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Chaos reigns when I take the reins! - Let's play Tear Ring saga, Ironman mode, while being terrible at Fire Emblem!

Saint Rubenio

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21 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

It appears that he tried some more normal archaeology.

But then forgot to make his section large enough for him to not get stuck.

21 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Dang! Well, if you had fun with it...

Oh I did.

Except when Nuibaba happened (That fucking boss forced a reset. In the game with the turnwheel. I was a bit pissed off after that.). And something related to the postgame.

23 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

But could you see LIESLIESLIESLIESLIESman and Sigurda doing it?

I mean, not really.


That would imply either of them are capable of doing it at all.

And that would kind of require being able to move about freely. I don't think the wholly dead can do that.

24 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Remember Jiol's many brothers.

I am pretty sure I don't.

I didn't think it was right there either. Then again, I swear Lang is Jiol's cousin. And we all know how cancer multiplies......

25 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Who cares about permanent mercy if she brings quite literally everybody to 1 HP if she so much as looks their way funny?

I would not call that mercy.

At this point, she might as well actually kill them.

26 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Implying being the perfect Star Wars Prequel meme bait doesn't already elevate Senate to the status of Greatest Name in the Game. Well, behind Juliattisnacordst.

I never thought Sennet was pronounced like Senate, so that doesn't really work for me.

Besides, he's not evil enough to be the Senate.

27 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

He's even dumber than him, gotcha.

About right.

28 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

1pcfv1ay o...excuse me?

Um606rva oLet's pretend he isn't here, all right, Lord Lionheart?

I mean, with Eugen's recent actions, are we sure he hasn't been affected by the same phenomenon as Bad Merlinus in BB? Maye it somehow survived the event and is even now using old advisers as hosts.

30 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

1pcfv1ay oLet's see... It was fourteen years ago. Prince Arless's wife Selene was murdered, his mansion set ablaze, and his two children presumed dead among the ashes. Eisenbach was Lady Selene's father. He swore that the incident was all a plot by one of the royal concubines. Bahanuk was furious, and he banished him.

0zfd96rn o One of the royal concubines, huh? I have a feeling we've heard of a concubine of Bahanuk's being a dickhead before...

Why is it always the concubines?

Also, another for Kaga did it first bingo: Camilla's background involved concubine wars where the kids literal died in the attempt to get themselves noticed by Groans himself. There were three survivors.

31 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

6z6ijhl9 oOrqtey31 o

Bararossa, now that's a man who looks like his name fits.

Not at all like Holes or Pavlov. 

33 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Mtiwvyhd oNot only that, but he assigned nitwits like Pavlov and Carnell to manage the newly occupied territories! That was the final nail in the coffin.

L6nd6ydx o ...

Zq8hrkhn o

Poor Marshall in particular.

34 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:
S3lok4op o


This man is an absolute unit.

He's like Douglas but good.

35 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:


Anyway, let's take a look at Lionheart's second-in-command...

HP 70% - Strength 35% - Skill 25% - Speed 35% - Defense 22% - Magic 10% - Luck 45% - Mastery 35%

Oh my God, Lionheart, dude! I understand you need to stay in Blaad, but at least leave me something better, a cool bow or something, I don't know! What the heck is this? Shirou is worse in a few areas than Leonie at base, which would already be bad enough, but he's also got the crippling flaw of being like Arkis at the beginning of the game: he can't use anything because his mastery is too low. He can use the wooden bow and that's it. I'm not kidding. Y'know, the bow with 3 might? And his base strength is bad too. He gains Canto at level 14, which is... okay, I guess, but Grassrunner is a strong contender for the least memorable terrain skill, his growths are mediocre, his bases are bad, he can only use the wooden bow at base, he's got no supports for the time being, he joins right before one of the game's hardest chapters, he can only use the wooden bow at base, his personality is as I've said before Tomas without the funny hairdo, HAVE I MENTIONED, HE CAN ONLY USE THE WOODEN BOW AT BASE!?

Blistering barnacles, we got scammed! Eugen was right! He was right all along! We shoulda just left that arsehole Lionheart to kill Carnell by himself!

Shirou, why do you do this? Wooden Bow. At base.

Apparently the crests are to blame after all.

36 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:
P1zzgcas o Raphael? That's a name that sounds familiar... no, I don't mean the Three Houses trailer, I mean before that. Guess Liza was right about her husband's survival.

And the hints that the rest of Kaga's notes are now being used in FE keeps growing.

37 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

9bmvwara oThe Wellt Army?! Who's leading them? Don't tell me it's Sasha!

Honestly I wish, then she could never be lost.

38 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:
V34lqasd o16hsneoc o

Matthis just looks to the distance, disappointed at how that had turned out. Hence why he didn't get involved with Eugen and Albertus arguing.

I have to assume that every time he visits Lena he just gives Julian the silent treatment.

39 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Wkyquf73 o


That implies that Eugen could these days. Dragons are pretty immune in Lieberia after all.

40 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Crfnajvw oYaqgudwq o

Man you're really helping make Eugen more of a jerk.

What point is there to the bitter bellyaching indeed?

40 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:
P8vvagth o

I know right?

Right out of nowhere that was.

43 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Fdg2ba6s o

0zfd96rn o See, I did a write-up a while ago, replying to one of BrightBow's comments, on how I feel like some of the Camuses were just being stubborn for the sake of being stubborn. Now, I don't feel that way about all Camuses, and Barbarossa overhere is definitely not one of them. He actually has a good reason for doing what he's doing (that being to protect the one man who, as things stand, might be able to change things from within Canaan without outright putting it down), and thus his sacrifice makes sense and is quite admirable. It also helps that Barker's been shown as a really good, reasonable man.

I mean, it is him doing it for reasons other than "My country, right or wrong" though, isn't it?

He wants Barker to survive to improve Canann, reversing recent actions and throwing out the cult that's grown in Canann's back yard. He does question the nation and unlike plenty of Camuses does something with the intent of provoking change. That action of course being against the heroes and also implies that he's certain that Barker will be able to make those changes.

47 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Lm4frrsd oI6e37th9 o

Turns out I wasn't as far of as I thought.

I guess he took his former employer's hood with him.

47 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:
X3gzavyb o7h2wilxe o

Well, it's that time again.

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Shirou can use Bowguns too, for whatever that's worth. But yeah, that's not a great way to join the party. Even Luka can use Iron Bows at base.

And while I haven't used him yet, nothing about his data suggests he brings anything interesting to the table. His growths are average. Promotion is also pretty unimpressive. Skills are *meh*...

Edited by BrightBow
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10 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

T7dgvcdu o

Not on did he return, he brought The Roger the General with him. Coincidentally, I just started a run of Shadow Dragon with intent of using 4 of those characters. I'll let you guess which ones.

10 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Not gonna lie, that actually sounds... kinda awesome? Unless they picked the Telltale approach and, like, one branching dialogue in the whole game matters.

No. There's a lot of branching levels and endings decided by gameplay. Unfortunately the gameplay is kind of barebones to make up for it. "Kill all of x" or "collect all of y". Then sometimes a specific enemy in one particular level apparently doesn't appear due to a glitch and I spend 3 hours looking for it. I am not still bitter

10 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Maybe. He just wants to go out on a bang. Or maybe he mistook us for Carnell's escorts.

Banging escorts? That doesn't sound like a very Priest-Lee way to behave.


11 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

1pcfv1ay oLet's see... It was fourteen years ago. Prince Arless's wife Selene was murdered, his mansion set ablaze, and his two children presumed dead among the ashes. Eisenbach was Lady Selene's father. He swore that the incident was all a plot by one of the royal concubines. Bahanuk was furious, and he banished him.

0zfd96rn o One of the royal concubines, huh? I have a feeling we've heard of a concubine of Bahanuk's being a dickhead before...

Um606rva oI never knew... To think he was the Wind Sage... Were the missing children ever found?

1pcfv1ay oEveryone assumes they died in the fire. Though if they were still alive, they'd be just a little younger than you.

This reminds me of Echoes for some reason. Mansions being set ablaze. Really now.

11 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Understatement of the century, goddamnit! This is where my perfect death count for Runan's route is going to come to an end, believe me. Someone is guaranteed to die here. Just watch.

Better not be Lee. That would be horrendousLee bad for my puns.

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On 2/20/2019 at 12:29 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Forgive me for the late update. I was a little sick all weekend, and it was my birthday too, in one of life's little ironies. Also, I found my childhood game, Indiana Jones and The Emperor's Tomb, on steam. I had a pirated CD of it for the longest time, but I used it so much throughout the years, it no longer works, so finding a way to obtain it again was awesome. A legal way, too! I don't care how much people hate Disney or George Lucas or whatever. This game's my fucking life, and I was glad to give them my cash to enjoy it again. Heck, I'd be willing to give them five times the five dollars I paid for it, after all the years of fun I got out of the game!

Happy Birthday! Hope you get well soon! I'm glad you're reunited with your childhood game! I fondly recall the moments I've done so with Pirates! Live the Life!

On 2/20/2019 at 12:29 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Only half of this is nostalgia speaking, by the way, the game's absolutely great, and even if it can get a little buggy and derpy at times, the derpiness is usually more on the amusing side. To me at least.     My favourite one is the one where he looks mad! Might use it in the future, even.

This is the PC version of the game, right? I have the XBOX version, and I don't recall having things like that occur. Then again, it has also been a while since I last played it.

On 2/20/2019 at 12:29 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Not gonna lie, that actually sounds... kinda awesome? Unless they picked the Telltale approach and, like, one branching dialogue in the whole game matters.

19 hours ago, Mad-manakete said:

No. There's a lot of branching levels and endings decided by gameplay. Unfortunately the gameplay is kind of barebones to make up for it. "Kill all of x" or "collect all of y". Then sometimes a specific enemy in one particular level apparently doesn't appear due to a glitch and I spend 3 hours looking for it. I am not still bitter

Building off what Mad-Manakete said, there are ten total endings in Shadow the Hedgehog, and while some are kinda neat, others are pretty strange (such as being a good guy the entire game only to do an evil mission at the last minute, and vice versa). Not that it really matters, as there's a final story unlocked for completing all the endings, and it's considered canon, for whatever that's worth in the Sonic continuity.

As for the game itself, people either seem to hate it for the repetitiveness, think it's "meh" with some strong and some weak points, and others love the cheesiness of the game trying too hard to be edgy. I fall into the "meh" camp, as I had fun with the game and some levels are pretty neat, but it was the first game that I ever sold, as I got tired of the constant swearing and boring objectives.

On 2/20/2019 at 12:29 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

...I have several things I could say about this, but here is not the place to do so.

Sounds like trouble.

This does not help.

Sounds like more trouble!

Eh, more like there's more to that stuff than meets the eye, and I know it's unwise to treat it lightly. As I said, though, that's a discussion for another place.

On 2/20/2019 at 12:29 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Huh. Weird 'nade launcher, if it really is one.

That's not the weirdest weapon in the game. There are ones that look cartoony, alien weapons, and the stuff you get for completing each ending. Not to mention that there's a "use stop signs and branches as weapons", thing going on, which is weird considering they have an ammo count and you get more by... breaking stop signs and branches.

On 2/20/2019 at 12:29 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Aaaaaahhh, a man of culture! My highest regards to you. Yeah, you do feel like Indy in those amazing fist fights. I swear, the rest of the game is varying degrees of great-good-decent-hilarious, but the fist fights? Probably THE best melee combat system I've seen in a videogame. So satisfying, oh goodness. When you start encountering big nazis it even feels like all those fights he had with Pat Roach. I remember back in the good ol' childhood days, I used to just play a select few levels on loop because I just loved fighting way too much.

The combat system is amazing. I've heard that it's a modified version of the Buffy the Vampire Slayer videogame. I don't know if I would call it the best melee system I've seen in a video game (although that might just be because I enjoy different ones for different reasons), but it's definitely up there.

Hong Kong was my favorite level. Short yet replayable with nothing but combat. Indy kicking butt while wearing a nice tuxedo just the cherry on top.

On 2/20/2019 at 12:29 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Still do, as I found out. I was stuck on the Prague Courtyard level for like half an hour because I just couldn't leave without punching everyone repeatedly. I never even use the guns, aside from that one time I wanted to recreate the infamous swordsman battle with one of the generics with a knife in Istambul.

I remember not using ammo much the first and second time I played the game, as I'm always nervous about using something that has a limit in any game. Then I realized how much you're given, so I tend to balance gunfights and fistfights whenever I replay it.

On 2/20/2019 at 12:29 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Three games, actually.

I was tired when I wrote that.

On 2/20/2019 at 12:29 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

I shall graciously accept your kind praise!

You're welcome.

On 2/20/2019 at 12:29 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

If he escapes he disappears too.

Well that's bullcrap. Glad you stuck a lance through him.

On 2/20/2019 at 12:29 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

FE1 had, like, 2 portraits available to use for every single boss in the game. Even Michalis was a recolor back then!

Better than Awakening, which just straight up reuses the same portraits. Although being fair, they never reuse them for the story chapters, only the optional maps. It's also kind of weird which characters don't get a reused portrait, as a few are some of the flattest characters in the game, even when compared to the other bosses.

On 2/20/2019 at 12:29 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

You piece of trash, making me laugh with these things...

I shall take that as a compliment.

On 2/20/2019 at 12:29 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Hahahahahaha, crossover with Bagman, oh good God...

Glad to see it got a laugh.

On 2/20/2019 at 12:29 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Heck, dimensions away, as I gave him the stare too, and I'm not even from the same plane of existance!

So real life!Saint Rubenio and Story!Ruben both gave him death glares? And then there's what happened in the last Lets Play, so...

On 2/20/2019 at 12:29 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

What do you mean, they did it better? How could anything possibly be better than this horrendously dumb shit?

As in, the bandit brothers have a little more effort put into their differences than just a different colored bandanna.

If seen from the angle of how ridiculous this is, the Kaga won that award, no question. Unless Wesnoth having four brothers who were all bandits and accidentally raised the undead counts.

On 2/20/2019 at 12:29 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Losing his balls was just the first trial.

On the bright side, he's no longer susceptible to sexual temptation. Maybe that's punishment/karma for having shirtless harpies on his ship?

On 2/20/2019 at 12:29 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

0zfd96rn o Did Eugen also try to convince him to abandon you back then?

You're not going to let Eugen live that down, are you?

On 2/20/2019 at 12:29 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

0zfd96rn o Be warned, we're about to get a history lesson. It's all quite interesting stuff, but it's dense, so be wary.

Thanks for the warning.

On 2/20/2019 at 12:29 PM, Saint Rubenio said:
Jl6iqjcj o

P1zzgcas o It's quite refreshing that only two of them are confirmed dead. The way things are looking, we might even get playable legends, akin to Athos, except not as Gotohs, I would hope!

It is pretty refreshing that only some of these characters are dead. I don't remember if any Fire Emblem games allow you to use legendary characters that appear before the story begins.

On 2/20/2019 at 12:29 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

0zfd96rn o ...Nariz? Really? Spanish for "nose" was one of the Six Sages? Good grief... no wonder he went nuts.

Hearing game companies from different countries use foreign words they don't know the meaning to is always interesting and occasionally hilarious.

On 2/20/2019 at 12:29 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

1pcfv1ay oLet's see... It was fourteen years ago. Prince Arless's wife Selene was murdered, his mansion set ablaze, and his two children presumed dead among the ashes. Eisenbach was Lady Selene's father. He swore that the incident was all a plot by one of the royal concubines. Bahanuk was furious, and he banished him.

0zfd96rn o One of the royal concubines, huh? I have a feeling we've heard of a concubine of Bahanuk's being a dickhead before...

While I don't think that the building being set ablaze was in the original gaiden, it is present in Echoes. Along with children presumed dead turning out to be alive.

Mycen was blamed on some of the child killings, though, so that's from the original gaiden. And Kaga did the "concubines do something evil" before Fates.

On 2/20/2019 at 12:29 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Zq8hrkhn o

In other words, 80-90% of the enemies you fight in Fire Emblem.

On 2/20/2019 at 12:29 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Whew, that was a really good scene. I swear, the more I see Barker, the more I like him. He seems like such a reasonable, honorable man. I hope he'll live long enough to succeed his father and right the wrongs he's done. Barbarossa's great, too. They struck me as old friends, those two.

Agreed, it is a good scene. Captain Barker is becoming more and more of an awesome character the more we see him. I am nervous about his ultimate fate, though...

On 2/20/2019 at 12:29 PM, Saint Rubenio said:
Inyzjixc o

This year's score? What...?

An amusing coincidence.

On 2/20/2019 at 12:29 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Em7mgiau oGmsegd8a o

Well, on the bright side, there's no way in hell this is going to be the real boss of the next chapter. Look at that, he's even got a nickname!

I suppose this is what is called an interface spoiler?

Granted, considering that it's possible to kill recruitable characters in Fire Emblem, that's probably not a bad thing.

On 2/20/2019 at 12:29 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

HP 70% - Strength 35% - Skill 25% - Speed 35% - Defense 22% - Magic 10% - Luck 45% - Mastery 35%

Oh my God, Lionheart, dude! I understand you need to stay in Blaad, but at least leave me something better, a cool bow or something, I don't know! What the heck is this? Shirou is worse in a few areas than Leonie at base, which would already be bad enough, but he's also got the crippling flaw of being like Arkis at the beginning of the game: he can't use anything because his mastery is too low. He can use the wooden bow and that's it. I'm not kidding. Y'know, the bow with 3 might? And his base strength is bad too. He gains Canto at level 14, which is... okay, I guess, but Grassrunner is a strong contender for the least memorable terrain skill, his growths are mediocre, his bases are bad, he can only use the wooden bow at base, he's got no supports for the time being, he joins right before one of the game's hardest chapters, he can only use the wooden bow at base, his personality is as I've said before Tomas without the funny hairdo, HAVE I MENTIONED, HE CAN ONLY USE THE WOODEN BOW AT BASE!?

If he's not benched, I'm laying bets that he'll die first on Runan's route.

On 2/20/2019 at 12:29 PM, Saint Rubenio said:
Nv3e2mi9 o

Are you General Lawrence?


On 2/20/2019 at 12:29 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

0zfd96rn o Guess not. Tch... what kind of name is Logg, anyway?

I'd take a stab that someone wrote their birth certificate in pen, and no one bothered to fix the spelling mistake.

On 2/20/2019 at 12:29 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

0zfd96rn o Once again, really cool stuff we won't get to see. Still, I do dig the idea of the NPCs doing things while the protagonists protag.

It's honestly kind of surprising how rarely that happens in videogames.

On 2/20/2019 at 12:29 PM, Saint Rubenio said:
Iui5i21i o

Oh, whoa. You look important.


That's some... pretty interesting hair on his chin, to say the least.

On 2/20/2019 at 12:29 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

P1zzgcas o Raphael? That's a name that sounds familiar... no, I don't mean the Three Houses trailer, I mean before that. Guess Liza was right about her husband's survival.

So is this dude the Ninja Turtle or the artist?

On 2/20/2019 at 12:29 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

P1zzgcas o Maybe you could try recruiting him? I'd love to have that beast on my team.

Foreshadowing... maybe.

On 2/20/2019 at 12:29 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

0zfd96rn o ...this is different...?

Took the words out of my mouth.

On 2/20/2019 at 12:29 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

P1zzgcas o Friendly reminder that, in fiction (and maybe in real life, I don't know), people tend to get venom out of other people's bodies by sucking on the wound. So this is Zieg just sucking on Kate's leg in the middle of the forest. Great. Now's when Albertus randomly walks in on them...


Although I have wondered what would happen if someone accidentally swallowed the venom while doing that. I'm not certain if I want an answer, though...

On 2/20/2019 at 12:29 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Ih49ob2i o'Tis a magnificent stronghold. It makes excellent use of the terrain of the forest surrounding it. The forest is thick and difficult to see or move through, and the fort's ballistae and catapults will repel any invaders who dare use the front entrance. This will be no easy battle, Lord Runan.

In other words, Gaiden/Echoes grueling yet awesome castle maps.

I seriously wish there were more in the game, they were challenging, but fun.

On 2/20/2019 at 12:29 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

0zfd96rn o Understatement of the century, goddamnit! This is where my perfect death count for Runan's route is going to come to an end, believe me. Someone is guaranteed to die here. Just watch.

Who are you bringing into the level? I want to place bets.

On 2/20/2019 at 12:29 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Um606rva oThis battle could decide the whole war...

0zfd96rn o Oh, God help us...

This gave me a good laugh. Oh boy...

On 2/20/2019 at 12:29 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

0zfd96rn o Notice how her portrait's all sad-looking now? It changes to that in this part of the scene, at the same time as some dramatic music starts blaring in the background.

For some reason, this sentence made me picture this scene as a melodramatic soap opera. Except this actually has good writing.

On 2/20/2019 at 12:29 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

0zfd96rn o Damn... some might say this whole drama with Barbarossa's too rushed, since we only just met him, and honestly? They'd be right, but I'm a sucker for this whole sequence. It's just... well done, you know? We weren't there to see it as players, but it is made absolutely clear that this man was a beloved figure of Canaan, one of its pillars of strength, and they're just about to lose him just like that. It hits the right strings for me. Much like the likes of Selena, Lorenz and Gale, I really don't want to be forced to kill this great man.

It is rushed, but in a way were that's not necessarily a bad thing here. There really wasn't an opportunity to show this beforehand.

On 2/20/2019 at 12:29 PM, Saint Rubenio said:
Fo7y4yyq o

0zfd96rn o Ah, there's our real boss of the day. Now this is more of what I like to murder without remorse.

This is the third time the initial boss is replaced by a cult member as the true enemy. Is this a trend in this game?

On 2/20/2019 at 12:29 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

P1zzgcas oThis is Silva's father? No wonder she's such a badass!

I had to look her up, but I see what you mean.

On 2/20/2019 at 12:29 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Jgdd7hcv oHeh, it's of no consequence to me. I'm going to enjoy watching you suffer, General Barbarossa.

0zfd96rn o Not likely. I'm going to rip you apart for making fun of him, bleach-hair! And for the experience.

Badass quote, Ruben.

On 2/20/2019 at 12:29 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Next time, one of this game's most memorable maps. In fact, I'd go as far as to say that this is, bar none, my favourite chapter in the entire game. Don't miss it, you! It would be a tragedy if you did, for this is one of the highlights of the game! Fare well so you may watch well! See you next update!

I shall cook up some popcorn to prepare for what awaits us.

On 2/20/2019 at 12:29 PM, Saint Rubenio said:
Rtlhvags o
Nextwqqf oBdpjojy5 o
Oinqh1xy o

Seeing what happens later, I'm guessing that the hooded person will either be a second assassin or kill Rubens assailant.

On 2/20/2019 at 12:29 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Wdchosm9 o

So why are you gloating?

On 2/20/2019 at 12:29 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

To be continued...

The plot thickens...

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4 hours ago, Hawkwing said:
On 2/21/2019 at 3:29 AM, Saint Rubenio said:


Eh, more like there's more to that stuff than meets the eye, and I know it's unwise to treat it lightly. As I said, though, that's a discussion for another place.

I'm not exactly sure what you were thinking, but seeing as it's not the reaction expected, I'm coming clean. As a joke on the fact my father's name is Odin, as loosely mentioned previously, I decided to reference Mimir's Well from Norse Mythology... where Odin sacrificed his eye for knowledge to do the ultimate "my dad works at Nintendo" parody where I "leak" details of a future event by claiming I used the well. I obviously could not say I actually sacrificed an eye, so I decided to throw in a reference to a lacklustre game that Club Nintendo gave out as a prize for a competition for some reason despite the fact it went for $5 new. To complete the hoax, I PM'd Ruben to get him to play along and act like I actually spoilered something. Sasha's speech was referential in two parts. There's the mandatory Frollo reference about plunging slaver into the fiery pit, and the rest of it's a reference to a guy who threatened my friend online once by telling him he was going to "fly to your location and slice you". The rest is kind of exaggeration taking an idiotic threat and making it as grandiose as possible. So long story short, if there's a problem, however unintended, I'll take full blame because it was my idea, my wording and my references.

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7 hours ago, Mad-manakete said:

I'm not exactly sure what you were thinking, but seeing as it's not the reaction expected, I'm coming clean. As a joke on the fact my father's name is Odin, as loosely mentioned previously, I decided to reference Mimir's Well from Norse Mythology... where Odin sacrificed his eye for knowledge to do the ultimate "my dad works at Nintendo" parody where I "leak" details of a future event by claiming I used the well. I obviously could not say I actually sacrificed an eye, so I decided to throw in a reference to a lacklustre game that Club Nintendo gave out as a prize for a competition for some reason despite the fact it went for $5 new. To complete the hoax, I PM'd Ruben to get him to play along and act like I actually spoilered something. Sasha's speech was referential in two parts. There's the mandatory Frollo reference about plunging slaver into the fiery pit, and the rest of it's a reference to a guy who threatened my friend online once by telling him he was going to "fly to your location and slice you". The rest is kind of exaggeration taking an idiotic threat and making it as grandiose as possible. So long story short, if there's a problem, however unintended, I'll take full blame because it was my idea, my wording and my references.

I see. Thanks for the explanation.

Long story short, I reacted/replied that way because I know that supernatural and spiritual stuff does exist, and it's not wise to seek those things out. I know that most cultures today take a secular approach to those kind of things, but that's because they've done that to themselves. Go to certain parts of the world, and you'll get a very different story.

I would go into more detail, but that's the sort of thing you discuss with someone face to face, not on an online forum with someone I've never personally met.

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Part 34 - Moving up in the world.

Xtdpailf o

Camus got one-shot by Matthis. In hard 3.

That is all.


On 20/2/2019 at 7:36 PM, Dayni said:

It appears that he tried some more normal archaeology.

But then forgot to make his section large enough for him to not get stuck.

But it's a gestapo agent, why would one of those randomly want to do the thing Indy does? After being thrown off the edge by him and falling two stories?

Oh I did.

Except when Nuibaba happened (That fucking boss forced a reset. In the game with the turnwheel. I was a bit pissed off after that.). And something related to the postgame.

All I know about Nuibaba is that they removed all the slime and it turned out a dominatrix was hiding under it. Can't say I get it.

I mean, not really.

  Reveal hidden contents

That would imply either of them are capable of doing it at all.

And that would kind of require being able to move about freely. I don't think the wholly dead can do that.

LIESLIESLIESLIESLIESman's bride shouldn't have been able to move either after what he did to her. But she did move.

I am pretty sure I don't.

Well, he had a lot of brothers in FE1.

I didn't think it was right there either. Then again, I swear Lang is Jiol's cousin. And we all know how cancer multiplies......

Yeah, Lang was also a brother of Jiol in FE3. It wasn't until FE12 that he was given his own look. Which was... pretty much Archanean Jiol, but eh.

I would not call that mercy.

At this point, she might as well actually kill them.

She's a sadistic bitch hiding behind a veil of non-lethality, ain't she?

I never thought Sennet was pronounced like Senate, so that doesn't really work for me.

What? Is this going to be a Sean/Seamus situation? How is Sennet pronounced, then, if not Senate? Shaynut?

Besides, he's not evil enough to be the Senate.

Well, we don't know that yet. The Senate didn't always look like a decaying waxwork.

About right.


I mean, with Eugen's recent actions, are we sure he hasn't been affected by the same phenomenon as Bad Merlinus in BB? Maye it somehow survived the event and is even now using old advisers as hosts.

I would doubt it. He'd never be able to possess Eugen. I think in this case, the simplest answer is the truth: he's not a very good tactician. Even though he's the army's tactician, according to himself.

Why is it always the concubines?

Because thots are evil, I guess?

Also, another for Kaga did it first bingo: Camilla's background involved concubine wars where the kids literal died in the attempt to get themselves noticed by Groans himself. There were three survivors.

Oh, please... that's not even subtle!

Bararossa, now that's a man who looks like his name fits.

Fun fact: Barbarossa doesn't actually mean "Redbeard" in spanish. That'd be Barbaroja. Barbarossa is more like "Pinkbeard" but with an extra "s". Sorry, I think I may've ruined the name. To be fair, it does work in Italian, and Spain is far from being the center of the world, so it's still an awesome name.

Not at all like Holes or Pavlov. 

Or Lentzenheimer.

Poor Marshall in particular.

Indeed. Poor fellow drew the short straw when it came to the bosses.

This man is an absolute unit.

He's like Douglas but good.

Oh, of course you'd say something like that. Worse yet, I can't even argue you there, he is godly!

Shirou, why do you do this? Wooden Bow. At base.

Apparently the crests are to blame after all.

He's not relevant enough for the Edelgard memes.

And the hints that the rest of Kaga's notes are now being used in FE keeps growing.

Real talk, though, the fact that a new translation comes around and changes the terrible names "Lofaru" and "Rennie" to "Raphael" and "Leonie" and just a couple years later IntSys happens to release a game with a Raphael and a Leonie is kind of a ridiculous """""""""""""""""""coincidence"""""""""""""""""". That's all it is. Probably.

Honestly I wish, then she could never be lost.

That'd be a dream come true.

Matthis just looks to the distance, disappointed at how that had turned out. Hence why he didn't get involved with Eugen and Albertus arguing.

I have to assume that every time he visits Lena he just gives Julian the silent treatment.

Yeah, I always got some awkward vibes from their dialogue in the FE12 finale. Matthis just goes "ah, I'm glad you've understood she's too good for you. Attaboy, Julian!" in a really condescending manner, completely oblivious to the fact that it was Lena herself that put the moves on Julian. While standing in front of Medeus.

I imagine he couldn't have been pleased when they told him the truth. And considering my Matthis is canonically overpowered as heck...


That implies that Eugen could these days. Dragons are pretty immune in Lieberia after all.

'Twould be a battle of titans, that much is for sure.

Man you're really helping make Eugen more of a jerk.

What point is there to the bitter bellyaching indeed?

Oh, believe me, this is nowhere near the heights of how much of a jerk he can be. Eugen's great, but man is he a bastard sometimes.

I know right?

Right out of nowhere that was.

C'moooooooon it's not out of nowhere! See, she hated him for nearly the entirety of FE6, but then they fought a couple of times! I'm a good writer, y'know?

I mean, it is him doing it for reasons other than "My country, right or wrong" though, isn't it?

He wants Barker to survive to improve Canann, reversing recent actions and throwing out the cult that's grown in Canann's back yard. He does question the nation and unlike plenty of Camuses does something with the intent of provoking change. That action of course being against the heroes and also implies that he's certain that Barker will be able to make those changes.

That's... exactly what I was saying, right? Unless I made thousands of typos.

Turns out I wasn't as far of as I thought.

I guess he took his former employer's hood with him.

But Humphrey's hood was bright green...

Well, it's that time again.

Hahah, missed these since last LP?


On 20/2/2019 at 8:09 PM, BrightBow said:

Well, a Happy Belated Birthday. And a swift recovery. Kinda awkward to say those two things together.

A little, but thanks anyway!

Anyway, soooo... Fort Balt without Zieg, Raffin or Vega...

Good luck.

Who needs those top-tier losers? We got a tank!

Ergh, in the other route, but that's fine. We've got badasses of our own here with Runan.


On 20/2/2019 at 10:14 PM, eclipse said:

There, DONE!  And I even managed a political crack, too!

Unbelievable, you actually went for it, you mad woman! Hahahah, amazing! Except people are going to wonder what's up with that now, but eh, I'm fine with that. Rest assured, Esther's getting a round of catching up at the Isura swamp.

The lack of promo-items worries me, though. I'm afraid I may've used up all the Knight's Crests we'll be getting any time soon. Perhaps I'll be able to use Esther, but I don't think I'll be able to use San like I promised Tryhard. I'm sorry.

Arkis isn't leaving the bench. Don't even start, Butterboy.


On 20/2/2019 at 10:51 PM, BrightBow said:

Shirou can use Bowguns too, for whatever that's worth. But yeah, that's not a great way to join the party. Even Luka can use Iron Bows at base.

Ah, so he can. Hm.

And while I haven't used him yet, nothing about his data suggests he brings anything interesting to the table. His growths are average. Promotion is also pretty unimpressive. Skills are *meh*...

You trying to tempt me into using him? By now you should know that's the kind of unit I'd use.


On 21/2/2019 at 6:07 AM, Mad-manakete said:

Not on did he return, he brought The Roger the General with him. Coincidentally, I just started a run of Shadow Dragon with intent of using 4 of those characters. I'll let you guess which ones.


Nah, in all seriousness, gonna guess Cain, Lena, Etzel and maaaybe Minerva?

No. There's a lot of branching levels and endings decided by gameplay. Unfortunately the gameplay is kind of barebones to make up for it. "Kill all of x" or "collect all of y". Then sometimes a specific enemy in one particular level apparently doesn't appear due to a glitch and I spend 3 hours looking for it. I am not still bitter

A shame.

Banging escorts? That doesn't sound like a very Priest-Lee way to behave.

You know what they call that in my village? "Grasping for straws".

This reminds me of Echoes for some reason. Mansions being set ablaze. Really now.

Dayni already mentioned that, yes. The resemblance is uncanny.

Better not be Lee. That would be horrendousLee bad for my puns.

You could always say we need to honor him by keeping the pun game up.


On 22/2/2019 at 1:33 AM, Hawkwing said:

Happy Birthday! Hope you get well soon! I'm glad you're reunited with your childhood game! I fondly recall the moments I've done so with Pirates! Live the Life!

I'm loving it.

This is the PC version of the game, right? I have the XBOX version, and I don't recall having things like that occur. Then again, it has also been a while since I last played it.

I also didn't remember Indy making weird faces, so there's that. Nostalgia gonna do that for you. Though what I did remember was that, if you drink from your canteen while you try to operate a lever (it works with anything, even punching, but levers lead to the funniest results), Indy's arms will remain stuck in the drinking animation, making it look like he's pulling the lever with his cock. That made me laugh so much back in the day. Still does.

Building off what Mad-Manakete said, there are ten total endings in Shadow the Hedgehog, and while some are kinda neat, others are pretty strange (such as being a good guy the entire game only to do an evil mission at the last minute, and vice versa). Not that it really matters, as there's a final story unlocked for completing all the endings, and it's considered canon, for whatever that's worth in the Sonic continuity.

The canon ending to the Sonic continuity is that Sonic had to return to his planet and died on the way there. Then Sega died too.

As for the game itself, people either seem to hate it for the repetitiveness, think it's "meh" with some strong and some weak points, and others love the cheesiness of the game trying too hard to be edgy. I fall into the "meh" camp, as I had fun with the game and some levels are pretty neat, but it was the first game that I ever sold, as I got tired of the constant swearing and boring objectives.

I understand.

...wait, no, I don't understand! If the constant swearing in Shadow the friggin' Hedgehog of all things put you off, how come you're still here, reading this? I fucking swear all the goddamn shitting time, blistering motherfucking barnacles! Are you just waiting for the day I get banned? 'Cause that ain't gonna happen, I can make the mods change their ranks, y'know! Sorry, not sorry, I'm just feeling too smug about that.

Eh, more like there's more to that stuff than meets the eye, and I know it's unwise to treat it lightly. As I said, though, that's a discussion for another place.

I can understand where you're coming from with this and your later reply, even if I don't personally agree, myself. Let us put it aside.

That's not the weirdest weapon in the game. There are ones that look cartoony, alien weapons, and the stuff you get for completing each ending. Not to mention that there's a "use stop signs and branches as weapons", thing going on, which is weird considering they have an ammo count and you get more by... breaking stop signs and branches.

It still doesn't beat throwing nazis at more nazis. God, I love that game too much...

The combat system is amazing. I've heard that it's a modified version of the Buffy the Vampire Slayer videogame. I don't know if I would call it the best melee system I've seen in a video game (although that might just be because I enjoy different ones for different reasons), but it's definitely up there.

I mean, the game's not without flaws (it's way too easy, for instance, although there's a certain mod that fixes that if you want some challenge), but that combat system is what's kept me coming back all these years. In fact, I haven't a single memory of anything beyond Von Beck's demise, because normal combat ends after that and I couldn't be arsed. This time, though, I shall finish it. Not sure if I did or not back in the day, but I'll be sure this time!

Hong Kong was my favorite level. Short yet replayable with nothing but combat. Indy kicking butt while wearing a nice tuxedo just the cherry on top.

Ah, yes, Hong Kong was definitely up there. Absolutely amazing, and the tuxedo was great. Some of my other all-time favourites, aside from that, are the last three of the Peng Lai base, the first two of Istambul, Prague Courtyard, the tower of Vega... I pretty much have a favourite for each day of the week. That's what I love about the game, it's just so varied in its scenery. Take Istambul 2, with it's huge pit in the middle to throw nazis and nazi arabs into. So great.

I remember not using ammo much the first and second time I played the game, as I'm always nervous about using something that has a limit in any game. Then I realized how much you're given, so I tend to balance gunfights and fistfights whenever I replay it.

I don't. Fistfighting is so much more fun. Even when I face terrible odds, I just don't mind ending up dead, because it just means I get to fight again.

I was tired when I wrote that.

Oki dokie!

You're welcome.


Well that's bullcrap. Glad you stuck a lance through him.

I am glad of that as well.

Better than Awakening, which just straight up reuses the same portraits. Although being fair, they never reuse them for the story chapters, only the optional maps. It's also kind of weird which characters don't get a reused portrait, as a few are some of the flattest characters in the game, even when compared to the other bosses.

Yeah, you haven't seen FE1, have you? If you did, you'd agree there's no way to argue anything's worse than it. Of course, it's understandable, because hardware limitations, but still.

Oh, but rest assured, this game is a strong contender for the worst misuse of portrait recycling. You'll see, there's one case in particular that is absolutely attrocious.

I shall take that as a compliment.

Go ahead.

Glad to see it got a laugh.

Feel proud of yourself, yes.

So real life!Saint Rubenio and Story!Ruben both gave him death glares? And then there's what happened in the last Lets Play, so...

Ol' Humphrey's also giving him the death glare from the grave.

Hey, that reminds me, the Poem situation fits the little plottwist from the end of the FE6 LP... huh.

As in, the bandit brothers have a little more effort put into their differences than just a different colored bandanna.

If seen from the angle of how ridiculous this is, the Kaga won that award, no question. Unless Wesnoth having four brothers who were all bandits and accidentally raised the undead counts.

Wait, what? Who's Wesnoth?

Oh, it's not a guy, it's a game. I see.

On the bright side, he's no longer susceptible to sexual temptation. Maybe that's punishment/karma for having shirtless harpies on his ship?

Or maybe he just bit more than he could chew and he got skewered through the dick by Kreiss, simple as that. He probably still has the sexual temptations.

You're not going to let Eugen live that down, are you?

How can I?

Thanks for the warning.

It is pretty refreshing that only some of these characters are dead. I don't remember if any Fire Emblem games allow you to use legendary characters that appear before the story begins.

There's Athos. Pretty sure that's it.

Hearing game companies from different countries use foreign words they don't know the meaning to is always interesting and occasionally hilarious.

To be entirely fair with them, Narith isn't quite the same as Nariz, although in english they're both pronounced the same, which is enough to make me rant.

While I don't think that the building being set ablaze was in the original gaiden, it is present in Echoes. Along with children presumed dead turning out to be alive.

Again, Dayni mentioned that already. It is as blatant as it seems.

Mycen was blamed on some of the child killings, though, so that's from the original gaiden. And Kaga did the "concubines do something evil" before Fates.

KDEF! See if you can figure that one out.

In other words, 80-90% of the enemies you fight in Fire Emblem.


Agreed, it is a good scene. Captain Barker is becoming more and more of an awesome character the more we see him. I am nervous about his ultimate fate, though...

Guess only time will tell...

An amusing coincidence.

Right? I didn't even notice it at first, only when I was writing the update did I actually realize it was this year.

I suppose this is what is called an interface spoiler?

If you remember, it had already happened with Norton and Maerchen. Third time continues to be the charm, hopefully?

Granted, considering that it's possible to kill recruitable characters in Fire Emblem, that's probably not a bad thing.

Remember Roger. Lost amidst the sea of generic Knights.

If he's not benched, I'm laying bets that he'll die first on Runan's route.

Poor guy.


Can't say I get it, but I like it.

I'd take a stab that someone wrote their birth certificate in pen, and no one bothered to fix the spelling mistake.

He wanted to write Rogg, but slipped.

It's honestly kind of surprising how rarely that happens in videogames.

Yes, it's why I am fine with it.


That's some... pretty interesting hair on his chin, to say the least.

Now that I've taken a good look at it, it does look pretty funny.

So is this dude the Ninja Turtle or the artist?

The spanish singer.

Foreshadowing... maybe.

Hah! I got you all confused. Nice.

Took the words out of my mouth.

Probably out of some other people's mouths, too.



Although I have wondered what would happen if someone accidentally swallowed the venom while doing that. I'm not certain if I want an answer, though...

They both die, that's what happens. There's a reason they spit with haste after every sucku sucku.

In other words, Gaiden/Echoes grueling yet awesome castle maps.

I seriously wish there were more in the game, they were challenging, but fun.

I've heard they're the only maps that were well designed in that game!

Who are you bringing into the level? I want to place bets.

Piece of...!

This gave me a good laugh. Oh boy...

Now watch as nobody dies and I have to desperately look through my LPing manual for ideas to make this thing interesting.

For some reason, this sentence made me picture this scene as a melodramatic soap opera. Except this actually has good writing.

That would be because it is a melodramatic soap opera except with actually good writing.

It is rushed, but in a way were that's not necessarily a bad thing here. There really wasn't an opportunity to show this beforehand.

The way I see it, they do a good job at establishing that, despite the fact that we didn't get to see it as the audience, Barbarossa and Stephanie were very close, and it breaks little Steph's hear to have to abandon his dear old "uncle".

This is the third time the initial boss is replaced by a cult member as the true enemy. Is this a trend in this game?

Might be.

I had to look her up, but I see what you mean.

C'mon, we met her. I understand not remembering Ezekiel, but Silva's design is like, top 5 of this game's character designs. Top 1 is obviously Footballman.

Badass quote, Ruben.

Thank you very much.

I shall cook up some popcorn to prepare for what awaits us.

Thank you not much at all! You bastard, stop eating popcorn while I struggle to not be bad!

Seeing what happens later, I'm guessing that the hooded person will either be a second assassin or kill Rubens assailant.

Good guesses, both of them. Now's when I make him just be a random hunter who always happened to be near Byrlyat just to spite you.

So why are you gloating?

Hey, let's be fair, have you ever seen how long dark magic takes to get to the point in the GBA games? It's even slower in FE6, which is where Byrlyat comes from! He's probably begun casting the spell and is just gloating while it gets to plot!me.

The plot thickens...

T H I C C   P L O T

Okay, I'm embarrassed of myself now, I'm sorry.


On 22/2/2019 at 6:34 AM, Mad-manakete said:


Ladies and gentlemen... we got 'em. That's all I've gotten out of this whole situation.


On 22/2/2019 at 1:50 PM, Hawkwing said:

Another snip

Gotcha good, lad. Hah! We are winner, Mad-Manakete and I!

Anyhow, I already have the fate of the fat fuck laid out, and it's... well, he was sort of on the right track, in a way. You'll see, one of these days.



Ah, yes, this one. I've been looking forward to this. Can you tell, by the fact that I took almost a week to push the dialogue update but barely a couple days for this? Let's get going.
Be wary, though. This is going to be a long update. It's all going to be worth watching, but there's a lot, so take your time. I know I will.
Czbk1kue oZ6hffgnf o

First, inventory management. I suppose I might have some use for Zieg, so here, have a javelin? Mintz takes the pilum, of course. You take some weapons, too, Sharon.

I1nbtyya oHyksinq5 o

But that's all not important. What matters is that Leonie's ready. This chapter will be the one to mark what her performance throughout the LP will be like. If she lives and gets good stats, she'll be even more godly than Dorothy, Igrene or Tomas ever were. If she dies, then that's that, but I don't think she will, I mean, look at all the protective gear I dumped on her!

Xbhy0w6p o

This is today's team. Only Raffin gets to sit Balt out, because his base stats are completely worthless at this point. If the worst comes to the worst, Zieg's great terrain data and workable bases should be able to do something, at least.

Bbsoeuvh o

The battlefield for today. That may not look like a lot of troops, but hoo boy, believe me, it's gonna get rough real fucking quick.

Oyczx2lx o2udmxyju oVfwznero o

For starters, we got Summoners. The first two are just fodder factories, easy experience for Leonie. Mahovah, though, will be summoning Harpies, which is really, really bad, since we can't even get to him without throwing a flier in the midst of, like, a thousand bow users. Speaking of!

Ahmhueeg oNn9kj5s2 o

There's this one who doesn't need a tower to get extra range, this one who hits four times, three ballistae are waiting for the opportunity to swat our fliers out of the air (or our mages out of the ground!), the fancy one on a horse by Barbarossa has a brave crossbow, the Archer to the other side of Barbarossa has a longbow...

C0dynk4f o

This guy ALSO has an arbalest despite being on top of a tower! Look at that range, it's insane!

Rdphlwwm oDfxzkcpg oHkoyhvvj o

Really, aside from the random summons from Mahovah's generic underlings, there isn't a single unit here that's fodder. Every one of these guys has a purpose and the formation is, overall, nothing short of brilliant. A great instance of story and gameplay integration: Fort Balt definitely lives up to the hype, and it got Barbarossa to top all the brilliance off. The Shield of Canaan himself! That's Murdock levels of awesomeness right there, and we get to see him as soon as chapter 18.

He's still the one standing on the gate, by the way, in case you didn't notice. I guess things will change sooner or later.

Lpkivsil o

Let us begin. Like I said earlier, one of Zieg's great perks is that he barely loses any movement from terrain. If I'd been using him, he'd be a great asset today, but since I haven't been using him, he's bad and will only be good to support Kate.

Pgas9hxr o1tbrip45 o

Sasha heads south while the others charge forward. This isn't Sasha's map, she can't risk getting anywhere near the fort because of all the archers with nasty bows (and more are on the way, because of that piece of crap Mahovah), so she'll be circling around the fort to take care of the summoners. Or just to idle there, since I want the experience for Leonie.

Mn1vqydd oBvj52ma7 o

Thundering tin-hatted nitwitted treacherous seagherkins! Not you, experiencebot, you're fine, I mean the purple waxwork over there!

Mg4sesei o58hw95uo oMqcfj7ye o

Ah, it has started... damn you!

4kzbz2c7 o

A-- gahaack...!

Def... defibrilator! I am not used to... this sort of sight... gghhh...!

Goodness gracious, that was like a jumpscare! Hoo...

Anyway, best level in the game so far, folks, and it's her first. Her first! She still has 36 to go! Hahahahahahahah... grow well enough, girl, and Raquel will be free to go with Holmes next route split for the most efficient Maerchen strats.

Y3zqllvq oBg0h9ssn oZ28jlff6 o

Mintz and Raquel get shot at, but Mintz cannot be hurt, and Raquel hurts back. As you can see, she has no qualms about killing monsters. Good on her.

Nypgdmna oQbpfkhvv o

This is why it's great to use Leonie: Mintz gets a lot out of their support. It's not quite the full 15% The Roger and Mel get, but it's still a hefty 10% for him. Really helpful at times.

2vhsnpbu oQ3qvoquh o

Here we go. Kaboom! Two deaths for the enemy!

Geonuzx2 oVadzgrwm oT1xokrp8 o

The turn ends, and the zombie guy finally decides to act. About time!

Qkpyifqd oVjiofn8v o

Ah, goodness gracious, damnable ballistae! They two-shot Leonie even with the iron shield!

Ubt7wdvh o

...oh, you can't be-- Mahovah's Harpies use the tower to get extended range after you kill that Archer! That's... rather amazing. Again, this map's design is just awesome.

33tebp4a oYyfpnlyl o

No matter. It went about as well as could be expected.

Dz7kdfqx o

Eh, it's fine. Could've been worse, could've been empty.

Gtfcsxil o78ov8pkr oPdurnm5x o

Lee patches up Leonie, and she's ready to go get some more Harpy experience.

T8wxdffk oKikayabs o

While she does that, our two promoted units get working on the gates of the fort. Yes, there's a gate there, 50 HP as usual. You need to break it down while under ballista fire. Joy.

Yt3x1ev2 o8yrlo92x o

Oh! He can kill one of these and go back to the safety of the woods with Canto! I knew it was a good idea to give him that book.

Kvzsmc1q o

There we go.

Uxtnk2bx ohttps://images2.imgbox.com/91/e3/to4madIX_o.png

He of course flurried the guy. There's really no reason not to use Flurry all the time if you have it, unless you risk dying to the extended rounds of combat or something like that. When you double, the amount of potential hits is doubled too, since Flurry doesn't do multiple hits, but rounds. Thanks to this, I'm sure even Leonie, middling as she is at base, would've been able to ruin that ballista in one Flurry round.

V0v3yhfw o

More of these. I won't be showing them all map, just wanted you to get an idea of what this map feels like.

Cbqu3jew oVjbtzc1m oZxha5c2k o4w8go31h oNsn9vvo4 o7zhtovvp o

Everyone took their fair share of shots that round. All those long-range bows... is this what playing Gaiden/Echoes feels like?

Wkob9rpy o

No, definitely not. You wouldn't get this kind of level in Gaiden! Bwahahah, absolutely amazing, Runan! I seem to have the weirdest kind of luck with Smiley Boy. He gets a shit level, then a good level. Then a shit level, then a good level again. So on, so forth.

Anyway, man! Runan's growing into quite the swordsman, isn't he? He can't really compare to Shigen, but despite their promotedness, he is close to Julia and Krishna. Keep it up, my man, prove to all that you're not the worthless Roy-ish Lord some make you out to be!

7igqk2xd oVdctddnf o

This is Meriel with the Starlight. She faces a flip-coin chance of getting hit twice, and she's got exactly enough defense and HP not to die in two hits. The forest should help her case, but I should still be very careful with her.

Fjezzmnx oSfud9eaq oCphnppfg o

Thankfully, when the Harpies can't get her from the tower, they don't live long enough to take two shots at her.

Rau1yob7 o

Still, I think I like Leonie better as the ranged attacker here. Seriously, what's with all my Mages in this run? Meriel and Maruj have both struggled to get good levels, Alicia was even worse, and even Lee's probably the worst Lee I've ever had! Thank goodness for that god-tier promotion, otherwise I'd be shit out of luck.

Eefjwmjq oL2hpms9k oThaiszik o

In preparation for the things to come, I have Runan hand over a magic shield to Kate. She doesn't use it yet, though. She's got a gate to break down!

5f8b95sx o

Rock Solid comin' through! As usual, he armorslays better than the armorslayer asshole, but he won't try it just yet.

Jgi4bekq o

Instead, he'll fail to kill a Harpy because I'm just lucky as all hell.

Mhls2td5 o

Mintz is even more over the top than The Roger with his lance thrusts. Calm down, Mintz, you're going to fall off your horse like that!

Kpp0lzdk oOyfttqj6 o

That'll be it for this team. Notice the four losers at the starting point. I don't think they'll be leaving that part of the map any time soon.

Gsqlbf4j oLmkvxwby o

Sasha has reached the zombiebot. I don't really feel like dealing with you, and you failed to produce any Entombed while I was getting there, so that's my patience freshly come to its end. Perish to Sasha's flashbangs of doom!

Aeomebn6 o6nawq19z o0uzikcyn oGtwicrox oRfu5l7lx o

Like last time, arrows rain down upon my units, who dodge swiftly and reliably. Thanks, guys.

9qkkeqq7 o

Meanwhile, Norton begins to face the enemy infantry.

Ngklplb3 oQmkvxii7 o

He didn't even get hit, come now. I wanted that Wrath goodness, Knight! You failed me!

U9mhafah oJdbbyq6a oNfw43xr9 o

This is how Sasha uses the levin sword up close: she stabs the enemy, leaves the sword hanging inside their throat, and then lightning strikes. Gee. She sure does feel the schadenfreude, does she not?

Kbec7gxx oCtlkwayk o

Ah, yes. Those are definitely better odds. Good thing we got that forest.

Kjlf4cw9 o

Meriel, why? Why do you have to be so bad? I like mages, you know, they're my favourite type of thing in medieval fantasies of any sort, but this game just fails to deliver! Where's Etzel when you need him? I'll have you know, the last Etzel I used capped defense by himself. It was amazing.

Ntrhecpc o

Whatever. Let's have our "sucky" Est Archer get another kill. I only say sucky because that's what the pros say. They did a TRS tier list at Reddit recently, see, and they placed her in Lame tier (that's second-to-bottom) because unpromoted Est Archer is terrible and not worth using.

O1k11g2k o

Heheh... I know I disagree with that notion. A little worse than the last, but it's still nothing short of formidable.

Mt0x1kbu oFinqylek oHsyxdfjf o

The Ogres have reached us at last. Mintz gives them a warm welcome.

Oqiawsza o

Lee gets HP. Eh, not bad. I can get behind this, somehow.

Y1shsu2g oXpsnpbhw o

Down you go. The true armor has prevailed!

Gmmikuam oMed5wfyk oE9ainsup o

Zieg begins to work on this ballista. I botched up the maths and thought he might be able to deal with it by himself. Nuh-uh.

4bqu7dn0 oEs24x46s o

Kate can use her awesome bow to deal with this one, though. That's one less ballista to worry about. What a relief!

G9ewqhu2 oZe7xtjwe o

The Harpy slaughtering continues.

Mrajzcn3 o

Christ... whenever I see my mages, I feel like crying. It's like, they all get stuck in this state where they have one of their offensive stats at 10 and everything else remains at 9 forever. It's just... oh, so frustrating... gah!

5dl6s7ih oZ27bji3l oIudgv1kp o

Ah, whatever the case, we're done for the turn.

1ijgenti o

That's it, undo all of Zieg's hard work. He gets to contribute exactly once in the entire LP, and that's the reward he gets? Poor fellow. Oh, don't look so sad, man. You can suck on Kate's leg again later, don't worry. Maybe other things of hers, too.

...okay, I definitely shouldn't have said that, I am sorry, I really am.

M9gl635h oFkbori8k o

Look, a distraction! Norton got hit! For all of nine damage.

F9nf8y30 o3ftbmlud o

Mmph! That's no good... 1% crit!

Ebgfdeer oZvqgnrqc o

That's a lot less threatening. Hah! You think you're the bravest Bow Knight around?

Pvex4cgn o

Think again! She even procced Adept, to add insult to injury! I'm so glad I gave you the chance to prove yourself, Kate.

Ekz2zfh4 o

Oh, goodness...

Nk7ixiba o

GAH! Why!? Everyone else is a local god of dodging, but you can't sidestep shit to save your hide! React, girl, react, I'm having you use that expensive tome for a reason!

Kgfwqyhi o

In all seriousness, though, I was expecting this to be a lot harder, but Norton's really making things go a lot more smoothy than I expected them to. You don't always get such a tanky unit to assault Fort Balt, and not everyone can just sit on the gate to take ballista, arbalest and longbow fire on top of everything else. Having a great tank certainly helps. Maybe this'll be less nasty than I thought it was going to be...

Q3amani1 o

Look at that. She can dodge some things! Then why won't you dodge more? You're making my heart race unnaturally fast, girl!

Kheclohy o

Oh, hey. We'll finally get to see Blizzard's animations.

3x9hkzvw oJmwrnamn oSnpsmzk8 o

As all spells in this game, it looks badass. Look at that! The middle picture is nothing short of beautiful. This game is so good looking, I love it.

Sdlwcf1z o

This is better looking, though. That guy can be a real threat, especially if he nabs a tower for himself, so I'm glad he's out of the way so soon.

Funmvw2t o

Pretty good. I like it very much. Not expecting Kate to be my best unit, but I'll be content with a serviceable bow rider. Kate's awesome, she deserves to be usable. Especially since her subplot requires that she is usable... oh, but I am getting ahead of myself.

Kiiogwdm oCusdvkcs o

Oi! Grubby mitts off the Lee! You've no right to touch him, he's off-Leemits territory for you!

Siunsxzr oPthe4dnh oT5vvkmlh o

Mintz, you can hurt. Or try to, at least!

Bn6ozgut o

Oho, nice! Excellent level up, Mintz. I'm glad you've decided not to be outdone by your Archer friend.

Srqvoaof o

Wohoah, okay, relax! Those are all kills Leonie wants!

Sywnu4f6 o

Sasha is attacked by Revenants.

Ap5qokb9 oJ90kmuyw o

For all the good it did them. Jeez... see, a part of me is kinda relunctant to promote her, because she'll lose a whopping 6 mag from it, but... 6 magic still only loses out to Krishna, and then she'll get great defense and strength. I'll have to see.

Slyu6hxh oJzwhaq7k oBnkdl03h o

Runan gets attacked, and then...

...then I was genial enough to capture a black screen! Isn't that great?

Neb6yxov o

What I was trying to catch on camera was Meriel's death. I really got too overconfident with her... rats! I, of all people, should know better than to rely on dodgetanking! Dodgetanking never works, goddamnit!

99hvh9ef o4cqmugak o

...oh? An actual dodge? In my thread?

O2g6w1gz o

Ah, never mind, that one'll get her...

99hvh9ef oPs0ck4pt oZuesedrt o

Oh. She's alive.


...she's alive?

Rmilunzs o
El0r8tzf oKaxab1xp o

What can I say. I'm damn proud of Meriel. Or the RNGoddess, one of the two. This is twice now that Meriel's been saved by convenient real life Deus Ex Machinas. I sure hope third time's not the charm in this case!

Or maybe it's not real life Deus Ex Machinas, but the goddess who protec? Yeah, I think the answer is to give more money to Footballman when I get the chance. Remind me to do it.

Lwsjvyk6 o

You did well, but still, you really need to get outta dodge. Go! Run, run like your life depends on it - because it does!

Oscgh9ic oMpaadt88 o

Anyway, with Meriel out of the picture, Kate will head south to take care of the last ballista.

Etzjzaum o

Meanwhile, Raquel shall level up.

Qwao9pnf o

Frankly, at this point you're set for life. I'd rather you got stats, but I think you'll be putting pretty much everybody to 1 HP from here to the end of the game, so there's no need.

Xdosyhx1 o57apkiad oZjoxvjsa o

Might as well get ol' Lee a kill.

Qeu9qqgc oGl4wznwk o

Runan retreats to heal, while Norton--

Dnlpskqt oDerghmck oYf3rwz5l o

...okay, the damage is starting to pile up. Norton, I really don't want to lose you here, so... please stop getting hit? Maybe?

Livzhti8 oJgc96nzp o

Man, that's a veritable army of Ogres that asshat summoned, and the brown ones are promoted, too. Still should be no big issue for Mintz and Leonie. In fact, I'm glad they're there. They should be more experience for Leonie.

Guq5ebtw oGpb9gt6a oHwx14udq o

With Meriel out of their reach, these bastards have decided to try their luck against Runan now. No! Not Runan! You'll force Eugen to use his resuscitating powers again!

Rs3ue7gu o

Oh, please...

Nknjevx3 oDvlmczg9 o

Norton takes three spears to the face.

Igoxc1n7 o

Hwahahahah! Ohhh, goodness gracious, this man! I knew I did well to count on him! Not much in the way of speed, but look at those General stats! And he's got a horse, to boot! Who needs Billford and his 5% move growth? Norton's eyebrowless self will kick that lame meme's butt all day, any day!

0v8r22yy oWowlfj01 oTcqewcyd o

Three of my best units get attacked. Although, honestly, in this route, that's kind of a redundant statement. Everyone with Runan is amazing, except for Meriel. And she's getting there, let's not be too harsh on the poor girl.

Xaejscxl o

What? Another one of the random monster drops? We've gotten three already, what in the world is this? I thought the chance was tiny!

Of course, they're only giving me the really shitty ones, but still. This is some nice cash.

Inhwx4du o4a1rqe8z oDqpebuoy o

The bad thing about the Harpies is that they have high crit against Norton. That really worries me. The sooner Mahovah is rendered unavailable, the better.

Ak5pzif6 o7mx22i8v oLrll64u8 o

We continue to kill Ogres. If you're wondering about the lack of Leonie levels, it's because she's so amazing despite her low level, she gets only 20 experience per pop. Level 9 cannot arrive soon enough...

7rejohxz oCnxixu6y o3xbehgcg o

Look at that, Enteh can't even heal Runan to full. Man, even if he can no longer fight as well at some point, I'll still be glad to have Lee as the team's healer. That 15 magic's going to be good forever for that. Better than Enteh's forever, too!

Zscu6f7t o

Especially when all she gets are stats she does not need!

Smqy4bnq o82n5pbtz oGrblsdkg o

Let's forget about useless little Enteh now, and focus on this paragon of female strength outdoing the cis white male, Zieg. Ergh, because she actually has a good weapon and is being used. In all seriousness, though, she's fucking great. On par with Mintz and The Roger, except she uses bows in a game where bows are actually great.

6b2fd7q8 oWwquofqx o

Raquel doesn't care, she's just here for... why is she still here, exactly? Can't really think of any reason, but I'm glad she's still with us anyway!

Zwv4uybd oGqlk3cgm o

Wrath's fun, but I still don't want to risk losing Norton to a crit. Heal up!

Axvdwnhf oUuhvbc3y oUnnyt1ex o

Runan, stop getting hit all the time, please! You're being a bad influence on Norton!

Ha1mtxlc oIhp9du4p o

Never mind, he somehow dodged that. Godspeed, you magnificent bastard.

Kdvum8vf oMwgh7im3 oJv23zixc o

Mintz is in a really critty mood today. Which is not pleasant for me, since that was one of the promoted Ogres, and I wanted to save that for Leonie.

Muniwsfy o

...okay, you know what, Mintz? You know best. You do what you think is right.

Vpyhu2wk oEt5jjfn8 oQuhodums o

Ah, Runan!

2ru0zil9 oX2ewijin oMvuzz8ng o


Ia4spv4t o

This is the first time we've gotten to see Wrath in all it's glory, isn't it? Look at that, 60% crit! Monstrous!

Vnp0bnha oGloy6pbe o

He even influenced Leonie's own crit, that's how high his crit is, he can afford to share! Great job, you two!

T3l7vnr3 o

I mean, don't get me wrong, speed's good, but where's that 10% move growth? I want you to leave this map with at least 6 move. Anything else will make me slightly upset.

Jjp35v8s oQa4nqckr o

That'll be a level for our Lord and savior. As you know, the pattern goes "good level, bad level", and last level was good, so get ready for the disappointment.

U11zwske oDpnbftq8 o

Eh, it's not that bad, all things considered. Still, do consider this to be a bad level. Gotta keep that pattern up so next level is great.

Lmludpki oUgcte1fj o

More death, more! We've got to have her kill while we can!

Ihafcrts o

Eh. Like I said, set for life.

Kmbmptxg oAwdkmztw o

The usual Harpies.

Jpjtswv0 oPiuiajij oGoj59aqk o

The usual focus on Runan (he dodged that last shot).

Sodf4daa oEgolb9nv oLamk0ubk o

Gah! Thank goodness I gave her all my shields. That wouldn't have been pretty otherwise.

Iob8fnbg o

Never mind. You rock, girl.

Wioq0is9 oZiclh0kf o

Hah! Outclass--

5bgtyawl o


Zhyapo9i o

Oh, jeez, that was intense... I legit through he might die from that for a second there!

8jzix94x oOctfyttl o

I am SO done with all of you. That's it, this is the turn we take the fort.

Wjchq7zt oBg0dizvz o

Avast, ye dog! That'll be enough moving for one lifetime! Also, 92% crit.

Oh God, why was I so careless, if he missed, he might've died in the enemy phase...

Iy8dedat o

I let the Wrath make me reckless. Let's go back to overly cautious Ruben mode. Lee, heal him up. The 92% crit makes me feel all nice and warm inside, but I'd rather not risk Norton falling prey to another unfortunate Harpy crit.

Ct6u5r3o o

Whoa... will she be able to kill that one, even with Flurry?

Jhpcccbq o

Turns out she was! 34/6 = 6 shots needed to kill. She fired 6 shots thanks to Flurry. This skill, man. So godly. And she'll make it even more godly, if her levels keep on coming the way they've been coming so far!

R4pluftw oUmtcn4aa oLbj1msdz o

O O F   7 5   D A M A G E

Tom, sorry man, but you've been one-upped. Ah, you still have the best defense of both teams, don't worry. Norton's getting there, though...

04brqwmk oEql6roiq o

Look, Shirou, a fight! I don't think anyone's had you fight before! Rejoice!

Pzz0fy9w oMpk0j21m oTn96usbu o

I dig his sprite, but when you see Lionheart's, you'll realize there is no competition.

Eht3scuq o

Okay, so it turns out this wasn't the turn we claimed the fort for ourselves. No matter. Next will be it.

Aol5pdfh oSusywzot oD8pw9c08 o

The enemies try a last-ditch effort to take down Runan and end the battle right here. A fruitless endeavor!

Okrvfxfr o7f4cl7xv o

Then they try to wear down Seamus's shield that Lee is carrying, to no avail.

Zeegwykn oK5usy5ov o

Yeah, overall, they just failed to do the things they set out to do.

Fiz3z7nt oFopwwj6l oZsk66ehm o

Now! All troops, assault Fort Balt! Readers, disregard the fact that only one of these three screenshots depicts somebody assaulting Fort Balt!

Ca5iqoxh o

D'ah, that's fine. You're still amazing.

Urrvt1y2 o

Time for a little visiting. The only reason he's going into Fort Balt is so he can keep on supporting Kate, really.

Bsbf03ly o

Well, hello there. Wait, isn't that Kate's face...?

Bsbf03ly o06nw5gqa o

Okay, not quite, but there is a bit of a resemblance... huh. Well, I guess there can only be so many faces in the world.

Ctmximdg oYou see, there's no one who cares more about his soldiers' happiness than the general. "You young men are the future of Canaan. Survive, and return home to her." That's what he says to new recruits. The general decided he was going to stay in the fort and fight to the very end, so he dismissed every single one of his soldiers... But they refused to leave his side.

Y5jo8x7t o

Ctmximdg oI bet you think it's all real funny, don't you? You don't understand anything...

0zfd96rn o Funny? You kidding me, lady? I want him to live as much as everyone else does! No way I'm killing him. Besides, he's level 36! I can't kill him!

Qmds6dno o

Ah, but don't worry. If nothing else, I shall give him the satisfaction of watching this human scum fall!

2cciffh2 oGxjrfpaa o

Your minions failed to do anything, you idiot. They only gave our guys levels.

Cttrciub oOaiwdq6m oBciityjv o

C'mon, go to your dear Gerxel now.

Gqivqufp o

Have you stopped to think that perhaps this is Gerxel's retribution?

Bcukiq4a o

He wasn't even worth that much experience. Bah...

Mnzgqlwl oZs0t7bxm oIvuujsks o

Now that things have quieted down, Meriel may return. That's not a miss, by the way. For whatever reason, whether the hadouken hits or not is decided a little after it has already passed the victim. Or maybe Harpies are just too small and that's why...

Qojanbzf oFois9gen oHshslura o

All right, naught but a couple Harpies and a tank left. Then we can focus on talking Barbarossa out of here.

Omvysfvz o

Oh my God, what's with the AI? Why are they so brilliant at times? Look at that, the Bishop realized the situation is dire and is fleeing so he can help Barbarossa from afar with his Paces a-Hundred Yet Still I Cure! And that's exactly what he'll be doing, because I can't stop him.

Gqmrwae9 o


Luefumvf o

That was never going to work. I admire your dedication to protecting Barbarossa, but you still have to go.

Mniqvjvz oNlk1trr8 o

Aha! Foolish thing, attacking Meriel!

Ibpepmq3 o

C'mooooooooooooooooooon... why? Why do they all refuse to get magic once it reaches 9!?

X8fqfbi2 oBmocqaov oNaeydbr9 o

Your summoner is dead. Submit!

Qc29wy8w o

The Ogre army approaches fast... wait, they're going south? After Sasha? Oh, no no, that will never do! Sasha's got no need for the free experience! Go back to Leonie, you imbeciles!

Ecy3vz60 o

A level for Raquel.

Tjrum0o2 o

Given how her single meh stat right now is HP, I'm fine with this.

Vp66wriy o

Goodbye, Canaanites. You fought corageously. Rest assured, though, I will find the way to recruit your boss.

4oqjhbjd o

Friendly reminder that this guy's stats are hilarious and I can't fight him.

U1iugfaz oP42fbxcd o

Enteh's Paces a-Hundred Yet Still I Cure broke. I'll have to consider giving her a new one. Although, maybe I'll save that one up for Lee.

Cvvrcddj o6zvlsyyb oV7egaeqa o

The Bishop continues to escape behind the Ogres. I really need to find a way for them to stop going south. Meanwhile, Mintz equips the iron sword in hopes it'll be weak enough not to kill the Ogres (for some reason, they seem to favor him over Leonie. Maybe they can't hit her, period), and Lee retrieves a heal staff from the convoy, as his broke a while ago.

Dy9srwga o


Xoi4coc5 o

That's better.

Z4zvrjzy oV8u9ppog o7o1foh2a o

You've got to be kidding me... he got hit by the thunder, clearly! What do you mean, "Canaanite dodged the attack"?!

Ftku26oc o

Well, that sours my milk. And the Ogres are going to keep coming after her, the self-destructive fools...

Wgzq8nfn oPbfypaxb o

Ah, well, whatever. Visiting time.

Ctmximdg oHere, in this very city, I fought as a proud soldier of Mahl. During the battle, I saw the king fall right before my eyes... After the battle, I cursed myself for failing to save him, and I tried to take my own life. But one of the enemy soldiers... he stopped me. I didn't learn until later that it was General Barbarossa.

0zfd96rn o Kinda hard to miss him, the guy's a mountain.

Ctmximdg oEven a prisoner of war like me... The general treated me like a human being, and he's had me work here as a guard, living like any other soldier. My allegiance is still to my homeland of Mahl, but I... I don't want the general or the other Canaanites here to die for Mahl's sake... why must it be so complicated?

P1zzgcas o I wish I knew, good soldier, but Barbarossa ain't dying today. Rest assured of that.

Viegksrc o

He gave us nothing, but that's fine. Maybe visiting him is a requirement to getting Barbarossa to leave.

8q5it8km oVkpb4eqi o

As it turns out, Mintz's iron sword is not weak enough to spare the Ogres. Blah...

Sbcikqwg o6qg2jj3e o

Quickly, nail them before they go after Mintz!

Tmqwxeln o

Aaahhhahhahahahaahhaahahahahahaahahahaaaahahaaah! Yeeeaah! It has begun, ladies and gentlemen! C'mon, Leonie, overtake Lionel, I know you can do it!

Ldvn6bgx oNpuginbb o

Ctmximdg oThis building was a store warehouse for the soldiers here, but now it's mostly empty. Here, take this Hero Crest and get lost, will you? The sooner you all get out of town, the better.

Kpxosmxu o

Damnit, man, how many times have I said I need Knight Crests, not Hero Crests?

Nfhztobh oNqljznuh o

Jeez, the hitrates... and Lee's probably my most reliable option against Barbarossa! I'll have Runan talk to him in a few, but right now, let's get some experience out of him.

7x9uodon o6bxeeipe oGfrnqegc o

He's got Army of Darkness, as usual. The song fits him, but the title... not so much.

Dypifjea o

Oh, but if you don't die, then what?

Dd6qmndb oQmruzr3x o

Good show!

Gegij4yo oXs6qfnyx o

Not so good show, but I expected no more.

Qabnptws o

All right, it's about time. Runan, you--

...wait, what? It's not Runan? Okay... maybe it's Shirou, since he just joined us and all?

Qd3k8rz2 o

Not him either? ...Raquel?

88dh45ze o

Goodness gracious...

Fgny3r9u oEftv7mom oN3hdjr6k o

Okay, hold on, hold on. Let's try with Sasha next turn. He did save her dad! Maybe it's like in Shadow Dragon where Shiida recruits Lorenz, except Sasha's not a manipulative slut.

But first, this asshole needs to go down. The levin crit is just the first two frames in a quick succession for a few seconds and then a normal slash. I dig it.

Fzs0wvwz o

Not that good, but you're still awesome.

Afrznly1 oW1pxpkcy o

Okily dokily, Barbarossa's back up to full health.

V9wymdwi o

There's the reason these guys aren't attacking Leonie that much, probably. They can't even hit her!

Fxltkt6w o

Okay, Lee, heal up Norton. I want him to guard the gate so the Ogres stop going south, but some of the dumber ones might still try to attack him since he's wounded. No more, though. Now go north to Leonie!

Wta1rrnv o

Okay, Sasha--

...what?! This makes no sense! Who is it then!?

Kmpdugr1 oPxzjvuw4 o

Kate? Zieg!? Anyone!?

Kxgawfkp o

Yeah, well... I've been blatantly trying to hold this off for as long as possible, but here's the truth: Barbarossa cannot be saved. The Kate lookalike wasn't kidding when she said he will fight to the very end. Since he's so strong, the game actually gives you an out if you can't kill him, but it does not result in his survival. I hate to admit it, but... we must kill Barbarossa.

I don't know about you, but I absolutely love this. It wouldn't be so effective if he was just any normal boss, but the fact that he's so strong, that he has a nickname, a killer design and personality, ties to the main Canaan cast... it all indicates that this guy is going to be a major character throughout the game. But then, it turns out he's just killed here, in the midgame, trying to protect the rear so Barker can survive. And that makes it all the more heartbreaking: all the evidence says that Barbarossa was never meant to die here, that he was supposed to be a great, threatening enemy and die in a big, epic confrontation against the main force of Canaan late into the game. However, life is not always fair. People don't always get their awesome sendoffs. This man, by all means, deserved a fight akin to Murdock's from FE6. Instead, he dies in chapter 18. It's great subversion of the tropes, and I personally love it.

Now, don't get me wrong. Despite how early his death is, he still does get one of the most memorable send-offs in FE, in my humble opinion. Let's see what you think.

Dtxu0qjj oFnfmlw7b o

Killing Barbarossa won't be an easy task. That damnable Bishop's still alive. He'll make things more difficult than they need to be.

4neygvih oKuvd8ort oLsme0z0z o

I wish I could make this quick and painless for you, Barbarossa, but you're just too strong!

Znk3m3xe oVvufj1hq o

Ironically, Meriel's our heaviest hitter in this case, thanks to Starlight.

Mwnzevys o

This boss is nasty, but Kate has a chance to end this right now. Go!

Vdpn1rxs o

Ah, well, that was to be expected. Anyone else tp jump in and seize the kill?

Mi3eeqej o6spmnq6j o

Hah! Yeah, fuck that!

I72njztd oFsc9j2hu oW7ta9qrs o

Doggone it all...

Ta6urure o

I guess this is as good a time as any to showcase the save staff we've been holding on to all game.

Rkzjnwos oUqmh4sxk oMjn0ddtp o

The save screen just pops up, and then Enteh raises her staff for a second. Not bad.

Jkngv2ic oVtxgfztc o

Barbarossa's magic shield is gone. That should help.

Bbxpqvc9 oUktnkz8n oP80mhhtp o

Meriel could probably have taken him out right now, but I want to give the kill to Kate.

Np9jgiry o

Good lord, this man is amazing! Why must you die, Barbarossa...?

Xid023vs o7qwmavmj o

Oh, and in case you forgot, he's got a 36% chance of activating Pavise and becoming virtually invincible. Doesn't work with magic, of course. Really, magic's the only way you can ever hope to bring this beast down. Once again, there's an out, but this man deserves a badass last stand. Which is what he's getting, I mean, c'mon, look at that! I've got my best units focusing on him and he refuses to budge!

Wqq7mip3 oGjibq0iq o5bmdbjre o

He's back to full health now. Hmph...!

Caorefqm o

Leonie keeps me going. That strength could use some work, though! Think you can manage, Leonie?

Yj7phr1u oJhxkmtiw o

Mintz also gets a kill. Might as well share the experience with him, Leonie. Not too much, though, I want her to get to Paragon today, at least.

Kmv94dzk oTjsiq08h o

Norton, after the pesky Bishop! The rest, keep on attacking Barbarossa!

Vfozsnfx o

Drat, double drat, and triple drat!

M7in3vny o

Release the tactical nuke! ...that still isn't nearly enough!

Scui6m7i o

OHO yeah it's over.

0uyt66kp o

Bloody hell! I've got to admit, that was absolutely epic. Barbarossa, why must such a badass waste his life in this place?

Nq83lw9l o8zbgflgl o

Kate, no! Hit him, will you?!

Pmkl8fgr o9ubztrwo o63adv47w o

Guess this'll go on for another turn. Oh, look! A Mintz sword crit! I don't think we've seen this animation yet.

Zkqnajrg oTshtyn2y oZxvwbfvb o

He savagely stabs the enemy through and then tears them open with a quick upwards slash. Brutal!

Adxll3jj oF0xm69rb o

No, stop it!

Urfwyngi o

No matter. So long as Ogres still remain, we're not leaving here.

C2vfp5qj o

Meh. I like the less crits.

C1gguvyd oBvusogsk oBt1xaccx o

You are a fool for daring to attack Norton! You will pay for your mistake with the highest dishonor!

3uplokgc o

Ergh... after Norton does some Jeiganing.

Hwzjkejc o5psw6md3 o

That's better. Fall now!

Sjdaxcpd o

Aha, see? Your crotch armor couldn't save you!

J5uzyyog oGlcjj6li oGpopuyhg o

Thank goodness Raquel is so good. Lee isn't reliable enough and Meriel doesn't need the experience of such a high-level boss.

4zxfaaxo o6cfnkdew o

As expected.

Chtysdmc o

Another turn it is, then. Man, Barbarossa... you're making this too hard on yourself. I can only imagine the state of him right now...

Nnhvncjk o

Oh, and the Ogre guy ran out of Ogres. Just saying.

6jsiq98c oUkx1m9zz o6ox2re9s o

Jesus, c'mon! I wanted to make his death as painless as possible! You're forcing me to give him a death by a thousand cuts!

Tc18xmdn oYv71wpp9 oHnhhvgtv o

These two are still going at it, by the way.

Dlvai78c oStgwgenc o


Vqycs9tv o

Come on! Raquel has put him against the ropes! He's almost done for! Do it, Kate, do it for your liege! For Wellt!

D8vywmzg o


Man, she's going to feel really bad when she finds out this is the man who saved her king...

Pvattbtj oE954doql o

Fancy death quote. It was to be expected.

Tnythqfa o6w9vg6ki o

The text scrolls really slowly here, as if he was having a lot of trouble speaking. It's really well done.

Tgiaxiip o

Then it speeds up here. I wish I could do it justice, but alas, I can only describe it. What an absolutely badass death quote. Befitting of the Shield of Canaan.

G8zsteth o

Wait, he's not dead yet?

5bz476ni oVqz8htqv o

Kate got a good level and Terra out of killing Barbarossa. A good level for a good man.

Not sure if we've ever seen Terra before, but just in case, here's what it does: it nullifies terrain bonuses if it activates. Sounds real crappy, doesn't it? Well, here's the kicker: it's a guaranteed crit. What this amounts to is that, even if the unit cannot hit critically, they will still have a chance to pull it off thanks to Terra being a skill that's calculated separatedly from crits. It's not the world's greatest skill, but I'm fond of it.

Ds1jmzac oBfd4qzau o

Thus falls Barbarossa... or does he?

Opdzzeey o

Oh, he's gone into the fort!

J8h1e9xw o

T7u3taae oYes, General! You and I are the only ones left here.

E8btclwz o Good... You should leave now, too.

T7u3taae oI cannot, sir.

E8btclwz o Get out, now! That's an order, soldier!

T7u3taae oI must refuse, sir. As long as this fort remains operational, I have a duty to see that it is defended. This is my first and last betrayal, General. Forgive me.

P1zzgcas o I like how this loyal knight pulled the same trick on Barbarossa as he did on Stephanie. Quite the beautiful irony.

E8btclwz o ...

Sdodkvp2 o ...Do as you wish.

T7u3taae oYes, sir! Thank you, sir!

T7u3taae o You know, General, it was actually quite difficult to get the other soldiers to evacuate. They all knew what you were planning to do.

Dspgt8k7 o

E8btclwz o What fools... They've still got their duty to Prince Barker. They can't go dying on me yet.

Sdodkvp2 o But I can't say I'm not a bit touched. In this day and age when those Gerxel trash walk about Canaan as if they own it, it makes me proud to know that there are soldiers who remain loyal to the old Canaan.

T7u3taae o...

Sbmeiefe o

T7u3taae oYes, sir!

Tmftf851 o
F6zgjcf9 o
39lt1lmt o
Cokyabmf o
Qga68kpz o
Vjxfuha8 o
Altkftoz o
Gqwyoyzk o

Ah! What is he up to? What's going on?!

Styce1gd oLdva1ps1 oCldydlvy o

Jesus Christ!

5jm62qid o


Pbu4yehh o


...okay, I know a lot of people are going to draw Lorenz comparisons, but... as much as I love Lorenz's sacrifice, this was just... glorious. Absolutely magnificent. Besides, I don't think they're really all that similar, all things considered. Lorenz blowing up was just a weird thing that didn't amount to anything, and it was changed to a simple stab in the remake. Here, it is clear that he intended to ensure that we could not use the fort against Canaan. And he succeeded.

Godspeed, Shield of Canaan. You were a worthy opponent. Perhaps even the worthiest.

Cxkj4hlq o

Can we even seize this thing? I don't think there's enough of it left to take...

Hsfcqrc0 o

Eh, Runan seems to still want that gate, for whatever it's worth.

Zqlcdmzp oP1smrjpd o

Nothing left but to take care of the remaining fodder. Oi! Stop that, where do you think you're going? Go back to Leonie, imbeciles!

I2tvp2kl o

Retreat, Shirou, you fool! They're after you!

Dhewciez o4tbd0ne2 o

Oh, a couple of them managed to circle around the fort and get to the Z team! Z team, attack! Prove your mettle against this one random Ogre!

Iow5pqxx o

What even is this? Why does it exist?

2pizant7 o

Whatever, Kate levels up again, since Barbarossa gave her a crapton of experience.

N9ycuanz o

Not quite as good, but eh. It shouldn't ruin you, Kate.

0ni2n00y oPq3vucfy o

Good, they're going back to Leonie! As well they should.

5rflntwg o

Nothing left but to do some grinding. I'll skip the fighting.

2otx4tpg oFblz9t4h o

First off, Leonie finally learns Paragon. That should speed things up. Also, all three S of the statsheet. Nice!

Cofmn3k9 oCdumam9q o

Ah! Enteh under attack!

O0y6qup4 oNc1kwu4m o

Meriel, save her!

6msww4tb o

Bullshit, that's just... oh. Any fans of Archers out there? This is your game. Definitely not mine, though, I'm more of a fan of mages. Urgh...

Yrkngtqf o

Although... I think that might change.

Hwahahahahahah! Waaahaaahaaahaahaahahahah! Ohhh, hell yeah! I think I'm in love. Again. Yet again, with a female bow user. I'm worried about her age, but... c'mon, can you blame me? Look at that! She's got 6 move already! When she promotes, she'll have the same movement as Lionel! And she got strength again, to top it all off!

Zflewzyk o

Goodness, oh my... this is such a treat...! Like I said in her introduction, the first time I used Leonie was the most fun I ever had with an Est. It's looking to turn out the same now! This chick snowballs so hard, she turns into a veritable avalanche before long!

Fcraurvd oI9emosko o

I felt pity for Shirou, so I tried to have him kill the Summoner. I agree with you, ogrebot. Thumb down for Shirou.

Eh7l1baj o

Leonie will kill you instead.

Jqvlfbmn o

Hohohoho... man! I can't wait to promote her. And we just happened to get her promo-item today! This is going to be fun. And she gets the full 15% support bonus from Mintz, too! She's going to be my best unit before long. Watch!

Mpzgp83c o

Nothing left to do but to have Mintz visit the liquor store. Trust me, it's something you gotta do.

Pe3nwfql oGrfzjxgw o

Ctmximdg oHow many months has it been, and not a single letter or scrap of news from you!

9wemniw4 oC'mon, don't be like that, Martha... I'm a pretty busy guy, you know!

Ctmximdg oHa! Don't give me that bull. No doubt you ran off with some floozy who's dumped your sorry behind, and now you've come back to beg me for forgiveness!

9wemniw4 oYou always did have quite the imagination... No, that isn'y why I'm here. It's actually about that book I left with you...

Ctmximdg oIs that all I am to you, Mintz?! A storage closet?

F4aswdy8 o It's like an old married couple... anyone with an ex out there, can you confirm for me that this is how it is?

Ctmximdg oHere, take the damn thing! You owe me big time for keeping it all this-- Wait, get back here, Mintz! Mintz!

Xjtluoib o

And then he just leaves. Class act, Mintz. I'm not sure who to give this to. Kate learns it, but it's a bit too late, and Kreiss never does. I think I'll keep it in the convoy for when we can hand it over to Kreiss, and if we find another one along the way Kate'll get it if she hasn't learnt the skill yet. Sounds like a plan.

Abyecvkj o

It's all over. We won. Well, ergh... sorta? We did lose the fort. And Barbarossa. Mm... doesn't really feel like much of a victory. Outside of Leonie getting 2 points of move in one chapter! Hahahah! She'll already have as much as Lionel without Urbanite when she promotes. If she gets even more, I'll be pleased beyond words!

Now, before I end the update, let's answer the question that's probably on everybody's minds: what is the "out" I was talking about, in case one cannot kill Barbarossa?

8jxdaj2b o

To that end, I went back to a save state I had created in preparation for this, activated trottle, and just let the turns go by.

Rmrcg5vw o

Shirou died for this, but no matter.

Tkqgd4kq oOz37vriu o

Yeah, all that happens is that at turn 30, he gets tired and goes into the fort, and then the same scene plays, line about the wound and all. I'd never seen this before, and honestly? I expected more, but it's okay. Barbarossa doesn't deserve to be waited out. He deserves to go out in a bang!

That's it! My favourite chapter of the game. What can I say?

Well, first of all, I can jump all over the room while screaming "YEEESSSS I'M SUCH A BADASSSSS I AM WINNEEEER". I don't want to brag, but... who's the man!? Hah! I just fucking beat one of this game's most difficult chapters without a single casualty and without using the top tier losers! Well, I mean, I guess Mintz, Raquel and Sasha are up there, but the top top tier losers like Zieg, Raffin and Narron? Zieg barely did anything other than to support Kate! And I guess I got really lucky with the dodges there, too, but... still! This is quite surprising! I earnestly believed this chapter would mark the end of my perfect record for Runan, but nope! The goddess protec still! Hwahahahahah... today's a good day.

Next time, we get text. Goodbye, and farewell!

Death count: Attrom

Reset count: 2 (Runan: 1 - Katri: 1)

Dullahan's done with my incompetence: 3














Meanwhile, in Blaad...

7h2wilxe o




Lyif0aav o

4zeq9zga o

2y1oktkm o

Raiylluw o
Niixpmo7 o
C6qntbph o
N4kk11r7 o
Dipyxssf oPkunahmo o



Azbexkol o

Bjsl5mpq o

Tuwzfevv o
Cds3fknt oDdbcygwv o
P1mu7ssl o
Hetrbtkm o
Dzvaik0k o
Rz33plro o
Av8tgawb oHyzckcvv o
Vlo8pbo5 o
Qk5koexu oTgzkjwad o
1zxqlrzq o
L0fbm4hu o2ygtokor o
Vo8w4yut o
Ntqoxiov o
Zntiejcf o
Qlow92ta o

To be continued...

And that's all the custom sprites I had prepared for this LP! Please, tell me what you think. I did Arran from scratch, too, aside from the shoulder pads. Pretty damn proud of it, but you tell me what you think and if there's anything I should try to improve. Oh, and for those who didn't read the first LP, I am taking the Metal Gear approach of pretending that the first LP was better than it actually was. I only added Arran there to be able to show off his final support conversation.


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Oh wow, congrats.

Leonie already rammed her speed too, just like Raquel. Yikes!

They most certainly seem to have realized that this map could potentially be very troublesome. It's not just the turn limit, the backdoor is also open. So if you circle around, you can easily lure out the enemy soldiers out of the range of their siege weapons. But why would anyone want to drag their whole army across map made of nothing but forest tiles if they can help it? Well, besides for the sheer hilarity of Fort Balt's seemingly perfect defense failing because they didn't think to lock the door.

Also, thank god Sun can't be on Runan's route at this point. It's never brought up in relation to her as far as I know, but seeing how Sun is Silva's daughter, this consequently means her grandfather just died.
Of course, given Sun's young age and her mother's banishment, they probably never actually meet. Not sure if that makes it any better or even more depressing.

Edited by BrightBow
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6 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Arkis isn't leaving the bench. Don't even start, Butterboy.

If you use him, and don't get him killed, I will restrain from saying Arkis for the duration of the LP

6 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Please, tell me what you think. I did Arran from scratch, too, aside from the shoulder pads. Pretty damn proud of it, but you tell me what you think and if there's anything I should try to improve.

It is a good sprite, but it's a bit weird that he's facing away from the camera, the shirt and his hair look like their made from the same material, but that's not too relevant, he does look more yellow than your other sprites, but I assume that's just lingering effects of the illness. 

6 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Azbexkol o

Small nitpick, but Arran is a knight of Altea, not Archanea, he fought in the Archanean league in shadow dragon, but the entirety of new mystery is fought under the banner of Altea but again that's just me being OCD. 

Oh boy I can't wait for Pretzel to have something to do with this

(bishop guy is missing an eye, Lyria is missing an eye, their left eyes in fact, the same eye that Pretzel covered with his monocle in the alternate timeline,even though his right eye was covered in main timeline. What does it mean???)


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5 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Nah, in all seriousness, gonna guess Cain, Lena, Etzel and maaaybe Minerva?

I'm playing off cartridge so Etzel's out. I tend to use Minerva as a kind of utility unit to access secret shops even if I don't actively plan on using her, so probably but not really a planned unit there. I was actually going to try and use a certain other healer this time... hammerne and warp be damned. But Cain very definitely has been active already. Thing is my other's were Matthis (because I wanted to see if he could be good in this game... something you went and proved without me making it redundant), Cord (because I've used Barst enough times I wanted to try another one) and Roger, because after all, I was the one who put forth the claim he and The Roger The Paladin are one and the same. Incidentally, even though you can't actually make Roger a cav/paladin, it's interesting to note if you take Roger's base speed growth the cav speed bonus in Shadow Dragon... it ends up exactly at the same percentage as The Roger The Paladin's. Coincidence? Doubtlessly given it's the only stat that actually matches.. though defense comes within 5% and HP is a relatively close 15% difference for HP (after all Matthis has like 90% HP growth, so those get pretty high). But that's enough tin-foil hattery.

6 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Everyone took their fair share of shots that round. All those long-range bows... is this what playing Gaiden/Echoes feels like?

If you were playing Gaiden/Echoes you'd have your own... and then could pick them off from the edge of their range if you needed to play it safe. Especially in Echoes where you can use that skill with the killer bow to double. I had a fun time that run I made Atlas an archer. No speed to speak of, but who needs it when you have a skill that can guarantee doubling and raise crit percentage? That combined with his strength and he was one rounding if not one shotting almost everything.

10 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Wioq0is9 oZiclh0kf o

Hah! Outclass--

You could say that ogre was out of his Leegue.

10 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

O O F   7 5   D A M A G E

This is why Raquel shows mercy to human foes. Her power is too great for them.

10 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Hsfcqrc0 o

Eh, Runan seems to still want that gate, for whatever it's worth.

Do they give bonuses in this game like most FE's? That might be it. Avoid, defense and heal is tempting.

Well now we know where Arran was last LP I guess. Thought I missed something for a moment when he mentioned Parthia and slaying Medeus... but then it evened out when it was explained.

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13 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

But it's a gestapo agent, why would one of those randomly want to do the thing Indy does? After being thrown off the edge by him and falling two stories?

Alright, I didn't think that was.

So I guess that just gave way then? Indiana Jones is superpowered after all?

13 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

All I know about Nuibaba is that they removed all the slime and it turned out a dominatrix was hiding under it. Can't say I get it.

I'm not sure the devs got it either.

13 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

LIESLIESLIESLIESLIESman's bride shouldn't have been able to move either after what he did to her. But she did move.

Considering that's a possessed spirit rather than a corpse, not quite in the same ballpark.

13 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

What? Is this going to be a Sean/Seamus situation? How is Sennet pronounced, then, if not Senate? Shaynut?

sen-eh (like in French how et is pronounced like that's not a t at all).

13 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Oh, please... that's not even subtle!

Well it's Camilla, what did you-

Wait, I'm sorry. You only learn this in her supports. So there's some subtlety. Not much at all though. 

13 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Yeah, I always got some awkward vibes from their dialogue in the FE12 finale. Matthis just goes "ah, I'm glad you've understood she's too good for you. Attaboy, Julian!" in a really condescending manner, completely oblivious to the fact that it was Lena herself that put the moves on Julian. While standing in front of Medeus.

I imagine he couldn't have been pleased when they told him the truth. And considering my Matthis is canonically overpowered as heck...

"Must...... resist....... urge to........ pummel."

13 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

C'moooooooon it's not out of nowhere! See, she hated him for nearly the entirety of FE6, but then they fought a couple of times! I'm a good writer, y'know?


13 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

That's... exactly what I was saying, right? Unless I made thousands of typos.

I'm making the case that he's not quite strictly a Camu (No, that's not a typo. Thank Heroes)

13 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

But Humphrey's hood was bright green...

Well, after he got burnt by the dragon it both turned more green and spiked upwards.....

Ah who am I kidding, I just wanted a dramatic statement.

13 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
C0dynk4f o

This guy ALSO has an arbalest despite being on top of a tower! Look at that range, it's insane!


(Seriously, how can you win with that range?)

13 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
4kzbz2c7 o

A-- gahaack...!

Def... defibrilator! I am not used to... this sort of sight... gghhh...!

Goodness gracious, that was like a jumpscare! Hoo...

Anyway, best level in the game so far, folks, and it's her first. Her first! She still has 36 to go! Hahahahahahahah... grow well enough, girl, and Raquel will be free to go with Holmes next route split for the most efficient Maerchen strats.

She's going to be that kind of Est.

I guess her and Sasha are taking this game apart at this rate.

13 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Wkob9rpy o

No, definitely not. You wouldn't get this kind of level in Gaiden! Bwahahah, absolutely amazing, Runan! I seem to have the weirdest kind of luck with Smiley Boy. He gets a shit level, then a good level. Then a shit level, then a good level again. So on, so forth.

Anyway, man! Runan's growing into quite the swordsman, isn't he? He can't really compare to Shigen, but despite their promotedness, he is close to Julia and Krishna. Keep it up, my man, prove to all that you're not the worthless Roy-ish Lord some make you out to be!

He could do with some defence.

Still good otherwise.

13 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
O1k11g2k o

Heheh... I know I disagree with that notion. A little worse than the last, but it's still nothing short of formidable.

A little worse? She'll have more defence than Runan before long!

13 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
3x9hkzvw oJmwrnamn oSnpsmzk8 o

As all spells in this game, it looks badass. Look at that! The middle picture is nothing short of beautiful. This game is so good looking, I love it.

Honestly, I'm not a fan. Which doesn't seem like the thing I should be saying.

13 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Funmvw2t o

Pretty good. I like it very much. Not expecting Kate to be my best unit, but I'll be content with a serviceable bow rider. Kate's awesome, she deserves to be usable. Especially since her subplot requires that she is usable... oh, but I am getting ahead of myself.

Yeah, she at least has some bases.

13 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Bn6ozgut o

Oho, nice! Excellent level up, Mintz. I'm glad you've decided not to be outdone by your Archer friend.

It's the one way to ensue he doesn't get benched.

13 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Ap5qokb9 oJ90kmuyw o

For all the good it did them. Jeez... see, a part of me is kinda relunctant to promote her, because she'll lose a whopping 6 mag from it, but... 6 magic still only loses out to Krishna, and then she'll get great defense and strength. I'll have to see.

Jeez, that's always something that annoyed me with the dragons and pegasi in the same promotion line.

13 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Igoxc1n7 o

Hwahahahah! Ohhh, goodness gracious, this man! I knew I did well to count on him! Not much in the way of speed, but look at those General stats! And he's got a horse, to boot! Who needs Billford and his 5% move growth? Norton's eyebrowless self will kick that lame meme's butt all day, any day!

Still no Barbarossa sadly.

13 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Muniwsfy o

...okay, you know what, Mintz? You know best. You do what you think is right.

If that's wrong, what's right supposed to-

4kzbz2c7 o

Oh yeah, that.

13 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
U11zwske oDpnbftq8 o

Eh, it's not that bad, all things considered. Still, do consider this to be a bad level. Gotta keep that pattern up so next level is great.

Oh look, it's Draco.

Runan has a chance of just smashing the opponent now.

I guess Holmes will have to do something to catch up.

13 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Y5jo8x7t o

Ctmximdg oI bet you think it's all real funny, don't you? You don't understand anything...

0zfd96rn o Funny? You kidding me, lady? I want him to live as much as everyone else does! No way I'm killing him. Besides, he's level 36! I can't kill him!

What's funny to me is that they had the winners stay behind.

They could have had it as "winners" make it home.

13 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Omvysfvz o

Oh my God, what's with the AI? Why are they so brilliant at times? Look at that, the Bishop realized the situation is dire and is fleeing so he can help Barbarossa from afar with his Paces a-Hundred Yet Still I Cure! And that's exactly what he'll be doing, because I can't stop him.

He's getting away, he's stalling the game!

It's the Cowardly Bishop!

13 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Pbfypaxb o

Ah, well, whatever. Visiting time.

Actually, this face is pretty bad.

Like someone just updated a portrait from NES FE here.

13 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Tmqwxeln o

Aaahhhahhahahahaahhaahahahahahaahahahaaaahahaaah! Yeeeaah! It has begun, ladies and gentlemen! C'mon, Leonie, overtake Lionel, I know you can do it!

Had to start some time.

13 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Yeah, well... I've been blatantly trying to hold this off for as long as possible, but here's the truth: Barbarossa cannot be saved. The Kate lookalike wasn't kidding when she said he will fight to the very end. Since he's so strong, the game actually gives you an out if you can't kill him, but it does not result in his survival. I hate to admit it, but... we must kill Barbarossa.

I don't know about you, but I absolutely love this. It wouldn't be so effective if he was just any normal boss, but the fact that he's so strong, that he has a nickname, a killer design and personality, ties to the main Canaan cast... it all indicates that this guy is going to be a major character throughout the game. But then, it turns out he's just killed here, in the midgame, trying to protect the rear so Barker can survive. And that makes it all the more heartbreaking: all the evidence says that Barbarossa was never meant to die here, that he was supposed to be a great, threatening enemy and die in a big, epic confrontation against the main force of Canaan late into the game. However, life is not always fair. People don't always get their awesome sendoffs. This man, by all means, deserved a fight akin to Murdock's from FE6. Instead, he dies in chapter 18. It's great subversion of the tropes, and I personally love it.

Now, don't get me wrong. Despite how early his death is, he still does get one of the most memorable send-offs in FE, in my humble opinion. Let's see what you think.

To be fair, I was kind of thinking he'd be removed only to come back later on still against you.

His way......

13 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Np9jgiry o

Good lord, this man is amazing! Why must you die, Barbarossa...?

A sprite that mighty couldn't be in the player's hands.

That's why.

13 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Come on! Raquel has put him against the ropes! He's almost done for! Do it, Kate, do it for your liege! For Wellt!

D8vywmzg o


Thus Rubenio had to sit down and cry for a second as Barbarossa fell.

The saga was ended.

13 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
5bz476ni oVqz8htqv o

Kate got a good level and Terra out of killing Barbarossa. A good level for a good man.

Not sure if we've ever seen Terra before, but just in case, here's what it does: it nullifies terrain bonuses if it activates. Sounds real crappy, doesn't it? Well, here's the kicker: it's a guaranteed crit. What this amounts to is that, even if the unit cannot hit critically, they will still have a chance to pull it off thanks to Terra being a skill that's calculated separatedly from crits. It's not the world's greatest skill, but I'm fond of it.

It's Parity, but it gives crits.

Are you kidding me, I'm all on board with this.

13 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Styce1gd oLdva1ps1 oCldydlvy o

Jesus Christ!

And there it is.

This chapter was all for nothing.

13 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

...okay, I know a lot of people are going to draw Lorenz comparisons, but... as much as I love Lorenz's sacrifice, this was just... glorious. Absolutely magnificent. Besides, I don't think they're really all that similar, all things considered. Lorenz blowing up was just a weird thing that didn't amount to anything, and it was changed to a simple stab in the remake. Here, it is clear that he intended to ensure that we could not use the fort against Canaan. And he succeeded.

Godspeed, Shield of Canaan. You were a worthy opponent. Perhaps even the worthiest.

True, true.

It doesn't mean that Better Douglas couldn't have done things differently. It is clear he wouldn't have though.

13 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
2otx4tpg oFblz9t4h o

First off, Leonie finally learns Paragon. That should speed things up. Also, all three S of the statsheet. Nice!

She got Strength again.


13 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Yrkngtqf o

Although... I think that might change.

Hwahahahahahah! Waaahaaahaaahaahaahahahah! Ohhh, hell yeah! I think I'm in love. Again. Yet again, with a female bow user. I'm worried about her age, but... c'mon, can you blame me? Look at that! She's got 6 move already! When she promotes, she'll have the same movement as Lionel! And she got strength again, to top it all off!

I mean, I'm tempted to say 10/10, ut she doesn't have higher defence than Runan yet.

13 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Zflewzyk o

Goodness, oh my... this is such a treat...! Like I said in her introduction, the first time I used Leonie was the most fun I ever had with an Est. It's looking to turn out the same now! This chick snowballs so hard, she turns into a veritable avalanche before long!

If it had move, then I'd be tempted to say 10/10.

13 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Jqvlfbmn o

Hohohoho... man! I can't wait to promote her. And we just happened to get her promo-item today! This is going to be fun. And she gets the full 15% support bonus from Mintz, too! She's going to be my best unit before long. Watch!

I thought you said you didn't want a Hero Crest you got earlier.

Guess you may have been mistaken.

13 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Ctmximdg oHow many months has it been, and not a single letter or scrap of news from you!

9wemniw4 oC'mon, don't be like that, Martha... I'm a pretty busy guy, you know!

9wemniw4 o"I mean, did you save someone from execution lately?"

13 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Ctmximdg oHere, take the damn thing! You owe me big time for keeping it all this-- Wait, get back here, Mintz! Mintz!

Xjtluoib o

And then he just leaves. Class act, Mintz. I'm not sure who to give this to. Kate learns it, but it's a bit too late, and Kreiss never does. I think I'll keep it in the convoy for when we can hand it over to Kreiss, and if we find another one along the way Kate'll get it if she hasn't learnt the skill yet. Sounds like a plan.

Mintz got what he was looking for, now was not the time to keep talking with a whole castle exploding and all that.

13 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Azbexkol o

There we go, it's that guy!

I was wrong there indeed.

13 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Bjsl5mpq o

Tuwzfevv o

Wait, he decided to leave for Wrys.

Is this the time for a crackship?

13 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

And that's all the custom sprites I had prepared for this LP! Please, tell me what you think. I did Arran from scratch, too, aside from the shoulder pads. Pretty damn proud of it, but you tell me what you think and if there's anything I should try to improve. Oh, and for those who didn't read the first LP, I am taking the Metal Gear approach of pretending that the first LP was better than it actually was. I only added Arran there to be able to show off his final support conversation.

I'm going to be honest, I'm more on board with Arran's now than I was when I first saw it honestly. I'm mostly not sure what improvements should be made (like, is his hair meant to be this uneven at the end?).

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8 hours ago, ArkisLover❤️ said:

Small nitpick, but Arran is a knight of Altea, not Archanea, he fought in the Archanean league in shadow dragon, but the entirety of new mystery is fought under the banner of Altea but again that's just me being OCD. 

Just gonna point out Marth ended up taking over as ruler of Archanea post New Mystery. Not to mention the rest of the continent, and it became the "United Kingdom of Archanea"... bar possibly Macedon if Michalis is alive post New Mystery. Which is actually why he dies in OG Mystery. So there's no question of who rules. So Ruben is, under the principle that Arran remained in service in a world where he survived instead of succumbing to the illness, correct

1 hour ago, Dayni said:

I'm not sure the devs got it either.

Funny thing is, if you go off the wiki, older translations of Gaiden, and the class, it's pretty much implied Gaiden Nuibaba was a wrinkly old man by pronouns, the fact the "slime" is supposed to be scaley "snake-like wrinkled skin, and the fact the character got class-changed from Arcanist, an exclusively male class, to witch, and exclusively female class. I guess it was to give female villain representation to a game that had none... kind of like making Leon gay and fixated on Valbar instead of just Valbar's friend (and consequently changing the ending from "rejoined the knights and helped rebuild the kingdom" to basically "Was wounded so he could never fight again, but remained true to himself" if Valbar lived kind (he more or less gets his old ending if Valbar dies). Point is, they clearly made a couple changes to characters to fall more in line with modern expectations of representation. Not that it matters because old Nuibaba and Leon were blank slates honestly. If Leon were a womanizer I might have cared. I don't think I ever will with Nuibaba just because somehow "The Witch of Fear Mountain" sounds better to me. Might be all those "Haunt of Fear" comics with the Old Witch, Crypt Keeper and Vault Keeper I read back in the day.

Anyway, seeing as I'm commenting again, I'll put out a couple more thoughts.
Barbarossa distinctly reminds me of another figure from the Crusades (like "Richard the Lionheart", which has given two names). Frederick Barbarossa, king of Germany and Holy Roman Emperor. He got the Barbarossa part of his name from the Italians he fought at one-stage (so indeed, it's the Italian iteration, not the Spanish). He managed to, besides ruling Germany, become King of Italy and Burgundy later in life (hence the Holy Roman Emperor thing). His death was an anti-climax to a life of achievements, when in the third Crusade, he was thrown from his horse's back into the Saleph River in Turkey, dying in water hip-deep. Whether from drowning due to heavy armor or dying from a heart attack caused by the shock of cold water is the question, as reports are conflicting. If you go off what I read he was apparently elected King of Germany, but I'm not quite sure how that works, just that he succeeded his uncle.

Final note, @Saint Rubenio, have you ever considered that, with Princess Peach being royalty that has a kingdom under threat by a rival king, that in her own way she is a "Lord"? And in that event, Mario and Luigi are actually the original Cain & Abel archetypes, as they wear red and green, use a mount (Yoshi), and face any foe that threatens their kingdom unwaveringly? Furthermore, while looking similar at first glance, they have slightly differing abilities and personalities (I.E., Luigi actually has a personality because as a rule mascots like Mario or Mickey Mouse tend not to to allow them to be a blank slate onto which people can project themself, thus resulting in Luigi or Donald Duck being superior). Mind this leaves questions of where the other archetypes are. Maybe if we counted some of the partners from Super Mario RPG and Paper Mario/TTYD... I mean Mallow is pretty much a mage, or Ms Mowz is obviously a thief. Now that could be a fun thread theme.

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7 hours ago, Mad-manakete said:

Funny thing is, if you go off the wiki, older translations of Gaiden, and the class, it's pretty much implied Gaiden Nuibaba was a wrinkly old man by pronouns, the fact the "slime" is supposed to be scaley "snake-like wrinkled skin, and the fact the character got class-changed from Arcanist, an exclusively male class, to witch, and exclusively female class. I guess it was to give female villain representation to a game that had none... kind of like making Leon gay and fixated on Valbar instead of just Valbar's friend (and consequently changing the ending from "rejoined the knights and helped rebuild the kingdom" to basically "Was wounded so he could never fight again, but remained true to himself" if Valbar lived kind (he more or less gets his old ending if Valbar dies). Point is, they clearly made a couple changes to characters to fall more in line with modern expectations of representation. Not that it matters because old Nuibaba and Leon were blank slates honestly. If Leon were a womanizer I might have cared. I don't think I ever will with Nuibaba just because somehow "The Witch of Fear Mountain" sounds better to me. Might be all those "Haunt of Fear" comics with the Old Witch, Crypt Keeper and Vault Keeper I read back in the day.

Anyway, seeing as I'm commenting again, I'll put out a couple more thoughts.
Barbarossa distinctly reminds me of another figure from the Crusades (like "Richard the Lionheart", which has given two names). Frederick Barbarossa, king of Germany and Holy Roman Emperor. He got the Barbarossa part of his name from the Italians he fought at one-stage (so indeed, it's the Italian iteration, not the Spanish). He managed to, besides ruling Germany, become King of Italy and Burgundy later in life (hence the Holy Roman Emperor thing). His death was an anti-climax to a life of achievements, when in the third Crusade, he was thrown from his horse's back into the Saleph River in Turkey, dying in water hip-deep. Whether from drowning due to heavy armor or dying from a heart attack caused by the shock of cold water is the question, as reports are conflicting. If you go off what I read he was apparently elected King of Germany, but I'm not quite sure how that works, just that he succeeded his uncle.

On Nuibaba, I meant like the devs didn't really try to make Nuibaba all that similar. It's made quite explicit for instance that Nuibaba doesn't even worship Duma, while her interactions with Berkut pretty much tell us they wanted a more prominent minor villain and while Nuibaba got a unique introduction in Gaiden there wasn't much else done in the original. In SoV, Nuibaba's actually interesting, if not nuanced. Even if your only interest is because of those changes.

On Barbarossa, that was the exact person I was comparing to. Being elected King of Germany wasn't too surprising because theirs was an elective monarchy which was chosen among the ducal electors. He also got elected over Italy though, 

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Barbarossa is definitely a good example of Kaga sometimes actually puts a bit of thought into who he gives those names too. I think Barbarossa even means "red beard". His death could even allude to Barbarossa being one of the guys with a "king in the mountain" legend attached to it. Though I suppose a mountain of rubble isn't quite as dignified of a resting place as the Kyffhäuser.

I'd imagine other characters like Frau didn't get that kind of thought. Or good old Fury. That one was just super random.

Edited by BrightBow
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On 2/23/2019 at 5:11 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

I also didn't remember Indy making weird faces, so there's that. Nostalgia gonna do that for you. Though what I did remember was that, if you drink from your canteen while you try to operate a lever (it works with anything, even punching, but levers lead to the funniest results), Indy's arms will remain stuck in the drinking animation, making it look like he's pulling the lever with his cock. That made me laugh so much back in the day. Still does.

I remember you mentioning the lever thing.... *Looks it up* Holy Crap! Over a year ago! Yeah, I quoted you about calling the game old. Amazing how time flies. Anyway, it was in this topic:


On 2/23/2019 at 5:11 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

...wait, no, I don't understand! If the constant swearing in Shadow the friggin' Hedgehog of all things put you off, how come you're still here, reading this? I fucking swear all the goddamn shitting time, blistering motherfucking barnacles! Are you just waiting for the day I get banned? 'Cause that ain't gonna happen, I can make the mods change their ranks, y'know! Sorry, not sorry, I'm just feeling too smug about that.

There's a difference between reading something that features swearing and being able to skip over it when I get the idea, and having to listen to Shadow say "dammit!" every time he so much as stubs his toe.

On 2/23/2019 at 5:11 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

I mean, the game's not without flaws (it's way too easy, for instance, although there's a certain mod that fixes that if you want some challenge), but that combat system is what's kept me coming back all these years. In fact, I haven't a single memory of anything beyond Von Beck's demise, because normal combat ends after that and I couldn't be arsed. This time, though, I shall finish it. Not sure if I did or not back in the day, but I'll be sure this time!

Wait, so you never beat the game? Did you get far enough to obtain the Pa Cheng, at least?

On 2/23/2019 at 5:11 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

I don't. Fistfighting is so much more fun. Even when I face terrible odds, I just don't mind ending up dead, because it just means I get to fight again.

There are times where using the machine gun to mow down enemy forces, or taking cover and engaging in a good old fashioned shootout, is fun in its own right. However, I do not blame you in the slightest for deciding to stick with your fists.

On 2/23/2019 at 5:11 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Wait, what? Who's Wesnoth?

Oh, it's not a guy, it's a game. I see.

It's actually an open-source free to play game that is entirely community lead. It's surprisingly well balanced despite the numerous differences between each faction. I just wish I didn't get distracted by other games whenever I started to play it, because then I go "Holy crap! I haven't played this game in over half a year! Again!"

On 2/23/2019 at 5:11 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Or maybe he just bit more than he could chew and he got skewered through the dick by Kreiss, simple as that. He probably still has the sexual temptations.

Well, asexuality is a pretty blanket term for "low to no sex drive", so he might still be tempted? He might not? Eh, it probably wouldn't matter if Holmes keeps his crossbow aimed at his head at all times. Although, considering what happened last time he had story relevance...

On 2/23/2019 at 5:11 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Can't say I get it, but I like it.

Asking random NPCs if they're General Lawrence is all you need to know.

I've actually been thinking about doing the joke for a while, but never got around to it. I have a really roundabout way of making memes.

On 2/23/2019 at 5:11 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

The spanish singer.

I don't know what this is, and I can barely hear what the person is saying, but it's great.

On 2/23/2019 at 5:11 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

I've heard they're the only maps that were well designed in that game!

They were simple, but they made up for that by requiring the player to earn every step of the way into the castle. Again, grueling and difficult, but fun.

After replaying the game again, I'd actually say that the desert maps have better design than people give it credit for. Sure, I can understand why people still don't like them, but the placement of the grassland tiles actually allows you to reach the fortresses or bosses fairly quickly yet not too fast.

On 2/23/2019 at 5:11 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Piece of...!

Speaking of which, what could I place a bet on? They usually tend to backfire in some entertaining way.

On 2/23/2019 at 5:11 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Hey, let's be fair, have you ever seen how long dark magic takes to get to the point in the GBA games? It's even slower in FE6, which is where Byrlyat comes from! He's probably begun casting the spell and is just gloating while it gets to plot!me.

Now I want to see that happen in Fire Emblem proper, where a dark mage is gloating while preparing a powerful spell, only to be killed halfway by a much speedier foe.

In other words, that famous scene in Raiders of the Lost Ark, but with magic.


And all the "Thank You's", "You're Welcomes" and "Apologies Accepted" for the rest of the comments, because I don't want to spend time quoting it all, and I don't want the next update to take longer than it should.

On 2/23/2019 at 5:11 PM, Saint Rubenio said:
Ah, yes, this one. I've been looking forward to this. Can you tell, by the fact that I took almost a week to push the dialogue update but barely a couple days for this? Let's get going.
Be wary, though. This is going to be a long update. It's all going to be worth watching, but there's a lot, so take your time. I know I will

Thanks for the warning.

On 2/23/2019 at 5:11 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Oyczx2lx o

Wait, so ogre's exist in this game?

On 2/23/2019 at 5:11 PM, Saint Rubenio said:
4kzbz2c7 o

A-- gahaack...!

Def... defibrilator! I am not used to... this sort of sight... gghhh...!

Goodness gracious, that was like a jumpscare! Hoo...

Anyway, best level in the game so far, folks, and it's her first. Her first! She still has 36 to go! Hahahahahahahah... grow well enough, girl, and Raquel will be free to go with Holmes next route split for the most efficient Maerchen strats.

Eyup. She's staying. I can tell.

On 2/23/2019 at 5:11 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Yt3x1ev2 o

Not gonna lie, I always think that Zieg looks like his turn has been ended and a dancer will give him another one whenever I see his sprite.

On 2/23/2019 at 5:11 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

He of course flurried the guy. There's really no reason not to use Flurry all the time if you have it, unless you risk dying to the extended rounds of combat or something like that. When you double, the amount of potential hits is doubled too, since Flurry doesn't do multiple hits, but rounds. Thanks to this, I'm sure even Leonie, middling as she is at base, would've been able to ruin that ballista in one Flurry round.

The only other reason I can think of for not using flurry is to save on weapon uses. Otherwise, it's almost as if it's the default attack for those characters now.

On 2/23/2019 at 5:11 PM, Saint Rubenio said:
Cbqu3jew oVjbtzc1m oZxha5c2k o4w8go31h oNsn9vvo4 o7zhtovvp o

Everyone took their fair share of shots that round. All those long-range bows... is this what playing Gaiden/Echoes feels like?

Pretty much, although the you also have access to the bows. And you don't have to worry about the flying weakness too much on Normal, and even on Hard you can still have Pegasus knights kill equipped archers if you're gutsy enough (and have a healer on standby). Also, the constant dodging is what Gaiden/Echoes feels like as well, even if it applies to your enemies as well.

On 2/23/2019 at 5:11 PM, Saint Rubenio said:
Wkob9rpy o

No, definitely not. You wouldn't get this kind of level in Gaiden! Bwahahah, absolutely amazing, Runan! I seem to have the weirdest kind of luck with Smiley Boy. He gets a shit level, then a good level. Then a shit level, then a good level again. So on, so forth.

Gaiden? That kind of level is a rarity. Echoes? It's too not surprising to obtain. Although the latter loves to alternate between excellent level ups and pitiful ones.

On 2/23/2019 at 5:11 PM, Saint Rubenio said:
Mhls2td5 o

Mintz is even more over the top than The Roger with his lance thrusts. Calm down, Mintz, you're going to fall off your horse like that!

I was actually planning on commenting how it looks like the cavaliers are about to fall off their horse when using lances as early as the first update, but I forgot to do so the first time and I kept going back and forth on whether it actually looked like they were leaning too much to the side every other time.

On 2/23/2019 at 5:11 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Finqylek o

Why do the ogres look like a mixture between gremlins and the Hulk?

On 2/23/2019 at 5:11 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

In all seriousness, though, I was expecting this to be a lot harder, but Norton's really making things go a lot more smoothy than I expected them to. You don't always get such a tanky unit to assault Fort Balt, and not everyone can just sit on the gate to take ballista, arbalest and longbow fire on top of everything else. Having a great tank certainly helps. Maybe this'll be less nasty than I thought it was going to be...

It is going very well so far. I mean, there are several moments where failure to dodge earlier could have spelled disaster, but no ones complaining. Although time will tell if this will continue for the rest of the level...

On 2/23/2019 at 5:11 PM, Saint Rubenio said:
3x9hkzvw oJmwrnamn oSnpsmzk8 o

As all spells in this game, it looks badass. Look at that! The middle picture is nothing short of beautiful. This game is so good looking, I love it.

Death via snowflakes!

Although I think that Blustones ice attacks are cooler.

On 2/23/2019 at 5:11 PM, Saint Rubenio said:
Kiiogwdm oCusdvkcs o

Oi! Grubby mitts off the Lee! You've no right to touch him, he's off-Leemits territory for you!

I just realized that Lee is holding a staff in his idle portrait. I don't know why it took this long to notice.

On 2/23/2019 at 5:11 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Gpb9gt6a o

Seeing the giant arrow actually in-frame...

Do the ballista animations look cool or ridiculous in this game?

On 2/23/2019 at 5:11 PM, Saint Rubenio said:
Ha1mtxlc oIhp9du4p o

Never mind, he somehow dodged that. Godspeed, you magnificent bastard.

Now that Norton is dodging in a scene that isn't filled with 5 other people dodging, can I say that his looks a little goofy. It looks less like he's ducking and more like he's slightly leaning over.

On 2/23/2019 at 5:11 PM, Saint Rubenio said:
Wjchq7zt oBg0dizvz o

Avast, ye dog! That'll be enough moving for one lifetime! Also, 92% crit.

Oh God, why was I so careless, if he missed, he might've died in the enemy phase...

This is the first time I've seen a 92% critical hit.

It's also the first time I've seen someone be so reliant on a critical hit for their survival.

On 2/23/2019 at 5:11 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

O O F   7 5   D A M A G E

Monsters die painful deaths every time they appear, don't they? This is the third time a sentence like that has been typed out.

On 2/23/2019 at 5:11 PM, Saint Rubenio said:
Pzz0fy9w oMpk0j21m oTn96usbu o

I dig his sprite, but when you see Lionheart's, you'll realize there is no competition.

I'd be more surprised if Lionheart's sprite didn't live up to his glorious portrait.

On 2/23/2019 at 5:11 PM, Saint Rubenio said:
Gqivqufp o

Have you stopped to think that perhaps this is Gerxel's retribution?

Badass, Ruben.

On 2/23/2019 at 5:11 PM, Saint Rubenio said:
V9wymdwi o

There's the reason these guys aren't attacking Leonie that much, probably. They can't even hit her!

And they'd only do two damage if they did.

On 2/23/2019 at 5:11 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Yeah, well... I've been blatantly trying to hold this off for as long as possible, but here's the truth: Barbarossa cannot be saved. The Kate lookalike wasn't kidding when she said he will fight to the very end. Since he's so strong, the game actually gives you an out if you can't kill him, but it does not result in his survival. I hate to admit it, but... we must kill Barbarossa.

...I see...

Give him a worthy final fight, Ruben.

On 2/23/2019 at 5:11 PM, Saint Rubenio said:
4neygvih oKuvd8ort oLsme0z0z o

I wish I could make this quick and painless for you, Barbarossa, but you're just too strong!

I don't think he's the kind of guy who would like a quick death. He'd probably prefer it if he died giving it his all.

On 2/23/2019 at 5:11 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

I guess this is as good a time as any to showcase the save staff we've been holding on to all game.

Rkzjnwos oUqmh4sxk oMjn0ddtp o

The save screen just pops up, and then Enteh raises her staff for a second. Not bad.

Right, this game saves mid-fight via staff. I can't tell if that's an innovative design choice or an archaic one.

On 2/23/2019 at 5:11 PM, Saint Rubenio said:
Zkqnajrg oTshtyn2y oZxvwbfvb o

He savagely stabs the enemy through and then tears them open with a quick upwards slash. Brutal!

Simple, yet efficient.

On 2/23/2019 at 5:11 PM, Saint Rubenio said:
Nnhvncjk o

Oh, and the Ogre guy ran out of Ogres. Just saying.

So... at the very minimum, you've spent 12 turns on this chapter at this point?

On 2/23/2019 at 5:11 PM, Saint Rubenio said:
Tnythqfa o6w9vg6ki o

The text scrolls really slowly here, as if he was having a lot of trouble speaking. It's really well done.

Tgiaxiip o

Then it speeds up here. I wish I could do it justice, but alas, I can only describe it. What an absolutely badass death quote. Befitting of the Shield of Canaan.

Once again, it's neat to see the attention to detail this game has.

On 2/23/2019 at 5:11 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Not sure if we've ever seen Terra before, but just in case, here's what it does: it nullifies terrain bonuses if it activates. Sounds real crappy, doesn't it? Well, here's the kicker: it's a guaranteed crit. What this amounts to is that, even if the unit cannot hit critically, they will still have a chance to pull it off thanks to Terra being a skill that's calculated separatedly from crits. It's not the world's greatest skill, but I'm fond of it.

How many skills in this game have something to do with critting?

On 2/23/2019 at 5:11 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Tmftf851 o

Can I just say that the entire scene when he goes back inside is beautiful?

I think Mustafa just earned some competition for  "best sympathetic boss that we only meet once".

On 2/23/2019 at 5:11 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Styce1gd oLdva1ps1 oCldydlvy o

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand then he explodes.

On 2/23/2019 at 5:11 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

...okay, I know a lot of people are going to draw Lorenz comparisons, but... as much as I love Lorenz's sacrifice, this was just... glorious. Absolutely magnificent. Besides, I don't think they're really all that similar, all things considered. Lorenz blowing up was just a weird thing that didn't amount to anything, and it was changed to a simple stab in the remake. Here, it is clear that he intended to ensure that we could not use the fort against Canaan. And he succeeded.

Ah, so the explosion does have a reason behind it.

On 2/23/2019 at 5:11 PM, Saint Rubenio said:
Xjtluoib o

And then he just leaves. Class act, Mintz. I'm not sure who to give this to. Kate learns it, but it's a bit too late, and Kreiss never does. I think I'll keep it in the convoy for when we can hand it over to Kreiss, and if we find another one along the way Kate'll get it if she hasn't learnt the skill yet. Sounds like a plan.

Guess you weren't lying that a canto scroll had his name on it. Even if now he no longer needs it.

On 2/23/2019 at 5:11 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Well, first of all, I can jump all over the room while screaming "YEEESSSS I'M SUCH A BADASSSSS I AM WINNEEEER". I don't want to brag, but... who's the man!? Hah! I just fucking beat one of this game's most difficult chapters without a single casualty and without using the top tier losers! Well, I mean, I guess Mintz, Raquel and Sasha are up there, but the top top tier losers like Zieg, Raffin and Narron? Zieg barely did anything other than to support Kate! And I guess I got really lucky with the dodges there, too, but... still! This is quite surprising! I earnestly believed this chapter would mark the end of my perfect record for Runan, but nope! The goddess protec still! Hwahahahahah... today's a good day.

On 2/23/2019 at 5:11 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Now watch as nobody dies and I have to desperately look through my LPing manual for ideas to make this thing interesting.

Well that was epic to read. I can see why this is your favorite level. I was expecting more difficulties, but I'll take you being an epic general than you loosing half of your army any day.

On 2/23/2019 at 5:11 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Lyif0aav o

4zeq9zga o

2y1oktkm o

Called it!

Also, nice detail with the arrow.

On 2/23/2019 at 5:11 PM, Saint Rubenio said:
Azbexkol o

Bjsl5mpq o

...Remind me to set a day aside to speedread your other LP's so I can get to these details faster.

On 2/23/2019 at 5:11 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Tgzkjwad o

And now I'm seeing spoilers.

Oh well. I can live with that.

On 2/23/2019 at 5:11 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

And that's all the custom sprites I had prepared for this LP! Please, tell me what you think. I did Arran from scratch, too, aside from the shoulder pads. Pretty damn proud of it, but you tell me what you think and if there's anything I should try to improve. Oh, and for those who didn't read the first LP, I am taking the Metal Gear approach of pretending that the first LP was better than it actually was. I only added Arran there to be able to show off his final support conversation.

Arran looks good. While I wouldn't call them Mona Lisa's or anything like that, your sprites do have charm to them.

Also, since you mentioned Metal Gear...

In the midst of a minefield, Snake and Fox fought without any weapons. A fist-to-fist duel involving no hatred or murder intent. During that weird moment of purity, the two were bound by forces transcending words and emotion.

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Part 35 - Savage Eugen.

Hey, it is I, Saint Rubenio! Self-proclaimed worst tactician ever and part-time universe destroyer! Why all this tomfoolery, you may be asking?

Well, I just wanted to announce that, after playing FE11 (the final battle went pretty well, only Tiki and that shithead Gotoh died! Ergh, after a failed attempt where literally everyone died...), my friend moved on to FE12, and so did I. The last time I played only like 5 people died, so I was feeling pretty confident. And then I became overconfident and went Maniac.

So yeah, just wanted to let you guys know I'm tackling FE12 Maniac again. Yep. This is all I can say. When If I give up, I'll let you know.


On 24/2/2019 at 12:04 AM, BrightBow said:

Oh wow, congrats.

Right? I'm glad.

Leonie already rammed her speed too, just like Raquel. Yikes!

They're both so awesome.

They most certainly seem to have realized that this map could potentially be very troublesome. It's not just the turn limit, the backdoor is also open. So if you circle around, you can easily lure out the enemy soldiers out of the range of their siege weapons. But why would anyone want to drag their whole army across map made of nothing but forest tiles if they can help it? Well, besides for the sheer hilarity of Fort Balt's seemingly perfect defense failing because they didn't think to lock the door.

I never found it to be worth doing, honestly. Running from Harpies, ballistae, all the archers while trudging through the fodder only to still have to encounter the tanks and the horsies head-on is not worth the trouble.

Also, thank god Sun can't be on Runan's route at this point. It's never brought up in relation to her as far as I know, but seeing how Sun is Silva's daughter, this consequently means her grandfather just died.
Of course, given Sun's young age and her mother's banishment, they probably never actually meet. Not sure if that makes it any better or even more depressing.

Hey, she's young, but not a toddler, and I'm pretty sure Arless's death didn't happen that long ago. They probably knew each other.


On 24/2/2019 at 5:29 AM, ArkisLover❤️ said:

If you use him, and don't get him killed, I will restrain from saying Arkis for the duration of the LP

I can endure.

It is a good sprite, but it's a bit weird that he's facing away from the camera, the shirt and his hair look like their made from the same material, but that's not too relevant, he does look more yellow than your other sprites, but I assume that's just lingering effects of the illness. 

Hey, the facing away from the camera's an artistic choice! Show some goddamn respect!

Nah, but in all seriousness, I tried to emulate the style of his SNES portrait, where he's facing away from the camera with his head turned. I guess I didn't trust myself enough to pull that off, so I just made him face away while looking back.

Small nitpick, but Arran is a knight of Altea, not Archanea, he fought in the Archanean league in shadow dragon, but the entirety of new mystery is fought under the banner of Altea but again that's just me being OCD. 

Like Mad-Manakete explained, I meant Archanea, the unified continent.

Oh boy I can't wait for Pretzel to have something to do with this

Only time will tell...1

(bishop guy is missing an eye, Lyria is missing an eye, their left eyes in fact, the same eye that Pretzel covered with his monocle in the alternate timeline,even though his right eye was covered in main timeline. What does it mean???)

It means Arkis is still benched. That is what it means.


On 24/2/2019 at 6:53 AM, eclipse said:

Congrats on beating that!

Thank you very much!

Now watch as Maruj becomes a wind god.  He's just. . .making sure the others aren't too far behind him.  Yeah. :P:

Hey, there's still time. The promotion definitely helped.


On 24/2/2019 at 10:15 AM, Mad-manakete said:

I'm playing off cartridge so Etzel's out. I tend to use Minerva as a kind of utility unit to access secret shops even if I don't actively plan on using her, so probably but not really a planned unit there. I was actually going to try and use a certain other healer this time... hammerne and warp be damned. But Cain very definitely has been active already. Thing is my other's were Matthis (because I wanted to see if he could be good in this game... something you went and proved without me making it redundant), Cord (because I've used Barst enough times I wanted to try another one) and Roger, because after all, I was the one who put forth the claim he and The Roger The Paladin are one and the same. Incidentally, even though you can't actually make Roger a cav/paladin, it's interesting to note if you take Roger's base speed growth the cav speed bonus in Shadow Dragon... it ends up exactly at the same percentage as The Roger The Paladin's. Coincidence? Doubtlessly given it's the only stat that actually matches.. though defense comes within 5% and HP is a relatively close 15% difference for HP (after all Matthis has like 90% HP growth, so those get pretty high). But that's enough tin-foil hattery.

I'm glad I'm making people believe in Matthis. Since FE12, that's been one of my life objectives.

Also, don't dismiss your til-foil hattery as mere coincidences. I think you may be on to something. I mean, on to something we already knew for a fact. Sure.

If you were playing Gaiden/Echoes you'd have your own... and then could pick them off from the edge of their range if you needed to play it safe. Especially in Echoes where you can use that skill with the killer bow to double. I had a fun time that run I made Atlas an archer. No speed to speak of, but who needs it when you have a skill that can guarantee doubling and raise crit percentage? That combined with his strength and he was one rounding if not one shotting almost everything.

Hahah, sounds fun indeed.

You could say that ogre was out of his Leegue.

You've punned the word liege enough times to fill a leest.

This is why Raquel shows mercy to human foes. Her power is too great for them.

She's like Shaggy, then?

Do they give bonuses in this game like most FE's? That might be it. Avoid, defense and heal is tempting.

That makes sense.

Well now we know where Arran was last LP I guess. Thought I missed something for a moment when he mentioned Parthia and slaying Medeus... but then it evened out when it was explained.

It'll be explained further today.


On 24/2/2019 at 12:17 PM, Dayni said:

Alright, I didn't think that was.

So I guess that just gave way then? Indiana Jones is superpowered after all?

He's hilariously overpowered in this game, so yeah, might be!

I'm not sure the devs got it either.

They did get it. They wanted more fanservice for the otak-- fans.

Considering that's a possessed spirit rather than a corpse, not quite in the same ballpark.

I guess...

sen-eh (like in French how et is pronounced like that's not a t at all).

Bitch please. How dare you assume the Sennet's french? In the name of the Champions of Yutona, you're under arrest. The Senate will decide your fate.

Well it's Camilla, what did you-

Wait, I'm sorry. You only learn this in her supports. So there's some subtlety. Not much at all though. 

Heeey that's nice to hear!

"Must...... resist....... urge to........ pummel."

"Matthis, are you all right? You're all re-- Julian! Where are you going? Stop fiddling around with the window, my brother's not going to hurt you!"

"Yes... c'mere, Jule, I'm not going to hurt you... I'm just going to tell you a little something about screwing with my--"



Rrrgghh... why, you...!

I'm making the case that he's not quite strictly a Camu (No, that's not a typo. Thank Heroes)

Camoo. Sorry, they ain't gonna move me with that. It's hideous.

Well, after he got burnt by the dragon it both turned more green and spiked upwards.....

Ah who am I kidding, I just wanted a dramatic statement.

Probably so, since he's wearing the exact same robes he wore back in FE6.


(Seriously, how can you win with that range?)

You pray and tank.

She's going to be that kind of Est.

I guess her and Sasha are taking this game apart at this rate.

More or less, with some help from some others.

He could do with some defence.

Still good otherwise.

I agree.

A little worse? She'll have more defence than Runan before long!

Yeah, well, it's still objectively worse than her first level.

Honestly, I'm not a fan. Which doesn't seem like the thing I should be saying.

C'mon, you're allowed to disagree with me, y'know! I'll just arrange for your permanent ban from the forum. I can make mods change their ranks, I'll have you know!

Yeah, she at least has some bases.

That much is true.

It's the one way to ensue he doesn't get benched.

He probably won't ever get benched, his bases are great.

Jeez, that's always something that annoyed me with the dragons and pegasi in the same promotion line.

Yes, it's rather awkward.

Still no Barbarossa sadly.

Hey, he's getting there.

If that's wrong, what's right supposed to-

4kzbz2c7 o

Oh yeah, that.


Oh look, it's Draco.

Runan has a chance of just smashing the opponent now.

I hope I'll get a chance to show it off at some point.

I guess Holmes will have to do something to catch up.

He can begin by becoming less of a dickhead.

What's funny to me is that they had the winners stay behind.

They could have had it as "winners" make it home.

I do believe it's supposed to show just how loyal these people were to Barbarossa. They were so eager to stay with him and die by his side, they actually forced the losers to leave. I like it, honestly.

He's getting away, he's stalling the game!

It's the Cowardly Bishop!

Kids hate him!

Actually, this face is pretty bad.

Like someone just updated a portrait from NES FE here.

I believe that.

Had to start some time.

Good thing it was sooner rather than later!

To be fair, I was kind of thinking he'd be removed only to come back later on still against you.

His way......


A sprite that mighty couldn't be in the player's hands.

That's why.


Thus Rubenio had to sit down and cry for a second as Barbarossa fell.

The saga was ended.

I shed a single manly tear for him. That is the only way.

It's Parity, but it gives crits.

Are you kidding me, I'm all on board with this.

Hwahahahah, fine!

And there it is.

This chapter was all for nothing.

Damned Barbarossa, how dare he win even after I kill him!

True, true.

It doesn't mean that Better Douglas couldn't have done things differently. It is clear he wouldn't have though.

To be fair, he probably could have, but still. Stubborn as he was, I can respect a man willing to do anything to protect his country's hope, especially when that hope actually exists, so it's not just blind loyalty for the sake of loyalty.

She got Strength again.


She did, didn't she. Hahahah...

I mean, I'm tempted to say 10/10, ut she doesn't have higher defence than Runan yet.

Okay then, 9/10.

If it had move, then I'd be tempted to say 10/10.

...okay then, 9/10.

I thought you said you didn't want a Hero Crest you got earlier.

Guess you may have been mistaken.

I mean, Holmes has one and I'm probably not going to be able to promote her before the route split.

9wemniw4 o"I mean, did you save someone from execution lately?"

Martha'd probably get even more angry that he ran off to save other females from execution. Of course, Leonie's most likely not legal, but she doesn't know that.

Mintz got what he was looking for, now was not the time to keep talking with a whole castle exploding and all that.

You have to wonder why Martha's so nonchallant about the whole situation. Barbarossa just blew up in front of her!

There we go, it's that guy!

I was wrong there indeed.

Who were you even guessing?

Wait, he decided to leave for Wrys.

Oh, who knows...

Is this the time for a crackship?

Please refrain from desecrating Arran's character like so.

I'm going to be honest, I'm more on board with Arran's now than I was when I first saw it honestly. I'm mostly not sure what improvements should be made (like, is his hair meant to be this uneven at the end?).

I had so much trouble with the hair, I swear. I've done my best, and I did some further minor improvements after the update. I hope it feels any better.


On 24/2/2019 at 2:23 PM, Mad-manakete said:

Just gonna point out Marth ended up taking over as ruler of Archanea post New Mystery. Not to mention the rest of the continent, and it became the "United Kingdom of Archanea"... bar possibly Macedon if Michalis is alive post New Mystery. Which is actually why he dies in OG Mystery. So there's no question of who rules. So Ruben is, under the principle that Arran remained in service in a world where he survived instead of succumbing to the illness, correct

Yeah, that was my thought process.

Funny thing is, if you go off the wiki, older translations of Gaiden, and the class, it's pretty much implied Gaiden Nuibaba was a wrinkly old man by pronouns, the fact the "slime" is supposed to be scaley "snake-like wrinkled skin, and the fact the character got class-changed from Arcanist, an exclusively male class, to witch, and exclusively female class. I guess it was to give female villain representation to a game that had none... kind of like making Leon gay and fixated on Valbar instead of just Valbar's friend (and consequently changing the ending from "rejoined the knights and helped rebuild the kingdom" to basically "Was wounded so he could never fight again, but remained true to himself" if Valbar lived kind (he more or less gets his old ending if Valbar dies). Point is, they clearly made a couple changes to characters to fall more in line with modern expectations of representation. Not that it matters because old Nuibaba and Leon were blank slates honestly. If Leon were a womanizer I might have cared. I don't think I ever will with Nuibaba just because somehow "The Witch of Fear Mountain" sounds better to me. Might be all those "Haunt of Fear" comics with the Old Witch, Crypt Keeper and Vault Keeper I read back in the day.

Soooo your point is that they wanted to seem progressive, so they took Forgettable Boss #314 and turned it into a dominatrix with big tiddies?

I can't say that's all that progressive, but Leon's a cool character, so kudos to them.

Anyway, seeing as I'm commenting again, I'll put out a couple more thoughts.
Barbarossa distinctly reminds me of another figure from the Crusades (like "Richard the Lionheart", which has given two names). Frederick Barbarossa, king of Germany and Holy Roman Emperor. He got the Barbarossa part of his name from the Italians he fought at one-stage (so indeed, it's the Italian iteration, not the Spanish). He managed to, besides ruling Germany, become King of Italy and Burgundy later in life (hence the Holy Roman Emperor thing). His death was an anti-climax to a life of achievements, when in the third Crusade, he was thrown from his horse's back into the Saleph River in Turkey, dying in water hip-deep. Whether from drowning due to heavy armor or dying from a heart attack caused by the shock of cold water is the question, as reports are conflicting. If you go off what I read he was apparently elected King of Germany, but I'm not quite sure how that works, just that he succeeded his uncle.

That's probably the inspiration, indeed. I mean, look at that beard.
Final note, @Saint Rubenio, have you ever considered that, with Princess Peach being royalty that has a kingdom under threat by a rival king, that in her own way she is a "Lord"? And in that event, Mario and Luigi are actually the original Cain & Abel archetypes, as they wear red and green, use a mount (Yoshi), and face any foe that threatens their kingdom unwaveringly? Furthermore, while looking similar at first glance, they have slightly differing abilities and personalities (I.E., Luigi actually has a personality because as a rule mascots like Mario or Mickey Mouse tend not to to allow them to be a blank slate onto which people can project themself, thus resulting in Luigi or Donald Duck being superior). Mind this leaves questions of where the other archetypes are. Maybe if we counted some of the partners from Super Mario RPG and Paper Mario/TTYD... I mean Mallow is pretty much a mage, or Ms Mowz is obviously a thief. Now that could be a fun thread theme.

Luigi could be the Camus, and then in the sequel there's this totally unrelated character called Mr. L. Still more subtle than Sirius.


On 24/2/2019 at 9:46 PM, Dayni said:

On Nuibaba, I meant like the devs didn't really try to make Nuibaba all that similar. It's made quite explicit for instance that Nuibaba doesn't even worship Duma, while her interactions with Berkut pretty much tell us they wanted a more prominent minor villain and while Nuibaba got a unique introduction in Gaiden there wasn't much else done in the original. In SoV, Nuibaba's actually interesting, if not nuanced. Even if your only interest is because of those changes.

On Barbarossa, that was the exact person I was comparing to. Being elected King of Germany wasn't too surprising because theirs was an elective monarchy which was chosen among the ducal electors. He also got elected over Italy though, 

Aaaaaaaaand that's about it? There's not much else?


On 24/2/2019 at 10:04 PM, BrightBow said:

Barbarossa is definitely a good example of Kaga sometimes actually puts a bit of thought into who he gives those names too. I think Barbarossa even means "red beard". His death could even allude to Barbarossa being one of the guys with a "king in the mountain" legend attached to it. Though I suppose a mountain of rubble isn't quite as dignified of a resting place as the Kyffhäuser.

Yes, Barbarossa's name helps make him memorable.

I'd imagine other characters like Frau didn't get that kind of thought. Or good old Fury. That one was just super random.

I'm more of a fan of Himmler, the random Paladin boss from Shadow Dragon who just happens to be named after Hitler's number 2.


On 25/2/2019 at 3:33 PM, Hawkwing said:

I remember you mentioning the lever thing.... *Looks it up* Holy Crap! Over a year ago! Yeah, I quoted you about calling the game old. Amazing how time flies. Anyway, it was in this topic:

Oh, wow... hahah. The things you find when you've been at a forum for a while.

There's a difference between reading something that features swearing and being able to skip over it when I get the idea, and having to listen to Shadow say "dammit!" every time he so much as stubs his toe.

Pfft. Okay, I can see where you're coming from.

By the way, remind me to hide some sort of message for you in the midst of a bunch of swear words just to annoy you. Hah!

Wait, so you never beat the game? Did you get far enough to obtain the Pa Cheng, at least?

I remember getting to Von Beck, so I must've gotten the Pa Cheng, but I had no memories of the thing, and the endgame was all new for me.

Regardless of what progress my younger self made, I beat the game a few days ago, and I can safely say... man, Kai was one hell of a pushover. Pffft. Von Beck's final battle was way better.

I'll have to check out the Dragon's Pearl mod, 'cause I love overpowered Indy who can take like a thousand MP40 bullets at point blank (but nearly chokes if he runs for two seconds), but I'd like to see what the game looks like when it's not easy as hell.

There are times where using the machine gun to mow down enemy forces, or taking cover and engaging in a good old fashioned shootout, is fun in its own right. However, I do not blame you in the slightest for deciding to stick with your fists.

I understand, but there's so much silliness to be found in fist fights!

It's actually an open-source free to play game that is entirely community lead. It's surprisingly well balanced despite the numerous differences between each faction. I just wish I didn't get distracted by other games whenever I started to play it, because then I go "Holy crap! I haven't played this game in over half a year! Again!"

Ah, I know the feeling.

Well, asexuality is a pretty blanket term for "low to no sex drive", so he might still be tempted? He might not? Eh, it probably wouldn't matter if Holmes keeps his crossbow aimed at his head at all times. Although, considering what happened last time he had story relevance...

He's not asexual, I'm pretty sure, he just lost his bollocks. For a guy like him, that must've just been really frustrating.

Asking random NPCs if they're General Lawrence is all you need to know.

Is it bad that I'd been planning to make that a recurring joke for months prior to the LP's start?

I've actually been thinking about doing the joke for a while, but never got around to it. I have a really roundabout way of making memes.

I see...

I don't know what this is, and I can barely hear what the person is saying, but it's great.

He's saying "na na na na naaaa nana naaaaa"

They were simple, but they made up for that by requiring the player to earn every step of the way into the castle. Again, grueling and difficult, but fun.

After replaying the game again, I'd actually say that the desert maps have better design than people give it credit for. Sure, I can understand why people still don't like them, but the placement of the grassland tiles actually allows you to reach the fortresses or bosses fairly quickly yet not too fast.

Hmm. I understand...

Speaking of which, what could I place a bet on? They usually tend to backfire in some entertaining way.

Dang it, you!

Now I want to see that happen in Fire Emblem proper, where a dark mage is gloating while preparing a powerful spell, only to be killed halfway by a much speedier foe.

In other words, that famous scene in Raiders of the Lost Ark, but with magic.

Isn't that more or less what just happened here, though?


And all the "Thank You's", "You're Welcomes" and "Apologies Accepted" for the rest of the comments, because I don't want to spend time quoting it all, and I don't want the next update to take longer than it should.

Yes, that saves time, I thank you.

Thanks for the warning.

No probs.

Wait, so ogre's exist in this game?

Yes, they do.

Eyup. She's staying. I can tell.

Can you? I thought it was really hard.

Not gonna lie, I always think that Zieg looks like his turn has been ended and a dancer will give him another one whenever I see his sprite.

That's his sprite for you: so dark, you feel like his turn is always ended. And that the edge is really sharp.

The only other reason I can think of for not using flurry is to save on weapon uses. Otherwise, it's almost as if it's the default attack for those characters now.

It is their default attack. Normal attack is mostly just for situational purposes like the one you described.

Pretty much, although the you also have access to the bows. And you don't have to worry about the flying weakness too much on Normal, and even on Hard you can still have Pegasus knights kill equipped archers if you're gutsy enough (and have a healer on standby). Also, the constant dodging is what Gaiden/Echoes feels like as well, even if it applies to your enemies as well.

All right, I see.

Gaiden? That kind of level is a rarity. Echoes? It's too not surprising to obtain. Although the latter loves to alternate between excellent level ups and pitiful ones.

So basically FE, then?

I was actually planning on commenting how it looks like the cavaliers are about to fall off their horse when using lances as early as the first update, but I forgot to do so the first time and I kept going back and forth on whether it actually looked like they were leaning too much to the side every other time.

Sounds like an internal argument you'd have.

Why do the ogres look like a mixture between gremlins and the Hulk?

Because that's life.

It is going very well so far. I mean, there are several moments where failure to dodge earlier could have spelled disaster, but no ones complaining. Although time will tell if this will continue for the rest of the level...

5xzjsb49 o

Death via snowflakes!

Although I think that Blustones ice attacks are cooler.

Oh, of course you do.

I just realized that Lee is holding a staff in his idle portrait. I don't know why it took this long to notice.

If he has a staff equipped, then yes, he does have a staff in his idle portrait.

Seeing the giant arrow actually in-frame...

Do the ballista animations look cool or ridiculous in this game?

Normal. Nothing too extreme in either way.

Now that Norton is dodging in a scene that isn't filled with 5 other people dodging, can I say that his looks a little goofy. It looks less like he's ducking and more like he's slightly leaning over.

That's Norton for you. He knows he has 17 defense and Wrath, he doesn't care if he's hit.

This is the first time I've seen a 92% critical hit.

It's also the first time I've seen someone be so reliant on a critical hit for their survival.

To be fair, that was a pretty hard crit to miss. Still, knowing the RNGoddess, I shouldn't have taken the risk.

Monsters die painful deaths every time they appear, don't they? This is the third time a sentence like that has been typed out.


I'd be more surprised if Lionheart's sprite didn't live up to his glorious portrait.

It will. I think it will, at least.

Badass, Ruben.

Thank you so much!

And they'd only do two damage if they did.

I truly wanted her to live.

...I see...

Give him a worthy final fight, Ruben.

And so I did.

I don't think he's the kind of guy who would like a quick death. He'd probably prefer it if he died giving it his all.

Yeah, he strikes me as that kind of man also.

Right, this game saves mid-fight via staff. I can't tell if that's an innovative design choice or an archaic one.

Innovative for its time.

Simple, yet efficient.


So... at the very minimum, you've spent 12 turns on this chapter at this point?

I think it took me something like a little over 20 to beat Barbarossa. Then I just wasted some more for the clean-up.

Once again, it's neat to see the attention to detail this game has.


How many skills in this game have something to do with critting?

A few, give or take one or two.

Can I just say that the entire scene when he goes back inside is beautiful?

I think Mustafa just earned some competition for  "best sympathetic boss that we only meet once".

I can agree with that, although I don't know that much about Mustafa.

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand then he explodes.

...Mustafa just lost the competition?

Ah, so the explosion does have a reason behind it.

Yeah, it wasn't just about showing off the wondrous power of the PS1.

Guess you weren't lying that a canto scroll had his name on it. Even if now he no longer needs it.

He'll give it to a worthy man.

Well that was epic to read. I can see why this is your favorite level. I was expecting more difficulties, but I'll take you being an epic general than you loosing half of your army any day.

Hah, I thank you graciously.

Called it!

You did!

Also, nice detail with the arrow.


...Remind me to set a day aside to speedread your other LP's so I can get to these details faster.

Like I said, Metal Gear approach. You might be disappointed.

And now I'm seeing spoilers.

Oh well. I can live with that.

Actually, no. None of those things (well, aside from being revived by the Aum) were even depicted in the FE12 LP. I actually pulled the "Arran kills Medeus" reveal from my latest FE12 run. More on that later.

Arran looks good. While I wouldn't call them Mona Lisa's or anything like that, your sprites do have charm to them.

I didn't set out to draw no Mona Lisas, so I think we can call this a victory for me!

Also, since you mentioned Metal Gear...

In the midst of a minefield, Snake and Fox fought without any weapons. A fist-to-fist duel involving no hatred or murder intent. During that weird moment of purity, the two were bound by forces transcending words and emotion.

Kojima: profound philosophy


Seriously, why is the music for the fight so godawful? It's hilarious!



8qztttma o

That he did. Poor Barbarossa, man... and poor Stephanie.

Llp8v3vh o

Um606rva oIs that so? Personally, I think it sounds awful to die in battle.

Ih49ob2i oThat's just your youth speaking, milord. Old souls like me would rather fall like flower petals on the battlefield than suffer from old age and the ilness(sic) it brings. General Barbarossa was surely happy to die fighting a worthy opponent like you.

Um606rva oFather always taught me that people who rush to their deaths are fools. If you're lucky enough to be alive, you should live your life to the fullest. Would that not be the most glorious of all, Eugen?

Ih49ob2i oHa ha ha... Not everyone can be as strong as Duke Gramud was. You are exceptionally talented, and you have your father's legacy to guide you. However, not everyone is so fortunate.

Kfgz3kys o

4lt3brpp o Jesus Christ, that's... not the sort of thing I'd expect to see in a videogame! C'mon, I play these things to avoid boring real life! You don't need to remind me of my inevitable fate!

Um606rva oWhat a pessimistic view on life... Though I guess I understand where you're coming from.

P1zzgcas o That was a pretty amazing sequence. As it tends to happen with this game, both sides make valid points and are right in their own ways. Of course, I'm biased, because one of my favourite characters in FE is Arran, who I'd much rather died in a blaze of glory, saying probably my favourite death quote in the entire series, than lived to get benched after Khadein and get a lame one-line ending. Even still, Runan's arguments are perfectly valid too. I guess it all depends on one's perspective.

Q4bpifpt o

P1zzgcas o Suddenly, Claris! Remember? She was introduced two updates ago alongside Raphael.

Um606rva oWho are you?

E7ffcz4a oI am Claris, heiress to the Fire Shrine. I am the daughter of Sage Octavus.

Um606rva oLady Claris! Forgive me, I didn't know...

E7ffcz4a oHave you heard of me?

Um606rva oQueen Liza of Wellt told us about you. She said that after capturing Fort Balt, we should seek out Sister Claris in the forests of Salia.

0zfd96rn o Wait... she said that? I can't remember that...

4lt3brpp o ...what the heck!? I just went back and checked her scenes with Runan, and Liza never mentioned Claris! You're shitting me, game!

E7ffcz4a oI see, it was Liza... In that case, Lord Runan, please follow me back to my home. We can talk on the way.

0zfd96rn o That was awkward... c'mon, could they not have come up with a better excuse? She's the daughter of one of the awesome Four Sages who were disciples of the great White Sage Got-- I mean, Morse! As well as the next in line to inherit his sacred temple! That's kind of a big deal, y'know? It's perfectly reasonable for Runan to have at least heard of Claris! You don't need to lie to my face and hope I have a terrible memory!


Esdnaevd o1zyxtqiv o
Hws8ij4r o
Dgpg1utj o
Kgfssrzy o
Rrilk1jt o
Wip0j3qt o
3x9aqjer o


16ycodbt o

I like how it's just called "Hidden Village". Not very well hidden, I take it.

Y7pcp3bg o

Especially since we got THE FINAL BOSS!!!! here.

Fpypts1l o

P1zzgcas o As well as another guy whose head looks like a football. Why are there so many of these in this continent? None of these copycats come even slightly close to Footballman and Holy Artichokes, but...

W1bjm9gj oYou cannot hide the truth from me. You will tell me all that you know. Now, tell me! Where is it?!

Ncv9xjvc oNmtqrpi3 o

0zfd96rn o Of course, and then he begins to torture him without giving him a chance to reply. Well evil'd, evilman.

Ctmximdg oAaaaahhhh...!


Z2jdzvpy o

0zfd96rn o Now that's a throwaway if I've ever seen one. That black thing above his nose has always confused me. Is it hair? Is it moss, like Footballman's? Is it a weird decoration that the hat has? What in the world is that?

W1bjm9gj oYes, I suspect you're right...

Bpt1yei7 oNo doubt she will return here shortly. I shall deliver the Ring of Reeve to you without fail, Your Excellency.

W1bjm9gj oVery well, I leave this to you, Cunedd. I am needed elsewhere. I am told Rachis has been sighted.

Bpt1yei7 oRachis?! The daughter of Arless has been found?

0zfd96rn o Cunedd, dude, spoilers!

W1bjm9gj oYes, she was seen on the steppes of Selba. Now all four have been accounted for.

Bpt1yei7 oThat is fantastic news!

W1bjm9gj oFinally, the ritual will be possible. But to complete it, we need Mousa back. Do not disappoint me, Cunedd.

Bpt1yei7 oI shan't! My life is yours, Your Excellency!

0zfd96rn o "Me life is yours, Your Excellency! That is fantastic news! Me be a generic throwaway boss! Yes, Your Excellency! YES, YOUR EXCELLENCY!"

P1zzgcas o Oh, well, but at least I suppose the lategame boss has a decent reason to leave when he could just stay and kill us personally, for a change. Usually they just leave because they feel like it. Looking at you, Narcian...

Mvekmymc o

And thus, in an extremely shocking and surprising turn of events that I am sure has left each and every one of you jawless, Cunedd is the next boss. I suppose after the foes Runan's been getting all his route, they needed to give him a shitty-ass, forgettable bossman. Just so Holmes doesn't feel too bad about his own array of bosses, y'know?

Seriously, think about it! Pretty much each and every one of the bosses Runan's faced since the route split up until now have been interesting in one way or another! Marshall was sympathetic, Pavlov was an actually entertaining and well-written irredeemable piece of shit, Dagon was a recurring boss (which is enough to make him at least a little memorable) who took out the great, brave hero that was Seamus; Carnell added an interesting spin to his chapter... and then you have Barbarossa, who was simply the game's greatest boss. Holmes's pathetic route doesn't stand a chance!

Entq4nls o

Greenie overhere is a hideous stain in the face of Runan's list of great bosses. Let's make him disappear.

Zlj2wxj0 o

Well, I wonder what that could possibly mean. Surely it cannot be a hint?

Le58udk6 o8k20tbrb o

Ih49ob2i oWhat is it, Lady Claris?

E7ffcz4a oI can feel something... It's the village... The village has been attacked!

Um606rva oIn that case, please stay here, Lady Claris. We'll go and see what's happened.

E7ffcz4a oThank you very much. By the way, there is someone in the village who it is important that you meet.

0zfd96rn o Look alive, everybody, hint mortars inbound! Let us head to the Bunker of Obtuse Bullshit, guarded by Letena, Xavier, Michalis and Karla. Great warriors, all of 'em. They strive for a hintless world!


Vmjiszhp o
Uysxi5tq o
Vkssz7rd oPgqu5oxn o
Ntzzbvqu o
M3mitpcu o
Osjjds6p o
Uqspawqw o
P7hubj78 o


Oe8fwjsl o

What is that? Did you just say you haven't had enough hint? Well, here's some more hint for ya!

Ismhtd7b o

Why is everybody in the continent this one old guy? When I made that portrait for Juliattisnacordst's grandfather way back when, I didn't expect I'd ever be using it again, but as it turns out...

Bkamdgvy o

Ha0dg21k oAh, wait, please! Lord Raphael!

He2m952w o

Oh noes, he's out in the battlefield! Is he gonna be all right?

Absolutely so, as we'll find out next update. Speaking of next update, I'll see you then. Probably in a couple of days.

...ergh, yeah, that's... that's the update. There's not much else.

...yes, I know. I am capable of pushing gigantic action updates with fanfic stuff included in three days, but take five days for these four tiny scenes. I'm lazy and copying text isn't that much fun, I'm sorry. I really should hurry up with these, but that's life. You knew the risks when you didn't sign up.

Death count: Attrom

Reset count: 2 (Runan: 1 - Katri: 1)

Dullahan's done with my incompetence: 3


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2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

They did get it. They wanted more fanservice for the otak-- fans.

Considering what they did with Nuibaba, I can absolutely get over her having fan service.

Hell, it's confirmed she's not even a Duma worshipper (Medusa is her goddess), the execution of her intimidating presence is pretty dang good in SoV and she has some backstory, which is a lot better than a lot of 1-off villains in the series. I would recommend SoV honestly because of the presentation and how well it handles a story that's older than I am (Also Awakening if you can stand a lot of what doesn't work with it and Conquest if you focus on the gameplay and use the story as joke material after chapter 13 (Okay, barring that stretch from Chapter 22-25. That's also actually pretty good.)

2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Bitch please. How dare you assume the Sennet's french? In the name of the Champions of Yutona, you're under arrest. The Senate will decide your fate.

Sennet's on the Senate though.

2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Heeey that's nice to hear!

How is it nice, this thing that could have been useful to expand on a character who actually needed such gets relegated to the side and is also not as detailed as I think it needed to be. Now, anyone who wishes to point out how wrong I am on that? Do so, I don't pretend to know all of Fates's supports inside and out.

2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

"Matthis, are you all right? You're all re-- Julian! Where are you going? Stop fiddling around with the window, my brother's not going to hurt you!"

"Yes... c'mere, Jule, I'm not going to hurt you... I'm just going to tell you a little something about screwing with my--"


I wonder what he was actually going to say.

Also, considering I still associate Lena with killing Gharnef in SD, I could see her stepping in if need be.

2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Camoo. Sorry, they ain't gonna move me with that. It's hideous.

I was joking about pronunciation, it's still spelt Camus.

2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Yeah, well, it's still objectively worse than her first level.

I mean, it's not terrible though.

2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

To be fair, he probably could have, but still. Stubborn as he was, I can respect a man willing to do anything to protect his country's hope, especially when that hope actually exists, so it's not just blind loyalty for the sake of loyalty.

I didn't say it was absolutely blind (which is part of the reason to argue )

2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

You have to wonder why Martha's so nonchallant about the whole situation. Barbarossa just blew up in front of her!

She's in shock? In the sense that she's trying to avoid noticing the castle blow up?

2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Who were you even guessing?

Lydia's ex, thought he and Not-Martel were working together based on how the screenshots were structured.

2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Please refrain from desecrating Arran's character like so.

I think I'm desecrating more than Arran in that situation.

2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Aaaaaaaaand that's about it? There's not much else?


2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Kfgz3kys o

4lt3brpp o Jesus Christ, that's... not the sort of thing I'd expect to see in a videogame! C'mon, I play these things to avoid boring real life! You don't need to remind me of my inevitable fate!

Jeez Eugen, do you want people to finish TearRing or not?

2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

P1zzgcas o That was a pretty amazing sequence. As it tends to happen with this game, both sides make valid points and are right in their own ways. Of course, I'm biased, because one of my favourite characters in FE is Arran, who I'd much rather died in a blaze of glory, saying probably my favourite death quote in the entire series, than lived to get benched after Khadein and get a lame one-line ending. Even still, Runan's arguments are perfectly valid too. I guess it all depends on one's perspective.

Honestly, considering Gramud died in a blaze of glory of his own I'll ultimately side with Runan.

Course I'm probably not the most impartial as well as my favourite is Canas, who got killed by Storm Continuity Error.

2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Um606rva oQueen Liza of Wellt told us about you. She said that after capturing Fort Balt, we should seek out Sister Claris in the forests of Salia.

0zfd96rn o Wait... she said that? I can't remember that...

4lt3brpp o ...what the heck!? I just went back and checked her scenes with Runan, and Liza never mentioned Claris! You're shitting me, game!

Wait, really? I mean, I'd complain it's Aethin's fault if I thought that was a translation error. As is, dammit Kaga.

2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

0zfd96rn o That was awkward... c'mon, could they not have come up with a better excuse? She's the daughter of one of the awesome Four Sages who were disciples of the great White Sage Got-- I mean, Morse! As well as the next in line to inherit his sacred temple! That's kind of a big deal, y'know? It's perfectly reasonable for Runan to have at least heard of Claris! You don't need to lie to my face and hope I have a terrible memory!

Isn't it six?

2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Esdnaevd o1zyxtqiv o

You really get angry about the Archaneans.

Are we sure the racist Judgralians aren't the ancestors of this lot?

2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Rrilk1jt oWip0j3qt o3x9aqjer o

Like ten would stagger a manakete.

We know he could just transform and deal with it better there.

2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Ncv9xjvc oNmtqrpi3 o

I'm sorry, but apparently this dialogue was missing.

2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Bpt1yei7 oRachis?! The daughter of Arless has been found?

Man, either Ares or Arvis were enough of an inspiration for this character's name if I'm right on the Jugudis (which is a bit of a shame as neither of them are considered racists). Somehow.

2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

P1zzgcas o Oh, well, but at least I suppose the lategame boss has a decent reason to leave when he could just stay and kill us personally, for a change. Usually they just leave because they feel like it. Looking at you, Narcian...

Narcian isn't all that lategame though.

Nergal would be more suitable.

2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Seriously, think about it! Pretty much each and every one of the bosses Runan's faced since the route split up until now have been interesting in one way or another! Marshall was sympathetic, Pavlov was an actually entertaining and well-written irredeemable piece of shit, Dagon was a recurring boss (which is enough to make him at least a little memorable) who took out the great, brave hero that was Seamus; Carnell added an interesting spin to his chapter... and then you have Barbarossa, who was simply the game's greatest boss. Holmes's pathetic route doesn't stand a chance!

But none of them were Maerchen.

2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

0zfd96rn o Look alive, everybody, hint mortars inbound! Let us head to the Bunker of Obtuse Bullshit, guarded by Letena, Xavier, Michalis and Karla. Great warriors, all of 'em. They strive for a hintless world!

I see Lawrence, Hannibal and Douglas were too slowed down to get there.

2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Vkssz7rd oPgqu5oxn o
Ntzzbvqu o

I mean, really? You'd kill off Matthis?

2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
He2m952w o

Oh noes, he's out in the battlefield! Is he gonna be all right?


Is he unpromoted?

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12 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I'll have to check out the Dragon's Pearl mod, 'cause I love overpowered Indy who can take like a thousand MP40 bullets at point blank (but nearly chokes if he runs for two seconds), but I'd like to see what the game looks like when it's not easy as hell.

Have you tried playing the game on the hard difficulty? I recall doing that once, but it has been so long since I last played the game that I don't remember what that was like, aside from the action command icons for pulling leavers and such being removed. 

Man, I really need to replay that game again. It's been too long.

12 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

He's not asexual, I'm pretty sure, he just lost his bollocks. For a guy like him, that must've just been really frustrating.

Except forced asexuality is one of the most notable things that occurs with having those removed. I mean, unless he only lost one, then the remaining one would produce the same amount of chemicals as if he still had both.

I was simply looking for information to make more authentic "groin attack" jokes. I ended up scarred for life.

12 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Yes, that saves time, I thank you.

You're welcome. Don't know if I'll write that every time, so I suppose lets just assume that that sentence will be present in every reply from now on

12 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Oh, of course you do.

I was originally going to mentioned Sub Zeroes Ice Klone attack for its simplicity and practicality for an ice attack, but as it turns out, no one had made a gif of it yet , and I wasn't in the mood to make one then. Since I am now...


Besides, it was another opportunity to talk about Blustone, which I couldn't pass up. As well as to make a pun.

12 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

If he has a staff equipped, then yes, he does have a staff in his idle portrait.

I see. I suppose that explains why it took a while to notice.

12 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I can agree with that, although I don't know that much about Mustafa.

Mustafa is a boss in Awakening. The level he's in is considered one of the best (some would say thee best) "War is Hell" scenes in the entire franchise.

12 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

...Mustafa just lost the competition?

Nah, they're still tied.

12 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Like I said, Metal Gear approach. You might be disappointed.

Eh, I'll be learning about a game I've never played regardless, so I'll (probably) still to enjoy it.

That, and seeing how you've grown as a writer and lets player should be interesting to see.

12 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Kojima: profound philosophy


Seriously, why is the music for the fight so godawful? It's hilarious!

Try reading that sentence while watching the fight.


And again, you're welcome to the several hearty thank yous I saw.

12 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Um606rva oIs that so? Personally, I think it sounds awful to die in battle.

Mostly because there is a high chance that your corpse will decay and be devoured by some scavenging animal before you get a proper grave. If you're even blessed to receive one in the first place, that is.

12 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Ih49ob2i oThat's just your youth speaking, milord. Old souls like me would rather fall like flower petals on the battlefield than suffer from old age and the ilness(sic) it brings. General Barbarossa was surely happy to die fighting a worthy opponent like you.

You could also argue that youths are generally less unwilling to die than the middle-aged and older because prosperity and worldly accomplishments haven't knit them to the world yet.

12 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Kfgz3kys o

Yet is a life of fame and glory truly worth it? It is the small things that topple the great, that pave the path of ones life, that create the things worth fighting for. Not everyone is going to be remembered by history, but would that make a so-called "life of mediocrity" a terrible thing if a person dies content with their lot in life?

For some reason, I feel like sharing this song. And I really need to watch this movie again.

12 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

P1zzgcas o That was a pretty amazing sequence. As it tends to happen with this game, both sides make valid points and are right in their own ways. Of course, I'm biased, because one of my favourite characters in FE is Arran, who I'd much rather died in a blaze of glory, saying probably my favourite death quote in the entire series, than lived to get benched after Khadein and get a lame one-line ending. Even still, Runan's arguments are perfectly valid too. I guess it all depends on one's perspective.

Agreed that they both make good points. In war, no one can believe that they'll live forever, and to many, it is best to die giving it their all, testing their strength, and knowing their limits before their inevitable end. Simultaneously, life is a beautiful thing, even with all of the ugliness of the world (and indeed, perhaps this ugliness is necessary to realize what true beauty is), and it should never be thrown away.

12 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

0zfd96rn o Wait... she said that? I can't remember that...

4lt3brpp o ...what the heck!? I just went back and checked her scenes with Runan, and Liza never mentioned Claris! You're shitting me, game!

Is this the games very first plothole?

12 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Esdnaevd o1zyxtqiv o

Related image

Interestingly, this line is said slightly different every time it appears.

12 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
16ycodbt o

I like how it's just called "Hidden Village". Not very well hidden, I take it.

Perhaps it's like Gaidens hidden village where it's only called so because the "dungeon" before it is like a pseudo-mazewhere turning at the wrong moment puts you right back to the starting point?

12 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Ncv9xjvc oNmtqrpi3 o

0zfd96rn o Of course, and then he begins to torture him without giving him a chance to reply. Well evil'd, evilman.

Is this a reference to Return of the Jedi?

12 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

0zfd96rn o Now that's a throwaway if I've ever seen one. That black thing above his nose has always confused me. Is it hair? Is it moss, like Footballman's? Is it a weird decoration that the hat has? What in the world is that?

Zooming in, I think it's his hair.

12 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

And thus, in an extremely shocking and surprising turn of events that I am sure has left each and every one of you jawless, Cunedd is the next boss. I suppose after the foes Runan's been getting all his route, they needed to give him a shitty-ass, forgettable bossman. Just so Holmes doesn't feel too bad about his own array of bosses, y'know?

Seriously, think about it! Pretty much each and every one of the bosses Runan's faced since the route split up until now have been interesting in one way or another! Marshall was sympathetic, Pavlov was an actually entertaining and well-written irredeemable piece of shit, Dagon was a recurring boss (which is enough to make him at least a little memorable) who took out the great, brave hero that was Seamus; Carnell added an interesting spin to his chapter... and then you have Barbarossa, who was simply the game's greatest boss. Holmes's pathetic route doesn't stand a chance!

Being fair, Holmes hasn't had any bosses yet. And he did fight a giant floating hairy eyeball tribble that shoots laser beams, came back from the dead, and is apparently a lord. Not that that means much when compared to Runan's route but it's... something...

12 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Uysxi5tq o

I'm reminded how Fire Emblem, or heck videogames in general, tend to gloss over how ugly magic would be in real life. A simple fireball spell would cause serious or fatal burns, thunder magic gives the ugly death of electricity, and even wind magic can snap bones. And this isn't even getting to dark magic or the more powerful spells games have...

12 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Vkssz7rd oPgqu5oxn o
Ntzzbvqu o
M3mitpcu o

The plot grows heavier, and we'll have to wait and see if anything has happened to our named heroes...

12 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Absolutely so, as we'll find out next update. Speaking of next update, I'll see you then. Probably in a couple of days.

...ergh, yeah, that's... that's the update. There's not much else.

...yes, I know. I am capable of pushing gigantic action updates with fanfic stuff included in three days, but take five days for these four tiny scenes. I'm lazy and copying text isn't that much fun, I'm sorry. I really should hurry up with these, but that's life. You knew the risks when you didn't sign up.

I've already spotted a pattern that constantly fluctuates. Still, it's nice to know that copying text is the reason they take a while, and that action updates can sometimes update faster because they're more interesting to go through. It's also nice to have a shorter update today, as I've had a busy week with college lately. We understand that live comes first, so don't worry too much about it.

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11 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I'm glad I'm making people believe in Matthis. Since FE12, that's been one of my life objectives.

Well, I did  a brief comparison of the default Cavalier growths in Shadow Dragon. I couldn't help but notice Matthis with 90% HP, 40% strength and 30% defence matched Abel in strength growth and decisively took the best HP and Def growths for the class (without reclassing). Really his speed and bases is what lets him down. So your cannon of him becoming a General seems kind of fitting in retrospect. Alas, Shadow Dragon is a little more restrictive on reclassing than New Mystery... so I'm going to have to work something else out.

12 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

P1zzgcas o That was a pretty amazing sequence. As it tends to happen with this game, both sides make valid points and are right in their own ways. Of course, I'm biased, because one of my favourite characters in FE is Arran, who I'd much rather died in a blaze of glory, saying probably my favourite death quote in the entire series, than lived to get benched after Khadein and get a lame one-line ending. Even still, Runan's arguments are perfectly valid too. I guess it all depends on one's perspective.

My two cents? According to Norse mythology dying in battle is awarded with a place in Valhalla, where you practice battle every day, heal from any injuries you take no matter how severe, and get to feast every night. Where dying in the comfort of one's own bed in Norse mythology led to nothing but a place in Niffleheim... the frozen land of the dead. Unless you drowned or were female, because women just automatically got their own hall and the drowned got something else entirely. Point is, Eugen's viewpoint seems a bit nordic. Though that's the kind of mindset I like to use for an Ironman just on the grounds it means the deceased get a reward for their agony.

12 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Fpypts1l o

P1zzgcas o As well as another guy whose head looks like a football. Why are there so many of these in this continent? None of these copycats come even slightly close to Footballman and Holy Artichokes, but...

Footballman was quite the ladies man when he was young. Many number the illegitimate offspring he sired across the lands. But alas, the mother's genes always shine through and ruin the potential for another Footballman. For there can only be one Footballman born to the lands in one hundred years, and legend says he shall rule the clergy with kindness and wisdom prior unknown to man.

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What is this, two people with differing viewpoints on a philosophical topic, TALKING ABOUT IT RATIONALLY?!  Man, vidya games are way too far into that fantasy thing! :P:

(real talk, can we take Eugen out of TRS and put him in a high-up position in the US?)

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On 2/28/2019 at 7:50 PM, Dayni said:

Sennet's on the Senate though.

Sorry, That should say not.

And why would he be?

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