destroying monster is dependent on the common sense of the biggest airhead south of Ylisse. At least she has shown herself as being pretty protective of the ring already. Still, not something that lets one sleep well at night, I'd wager.

Oh, we haven't seen anything yet... no spoilers, though.

Thanks. There is no real meaning to it. It's just a portrait from a recent indie game called Grapple Force Rena. Pretty fun, though it's hardly a must-have. REALLY love the character art in that game though. But there are no archers in that game, so this generic science elf has to do.

I understand. I mean, after all, what does Barlowe have to do with saints or... whatever the heck a Rubenio is supposed to be?


On 31/12/2018 at 2:08 AM, Dayni said:

Well there's some more there.

Also, what's with the pinkshirt?

It's a reference to Mother 3. Pretty sure it'd make more sense if we knew the context.

Did you just reference my sig there?

Maybe I-- okay, yeah, I did.

Okay, I was expecting it to be something actually controversial.

Well, may be, I didn't bother looking up the movie itself.

Sometimes the joke doesn't need explaining.

Just... No.

Heheheh... all right, all right, we've enough headache-inducing names with Juliattisnacordst.

And why wouldn't I be for the man who ended Mr. Missingno?

That's right!

He still has better hardware to work with here.

Do I have to repeat myself?

No, that's the food Katri can cook.

Hannibal Lecter's perfect bride.

Sure, it also doesn't help that the Talisman is just a Pure Water in disguise in DD.

I'd argue that but I don't know what DD is. I sure hope it's not something I know and I'm just being dumb here.

I'd rather he never stops being so.

He won't. I have faith in him.

I think it might be the latter considering the chest doesn't look melted.

Probably so.

Yeah, though I wonder could they have done much without it.

Well, that's why I gave them their promotions so soon: Norton would've hopelessly fallen behind in every map if I didn't get him his horse pronto, and Kate's case wasn't much better. Everyone else can wait.

I mean, you can't complain too much, she didn't burn all of your experience.

That much is true.

I'm going to be honest, this seems like it could be used in some..... well, unwholesome ways.

And I don't mean ethnic cleansing.

We'll have to see if anything bad happens. Hopefully not!

That's not helped with dialogue like this.

I could pick some inappropriate music, but I'm a dammed enough soul as is, no need to dig deeper.

Oh, go ahead, everyone in this thread's going straight to hell, anyway. Me, first of all.

So is Holmes just knocking off Locke from FF6 here?

I kind of think he is, it's just that Holmes is more upfront in being a dirty pirate.

Could be, FFVI predates this game.

Well, isn't that nice of Matthis to acknowledge them. (Also, the art has certainly improved, though I would bet a lot of that is because of getting to clean it up a bit)

Well, that's what I'm here for, isn't it?

Also, Runan is one to look a gift horse in its mouth. Might as well make sure there isn't any more men hidden in it I guess.

Hey, he's just being cautious.

So, let's be honest and say that if Eugen was giving the order this would be fuck up 2 right here.

Well, maybe, but these are good guys, so we can count on it not being such a bad fuck up... right?

This will not totally backfire, right?


Well, here we go with some art commentary.

Albertus is pretty good here actually, with the one gripe I have being that his arms seem a little off. Like, his elbows seem a little too rounded to me. I mean I could e wrong there though. He's also not gotten his armour made of medals yet I see.

Fixed as well as I could.

Margaret is probably the best of this lot honestly. I'd say just touch up on the hands and she's about done.

What a coincidence, I once showed my friends my sprites and they came to the same conclusion.

Lyria looks a bit like she's a DeviantArt OC for the Order of Heroes.

Hahahahahahahahah! Okay, I should probably be angry but that was too funny.

This isn't to say she's terrible though, I'm just tittering at the colour scheme. Don't have much to say on the scale armour itself, though I ro really like what you've done with the cape and the collar in particular. 

I'm going to assume that "ro" in there is just a typo and you really like everything other than the colors.

I'm also wondering why purple as an accent colour?

Actually, the accent color is exactly the same as the one used in FE8, it's just that, surrounded by brighter shades of purple, it becomes more obvious.

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So him being told by Holmes to go away:


(I should learn to edit gifs)

Hahahahah. Works.

Ooof. In fairness though, Ruben should have suspected that the chambers seemed to be a lot more dungeoney than would be liked.

I didn't draw him glasses. Maybe he just didn't notice.


Holmes, you're supposed to be the smart one, right? Well, guess you can't match your namesake there.

Actually, no. Runan's the smart one here. Holmes is a person.

So, Lyria's going to be about as fun for Ruben as a bag of starving cats tipped into a room with one strip of bacon.

That's an amazing comparison.

So in other words it did it better than Fates. And with no version splits. And he had intended on doing more stories in the game at one point.

Kaga strikes again!


I was waiting for this moment.

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For Runan:

Sasha, Kate, Zeig, Norton, Raffin, Plum, Maruj, Raquiel, Lee, Bartz

For Holmes:

Arkis, Kreiss, Esther, Roger + Mel, Juni, Garo, Vega, Xeno, Martel, Tom, Julia

However, if we decide to drop going for Letenna, I think Arkis, Kreiss and Esther could work with Runan. There's an event with that too. Also, yes I am using this to cover events as widely as we can. Bartz can have an event on Holmes's route, but...... I'd rather not.

Damn you guys and your spoilers! So wonky to quote!

Anyway, duly noted.


On 31/12/2018 at 2:29 AM, Tryhard said:
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For some of the events, although you would of course not know about these if playing blind:

I find the Reeve Tome meh unless you're really looking for the magic growth boost, so I'd suggest Maruj go with Holmes for the tome. I spammed that one a lot.

Yuni with Holmes for a specific staff. Martel with Holmes solely for a recruitment you probably know about.

Roger and Mel also with Holmes, because the staff Mel gets is also great.

And I think Bartz also needs to be with Holmes to resolve "that" event if it happens.

What did I just say? Oh, well... suggestions duly noted. Also, no, I'm not playing blind. Pretty sure it's obvious enough.

On 31/12/2018 at 2:32 AM, Pengaius said:

It does make me feel very cunning, scheming, and unscrupulous, especially in politics, thank you for saying that. 

I was being sarcastic. Hah! What do you have to say to that?!

My picks

Duly noted.


On 31/12/2018 at 3:36 AM, Hawkwing said:

I think the new format works fine. It makes it easier to view the Lets Play or the replies faster when searching for something to quote. It's a good problem to have.

Perfect, then.

Right. Gundam has several different series. I haven't watched any anime, but I know it's on the list of one's I'm curious about.

Eh, like I think I've said in the past, I'm not the most anime person ever. Probably the best anime I've ever watched is Paranoia Agent, and that one sidesteps every single anime stereotype that there is.

This is the video I got it from without context.

I still don't get it, even with context. I know it's funny, at least.

Dunno. I posted a few pictures of the brutalities in Mortal Kombat X in a forum game and haven't been yelled at for a mod for it.

Then again, none of them also have a person being ripped in half with all their intestines falling out.

You do know this is the same LPer who showed a child with his throat cut open, and then brought back that same kid as an undead monster who wanted to murder humanity, among other things, right? If I haven't been banned yet, I don't think you will be for something as "tame" as that.

Similar deal, although time is also a factor. I don't really see much of a reason to buy a 40+ hour game when I won't have the free time to spare for it.

That's right. I can understand.

It actually works rather well. It's cheesed at times within corridors, but otherwise it's a pretty cool effect. It's a factor that helps prevent the combat animations from getting old, as you're seeing them in different environments.

It's certainly better than no animations. Or the FEDS animations. Dang, as much as I love those games...

I think people jump to "he made a Star Wars reference" rather than "it's right from a certain point of view".

I can just imagine them, eyes wide open, pointing at you screaming "HE MADE A STAR WARS REFERENCE!!!"

It doesn't help that Star Wars's fandom is extremely divided at the moment, with all the shenanigans Disney pulled.

Same, even if I have no idea how it works in that game. I have heard that it's possible to capture bosses like Reihhart or the final boss, though, which is a little awkward as the game sets up that they're supposed to be dying grand deaths. It's a kink they'd probably work out in a remake.

The problem, from what I remember of the Thracia LP I read long ago, is that capturing depends on the character's build. I'm actually pretty sure Reinhardt and most lategame bosses couldn't be captured because their build was capped. However, the final boss was a mage, and he didn't have capped build, so you could just embarrass him.

I liked the system, it allowed for sparring some of the game's more sympathetic enemies, but there's no denying that it got a little wonky at times.

I see. It appears to be a recognizable writing trick to get around permadeath.  It's a unique mechanic that defines Fire Emblem, but there's no denying that it does cause some problems for the writers on how to handle it, with each method having pros and cons.

Guess we'll have to wait and see how well it works within this game.

I agree.

Meant to type months. Twas the first time I learned that it was possible for a website to crash.

Sucks, too. It feels weird that I have to go off memory to recall conversations I haven't unlocked yet.


"Bartz had gluttony before any of your 'gimmick' characters did!"

"Yeah? Well we'll insert shapeshifting warrior bunnies before you do!"


"Hey! That's my idea!" - Wolfire games (even if they don't shapeshift)

"No! WE did ferocious bunnies first!" - Medieval Tapestries

Meanwhile, Nintendo laughs in Peppy. It sounds something like "ROLL ROLL ROLL ROLL ROLL ROLL BARREL ROLL"

He's not a one-for-one reference, but Gregor has enough similarities that it's a good comparison.

Well, would you look at that, he actually does have some resemblance to the Heavy. Now I need to get Awakening and do a Gregor + insane healer solo. There is an insane healer in that game, isn't there? There can't be a Heavy without his pocket Medic!

As long as the other aspects of his character make up for it, I won't mind much.

Poor Holmes.

Ah... Minecraft. I haven't played the game in years, and anytime I watch my younger brother play, I see they added something new.

I play it on occasion. It's fun.

Fair point.


Right. I just forgot that swords have vastly different stats than they do in Fire Emblem.

Yeah, in this game, it tends to be a decent idea to fight lances with swords, as the high weight of axes ensures you cannot dodge the accurate lances.

I see. I'll avoid mentioning KDIF for names then unless there he clearly did.

Very well.

Ah, so they put summoning as a staff in this game.

I have mixed feelings on this change. On the one hand, it prevents the spamming that cantors are infamous for. On the other, it also means that the player doesn't get a costly yet unlimited supply of cannon fodder units on their side.

Still, I'm glad to see that summoning is back, at the very least. I liked the mechanic better than reinforcements in Gaiden/Echoes, as it was predictable when they would appear and there were tricks one could use to get rid of the summoned enemies quickly.

Enemy Summoners are annoying, but I suppose not as much as they're in Gaiden. The main thing here is that 90% of the enemy Summoners cannot retaliate, as they're for the most part staffbots. That makes them safer to fight, but it also ensures they'll run like cowards when approached and nobody can double them. I'm not sure what I'd prefer, honestly.

On screen, at least. And probably not in supports, either.

Still, it never hurts to be prepared. Now where's his 11-foot long pole?

And the rubber chicken!

I guess I should have expected that Nintendo had more than a few reasons to sue Kaga.

They had plenty, and Kaga still won because it was technically his idea.

Maybe? What do you mean by "Maybe"?

I mean maybe.

Image result for that isn't very reassuring

Is any of the things I ever say "reassuring"?

Well, he's not fought the moment after all the villagers just got into actual classes and where the only way you can effectively fight him is either with your new mage or the cleric with a 50% chance to hit spell.

Yeah, definitely not as difficult as that.

...They aren't partners, are they? And their interactions are limited to this chapter?


...Wait. That was actually relevant?

...I'll, uh, check it out after this reply...

It was, still is, and will be. Please, do give it a read. Both the one from part 1 and the one in the OP, they're both interesting reads, although the one from the OP features some fantastic engrish, because it was the game's devs that translated it, not Aethin!

So in a couple years, she could transform into a dragon without randomly transforming back into a human?

Darn you, story reasons for game balance.

Hwahahah. Poor Katri.

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand it's limited to females again.

Way to go. Another game without badass old men who turn into dragons.

I thank my clean mind and the fact I've been thinking about shapeshifters lately that the sheer mention of the word "transform" doesn't make me think of anything worse.



A reasonable concern, actually. And for some reason, I'm reminded of Metal Gear, despite having never played the series myself.

I don't know, the most I know about Metal Gear is that Senator Armstrong is hilarious and he has nanomachines, son.

Ah! You're bringing back characters!

...Which reminds me that I never the FE6 lets play and I need to speed-read it.

You never what the FE6 LP? You never read it? You never finished it? There never was a FE6 LP? Oh, God, my life's been a lie...

Anyway, for constructive criticism on the captains portrait: It's good so far. About the only thing you need to add is wrinkles on the sleeves were the elbows are. That way, it makes it look like he's bending his arms instead of them being noodles.

Yeah, seems to be a common complaint. I've fixed it, I think.

Yr... Yarrr...

Sounds like it was named by a pirate that had a very limited vocabulary and imagination.

Heheheheh. Makes sense.

That, or the people who named the island didn't have much space/ink left and were forced to make a cool sounding name off the little they had.

Honestly, I prefer Yr to Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch  

More plot!

Actually... More Supportive Moments! That don't affect gameplay at all!

Actually, most of them do. This one just doesn't.

Aye, it was me. And you've piqued my interest...

Huh. That is actually a pretty interesting way to expand upon the concept introduced in Gaiden. And they even hint to the player which route you should send your stronger units to and which route is for the units that need more experience. And they manage to make each route unique in it's own way as well.

I have to say, I like how this was handled. I actually hope IS takes inspiration from this, even if Kaga did it first.

(On a side note, an oversight with the resurrection shrines made it possible to revive dead units on the opposite side in the original Gaiden. They removed it for Echoes, though).

Yeah, I'm aware, but I didn't really want to compare this greatness to a bug.

Happy New Year! Can't wait to see what 2019 holds!

With any luck, no deaths in my team!


On 31/12/2018 at 5:31 AM, eclipse said:

Format change works~!


The only request I have is that Maruj goes with Holmes.  Otherwise, I'm afraid he'll turn into Azel, and I'm still salty at FE4 for that!

All righty.


On 31/12/2018 at 11:28 AM, Mad-manakete said:

Was meant to go with Scrooge McRuben. Showed up at the end for no reason other than my incompetence.
I understand... wait, no, I don't! How is that supposed to go with BarScrowe McRuben?

Great idea. Means it's easier to navigate, and now I feel less guilty for all my commentary.

Good. It's a win for all.

Fortunately, I've got Leetres worth of puns still. Just follow my leed.

I am starting to lose my patience with these leegitimately awful puns. To continue with this foolish endeavour would prove to be leethal for you!

Morgan Necromancers in my forum? It's more likely than you may think.


Ghostmas. It's like Halloween, and like Christmas, but you celebrate by vandalizing people's property with pumpkin while giving them gifts, which may be a box of tongs.

That's a thing. I mean, we barely celebrate Halloween in Spain.

It really was normal wording. I'm just using one of those wordplay jokes, like how being on a phone can either mean using the phone to communicate or literally sitting on the phone.

I see.

Codha's bulk is hard to miss. He probably just had to look the right direction.

If Codha was a pork, he'd solve world hunger.

Wait, he already is! Someone put him in an oven!

I'm going to say The Roger the Paladin and not Caeda just about have to be with Runan. Likewise I agree on Kate Sasha and Norton, on the grounds any one of them benefit from their mount... and indoors missions waste that benefit. Sucks you can't put Lee on both armies, but I think again tactically Runan might need him more. Otherwise, I'm pretty much in agreement on the grounds that I don't have the experience to say otherwise, and the fact I'd like to see the Cavaliers get a chance to shine.


Appreciate the sentiment, but I'd prefer if it weren't the case. I don't feel like being impaled a second time. So instead, I propose the notion may the next year be better than the last for us all. Even if only marginally.

Oof... sounds painful, but I won't pry. Then let us hope this next year is a lot better for everyone!


On 1/1/2019 at 1:33 AM, Ruminant said:

I like the new format better. The reply sections have certainly gotten quite lengthy in the recent updates, and it wouldn't be too surprising if they become even more so as the LP continues.

Very well, it seems like the new format's going to stay.

As for finding your posts, that shouldn't be a problem for regular commenters since SF sends people notifications when they get replies to their posts, and as far as I can tell you always respond to every post on these threads (props to you for doing that, btw: I know it can be difficult to come up with things to say, sometimes). Other than that, it looks like it should be fairly easy to get to your posts here through your profile, since you aren't super active elsewhere on SF? Maybe a clunky solution, but spoilering the replies is better overall, IMO.

To be honest, I was more worried about people who are left behind/find out about the LP later and have to catch up. But I think this works.

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Seeing as Enteh's class is "Shaman" and Holmes just explained how Shamans on this land are girls who turn into dragons, the interface sure isn't doing her any favors in her attempts to remain non-suspicious...


I guess it's somewhat of an obvious thing, but I like how Runan voices his suspicions of Matthis's motives right away: if this were a real-world situation, it'd come off as incredibly suspicious for an army to offer their services to your cause for no apparent benefit to them ("world peace" is a lofty aim, but I get the impression that Archanea and Elibe/Lieberia haven't had much previous contact, so what happens on one continent won't necessarily impact another much... no material interests to protect, in other words, just ideals.) As an outside observer, the whole "military intervention overseas in the name of peace" thing is rather dodgy to begin with, or at least it would be if not for Matthis being a good guy and the fact that his presence here (and in FE6) is moreso to continue the narrative from the Archanea LP than anything else. (I touched upon this slightly in the FE6 LP, but my perspective might be due to being from the United States, which throughout the last century has been very bad about claiming noble ideals and intervening in other countries only to inevitably make things worse for the people living in those countries.)

Well, in all fairness, this being anime I can get away with making Matthis the epitome of kindness. If this was real life things probably would've ended a lot worse a long time ago.

On the other hand, because this is Fire Emblem, I also appreciate Eugen's enthusiasm in accepting the extra help. (Even if we don't actually get any of Matthis's guys in gameplay because of TRS hacking limitations, but the thought's appreciated.)

I'll find a way to get them some action, like I did in FE6.

also I was too lazy to properly reply to last update and I still am but you are welcome for the suggestion (don't know how to make that sound not sarcastic but it isn't, trust me. not that there'd be a reason for it to be sarcastic in this context but I worry too much about these things sometimes)

I am shocked and appaled by the sarcasm.

I agree; letting the player make the choices of how to split up your army is a really cool way of handling things, and though mainline Fire Emblem eventually did something similar with Radiant Dawn, that was only for a few chapters near the end of the game. Really, I feel like Sacred Stones not doing it this way was a wasted opportunity; theoretically you could still play it like this, but it requires two save slots and you'd have to take only one of them for Ch15 onwards unless you want to play all of those chapters twice.

Yeah, it was a bit of a missed opportunity, although on the other hand, we should be grateful they did something without copying Kaga, right?

Regarding unit choices, having not played it myself I don't know this game very well, so I'll just second all your recommendations and abstain from voting on the rest. Hopefully things work out for the better.

All right, then.


On 1/1/2019 at 7:54 AM, ranger016 said:

I like the format change, the previous posts were getting pretty long.

I love you, man. Always the first to follow every single one of my LPs. Posts something like, once or twice per LP? But I can always count on your name being in that list. Thanks, my mostly-silent, faithful reader. And forgive the pompousness.

Here are my choices,

Runan - Sasha, Kate, Zieg, Norton, Plum, Raffin, Lee, Raquel, Garo, Julia

Holmes - Arkis, Kreiss, Esther, Roger, Mel, Martel, Juni, Xeno, Vega, Tom, Bartz, Maruj

That's a wrap, then. I've got to thank you for deciding to speak up for this. Your votes were the tie-breaker for a few major choices, so there's that.

I started playing TRS for the first time after seeing your LP, currently at chapter 6, seems pretty enjoyable so far. This LP will be a nice guide for me since I don't like playing blind that much. Had to restart once so far (for underestimating black hole, because it didn't look all that threatening in your LP...)

Oh hey, I got someone to play this great game! I hope you enjoy it as much as I did in my two runs, and am doing in this one. And please, stick around. Maybe you could try taking different choices than the ones I take in the LP, so you can see more of the game!

Oh and happy new year everyone, hope you stay well.



12 hours ago, Goddess Serra said:

It's me and I'm baaaack!

Ah, another one of the old crew! Get yourself confortable, please.

Yeah, I spent a lot of time trying to log into my SF account, but it seems like I finally did it. Although I have never played TRS myself, I'm pretty familiar with it thanks to having having read an LP of it on the LP Archive and watched Deltre's. When it comes to the gameplay, I must say I'm quite happy with some units you're using (namely Raquel and Kate), but it feels a little weird seeing someone not use Plum a whole lot. Granted, I never realized Lee's potential until now, but Plum does get some pretty good things later down the road (I won't go too in depth to avoid spoilers).

Well, by now, you should know weird choices are the norm when it comes to me.

On the fanfiction-y side of things… your OCs always crack me up for some reasons, and so do Wrys, Matthis and Frost

That's my intention (for now), so that's good, very good indeed.

(although I will never be able to bring myself to believe that the Matthis here and in the last LP is the same person as the Matthis from the Archanea games).

That's because the Matthis here isn't any old Matthis from Archanea, it's MY Matthis from Archanea. Remember? Second best unit ever, after Lot? Later got fucked up by magic dragons and that's why he looks so freaky?


9 hours ago, Pengaius said:


May I ask why you necroposted the FE6 thread?



So, uh... can I just say I wasn't expecting this many people to vote for the route split? It was a little confusing to count all the votes. Perhaps next time (I suppose it isn't too much of a spoiler to say that, yes, there will be a "next time") I'll provide a template for you guys to use so I can have an easier time tallying. Or maybe I'll make a strawpoll, who knows. In any case, I didn't count votes that were just "I agree with your decisions, Ruben", since I was already going to use my own choices to break ties.


Thanks to Ranger016's timely reply, instead of three ties (Garo, Tom and Maruj) we have only one. Like I said, my own recommendations will break any ties that there exist. Therefore, this is what the armies are going to be looking like:


A lot more people with Holmes, but most of Runan's guys count for three of the scrubs Holmes has (although that's not to say everyone with Holmes sucks, of course). Sadly, I'm probably going to have to use Zieg, at least for a while, but that's life, I guess.


Now, for the inventory management, Holmes starts with 5000 gold, so I have him spare some change for Runan.


Then there's this. I leave all the statboosters and the last money bag with Runan. For everything else, it's finders keepers, regardless of which army the finder may find himself fighting for.


As well, I have Norton replace his estoc for an armorslayer, and Yuni hands over her useless levin sword to Runan. I'm sure Sasha and her 10 magic could--


...son of a bitch she's one mastery point away from being able to use it! Oh, well.


Runan, you handle that for the time being.


And we're off!


FF3NqbQ.pngShove it, Shigen. Runan and I were like brothers growing up. You wouldn't understand.

HAh2rZH.pngWhat, and I don't know what it's like to have childhood friends? Well, whatever. Where are we off to next, Holmes?

FF3NqbQ.pngWe're not going anywhere yet. With Runan gone, the ruffians around Wellt might start acting up. Especially that pirate leader... What was his name again?

HAh2rZH.pngMaerchen, right? He's one messed-up guy.

0zFk3fj.png Ah, so the asshole has a name. A really ugly name, too.

FF3NqbQ.pngYeah, that guy. We can't let a man like him loose. Our first priority should be to find his hideout and give him what he deserves. After that, we can sail to the mainland. We don't want Runan to get distracted worrying about Wellt's safety.




0zFk3fj.png I hope you're ready, everyone. The game's about to machine-gun scenes our way right about now. And very plot-heavy scenes, too.

vUN6DQJ.pngMahl's lands have fallen under the rule of the Kingdom of Istoria ever since they were betrayed by them at the Battle of Balt. Betraying his allies to side with the Empire... King Geunuth of Istoria is despicable. He certainly will not be throwing us a welcome party, milord. Still, wasting precious manpower against Istoria before even getting to the Empire would be foolish.

xQunKTk.png I don't see why! It's experience.

vUN6DQJ.pngIf I might make a suggestion, milord, I think we ought to trust in Prince Richard.

tN4k68u.pngPrince Richard of Mahl? I heard that he fled to the west to regroup after his father passed away.

vUN6DQJ.pngIndeed he had, but now Princess Tia has joined him,

0zFk3fj.png "Tia" means "aunt" in spanish, and more colloquially, it is also used as the female equivalent of  "dude" or "guy", things like that. It always annoys me to see that word used as a name.

vUN6DQJ.png and his army has led a wave of recent victories reclaiming Mahl. There are reports that he will soon turn to reclaiming Mahl Palace itself.

tN4k68u.pngWhat kingdom is this Tia the princess of?

vUN6DQJ.pngRumor has it that she is the sole survivor of the Ledan royal bloodline. She is still young, but she is a beautiful and brilliant commander. She was being held captive by Istoria, but she was rescued not long ago. She then joined forces with Prince Richard and formed the Leda Liberation Army.

tN4k68u.pngThe Holy Kingdom of Leda... Weren't they destroyed for violating the sacred commandments of Yutona?

vUN6DQJ.pngLike our own Reeve, Leda was one of the four kingdoms descended from the empire of Carluon the Great. Leda was destroyed because King Grauss summoned the Guardian Dragon Kranion with the intent to use it to destroy Salia. You, too, carry the blood of Carluon through your late mother. You and your descendants must never repeat Grauss's mistake.

0zFk3fj.png Once again, I would advise that you read the opening scrolling text of the game if you didn't back in the first update. Otherwise this might prove to be a little too much.

tN4k68u.pngOf course. Reeve's own Guardian Dragon Mouse incinerated the entire city of Nolzeria and slaughtered thousands of innocent people. The four Guardian Dragons were created by Yutona to protect mankind from evil gods. For someone to use them for war... it's unforgivable.

vUN6DQJ.pngThat reminds me, that girl Katri was a surprise indeed! The vessel of the Fire Dragon Neuron... It would be a disaster if she were to fall into enemy hands, milord.

tN4k68u.pngDon't worry, Eugen. She's in good hands with Holmes. Neuron will be kept under control.

vUN6DQJ.pngI certainly hope so, milord.

tN4k68u.pngIn any case, Istoria has formed an alliance with the Empire. If the Leda Liberation Army is fighting to liberate Mahl from them, then we should go to their aid. We can't just wait around like this. Let's land in Mahl Harbor.

vUN6DQJ.pngYes, sire. I shall give the order to continue westward. We should arrive in about three days.


Ton of namedrops and backstory. With any luck, we'll be seeing some of the faces those names belong to here, in Mahl Palace.


To begin, here is Albert, knight of Mahl, reporting in to his liege, Prince Richard. Richard is best described as a dick, and not just because his name is Richard.

0zFk3fj.png Also, who's General Lawrence?

YNfmH04.pngVery well, give the reserves the signal to begin the final charge! I will lead the front lines.

WjUwZ5C.pngYes, Your Highness!

YNfmH04.pngTia, you will wait here. I will send an escort once we secure the castle town.


0zFk3fj.png Well, I suppose Eugen was right. She is good-looking, but I'm worried about her age. In this game, one must trust nobody.

YNfmH04.pngMahl is my kingdome and my home. I must secure my own palace, you will be formally invited in as an honored guest. Perhaps as a woman you may not understand, but please, Tia, you must defer to me here.


0zFk3fj.png You know the archetypical jock from every high school movie ever? Richard's even worse than that.

YNfmH04.pngAlbert, forcus your offense on the left wing! Keep sending in troops to overwhelm the castle town!



Then we cut to this. Are you General Lawrence? Nah, can't be, you seem to be on the enemy side, and Lawrence's a good, loyal General. At least that's what he sounded like.


0zFk3fj.png You look important.

yi40ao4.pngBut Your Highness, why hasn't the Empire sent reinforcements to us? They've made it as far as Senay, but they're just sitting there doing nothing!

zSagajW.pngThe Empire's troops in Senay are an expeditionary force led by Prince Barker. He is no fool. He knows better than to rush blindly into danger for no good reason.

0zFk3fj.png More namedrops, and still I have no idea who Lawrence is.

yi40ao4.pngNo good reason...?

zSagajW.pngYes... My father is a fool. He cannot handle the consequenecs of his own ambitions. Thanks to his greed, Istoria's destruction is now inevitable. He must atone for his sins.

yi40ao4.pngPrince Ronald, you mustn't...

zSagajW.pngI know, I know. If my father hears me, I will be executed. But my fate has been sealed ever since I helped Princess Tia escape.



That's been Ronald, folks. And no, I don't mean for now: he never, ever appears again. He just vanishes from the face of the Earth after that cutscene. The guy who freed Tia, a pretty major character, and the main Camus-like enemy of Richard, another major character, has exactly one scene. Genial.

Istoria in general, I believe, is the country most badly affected by this game's troublesome development history. It may seem like they're setting up a big story arc regarding them that will take up a few chapters, but nope. The whole thing is resolved behind the scenes, and half the characters involved are never even seen. It's rather wonky, but in all fairness, I like that we don't have to run around solving everyone's problems for them. It does help establish Richard and Tia as a force to be reckoned with, although some side chapters with them as the playable characters wouldn't have hurt. I understand why it couldn't be, but just imagine... perhaps we would've gotten to know who General Lawrence is!


That's... a lot different than the previous scenes. Are you General Lawrence? No? All right.


IfRBMws.png Pyron? Who's Pyron?! I haven't heard of any Pyrons! Is he the throwaway boss from the Mahl Palace chapter Richard just completed offscreen? I can't think of anyone else! Why does the game keep on throwing names my way without even bothering to explain who they belong to?

xQunKTk.png Perhaps his name's Pyron Lawrence... nah, can't be. Lawrence's a good, upstanding citizen, not a vile man.

orfi8jp.pngThe men are all excited and saying that they'll fight alongside the prince, but they'll probably just get in the way.

tnDhG59.pngI see. Maybe I should help as well.

orfi8jp.pngCome now, what can a little lass like you do on the battlefield?

0zFk3fj.png Well, for one, she can bite the enemy with that buck tooth of hers. I know, I know, it's her lips, but... c'mon, what does it look like?

tnDhG59.pngI'm the granddaughter of the great Sage Maios! I've got quite a bit of magical ability.

orfi8jp.pngThen tell me, have you ever fought enemy soldiers before? Can you bear to kill a human being?

tnDhG59.pngWell, I... No, I haven't.

orfi8jp.pngThen do yourself a favor and stay out of the way. Leave the fighting to the men... They're stupid enough to enjoy it. They never think twice about how the people around them feel...

0zFk3fj.png Hey, sexist much? I think of how people around me feel... I could barely bear the guilt in the last LP, where I killed everyone's favourites left and right!

orfi8jp.pngBoth my good-for-nothing husband and my son ran out to war some time ago, only to get themselves killed.

tnDhG59.pngOh... I'm so sorry...

orfi8jp.pngYou said you're on a journey to find your brother, didn't you? Then you should stay here until things calm down.


tnDhG59.pngMa'am, I... I'm terribly sorry.

orfi8jp.pngOh dear...No, I'm sorry. I shouldn't be ranting at a guest. Now then, how about some dinner? I'll prepare something for you.


Gotta love how even the recolored inn owner gets backstory. The friggin' recolored inn owner. Jeez!


Yeah, Albert, Ronald ordered the retreat two scenes ago. You're a bit late.

YNfmH04.pngIgnore the stragglers. We don't have the strength to chase them all the way to Istoria.

WjUwZ5C.pngWe should be wary of the Empire striking from their base at Senay.

YNfmH04.pngExactly. We must prepare for an eastern attack. First, let us secure the castle's defenses. Then, I'll meet with the Razelians.

WjUwZ5C.pngThe Razelians, Your Highness?

YNfmH04.pngI don't know how he managed it, but Runan of Razelia has gathered troops from Wellt. He claims that he will liberate his nation from the Empire's grip.


0zFk3fj.png How about you go fuck yourself, you idiot?


Sigh... 'suppose we've no choice but to proceed.


YNfmH04.pngRunan is merely a child, but I suppose I should welcome him nonetheless. What a bother...

0zFk3fj.png We get it, you're a dickhead. You don't need to keep on providing proof, thank you very much.

W0zoyoc.pngYou mustn't be rude, Richard. I think it's very brave of him to fight for his people at such a young age.

YNfmH04.pngHah... Who knows what his true motive is? If you insist on always looking for the good side of people, one day you're going to be stabbed in the back, Tia.

W0zoyoc.pngThen I will have no regrets. I pity those who have no faith in their fellow man.

YNfmH04.pngOh, Tia... You truly are naive. But perhaps that's what I like about you.

0zFk3fj.png ...I don't think I like the sound of that.

W0zoyoc.pngDon't change the subject!

YNfmH04.pngNo need to get upset, my dear. Anyway, I've sent an escort to meet Runan, so he should be arriving shortly. While I'd like to trust him, I must first test his character for myself.


0zFk3fj.png I love how he's actually being pretty reasonable about it, and a complete dick needlessly, both at the same time.


I'd love to go see him, but I can't, because the game demands I keep writing.


orfi8jp.pngAll right. I won't try to stop you any more.

xQunKTk.png In other words, we've got ourselves a new unit.

orfi8jp.pngBut just remember one thing. My husband and son fought to protect our women and children from the Istorians during the invasion.


orfi8jp.pngThey both said that they were fighting to protect me. Remember, lass: the only reason you should fight is to protect those dear to you. Don't forget that.

xQunKTk.png That's good advice, because, soon enough...


xQunKTk.png Princess Maeve, eh? I'm sure she's just mistaken. There's no way Enteh's anything other than an innocent little cleric who has nothing to do with the plot.

tnDhG59.pngI left the church to look for Rishel. I figured it was as good a time as any to slip out without the Empire noticing.

WgtWCgP.pngYou left without telling Lady Renee? She must be worried sick about you!

0zFk3fj.png Renee? Oh, dear. I think we've just found out how she found herself being assaulted by pirates in the middle of the ocean...

tnDhG59.pngI left a letter for her explaining things. I told her not to worry.

WgtWCgP.pngOh, Meriel... You really shouldn't be...


WgtWCgP.pngSigh... What are you doing here at this port, then?

tnDhG59.pngThe roads have been closed down by the Empire, so I figured the safest route out would be by sea. But I couldn't find a ship headed for Reeve, so I've been staying at the local inn.

0zFk3fj.png Soooo it wasn't as good a time as any to slip out without the Empire noticing.

WgtWCgP.pngAnd when you get to Reeve, what then? Will you take on the whole Empire yourself?

tnDhG59.pngI can never forgive Gerxel... They took my grandfather, and now my beloved brother! Princess Maeve, I... I've chosen not to hide any more! I will find my brother and fight against the Cult of Gerxel!



xQunKTk.png Yes, the new unit can join us. No need to speak to Runan. Knowing him, he'll try to dissuade her from joining.

tN4k68u.pngIt's rare of you to ask for favours. What is it, Enteh?

WgtWCgP.pngI would appreciate it if we could keep this girl under our protection for a while. I promise I will look after he myself, if it's all right with you...

tN4k68u.pngIs she... a mage?

tnDhG59.pngYes. Pleased to meet you, Lord Runan. My name is Meriel.

tN4k68u.pngEnteh, would you mind telling us a little more about her?

WgtWCgP.pngShe is the granddaughter of Sage Maios of the Water Shrine...


hTMofYU.png Of course! He's just hanging out in a corner, not paying much attention, but when he hears she's the descendant to an important (and powerful) sage, only THEN he's interested!

tnDhG59.pngYes, sir! Although my grandfather passed away two years ago...

vUN6DQJ.pngI have heard much about that incident. Rogues from the Cult of Gerxel sacked the Water Shrine, killing the Great Sage and many of the clerics. I thought that the entire holy bloodline had been wiped out.

tnDhG59.pngMy brother rescued me and helped me get away from the Cult of Gerxel. I fled to Blaad, where I hid in a church run by my cousin for a year. But I haven't heard word from my brother ever since he helped me escape, so I'm very worried about him...

tN4k68u.pngI see... So you left the church all on your own to find your brother, I take it?

vUN6DQJ.pngIt is a touching story, milady. Love for our kin is something that all of us hold deep in our hearts.


hTMofYU.png Don't lie, Eugen. That's all you give a damn about, and you know it.

vUN6DQJ.pngWe will accept you in our ranks if you will assist us in battle in return.

tN4k68u.pngMeriel, you'll need to follow my orders, but I promise I won't send you into the front lines. Is that all right with you, Enteh?

WgtWCgP.pngYes. I'm sorry for the extra burden. Thank you very much, Lord Runan.

tnDhG59.pngThank you, Lord Runan, Lady Enteh! And you, General Eugen!


We can't leave yet?


WjUwZ5C.pngThe prince has heard of your visit, and I have been instructed to escort you to the palace to meet with him.

tN4k68u.pngThank you, Sir Albert. I had been hoping to speak with Prince Richard as soon as possible. Lead the way!


Good, we can leave now. Let's not leave yet. First, let's go over our new unit.


HP 35% - Magic 30% - Skill 35% - Speed 45% - Defense 10% - Strength 0% - Luck 30% - Mastery 35%

Meriel's... eh. She arrives at level 1 with similar stats to base Maruj after the route split, which is when chapters start getting truly challenging. This makes using her a lot harder than Maruj, but unlike him, she has a... good? personal tome.


"Whoa, that looks amazing!", you may be thinking. "But, wait! Why the question mark, Ruben? That is amazing, no two ways around it, right?"



I know, I know, 27 effective might at base. But then you take a look at the weight. 12 weight ensures that +30 avoid isn't quite as incredible as it may seem (in fact, even with the Starlight she tends to be worse at dodging than most other units), and due to how exp works in this game, using Starlight makes her score skyrocket, which ensures you cannot train her if you use it. And with the fire tome, she's useless. She does get another personal tome later, one that works in a completely different way, but that'll be in a long, long time.

Honestly, not one of my favourite units. I've tried to use her, but it's not easy. Her stats are nothing to write home about and you can't just spam the Starlight like Maruj can spam the Wundergust because of the weight. Also, her skills are mediocre. She actually has to choose between learning Wrath as a level 15 Mage, which isn't so good because you need to put her in 1HKO range to make use of the crit bonus, or learning Luna (has a chance of negating enemy defenses) as a level 15 Sage , which is also useless because most enemies don't even have magic defense.

Besides, her animations aren't as hilarious as Maruj's. She doesn't pretend to be a plane, I mean, c'mon.

Now, with that out of the way... let's not leave yet. I have to go to the shop. Surely Albert can wait five minutes?


tN4k68u.pngI'm sorry, Sir Albert... when Eugen has an idea, it's difficult to get him to abandon it.

vUN6DQJ.pngHmmm... what a great selection, indeed! I want one of that sword, two of those... wait, we don't have that much gold... ah, choices, choices...


Since I don't have much money, I've no choice but to buy few things. An iron blade for Norton and a javelin for Zieg should do it.


At last, we're off to Mahl Palace. Let's see what Dick has to say.


tN4k68u.pngIt is an honor to be invited to the great palace of Mahl.

YNfmH04.pngLord Runan, surely there is no need for such forced pleasantries at a time like this. After the fiasco at the battle of Balt trying to aid your homeland, I've fought tooth and nail every day on the front lines.


0zFk3fj.png You know, Richard, there are better ways to test someone's character that don't involve outright insulting a potential ally that you need. I have to say, Delphin handled that a lot better. Three hurrahs for FE6, it did something right!

tN4k68u.pngIf you're looking for sympathy, Prince Richard, you should try elsewhere.

xQunKTk.png Luckily, Runan's made of sterner stuff than that.

YNfmH04.pngOh? I was expecting you to run off crying to your advisor. You're more mature than I'd anticipated.


hTMofYU.png Ohohohohohahahahah! Fucking Eugen, man! Even though he, Eugen, is old and senile, he will not lose to the likes of Dick!

tN4k68u.pngEnough, Eugen!

0zFk3fj.png D'aww...

tN4k68u.pngWhy do you try me, Prince Richard? Surely the Lion Prince of Mahl has better things to do than to insult his guests. Istoria has allied itself with the Empire. Now that you've reclaimed Mahl Palace, no doubt they're already preparing to retaliate en mass. Alone, Mahl will be unable to repel Istoria in the north and the Empire in the east.


hTMofYU.png Okay, I take that "D'aww" back. Runan just destroyed Richard.

YNfmH04.png...Agreed. Everything you've said is true, Lord Runan. We have no other choice. We have insufficient troops to hold off both Istoria and the Empire. Your assistance is exactly what we need. However, my past alliances both at Balt and here in Leda have been betrayed. Many of my soldiers were lost, and I have been cursing my foolishness ever since. Thus, I felt the need to test your character as a leader. I apologize for my harsh words.

tN4k68u.pngI think I understand you a bit more now, Prince Richard. We have both been fighting enemies whose armies vastly outnumber our own. A single move from an ally could determine your victory or defeat. Your cautiousness is all the more proof of your sincerity and dedication.


xQunKTk.png In all seriousness, even if he's been an asshole about it, I can understand why Richard would do something like that, and he at least knows when to admit defeat.

hTMofYU.png By the way... Lion Prince? Are you serious? He even did that first?! I suppose that could be just Aethin's choice of words, but this being the actually script and not just weapon/class names, I'd trust it to be closer to the original.

YNfmH04.pngNow then, I would like to introduce Princess Tia, leader of the new Leda Liberation Army.

tN4k68u.pngExcellent, I'd hoped to meet with her as soon as possible.

YNfmH04.pngPrincess Tia is a direct descendant of the old royal family of Leda. To nations like Mahl founded on the soil of the old kingdom, she embodies our hope for the restoration of our lands. I ask that you give her your highest respect.

tN4k68u.pngI understand.

xQunKTk.png Is he going to give her his best smile? I hope he'll give her his best smile. Richard's gonna chase us out of the country, but it'd be a worthy sacrifice.

YNfmH04.pngPrincess Tia, this is Lord Runan of Razelia.


W0zoyoc.pngI understand that you have accepted an alliance with our forces. You have my most sincere thanks.

tN4k68u.pngNot at all, Princess Tia. However, if we are to be working together, I must ask... of the Ledan nations, only Samarya has remained neutral so far. Ladwia and Trente have already joined you, and Erial is assisting from the north. Vanette was captured by Istoria, but they will soon be dealt with...


YNfmH04.pngWatch your tongue, Lord Runan! You are being disrespectful!

W0zoyoc.pngHold, Richard. Lord Runan, I do not wish for the destruction of the current order of things, nor do I aim to resurrect the fallen kingdom.

0zFk3fj.png Maybe not you, but Richard over there...

W0zoyoc.pngI have one goal, one thing that I absolutely must accomplish, and for which I am willing to go to any lengths. It is for that cause that I am uniting the scattered people of Leda. The battle with Istoria is merely a stepping stone toward that goal.

tN4k68u.pngAnd what is this objective? Will you tell us?


hTMofYU.png Damn! Metal Princess Tia, they called her! She's even more bloodthirsty than Sasha!

tN4k68u.pngKill Guenchaos...?

If I do not do this, I and my descendants will be forced to live out our days in terror. I have chosen a path to confront my fears rather than to run from them.

YNfmH04.pngThat's quite enough, Lord Runan. Please do not tire the Princess further with your interrogations.

0zFk3fj.png "Tire"? She's this close to punching the nearest window! She's anything other than tired!

tN4k68u.pngGuenchaos is my enemy as well, Princess Tia. Not long ago, he murdered the good Master Eisenbach of Mars in cold blood. If there's anything I can do to help...

W0zoyoc.pngThank you, Lord Runan. But for now, your alliance against the Empire is more than enough. I will be praying for your victory. Yutona's grace be with you, Lord Runan.


That was pretty damn good. Now, on to something else. I guess we'll be checking out what the enemy's doing.


It's another really important-looking man and a very throwaway-ish man.

lgkzBrD.pngThe Emperor himself has entrusted this division to me. I cannot be sitting in comfort while my subordinates are risking their lives in battle. Now, is everything under control?

wlg0u2m.pngYes, we have secured both the high road and the coastline.

lgkzBrD.pngReports say that Lord Runan of Razelia is leading the Wellt Army toward Reeve. They have already landed in Mahl Harbor.

wlg0u2m.pngI have heard, Sir. However, his army is but a ragtag group of fresh recruits and volunteer soldiers. They will be no match for the Imperial Army.

lgkzBrD.pngDo you not remember the humilliation we suffered in Granada? How many men did we lose to that so-called ragtag group of soldiers?

wlg0u2m.pngIf I may object, Your Highness, our difficulties in Granada were largely due to Admiral Vals leading the enemy. With him gone, what can a mere seventeen-year-old boy possibly accomplish?

lgkzBrD.pngDo not underestimate Lord Runan. His father was a hero who fought the Witch Dragon Kranion alongside my brother. And his mother is a member of the royal line of Reeve, carrying the blood of Carluon.


lgkzBrD.pngAnd now, he has returned to the mainland leading a legion of Wellt's troops numbering in the thousands.


lgkzBrD.pngCan you not comprehend the threat he poses, Seamus?

wlg0u2m.pngForgive me, Your Highness. It is as you say.

lgkzBrD.pngApology accepted. Now, patrol the front lines with the utmost caution. We are gathering forces at Senay, but we need more time. You must hold this position until then. A small number of reinforcements will be arriving within a few hours.

wlg0u2m.pngYes, sir! I shall defend it to the last!


lgkzBrD.pngBoth you and your troops are invaluable citizens of our Kingdom of Canaan. Land can be reclaimed, but lives cannot. Understood, General Seamus?

wlg0u2m.pngYes, Your Highness! Take care!

xQunKTk.png This is another scene I really like. Both of these guys are being really civil about the whole thing. It establishes Barker as a firm, but kind man who's a step above most other Camuses: instead of just throwing his people to certain death for the sake of their loyalty, Barker would rather Seamus ordered a retreat and ensured the survival of his soldiers. I like it, it's not done enough in mainline FEs.


Here's Seamus's army. Very versatile one, it even has some mages here and there. We'll see it in more detail when we play the chapter itself.


As for Seamus, he's a pretty standard General, but with a pesky little thing in his inventory: this. It effectively means that, for the first three physical hits, he'll have 26 defense. Hot damn. I suppose Lee will have to be the one to take care of him.


I hand over the speed steroids to Norton, and we move to confront Seamus.


Not too long now, everybody. We just need to get the pre-chapter text out of the way and the update's over.


vUN6DQJ.pngIndeed it is. So vast, in fact, that we have been separated from the troops marching along the coast.

tN4k68u.pngWait, what?!

0zFk3fj.png Gotta love how nonchalant Eugen is about the fact that they've lost a bunch of men along the way.

tN4k68u.pngWhy did no one tell me sooner?! Isn't there an Imperial camp stationed around this area? It's too dangerous to split up our forces like this!

vUN6DQJ.pngI'm afraid it's too late now, Sir. I see hostile forces approaching up ahead. Shall I give the order to engage them?

tN4k68u.pngThis isn't good... Alert all troops! We need to hold out until we can rendezvous with the rest of our forces!



0zFk3fj.png It's you, the funny hat man! That can't be good... also, what do mean, "take care of that meddlesome boy Runan"? Runan hasn't even made it to Seamus's troops yet!

wlg0u2m.pngBishop Dagon... Take your scheming and sorcery elsewhere. You are not needed nor wanted here.

quwo451.pngShame on you, General! That's no way to address a man of the cloth. Surely you owe us your respect? It was your king who helped reestablish the faith in Gerxel that the Zoan people had abandoned for so long. Even if you call yourselves Canaanites and such nowadays, it doesn't change the fact that you are direct descendants of the Zoans. And now, the few of us who have kept the old ways alive for eight centuries can finally restore the Empire to its former glory! At last, the oppression that our ancestors suffered under those Jugudi inmigrant scum will be repaid in blood!


0zFk3fj.png I don't think he asked for a history lesson, mate.

wlg0u2m.pngYou're all madmen! No sane man of Canaan would wish for the resurrection of the Dark Empire! How can you justify worshipping that demon? He demanded our ancestors' children as sacrifice and brought only disaster in return!


xQunKTk.png You have to hand it to Seamus: he's got some balls.

quwo451.pngYou better hold your tongue, General... Unless you would prefer I report your opinion to the Emperor himself. I imagine he'd be quite furious that one of his own generals thinks so lowly of him...

wlg0u2m.pngNo, wait...! I...

quwo451.pngYou may not have heard this yet, but the Emperor has commanded that those who do not respect the teachings of Gerxel be sent to the Zoan homeland for reeducation. Think of the disgrace you would bring to your family, to be stripped of rank and honors! Though I suppose we could always send them along with you to keep you company... Hahaha...


0zFk3fj.png Of course, he has balls, but not enough to doom himself and his whole family to such a terrible fate.

quwo451.pngRemember your place, General. You are but an insect before Gerxel's might. Now then, the Sonnenblume will be arriving shortly to assist you. You will lead your troops and defend the front lines until my forces are prepared.


quwo451.pngUnderstood, General Seamus?

0zFk3fj.png This guy can't possibly have enough authority to go against Barker's orders!

wlg0u2m.png...Very well. I shall do as you say, Bishop Dagon. Just please, spare me and my children from those prison camps...

0zFk3fj.png Poor man. With any luck, we'll be able to help him in some way.



















Oh, hey! Look who's here! Mayhap this time we'll get to recruit him.


Hint hint. We'll get to know more about the key in the next update.

Speaking of! It's over. Next time, finally, some gameplay! Don't miss it, for it'll be the first outing of Norton and Kate with their new horses. It should be fun to watch! I'll see you next time, provided that you've fared well before then. See ya!

Death count: --

Reset count: 0


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6 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I understand... wait, no, I don't! How is that supposed to go with BarScrowe McRuben?

Just the fact it reminded me of it. Because recolour. Besides excuse to post the image I made years back because I never made that youtube video turning a series of "MMMs" into songs due to laziness.

8 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I am starting to lose my patience with these leegitimately awful puns. To continue with this foolish endeavour would prove to be leethal for you!

At leest I have my dignity. Maybe I'll leeve the puns to someone else for a while.

11 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

If Codha was a pork, he'd solve world hunger.

Wait, he already is! Someone put him in an oven!

It is frowned upon by polite society to make jokes about putting a human being in an oven. Thankfully, Codha traded his humanity for a box of Krispy Kreme Donuts

15 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Oof... sounds painful, but I won't pry. Then let us hope this next year is a lot better for everyone!

Nothing to pry on. Basically I was given a painkiller that I reacted badly to and it ultimately resulted in passing out while walking in front of a china cabinet.I went through it, and managed to stop a sheet of glass with my ribcage. Painful? Should have been, except for the fact I couldn't feel it through the painkiller. I only noticed the cut when I accidentally put my finger in it after going to lie down.

25 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:


A lot more people with Holmes, but most of Runan's guys count for three of the scrubs Holmes has (although that's not to say everyone with Holmes sucks, of course). Sadly, I'm probably going to have to use Zieg, at least for a while, but that's life, I guess.

Quality counts for more than quantity.

29 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Of course. Reeve's own Guardian Dragon Mouse incinerated the entire city of Nolzeria and slaughtered thousands of innocent people. The four Guardian Dragons were created by Yutona to protect mankind from evil gods. For someone to use them for war... it's unforgivable.

Who named a Guardian Dragon after one of the least intimidating animals ever? Or is that the trick? Drop the guard then hit them with a dragon.

32 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

That's been Ronald, folks. And no, I don't mean for now: he never, ever appears again. He just vanishes from the face of the Earth after that cutscene. The guy who freed Tia, a pretty major character, and the main Camus-like enemy of Richard, another major character, has exactly one scene. Genial.

Was going to make a joke on the attacks on the left wing, the name, and the fall of the wall, but... that's just depressing.

37 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Istoria in general, I believe, is the country most badly affected by this game's troublesome development history. It may seem like they're setting up a big story arc regarding them that will take up a few chapters, but nope. The whole thing is resolved behind the scenes, and half the characters involved are never even seen. It's rather wonky, but in all fairness, I like that we don't have to run around solving everyone's problems for them. It does help establish Richard and Tia as a force to be reckoned with, although some side chapters with them as the playable characters wouldn't have hurt. I understand why it couldn't be, but just imagine... perhaps we would've gotten to know who General Lawrence is!

Maybe General Lawrence is that Law guy mentioned earlier but with more letters in his name as a disguise. Kind of like how the Awakening kids slightly alter their names in Fates. Kaga did it first.

42 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Well, for one, she can bite the enemy with that buck tooth of hers. I know, I know, it's her lips, but... c'mon, what does it look like?

Now I can't unsee it.

44 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Hah... Who knows what his true motive is? If you insist on always looking for the good side of people, one day you're going to be stabbed in the back, Tia.


Yeah. I mean look at Tricky Dick here.


45 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

No need to get upset, my dear. Anyway, I've sent an escort to meet Runan, so he should be arriving shortly. While I'd like to trust him, I must first test his character for myself.

Why'd he send a prostitute to meet Runan? Was she at least an expensive one? Wouldn't want the poor kid to catch Sylphis.

59 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

vUN6DQJ.pngI have heard much about that incident. Rogues from the Cult of Gerxel sacked the Water Shrine, killing the Great Sage and many of the clerics. I thought that the entire holy bloodline had been wiped out.

This sounds vaguely like some other incident we saw in the story. Must be a coincidence.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:


WjUwZ5C.pngThe prince has heard of your visit, and I have been instructed to escort you to the palace to meet with him.

I don't want to see the damage I have done with my earlier joke.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Besides, her animations aren't as hilarious as Maruj's. She doesn't pretend to be a plane, I mean, c'mon.

Of course she doesn't pretend to be a plane. Maruj uses wind magic. She uses water. She obviously pretends to be a PT boat. Drop depth charges.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

By the way... Lion Prince? Are you serious? He even did that first?! I suppose that could be just Aethin's choice of words, but this being the actually script and not just weapon/class names, I'd trust it to be closer to the original.

I assumed it was a reference to Richard the Lionheart, onetime king of England.


1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

lgkzBrD.pngAnd now, he has returned to the mainland leading a legion of Wellt's troops numbering in the thousands.


lgkzBrD.pngCan you not comprehend the threat he poses, Seamus?

wlg0u2m.pngForgive me, Your Highness. It is as you say.

Is Seamus smirking at his innumerate monarch?

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Apology accepted. Now, patrol the front lines with the utmost caution. We are gathering forces at Senay, but we need more time. You must hold this position until then. A small number of reinforcements will be arriving within a few hours.

I wonder how small it is seeing as "numbering in their thousands" clearly means something else to him. For all we know he'll send half the country.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:


As for Seamus, he's a pretty standard General, but with a pesky little thing in his inventory: this. It effectively means that, for the first three physical hits, he'll have 26 defense. Hot damn. I suppose Lee will have to be the one to take care of him.

Too tempting to make a joke about a bishop beating him badlee.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Indeed it is. So vast, in fact, that we have been separated from the troops marching along the coast.

tN4k68u.pngWait, what?!

Yep. Probably taking a summer vacation. In armor.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

And now, the few of us who have kept the old ways alive for eight centuries can finally restore the Empire to its former glory! At last, the oppression that our ancestors suffered under those Jugudi inmigrant scum will be repaid in blood!

I would have thought the man in the funny hat would be the last one to start throwing stones about people's cultures. Is the oppression mocking his hat?


1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:


Oh, hey! Look who's here! Mayhap this time we'll get to recruit him.


Hint hint. We'll get to know more about the key in the next update.

Speaking of! It's over. Next time, finally, some gameplay! Don't miss it, for it'll be the first outing of Norton and Kate with their new horses. It should be fun to watch! I'll see you next time, provided that you've fared well before then. See ya!

Desert maps and lost items. They go together like platformers and ice levels. Or JRPGs and super-bosses with too much hp. Or open world games and glitches. Or two other things that developers think go together but they generally annoy the player.

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30 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

tN4k68u.pngOf course. Reeve's own Guardian Dragon Mouse incinerated the entire city of Nolzeria and slaughtered thousands of innocent people.

I'm lucky I already know enough about this game that the dragon's name is Mousa and this is just a typo you made, because otherwise I'd be very confused as to why you didn't try to point out how incredibly silly of a name "Mouse" is for a legendary dragon.

Granted Mousa sounds rather silly to an English-speaker too (it makes me think of chocolate mousse) but iirc Aethin had a rather sound justification for translating the name that way. Looking it up again now, it has to do with how the dragons' names are derived from Ancient Greek words, Mousa being closer to the Greek form than the original translation, Muse.

52 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Richard is best described as a dick, and not just because his name is Richard.

The name Richard when used in medieval settings has always given me that "arrogant prince/nobleman" vibe, and I don't think that's because of how it can be shortened to Dick. Needless to say, this guy is just reinforcing that impression.

44 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

0zFk3fj.png Also, who's General Lawrence?

Could he be another Archanea character?

(this is another "funny" edit of the ending text, which used to be "He became leader of a ravaged village." this guy's name is, of course, Lorenz in the remakes, but Lorenz is just the German equivalent to Lawrence so not too big a change there)

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

0zFk3fj.png Well, for one, she can bite the enemy with that buck tooth of hers. I know, I know, it's her lips, but... c'mon, what does it look like?

I didn't see it at first but now that you mentioned it I can't unsee it

thanks (read this with the maximum amount of sarcasm possible)

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

WgtWCgP.pngShe is the granddaughter of Sage Maios of the Water Shrine...


tnDhG59.pngYes, sir! Although my grandfather passed away two years ago...

vUN6DQJ.pngI have heard much about that incident. Rogues from the Cult of Gerxel sacked the Water Shrine, killing the Great Sage and many of the clerics. I thought that the entire holy bloodline had been wiped out.

(the point is that she's directly descended from a legendary sage who was killed by the resident dark magic cult)



HP 35% - Magic 30% - Skill 35% - Speed 45% - Defense 10% - Strength 0% - Luck 30% - Mastery 35%

Linde's here too??? Well, she changed her name, and her hair color, and her father's name (who's now her grandfather), and Starlight's her PRF now (but it works more like Aura...)

But you can't tell me that this isn't Linde. What happened to her in the FE12 LP, anyway? I don't remember.

Oh, she died... First (The) Roger (The Paladin), then Lorenz, now Linde? What's up with dead people from Archanea showing up all of the sudden?

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On 12/31/2018 at 10:28 AM, Mad-manakete said:

Was meant to go with Scrooge McRuben. Showed up at the end for no reason other than my incompetence.

Worse mistakes have been made.

Like calling Lieberia Lazberia.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Maybe I-- okay, yeah, I did.

Even worse?

Lazberia's supposed to be to the north of Lieberia as it's the setting for Berwick Saga. I had been trying to figure out where it was and now I know.

It's a little way up from Lieberia! 

35 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Hannibal Lecter's perfect bride.

Now all they need are some fava beans and a nice chianti. It would be an easily prepared wedding feast.

37 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I'd argue that but I don't know what DD is. I sure hope it's not something I know and I'm just being dumb here.

It's the first part of the first FE title. I use it when I don't want to type out every word for the abbreviation.

38 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Well, maybe, but these are good guys, so we can count on it not being such a bad fuck up... right?

Considering Ruminant bringing up America......

39 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Hahahahahahahahah! Okay, I should probably be angry but that was too funny.

I'm going to assume that "ro" in there is just a typo and you really like everything other than the colors.

Well, I'm not even mad at the colour scheme, it just seemed like a funny comparison to make as she reminded me of Alfonse's armour.

That would be "do", yes.

41 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

That's an amazing comparison.

And it would be horrible to watch.

42 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

So, uh... can I just say I wasn't expecting this many people to vote for the route split? It was a little confusing to count all the votes. Perhaps next time (I suppose it isn't too much of a spoiler to say that, yes, there will be a "next time") I'll provide a template for you guys to use so I can have an easier time tallying. Or maybe I'll make a strawpoll, who knows. In any case, I didn't count votes that were just "I agree with your decisions, Ruben", since I was already going to use my own choices to break ties.


There it is.

Also dangit guys I had Maruj in Runan's route for a reason!

46 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

To begin, here is Albert, knight of Mahl, reporting in to his liege, Prince Richard. Richard is best described as a dick, and not just because his name is Richard.

0zFk3fj.png Also, who's General Lawrence?

Richard would probably say something like "I must maintain the proud lineage of my distant ancestors like Jean Schlong or Liang Wang!"

Perhaps he was somebody who didn't actually die at the end of their story. Perhaps he fled here to begin a new life and became a part of Richard's entourage to redeem himself?

Yes, I am suggesting it is the most interesting General in the world himself: Lorenzo!


47 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

0zFk3fj.png Well, I suppose Eugen was right. She is good-looking, but I'm worried about her age. In this game, one must trust nobody.

So here it's trusting nobody when they say they're legal?

That's it, worse than Thracia.

48 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

That's been Ronald, folks. And no, I don't mean for now: he never, ever appears again. He just vanishes from the face of the Earth after that cutscene. The guy who freed Tia, a pretty major character, and the main Camus-like enemy of Richard, another major character, has exactly one scene. Genial.

I guess he was Sir Not-Appearing-in-this-game.

I mean, he was shown for about as long a time as Sir Not-Appearing-In-This-Film was.

49 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Istoria in general, I believe, is the country most badly affected by this game's troublesome development history. It may seem like they're setting up a big story arc regarding them that will take up a few chapters, but nope. The whole thing is resolved behind the scenes, and half the characters involved are never even seen. It's rather wonky, but in all fairness, I like that we don't have to run around solving everyone's problems for them. It does help establish Richard and Tia as a force to be reckoned with, although some side chapters with them as the playable characters wouldn't have hurt. I understand why it couldn't be, but just imagine... perhaps we would've gotten to know who General Lawrence is!

Yeah, Sennet and Tia really do get shafted by that don't they?

I mean, I don't think having those side chapters would have hurt actually: There's plenty of examples of having sections where you play separately from the main force and it working by now, it can be done and I bet it could be done then.

50 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

orfi8jp.pngThen do yourself a favor and stay out of the way. Leave the fighting to the men... They're stupid enough to enjoy it. They never think twice about how the people around them feel...

0zFk3fj.png Hey, sexist much? I think of how people around me feel... I could barely bear the guilt in the last LP, where I killed everyone's favourites left and right!

RIP Frey and Treck.

And somehow Ruben arriving in Elibe caused the blizzard that killed Canas, I just know it!

53 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:


hTMofYU.png Of course! He's just hanging out in a corner, not paying much attention, but when he hears she's the descendant to an important (and powerful) sage, only THEN he's interested!

Eugen when he notices someone powerful:


(I'm more annoyed I couldn't think of something more fitting to add)

54 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

tN4k68u.pngMeriel, you'll need to follow my orders, but I promise I won't send you into the front lines

>Proceeds to send her into the front lines.


1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:


tN4k68u.pngIf you're looking for sympathy, Prince Richard, you should try elsewhere.

He probably wouldn't get it from Ike either.

Maybe from Boi?

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:


hTMofYU.png Ohohohohohahahahah! Fucking Eugen, man! Even though he, Eugen, is old and senile, he will not lose to the likes of Dick!

tN4k68u.pngEnough, Eugen!

I can't stop thinking Eugen would just punch Richard in his smug face.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

YNfmH04.png...Agreed. Everything you've said is true, Lord Runan. We have no other choice. We have insufficient troops to hold off both Istoria and the Empire. Your assistance is exactly what we need. However, my past alliances both at Balt and here in Leda have been betrayed. Many of my soldiers were lost, and I have been cursing my foolishness ever since. Thus, I felt the need to test your character as a leader. I apologize for my harsh words.

"But I shall not apologise for being a Dick!

Sorry for the words there, I meant to say Richard."

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

YNfmH04.pngThat's quite enough, Lord Runan. Please do not tire the Princess further with your interrogations.

0zFk3fj.png "Tire"? She's this close to punching the nearest window! She's anything other than tired!

Just watch Tia decide to sprout wings and fly off to destroy Guenchaos or something.

Richard certainly isn't that able to tell how Tia reacts to things and go "But she should be left alone!" then.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

lgkzBrD.pngAnd now, he has returned to the mainland leading a legion of Wellt's troops numbering in the thousands.


Didn't you already fix this with the addition of Matthis's forces?

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

At last, the oppression that our ancestors suffered under those Jugudi inmigrant scum will be repaid in blood!

Well, that one sounds awkward, considering Seliph probably would have been like "Hey hey, that's what causes Manfroys. Stop that oppression."

Maybe all the pricks from Judgral were the ones who went to Lieberia.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

quwo451.pngYou better hold your tongue, General... Unless you would prefer I report your opinion to the Emperor himself. I imagine he'd be quite furious that one of his own generals thinks so lowly of him...

I mean, he only thinks that his religious alignment is liable to bring ruin to Caanan.....

Maybe I shouldn't dig poor Seamus any further in.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:


Now that's right off. You're subverting a prince's orders here. Stop it.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:


I guess Zoa learned that trick from Valentia somehow.

Then again, maybe we'll see it here anyway......

11 minutes ago, Mad-manakete said:

I would have thought the man in the funny hat would be the last one to start throwing stones about people's cultures. Is the oppression mocking his hat?

Of course his hat was mocked. And he was told to stop sacrificing kids to a fake god.

Don't oppress his culture of child sacrifice.

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5 minutes ago, Ruminant said:

I'm lucky I already know enough about this game that the dragon's name is Mousa and this is just a typo you made, because otherwise I'd be very confused as to why you didn't try to point out how incredibly silly of a name "Mouse" is for a legendary dragon.

Granted Mousa sounds rather silly to an English-speaker too (it makes me think of chocolate mousse) but iirc Aethin had a rather sound justification for translating the name that way. Looking it up again now, it has to do with how the dragons' names are derived from Ancient Greek words, Mousa being closer to the Greek form than the original translation, Muse.

Wish I knew this when I made my post. Thanks though.


6 minutes ago, Ruminant said:

Linde's here too??? Well, she changed her name, and her hair color, and her father's name (who's now her grandfather), and Starlight's her PRF now (but it works more like Aura...)

But you can't tell me that this isn't Linde. What happened to her in the FE12 LP, anyway? I don't remember.

Oh, she died... First (The) Roger (The Paladin), then Lorenz, now Linde? What's up with dead people from Archanea showing up all of the sudden?

Not only that... but the ones that died early in the game. Almost as if the ones that they thought they couldn't resurrect by Aum came back because they weren't actually dead. Except Navarre and Samto because edgelords and Cain as yet.

10 minutes ago, Dayni said:

RIP Frey and Treck.

And somehow Ruben arriving in Elibe caused the blizzard that killed Canas, I just know it!

After The Roger the Paladin, Lawrence and not Linde, maybe just maybe we'll see Frey and Treck come back. Or not. How many times can lightning strike?

13 minutes ago, Dayni said:

Of course his hat was mocked. And he was told to stop sacrificing kids to a fake god.

Don't oppress his culture of child sacrifice.

Is Runan aware of this? That poor man has been unfairly demonized for his religious practices. This is not the America I voted for. In fact it is not America at all because it's Lieberia, and I didn't vote at all not being an American citizen. But that is besides the point. This miscarriage of the US constitution should not be stood for, even though this is not the US. Sure, he may have sacrificed innocent children to what may or may not be a malevolent and/or fictional entity, but it was only because he was atoning for the sins of those who mocked his hat. Have you never suffered the sting of humiliation? Let he who has not been bullied, mocked or harassed over something trivial such as a game over Xbox live cast the first stone on this man.

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2 hours ago, Mad-manakete said:

Wish I knew this when I made my post. Thanks though.

It's understandable; I only knew myself because I read the thread in which Aethin discussed a number of the new translation's naming changes, including Muse -> Mousa.

2 hours ago, Mad-manakete said:

Not only that... but the ones that died early in the game. Almost as if the ones that they thought they couldn't resurrect by Aum came back because they weren't actually dead. Except Navarre and Samto because edgelords and Cain as yet.

Samto isn't an edgelord, I will defend this man with my life

But yeah, come to think of it, that's true... Makes me wonder if we'll see Cain or, rather, someone similar enough to Cain for the joke to work at some point.

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21 minutes ago, Ruminant said:

Samto isn't an edgelord, I will defend this man with my life

I'm just going to clarify, "Edgelord" is my nickname for Navarre archetypes, a kind of wordplay on the fact they almost always come equipped with a killing edge and the fact a number of them are, like Navarre, in fact an actual edgelord. A stupid joke? Maybe. But it fits so well.

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1 hour ago, Mad-manakete said:

I'm just going to clarify, "Edgelord" is my nickname for Navarre archetypes, a kind of wordplay on the fact they almost always come equipped with a killing edge and the fact a number of them are, like Navarre, in fact an actual edgelord. A stupid joke? Maybe. But it fits so well.

ah, that makes sense

thank you for clarifying

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What makes this scene with Roland especially weird is that there is absolutely no payoff in regards to what he claims about Tia. What he says couldn't be any further from the truth. It's like the scene is a leftover from an earlier version of the story where Tia was a completely different character.

And there is Richard. *sigh* I sure would like to say some things about him right about now... But I guess it's too early for that.
In any case, maybe he got his title from Richard the Lionhearted.

Also, "Sonnenblume"? So they are called Sunflower? Quite a name to give the enforcers of a dark god. Just call it the Sunshine Squad or something. Man, this makes the name Schwarze Rosen sound badass by comparison.

Edited by BrightBow
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Crap.  Tia and Esther can't become BFFs, because Esther is with Holmes.  Man, I'd love to see those two versus Kreiss and Arkis! :P:

Also, nice sprite of the Asshat Bishop.

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7 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Part 16 - Dick.


7 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

More format changes. Since I'm still worried about my posts being hard to find for anyone who falls behind, I'm going to use this bigger, greener font for the titles. Let's see how this works out.

It works okay for now, but I would recommend experimenting with colors. I passed by it a few times while scrolling towards the post.

7 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Eh, like I think I've said in the past, I'm not the most anime person ever. Probably the best anime I've ever watched is Paranoia Agent, and that one sidesteps every single anime stereotype that there is.

Hey, better than me. The only anime I watched was Sonic X, and that was when my age was in the single digits.

7 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I still don't get it, even with context. I know it's funny, at least.

The freaky thing is, that's not even the strangest one!

...Okay now that I think about it, only one special move is wackier than that one, and it's entirely because of the weapon used.

7 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

You do know this is the same LPer who showed a child with his throat cut open, and then brought back that same kid as an undead monster who wanted to murder humanity, among other things, right? If I haven't been banned yet, I don't think you will be for something as "tame" as that.

Good point. Although I'm still wondering why, after a year of being a member, I've only gotten warned once for double posting. Despite the fact that I've posted Mortal Kombat gifs, mentioned that two shapeshifters technically aren't wearing pants (as well as what the longer fur on could potentially be for) and some... stupid comments on a topic I'm glad has been locked for a while.

I think it's because I mention that I take a walk afterwards.

7 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

It doesn't help that Star Wars's fandom is extremely divided at the moment, with all the shenanigans Disney pulled.

I am very saddened by this. I miss the days when I talked with Star Wars fans over the Expanded Universe, what the prequels actually did right and wrong, and how awesome the videogames were.

Especially since I enjoyed the Force Awakenings. Yeah, I've long accepted that it's a rehash of A New Hope, but I still enjoy the differences and it is an overall fun movie. And while The Last Jedi definitely has problems, and I really only cared about the storyline with Rey and Skywalker (as it was pretty much an abridged version of KOTOR 2's main lesson), it is by no means a "cinematic failure".

7 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Well, would you look at that, he actually does have some resemblance to the Heavy. Now I need to get Awakening and do a Gregor + insane healer solo. There is an insane healer in that game, isn't there? There can't be a Heavy without his pocket Medic!

Well, Brady could technically count (as all the child characters are a little crazy in their own way. Whether this embeds itself as eccentricity or full blown insanity ranges), but you'd need to unlock him first. Libra is also not fully right in the head at times, but that's subtle and has some tragic backstory behind it.

7 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Enemy Summoners are annoying, but I suppose not as much as they're in Gaiden. The main thing here is that 90% of the enemy Summoners cannot retaliate, as they're for the most part staffbots. That makes them safer to fight, but it also ensures they'll run like cowards when approached and nobody can double them. I'm not sure what I'd prefer, honestly.

Interesting. Different from Gaiden/Echoes summoners, who had the same damaging spells that arcanists had, making them a pain to fight as all magic, friend or foe, hits like a truck in that game.

Sounds like both methods have their pros and cons.

7 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

And the rubber chicken!

With a pulley in the middle!

7 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I mean maybe.

...That both does and doesn't answer my question.

7 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Is any of the things I ever say "reassuring"?

Good point.

7 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:



7 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

It was, still is, and will be. Please, do give it a read. Both the one from part 1 and the one in the OP, they're both interesting reads, although the one from the OP features some fantastic engrish, because it was the game's devs that translated it, not Aethin!

Reread it. Yeah, It's not as long as I thought it would be. Still, it would be wise to keep it in mind, if it's going to be referenced frequently.

7 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Way to go. Another game without badass old men who turn into dragons.

I think Tellius makes bucks that trend, but even then, they're really just a different kind of shapeshifter in that game, I believe.

7 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I don't know, the most I know about Metal Gear is that Senator Armstrong is hilarious and he has nanomachines, son.

I've watched a review marathon of the game, and read Hiimdaisy's comics about the series. I plan on getting Snake Eater 3D next time I'm at an gamestore that sells older games.

7 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

You never what the FE6 LP? You never read it? You never finished it? There never was a FE6 LP? Oh, God, my life's been a lie...

Never finished it. I remember where I left off and the plot points up until then, though, but eventually college work had to take priority. Don't know why I never went back to it once I had free time again.

7 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

0zFk3fj.png Ah, so the asshole has a name. A really ugly name, too.

That just means you can abuse it all you want when you stick a sword in his gullet.

7 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

0zFk3fj.png I hope you're ready, everyone. The game's about to machine-gun scenes our way right about now. And very plot-heavy scenes, too.

Thanks for the warning. I'm ready.

7 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

xQunKTk.png I don't see why! It's experience.

And a greater chance for it to go to waste on someone that dies.

7 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

0zFk3fj.png "Tia" means "aunt" in spanish, and more colloquially, it is also used as the female equivalent of  "dude" or "guy", things like that. It always annoys me to see that word used as a name.

Tia? Or Dude or Guy? Or all three?

7 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

0zFk3fj.png Once again, I would advise that you read the opening scrolling text of the game if you didn't back in the first update. Otherwise this might prove to be a little too much.

Fortunately, I have, and it is making sense so far.

7 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

tN4k68u.pngOf course. Reeve's own Guardian Dragon Mouse incinerated the entire city of Nolzeria and slaughtered thousands of innocent people. The four Guardian Dragons were created by Yutona to protect mankind from evil gods. For someone to use them for war... it's unforgivable.



The ferocious dragon was named Mouse?!?!?


7 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:


Is it just me, or does this guy look like a Jedi? Or a Lord of the Rings Elf?

7 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

0zFk3fj.png Also, who's General Lawrence?

Seeing as the archanea character has already been joked about, I shall say that it is instead Lawrence of Arabia!

That, or Laurent accidentally world hopped to different games, creatively uncreatively changed his name, and went on an adventure before finding his way back into his own world.

Told ya they could make a Manga series about what he did with five years to himself in a desert.

7 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

YNfmH04.pngMahl is my kingdome and my home. I must secure my own palace, you will be formally invited in as an honored guest. Perhaps as a woman you may not understand, but please, Tia, you must defer to me here.

What is it with the sexism in this game? Does it really feel that way, or is it just a quick "this character is a jerk" card they keep playing?

7 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

0zFk3fj.png You know the archetypical jock from every high school movie ever? Richard's even worse than that.

Mostly because jocks from high school movies don't have access to sharp weapons.

7 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

0zFk3fj.png You look important.

It's the scar. Which means instant bad@$$.

7 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

That's been Ronald, folks. And no, I don't mean for now: he never, ever appears again. He just vanishes from the face of the Earth after that cutscene. The guy who freed Tia, a pretty major character, and the main Camus-like enemy of Richard, another major character, has exactly one scene. Genial.


At the very least, he looks like a character that is supposed to have some grand death that continues the story.

7 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Istoria in general, I believe, is the country most badly affected by this game's troublesome development history. It may seem like they're setting up a big story arc regarding them that will take up a few chapters, but nope. The whole thing is resolved behind the scenes, and half the characters involved are never even seen. It's rather wonky, but in all fairness, I like that we don't have to run around solving everyone's problems for them. It does help establish Richard and Tia as a force to be reckoned with, although some side chapters with them as the playable characters wouldn't have hurt. I understand why it couldn't be, but just imagine... perhaps we would've gotten to know who General Lawrence is!

Sounds like the whole thing would have been an expansion pack if it were a computer game or DLC if it were released nowadays.

7 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

0zFk3fj.png Well, for one, she can bite the enemy with that buck tooth of hers. I know, I know, it's her lips, but... c'mon, what does it look like?

I read the first part of the sentence, looked up, and legitimately thought she had a buck tooth. Then I scrolled back down and finished reading the sentence.

I also spent more time that I should have trying to look for a Fire Emblem meme about buck teeth, but to no avail.

7 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

0zFk3fj.png Hey, sexist much? I think of how people around me feel... I could barely bear the guilt in the last LP, where I killed everyone's favourites left and right!

Building off my earlier point, are they trying to imply the tavern keeper is a jerk?

7 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

0zFk3fj.png We get it, you're a dickhead. You don't need to keep on providing proof, thank you very much.

Maybe they're building up the reasons to hate of this guy so it will be satisfying to kill him later.

7 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

YNfmH04.pngHah... Who knows what his true motive is? If you insist on always looking for the good side of people, one day you're going to be stabbed in the back, Tia.

People who also claim that they "understand how the world works" only know half the story.

7 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

0zFk3fj.png I love how he's actually being pretty reasonable about it, and a complete dick needlessly, both at the same time.

A rare skill. But rare does not equal precious.

7 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

tnDhG59.pngThe roads have been closed down by the Empire, so I figured the safest route out would be by sea. But I couldn't find a ship headed for Reeve, so I've been staying at the local inn.

And she didn't attempt to sneak aboard a ship by hiding in a barrel or something?

She's either smart or unadventurous.

7 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

hTMofYU.png Of course! He's just hanging out in a corner, not paying much attention, but when he hears she's the descendant to an important (and powerful) sage, only THEN he's interested!

Eugen is like Mycen, except instead of ninja-ing his way into the plot, he joins conversations at will.

7 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:


tN4k68u.pngI'm sorry, Sir Albert... when Eugen has an idea, it's difficult to get him to abandon it.

vUN6DQJ.pngHmmm... what a great selection, indeed! I want one of that sword, two of those... wait, we don't have that much gold... ah, choices, choices...

Reminds me of how characters in Awakening (and maybe Fates) had a comment whenever you bought, sold, or forged something. It was small, but it added something to them.

Now that I think about it, seeing characters try out weapons while shopping or commenting on each others purchases while browsing, is something I want to see now. It's a small thing, but it could work wonders.

7 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

tN4k68u.pngIf you're looking for sympathy, Prince Richard, you should try elsewhere.

xQunKTk.png Luckily, Runan's made of sterner stuff than that.

Runan doesn't take anyone's crap.

7 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

hTMofYU.png Okay, I take that "D'aww" back. Runan just destroyed Richard.

Very much agreed.

7 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

YNfmH04.png...Agreed. Everything you've said is true, Lord Runan. We have no other choice. We have insufficient troops to hold off both Istoria and the Empire. Your assistance is exactly what we need. However, my past alliances both at Balt and here in Leda have been betrayed. Many of my soldiers were lost, and I have been cursing my foolishness ever since. Thus, I felt the need to test your character as a leader. I apologize for my harsh words.

tN4k68u.pngI think I understand you a bit more now, Prince Richard. We have both been fighting enemies whose armies vastly outnumber our own. A single move from an ally could determine your victory or defeat. Your cautiousness is all the more proof of your sincerity and dedication.

I would say that pretending to be a d*ck to test someones character usually works better when they aren't a jerk themselves, but overall, this is a nice scene.

7 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:


Interesting concern. Not going to lie that I'm curious of how this plot point will proceed.

7 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

0zFk3fj.png Maybe not you, but Richard over there...

Richards eventually going to die, isn't he?

Whether it's by our armies hand or someone else's is the question.

Although given that Codha was spared, it might be best not to jump to conclusions.

7 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:


Barker? His name is Barker?

...Part of me wants to joke about it, but if you replace "prince" with a military rank, it sounds like something out of an 80's action movie, and I can't help but enjoy that.

7 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

lgkzBrD.pngDo you not remember the humilliation we suffered in Granada? How many men did we lose to that so-called ragtag group of soldiers?

wlg0u2m.pngIf I may object, Your Highness, our difficulties in Granada were largely due to Admiral Vals leading the enemy. With him gone, what can a mere seventeen-year-old boy possibly accomplish?

Sure. Blame the dead guys incompetence for your failure...

...Did we fight Admiral Vals already, or was that off-screen?

7 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

lgkzBrD.pngAnd now, he has returned to the mainland leading a legion of Wellt's troops numbering in the thousands.


No matter how reasonable story-wise it may be for that statement to be correct, I will always laugh at the attempts to justify a group of 10-20 people beating the crap out of a larger force in these kind of games.

7 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

xQunKTk.png This is another scene I really like. Both of these guys are being really civil about the whole thing. It establishes Barker as a firm, but kind man who's a step above most other Camuses: instead of just throwing his people to certain death for the sake of their loyalty, Barker would rather Seamus ordered a retreat and ensured the survival of his soldiers. I like it, it's not done enough in mainline FEs.

Agreed. I think Mustafa is the only "camus" that comes to mind that ever told his soldiers they could leave, but they stay out of loyalty to their general. Given the kind of man he was in the few sentences that established him, it's not hard to see why.

That entire scene was well done in general, though.

7 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:


Ah. So this will be the first desert level.

7 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

vUN6DQJ.pngIndeed it is. So vast, in fact, that we have been separated from the troops marching along the coast.

tN4k68u.pngWait, what?!

0zFk3fj.png Gotta love how nonchalant Eugen is about the fact that they've lost a bunch of men along the way.

And Runan's reaction adds to the humor.

For some reason, I want to see this moment animated.

7 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

wlg0u2m.pngBishop Dagon... Take your scheming and sorcery elsewhere. You are not needed nor wanted here.

Dagon was the god of the Philistines, who were the greatest enemies of ancient Israel.

Needless to say, the name is fitting for a bad guy like him.

7 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

wlg0u2m.pngYou're all madmen! No sane man of Canaan would wish for the resurrection of the Dark Empire! How can you justify worshipping that demon? He demanded our ancestors' children as sacrifice and brought only disaster in return!


A big question in fiction is how those kind of groups get the manpower they need when they don't have many positives about them.

...Then again, historically looking at the heinous things the religions of certain cultures did, and how it was supported...

7 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:


Wait, witches are in this game?

...If they're anything like they are in gaiden/echoes... whoo boy...

7 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:


I think the bigger question is "how in the world did you get there?"

7 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:


Hint hint. We'll get to know more about the key in the next update.

Items and desert maps.

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2 hours ago, Hawkwing said:

Wait, witches are in this game?

...If they're anything like they are in gaiden/echoes... whoo boy...

Yes. And you actually can get one on your side. She can join earlier if you do something that on paper not having played the game sounds counterintuitive, or you can get her later, which should make her I would think a little less good.

Her bases aren't the prettiest, nor her growths. But she can from the beginning Warp to any traversable space and attack in the same turn, that being her only but incredible skill. She is also the lone PC who can use Dark Magic (in addition to the Anima trio for the sake of practicality).

Edited by Interdimensional Observer
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Oh gosh I missed responding to a billion updates!

On 12/27/2018 at 9:06 AM, Saint Rubenio said:

I just write them in here, since Serenes saves the progress very reliably (like I said, I lost one of so many updates throughout 2 LPs + what we have of this one thus far). There's probably a better way, but I've never had the need for it.

Huh, interesting. I just always use notepad or notepad++ and copy it from there, though I never really stay logged in so that's probably a reason why.

On 12/27/2018 at 9:06 AM, Saint Rubenio said:

Lucky you, then. This game's awesome when it comes to that.

Hooray, more to look forward to!

On 12/27/2018 at 9:06 AM, Saint Rubenio said:

Not really, your mages get magic occasionaly. Maruj hasn't gotten a single point yet.

True, hadn't realized that it hadn't been a single point yet.

On 12/27/2018 at 7:01 AM, Mad-manakete said:

Don't leeve. I'm sure this will inevitablee be something people start to do both intentionalee and subconsciouslee. We all just need to cut ourselves a little Lee-way.


For both of you.

On 12/27/2018 at 9:06 AM, Saint Rubenio said:

Norton's still relevant to the plot?! This guy keeps getting more and more weird.

It's just weird seeing that portrait show up and going "Wait he's one of our guys!"

On 12/27/2018 at 9:06 AM, Saint Rubenio said:

Don't worry Sasha, you'll come with us. And even if you don't find Daddy, you'll get to murder hundreds of enemies along the way! Isn't that great?

Come to think of it, if you lose Sasha by this point do you get a major change to this conversation or do they just skip stuff? Unless I missed it and Sasha's plot immune.

On 12/27/2018 at 9:06 AM, Saint Rubenio said:

I've already gotten Father's permission to go. I'm not a little girl any more, Raffin. I don't take orders from you.

There's something I like in that this conversation happens after one that shows that Esther's already acclimated to the army, making jokes/roasts, kinda showing that she's right at home here.

Seeing as it looks like Lee doesn't have any in-game conversation here, do any of the other choice units instead of him get anything here, if you know?

On 12/27/2018 at 9:06 AM, Saint Rubenio said:

Sure, sure. Or more likely, it'll summon a horde of zombies and kill us all. Besides, why waste the effort bringing and(sic) old geezer back to life?

Geez the bluntness of this man is something to behold.

On 12/29/2018 at 6:27 AM, Saint Rubenio said:


I like how there's both Fierce Breath and casual Breath, like she just doesn't wanna be fierce sometimes.

On 12/29/2018 at 6:27 AM, Saint Rubenio said:

..can I kill him?

Is it sad that when I first saw his portrait I thought he looked more playable than Norton.

On 12/29/2018 at 6:27 AM, Saint Rubenio said:

Sounds like the game's over, doesn't it? Well, there's a catch: after a random amount of turns (so you can't plan around it), Katri goes back to being herself. At the beginning of the enemy phase. Which pretty much means that, if you go mad with power and just throw her at everything, there's a very significant chance that she'll become a fragile cleric with a bazillion enemies ready to cleave her into a multitude of tiny pieces. And like Enteh, Katri has that pesky little star, so you might as well wave your run goodbye if that happens. Not only that, but she also gains no experience while fighting as Neuron, so using it too much is a huge waste of experience. What I'm trying to say is that, while Neuron's inmensely useful, there's enough risk involved that it's best not to go overboard with it. It's clever game design, I feel. Certainly better than going "well, I'm not gonna use that outside of cutscenes because game balance!".

This game's so far doing a lot of things like this that are impressing me design wise, though I'd be annoyed at no xp but it makes sense.

On 12/29/2018 at 6:27 AM, Saint Rubenio said:

This is dismounted Norton. For whatever reason, he keeps the defense he gained upon promoting, but he loses the strength and... one point of speed and skill that he obtained naturally? Well, all right, I guess.

Bizarre, but okay then.

On 12/30/2018 at 5:38 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Yr. That's a name all right.

Too bad her name's not Yulia, warrior of Yr, daughter of Yoda. Or even Juliya.

On 12/28/2018 at 10:28 AM, Dayni said:

Considering he was pretty busted in SCIV because he was short I could see it working out.

Coming from the competitive side of it (SCIV was my first competitive fighter!), Yoda was actually really bad if you knew the matchup IIRC. He was short, but his movement was terrible, he had a weaker soul gauge than the rest of the cast, and got outranged hard. Course, that didn't stop someone from winning a tourney with him in Canada, but considering most tourneys banned him (and he was Xbox exclusive for a while) it's not surprising nobody would know how to fight him.

And looks like I missed the voting, but ah well. I do think it's pretty cool how they handle the route-splitty bits, makes me wish Green let me pick my units on its route split. Granted, could be hard to program in a hack, but still. With the way this game's conversations work, I'm guessing there's some unique conversations for some characters on both routes? Meaning you'd have to re-play (or go read things) for all the possibilities.


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Part 17 - The fires of hell.

(I swear to God, if I need to make the title the ugliest, brightest thing ever so it's visible, I will)

Well, guys, I've finally done it. I got a new phone, and with it, I gave Heroes a chance at last. It was okay. I was given a thousand orbs for being so cool, no doubt, and in one of life's little ironies, Raigh as a starter. Pretty sure he's guaranteed, alongside Matthew, possesed man from Fates and Miles Edgeworth (although Edgeworth is a little buggy, the game insists on calling him "Virion", I don't know what that's all about), but the fact that one of my all-time favourites is guaranteed makes me very happy, so I'm not complaining.

Then I started summoning, a bit of this and a bit of that. Got a bunch of Fates characters I couldn't give less of a shit about, 3 star Seth who I inmediately put to good use, another Raigh, Klein, and two Merrics who don't look like Merric. Right now I'm using Seth, Raigh, Klein (he's underleveled, but oh well), and Lyon, whom I bought from some remote corner of the menus. Not too unhappy, although if the game could've given me Cecilia (not Camilia), Sheena, Hardin, Wrys, Marth, Athena, Jagen, Innes, Arran, Minerva and Lilina instead of, say, Ninjas #1 through #10, I would've been that much happier.

Honestly, I don't know. It's a decent game, I suppose, but already I'm having difficulties finding stuff to do. The story's mindlessly easy and feels like little more than a grind for free orbs, while the PvP modes feel like a gamble (roll the dice and see if you'll get an opponent whose units don't vastly outmatch your own!). I wasn't expecting anything as good as a mainline FE, but this is a tad worse than what I was hoping for.

Also, it appears in the last update I mistakenly refered to the Guardian Dragon Mousa as Mouse, which resulted in everyone saying mean things to me and my subsequent run towards my mommy, tears rolling down my face.

Okay, no, actually, I just laughed my ass off. First second typo I make when transcribing and it has to be something like that.


On 2/1/2019 at 3:37 PM, Mad-manakete said:

Just the fact it reminded me of it. Because recolour. Besides excuse to post the image I made years back because I never made that youtube video turning a series of "MMMs" into songs due to laziness.

Ah, I see.

At leest I have my dignity. Maybe I'll leeve the puns to someone else for a while.

Don't do that. There's noone abominablee enough to take up such an unadmirablee enterprise.

It is frowned upon by polite society to make jokes about putting a human being in an oven. Thankfully, Codha traded his humanity for a box of Krispy Kreme Donuts

Dodged a bullet there.

Nothing to pry on. Basically I was given a painkiller that I reacted badly to and it ultimately resulted in passing out while walking in front of a china cabinet.I went through it, and managed to stop a sheet of glass with my ribcage. Painful? Should have been, except for the fact I couldn't feel it through the painkiller. I only noticed the cut when I accidentally put my finger in it after going to lie down.

I know I probably shouldn't laugh, but the idea of someone just walking around with a piece of glass in his gut is too funny.

Quality counts for more than quantity.


Who named a Guardian Dragon after one of the least intimidating animals ever? Or is that the trick? Drop the guard then hit them with a dragon.


Was going to make a joke on the attacks on the left wing, the name, and the fall of the wall, but... that's just depressing.

I can't say I see the correlation, but all right.

Maybe General Lawrence is that Law guy mentioned earlier but with more letters in his name as a disguise. Kind of like how the Awakening kids slightly alter their names in Fates. Kaga did it first.


Now I can't unsee it.

Nobody can, it seems.

Yeah. I mean look at Tricky Dick here.

Hwahahah... Tricky Dick. Good God...

Why'd he send a prostitute to meet Runan? Was she at least an expensive one? Wouldn't want the poor kid to catch Sylphis.

Escort doesn't just mean--


...get outta my thread.

This sounds vaguely like some other incident we saw in the story. Must be a coincidence.

Definitely nothing to be worried about.

I don't want to see the damage I have done with my earlier joke.

I mean, he does look like a woman, does he not?

Of course she doesn't pretend to be a plane. Maruj uses wind magic. She uses water. She obviously pretends to be a PT boat. Drop depth charges.

Water? She uses the complete opposite, fire! And occasionally light, but light's rare in this game.

I assumed it was a reference to Richard the Lionheart, onetime king of England.
There's a Lionheart in this game. Just saying.

Is Seamus smirking at his innumerate monarch?

Nah, he's smiling because he's a good guy. Bad guys don't smile.



I wonder how small it is seeing as "numbering in their thousands" clearly means something else to him. For all we know he'll send half the country.

Or maybe he'll send exactly two guys and call them two thousands.

Too tempting to make a joke about a bishop beating him badlee.

He's going to bern.

Yep. Probably taking a summer vacation. In armor.

It's not a beach, man. Don't be silly.

I would have thought the man in the funny hat would be the last one to start throwing stones about people's cultures. Is the oppression mocking his hat?

Noone understands his fashion sense.

Desert maps and lost items. They go together like platformers and ice levels. Or JRPGs and super-bosses with too much hp. Or open world games and glitches. Or two other things that developers think go together but they generally annoy the player.

Loot boxes and games!


On 2/1/2019 at 3:52 PM, Ruminant said:

I'm lucky I already know enough about this game that the dragon's name is Mousa and this is just a typo you made, because otherwise I'd be very confused as to why you didn't try to point out how incredibly silly of a name "Mouse" is for a legendary dragon.

I'd have thought the fact that I didn't laugh at it would've been a big enough hint that it was a typo I made.

Granted Mousa sounds rather silly to an English-speaker too (it makes me think of chocolate mousse) but iirc Aethin had a rather sound justification for translating the name that way. Looking it up again now, it has to do with how the dragons' names are derived from Ancient Greek words, Mousa being closer to the Greek form than the original translation, Muse.

I don't have a problem with Mousa, myself. Neuron sounds sillier, honestly. She attacks with brain power...?

The name Richard when used in medieval settings has always given me that "arrogant prince/nobleman" vibe, and I don't think that's because of how it can be shortened to Dick. Needless to say, this guy is just reinforcing that impression.

Of course he is.

Could he be another Archanea character?


Oh, no.
(this is another "funny" edit of the ending text, which used to be "He became leader of a ravaged village." this guy's name is, of course, Lorenz in the remakes, but Lorenz is just the German equivalent to Lawrence so not too big a change there)

>A ravaged village.

>The entirety of Grust.

Amazing. FE1 was racist towards Grust.

I didn't see it at first but now that you mentioned it I can't unsee it

thanks (read this with the maximum amount of sarcasm possible)

You're welcome~! :D

Linde's here too??? Well, she changed her name, and her hair color, and her father's name (who's now her grandfather), and Starlight's her PRF now (but it works more like Aura...)

But you can't tell me that this isn't Linde. What happened to her in the FE12 LP, anyway? I don't remember.

Oh, she died...

First, actually. And then she was replaced by Yumina. Good times.

First (The) Roger (The Paladin), then Lorenz, now Linde? What's up with dead people from Archanea showing up all of the sudden?

Actually, you're wrong. Lorenz hasn't shown up. We haven't seen him at all.


On 2/1/2019 at 3:53 PM, Dayni said:

Worse mistakes have been made.

Like calling Lieberia Lazberia.


Even worse?

Lazberia's supposed to be to the north of Lieberia as it's the setting for Berwick Saga. I had been trying to figure out where it was and now I know.

What?! Are you serious? I didn't know that!

It's a little way up from Lieberia! 

Oh, please...

Now all they need are some fava beans and a nice chianti. It would be an easily prepared wedding feast.

She's roast all the guests. And he'd just clap.

It's the first part of the first FE title. I use it when I don't want to type out every word for the abbreviation.

Ah, I see.

Considering Ruminant bringing up America......

C'mon, everyone, have some faith in Matthis.

Well, I'm not even mad at the colour scheme, it just seemed like a funny comparison to make as she reminded me of Alfonse's armour.

Well, it is kinda similar, I guess.

That would be "do", yes.

Great. Five points for me.

And it would be horrible to watch.

Don't be so negative.

There it is.

Also dangit guys I had Maruj in Runan's route for a reason!

Honestly? I'm happier this way. There's one scene involving Maruj and a certain woman that I'm so looking forward to.

Richard would probably say something like "I must maintain the proud lineage of my distant ancestors like Jean Schlong or Liang Wang!"

How dickish.

Perhaps he was somebody who didn't actually die at the end of their story. Perhaps he fled here to begin a new life and became a part of Richard's entourage to redeem himself?

Yes, I am suggesting it is the most interesting General in the world himself: Lorenzo!

Lorenzo? Who's Lorenzo?


Ah, Lorenz.

...what are you talking about? Lorenz exploded! Or... I don't actually know what he did in FE12. Pretty sure the CG implies he lunged forward and stabbed himself with Marth's sword. That's my take on it, anyway.

So here it's trusting nobody when they say they're legal?

That's it, worse than Thracia.

Hey, at least Thracia has some women who can be easily recognized as grown. Here, half of them are way too ambiguous for my liking.

I guess he was Sir Not-Appearing-in-this-game.

I mean, he was shown for about as long a time as Sir Not-Appearing-In-This-Film was.

Ronald had dialogue, though.

Yeah, Sennet and Tia really do get shafted by that don't they?

Actually, I don't believe so. They get enough screentime, I think. An extra route would've been cool, but what can you do.

I mean, I don't think having those side chapters would have hurt actually: There's plenty of examples of having sections where you play separately from the main force and it working by now, it can be done and I bet it could be done then.

Probably wouldn't have.

RIP Frey and Treck.

And somehow Ruben arriving in Elibe caused the blizzard that killed Canas, I just know it!

C'mon, don't accuse me of even more kills!

Eugen when he notices someone powerful:


(I'm more annoyed I couldn't think of something more fitting to add)

Sounds very Eugenish.

>Proceeds to send her into the front lines.


That face's gonna see so much use, isn't it?

He probably wouldn't get it from Ike either.

Maybe from Boi?

Perhaps from Boi, he would, but Merlinus would be quick to scream his lungs off about how there's traps everywhere.

I can't stop thinking Eugen would just punch Richard in his smug face.

It's Eugen. He'd probably start a fistfight and win.

"But I shall not apologise for being a Dick!

Sorry for the words there, I meant to say Richard."

What a Richard.

Just watch Tia decide to sprout wings and fly off to destroy Guenchaos or something.

Hwah! I can see it.

Richard certainly isn't that able to tell how Tia reacts to things and go "But she should be left alone!" then.

He's a great boyfriend, that much is sure.

Didn't you already fix this with the addition of Matthis's forces?

Even with them, I doubt Runan's army has thousands of people in it. Besides, I just wanted to make fun of poor Barker.

Well, that one sounds awkward, considering Seliph probably would have been like "Hey hey, that's what causes Manfroys. Stop that oppression."

Maybe all the pricks from Judgral were the ones who went to Lieberia.

Dagon mentioned "Jugudi" inmigrants, so perhaps...

I mean, he only thinks that his religious alignment is liable to bring ruin to Caanan.....

Maybe I shouldn't dig poor Seamus any further in.

He's already with one foot in the grave. Don't push him in, will you?

Now that's right off. You're subverting a prince's orders here. Stop it.

Dagon knows his hat will protect him from all harm.

I guess Zoa learned that trick from Valentia somehow.

Then again, maybe we'll see it here anyway......

Today, in fact!

Of course his hat was mocked. And he was told to stop sacrificing kids to a fake god.

Don't oppress his culture of child sacrifice.

Pretty sure it was the hat oppression that did it.

"Hey, hey! Criticize my child killing ways all you want, but talk shit about my hat and we'll have trouble!"


On 2/1/2019 at 4:17 PM, Mad-manakete said:

Not only that... but the ones that died early in the game. Almost as if the ones that they thought they couldn't resurrect by Aum came back because they weren't actually dead. Except Navarre and Samto because edgelords and Cain as yet.

Hmmm... that actually makes sense. Navarre never got out of the woods before he fell. Perhaps he was thought to be lost, but wasn't.

After The Roger the Paladin, Lawrence and not Linde, maybe just maybe we'll see Frey and Treck come back. Or not. How many times can lightning strike?

That would be great, honestly.

Is Runan aware of this? That poor man has been unfairly demonized for his religious practices. This is not the America I voted for. In fact it is not America at all because it's Lieberia, and I didn't vote at all not being an American citizen. But that is besides the point. This miscarriage of the US constitution should not be stood for, even though this is not the US. Sure, he may have sacrificed innocent children to what may or may not be a malevolent and/or fictional entity, but it was only because he was atoning for the sins of those who mocked his hat. Have you never suffered the sting of humiliation? Let he who has not been bullied, mocked or harassed over something trivial such as a game over Xbox live cast the first stone on this man.

10/10 I can feel the hatred for Trump growing inside of me. Why Trump? Because Trump's a horrible person, obviously. The TV said so.

...no, no, Ruben, stop right there. Don't do this, or else this thread will go to hell.

Let's just leave politics aside, okay? I really don't want this thread to be ruined by them. Politics ruin enough stuff as is.


On 2/1/2019 at 4:41 PM, Ruminant said:

It's understandable; I only knew myself because I read the thread in which Aethin discussed a number of the new translation's naming changes, including Muse -> Mousa.

Samto isn't an edgelord, I will defend this man with my life

He really isn't. He's just dumb.

But yeah, come to think of it, that's true... Makes me wonder if we'll see Cain or, rather, someone similar enough to Cain for the joke to work at some point.

Given the number of people who died in that LP, there are plenty of archetypes to choose from.


On 2/1/2019 at 5:11 PM, Mad-manakete said:

I'm just going to clarify, "Edgelord" is my nickname for Navarre archetypes, a kind of wordplay on the fact they almost always come equipped with a killing edge and the fact a number of them are, like Navarre, in fact an actual edgelord. A stupid joke? Maybe. But it fits so well.

I can understand.


On 2/1/2019 at 6:20 PM, Ruminant said:

ah, that makes sense

thank you for clarifying

Why am I even replying to this one? It has nothing to do with me!


On 2/1/2019 at 7:32 PM, BrightBow said:

What makes this scene with Roland especially weird is that there is absolutely no payoff

I agree.

in regards to what he claims about Tia.

I disagree.

What he says couldn't be any further from the truth. It's like the scene is a leftover from an earlier version of the story where Tia was a completely different character.

Personally? I think it's fitting, just not in the way one may think it is (or even the way Ronald thinks it is). We'll see.

And there is Richard. *sigh* I sure would like to say some things about him right about now... But I guess it's too early for that.

I find him to be one of this game's most interesting characters, even if he's an asshole. But I digress.
In any case, maybe he got his title from Richard the Lionhearted.

Yeah, someone else suggested that already.

Also, "Sonnenblume"? So they are called Sunflower? Quite a name to give the enforcers of a dark god. Just call it the Sunshine Squad or something. Man, this makes the name Schwarze Rosen sound badass by comparison.

I don't know, if you don't know german it sounds badass.


On 2/1/2019 at 7:54 PM, eclipse said:

Crap.  Tia and Esther can't become BFFs, because Esther is with Holmes.  Man, I'd love to see those two versus Kreiss and Arkis! :P:

A shame.

Also, nice sprite of the Asshat Bishop.

Asshat Bishop. Pffffthwahahahahahahahah! That's an amazing nickname. I love it and you.


On 2/1/2019 at 9:18 PM, Hawkwing said:


Hey, it's your old profile picture!

It works okay for now, but I would recommend experimenting with colors. I passed by it a few times while scrolling towards the post.

Tell me how you like the new one.

Hey, better than me. The only anime I watched was Sonic X, and that was when my age was in the single digits.


The freaky thing is, that's not even the strangest one!

...Okay now that I think about it, only one special move is wackier than that one, and it's entirely because of the weapon used.

Batman with a fish. Okay, I won't ask.

Good point. Although I'm still wondering why, after a year of being a member, I've only gotten warned once for double posting. Despite the fact that I've posted Mortal Kombat gifs, mentioned that two shapeshifters technically aren't wearing pants (as well as what the longer fur on could potentially be for) and some... stupid comments on a topic I'm glad has been locked for a while.

I think it's because I mention that I take a walk afterwards.

I myself wondered if I wasn't going too far sometimes, but deep down I believe the fact that I like Tomas protects me. Eclipse knows there might just not be another one!

I am very saddened by this. I miss the days when I talked with Star Wars fans over the Expanded Universe, what the prequels actually did right and wrong, and how awesome the videogames were.

Especially since I enjoyed the Force Awakenings. Yeah, I've long accepted that it's a rehash of A New Hope, but I still enjoy the differences and it is an overall fun movie. And while The Last Jedi definitely has problems, and I really only cared about the storyline with Rey and Skywalker (as it was pretty much an abridged version of KOTOR 2's main lesson), it is by no means a "cinematic failure".

Myself, I enjoy the memes, the fights and the occasional character discussions and that's about it. It's a comfy position to be in.

Well, Brady could technically count (as all the child characters are a little crazy in their own way. Whether this embeds itself as eccentricity or full blown insanity ranges), but you'd need to unlock him first. Libra is also not fully right in the head at times, but that's subtle and has some tragic backstory behind it.

If he's not german, he doesn't count.

Interesting. Different from Gaiden/Echoes summoners, who had the same damaging spells that arcanists had, making them a pain to fight as all magic, friend or foe, hits like a truck in that game.

Sounds like both methods have their pros and cons.

Gaiden's sounds horrible, to be frank.

With a pulley in the middle!

Yeah, you got the reference!

...That both does and doesn't answer my question.

Does it not? I thought it did.

Good point.

C'mon, you were supposed to politely say "no, Ruben, you say plenty of reassuring things"!


Marvelous. Absolutely delightful.

Reread it. Yeah, It's not as long as I thought it would be. Still, it would be wise to keep it in mind, if it's going to be referenced frequently.

Sounds like a sound idea.

I think Tellius makes bucks that trend, but even then, they're really just a different kind of shapeshifter in that game, I believe.

I'm pretty sure manaketes and laguz aren't really comparable.

I've watched a review marathon of the game, and read Hiimdaisy's comics about the series. I plan on getting Snake Eater 3D next time I'm at an gamestore that sells older games.

I can't say if that's a good idea or not. You tell me, when you do it.

Never finished it. I remember where I left off and the plot points up until then, though, but eventually college work had to take priority. Don't know why I never went back to it once I had free time again.

Damnit! You missed the best paaaaaarts~!

That just means you can abuse it all you want when you stick a sword in his gullet.

Hahahah... if the time comes! But it will, surely... right?

Thanks for the warning. I'm ready.

You better be.

And a greater chance for it to go to waste on someone that dies.

Don't be so negative, I have a plan, as always!

Tia? Or Dude or Guy? Or all three?

I mean, dude and guy are also pretty dumb names.

Fortunately, I have, and it is making sense so far.




The ferocious dragon was named Mouse?!?!?


Seriously, why did nobody stop to think about how strange it was that I didn't make any comments on the fact that Nolzeria was apparently destroyed by Mouse!?

Is it just me, or does this guy look like a Jedi? Or a Lord of the Rings Elf?

He does have that outlandish look...

Seeing as the archanea character has already been joked about, I shall say that it is instead Lawrence of Arabia!

I'm pretty sure he never was a general.

That, or Laurent accidentally world hopped to different games, creatively uncreatively changed his name, and went on an adventure before finding his way back into his own world.

Who is that, and why does he look like he belongs in a romantic Visual Novel rather than in FE?

Oh, that's right, modern FE is a romantic VN!

I jest, I jest, don't kill me.

Told ya they could make a Manga series about what he did with five years to himself in a desert.


What is it with the sexism in this game? Does it really feel that way, or is it just a quick "this character is a jerk" card they keep playing?

Considering how much of a terrible person he is in general, and the fact that there are plenty of great female units, I'm pretty sure it was just done to make the player hate Richard even more. As for Zieg's thing, it looked like he was just ignorant and genuinely curious.

Mostly because jocks from high school movies don't have access to sharp weapons.

Or an army.

It's the scar. Which means instant bad@$$.


Hah. That was funny.

At the very least, he looks like a character that is supposed to have some grand death that continues the story.

Sounds like the whole thing would have been an expansion pack if it were a computer game or DLC if it were released nowadays.

The story of this game's development is... tumultuous, to say the least. I can understand why'd they cut that out. Still, the game's long enough as is and I believe it gives enough info so that you are never lost as to what the side characters are up to. Once again, Istoria notwithstanding.

I read the first part of the sentence, looked up, and legitimately thought she had a buck tooth. Then I scrolled back down and finished reading the sentence.

I also spent more time that I should have trying to look for a Fire Emblem meme about buck teeth, but to no avail.

You could've made one yourself!

Building off my earlier point, are they trying to imply the tavern keeper is a jerk?

Nah, sexism is all right if it comes from a woman. It's the truth! The TV said so! The TV would never lie to me, right?

Maybe they're building up the reasons to hate of this guy so it will be satisfying to kill him later.


People who also claim that they "understand how the world works" only know half the story.

And then there's Richard, who knows about a tenth of it. The tenth that involves himself.

A rare skill. But rare does not equal precious.

Poor Richard. One thing he has, and you go and ruin it.

And she didn't attempt to sneak aboard a ship by hiding in a barrel or something?

She's either smart or unadventurous.

Or both!

Eugen is like Mycen, except instead of ninja-ing his way into the plot, he joins conversations at will.

Preferably to recruit women who can fight. That's actually an interesting point: if you think back, other than Zieg and the Verje bunch, he only showed up when Runan was recruiting females. Who else but Eugen?

Reminds me of how characters in Awakening (and maybe Fates) had a comment whenever you bought, sold, or forged something. It was small, but it added something to them.

Now that I think about it, seeing characters try out weapons while shopping or commenting on each others purchases while browsing, is something I want to see now. It's a small thing, but it could work wonders.

The devil is in the details, as they say.

Runan doesn't take anyone's crap.

Very much agreed.

Runan's awesome. Holmes has nothing on him. That's my humble opinion.

I would say that pretending to be a d*ck to test someones character usually works better when they aren't a jerk themselves, but overall, this is a nice scene.

Hey, it's a lot easier to feign something when you really are that something, amirite?

Interesting concern. Not going to lie that I'm curious of how this plot point will proceed.

Give it time...

Richards eventually going to die, isn't he?

Whether it's by our armies hand or someone else's is the question.

Although given that Codha was spared, it might be best not to jump to conclusions.

Ah! Stick around, and you'll find out...

Barker? His name is Barker?

...Part of me wants to joke about it, but if you replace "prince" with a military rank, it sounds like something out of an 80's action movie, and I can't help but enjoy that.

In the old translation he was called Barca, which is spanish for "boat". I'd take Barker over that any day, Barker actually sounds like a pretty badass name.

Sure. Blame the dead guys incompetence for your failure...

...Did we fight Admiral Vals already, or was that off-screen?

On 27/11/2018 at 10:39 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

tN4k68u.pngYour father told us to escape while he and his men held off the Imperial Army, but do you think we deserve to survive if we had to sacrifice him to get away?

FF3NqbQ.pngDon't beat yourself up about it, Runan. It was his choice. Hell, he might not even be dead. He's always been a tenacious little rat.


No matter how reasonable story-wise it may be for that statement to be correct, I will always laugh at the attempts to justify a group of 10-20 people beating the crap out of a larger force in these kind of games.

Yeah, it's always funny to watch them struggle. I mean, Norton counts for a hundred men, but even still!

Agreed. I think Mustafa is the only "camus" that comes to mind that ever told his soldiers they could leave, but they stay out of loyalty to their general. Given the kind of man he was in the few sentences that established him, it's not hard to see why.

That entire scene was well done in general, though.

Yeah, I'm fond of it also.

Ah. So this will be the first desert level.

It's more like Khadein from the DS levels, actually: a bit of a hybrid between a normal level and a desert chapter. You'll see.

And Runan's reaction adds to the humor.

He didn't even bother looking back to see if he still had his army with him.

For some reason, I want to see this moment animated.

It would've been a riot, to be sure.

Dagon was the god of the Philistines, who were the greatest enemies of ancient Israel.

Needless to say, the name is fitting for a bad guy like him.

The man with the hat.

A big question in fiction is how those kind of groups get the manpower they need when they don't have many positives about them.

...Then again, historically looking at the heinous things the religions of certain cultures did, and how it was supported...

Yeah. You answered your own question.

Wait, witches are in this game?

...If they're anything like they are in gaiden/echoes... whoo boy...

Just you wait. We'll see them today.

I think the bigger question is "how in the world did you get there?"

He swam all the way here from Wellt, certainly.

Items and desert maps.

Actually, only one item. Once again, you'll see.


On 2/1/2019 at 11:30 PM, Interdimensional Observer said:

Yes. And you actually can get one on your side. She can join earlier if you do something that on paper not having played the game sounds counterintuitive, or you can get her later, which should make her I would think a little less good.

Dude, spoilers!

Her bases aren't the prettiest, nor her growths. But she can from the beginning Warp to any traversable space and attack in the same turn, that being her only but incredible skill. She is also the lone PC who can use Dark Magic (in addition to the Anima trio for the sake of practicality).

Oh, well, guess you didn't say that much anyway... still, try to be careful, okay? Not everyone here knows everything.


12 hours ago, Unknown Gamer11 said:

Oh gosh I missed responding to a billion updates!

You did! But that's okay.

Huh, interesting. I just always use notepad or notepad++ and copy it from there, though I never really stay logged in so that's probably a reason why.


Hooray, more to look forward to!

I kinda forgot what we were talking about there.

True, hadn't realized that it hadn't been a single point yet.



For both of you.

Absolutelee amazing.

1 hour ago, Mad-manakete said:

Well, I know when I'm punching out of my leegue.

Yes, I am afraid we are both sorelee outmatched. 

It's just weird seeing that portrait show up and going "Wait he's one of our guys!"

Isn't it?

Come to think of it, if you lose Sasha by this point do you get a major change to this conversation or do they just skip stuff? Unless I missed it and Sasha's plot immune.

She isn't. I haven't seen it, but the resulting scene's probably highly depressing.

There's something I like in that this conversation happens after one that shows that Esther's already acclimated to the army, making jokes/roasts, kinda showing that she's right at home here.

Never really thought about it, but now that you mention it, it's true.

Seeing as it looks like Lee doesn't have any in-game conversation here, do any of the other choice units instead of him get anything here, if you know?

Pretty sure Luca has something with his sister and Sasha. Other than that, I don't know.

Geez the bluntness of this man is something to behold.

Ain't it? We're going to get a lot more of that, so sit tight.

I like how there's both Fierce Breath and casual Breath, like she just doesn't wanna be fierce sometimes.

The fierce one's AoE, while the casual breath is single-target.

Is it sad that when I first saw his portrait I thought he looked more playable than Norton.

Hahahahahahahahahahah... goodness, poor Norton.

This game's so far doing a lot of things like this that are impressing me design wise, though I'd be annoyed at no xp but it makes sense.

Right? It's a pretty damn interesting game.

Bizarre, but okay then.


Too bad her name's not Yulia, warrior of Yr, daughter of Yoda. Or even Juliya.

That would've been so perfect... we need to get Aethin to change it post-haste.

Coming from the competitive side of it (SCIV was my first competitive fighter!), Yoda was actually really bad if you knew the matchup IIRC. He was short, but his movement was terrible, he had a weaker soul gauge than the rest of the cast, and got outranged hard. Course, that didn't stop someone from winning a tourney with him in Canada, but considering most tourneys banned him (and he was Xbox exclusive for a while) it's not surprising nobody would know how to fight him.

I've never played Soul Calibur!

And looks like I missed the voting, but ah well. I do think it's pretty cool how they handle the route-splitty bits, makes me wish Green let me pick my units on its route split. Granted, could be hard to program in a hack, but still. With the way this game's conversations work, I'm guessing there's some unique conversations for some characters on both routes? Meaning you'd have to re-play (or go read things) for all the possibilities.

Yeah, there are multiple events and stuff. Between that, the verje choices and a certain event down the line that changes a chapter, this game's very replayable.





Very well, Dissidence.


This is the map. The team wandering in the desert is in no trouble for the time being. Runan's guys, however, face some rather heavy opposition. The fancy guy on a horse with the bow has a brave crossbow, the tank has a chu-ko-nu which really scares me, the Knights are tanky... and then there's the rather normal looking guys.


They're by far the most dangerous of the lot. Very tanky, thanks in part to their shields, very strong, and with weaponery that can very easily rip my team to shreds. I'd like to keep my distance from them. We will also get some reinforcements, of two kinds: experience fodders and actually dangerous enemies. But that won't be an issue for a while.


Then there's this. I'll talk more about this later.


It's go time. Lee and Sasha head north as fast as they can.


Norton leads the charge while chugging some of this funny-looking water.


Ahah... now he's fast!


Hey! Norton! Don't just throw it on the ground! I know they do that all the time in movies and games, but that doesn't mean you should follow their example! If a fictional character jumped off a bridge, would you follow them? No, right? Then think of that house's owner, who's going to have to pick up the glass shards!


Ah, that's all right, I can forgive you and your 0 AS with the heaviest sword that's available to us. I know it doesn't sound that great, but it's great.


Speaking of the house, let's check it out.


It's you!

orfi8jp.pngI used to have one of them keys, but I lost one day(sic) when I was in the desert to the south. It's been ten years since I lost it, but maybe someone with better eyes would've had better luck. If I were a pickpocket, I bet I could've found it easily!

xQunKTk.png Don't worry, friend. I'll find your key. And maybe that one day you lost, as well!


I had been toying with the idea of sending Meriel north too. I initially thought it might be too dangerous, but then again, I've so many people up there, she should be in no risk. The others will just move forward along the path.


I press "end turn", and this guy starts crying again. Shut up, I'll go rescue you if you'll let me!


...okay, maybe I won't.


That's the range of the killing edge Soldier. Let's send Norton, he can tank 28 damage just fine.


Oh, shit! 4% crit!


Norton can take a critical hit or two, but I'd rather he didn't have to.


Oh, fuck you, more crits!?


Hah! Fat chance, friend! Fat as Codha! Who's Codha, you ask? Well, it's a long story... or should I say, a big story. Huehue...


This is it. Wish him luck! Although, at this point, I'd rather he took that crit. It'd be so hilarious to watch his critrate go up.


Alas, no luck.


Hmmm... she can take a critical hit, that's fine.


Kate, no...


At least he didn't hit her critically. Unlike Norton, she does not benefit from taking damage.


Meriel's idle animation consists of her tapping her foot while grabbing her arm. It's not as dumb as Maruj's animations, anyway.


Then she does this.


And-- come non! Stop it!


Have some healing, Kate, because at this rate, you might have to press your luck again with that Soldier. Urgh...


Fine, then. Norton, you do it. Thank goodness you're here.


The flier animations in this game are awesome. Sasha idles up in the sky...


Then she comes down and strikes her pray!


Proceeding to get a lot of experience, courtesy of Paragon. Good show!


Jeiganing for the Lord.


D'aww... can't get the crit sword another kill.


That's that. The southern guys aren't moving because I don't even know what to do with them.


We can't dodge! We can't hit! What can we do, exactly?


Oh, of course, I'd forgotten. The only one who can do things right is the one who refuses to kill.


Pictured: my only good units, sans Norton.


This is as good a time as any to see what Starlight looks like.


I just love how it's setting up this epic, gigantic blast of holy light raining down on the enemy from all directions, and then all that happens is...


...a tiny, cartoonish star hovers above the enemy's head and the guy magically takes damage. Beautiful.


And now he goes down. Sasha, why are you trying to cut your Pegasus's wing?


Excellent. I may unleash the levin pegasus now! Funny, Sasha's going to be, like, my second best mage with that. Just a little behind Lee, thanks to that sweet 10 magic.


No, Enteh, you can't be a Mage.


Kate, if you miss this, you're screwed, so try not to break the game.




Not as good, but I like that HP, and in enough mastery levels you might take the brave bow from Raquel. Her stats are so awesome she does not need it.


Runan heals up, and-- oh, for fuck's... that's it. I'm tired. This guy's going to be taking a lot of hits in the future. This critical BS is unacceptable.


There. Now I can rest easy.


Raquel dodges a swing without moving. She's that good. As well, this really foolish person tries his luck against Norton. Hah! You're--


Sheesh... if I got a cent for every time my units missed with a high chance of hitting / got hit with a high chance of dodging, I'd have around 5 euros.


Reinforcements! These are the ones Barker sent. They suck ass. Everyone doubles them, they have 2-4 defense, their hitrate is shit, their critrate's nonexistent, and overall, they're not an issue to anyone but our clerics and Meriel.


Speaking of!


I somehow managed to find this game's counterpart to GBAFE's flashbangs. Great job, me. Expect to see these shots frequently in the updates to come.


Took me long enough, but I finally remembered to give Sasha the levin sword.


Look at that! 2 less attack than Lee with basic tomes. If she can get that close to the man himself, I think I'd better not check how she fares against Meriel. I don't want my Mage to fall into a deep depression yet.


However, I won't waste the levin sword on that. Instead, I shall introduce him to Norton! It's the battle of the armorslayers!


I'm afraid Norton armorslays better than you! Perish!




Since the reinforcements are here, and I'd rather these guys didn't eat all the experience, they begin to move up where it's safe.


And we begin working on the asshole with the hammer!


Ah-ha! No more increased defense! Your time is at hand!


Flashbangs, get him!


Of course. I ran my mouth on how she sucks last update and the first thing she does is put Maruj to shame with a great level up. Oh, well, can't say I'm too angry about it.


Next up is that Bronze Paladin over there. He should fall quickly.


Yeah, that's not the most balanced match-up ever.


Nearly down!


These guys are still coming. So much experience!


Oh, no. That looks like it could be actually troublesome.


Yeah... say what you will about Dagon, but at least he provides better reinforcements than Barker. While they're very dangerous and difficult to deal with, these assholes are, problematically, not the worst part of the map. That's coming next turn.


Come now, Raquel, Adept was not needed there! Why did you feel the need to waste all those bowgun uses?


I take everything back. You can waste as much weapon uses as you wish. You deserve that luxury.


And Runan seals the deal!


Fine. Adequate. But next time, work on your defense, would you? That 4 defense is starting to look a bit too ugly.


Oh, come on. I've had Norton in your range for ages, and you only decide to attack now?


Thankfuly, the iron shield ensures he makes it out unscathed, and even without it he would've survived.


So much experience. It's rather overwhelming.


Ah! That's not something I like!


These are the Sonnenblume Dagon was talking about. They're rather vicious. Sure, terribad stats, but see that skill? That's the Warp skill. It works just as you'd expect it to: that 3 move really means unlimited move. They can go anywhere they please, any time they want. Best ensure noone can get killed by the two of them.


Norton's not going to die.


Runan, have some healing. Plum, you take that charm: you're the only one who can get killed by the two witches.


On second thought, have this instead. Zieg's been carrying that for ages.




Enteh's support helps, but if she misses that (and we know how the RNGoddess works), she's done for.


Let's try with the Starlight. Perhaps she'll still gain a good amount of exp due to facing potential death?


Yeah. Only 20. You really can't abuse the Starlight as much as you'd want to.


The time has come.


Hah! Norton's the real tank here! And his horse, of course.


They're off! With any luck, they won't--


...pffft! Gee, that's so scary.


Ah! The other one's not dumb!


Thankfully, Raffin can take it.


Good, no more Witches or Shadow Mages.


This is Barker's reinforcements, folks. Pathetic!


And they can't even traverse desert tiles, so as long as Norton blocks the path, they're stuck. Hah!


Doggone it, Meriel! Why are you so weak?


Assist her, Sasha! Spear of Light!! Ahem...


Flashbangs, again? How do I do it?


Meriel, that's... that's actually fine. Your accuracy's rather mediocre, due to fire being the axes of magic. I'm okay with this, as a result of that.


You! I've no time to deal with you. Unleash the leedouken!


Kablooie! Hah hah!


Healing for the filler, from the other filler.


Oh, shit. The problem now's that both these assholes can reach Narcus... if they both hit, he's going down!


Ah, thank goodness, he dodged. Dodges without animations on are represented by the map sprite moving one pixel backwards and the dodging sound effect playing. It's hard to convey with screenshots, of course.


Norton! His res isn't so good. He has none!


Crap! Crap, crap, crap! How could I be so oblivious?! Although, perhaps it's best this way. Narcus couldn't have taken both those hits.


Well, it looks freaky thus far, but it doesn't seem like such a big deal...






I love the formation these guys have going on. Heh...


Fuck you! You were so incompetent last turn! It was a trap, wasn't it.


Ah-HAAAAH! Gotcha! Norton can take that, easy! You're fucked now!


Down you go!


More of this for the pile.


Hmmmmm... so tempting, but there's an ever-so-slim chance he'll fail to kill. I will not take it.


Instead, I use the brave bow to ensure the enemy's left with 1 HP. In retrospect, that was just unnecessary.


Especially because she friggin' procced Adept! No, Raquel! Don't do that!




That thing had 5 more uses before that round of combat...


Ah, no matter. Kate does the foul deed.


Meanwhile, Norton cuts some more heads!


Hang in there, Narcus. We're coming to the rescue!


At least he isn't in any danger of dying in one turn now. Still, I don't have endless Paces a-Hundred Yet Still I Cure charges, so I'd best hurry up.


Meriel scores another kill. Still no more levels.


Norton, too.


That there is the range of the High Mage and the Bowman. Let's try steering clear of it for now.


Oh, I almost forgot to do this!


Raquel doesn't care that she's got a giant snake all over her. She just sidesteps the shiny particles and that's all she needs to do.


Couldn't do it twice, I'm afraid, but because she's great, the enemy's still crippled.


Eh, worth a shot. If she fucks up, I can always use Lee.


Nice. Proud of you, girl. But get some damn levels already, c'mon! What's the hold-up?


Nothing left to but approach Seamus and his guys.

You know, I don't think I'll get another chance to say this, so... what's up with the name Seamus? You'd think it's a pretty self-explanatory name. First there's "seam", then there's "us". So how do you pronounce it? Seam-us? No, fuck you, it's Shame-us. Why?


Ah, whatever. Kate crit!




It's all right. She needs some luck, anyway.


Ah! Crit!


...wait, what was I so worried about? Lee could've taken that crit!

Man, Lee could've taken a critical hit from a physical attacker and survived. I know these guys are pathetic, but still. That's impressive.


Still, let's not let him stick around.


Norton crit! Took you long enough!


Pavise, some mastery and more strength for the pile. Good job, Norton.


Another kill for Meri.


The game rewards me with this great level up. Only so I'd lose focus in my glee, and fail to realise the terrible mistake I'd made.


Ironically enough, I realised she was in range of the bow guys, so I had Runan give her the lucky charm.


All while failing to notice that she was in range of every single enemy there. Good, it's good to know my brain's still incomprehensible.


Oh, she's so fucked... the only way she's going to survive is if she misses this shot.



...fuck my life. First blood.


Oh, I can't look... they're going to rip her apart!




I'm so sorry, Meriel... damnit! Why can't I keep a single Mage alive!? Why must they all die!? Why must I be such a failure of a tactician!?


Okay, Ruben... you can't keep on trying to escape reality. You must look. Open your eyes to the disaster that you've caused!



...I... w... what?

What happened?! Rewind, rewind...


What even-- I, you...! WHAT!? WHAT WAS THAT GUY'S PLAN!?!



jNMaOnB.pngHurr! I a hero! I kill enemy leader!

YIGOlAt.pngPoor guy... he never was the same since he got struck by lightning.

9OBPK2i.pngYet he insisted on fighting for his liege. That's loyalty. Although, I don't get why he hasn't left yet... this is not a battle, it's a massacre.

YIGOlAt.pngHe has five brothers, and his parents are still alive... I think even he understands what that bastard from Gerxel intends to do with them if he flees.

9OBPK2i.pngEven in that state, he thinks of his family... well, then. If we are to die, let's make our deaths count. Like he is doing!



Ah, what a great day! I was saved by the AI's stupidity! Isn't that great? Of course it is! It's such a joyous day!


Man, I'm so happy right now.


Not even my clerics' terrible levels can sour my good mood!


Err... what are you doing, Runan? What kinda pose is that? Ah, it doesn't matter, we're alive. Let's enjoy life.

jNMaOnB.pngGuaaah! We... we be free, now...?


Run all you want, Bishop. I don't mind.


Even Kate taking a hit doesn't annoy me! This is great.


That's a cute formation you got going on.


Lee's almost at a 100 experience. Let's spare a guy for him, shall we?


Hah! What did Raiden say when he shot lightning, again...




Look, a distraction! Less crits and more survivability makes me happy. I wouldn't say no to some magic, but this is fine.


Oh, please. I can't do math. And I couldn't even move her that far away with Canto!


Thankfully, due to the forest tile, he can't reach Sasha. Phew.


Why must you always be so wasteful, Raquel?




First, that guy attacks Runan. Now this one attacks Raquel from two tiles away. C'mon! Get a grip, enemies! Did Barker send the cadet division to help Seamus?


Well, anyway, more killing.


I don't deserve you, Sasha.


Time to give Narcus some medical aid.


rLHd6qi.png Dear Yutona, please... Water...


0zFk3fj.png I have several questions.

1 - How do you know he was searching for that key?
2 - How do you know about the Thieves' Guild key?
3 - What even is a Thieves' Guild? The old guy from the house didn't mention a Guild of any sort, much less one of Thieves!
4 - You speak as if you ordered him to find that key. When did you do that? I don't recall that being any of the twenty-something things you ordered him to do.
5 -
What is this scene?

rLHd6qi.png C'mon, old man... You know I haven't found it yet... Just please... Water...

vUN6DQJ.pngThen go find that key. Bring it to me, and I shall give you something to drink.

rLHd6qi.png L-Look here, you senile old fossil... I'll find your damn key... Just gimme some water first...

vUN6DQJ.pngHmph. Is that how you ask someone for a favor?

rLHd6qi.png S-Sir Eugen... Please... spare me some water...


xQunKTk.png Eugen's enjoying this way too much. As am I, even if I don't understand anything.

rLHd6qi.png Phew! I'm alive again? Thanks, old man. I swear I'll repay you.

vUN6DQJ.pngIs that so? How honorable of you! Very well, Narcus! Henceforth, you shall be my personal errand boy!


hTMofYU.png How does he manage to be amazing in every single scene he's in?


Anyway, moving Narcus two spaces to the right nets us this key. Might as well give it back to Best NPC, he might reward us. But first...


HP 50% - Strength 20% - Skill 15% - Speed 25% - Defense 15% - Magic 5% - Luck 25% - Mastery 25%

Narcus, aside from finding the secret shop key, has very thiefy stats. However, he doesn't have Steal, instead trading it off for Imitate. He's basically Xane, except instead of copying the exact stats of the unit, he gets some increases to his own bases, which in some cases makes him better than the unit he's copying, but more often than not he'll be worse off. Not my favourite, but oh well. He has another drawback, but that's not relevant right now.


Meriel kills, Kate Jeigans.


That's it for the healer. Seamus is the only one left now!


Let's heal the murdergirls up before they take on the boss.


Eh, might as well get working on that shield.


Ergh... what?


quwo451.pngRetreat is for the weak. Those who refuse to march will be executed for insubordination.

wlg0u2m.pngYou... You demon! Have you no heart at all!?

quwo451.pngI am one of the elite, one of God's chosen people. I cannot be compared to you insects of the lower world.

0zFk3fj.png Man, this guy's obnoxious.


hTMofYU.png ...holy shit. Way to go, Seamus. You're a badass.

quwo451.pngYou dare turn your blade against me? You fool! You are of no more use to me. Die!


C'mon, Seamus! You can do it!




You asshat!


That... that doesn't look healable.

quwo451.pngWhat a disgrace... Fitting for a fool like you, Seamus.




I've seen boss changes in the middle of battles before, but never when my units are in his range! Dang, 8 crit... they can take it thanks to the support, but...


Kate can't escape, so let's have Zieg support her.


Meriel kills, blah blah noone gives a shit.


Especially now.


Yeah... I think from now on I'm going to skip these.


Ouch! All three of them got rekt, but they breathe still, and that's what matters.


Round of healing for everyone! What's up with that background? Why does it look like a photograph from a Medieval movie set?


Fools! Do you believe retreating will save you? Norton, after them! These two will come after Meriel, but I should be able to kill them before they can reach her.


Hand over that bag of money, Narcus. Consider it part of your payment to Eugen for his generosity.


Hmmm... I don't like that 4% crit.


Meriel and Raquel team up to fuck these guys up. I know I said I'd be skipping these, but Raquel's levelling up.


Awesome! Slayer is like Gladiator except the bonuses (20% to avoid, hit and critical) apply when fighting monsters. Those things better tremble in fear: she looks at them funny, and they implode.

Now, as for the level itself...


What can I say. I think I need a cold shower. Or three.

Hawkwing, if you still have doubts about this game being seriously sexist, look at this screenshot and then tell me with a straight face that this game doesn't treat women fairly. I dare you.


Okay, disregard this one.


Raffin, take the key and one bag of money. The observant reader may've noticed that the member key has uses. That's right: every time go into the Secret Shop, the number of uses goes down by one. You do need to buy something, though. If you leave without adquiring any goods, the key will not lose any uses. The second you buy or sell anything, though, you can buy 1 item or 100, the key will lose one use either way.


I suppose this is an okay moment to check out the Enarmor staff. It's got 18 uses, anyway, and it'll help Lee in the fight with Dagon.


Very sparkly.


And now he has a shield of sparkles! Isn't that cool?


To signify his newly reinforced defenses, he now has what roughly looks like a diamond next to his HP. For the remainder of the chapter, he'll take half less damage from all sources.


I'll send Raffin to give back the key soon enough, but first, let's try out Narcus's talent for the disguise.


Where did he get the horse?


Funnily enough, he's better than Raffin, but he doesn't have Canto, and of course he'll go back to being himself soon enough.


And he's off!


As for us, we will be kicking some Dagon ass. He's got enough resistance to survive a fight against Lee, provided he doesn't hit him critically, so let's do that.


You will do no such thing! Lee... unleash the wrath of the true gods!


I like the Shadow Bishop animation. He just gently outstretches his arm and sparkles happen.


I love that animation. So ridiculous...


At last, this asshole's done for. Took him long enough.


A mess, indeed.


Ahahahahahahah! Stupendous! All she needs, all she needs!


And we got the hilarious spell!


Some more healing, and levels.


Only one. Not a very good one, either.


Only three enemies remain. I think I'll give one to Runan, one to Kate and the last to Sasha, since they're all close to levelling up.


Raffin has made it to the house, and as a reward for finding his key, the guy gives us a Haddock-tier exclamation.


Wait, you actually have a secret shop in your house? With an Anna copycat included?

Hold on a moment, how does this work? Do you need that key to open the room? Has she been locked up in your basement for 10 years? That would explain why the place looks so dank.


Let's leave for a moment, and open this thing. Great, the base 3000 plus 600. Not a bad deal.


Raffin sells Narcus's useless sword, and gets Lee a new Paces a-Hundred Yet Still I Cure for when his current one breaks.


Hmmm... I'd love that levin sword, but I'm broke.


Ah, we'll think about it later. For now, it's clean-up time.


Ah, there's the defense! Attaboy, Runan. Keep these up and you'll continue to be a better Lord than Roy. And Eliwood, and HHM!Hector, and Eirika, and Lyn, and...


Another one!


Only one stat, but speed is something I'm okay with, so there's that.


Last one!


More defense? More magic!? C'mon, let the others compete, girl! Nah, but in all fairness, even with that Kate's got better defense, better strength, better mastery and far more HP. Sasha's awesome, but she's not completely outclassed everyone. Yet.


I think this fruit should be worth enough dough for me to get another levin sword.


I should probably mention that this guy goes "HOLEH ARTICHOEKHS! YA FOUND THE KI!" every time I enter his house. Joy.




Levin sword Sasha is a better armorslayer than that Armorslayer could ever hope to be.


Son of a--


Goodbye, iron sword. Well, while we're still here, I'll show off the stats of the Main Gauche. The 20 avoid bonus and the very low weight of 1 ensures even Norton would become a very effective dodgetank with this. In return, he'd become virtually unable to fight. I suppose one can move very freely when he's fighting with a butter knife. It has its uses, but it's definitely not worth 2520 gold.


There. It's ours now.


And a round of healing later...


Plum gets a shitty ass level, and we're done.

That's all, folks! Glad I could have you here today. Next time, we see if we can recover some of Seamus's ashes. Farewell until then. Better than he did. Goodbye, and I'll see you next time!

Death count: -- (Just barely)

Reset count: 0


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16 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Perhaps from Boi, he would, but Merlinus would be quick to scream his lungs off about how there's traps everywhere.

What would happen if Merlinus was on 4chan?

20 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Let's just leave politics aside, okay? I really don't want this thread to be ruined by them. Politics ruin enough stuff as is.

I was more going for "corrupt lawyer" speech. Mostly because my brother wanted to be a lawyer, but used to make stupid arguments. So I used to mock how he'd go in court with such idiocy as trying to prevent his client from going to jail for manslaughter by revealing the killing was pre-meditated, or arguments based on another country's constitution. I had more than enough of the US election when it was going on and people here were way too invested in it despite having no way of influencing it. Lost friends for daring to put forth the notion it's not my Country, and consequently I have no horse in that race. Not good enough for some apparently.

33 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Gaiden's sounds horrible, to be frank.

Magic hurts in the game. But to be honest, I love Gaiden and Echoes about as much as one can love a game without going into creepy territory. Maybe because they went and broke every convention of Fire Emblem (well not really, but they're very unique). I have a soft spot for that oddball sequel that is different from the rest of the series, whether Zelda II, Metroid II, Castlevania II, or Super Mario Bros. 2. Gaiden is one of those on many levels, with it's unbreakable weapons (which Fates brought back), minimum damage of one, two routes at once that join at the end, non-human enemies (though that's came back), skirmishes (again, it's returned), the villager trainee class, the branching promotions for villagers, the multi-tier promotions, archers that are actually useful. Yep. There's a magic there. When I discovered Echoes was going to be a thing, it was probably the most hyped I was ever for a game in the series... albeit noting I only started in 2011.

45 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Nah, sexism is all right if it comes from a woman. It's the truth! The TV said so! The TV would never lie to me, right?

I don't know. Let's ask J. Jonah Jameson if any facet of the media would ever be run be people with an agenda. He seems pretty on the ball about Spider-Man being a menace.

48 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

In the old translation he was called Barca, which is spanish for "boat". I'd take Barker over that any day, Barker actually sounds like a pretty badass name.

Just makes me think of Carnival Barkers. Except he ain't running no side-show.

51 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:


Very well, Dissidence.

Is Cloud Strife going to be here? Or maybe Ogma seeing as he kind of looks like him in FE 11 (well his battle sprite at least)?

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:


Norton leads the charge while chugging some of this funny-looking water.


Ahah... now he's fast!

You'd be too. That was hot sauce. He's running for actual water.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

orfi8jp.pngI used to have one of them keys, but I lost one day(sic) when I was in the desert to the south. It's been ten years since I lost it, but maybe someone with better eyes would've had better luck. If I were a pickpocket, I bet I could've found it easily!


Shouldn't that thing be buried and rusted to hell?

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:


Hah! Fat chance, friend! Fat as Codha! Who's Codha, you ask? Well, it's a long story... or should I say, a big story. Huehue...

Codha wanted to weigh in on these jokes, but he couldn't find scales that would accommodate.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:


And now he goes down. Sasha, why are you trying to cut your Pegasus's wing?

Looking ridiculous as usual I see.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:


Reinforcements! These are the ones Barker sent. They suck ass. Everyone doubles them, they have 2-4 defense, their hitrate is shit, their critrate's nonexistent, and overall, they're not an issue to anyone but our clerics and Meriel.

Have to wonder what would have happened if you actually had a thousands of soldiers.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:


And we begin working on the asshole with the hammer!

I've got a battle axe that looks an awful lot like that hammer. Maybe it's been a hammer and I've been using it wrong. Wait... how can I NOT use a battle axe wrong in the current year? I mean, without being a murderer. Uh, let's forget that.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:


Hah! Norton's the real tank here! And his horse, of course.

It's like he's some sort of ogre or troll or something, and has superhuman size and strength to make up for his debilitating face.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:


Ah! The other one's not dumb!

I disagree. If the other one was smart, they wouldn't have put themself in range of death unless they had a way of finishing the foe... like the cooperation of their partner.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:


You! I've no time to deal with you. Unleash the leedouken!

More like "unLeesh".

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:


I love the formation these guys have going on. Heh...

Are they building a wall in the desert? To stop your guys getting into their country? Maybe we can get a scathing news article on them.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:


Fuck you! You were so incompetent last turn! It was a trap, wasn't it.

Merlinus is never there when you need him.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

You know, I don't think I'll get another chance to say this, so... what's up with the name Seamus? You'd think it's a pretty self-explanatory name. First there's "seam", then there's "us". So how do you pronounce it? Seam-us? No, fuck you, it's Shame-us. Why?

Same as Sean being pronounced Shawn. Irish people.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:


Man, Lee could've taken a critical hit from a physical attacker and survived. I know these guys are pathetic, but still. That's impressive.

He is their superior physicalee and spiritualee.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:


What even-- I, you...! WHAT!? WHAT WAS THAT GUY'S PLAN!?!

Apparently, even you can't have Linde be your first casualty in two different games. As for the other, guy I imagine arabic Frollo put it best. 9YvxbFR.png (seriously, what's up with that translation?)

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

9OBPK2i.pngEven in that state, he thinks of his family... well, then. If we are to die, let's make our deaths count. Like he is doing!

Oh the irony.

2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:


Look, a distraction! Less crits and more survivability makes me happy. I wouldn't say no to some magic, but this is fine.

The extra HP may be a good crutch to leen on in an emergency.

2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Did Barker send the cadet division to help Seamus?

Maybe he meant small as in their collective IQ score? Would explain the hero of the battle.

2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I have several questions.

1 - How do you know he was searching for that key?
2 - How do you know about the Thieves' Guild key?
3 - What even is a Thieves' Guild? The old guy from the house didn't mention a Guild of any sort, much less one of Thieves!
4 - You speak as if you ordered him to find that key. When did you do that? I don't recall that being any of the twenty-something things you ordered him to do.
5 -
What is this scene?

Eugen is all knowing apparently. Either that or one of the listed things that were skipped over was the key and Narcus was still working on the list.

2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I am one of the elite, one of God's chosen people. I cannot be compared to you insects of the lower world.

0zFk3fj.png Man, this guy's obnoxious.

So is it the child sacrifice or the hat that makes him chosen? Curiosity. And chosen for what specifically? To be an asshole and die?

2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:



R.I.P. Seamus. BBQ'd like Sigurd.

2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:


Meriel kills, blah blah noone gives a shit.


Why does the grandaughter of the water mage use fire? I can't even come up with a joke about what she tries to be because of this. My game is ruined. Thanks a lot Linde.

2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:


Round of healing for everyone! What's up with that background? Why does it look like a photograph from a Medieval movie set?

Told you those zombies were movie extras. You invaded Hollywood by mistake.

2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:


What can I say. I think I need a cold shower. Or three.

What is it with you and Jagens? First Marcus now Raquel. If Arran didn't die (not that he didn't get better story-wise), he'd have somehow ended up in your end-team wouldn't he?

2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:


Where did he get the horse?

One of the dead guys presumably. They don't need it.

2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:


You will do no such thing! Lee... unleash the wrath of the true gods!

Are we in a Holee war?


2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:


And we got the hilarious spell!

Elfire, Dark Fire.
Now gypsy it's your turn.

2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Wait, you actually have a secret shop in your house? With an Anna copycat included?

Hold on a moment, how does this work? Do you need that key to open the room? Has she been locked up in your basement for 10 years? That would explain why the place looks so dank.

Looks like an underage Anna copycat too. Between that and the locked in the basement part, I think someone better call Chris Hanson.

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Yeah, I hadn't commented on the nice format changes. Not that I needed the massive green title, but whatever.

On 1/2/2019 at 3:17 PM, Mad-manakete said:

After The Roger the Paladin, Lawrence and not Linde, maybe just maybe we'll see Frey and Treck come back. Or not. How many times can lightning strike?

I mean, they're erstaz units from Kaga era.

Neither of those two are Kaga era.

On 1/2/2019 at 3:17 PM, Mad-manakete said:

Is Runan aware of this? That poor man has been unfairly demonized for his religious practices. This is not the America I voted for. In fact it is not America at all because it's Lieberia, and I didn't vote at all not being an American citizen. But that is besides the point. This miscarriage of the US constitution should not be stood for, even though this is not the US. Sure, he may have sacrificed innocent children to what may or may not be a malevolent and/or fictional entity, but it was only because he was atoning for the sins of those who mocked his hat. Have you never suffered the sting of humiliation? Let he who has not been bullied, mocked or harassed over something trivial such as a game over Xbox live cast the first stone on this man.

I mean, he's still got child sacrifice on his resume. But no, his hat is what's important!

13 hours ago, Unknown Gamer11 said:

Coming from the competitive side of it (SCIV was my first competitive fighter!), Yoda was actually really bad if you knew the matchup IIRC. He was short, but his movement was terrible, he had a weaker soul gauge than the rest of the cast, and got outranged hard. Course, that didn't stop someone from winning a tourney with him in Canada, but considering most tourneys banned him (and he was Xbox exclusive for a while) it's not surprising nobody would know how to fight him.

Well, considering how short he was I'd heard a lot about how much of a pain he was. Didn't have an experience because I never played with the Xbox 360.

45 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Well, guys, I've finally done it. I got a new phone, and with it, I gave Heroes a chance at last. It was okay. I was given a thousand orbs for being so cool, no doubt, and in one of life's little ironies, Raigh as a starter. Pretty sure he's guaranteed, alongside Matthew, possesed man from Fates and Miles Edgeworth (although Edgeworth is a little buggy, the game insists on calling him "Virion", I don't know what that's all about), but the fact that one of my all-time favourites is guaranteed makes me very happy, so I'm not complaining.

Then I started summoning, a bit of this and a bit of that. Got a bunch of Fates characters I couldn't give less of a shit about, 3 star Seth who I inmediately put to good use, another Raigh, Klein, and two Merrics who don't look like Merric. Right now I'm using Seth, Raigh, Klein (he's underleveled, but oh well), and Lyon, whom I bought from some remote corner of the menus. Not too unhappy, although if the game could've given me Cecilia (not Camilia), Sheena, Hardin, Wrys, Marth, Athena, Jagen, Innes, Arran, Minerva and Lilina instead of, say, Ninjas #1 through #10, I would've been that much happier.

Honestly, I don't know. It's a decent game, I suppose, but already I'm having difficulties finding stuff to do. The story's mindlessly easy and feels like little more than a grind for free orbs, while the PvP modes feel like a gamble (roll the dice and see if you'll get an opponent whose units don't vastly outmatch your own!). I wasn't expecting anything as good as a mainline FE, but this is a tad worse than what I was hoping for.

Man, I'm kind of surprised you didn't get any of those mentioned. Also I'm pretty sure there aren't that many ninjas.Though I wish you'd gotten all my Raighs because I've gotten enough for two lifetimes.

Aside from that, I completely understand not being interested.

45 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

C'mon, everyone, have some faith in Matthis.

Considering the only real life person called Matthis I've heard of is referred to as "Mad Dog", I'm not so sure.

45 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:


Ah, Lorenz.

...what are you talking about? Lorenz exploded! Or... I don't actually know what he did in FE12. Pretty sure the CG implies he lunged forward and stabbed himself with Marth's sword. That's my take on it, anyway.

Well, not quite what I thought, but still.

I mean, if he did that, he could have stabbed himself in a non-lethal manner, then found a healer in the village.

45 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

That face's gonna see so much use, isn't it?

Well he's the equivalent of Lilina being killed in Chapter 8: Just early and applicable enough that it will deliver.

45 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Dagon mentioned "Jugudi" inmigrants, so perhaps...

I mean, he's interested in making Zoa great again and locking up kids.

When Judgrali immigrants left thinking they wouldn't have to deal with another evil dragon and its cult. They were wrong.

45 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

He's already with one foot in the grave. Don't push him in, will you?

One of your party will do that though. No need for me to.

48 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:


...okay, maybe I won't.

I mean, he does seem like the kind of person to have You're So Vain playing in the background and think the song is about him.

51 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:


Proceeding to get a lot of experience, courtesy of Paragon. Good show!

You know, those pegasi look nice.

I think this image would make a neat album cover.

52 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:


Excellent. I may unleash the levin pegasus now! Funny, Sasha's going to be, like, my second best mage with that. Just a little behind Lee, thanks to that sweet 10 magic.

And with that the game just got.... easier?

Also relevant(ish).

53 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:


No, Enteh, you can't be a Mage.

Yadda yadda magic is everything

It's more than nothing though.

54 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:


Sheesh... if I got a cent for every time my units missed with a high chance of hitting / got hit with a high chance of dodging, I'd have around 5 euros.

That makes cents.

56 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:


Of course. I ran my mouth on how she sucks last update and the first thing she does is put Maruj to shame with a great level up. Oh, well, can't say I'm too angry about it.

My prediction: This will keep happening.

Just to really screw with Maruj.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:



Jaffar, is that you?

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Nothing left to but approach Seamus and his guys.

You know, I don't think I'll get another chance to say this, so... what's up with the name Seamus? You'd think it's a pretty self-explanatory name. First there's "seam", then there's "us". So how do you pronounce it? Seam-us? No, fuck you, it's Shame-us. Why?

Well I'm sorry that Irish pronunciation doesn't 100% fit English spelling, thank you!

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

What happened?! Rewind, rewind...


What even-- I, you...! WHAT!? WHAT WAS THAT GUY'S PLAN!?!

Runan is the one thing they want dead above all else.

His plan was obvious, but canto isn't on all cavs and that's where his plan failed.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:


Err... what are you doing, Runan? What kinda pose is that? Ah, it doesn't matter, we're alive. Let's enjoy life.

It seems like Runan took that shmaltzy advice of Dance like nobody's watching to heart.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

C'mon, Seamus! You can do it!



Well, that's one way to surprise us.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:


Poor Seamus regardless.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:


Awesome! Slayer is like Gladiator except the bonuses (20% to avoid, hit and critical) apply when fighting monsters. Those things better tremble in fear: she looks at them funny, and they implode.

Now, as for the level itself...


That's beautiful right there.

She's proving that maybe I was wrong to not pick a certain way soon.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:


Ahahahahahahah! Stupendous! All she needs, all she needs!

Speed would have been the little cherry, but still a good combination.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:


Only one. Not a very good one, either.

Here I was thinking she'd be miles above Maruj.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:


Wait, you actually have a secret shop in your house? With an Anna copycat included?

Hold on a moment, how does this work? Do you need that key to open the room? Has she been locked up in your basement for 10 years? That would explain why the place looks so dank.

Oh no, he was Joseph Fritzel all along

It's more likely he's security and has to see the key to let customers in or something.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:


Ah, there's the defense! Attaboy, Runan. Keep these up and you'll continue to be a better Lord than Roy. And Eliwood, and HHM!Hector, and Eirika, and Lyn, and...

I would argue most of those, but at least he more reliable without a horse than most of them by the look of it.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:


More defense? More magic!? C'mon, let the others compete, girl! Nah, but in all fairness, even with that Kate's got better defense, better strength, better mastery and far more HP. Sasha's awesome, but she's not completely outclassed everyone. Yet.

Not yet.

With levels like that it'll be soon enough though.

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19 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Actually, you're wrong. Lorenz hasn't shown up. We haven't seen him at all.

That's true, I misspoke. He's probably there, doing stuff off-screen, though, right?

22 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

In the old translation he was called Barca, which is spanish for "boat". I'd take Barker over that any day, Barker actually sounds like a pretty badass name.

Barca in this context more likely refers to the ancient general of Carthage, Hannibal Barca, whose surname comes from a Semitic root meaning "to shine" or "lightning." Considering his country's name is Canaan, this is fitting because the Phoenicians, who established Carthage, lived in the historical region called Canaan.

Wait, Hannibal... No, it can't be.


Kaga named two characters after the same guy?! I can't believe this act of laziness!

56 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

orfi8jp.pngI used to have one of them keys, but I lost one day(sic) when I was in the desert to the south. It's been ten years since I lost it, but maybe someone with better eyes would've had better luck. If I were a pickpocket, I bet I could've found it easily!

xQunKTk.png Don't worry, friend. I'll find your key. And maybe that one day you lost, as well!

That one day he lost was the day he spent looking for the key in the middle of the desert.

2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:


Flashbangs, again? How do I do it?

I'm sure you figured this already, but it's gotta be something to do with Meriel's animation specifically that causes the flashbangs, considering how they didn't show up until now and several screens of Meriel attacking things have them in this update.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

0zFk3fj.png I have several questions.

1 - How do you know he was searching for that key?
2 - How do you know about the Thieves' Guild key?
3 - What even is a Thieves' Guild? The old guy from the house didn't mention a Guild of any sort, much less one of Thieves!
4 - You speak as if you ordered him to find that key. When did you do that? I don't recall that being any of the twenty-something things you ordered him to do.
5 -
What is this scene?

4 - Maybe that was one of the things he ordered him to do when the game cut away between items 5 and 27 on the list?

Of course, that still doesn't explain how he knows about a Thieves' Guild, much less how he already knew about it all the way back then.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:


That... that doesn't look healable.

On the bright side, even though it might have seemed in vain, Seamus's sacrifice means that we actually get to take out the asshat this part instead of letting him continue to terrorize Canaanite generals and generally be a thorn in everyone's sides.

I still can't say I'm too pleased with this outcome, overall.

2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:


Hawkwing, if you still have doubts about this game being seriously sexist, look at this screenshot and then tell me with a straight face that this game doesn't treat women fairly. I dare you.

I'd argue that Fire Emblem does have some sexism in terms of gameplay balance (i.e. how female Myrmidons are almost unilaterally worse than their male equivalents; for this game, compare Julia vs. Vega), but the ubiquity of good Pegasus Knights among other factors means that every game has plenty of good units of both genders. Fire Emblem being in the "Both Favored in Different Ways" section on the "Game-Favored Gender" TV Tropes page is a pretty good summation, I think.

As far as the in-script sexism goes, I basically agree with the analysis that aside from Zieg and the innkeeper (the latter reading more like a coping mechanism to deal with the deaths of her husband and son, albeit not a particularly good one, than anything), it's used as a quick way to indicate that "this character is a jerk."

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6 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I find him to be one of this game's most interesting characters, even if he's an asshole. But I digress.

Richard being an asshole isn't really the problem. Though at this point it's probably too early to use some more accurate descriptors.
Hmmm, do you know that Aethin rewrote some stuff in regards to him later on?

Edited by BrightBow
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