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Chaos reigns when I take the reins! - Let's play Tear Ring saga, Ironman mode, while being terrible at Fire Emblem!

Saint Rubenio

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13 hours ago, The Roger The Paladin said:

I've been known to make similar, if less achievable threats of murdering friends if they die in a plane crash. I feel like I've been one-upped here.

How about "If you die in a car crash on your way to school, I won't read your Berwick LP"?

But that means no one else will, either, and why should I punish them? 😛

4 hours ago, Pengaius said:

If you die in a car crash on your way to school, I WILL make many puns with your name.

H-hey, we're trying to prevent the worst case scenario here!  It's not like I have an Aum staff in my room or anything!

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Part 72 - A success, everybody. I did not die in a car crash on my way to school.

G7fvpgan o

It begins.

Otztpf1k o

It begins once more.

Pw4zavuu o

YES! YES...!

0yjweohl o


U86mhh2x o

This has also begun. Yep, Wendy in Hard mode. Successfully, this time. She's... surprisingly good? Kinda? She's worse than her brother, but still, Wendy in Hard mode! ...on the flipside, my team was so ill-suited to fight Henning this time that I had to RNG abuse after breaking all his weapons. No kidding, my shitty Lugh, untrained Lilina and lower level Lot could never have pulled off what they did in the LP, and Jerrot alone was not enough.

Why yes, I did rig the RNG so Wendy'd get the final blow on him. Figured I might as well go all nine yards, since using Wendy is enough of a penalty as it is.

Leaving that aside, here's the grand finale of the Cursed FE11 Playthrough!

Xa1gxjpd o

Tiki and Nagi died for this.

Mxfdie8l o

I sold my entire convoy, as well as Abel and Caeda's inventories, for this.

Hi2ijwln o

I warpskipped the final four chapters of the game for this.

Kht0lzsl o


Facyonga o

All I can say is, he was a disappointment to the very end.


On 9/14/2019 at 1:35 AM, BrightBow said:

Was this not the plan? Luring them in with a single high avoid unit so they torch each other with their AOE attacks? Seems to me like that's the intended way to beat them. Zombie dragons got abysmal accuracy but no avoid. So they tear each other to pieces with their defense negating attacks.

I intended to lure them in a few at a time. I didn't remember they all moved when I aggroed them. It was an unpleasant surprise, to say the least.

Of course there is still a bit of luck involved. That's probably why they give you a fresh Save Staff on this map.

Well, gee, that sure is a big help in this run where I can't really use it!

Well, in any case good thing everyone made it out alive.

You can say that again.

You didn't like Days of Ruin either?

Nope. In fact, it's the most recent one I tried. Like, couple weeks back recent. I'd heard it had less issues than the others with stalemates, so I figured it might be a good way to redeem the series for me.

It was not. Final battle against the Beast was where I got stuck.

That's unfortunate since this is the game that as less issues with "back-and-forth" because it changed how Co powers work. You probably remember that in the other games, Co powers would charge faster when losing units then when destroying them. So your opponent could really annoy the hell out of you by spamming their powers once they start losing because their units blow up left and right. In Days of Ruin you have to actually put in work to build up your power. Making smart use of your command zone and stuff. And if your Commander unit blows up, all the effort goes to waste.
So if you didn't even like that game, that's most certainly a problem.

I'm not even sure it's a problem with the series as much as it's me being bad.

How did you usually try to play? If you try to intercept enemy infantry at the start of the map to prevent the enemy from gaining momentum and grab contested bases to quickly gain control over most of the map, there generally shouldn't be that much of a stalemate from my experience. In any case, you really want to keep animations disabled for those games.

I do try that, but when enemies start having factories from the start, I can't ever seem to advance. Case in point, the chapter I quit Days of Ruin. I easily conquered the middle bases and airport, and begun an assault on the enemy's starting area immediately. The match still slowed down to a glacial pace because Beast had two factories.


On 9/14/2019 at 4:49 AM, Interdimensional Observer said:

They weren't so bad for me. They were busywork of course, but I don't recall them being terribly annoying busywork. Only the Stone/Earthborn golems can threaten you by this point, and they alone have significant durability. The Ogres are largely a nonthreat and flimsy, and the Skeletons exist just to get their rotten bone marrow on your equipment.

I'm not saying it's hard, I'm saying it's extremely boring. Which it is.

But, I admittedly had no problem devoting time to kill them all, since I was having Narcus alone open every chest, and he took a while longer to do that. If I wasn't opening every chest not knowing the contents and not knowing if I'd need any of it, I wouldn't have had him go for all or any of them.

Right. Sadly, I do want that loot.

The hard part of this fight was the boss chamber, since Tomahan is threatening, the boss is durable, and the goons just push things far enough to make it difficult to clear it all or survive it all. It took me three tries to get through it. But, had I actually tapped into my four Miracle Charms and some Magic Shields, I would have had a much easier time.

Yeah, that can get difficult, but I dealt with it all right, as you can see.

Agreed. Against the easy AI, on any map that isn't one of the "spiced up" campaign ones, this is the basic strategy to success. This is really true on any map with a production facility right smack dab in the center. Like this one:


Sensei outright tells Grimm "You let the enemy take the advantage" if the player captures the factory right below the yellow Recon next to the red Infantry.

This is actually quite similar to the map where I recently dropped Days of Ruin. I easily took the middle bases, but since the enemy had factories on their side, I was unable to advance any further. And after 30 minutes of that shit, I just quit.

And, it helps to know wisely the value (or lack thereof) of each unit, for only a fool goes "Bomber Spaaaaam!" without the preconditions being right for that.

...okay, I think I might know what my problem is. Still, I don't see how it's supposed to be fun to throw a thousand slow infantries at the enemy, so veeeeeryyyy sloooowlyyyy chip them to death.

I understand going from FE to AW and not liking AW. They're significantly different.

Frankly, it's made worse by the fact that I enjoy the concept. I want to like Advance Wars, but I cannot, and I hate that.

For me, any good war of attrition/slog becomes benignly mindless for me. I've played Royal Channel Days of Ruin version 2 or 3 times from Blue's perspective and enjoyed it. The turns pass without me realizing how many have. And eventually the tides turn and it becomes a victory march.

Eh, that's a matter of tastes. I know my turncounts in FE might make it seem like I don't mind slogs, but I really don't like slogs. Normally, my turncounts are a result of playing it safe and/or doing some other things after the map is essentially over. In Advance Wars, it takes me dozens of turns just to finish the map normally.

Maybe this explains it?:

  Reveal hidden contents

Runan: Narcus, please swim over and open that chest for me.

Narcus: Uh, can I bail on this one? I don't like getting wet.

Eugen: Narcus, swim over there and open that chest now!

Narcus: No! Haven't I done enough in this war already? First it's sneaking around a castle hoping I won't be found out and lose my head. Then it's getting lost in scorching deserts twice for treasures I see no benefit from. And now I have to drown for your sakes! I'm outta here! *Runs away*

Eugen: I'd offer to flog you myself, but I've a more productive idea.

*Eugen dashes over to Narcus at a blistering speed and grabs him by the shoulder. Narcus is stunned stiff and still by Eugen's unbelievable speed, which leaves Runan quietly asking himself if Eugen really was too old to fight or if that was a lie. Eugen then reaches for a leather pouch of his and pours its contents down into the backside of Narcus's pants. Having a piece of flint and a dagger on his person too, Eugen strikes the two against each other, causing a spark to enter Narcus's still open pants, which Eugen then closes with a wedgie.*

Narcus: W-w-what did you do old man?! What is this war- hot hot HOT!

*Narcus proceeds to run straight towards the water as a small flame is seen around his rear growing and consuming his pants. Narcus plunges open mouth first into the cold cold dip to keep himself from meeting a hot and humiliating end. Once in the water and halfway to the chest, Narcus's ass has been been saved and the fire is out. Now as his teeth chatter from the chill of the blue, he accepts his duty and swims the other half of the way to the chest. Then looks around and sees his toasted buns are fortunately not blackened, but unfortunately for everyone, Eugen has forced them to be on public display until Narcus can find another pair of pants. Narcus ponders what goes through Eugen's mind, and then sighs as he swims back to shore to unlock the rest of the Water Shrine's treasures to avoid the continued wrath of Eugen.*

...In the meanwhile, as Narcus caught on fire, Eugen sprinted back to Runan's side. Runan, with a puzzled look on his face, choosing not to ask Eugen about his physical fitness for fear of what he has seen, chooses to Eugen about something else. ...

Runan: Eugen, what was it that you just did to Narcus?

Eugen: That my Lord, was something I acquired many years ago on a trip to Granada with Lord Gramud. At the port I encountered a merchant who from appearance alone I could tell came from far far away, from nowhere in Lieberia that was certain. He entertained me with a product he called "fire medicine", in high demand back in his home country and forbidden to sell aboard. The price was okay, a little high, but I was impressed enough that I spent for a whole barrel of the black powder. It's good when I want a little spectacle. 

Runan: Spectacle? I don't understand the curative properties of this "fire medicine" Eugen, but a powder that can ignite so fast and so strongly could find uses in warfare.

Eugen: I thought that too my Lord. But the medicine I bought doesn't have the lightning bang like some of the merchant's did. I'd say we stick with Fire Magic, who'd bother with something so finicky?

Runan: Fire Magic requires a natural aptitude and years of studying arcane tomes. This powder could be used by anyone. If we put Reeve's alchemists to it, they could figure out how to make our own supply of it. All we have to do is give them whats left of that barrel you bought.

Eugen: If you say so my Lord. I kept the barrel in the cellar, there was only a quarter of it left. I didn't check if the Imperials got rid of it, but if it's intact I leave it in your hands milord.

...And thus, within twenty years of this conversation, Reeve under King Runan discovered "fire medicine" and invented a primitive weapon called "fire lances" to use it. In the following one hundred years, roughly 20% of Lieberia's armies would consist of troops armed with fire lances, incendiaries, and increasingly explosives as the medicinal formula was refined to produce an ever faster and more energetic reaction.

This does more than explain it. How I wish I was the one to come up with that. It's glorious.

The "for laughs" part appears to be a fever dream of mine. I thought it happened around Chapter 23, but he doesn't even show up there. This, despite me playing FE6 only a few months ago. Maybe I was desperate to see more.

However, I did find one instance where Merlinus is right, Chapter 22:

  Reveal hidden contents

“Master Roy, Zephiel is residing in the throne room at the center of the castle. However, there seem to be some special devices that protect the throne room when invaders appear.”

“What kind of devices?”

“One of the captives said that at the west end of the castle, there are switches that need to pulled before one can access the throne room.”

“It’ll be a long detour…”

“There is more. After hitting the switches, you must hold the ‘Gem’ in front of the throne room door to make it open.”

“Gem? Is it the Fire Emblem?”

“Most likely.”

“I have that with me. So I should head to the throne room while leaving the switches to the others…”

“That would be the shortest way.”

“…But would the captives leak that kind of information so easily? Perhaps it’s a trap…”

“I doubt it, Master Roy. The captive also said, ‘The switches and the door are all defended by Bern’s most powerful warriors. You wouldn’t be able to get to the throne room even if you knew how.'”

“We need to try, even if we’re going up against powerful enemies. We’ve gotten strong as well. We won’t lose!”

No comedy, but yes, Merlinus is correct!:MerlinusYoung:The captive was telling the truth about how you get to the throne room. It only took until the third/fourth-to-last final/false final map for this to happen.

Well, that is not Merlinus being correct, in my opinion. That's Merlinus relaying information he obtained from an outside source. The source was correct, not Merlinus. If it was up to Merlinus's judgement, I am certain he would've proposed to just go back to Lycia because Bern is full of traps.

Story? What story? How erroneous are you to insist Holmes has a story! 

Well, for the first time you're playing as Holmes that is. After the Hidden Village reunion Holmes does get a storyline for the rest of the game.

A flimsy one.

But everything prior to that is painfully devoid of a narrative, a little bandit killing, some treasure hunting, a dash of liberation of Salia, and a bunch of criticizing Katri. Attrom dying kills the weak reason to get for the Dakruon to bring back Renee. I wish there was more, more funny or more seriousness, either way, I'd just want a clearer and stronger direction.

Yeah, that's one of the biggest problems with Holmes. And that isn't even getting into the absurd stupidity that leads up to the Salia arc. That being said, I really enjoy the Salia arc and Ahab, so I can't really complain there. It's the best part of Holmes's route, in my humble opinion.

At least they keep it kinda vague. He just can't see her as he used to now, he didn't specify how IIRC. Albeit yeah, one could read that definitely as "I don't see you as a cute little sister anymore, I see you as this beautiful young woman I want to embrace".

But it juuuust might be better than...

  Reveal hidden contents

Shigen and Julia.

If I remember what Carla said, she dropped off Shigen as a baby, so Shigen has had over a decade of memories of Julia as his sister I would think. It isn't like Raffin and Estelle where the sibling bond is recent and not so real, even if they made one.

Holmes even picks up on the contextual incestuous tones Shigen is putting out there by bringing Julia on the boat.

ShigenxJulia is better because they aren't genetically related. But they do spell it out a little more that the relationship is likely romantic.

Frankly, I think Sierra suits Shigen best. They've been through a lot together, they understand each other deeply, and they both clearly care for one another, to the point where they're both ready to drop everything to save the other's life. It just strikes me as a really logical and pleasant pairing. Certainly better than Shigen and Julia. Even leaving aside the fact that they're siblings, the two have no chemistry together.

By the way, who'd you pick for the second kidnapping scene, Juni or Lyria? There are so many pages and screenshots in this topic, that this is easier than trying to find it.

I understand. I didn't have Attrom, so I couldn't get Lyria. Thus, I picked Juni.

I didn't expect the scene to happen when it did, so I accidentally stumbled through the text and picked Juni the first time, only to immediately reset and pick the outcome from not drinking the obviously drugged milk. Picking Lyria made it seem like things worked out well(?) so I left it with that. But I wonder if that made Juni's ending worse, since she just decided to return home.

Well, if you don't pick Lyria, Juni is saved by Xeno anyway, and that (I'm told, I expect to find out in this thread) leads to some great character development for both of them.

Thinking about it (Thracia 776 spoilers for those who haven't played it)...

  Reveal hidden contents

Dorius accepts the end result of his logic argued just chapters prior to his 18-19 death.

I cite the crappy old translation because I can't access the new one's PDF now:

At the start of Chapter 15, when Dorius suggests the coastal route to Leonster:

“The northern highroad is practically Lenster’s front door. Legions of enemy soldiers will be defending it. We will lose many of our troops.”

“I understand. But their deaths will be in glory and honor.”

He followed what he espoused. He was consistent.


Although, in the Chapter 17B choice of "Do you let civilians serve as ballista fodder?" Dorius is the one against the civilians sacrificing themselves. Augustus is the one for it.

However, if Dorius holds to nobilesse oblige and my simple understanding of it is correct, only knights/trained soldiers should heroically sacrifice themselves. Augustus has no honor code distinguishing the two kinds of voluntary deaths.

But, I like that Dorius and Augustus flip positions here. It makes less black and white when it comes to the tacticians. They're more than just "sacrifices justify the ends" and "even one death is too many". Although they're essentially an honorable nobleman general vs. pragmatic tactician, they have nuance in their positions.

I agree with everything.

And I bow to evidence on the strategist point. One should not get angry at bona fide facts. 🙇‍♀️🙇‍♂️

Bad tactician DESTROYS spaceman with FACTS and LOGIC (NOT CLICKBAIT) (gone SEXUEL) (1 LINK megaupload) (plz gimme likes)

Emulators can speed things up a bit. But I can see the problem.

I think the thing I had the biggest issue with is that you can't (at least to my understanding) skip scenes. They take too long, even when speeding up.

Bantu and Tiki in FE3 are the prototype for the gameplay rules of Katri's dragon transformation. Although both of them untransform at the start of the player phase, not the end. And no AoE breath, and their Def and Res are lower so things can actually kill them. But they're still useful in a balanced but unique way.

In other words, they're exactly like Katri, except they're nothing like her. Check.


On 9/14/2019 at 8:59 AM, The Roger The Paladin said:

How is this cursed? This is blessed. Goddess protec blessed.

Hahahahahahahahah, yeah, I found it profoundly entertaining as well.

I honestly have the same problem. Though hate is a strong word. Let's just say I've never quite gotten the motivation to get through one.

I hate it only because I want to like it, but I can't. It's such a frustrating feeling.

Remember when Kreiss wasn't expected to amount to anything? How life changes.

On 11/27/2018 at 10:39 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Bottom line, Kreiss is definitely better than Arkis, but is still not much to write home about. I can't remember what skills either of them gets, but they don't really make that much of a difference, that I can tell you.

He erases everything before they can attack him thanks to Vantage. Past me, you have no idea what you're talking about.

I figure The Roger earned retirement. Hell, Lionheart and Raphael probably did too. But what are the odds Pengaius spins this into a "why Arkis is the best" argument?

Very high. Let's hope he reacts. I want to see how he does it.

With Norton there it's not merely choked. It's strangled. With an iron grip.

A rock solid grip.

As much as he deserves it, he must live until Eugen's use for him has ended.

Eugen would never let him die before he allows it. He'd challenge the reaper itself over Narcus's life. Narcus would root for the reaper. And he'd lose.

I declare this thread canon. It's Eugen being Eugen.

I agree entirely.

  Reveal hidden contents

My pet rooster, who never stopped mourning the recently deceased dog. Damn my life.

Ah, crap... I am really sorry. That's rough. At least I hope it was a peaceful departure, as well.

Reported to the FBI.

No! C'mon, what did I do now!? Ah, balderdash...

I figure if you're going to get a ton of bad luck all the time good luck has to balance it out eventually. Or vice versa in my case.

I suppose that is the way of life, but I demand more good luck!

At this point, you could just about leave them in there building up until there's no room and they die from being cramped.

How I wish this worked for real.

You're having Leonie seduce a necrodragon? But that's like necrophilia, bestiality and pedophilia at the same time. Yet you complained about Holmes and Plum.

N-- What!? Why'd you imply such a thing!? What's wrong with you!? You're worse than a horseman!

Sticking with my explanation that he used to be Dagon in life.

It does make sense.

Though technically speaking, it's a sound tactical move. In reality they wouldn't just disappear or surrender because you got the blade after all. I mean, Norton may be able to hold them off indefinitely, but then you'd have to leave him behind. But he's too good to leave. So Eugen does good tactics again, in the name of violence.

Eugen is secretly a genius. We all underestimated him. We will all regret it.

Filler or not, I'm sure you must enjoy the prospect of Holmes portion of the adventure being done.

It's a nice thought, I suppose.


On 9/14/2019 at 10:30 AM, Goddess Serra said:

I actually mentioned you while watching the stream. No one caught on it, of course, but just in case you or anyone else who read the FE6 LP (I'm re-reading it btw) were watching...

Hah! That's cool. Thanks for the shoutout, even if nobody picked it up. Also, I love the fact that at least one person out there liked my shit enough to read it more than once. The FE6 one, too. What an absolute disaster that was...

While I have never used Macellan, Maria was one of my best units in my FE3 Book 1 Ironman run (which is the place a lot of my Archanea preferences come from), so I'm really happy to see her perform (she IS performing, right?).

Better than I expected! She never really was combat-ready, but she was a lot more solid than I thought she'd be.

Who else are you using? I see a female Sniper, is that Norne? She's definitely my favourite native bow-user in Archanea and you have no idea of how good she becomes if you reclass her to a General post-promotion. Seriously, do that when you play FE12 again. We all know you want to play it again.

Yep, that is Norne. I also used Abel, Cain and Hardin (boring, I know. I even had Hardin use Gradivus for canon shenanigans), Linde and Merric, Etzel and Boah, Athena, Wolf and Shiida. Not my most unconventional team ever, in all honesty, which is why I decided to use Maria and Macellan to keep the universe in balance.

I also tried using Matthis, but he died. Ended up using the Aum on him. I like the man too much not too.

So... I have yet to play 3H (or get a Switch, for that matter) but I wouldn't suggest playing it on a different difficulty if you didn't enjoy it previously. It might make it even more stressful, if anything.

It's not that I didn't enjoy it, it just got so mindlessly easy by the end that I lost interest. Of course, a horrendously designed difficulty that puts FE7if to shame is not the way to go either.

(Ignore the first quote, SF is weird) Regarding Advance Wars, well I love it as much as you do 3H. That means I hate it.

Well, that isn't exactly how I feel about it. I want to like it, and I do enjoy quite a few parts of it, but I can't really get into it for a few key flaws that ruin the whole package for me. Which is... also exactly how I feel about 3H, so your point stands.

...how many times have I already described my feelings on Advance Wars in this update?

Maybe it's because I found out about it after FE but it's just so boring for me. As I said, you shouldn't force yourself to play through a game you loathe. It doesn't work.

It does work sometimes (I didn't like FE11 the first time I played it), but more often than not, it's just a miserable experience.


On 9/14/2019 at 9:37 PM, eclipse said:

If you die in a car accident on your way to school, I'll ban you.  Really.

B-But my warn bar isn't up there yet! I just have a handful of points from that time I got carried away talking about Bartre! I was not aware that dying in a car crash is an instantly banable offense!

Hmmmm, but what if I die in a car accident on my way back from school? Ahah! I have bypassed the system! I AM A BADASS! I AM INVINCIBLE!


On 9/15/2019 at 1:35 PM, The Roger The Paladin said:

I've been known to make similar, if less achievable threats of murdering friends if they die in a plane crash. I feel like I've been one-upped here.

No joke, the old "I'll kill you if you die" joke is good but predictable. Eclipse's take on it, on the other hand, is so deliciously dumb...

How about "If you die in a car crash on your way to school, I won't read your Berwick LP"?

Oh, no. No, no, no. Even should I die, I shall LP Berwick. The world deserves to see that game. I will defy God himself if I must!

Or, you know, you can watch the more famous, more talented LPers who will probably play it. That is also an idea.


On 9/15/2019 at 9:57 PM, Pengaius said:

If you die in a car crash on your way to school, I WILL make many puns with your name.

Why is everyone so fixated on that car crash joke? I put so much effort into lots of other things, and the thing everybody notices is the throwaway car crash joke!


On 9/16/2019 at 2:44 AM, eclipse said:

But that means no one else will, either, and why should I punish them? 😛

There's also the small detail that, had I died in a car crash, there would be no Berwick LP for people not to read.

H-hey, we're trying to prevent the worst case scenario here!  It's not like I have an Aum staff in my room or anything!

I like how apparently Pengaius puns are a powerful enough motivator to make me want to die in a car crash to see them.



Xqmq0pzd o

We left off here. I will now proceed to summarize the whole ordeal:

Fight Fight Fight

Moju75eb oNlhjewqw o

Bleh, blah


4kjjmhdh o

Can afford

Fight fight

Nppyhhod o



Cuavuwvg o

Oh I was wrong sword is actually effective against monsters

Fight fight

Ipzukgpq o


Stall last enemy for loot

Ur83bimj oHncsgeux o2yx05plo o

Sierra, get

Yz3sh43m o


Losl7rsc oY1s0opmj o

Didn't screenshot sword

Gfvmmzt9 o

Awesome but it's Hagar

Fl7q0mer o


8u5koiaz o


Man, this is so much more efficient than my usual style.

Ewgziee3 o

Llibn6rp oLet's go. I will hunt you down, Guenchaos... Even if it means marching to the end of the world, I will get Enteh back!

E7ffcz4a oThen let us enter the catacombs. I will guide you to the Altar of Gods.

Llibn6rp oAre you sure, Lady Claris?

E7ffcz4a oIt was my father's dying wish to see Guenchaos's ambitions come to an end. For years he has hunted those girls, terrorizing them for his evil plans... I must witness his death for myself. It is my duty.

9kd5kvcf o

P1zzgcas o Yes! Free healer! Except she doesn't actually join as a unit, which is... all sorts of stupid, frankly.

Llibn6rp oI have no objections. It's all right with you, right, Eugen?

Ih49ob2i oNo, Lord Runan! It might be a trap! She could be an enemy spy!

Llibn6rp o...what?

Ih49ob2i oHah hah, I jest, I jest. I'm sorry.

E7ffcz4a o...

Ih49ob2i oOf course! Lady Claris, you are a paragon of courage, wisdom, and virtue. You are most welcome among us.

E7ffcz4a oThank you both. You're too kind. Lord Holmes and his companions are already on their way

Kfvijbzy o

Speaking of...

I4qblaga oEsemsakw o

Gmhhyxnn oYou sure we're going the right way? We haven't run into any monsters or cultists for quite some time...

04edcfbn oWhat, are you unhappy that we haven't had to fight that much?

Gmhhyxnn oI'm just saying. This is the enemy's stronghold, so it's weird we haven't run into more enemies.

04edcfbn o"Fortunate" is what I'd call it.

Gmhhyxnn oIf you say so...

Pooulj8m o

Shigen's concerns are perfectly reasonable, but as it turns out, Gerxel's security is just terrible, because this is where their line of defense begins. See that gate behind Carla? That's the gate to the final map. You'd think Guenchaos would be more careful.

T10yds1v o

Him again!? How many times can they possibly reuse this sprite!? Keep in mind that this is the third time in a row that Holmes has gotten this guy as a boss. He also got him in all of his four appearances. Gee, I sure wonder which route most of the budget went into.

Vwpsatqi oAvnqvgd3 o0fywhswv o2jrrwyif o

As always, could've used this guy, or that woman, or this other guy, or that woman I established as Lentzenheimer's sympathetic mom but could easily be spinned into being a Witch...

In particular the second chick just screams "lategame Witch boss" to me. Why they left all these portraits in unused hell and used the world's most generic garbage bag four times is beyond me.

Phz7nok8 oThe ones who invaded the Fire Shrine? Such energetic little boys...

M8wsklkm oShould we inform His Excellency?

Phz7nok8 oWe needn't trouble him with this. You can finish them off yourself.

M8wsklkm oAs you wish.

Mwwukwmp o

Carla warps away.




Ckb7zzxg o
6pslqbir o

Zqhi3fy1 o

1mlkxlzb o
3ppfsaew o
Ipp7dcrp o
Lnb5qhy3 o
Kdqiffk9 o
Ac8krqxr o
Vpffch2n o




...and that's the end of the update. Yep. Pretty sure both the intro and the last chapter cleanup were longer than the actual update. I would've released it in record time, too, had Imgbox.com not chosen this exact time to break down for an entire day. Eh, no matter. Fairly certain this is still record time. Eh, leaving my daily FE12 updates aside, but that one was a bit of a disaster from start to end.

Whatever. Next time, a filler chapter, courtesy of our favourite Lord. I'm so excited. Good thing everything after that will be epic moment after epic moment, eh? Please bear with me, and stay until the next next update! Till then, I fare thee well!

Death count: Attrom
                        Indiana Jones

                        The Roger The Paladin


Reset count: 3 (Runan: 1 - Katri: 1 - Holmes: 1)

Dishonorable reset count: 1

Dullahan's done with my incompetence: 7


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I just warpskipped this fight. It's boring and empty, the penultimate fight isn't much better, but it has some good characterization at least.

And what is the point to the pitch-black map? It doesn't do anything meaningful, it's just an annoyance.


2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I hate it only because I want to like it, but I can't. It's such a frustrating feeling.

Thats me with Fire Emblem Heroes, among other things.

The simile I've liked to use is being Hardin and Nyna post-SD. I am Nyna in that I want to love Hardin, but sadly can't. Not being able to give the love, I can't feel it from the game either, and thus I am like Hardin.


2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:


U86mhh2x o

This has also begun. Yep, Wendy in Hard mode. Successfully, this time. She's... surprisingly good? Kinda? She's worse than her brother, but still, Wendy in Hard mode!

*Looks at averages*

HP is -1, Str is +2 Skl is +2, Spd, Lck, and Def are on the dot, Res is +1. Slightly better.


2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Well, that is not Merlinus being correct, in my opinion. That's Merlinus relaying information he obtained from an outside source. The source was correct, not Merlinus. If it was up to Merlinus's judgement, I am certain he would've proposed to just go back to Lycia because Bern is full of traps.

Given the War Dragon Manaketes in fish stockings and bunny ears, I don't think he was wrong. 

And I get your point.


2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I agree with everything.

On a rather random Thracia 776 note, I'm not sure if you've seen this before, but I found this.:


FE4 Chapter 7 Castle Leonster, as it should be going off of FE5.

As for how Conomor and Amalda are both there. Let's just pretend this is from a canon where Leif split his army at Chapter 15's end. Dorius took the bulk of the army and went along the coastal route with Finn and Marty disguised as a fake Leif. Leif and Augustus meanwhile took an elite force through the forests. Ilios joined despite Olwen being around because why not?


2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Frankly, I think Sierra suits Shigen best. They've been through a lot together, they understand each other deeply, and they both clearly care for one another, to the point where they're both ready to drop everything to save the other's life. It just strikes me as a really logical and pleasant pairing.

At first I misread this as "I think Carla suits Shigen best", as if you were deadpan joking with that.😅

I wish Sierra got more to her character, she is pleasant and rather interesting.


2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Vwpsatqi oAvnqvgd3 o0fywhswv o2jrrwyif o

As always, could've used this guy, or that woman, or this other guy, or that woman I established as Lentzenheimer's sympathetic mom but could easily be spinned into being a Witch...

I declare the first to be Shigen's blood father, for some reason. The last wouldn't make a bad "Time-Warped Adult Evil Nayfa".

How many more of these unused portraits are there? I recall seeing someone bring up a green-haired lady in an orange dress- a prototype Elincia.


And other question, how are you going to handle the ending. IIRC, TRS has no "Epilogue Chapter" save right after the end of the final battle. Since the ending/epilogue is fairly long, you'll want to cut it into a separate update from the final battle. When will you make the cutoff?

Edited by Interdimensional Observer
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8 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Why is everyone so fixated on that car crash joke? I put so much effort into lots of other things, and the thing everybody notices is the throwaway car crash joke!

Hehe car. 

8 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I like how apparently Pengaius puns are a powerful enough motivator to make me want to die in a car crash to see them.

'''Tis a blessing and a curse.

Use Arkis in the finale

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On 9/18/2019 at 12:46 AM, Saint Rubenio said:

If it was up to Merlinus's judgement, I am certain he would've proposed to just go back to Lycia because Bern is full of traps.

When you realize that Merlinus just has PTSD from visiting 4chan.


On 9/18/2019 at 12:46 AM, Saint Rubenio said:
Kht0lzsl o


Is it sad that I almost could believe this was a real dialogue box?


On 9/18/2019 at 12:46 AM, Saint Rubenio said:

My pet rooster, who never stopped mourning the recently deceased dog. Damn my life.

Ah, crap... I am really sorry. That's rough. At least I hope it was a peaceful departure, as well.

He was asleep at the time. I'd actually had him out of the pen that night so I could monitor him.


On 9/18/2019 at 12:46 AM, Saint Rubenio said:

No! C'mon, what did I do now!? Ah, balderdash...

I love that threat because the FBI are operative on American soil. The CIA on the other hand are operative in other countries. The joke is I always tell people I have reported them to the one that doesn't really apply. Like my ex who would constantly find herself reported to the FBI.


On 9/18/2019 at 12:46 AM, Saint Rubenio said:


N-- What!? Why'd you imply such a thing!? What's wrong with you!? You're worse than a horseman!

To be fair, being adept in both the sword and bow... I'm about half-way there. I just need to learn to ride a horse and ransack villages without being in a class that can. Also, I just realized... Ashe in Three Houses is perfectly suited to become a bow-knight with a built in lock-pick. He's basically that one Horseman as a playable unit.


On 9/18/2019 at 12:46 AM, Saint Rubenio said:

It does make sense.

Most importantly it gives him a backstory.


On 9/18/2019 at 12:46 AM, Saint Rubenio said:
Vpffch2n o


"They took my eyes" joke incoming.

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On 9/17/2019 at 11:46 PM, Saint Rubenio said:
Vwpsatqi oAvnqvgd3 o0fywhswv o2jrrwyif o

As always, could've used this guy, or that woman, or this other guy, or that woman I established as Lentzenheimer's sympathetic mom but could easily be spinned into being a Witch...

In particular the second chick just screams "lategame Witch boss" to me. Why they left all these portraits in unused hell and used the world's most generic garbage bag four times is beyond me.

Fun fact, the second portrait was originally Carla's portrait before she was given her current one. Personally, I think the this one's lot more fitting, given that she looks like an empress. Plus, her final one looks a bit too young to be 34 years old.

The first guy's name is Sollo (ソロ). He was part of a beta versus mode team representing Erial. The other portraits you have here are completely unused in all versions, to my knowledge.

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Part 73 - Top Tier Tom.

Cursed Fire Emblem Playthroughs 2: Electric Boogaloo.

Ggyidcib o

Sophia getting a level! Off of a Mercenary in Arcadia, no less! And it's a good one! It didn't go anywhere, sadly, because...

Utx1tjjf o

...my Raigh is godly. He doubles and kills everything, and nosferatanks like nobody else ever could.

However! I have more cursed imagery the likes of which you shall never see replicated!

Qkadadvh o
Mf96ffcd o

Hahah, yeah! She's good, good! Good, I tell you!

Tu58c7uq o

Disregard the fact that Lot is better than her in every way, pretty much. In her defense, Lot only has an A support with Echidna, whereas she's got an A with her brother, and a B with Ogier. She managed to turn out better than Bors, too, so that's something going for her.

Yow, it's:

On 9/17/2019 at 6:50 PM, BrightBow said:

If this guy could at least get different palettes. Who doesn't like a good Harold?

I mean, I love the FE6 Bishops, but that's mostly because the blue one is the best one-off boss in the game, whereas the yellow one is the absolute worst, and the green one is thoroughly unremarkable. Love that contrast. Same goes for Legance and Morgan, and this game's very own Best NPC.

These guys, though? They're all bottom of the barrel, and they don't even get different colors to compensate. Sheesh.


On 9/17/2019 at 7:26 PM, Interdimensional Observer said:

I just warpskipped this fight. It's boring and empty, the penultimate fight isn't much better, but it has some good characterization at least.

Yes, I agree.

And what is the point to the pitch-black map? It doesn't do anything meaningful, it's just an annoyance.

Well, it does emphasize that we're more or less in the core of the world right now. Plus, the fact that the goal is the only place with light is a visual way to convey information that I can really dig. I like the gimmick enough, myself.

Thats me with Fire Emblem Heroes, among other things.

Ah, yes, FEHeroes. I'm actually not in that position with Heroes. It's a gacha with the facebook farm energy system. If I want to look at JPGs, I can look them up online, thank you very much. Not to mention, for a game that seems to intend to bring a series with hundreds upon hundreds of characters together, it is quite self-defeating that the roster is limited to protagonists, their alts, and Camilla.

I'm not going to ask for somebody like Frost or Leiden, but c'mon, Marcus? Arran? Oswin? Franz? Wendell? Eyvel? Kieran? Pelleas? I just listed a bunch of at least somewhat important characters from all the games I'm familiar with, that have a decent amount of popularity. Is it truly so much to ask for a couple of these guys instead of more alts?

...I will compliment them for adding Bantu in the latest update, though. That was bold of 'em.

The simile I've liked to use is being Hardin and Nyna post-SD. I am Nyna in that I want to love Hardin, but sadly can't. Not being able to give the love, I can't feel it from the game either, and thus I am like Hardin.

So... you're basically Nyna but you want to kill the game and the entirety of humanity alongside it?

*Looks at averages*

HP is -1, Str is +2 Skl is +2, Spd, Lck, and Def are on the dot, Res is +1. Slightly better.

Meh... how about now?

Given the War Dragon Manaketes in fish stockings and bunny ears, I don't think he was wrong. 

Ergh... what? Is this a Heroes thing that I'm missing here?

And I get your point.

Good, good.

On a rather random Thracia 776 note, I'm not sure if you've seen this before, but I found this.:


FE4 Chapter 7 Castle Leonster, as it should be going off of FE5.

Hah! Wait, who is the green Bishop? Is it a FE4 thing? I'm not too familiar with that one.

As for how Conomor and Amalda are both there. Let's just pretend this is from a canon where Leif split his army at Chapter 15's end. Dorius took the bulk of the army and went along the coastal route with Finn and Marty disguised as a fake Leif. Leif and Augustus meanwhile took an elite force through the forests. Ilios joined despite Olwen being around because why not?

In other words, the guy who made this didn't play FE5 and just went through the list of playable characters on the wiki.

At first I misread this as "I think Carla suits Shigen best", as if you were deadpan joking with that.😅

Come now. Even I have my limits. I... I think?

I wish Sierra got more to her character, she is pleasant and rather interesting.

I like what's there enough. The event if Shigen dies does wonders for her.

I declare the first to be Shigen's blood father, for some reason.

He does look a bit like that, doesn't he? I agree, yes.

The last wouldn't make a bad "Time-Warped Adult Evil Nayfa".

Hmm, kinda, yes!

How many more of these unused portraits are there? I recall seeing someone bring up a green-haired lady in an orange dress- a prototype Elincia.

Quite a few, actually. At least a couple dozen of them. Aethin himself generously dropped a link to all the portraits of the game a while back, if you want to see them.

And other question, how are you going to handle the ending. IIRC, TRS has no "Epilogue Chapter" save right after the end of the final battle. Since the ending/epilogue is fairly long, you'll want to cut it into a separate update from the final battle. When will you make the cutoff?

You can actually save when you return to the world map. I think the cutoff might be right after the final boss dies. That'll make for a really long final update, but it's not like people will have to rush to read it before the next update ciomes out, right? I think it's a decent idea.


On 9/17/2019 at 9:07 PM, eclipse said:

Dying IRL is a bannable offense! 😛

Well. Ain't that grand.


On 9/18/2019 at 12:59 AM, Pengaius said:

Hehe car.

Shut it, you. Cars aren't funny. Much less one killing me.

'''Tis a blessing and a curse.

No, it is not, because your lame puns aren't good enough to make me want to die in a car crash. Hah! Get back at me when you've gotten me to die in a car crash, n00b.

Use Arkis in the finale

You want him to die? Well, too bad, deployment is limited there.


On 9/19/2019 at 3:35 AM, The Roger The Paladin said:

When you realize that Merlinus just has PTSD from visiting 4chan.

Oh, God, that makes so much sense! But it won't make me stop hating him.

Is it sad that I almost could believe this was a real dialogue box?

Thanks! I tried. Of course, it's got a pretty big flaw that ruins the inmersion: it implies Macellan killed something.

He was asleep at the time. I'd actually had him out of the pen that night so I could monitor him.

Well, at least he went peacefully. Sorry for your loss, man.

I love that threat because the FBI are operative on American soil. The CIA on the other hand are operative in other countries. The joke is I always tell people I have reported them to the one that doesn't really apply. Like my ex who would constantly find herself reported to the FBI.

Maybe that's why it's your ex?

...too far? Too far. If you'll excuse me, I'm gonna go give myself up to the FBI.

To be fair, being adept in both the sword and bow... I'm about half-way there. I just need to learn to ride a horse and ransack villages without being in a class that can.

You can use a sword and a bow? What kind of badass are you, man?

Also, I just realized... Ashe in Three Houses is perfectly suited to become a bow-knight with a built in lock-pick. He's basically that one Horseman as a playable unit.

Yeah, except he's a really nice guy. He'd never be a Horseman. Never!

Most importantly it gives him a backstory.

He badly needs it.

"They took my eyes" joke incoming.

Well, could be...

On a scale from 1-10, how edgy do you think it'll be?


On 9/20/2019 at 3:49 AM, Aethin said:

Fun fact, the second portrait was originally Carla's portrait before she was given her current one. Personally, I think the this one's lot more fitting, given that she looks like an empress. Plus, her final one looks a bit too young to be 34 years old.

Huh, is that so? Well, I do believe that her final portrait looks very 30s, but this one would've been good too.

The first guy's name is Sollo (ソロ).

Really? According to the files you sent me, his name is...

...oh, yes, Sollo. I like how half of them are named and half of them are numbers.

He was part of a beta versus mode team representing Erial. The other portraits you have here are completely unused in all versions, to my knowledge.

That's probably right, as they're both numbers.


An enemy ambush!:

Jllx98zv o

Here is the chapter. For Holmes's final solo outing, this is extremely underwhelming. Why are half of the enemies locked in cells? Witches will start appearing near the boss, but even they won't be too much of a problem.

M9ndopob o

The boss is Ezrael, yet another Shadow Bishop that plays exactly the same as all the others. That's it.

There is absolutely nothing to this fight. It'll be over soon, thankfully.

Jtfyknfd oH7e2h5hf o

A good start.

H8961yoq o


Glq5scii o

Holmes opens the nearest door.

Hesfv3ba oPjuugbp9 oKtwk11mk o

More boring killing.

Hsao64yd oJmhah8bs oQwgjrieg o

This one isn't as boring, because it features Red Planeboy.

B784ko9x oN4qporjs o

Here's a funny little detail: the upper team has no way to leave their corridor until Holmes opens the door for them.

Gfe6uyhh o4h4zveoz oVt3hlwnx o

And so, the equally boring enemy phase begins.

Ohrx3shx o

Holy shit that frame is stylish. Okay, I take it back, Maruj has saved this enemy phase from being boring.

Enrrxe9a oFigrdjcm oXur9o9rk o

That's all.

Ad8t4mcb o

Look. A mild threat.

Oeavixhy oObp2djnr oV57hznh4 o

That's a level.

W2mdhmm9 o


...I'm sorry, dozed off there.


G W A H !

Ghqx6ohn o

A TRS mage got a level that wouldn't be out of place in a modern FE. My life is complete.

Wtqkqdhq o

Anyway, back to this.

5xokdjfr o

Er, yeah.

T4rbyasz oLuuupgaw o

Mm. That's a great story.

Fvenb3da o


Vxnrmwuu o

I had the most freaky dream ever just a couple nights ago.

2mz8ffen oIpdbex8b o

See, I'd caught a mild cold, so my throat was sore. This was making it extremely hard to fall asleep, so I just rolled and rolled all over the bed.

2aaevjjg o

As it turns out, however, I actually did fall asleep. At some point, I began dreaming that I was lying on my bed, unable to sleep and feeling like shit. In other words, I was dreaming of exactly the same situation I was in when I was awake, without even knowing it that I no longer was.

Ecwpkdgm o

Then suddenly, there was a flash of light that lasted but a second.

Gfe7ddu7 o

That's when I saw, sitting upright on my bed right beside me, looking at the wall behind me...

Je0ghgok oOyvey8q5 o

One of my cats, with half of his head torn off, bits of bloody skull popping out, his eyes dark and lifeless.

Rkpp0go8 oAo0s6yqk o

I know it sounds like a bad creepypasta, but I swear, I really did dream that. And it was a horrifying experience.

4jihu75i oJf5gjiyr o

I wouldn't say it was a sleep paralysis experience, though, because let me tell you, during that brief moment when I still thought that hellspawn was real, I was extremely agile. Nearly fell off my bed trying to escape from it, in fact.

Cyxmgh3b o

You may call me a chicken, but damn, I had to turn on the light to make sure there was nothing there.

D9ce1c4g o3czxdvky o

The dumbest part about it is that, when I checked the clock, I realized that I must've been dreaming for five minutes, tops. Didn't even get any rest out of the whole ordeal.

Hzimckiw oJec0qwgd o

I finally fell asleep for real at around 3 AM, and woke up half an hour before my usual time. Needless to say, that was an absolutely miserable school day.

Q27takzn o

I think there's only been one other dream that's ever disturbed me as much as this one. It was one time I watched my mother getting shot in the head by a sniper. It came completely out of nowhere, but it still felt so horrifyingly real, that I still vividly remember that image to this day. After that, I scrambled to get my father out of open view, and I can't remember anything else.

Kydn9ikr oZp32miqy o

What I'm trying to say is that I'm so bad at things, I fail even at sleeping.

Gaa7tbqf o

Well, shit! That's one forth of the update gone by. I should ramble more often.

Xxwgjny8 oU5wx3moi o

Sigh... you know what? Let's just hurry this up.

Vz70twb3 oFeoldh4m oLxcbrcse o

We make it to the upper team and save them from these guys. Maruj turns one of the Witches into a cold statue of ice in an extremely beautiful shot.

Z712pdnc oKypvuqhw o

Garo gets attacked by the last surviving enemy (he couldn't get to Plum or Krishna, there was a wall there) and gets an empty level. Not that it matters, at this point.

Wttodutn oT4ekxt4q o

Raquel gets attacked by Witches and wastes arrows firing wildly at them.

Np4bm3vn oE0qk1yen oRpdv127w o

Then Holmes frees the upper team. Krishna is delighted to get a piece of the action at last.

Bbamfeo5 oFifgw8z6 oEnoohsmc o

Attacking Shigen was your last mistake.

Zwnyqfpv o

...Really, Shigen? Did that really just happen?

Jjiwugbt oZerczach oI7jrozlc o

Forget I said anything.

Aljzmylt o

Forget it good...

A6qvtvzh oOzkklbbu o

We begin the assault on the boss chamber. Holmes fails to be an effective decoy.

Lhah33lc o

Julia fails in general.

Zaj1mrff o

Show her how it's done, General of Irrelevance!

Aifiozwy oFbrragxv oUdfysgwe o

Hah! That's another point for the Lord of Naught! A shame nobody will remember his brave deeds.

3corjdyn o

...scratch that, he didn't even get the kill. He'll return home and he won't even get to tell the tale of the time he killed a dead dragon. He'll just have a bunch of stories about murdering cannon fodder zombies and skeletons. Ah, but not to worry. He'll probably just forget himself on the way back to Salia, so it's not like he'd ever get to tell those tales.

Idq850bk oWisc1hgv o

Maruj, instead, gets to tell his grandchildren how he managed to be a war hero and succeed his grandfather as one of the great Four Sages despite being a god-awful mage.

Tamj32be oO05braco oCvdtmqds o

Everybody's feeling draconic today.

Ip0i67im o

Okay, let's stop rushing here. I've got a wonderful plan to make the final turns a bit more interesting.

Uxjlao6t o

I had this idea when Ezrael began moving out of nowhere. Guess he just grew impatient.

Wfznirof o

First, Raquel gets enarmored. Not to be confused with enamoured. That's me. God, do I love a woman who can use a brave bow in chapter 4.

...I should probably delete that, shouldn't I? Sadly, you know the drill: I'm Spanish. I must watch my bullfighting and eat my paella before my siesta. No time to be preserving my dignity.

Ohcnimgs o

A Witch gets turned into Saint Germain. This isn't relevant, but I love this frame.

A33mvepl o

Next turn, when Raquel makes it further below, she can lure Ezrael closer.

Rblza2zj o

Oh, all right. That makes things a lot easier.

87ktqj51 o

Don't worry, the damage displayed here is not correct. Even if she gets crit, since Enarmor halves the damage she takes, she'll just suffer the displayed pain.

Oatbfms6 o


It doesn't even make any sense. Struck down to the ground? But we are on the ground! My fliers can't fly since we entered these caverns!

7ytxmhjm oLujbb5zl o

That frame is very appropriate for a guy who just got hit critically to near death. Also, notice that he doesn't even have a unique battle palette. He uses the generic one. So lazy...

Fz5pvyoz oJ5tp7pnf o

Perfect result.

Tl2ynmpg o0ao7yqfg oGge58div o

Not so perfect. Raquel, there was no need for this.

No matter. The time has come for the grand finale.

Tpqkdj7x o

Hahahahahahah... yup. Firing a ballista in a cave, through a wall, into the boss's ugly face. That's my grand scheme. Underwhelmed? Well, those of you who have played TRS, when was the last time you even saw anything like this?

Qb30awjz oW1kwrmwj o

Ka-BLOOOOIEEEEE! Bwahahahahehehehahahah!

Dl16kjko o

Cool story, mate. Very cool.

Kuczr9k3 o

Pffft! Now that is one way to top off this stupidity.

Sxqxazs2 o

Here's a little-known fact: at level 30, Tom learns Adept. It really doesn't matter at all, but I find it funny that I actually managed to do this. One of the worst units in the game, and I got him to the max level. Well, default max level, but still. I love that I was able to do this. More than that, I'm glad I was able to record it.

Ugqwegh8 o4l8xmhnm o


Wait, what?

4ebigsff o

Reach door? But I thought... hold up, hold up, rewind just a bit...

Txyqrhmi o

...well. The game lied. Eh, it doesn't matter. It's not like Three Houses, which lies by having a boss without movement magically gain their normal movement when I put somebody in their range. God, how do I wish I could love this game. Sadly, I have a feeling that Money Waifu and bath towels will do jack shit to change my opinion.

Zvoemvje o9vzr9ewe o

All right, Holmes, do your thing.

Ew7s1mov oYpmw1stw oJ7p8fjb7 o

That is quite nice.

Gtvzyszx o5nc0bin9 oM5m85wno o

The latest Witches go after Zach and Krishna. They can't really do much of note.

A7bv3k9y o

Anyhow, let's get going. Two turns and it's over.

Njqi0cry oJebgpd6g o1xx0rn6b o

Ever heard that quote that goes, "beware of an old man in a profession where people die young"?

1vtnx3w9 oPltwfn4y o

Yeah. There you go.

7osrwvke oYlu336pi oJj1embk8 o

Tom fires another bolt.

Rnrtdxzg oGpjwoekp oEdjwdrwb o

His victim then goes after Raquel.

Wf2imv6g oErnrkwnt o

Now that was a quite productive warp.

R9tqtkjh o7aqqnobb oTdrg7dzm o

Interestingly enough, Holmes's sword did not glow when the enemy was the one initiating combat.

Ngtkdd7g oAhuvp7qe oQchsoa3u o

Holmes does his super jump.

Zo3be7oi o

D'awwww look at him. He's trying to match Leonie. A shame he has no game left to do it.

Idgs1wm8 oU89svolj o

Yeah, nice try.

8wnlyxbr oYxhjgftf oPmgbjprk o

Oh, God, that almost killed her...

Fm1ctjnk oBgzhzqbk oFps5o5ye o

Revenge for slightly unsettling me!

Zeco29fy oE9kws3ea oY70frtd9 o

While the lone surviving soldier manages to accomplish his goal to hit Yoda, this Witch performs a last-ditch attempt to stop Holmes before he walks to the gate.

3htnteuv o

She failed.

B4tdhb0w o6iihzmsn oQxgh9hde o

And that is that.

Otcoivrh o

That was fun, was it not?

Next time, plot. See you then.

Death count: Attrom
                        Indiana Jones

                        The Roger The Paladin


Reset count: 3 (Runan: 1 - Katri: 1 - Holmes: 1)

Dishonorable reset count: 1

Dullahan's done with my incompetence: 7


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3 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Mf96ffcd o

Hahah, yeah! She's good, good! Good, I tell you!

HP is average. Str and Skl are both 3.4 above average. Spd is 1.6 above average. Luck is on average/.55 below it. Def is .3 above average. Res is .1 above average.

In other words, your Gwendy is blessed without counterbalancing curses. Enjoy your offensively superior Pink Chain-Link Stabber. And be sure to buy her lotsa shoes later.

3 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Well, it does emphasize that we're more or less in the core of the world right now.

As for the actual location of Mt. Cielo, I don't think they ever say where it is specifically, but it is underground.

And yet, 



Let's use this map. We have the Temples of Fire and Water noted. We do not know where Earth and Wind are. 

But given there are two nearby columned buildings that Runan and Holmes don't visit. And that columned buildings are used solely for Temples on the places with labels. And given we know the general locations of Canaan and Leda, and which Shrine belongs to which. We can easily deduce that the unnamed temple to the left is Earth, and the one to the right is Wind.

That coincidentally helps us identify the boundaries of Leda and Canaan. The Leda-Canaan border must be precisely between the two Temples. 

And then to deduce the other borders: 

  • The river north of Zemselia is obviously the Salia-Reeve border.
  • Marl appears independent of Salia as a minor kingdom, whether this always was the case I am not sure, but Salia's western border is likely that big river.
  • The northern border of Salia should be the big river too. With Ligria being independent likely only the result of Leda's collapse into total anarchy.
  • The Fire Temple indicates that Salia does have some lands north of that big river, likely because the mountains are too tall for easy crossing and hence they're better off under Salian than Ledan governance.
  • Rimne and the Water Shrine must belong to Reeve, so the Reeve-Canaan border is likely the mountains east of the Water Temple and the banks of the river north of those mountains.
  • I am uncertain if Nolzeria is Canaanite or Reevan, but the nearby mountains offer an idea of where the southern boundary should be.
  • Where Reeve ends and Granada begins is uncertain, but the map showed the area covered by the deserts, we'd know. Presumably Granada, like the rump Islamic kingdom in southern Spain it might be referencing, doesn't actually control that much land to its north, west, and east.
  • Yr and Welts are islands, so they're easily defined. Isla I guess is independent too, but not really majorly governed from what we know or all that great an island, Welt should just annex it.

Taking in all these boundaries, I think we get an idea of how big each kingdom is, excluding the distortions caused by projecting a round object, the planet on which Lieberia is located, onto a flat surface.

Unless Leda has more land north of the map's upper boundary, then it seems a bit smallish to me. Although, it and Canaan do appear to have similar shapes and sizes. Reeve might be bigger than Leda and Canaan, but deserts in the south are worthless lands. Salia is has the greatest amount of definition to its boundaries, and looks pretty big to me. Although Salia is undermined by the plains of Selba, if those plains are like the Central Asian ones, they're bad farmland.


Getting back to Mt. Cielo where is it?

The Temples of Fire, Wind, and Earth have an easily discerned equidistant point. But the Water Temple is soooooo much further away. If Mt. Cielo was at the point equidistant to the other three, forming a cross, then Runan would have arrived huffing and puffing only to instantly melt from the Black Rain.

Therefore, it must be further south. Maybe it's under that big mountain southeast of the Fire Temple? It'd shorten the trip for Runan, while leaving things about as long for Holmes and Sennet, while Tia and her donkey would have to walk more.

But, then I see a minor problem. For the four entrances from the four Temples to form that beautiful compass box of cardinal directions, the tunnels could not have been entirely straight lines, there would have to be a turn or two to correct things.


4 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Hah! Wait, who is the green Bishop? Is it a FE4 thing? I'm not too familiar with that one.

I'm assuming it is a stand-in for Augustus. Isn't he supposed to be a Bragi priest in origin?


4 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Ah, yes, FEHeroes. I'm actually not in that position with Heroes.

To be fair, I only played for a few months before dropping it from being much too dull for me.

And I like the idea of the game, though I agree that the execution be wholly lacking. It's why I made a topic counting what percentage of each game's canon playable roster was in FEH. Archanea is now at 38.55%, Valentia 58% (small roster helps), Genealogy 37.5% (50% Gen 1, 25% Gen 2), Thracia 9.8%, Binding 30.77%, Blazing is 43.18%, Magvel is 33.33%, Tellius 31.94%, Awakening 66.66%, Fates 64.29%, and Three Houses has more than 20% I believe, I haven't counted so much for it.


4 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Ergh... what? Is this a Heroes thing that I'm missing here?

Remember how Binding Blade 21x has those chests that when you unlock them, you don't get any treasure, and instead a War Dragon appears just north of your position? I like to pretend said War Dragons are like bunny girls that pop out of fake cakes, a very old thing that I'm sure is terribly ancient to think about.

4 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I like what's there enough. The event if Shigen dies does wonders for her.

Same, I just wanted more. More Sierra, more Shigen, more Witch, more Zoa. The characterization cupcake was good, but I can I have a full-sized round cake please?


4 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

That'll make for a really long final update

To be fair, it took me over an hour to get through all the ending stuff including credits as I read and took it all in. It's just by its nature going to be long.


4 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Ohcnimgs o

A Witch gets turned into Saint Germain. This isn't relevant, but I love this frame.

I'm not familiar with Saint Germain, but isn't he sometimes attributed to be a time traveler? Is this him heading back to kidnap Rishel as a baby and permanently adding him to Gerxel's ranks?


4 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Kypvuqhw o

Garo gets attacked by the last surviving enemy (he couldn't get to Plum or Krishna, there was a wall there) and gets an empty level. Not that it matters, at this point.

Garo turned out marvelously for you. Glitch? Glad to see he has done well either way. Even with Axes being a step back from Thracia's goodness sadly.


4 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

God, do I love a woman who can use a brave bow in chapter 4.

...I should probably delete that, shouldn't I? Sadly, you know the drill: I'm Spanish. I must watch my bullfighting and eat my paella before my siesta. No time to be preserving my dignity.

Raquel exists because Kaga liked Brigid, which is why Eyvel exists. No shame in liking who the creator liked, unless they're underaged or feel uncomfortable about you liking them.

I kept the Brave Bow on Raquel too, but it is in a way wasteful on her, given she'll likely waste arrows on human enemies as is the case here.

And isn't bullfighting dying out in Spain? Maybe its little modern animal rights, maybe it just isn't popular.

Lastly, do you actually use Spanish saffron in your paella, or will you admit the majority of "Spanish saffron" is actually from Iran that has been repackaged and relabeled in Spain? 


5 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Here's a little-known fact: at level 30, Tom learns Adept. It really doesn't matter at all, but I find it funny that I actually managed to do this. One of the worst units in the game, and I got him to the max level. Well, default max level, but still. I love that I was able to do this. More than that, I'm glad I was able to record it.

These kinds of "trophy skills" bother me for how useless they are.:

  1. Runan's 35 Nihil
  2. Kreiss's 37 Nihil
  3. Arkis's 38 Canto
  4. Garo's (as you've obtained) 28-31 skill bonanza
  5. Kate's 27 Canto (it's too late for me- breaking 25 is hard sans grinding without Paragon in this game)
  6. Vega's 35 Vantage
  7. Maruj's 39 Confront
  8. Tomas's 30 Adept
  9. Xeno's 30 Draco
  10. Juni's 28 Adept and 35 Charm
  11. Billford's 26 Nihil, 31 Adept, and 38 Confront
  12. Holmes's 32 Adept
  13. Meriel's 30 Sol
  14. Shigen's 28 Draco and 38 Vantage
  15. Alicia's 32 Adept
  16. Samson's 29 Adept
  17. Attrom's 26 Lethality
  18. San's 40 Nihil (more because Nihil is pretty useless than anything else- why hold it back so long?)
  19. Raphael's 32 Confront and 37 Slayer
  20. Rishel's 32 Adept
  21. Narcus's 31 Adept
  22. Rebecca's 38 Charm
  23. And lastly, Bud's 40 Astra

What was even the point to Astra on Bud? Five chances to proc Steal? But whyyyyyy so long when an Astra teacher exists? Why give it to her? Does she have secret Zoan/Yr blood?


5 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
1xx0rn6b o

Ever heard that quote that goes, "beware of an old man in a profession where people die young"?

Good point! 

And I like that Yoda has a custom sprite for the Swordmaster class, setting him apart from those Vega and Shigen young'yuns.


5 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Tpqkdj7x o

Hahahahahahah... yup. Firing a ballista in a cave, through a wall, into the boss's ugly face. That's my grand scheme. Underwhelmed? Well, those of you who have played TRS, when was the last time you even saw anything like this?


Somehow, the wooden tank transforms into a ballista, and it can turn into a catapult too. This might be where Nintendo gots its idea for Nintendo Labo from. And I wonder if there is a fourth, forbidden mode that turns Artillerymen into Wood Dragons. 

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16 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

In other words, the guy who made this didn't play FE5 and just went through the list of playable characters on the wiki.

Pretty sure they did very much play it considering they bothered to correctly represent August as a green Bishop.
Honestly, including all the possible characters in an image like that makes more sense to me then deciding on an arbitrary path.

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I had a busy last few weeks.

I originally intended to make two replies; one that focused solely on gameplay, and the other on what others have said. However, the task proved greater than I had originally expected, so now I'll just summarize my thoughts on each update

EDIT: This ended up being a day late, because SF was acting up and wasn't letting me post the reply, despite saving what I wrote and going through the whole "I'm not a robot" routine. Who knows? This could be a blessing in disguise.

On 8/29/2019 at 2:45 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Part 68 - The prince and the pauper.

Better late than never

Also, there are two part 68's

- Eugen stays out of politics in order to give other snarkers a chance to build a reputation. Otherwise, he'd dominate the field.

- Count Tatus's sleeves somehow look so natural yet so off that now I can't help but notice the details on the sleeves of other characters.

- I was not expecting the portrait or the file name. Needless to say, they are quite fitting.

- Eugen wielding a mop means he has a canon weapon now. His chances of getting into Heroes have increased, if that amounts to anything.

- Enteh's changing into a fancy dress isn't the most ludicrous case of quick costume changes I've seen (Agent 47 from the Hitman series can somehow put on a tuxedo in 3 seconds in real time, and that's not even getting started on games where you can change equipment while paused), but it definitely ranks up there.

- I was not expecting that link.

- The emperor may have the the most anticlimatic death in the game. At least when considering their supposed importance. Morgan at an angle is also hilariously fitting.

- Not gonna lie that the blood on Barkers mouth looks weird to me. To be fair, though, it's hard to tell what magic attacks would actually do to a human body. Y'know, outside of burns and electrical shocks.

- I was going to make a joke about how Enteh would probably be captured by off-screen shenanigans, but the next update kinda shot that joke in the foot. That, and it would have just been a reference to a weird dream I had that day. Without context, playing Fire Emblem Fates, reading Order of the Stick, and watching "fox on trampoline" videos lead to a very interesting combination.

On 9/3/2019 at 12:22 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Part 69 - And we're supposed to be afraid?


On 9/3/2019 at 12:22 PM, Saint Rubenio said:


On 9/3/2019 at 12:22 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

The update number is sixty-nine:


- I really need to get back into Oblivion. I may not like how much they simplified from Morrowind (especially since I thought that game found a good balance between being complex while still being understandable) but I found the improved combat more than made up for it, even if weapon durability sucked.

- To be fair "Head Strategist" sounds better than "Adviser", and as awesome as it would be to add "badass" to the title, there would also be a lot of complaints about featuring a swear word.

- I see that Runan remembers characters better than I do.

- Hey, it's Silva! That... Cavalier? Paladin? That... had a discernible portrait?

I'm not gonna lie; I remember her being part of the story, but I forgot what she actually did.

- Alfred was probably too busy fighting Saruon, aiding the Jedi order fighting the Sith, and serving Bagtman to make the meeting.

- It's nice to see them actually discussing what will be on the treaty. It's too rare in fiction.

- Of course, I would also be surprised if one of these kind of scenes wasn't interrupted by a dragon or aliens or the big bad or whatnot.

- You took the words out of my mouth regarding the dragon sprites.

- This game map screen... looks only marginally useful, honestly.

- It took me longer than it should have to realize the whole ring plot. I'm debating whether to blame work for taking up my attention, or playing Metal Gear Solid 2.

On 9/8/2019 at 10:05 AM, Saint Rubenio said:

Part 70 - The Sable Mayor.

- Ernst being in the building made the whole thing that much better.

- I don't find it odd that Eugen brings up that Kate may have possibly joined the cult. What I do find strange is that it's the only possibility he brought up. 

- To be fair, we haven't seen Sasha in the story since *Looks it up* Raphael_The_Great joined us, which was when... wow, Wally joined us at that time. And she was already called murderprincess before then.

Dang. That was, around 30 updates ago. Time flies.

- For some reason, I was reminded of Varrick from Legend of Korra when I first saw the mayor. The mayor's personality isn't as entertaining, but that may be for the best, for then he would have been yet another underutilized NPC.

- The transition to the fanfic got a good laugh out of me.

- Uh, Enteh? Those aren't the kind of bluffs you intentionally walk into.

On 9/13/2019 at 5:46 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Part 71 - Luck?!

- Been a while since I played Advance Wars since getting a GBA emulator (the friend that helped me set that up still hasn't sent me the Fire Emblem ROMs by the way). I remember my mindset had to be almost the exact opposite of when I played Fire Emblem, as attacking offensively is more advantageous that being defensive, and my units were a lot more expendable (although campaigns maps could still be a pain if you lost a unit you couldn't recreate). It also made me realize that I hate fog of war maps in strategy games where you have to use your movement all at once AND take an action immediately after moving. Almost every other turn based game I can think of that has fog of war either allows you to backtrack if a unit notices an enemy, and/or allows units to take actions at different times, and/or has something like XCOMs overwatch which allows units to defend themselves at the very least if they end up stuck in a bad situation. Fire Emblem and Advance Wars meanwhile just say "Ha ha, you didn't know X unit would be there? Screw you".

- Other than annoying the player, I don't see how only having one tile open to reach summoners was supposed to be a good idea, at least for a rout map. For an "escape", "defend", or "defeat leader" objective, maybe, but not a rout.

- I still can't help but notice the strange gold chain Runan has and how his cape seems to get in the way whenever he does his crit animation. And it still looks like he's cutting holes in time and space.

- The "did I just accidentally aggro the dracozombies?" joke a good laugh out of me, as short as the moment was.

- I got the Shining Force reference, even if all I know about the game is it's a Fire Emblem clone ON THE SEGA GENESIS.

Also, that I started the game on a genesis collection at a friends house (same one I mentioned earlier, in fact), but I didn't actually get to the strategy part.

Side note, I've also seen Streets of Rage 2 and Comix Zone beaten in front of my eyes that same day.

- I looked up what "Vade Retro" meant, and everything on google had satana afterwards.

I find it surprisingly fitting towards your current situation.

- Fun fact: I was actually on the last day of a business trip in Illinois when the update uploaded! I find out I don't like city traffic, and that no one follows the speed limit on the Interstate.

Needless to say, the joke about the car crash kinda hit close to home considering the recent events

-  As cool as the Tumahahn spell is, it kinda lost it's effect when it reminded me of the Monster in the Darkness from The Order of The Stick:

Image result for monster in the darkness oots

- I've only been to wikihow once to learn how to drift.

I see now it's not much helpful for anything else.

- Runan's sword is cool.

- I really could see Eugen turning this into a rout map just to see the sword in action, which could be subtle gameplay-story integration.

- I looked up Varunastra. It's a water sword in Indian scriptures that can take the shape of any weapon. It could not be wielded by an inexperienced warrior, or else they would destroy themselves with the slightest mistake.

- I would have called the steel sword Runan's back-up weapon, if not for the fact that it had the weakest durability of all the swords.

- I do take your word for it that the sword powering up looks cooler in practice than in screenshot form.

On 9/17/2019 at 10:46 AM, Saint Rubenio said:

Part 72 - A success, everybody. I did not die in a car crash on my way to school.

Thank God. I truly do.

- It came too late, but I don't actually mind the "fight, fight, loot" approach to boring levels. Wouldn't mind if it returned in a future lets play.

Who am I kidding, though? Not a single pixel of Berwick will be skimmed over when the time comes.

- Once again, Holmes ignores good advice.

- Again?!? We see this guy's mug yet again?

I wouldn't be suprised if they really did run out of budget for this game, or if a programmer was lazy and abused Ctrl-C, Ctrl-V.

- Those sprites are awesome, by the way. Even if Sollo has a major case of "80's anime hair".

- The fanfic has me intrigued, and I'm placing bets there's going to be something happening to Ruben's eyes.

22 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Part 73 - Top Tier Tom.

Well, what do you know. Excellent timing. I think I may as well quote this one legitimately.

EDIT: It would have been perfect timing, if SF didn't screw me over. Thank God for Ctrl-C.

22 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Jtfyknfd oH7e2h5hf o

A good start.

The background is pretty neat, even if it's simple.

22 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Hsao64yd oJmhah8bs oQwgjrieg o

This one isn't as boring, because it features Red Planeboy.

Wait, when did Maruj learn Sol?

22 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
B784ko9x oN4qporjs o

Here's a funny little detail: the upper team has no way to leave their corridor until Holmes opens the door for them.

So... is there a plan in the event that Holmes dies before he opens the door? Besides hoping that he's drunk again?

22 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Ohrx3shx o

Holy shit that frame is stylish. Okay, I take it back, Maruj has saved this enemy phase from being boring.

That is one heck of a "barely dodged" pose, and I love it. It even has the finger!

22 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Figrdjcm o

That's all.

And Shigen has a fancy dodge frame, too!

22 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Obp2djnr oV57hznh4 o

That's a level.

And we get to see the tank right when they're firing an arrow!

Also, the cultist looks calmly dejected about having the lower half of his body in flames.

22 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
W2mdhmm9 o


...I'm sorry, dozed off there.


G W A H !

A TRS mage got a level that wouldn't be out of place in a modern FE. My life is complete.

Guess you can cross that off the LP bucket list.

22 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Wtqkqdhq o

Anyway, back to this.

What is this? An arrow where the point and feathers are actually facing the right way?

22 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I had the most freaky dream ever just a couple nights ago.

22 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

See, I'd caught a mild cold, so my throat was sore. This was making it extremely hard to fall asleep, so I just rolled and rolled all over the bed.

22 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

As it turns out, however, I actually did fall asleep. At some point, I began dreaming that I was lying on my bed, unable to sleep and feeling like shit. In other words, I was dreaming of exactly the same situation I was in when I was awake, without even knowing it that I no longer was.

22 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Then suddenly, there was a flash of light that lasted but a second.

22 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

That's when I saw, sitting upright on my bed right beside me, looking at the wall behind me...

22 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

One of my cats, with half of his head torn off, bits of bloody skull popping out, his eyes dark and lifeless.

22 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I know it sounds like a bad creepypasta, but I swear, I really did dream that. And it was a horrifying experience.

22 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I wouldn't say it was a sleep paralysis experience, though, because let me tell you, during that brief moment when I still thought that hellspawn was real, I was extremely agile. Nearly fell off my bed trying to escape from it, in fact.

22 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

You may call me a chicken, but damn, I had to turn on the light to make sure there was nothing there.

Huh, interesting.

I love writing down my dreams. I actually had an interesting one last night yesterday:

Raiden and Panne were infiltrating Big Shell, while Snake was onboard a tanker nearby. Raiden said he would deal with the terrorists, while Panne would rescue the hostages. She then jumped one of the giant trampolines that was installed on the plant for some reason to reach the central core, with Raiden lampshading that yet another one of my dreams that featured the taguel had trampolines in them (yes, that isn't just a forum game joke; taguels and trampolines really do always appear together in my dreams, to the point I am both amazed at the amount of creative and occasionally humorous ways the two are combined, and scared that this is happening entirely within my subconscious).

Meanwhile, Snake was getting used to the new stealth technology that Otacon developed, which not only included the traditional "makes you invisible" that previous versions had, but a new kind that changed the clothing of the user to blend in in social situations. This would allow Snake to infiltrate certain sections of tanker that would be too crowded for traditional stealth, and where fighting his way out wouldn't be an option due to not everyone on board being a hostile. Predictably, it hilariously backfired, and Snake had to knock out a janitor to steal his clothes to make it through the rest of the mission, and soon afterwards I woke up.

That's just the tip of the iceberg, I have a crap ton of other dreams I've written down and remembered.


I actually had a gory one last Monday. Was playing Halo for the first time (in the dream), except Gordan Freeman replaced Master Chief and Tracer stood in for Cortana. The ship section had more stealth than I remember, and the ground portion was on a bridge or dam. I was sniping with my pistol, but I wasn't certain if I was hitting anything, so I took a look in the options menu, saw that blood was turned off, turned it on, and saw that the game has some pretty graphic gore and blood for headshots.

I still need to play Halo one of these days. I've tried the second one years ago in preparation for a big meeting of my fathers former coworkers, but that was just to get used to the controls. And when I realized that the fourth game removed dual wielding, I was massively disappointed. I also saw my father play the game years ago when he had some free time again, which is how I knew about the ship portion and how blood got on the walls.


Anyway, I've noticed that a lot my dreams were relevant towards what I was doing that day, or what I had been doing recently. Others were about things I saw or did years ago. I'm curious what events may have created this kind of dream.

22 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I think there's only been one other dream that's ever disturbed me as much as this one. It was one time I watched my mother getting shot in the head by a sniper. It came completely out of nowhere, but it still felt so horrifyingly real, that I still vividly remember that image to this day. After that, I scrambled to get my father out of open view, and I can't remember anything else.

I've only had two dreams that I know of where I woke up immediately. They lasted mere seconds and I woke up before anything happened, but all I need to say is that they were about animals doing... yeah. Only difference was that one was with lizards and the other with foxes.

I have had a series of nightmares relating to the game Hitman, back when Outside Xbox was doing their playthrough of it. Loved watching those, but I admit that I got interested in real life assassinations through them. Then I had a series of three dreams, where I was placed in that kind of situation. I won't go into detail here (I feel that that's better for one-on-one discussion than in public), but I will never forget the fear I had. Nor will I forget that I killed two innocent people simply because they were in the same room as my target, as I knew I wasn't going to get a better opportunity. Later on in that dream, I killed someone by making it looked like they drowned. After walking a fair distance away, I looked back. A man saw the dead body, and, thinking the drowned victim was still alive, dove in to rescue him. He too drowned. Three innocent people died by man hands, one by being a hero.

I still have not seen one of those videos in years, and my interest in assassination was stopped dead in its tracks since then.

Later on, I had three other dreams that answered my question about whether I would be able to kill. I believe that the action itself I could preform without hesitation, but the aftermath would destroy me. I could not, would not, and will not see my "enemy" as a faceless, evil goon to take down, but as a person who had a father, a mother, maybe a brother or sister. Someone who could be married, and have children. Someone with virtues, sins, thoughts, feelings, hopes and fears. I know that through killing them, I would be killing someones child, widowing a spouse, orphaning a child. And I could never wipe the blood off of my hands, never regain that innocence I once had. You can't bring back the dead like you can return something stolen, or dissolve a lie with honesty.

I could kill without hesitation, but the aftermath would destroy me.


...Well, I was not expecting to write about that today.

I know that one of the ways God speaks is through dreams, and the series of those are proof of it.

22 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Well, shit! That's one forth of the update gone by. I should ramble more often.

I would say you should, honestly, but sometimes these updates are long enough as it is.

22 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Feoldh4m oLxcbrcse o

We make it to the upper team and save them from these guys. Maruj turns one of the Witches into a cold statue of ice in an extremely beautiful shot.

It is a beautiful shot. Even if someone died the probably painful death of hypothermia or asphyxiation due to being frozen inside a statue of ice.

22 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Wttodutn oT4ekxt4q o

Raquel gets attacked by Witches and wastes arrows firing wildly at them.

It looks like the witch just moved their hip to dodge.

22 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
E0qk1yen oRpdv127w o

Then Holmes frees the upper team. Krishna is delighted to get a piece of the action at last.

The map itself may be underwhelming, but at the very least, there are some fun screenshots in here.

22 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Fifgw8z6 o

Such as Shigens dashing animation.

22 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Aifiozwy oFbrragxv oUdfysgwe o

Hah! That's another point for the Lord of Naught! A shame nobody will remember his brave deeds.

3corjdyn o

...scratch that, he didn't even get the kill. He'll return home and he won't even get to tell the tale of the time he killed a dead dragon. He'll just have a bunch of stories about murdering cannon fodder zombies and skeletons. Ah, but not to worry. He'll probably just forget himself on the way back to Salia, so it's not like he'd ever get to tell those tales.

Poor Zachariah. His crit had an awesome build up, but in the end went nowhere.

22 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Tamj32be oIp0i67im o

Did I mention this update has fun screenshots? Because this update has fun screenshots.

22 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Ohcnimgs o

A Witch gets turned into Saint Germain. This isn't relevant, but I love this frame.

How many times has it been brought up that magic looks great in this game?

22 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Oatbfms6 o


It doesn't even make any sense. Struck down to the ground? But we are on the ground! My fliers can't fly since we entered these caverns!

Never underestimate the potential the ground has as a weapon. It's why grabs and throws are so common in pretty much every martial art. After all, why expend energy in striking the enemy when the ground can do the damage for you?

22 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Fz5pvyoz oJ5tp7pnf o

Perfect result.

Huh, I didn't notice that dark mages had a pretty cool animation when summoning magic.

22 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Tpqkdj7x o

Hahahahahahah... yup. Firing a ballista in a cave, through a wall, into the boss's ugly face. That's my grand scheme. Underwhelmed? Well, those of you who have played TRS, when was the last time you even saw anything like this?

Ah, video game logic. No matter how  ridiculous it can get, it helps separate videogames from other kinds of media, while bringing it's own sense of fun.

22 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Dl16kjko o

Cool story, mate. Very cool.

I laughed for a good few minutes when I saw this.

What a painful yet hilarious way to go.

22 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Sxqxazs2 o

Here's a little-known fact: at level 30, Tom learns Adept. It really doesn't matter at all, but I find it funny that I actually managed to do this. One of the worst units in the game, and I got him to the max level. Well, default max level, but still. I love that I was able to do this. More than that, I'm glad I was able to record it.

One of the main reasons watching these lets plays is so fun is because you manage to pull stuff like this off.

22 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
4ebigsff o

Reach door? But I thought... hold up, hold up, rewind just a bit...

Txyqrhmi o

...well. The game lied. Eh, it doesn't matter. It's not like Three Houses, which lies by having a boss without movement magically gain their normal movement when I put somebody in their range. God, how do I wish I could love this game. Sadly, I have a feeling that Money Waifu and bath towels will do jack shit to change my opinion.

Yeah, I saw the leaked DLC list too. Seriously IS, when will you learn that tuxedos sell? Forget bathing suits, I want to destroy the enemy with style!

I also don't like that they're adding maids and butlers as costumes. I was okay with the class in Fates, since they serve the support role well, due to hidden weapons focusing more on debuffing than on doing damage, and "Live to Serve" (when healing an ally, recover the same amount of HP) is an excellent skill for a healer. I just kinda wish they gave a durability increase like war monks/clerics did in Awakening, since they're still pretty weak as a promoted class. I'm torn on whether or not I want them to return, although part of that reason is also because I don't know whether I want hidden weapons to return, since debuffing is helpful to use, but annoying to confront. I'm also not all that comfortable about the fanservice aspect of the class, (although I will admit that if butlers get a third tier option called Batman, I will be very tempted to say "keep them"). It doesn't help that the reason why two of your characters start out as maids could either be more innocent than it sounds at first, or even more despicable.

Needless to say, making them costumes rather than a class is already making me cynical towards the DLC. When will IS learn that most times the rule of awesomeness overcomes the rule of sexy?

22 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Ew7s1mov oYpmw1stw oJ7p8fjb7 o

That is quite nice.

How did I not notice that dark mages have some neat casting animations before?

22 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Njqi0cry oJebgpd6g o1xx0rn6b o

Ever heard that quote that goes, "beware of an old man in a profession where people die young"?

Huh, what do you know? Yoda is wielding a green lightsaber, just like his namesake.

Also, that is a very good quote.

22 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
R9tqtkjh o7aqqnobb oTdrg7dzm o

Interestingly enough, Holmes's sword did not glow when the enemy was the one initiating combat.

Holmes route really did have the short end of the stick.

Someone make a counter of how many times that's the case.

22 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Ngtkdd7g oAhuvp7qe oQchsoa3u o

Holmes does his super jump.

Holmes sword animations are so much fun to watch.

22 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Idgs1wm8 oU89svolj o

Yeah, nice try.

Yoda ups his dodging game by splitting himself into three this time.

22 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Fm1ctjnk oBgzhzqbk oFps5o5ye o

Revenge for slightly unsettling me!

Julia should really wear some leggings, where's Tom's bandanna?, and general animations are still as great as ever.


Whew. It may not seem like much, but that wore me out. Even skimming previous updates was a greater task than I was expecting, and they were on the short side.

Really though, it was a combination of being tired after work, ironically being exhausted after playing videogames to relax, and being in a noisy environment that made it hard to write that lead to me being as late as I was. Guess I'm in the process of getting used to the next stage of life of having a job and less free time.

Anyway, since this took me long enough as is, tomorrow I'll focus on what you and others have said.

EDIT: Scratch that, I had to post this later than intended. Depending on how the day goes, I'll either post the second reply later today or tomorrow.

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3 hours ago, Hawkwing said:

- I looked up Varunastra. It's a water sword in Indian scriptures that can take the shape of any weapon. It could not be wielded by an inexperienced warrior, or else they would destroy themselves with the slightest mistake.

I think the name, if it wasn't stated already, is actually a fan-translation invention. SF on the main site, which hasn't updated to the fan-translation, just calls it "Seiken Reeve", Seiken meaning "holy (sei) sword (ken)", so it is the "Holy Sword of Reeve". Which isn't that cool a name, and the three other pieces of Carluon's sword follow the same "Holy Sword *insert a different kingdom*" template. I guess the fan-translator wanted to spice things up? I can understand why, and it isn't egregious like much worse fan-translation stuff.


3 hours ago, Hawkwing said:

Wait, when did Maruj learn Sol?

Level 20. Maruj specifically has to be a Sage when he levels up to get it. On the other hand, he has to be a Mage when he levels up to 19 to get Adept. So Maruj optimally has to promote at precisely level 19. No earlier, no later. He is unique in being so finicky.

Meriel has has to decide whether she wants Wrath or Luna though. Level 15 Mage gets Wrath, 15 Sage gets Luna, one or the other you're allowed. Given enemy magic defense is next to nonexistent, this is hardly a real choice to me. And, the idea of intentionally letting Meriel get near-death for a 50+ Crit Aura Rain sounds fun.


3 hours ago, Hawkwing said:

Also, the cultist looks calmly dejected about having the lower half of his body in flames.

Given the Zoans, and particularly Gerxel worshippers have lived in fear of persecution, it is possible that this individual had long steeled themselves for a "martyr's" end. An auto-da-fe is a common way of getting rid of heretics.


3 hours ago, Hawkwing said:

How many times has it been brought up that magic looks great in this game?

I second this actually. I love good spell animations, don't care where they're from as long as they're cool.

GBA FE meets that criteria, Radiant Dawn meets that criteria (in 3D), and TRS certainly does too. Sure, the animations can take forever, but just turn them off if you don't want to see them. I express some disappointment at the 3DS FEs, the spell animations are "practical" in duration, but the price they've paid is a lack of flair.

Edited by Interdimensional Observer
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1 hour ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

GBA FE meets that criteria, Radiant Dawn meets that criteria (in 3D), and TRS certainly does too. Sure, the animations can take forever, but just turn them off if you don't want to see them. I express some disappointment at the 3DS FEs, the spell animations are "practical" in duration, but the price they've paid is a lack of flair.

It most certainly was a better way to spend time then the 3DS games just freezing for several seconds on every critical hit or skill activation.

Edited by BrightBow
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On 9/22/2019 at 7:25 AM, Saint Rubenio said:

Ergh... what? Is this a Heroes thing that I'm missing here?

Sounds like it. Do they wear them in dragon form too? And if so what's their brassiere size when in dragon form? (no one's going to get the reference and I'll look sicker than I already do)


On 9/22/2019 at 7:25 AM, Saint Rubenio said:

In other words, the guy who made this didn't play FE5 and just went through the list of playable characters on the wiki.

Personally my explanation would be "Schroedinger's unit". These units are both simultaneously recruited and not recruited until someone canonically confirms one or the other.


On 9/22/2019 at 7:25 AM, Saint Rubenio said:

Maybe that's why it's your ex?

...too far? Too far. If you'll excuse me, I'm gonna go give myself up to the FBI.

Ah. The reason's a bit more complex and involves me getting sick enough when she wanted to do something she convinced herself I was actually uninterested. So by the time I did get better, she moved on. Which is life for you.


On 9/22/2019 at 7:25 AM, Saint Rubenio said:

You can use a sword and a bow? What kind of badass are you, man?

Well, you see... when I was extremely young, I took  to playing the "Captain America & The Avengers" game on the Mega Drive with my father. I wanted to learn the bow like Hawkeye. So my grandfather had me learning archery before I even hit pre-school. Mind my father, my mother, and any one of my brothers also learned archery. Fact is sometimes we take the stock of ~500-ish arrows out in the yard and just shoot a target over and over. Go figure, you do enough arrows in a cluster like that, you eventually learn the "splitting an arrow with another arrow" Robin Hood trick works... albeit by accident. Other thing you learn is that repeated use of a bow will, regardless of calluses, eventually leaves you with some very painful fingers. Might take a few dozen shots. Or maybe a few hundred if you've done a lot. The fact I tend to wear gloves means I can't last as long without as my family.

I learned to use a sword for other reasons, though I can't say I'm half as fancy with one as with a bow having been a teenager by then. The first type of blade I learned to handle was the more typical machete. Mostly for clearing scrub around the place to help my grandfather (I learned to use axes for similar reason. Though the fact I've gotten pretty good at throwing axes and knives is an aside). The rest came later with more traditional "you stab with the pointy end" swords which I decided to learn because I already sort of had a skill-set that could lead to it.

All that said, I'm absolutely hopeless with spears. I've tried. If I throw one, half the time it spins 90 degrees before it hits the target because I let go to early/late. Could be because I'm throwing it too much like a hatchet, where the spin helps it get in. Point is, having a large enough property means getting to mess around with weapons practice someone on a smaller place couldn't.


On 9/22/2019 at 7:25 AM, Saint Rubenio said:

Yeah, except he's a really nice guy. He'd never be a Horseman. Never!

Mostly because he'd never be a knight as a Horseman that raids villages. It'd go against his beliefs.


On 9/22/2019 at 7:25 AM, Saint Rubenio said:


On a scale from 1-10, how edgy do you think it'll be?

1, as 10 would be Vega. You hate Vega and want to stay away from him. Is that logic sound?


On 9/22/2019 at 7:25 AM, Saint Rubenio said:


Really? According to the files you sent me, his name is...

...oh, yes, Sollo. I like how half of them are named and half of them are numbers.

I really think Kaga was going the Star Wars route here.


On 9/22/2019 at 7:25 AM, Saint Rubenio said:
Jllx98zv o

Here is the chapter. For Holmes's final solo outing, this is extremely underwhelming. Why are half of the enemies locked in cells? Witches will start appearing near the boss, but even they won't be too much of a problem.

Wow. This level has less colour than an EA game.


On 9/22/2019 at 7:25 AM, Saint Rubenio said:
Hsao64yd oJmhah8bs oQwgjrieg o

This one isn't as boring, because it features Red Planeboy.

Maruj is the Red Baron? The World War I Flying Ace? Mother Fokker.


On 9/22/2019 at 7:25 AM, Saint Rubenio said:

And so, the equally boring enemy phase begins.

Ohrx3shx o

Holy shit that frame is stylish. Okay, I take it back, Maruj has saved this enemy phase from being boring.

Man, that's not the type of frame you plan for what with it requiring a mage in enemy range, but it's worth it if you get it.


On 9/22/2019 at 7:25 AM, Saint Rubenio said:

I wouldn't say it was a sleep paralysis experience, though, because let me tell you, during that brief moment when I still thought that hellspawn was real, I was extremely agile. Nearly fell off my bed trying to escape from it, in fact.

I think I mentioned in this thread my story about the one where I dreamt what I recall as a Succubus attacked me in my sleep. (Well, It's what best fits with what it attempted and it escaping through that portal). Still haven't found the knife I dreamt I plunged into it before kicking it off. Despite the fact I know it was in the frame of my bed due to paranoia about burglars at the time.

Also, can't help but think of this. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mike_the_Headless_Chicken

On 9/22/2019 at 7:25 AM, Saint Rubenio said:
3corjdyn o

...scratch that, he didn't even get the kill. He'll return home and he won't even get to tell the tale of the time he killed a dead dragon. He'll just have a bunch of stories about murdering cannon fodder zombies and skeletons. Ah, but not to worry. He'll probably just forget himself on the way back to Salia, so it's not like he'd ever get to tell those tales.

If I could come up with lyrics for "Zach's Lament", this would surely be part of them.

On 9/22/2019 at 7:25 AM, Saint Rubenio said:

Maruj, instead, gets to tell his grandchildren how he managed to be a war hero and succeed his grandfather as one of the great Four Sages despite being a god-awful mage.

He's a great fighter-pilot though.

On 9/22/2019 at 7:25 AM, Saint Rubenio said:

...I should probably delete that, shouldn't I? Sadly, you know the drill: I'm Spanish. I must watch my bullfighting and eat my paella before my siesta. No time to be preserving my dignity.

It's horrible but I keep misreading that. I need to make a silly edit later.


On 9/22/2019 at 7:25 AM, Saint Rubenio said:
Sxqxazs2 o

Here's a little-known fact: at level 30, Tom learns Adept. It really doesn't matter at all, but I find it funny that I actually managed to do this. One of the worst units in the game, and I got him to the max level. Well, default max level, but still. I love that I was able to do this. More than that, I'm glad I was able to record it.

He may be one of the worst units in the game, but he's survived. That's more than can be said for some people. Including some of my favourite units actually.


On 9/22/2019 at 7:25 AM, Saint Rubenio said:
4ebigsff o

Reach door? But I thought... hold up, hold up, rewind just a bit...

Txyqrhmi o

...well. The game lied. Eh, it doesn't matter. It's not like Three Houses, which lies by having a boss without movement magically gain their normal movement when I put somebody in their range. God, how do I wish I could love this game. Sadly, I have a feeling that Money Waifu and bath towels will do jack shit to change my opinion.


Or for that matter a non-boss named Petra. Whose paralogue ironically pulls a similar "get to the exit/rout" bait and switch. Albeit with ambush spawns. The type that spawn in your turn when you get close meaning they all get to move enemy phase. Is it any wonder I've developed a dislike for Petra just based on the fact she's involved in three of the game's "surprise fuckery" moments?


On 9/22/2019 at 7:25 AM, Saint Rubenio said:
1vtnx3w9 oPltwfn4y o

Yeah. There you go.

Zach does something mildly relevant. Think on that.

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Part 74 - Return.

Wendy kills the Brilliant Dumbass.

Nkbkcaqj o

That is all.

Oj0oj93c o

If she kills Murdock, I'll let you know.

Eswikv5x o

(Side note: I also have a godly Elen. Compensation for last time?)

I'm too brilliant:

On 9/22/2019 at 5:00 AM, Interdimensional Observer said:

HP is average. Str and Skl are both 3.4 above average. Spd is 1.6 above average. Luck is on average/.55 below it. Def is .3 above average. Res is .1 above average.

In other words, your Gwendy is blessed without counterbalancing curses.

Hah! Perfect! I knew my perseverance would be rewarded!

Enjoy your offensively superior Pink Chain-Link Stabber. And be sure to buy her lotsa shoes later.

No joke, she's been amazing since she promoted. Er, when she actually does get there. Her support with her brother is actually a bit of a liability, because nobody can lift him.

As for the actual location of Mt. Cielo, I don't think they ever say where it is specifically, but it is underground.

A mount that is underground. Excellent.

And yet, 

  Reveal hidden contents


Let's use this map. We have the Temples of Fire and Water noted. We do not know where Earth and Wind are. 

But given there are two nearby columned buildings that Runan and Holmes don't visit. And that columned buildings are used solely for Temples on the places with labels. And given we know the general locations of Canaan and Leda, and which Shrine belongs to which. We can easily deduce that the unnamed temple to the left is Earth, and the one to the right is Wind.

That coincidentally helps us identify the boundaries of Leda and Canaan. The Leda-Canaan border must be precisely between the two Temples. 

And then to deduce the other borders: 

  • The river north of Zemselia is obviously the Salia-Reeve border.
  • Marl appears independent of Salia as a minor kingdom, whether this always was the case I am not sure, but Salia's western border is likely that big river.
  • The northern border of Salia should be the big river too. With Ligria being independent likely only the result of Leda's collapse into total anarchy.
  • The Fire Temple indicates that Salia does have some lands north of that big river, likely because the mountains are too tall for easy crossing and hence they're better off under Salian than Ledan governance.
  • Rimne and the Water Shrine must belong to Reeve, so the Reeve-Canaan border is likely the mountains east of the Water Temple and the banks of the river north of those mountains.
  • I am uncertain if Nolzeria is Canaanite or Reevan, but the nearby mountains offer an idea of where the southern boundary should be.
  • Where Reeve ends and Granada begins is uncertain, but the map showed the area covered by the deserts, we'd know. Presumably Granada, like the rump Islamic kingdom in southern Spain it might be referencing, doesn't actually control that much land to its north, west, and east.
  • Yr and Welts are islands, so they're easily defined. Isla I guess is independent too, but not really majorly governed from what we know or all that great an island, Welt should just annex it.

Taking in all these boundaries, I think we get an idea of how big each kingdom is, excluding the distortions caused by projecting a round object, the planet on which Lieberia is located, onto a flat surface.

Unless Leda has more land north of the map's upper boundary, then it seems a bit smallish to me. Although, it and Canaan do appear to have similar shapes and sizes. Reeve might be bigger than Leda and Canaan, but deserts in the south are worthless lands. Salia is has the greatest amount of definition to its boundaries, and looks pretty big to me. Although Salia is undermined by the plains of Selba, if those plains are like the Central Asian ones, they're bad farmland.


Getting back to Mt. Cielo where is it?

The Temples of Fire, Wind, and Earth have an easily discerned equidistant point. But the Water Temple is soooooo much further away. If Mt. Cielo was at the point equidistant to the other three, forming a cross, then Runan would have arrived huffing and puffing only to instantly melt from the Black Rain.

Therefore, it must be further south. Maybe it's under that big mountain southeast of the Fire Temple? It'd shorten the trip for Runan, while leaving things about as long for Holmes and Sennet, while Tia and her donkey would have to walk more.

But, then I see a minor problem. For the four entrances from the four Temples to form that beautiful compass box of cardinal directions, the tunnels could not have been entirely straight lines, there would have to be a turn or two to correct things.

It's so weird to see the old names for these locations. Isla particularly, as it's literally just "isle" in spanish. Isura is definitely better, in my opinion.

Anyway, I think what you say makes sense. I, too, believe that it's the big mountain in the middle of all the shrines. Especially since, y'know, Mount Cielo is a mount, after all. The important parts are underground inside of it, but still.

I'm assuming it is a stand-in for Augustus. Isn't he supposed to be a Bragi priest in origin?

Oh, of course! Yeah, that makes sense.

To be fair, I only played for a few months before dropping it from being much too dull for me.

Ah, yeah, that's the other part of it. As far as mobile games go, it's probably the best one I've ever played, but it's also the most bottom-of-the-barrel strategy game I've seen, so the former distinction doesn't matter much.

And I like the idea of the game, though I agree that the execution be wholly lacking. It's why I made a topic counting what percentage of each game's canon playable roster was in FEH. Archanea is now at 38.55%, Valentia 58% (small roster helps), Genealogy 37.5% (50% Gen 1, 25% Gen 2), Thracia 9.8%, Binding 30.77%, Blazing is 43.18%, Magvel is 33.33%, Tellius 31.94%, Awakening 66.66%, Fates 64.29%, and Three Houses has more than 20% I believe, I haven't counted so much for it.

Three Houses's percentage may look low, but then you consider the game's been out for a month and it already doubles a game that's been out for 20 years. By next year it'll be at the very top alongside Fatesawakening, if the absurd amount of love it's getting doesn't subside (which I'm starting to think it won't).

What I'm trying to say is, I'm an elitist prick and I hate that the waifu simulators are getting all the attention while my favourite dying Paladin remains in obscurity with his one Cypher card.

Remember how Binding Blade 21x has those chests that when you unlock them, you don't get any treasure, and instead a War Dragon appears just north of your position? I like to pretend said War Dragons are like bunny girls that pop out of fake cakes, a very old thing that I'm sure is terribly ancient to think about.

Aaaahhh... I see.

...I just... wish I didn't... see...

Same, I just wanted more. More Sierra, more Shigen, more Witch, more Zoa. The characterization cupcake was good, but I can I have a full-sized round cake please?

Yeah, I get what you're saying, but for these games, I've come to accept that not everyone's going to get a thousand lines of dialogue, and that most of the time, if they do get that amount of lines, they won't be all that after all.

To be fair, it took me over an hour to get through all the ending stuff including credits as I read and took it all in. It's just by its nature going to be long.

Yeah, it's a really long thing. But given it's going to be the final update, I feel it's only fair. Go out on a bang. Cutting that up would be dumb, especially since there's nothing coming out afterwards till Berwick comes out in english.

I'm not familiar with Saint Germain, but isn't he sometimes attributed to be a time traveler? Is this him heading back to kidnap Rishel as a baby and permanently adding him to Gerxel's ranks?

I... have no idea, honestly. I just googled "saint of light", a picture of a guy with light behind him came up and I went "good enough!".

Garo turned out marvelously for you. Glitch?

Hah! Not likely. I used him in both of my first runs, the dropped one and the finished one, and he was godly every time.

Glad to see he has done well either way. Even with Axes being a step back from Thracia's goodness sadly.

What are you talking about? Pugi aside, TRS's axes are far better! I mean, look at the Dolharken!

Raquel exists because Kaga liked Brigid, which is why Eyvel exists. No shame in liking who the creator liked, unless they're underaged or feel uncomfortable about you liking them.

I mean, there's probably shame in liking what the creator liked, when the creator made it so the only way to get a dancer is to have a little girl kidnapped and forced into sex slavery.

I kept the Brave Bow on Raquel too, but it is in a way wasteful on her, given she'll likely waste arrows on human enemies as is the case here.

I tend to give it to somebody else later on for that exact reason, but in chapter 4, she's really the only one who can use it. Heck, by chapter 14 she'll probably still be the only one who can use it!

And isn't bullfighting dying out in Spain? Maybe its little modern animal rights, maybe it just isn't popular.

It very much is. I just enjoy making fun of the stereotype that spanish people are lazy, watch bullfighting and eat paella all the time. It's been a running gag for me since I started with FE12.

Lastly, do you actually use Spanish saffron in your paella, or will you admit the majority of "Spanish saffron" is actually from Iran that has been repackaged and relabeled in Spain? 

...okay, first, that's a bit of a loaded question.

...except I'm not the least bit patriotic, so it doesn't matter.

To answer your question: I have no idea what kind of saffron my father uses when he makes paella, what he thinks of it, or what he thinks about Iran. So yeah. I can't really say much more than that.

These kinds of "trophy skills" bother me for how useless they are.:

  1. Runan's 35 Nihil
  2. Kreiss's 37 Nihil
  3. Arkis's 38 Canto
  4. Garo's (as you've obtained) 28-31 skill bonanza
  5. Kate's 27 Canto (it's too late for me- breaking 25 is hard sans grinding without Paragon in this game)
  6. Vega's 35 Vantage
  7. Maruj's 39 Confront
  8. Tomas's 30 Adept
  9. Xeno's 30 Draco
  10. Juni's 28 Adept and 35 Charm
  11. Billford's 26 Nihil, 31 Adept, and 38 Confront
  12. Holmes's 32 Adept
  13. Meriel's 30 Sol
  14. Shigen's 28 Draco and 38 Vantage
  15. Alicia's 32 Adept
  16. Samson's 29 Adept
  17. Attrom's 26 Lethality
  18. San's 40 Nihil (more because Nihil is pretty useless than anything else- why hold it back so long?)
  19. Raphael's 32 Confront and 37 Slayer
  20. Rishel's 32 Adept
  21. Narcus's 31 Adept
  22. Rebecca's 38 Charm
  23. And lastly, Bud's 40 Astra

What was even the point to Astra on Bud? Five chances to proc Steal? But whyyyyyy so long when an Astra teacher exists? Why give it to her? Does she have secret Zoan/Yr blood?

Ah, yeah, good ol' level 40 Astra on Bud. Just one of Kaga's many hilarious jokes, similar to Norton being recruitable, the Letena event, Artillerymen in general, and the dancer.

Good point! 

And I like that Yoda has a custom sprite for the Swordmaster class, setting him apart from those Vega and Shigen young'yuns.

It's not actually unique to him. Golgotha, Lentzenheimer's Swordmaster enforcer from 26B, also has it. But yeah, I do enjoy that these old Swordmasters get their own sprite.



Somehow, the wooden tank transforms into a ballista, and it can turn into a catapult too. This might be where Nintendo gots its idea for Nintendo Labo from.

Kaga did it first yet again!

Man, one of these days he should try suing them instead of the other way around. Although, come to think about it, I doubt he'd stand a chance against Nintendo's army of lawyers.

And I wonder if there is a fourth, forbidden mode that turns Artillerymen into Wood Dragons. 

That would be... absolutely fucking amazing, I won't lie.

Artillerymen in general are a bit of a guilty pleasure of mine. I know they're a terrible class, completely unnecessary, and awfully designed overall, but... tanks in Fire Emblem, man!


On 9/22/2019 at 3:47 PM, BrightBow said:

Pretty sure they did very much play it considering they bothered to correctly represent August as a green Bishop.

Yeah, I didn't realize that at the time.

Honestly, including all the possible characters in an image like that makes more sense to me then deciding on an arbitrary path.

Eh, I don't think I agree, but to each their own. The image did its job in any case.


On 9/22/2019 at 9:26 PM, Hawkwing said:


I had a busy last few weeks.

Top 10 anime comebacks.

Welcome back, my man. Let's see if we can last till the end, shall we? If my maths are correct, we're only 5 updates away!

...5 updates away...

I originally intended to make two replies; one that focused solely on gameplay, and the other on what others have said. However, the task proved greater than I had originally expected, so now I'll just summarize my thoughts on each update

That is a fair compromise.

EDIT: This ended up being a day late, because SF was acting up and wasn't letting me post the reply, despite saving what I wrote and going through the whole "I'm not a robot" routine. Who knows? This could be a blessing in disguise.

Man, you really did have all the complications, did you not?

Better late than never

Also, there are two part 68's

...oh, for fuck's--

- Eugen stays out of politics in order to give other snarkers a chance to build a reputation. Otherwise, he'd dominate the field.

That is probably the case.

- Count Tatus's sleeves somehow look so natural yet so off that now I can't help but notice the details on the sleeves of other characters.

I think it's just that he didn't iron his jacket.

- I was not expecting the portrait or the file name. Needless to say, they are quite fitting.

Thank you.

- Eugen wielding a mop means he has a canon weapon now. His chances of getting into Heroes have increased, if that amounts to anything.


Eugen: Strategist of the Mop.

Weapon: Ordinary mop, FIST (effective against pirates and blondes).

He'd be the new Reinhardt.

- Enteh's changing into a fancy dress isn't the most ludicrous case of quick costume changes I've seen (Agent 47 from the Hitman series can somehow put on a tuxedo in 3 seconds in real time, and that's not even getting started on games where you can change equipment while paused), but it definitely ranks up there.

The thing is, the thing from Hitman is a necessary compromise to make the gameplay work. If he stopped to change for five minutes, it'd be horrendous. Enteh's change was not necessary.

- I was not expecting that link.

Hah! You should've.

- The emperor may have the the most anticlimatic death in the game. At least when considering their supposed importance.

Yeah, he's basically this game's Hardin, yet not only does he die immediately, his death is also completely overshadowed by his son's death.

Morgan at an angle is also hilariously fitting.

Right? I didn't even make him an original Morgan, I reused the one for that one Wyvern Knight boss in Holmes's route that had two lines.

- Not gonna lie that the blood on Barkers mouth looks weird to me. To be fair, though, it's hard to tell what magic attacks would actually do to a human body. Y'know, outside of burns and electrical shocks.

Yeah, I always have trouble with magical deaths. Fire burns, electricity... also burns, and wind probably cuts, but what does dark magic do, exactly?

- I was going to make a joke about how Enteh would probably be captured by off-screen shenanigans, but the next update kinda shot that joke in the foot. That, and it would have just been a reference to a weird dream I had that day. Without context, playing Fire Emblem Fates, reading Order of the Stick, and watching "fox on trampoline" videos lead to a very interesting combination.

Er, all right.



Please accept my apologies.

- I really need to get back into Oblivion. I may not like how much they simplified from Morrowind (especially since I thought that game found a good balance between being complex while still being understandable) but I found the improved combat more than made up for it, even if weapon durability sucked.

I don't know, I just enjoy looking out for Wes Johnsons.

- To be fair "Head Strategist" sounds better than "Adviser", and as awesome as it would be to add "badass" to the title, there would also be a lot of complaints about featuring a swear word.

Imagine that.

Ih49ob2i oLord Runan, I, royal BADASS of Razelia, have arrived.

Llibn6rp o...Eugen, are you going to say that every morning?

Ih49ob2i oEvery single one of them, milord.

- I see that Runan remembers characters better than I do.

No kidding, he remembered all of them!

- Hey, it's Silva! That... Cavalier? Paladin? That... had a discernible portrait?

I'm not gonna lie; I remember her being part of the story, but I forgot what she actually did.

Understandable. She didn't do much. She was mainly living worldbuilding. Which is why it's a flying shame her portrait's as amazing as it is.

- Alfred was probably too busy fighting Saruon, aiding the Jedi order fighting the Sith, and serving Bagtman to make the meeting.

Oh, okay, so you do remember the guy who hasn't showed up for the last 30 updates or so. Nice.

- It's nice to see them actually discussing what will be on the treaty. It's too rare in fiction.

Right? The devil is in the details, as they say.

- Of course, I would also be surprised if one of these kind of scenes wasn't interrupted by a dragon or aliens or the big bad or whatnot.

Hey, this is still TRS.

- You took the words out of my mouth regarding the dragon sprites.


- This game map screen... looks only marginally useful, honestly.

I showed it off in the first update.

On 11/27/2018 at 10:39 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

xQunKTk.png Finally! Okay, now that we're actually playing, it's time to see if I'll need to make maps like in the last LP... with any luck, the ingame map will work...


Nope, definitely not! I can't even begin to tell what that may be!

Can you guess which game has maps that actually work?

- It took me longer than it should have to realize the whole ring plot. I'm debating whether to blame work for taking up my attention, or playing Metal Gear Solid 2.

Probably the fact that this game's got plot oozing out of its ears.

- Ernst being in the building made the whole thing that much better.

Hahahah, leave it to me to make high-effort memes that look low-effort.

- I don't find it odd that Eugen brings up that Kate may have possibly joined the cult. What I do find strange is that it's the only possibility he brought up. 

Yeah, that's really what makes it weird.

- To be fair, we haven't seen Sasha in the story since *Looks it up* Raphael_The_Great joined us, which was when... wow, Wally joined us at that time. And she was already called murderprincess before then.

Pffft I'd forgotten I named Raphael's portrait that. And then he proceeded to do nothing for the remainder of the LP. Ah, well. He's still pretty badass.

Dang. That was, around 30 updates ago. Time flies.

Does it not? We're so close to the end of this...

- For some reason, I was reminded of Varrick from Legend of Korra when I first saw the mayor. The mayor's personality isn't as entertaining, but that may be for the best, for then he would have been yet another underutilized NPC.

Yeah, he serves his purpose. I like him enough.

- The transition to the fanfic got a good laugh out of me.


- Uh, Enteh? Those aren't the kind of bluffs you intentionally walk into.

She's... she's dumb, okay.

- Been a while since I played Advance Wars since getting a GBA emulator (the friend that helped me set that up still hasn't sent me the Fire Emblem ROMs by the way). I remember my mindset had to be almost the exact opposite of when I played Fire Emblem, as attacking offensively is more advantageous that being defensive, and my units were a lot more expendable (although campaigns maps could still be a pain if you lost a unit you couldn't recreate). It also made me realize that I hate fog of war maps in strategy games where you have to use your movement all at once AND take an action immediately after moving. Almost every other turn based game I can think of that has fog of war either allows you to backtrack if a unit notices an enemy, and/or allows units to take actions at different times, and/or has something like XCOMs overwatch which allows units to defend themselves at the very least if they end up stuck in a bad situation. Fire Emblem and Advance Wars meanwhile just say "Ha ha, you didn't know X unit would be there? Screw you".

Cough cough Berwickfixedit cough cough. Hmm. Cute little cough I had going there.

- Other than annoying the player, I don't see how only having one tile open to reach summoners was supposed to be a good idea, at least for a rout map. For an "escape", "defend", or "defeat leader" objective, maybe, but not a rout.

Kaga. Kaga is the reason.

- I still can't help but notice the strange gold chain Runan has and how his cape seems to get in the way whenever he does his crit animation. And it still looks like he's cutting holes in time and space.

Will you never stop picking on the guy?

- The "did I just accidentally aggro the dracozombies?" joke a good laugh out of me, as short as the moment was.

Hey, I was afraid!

- I got the Shining Force reference, even if all I know about the game is it's a Fire Emblem clone ON THE SEGA GENESIS.

That's... that's about it for me, too. That, and this theme is way too good.

Also, that I started the game on a genesis collection at a friends house (same one I mentioned earlier, in fact), but I didn't actually get to the strategy part.

Side note, I've also seen Streets of Rage 2 and Comix Zone beaten in front of my eyes that same day.

Your friend is a speedrunner? Why does everyone get the cool friends? All I have is a guy who hates Luigi, another guy who hates Luigi, and a guy from the Czech Republic who doesn't really care about Luigi.

- I looked up what "Vade Retro" meant, and everything on google had satana afterwards.

I find it surprisingly fitting towards your current situation.

Are we going to go through this same routine every time I use the expression?

- Fun fact: I was actually on the last day of a business trip in Illinois when the update uploaded! I find out I don't like city traffic, and that no one follows the speed limit on the Interstate.

Needless to say, the joke about the car crash kinda hit close to home considering the recent events

...recent events? I hope I'm just blowing things out of proportion, and that nothing happened to you or to anybody close to you...

-  As cool as the Tumahahn spell is, it kinda lost it's effect when it reminded me of the Monster in the Darkness from The Order of The Stick:

Image result for monster in the darkness oots


Well. r/TIHI.

- I've only been to wikihow once to learn how to drift.

I see now it's not much helpful for anything else.

I once looked up how to win at a card game I was playing with my friends, just for laughs. It told me to cheat. Gee, thanks.

- Runan's sword is cool.

It really is.

- I really could see Eugen turning this into a rout map just to see the sword in action, which could be subtle gameplay-story integration.

That's Eugen for ya. He isn't a character of the game, the game belongs to his character!

- I looked up Varunastra. It's a water sword in Indian scriptures that can take the shape of any weapon. It could not be wielded by an inexperienced warrior, or else they would destroy themselves with the slightest mistake.

Sounds... unbelievably fitting, actually. Kaga's references don't usually go anywhere, but that's actually appropriate for the holy swords of TRS--

Oh, wait, right. Aethin picked those names. Originally they were just "Holy Sword of X". Boo.

- I would have called the steel sword Runan's back-up weapon, if not for the fact that it had the weakest durability of all the swords.

He's just carrying it in case he feels merciful.

- I do take your word for it that the sword powering up looks cooler in practice than in screenshot form.

You probably should.

Thank God. I truly do.


- It came too late, but I don't actually mind the "fight, fight, loot" approach to boring levels. Wouldn't mind if it returned in a future lets play.


Who am I kidding, though? Not a single pixel of Berwick will be skimmed over when the time comes.

Bwahahahahahahahah... yep.

- Once again, Holmes ignores good advice.

Holmes is Holmes. Can't ask more out of him.

- Again?!? We see this guy's mug yet again?


I wouldn't be suprised if they really did run out of budget for this game, or if a programmer was lazy and abused Ctrl-C, Ctrl-V.

I mean, couldn't have been so hard to at least recolor the guy.

- Those sprites are awesome, by the way. Even if Sollo has a major case of "80's anime hair".

He does, yeah. The last woman is one of my favourites. If you remember, I wanted to use her, so I made her Lentzenheimer's mother in flashbacks.

- The fanfic has me intrigued, and I'm placing bets there's going to be something happening to Ruben's eyes.

We'll see.

Well, what do you know. Excellent timing. I think I may as well quote this one legitimately.


EDIT: It would have been perfect timing, if SF didn't screw me over. Thank God for Ctrl-C.


The background is pretty neat, even if it's simple.

Huh, didn't stop to notice it, but you're right.

Wait, when did Maruj learn Sol?

Way back when. Way back when.

So... is there a plan in the event that Holmes dies before he opens the door? Besides hoping that he's drunk again?

His death game-overs, so yeah. Second option.

That is one heck of a "barely dodged" pose, and I love it. It even has the finger!

He looks like he's dancing. It's amaing.

And Shigen has a fancy dodge frame, too!

To be expected from a Swordmaster.

And we get to see the tank right when they're firing an arrow!

Yeah! So cool! Ahem.

Also, the cultist looks calmly dejected about having the lower half of his body in flames.

They're cultists. He's probably happy to go to his Lord.

Guess you can cross that off the LP bucket list.

How's that looking so far?

What is this? An arrow where the point and feathers are actually facing the right way?

Unfathomable! It must be some sort of optical illusion...

Huh, interesting.

Terrifying, more like!

I love writing down my dreams. I actually had an interesting one last night yesterday:

Raiden and Panne were infiltrating Big Shell, while Snake was onboard a tanker nearby. Raiden said he would deal with the terrorists, while Panne would rescue the hostages. She then jumped one of the giant trampolines that was installed on the plant for some reason to reach the central core, with Raiden lampshading that yet another one of my dreams that featured the taguel had trampolines in them (yes, that isn't just a forum game joke; taguels and trampolines really do always appear together in my dreams, to the point I am both amazed at the amount of creative and occasionally humorous ways the two are combined, and scared that this is happening entirely within my subconscious).

Meanwhile, Snake was getting used to the new stealth technology that Otacon developed, which not only included the traditional "makes you invisible" that previous versions had, but a new kind that changed the clothing of the user to blend in in social situations. This would allow Snake to infiltrate certain sections of tanker that would be too crowded for traditional stealth, and where fighting his way out wouldn't be an option due to not everyone on board being a hostile. Predictably, it hilariously backfired, and Snake had to knock out a janitor to steal his clothes to make it through the rest of the mission, and soon afterwards I woke up.

That's just the tip of the iceberg, I have a crap ton of other dreams I've written down and remembered.

I... I didn't understand any of that, but I love it.


I actually had a gory one last Monday. Was playing Halo for the first time (in the dream), except Gordan Freeman replaced Master Chief and Tracer stood in for Cortana. The ship section had more stealth than I remember, and the ground portion was on a bridge or dam. I was sniping with my pistol, but I wasn't certain if I was hitting anything, so I took a look in the options menu, saw that blood was turned off, turned it on, and saw that the game has some pretty graphic gore and blood for headshots.

I still need to play Halo one of these days. I've tried the second one years ago in preparation for a big meeting of my fathers former coworkers, but that was just to get used to the controls. And when I realized that the fourth game removed dual wielding, I was massively disappointed. I also saw my father play the game years ago when he had some free time again, which is how I knew about the ship portion and how blood got on the walls.

You want to play Halo because you dreamed of it being gory? You've got problems, man. You need to get that bloodthirsty cinnamon rollness checked, sooner or later.


Anyway, I've noticed that a lot my dreams were relevant towards what I was doing that day, or what I had been doing recently. Others were about things I saw or did years ago. I'm curious what events may have created this kind of dream.

Mine tend to be the opposite: hodgepodges of absolute nonsense.

I've only had two dreams that I know of where I woke up immediately. They lasted mere seconds and I woke up before anything happened, but all I need to say is that they were about animals doing... yeah. Only difference was that one was with lizards and the other with foxes.

I have had a series of nightmares relating to the game Hitman, back when Outside Xbox was doing their playthrough of it. Loved watching those, but I admit that I got interested in real life assassinations through them. Then I had a series of three dreams, where I was placed in that kind of situation. I won't go into detail here (I feel that that's better for one-on-one discussion than in public), but I will never forget the fear I had. Nor will I forget that I killed two innocent people simply because they were in the same room as my target, as I knew I wasn't going to get a better opportunity. Later on in that dream, I killed someone by making it looked like they drowned. After walking a fair distance away, I looked back. A man saw the dead body, and, thinking the drowned victim was still alive, dove in to rescue him. He too drowned. Three innocent people died by man hands, one by being a hero.

I still have not seen one of those videos in years, and my interest in assassination was stopped dead in its tracks since then.

No wonder. That kind of dream would make anyone crap their pants.

Later on, I had three other dreams that answered my question about whether I would be able to kill. I believe that the action itself I could preform without hesitation, but the aftermath would destroy me. I could not, would not, and will not see my "enemy" as a faceless, evil goon to take down, but as a person who had a father, a mother, maybe a brother or sister. Someone who could be married, and have children. Someone with virtues, sins, thoughts, feelings, hopes and fears. I know that through killing them, I would be killing someones child, widowing a spouse, orphaning a child. And I could never wipe the blood off of my hands, never regain that innocence I once had. You can't bring back the dead like you can return something stolen, or dissolve a lie with honesty.

I could kill without hesitation, but the aftermath would destroy me.


...Well, I was not expecting to write about that today.

Nor was I expecting to read it, but that was enlightening.

I know that one of the ways God speaks is through dreams, and the series of those are proof of it.

Ergh... okay, hate to break the solemness of this whole conversation, but... if dreams are God speaking to us, what's up with wet dreams? God feelin' a lil' cheeky?

I would say you should, honestly, but sometimes these updates are long enough as it is.

Hahahahah... yeah, I have no restraint, do I.

It is a beautiful shot. Even if someone died the probably painful death of hypothermia or asphyxiation due to being frozen inside a statue of ice.

It's a Witch. Kill or be killed. And they're the ones who cheat by warping. It's only right when my Witch does it!

It looks like the witch just moved their hip to dodge.

Hah, kinda.

The map itself may be underwhelming, but at the very least, there are some fun screenshots in here.

Such as Shigens dashing animation.


Poor Zachariah. His crit had an awesome build up, but in the end went nowhere.

Isn't that Zachariah in general?

Did I mention this update has fun screenshots? Because this update has fun screenshots.

This is a message from Lord Nergal: This update has fun screenshots.

How many times has it been brought up that magic looks great in this game?

Not as many as it deserves.

Never underestimate the potential the ground has as a weapon. It's why grabs and throws are so common in pretty much every martial art. After all, why expend energy in striking the enemy when the ground can do the damage for you?

I shall also never underestimate your ability to come up with fun facts about PAIN in any situation.

Huh, I didn't notice that dark mages had a pretty cool animation when summoning magic.

They do, but I tend to prefer to screenshot the spells.

Ah, video game logic. No matter how ridiculous it can get, it helps separate videogames from other kinds of media, while bringing it's own sense of fun.

Agreed entirely.

I laughed for a good few minutes when I saw this.

What a painful yet hilarious way to go.

Thanks. I had to find some way to make him even slightly interesting.

One of the main reasons watching these lets plays is so fun is because you manage to pull stuff like this off.

That was actually one of my objectives when I started, back with FE12: to not do exactly the same as all the others.

Yeah, I saw the leaked DLC list too. Seriously IS, when will you learn that tuxedos sell? Forget bathing suits, I want to destroy the enemy with style!

"No, must have our waifu. Waifu sell. Waifu sell, hear me!? WE WILL BEAT KAGA! WE WILL, I SWEAR ON FUCKING SOUL!!"

"Maeda-san, foam's coming out of your mouth again."


"...bring the medication, please."


I also don't like that they're adding maids and butlers as costumes. I was okay with the class in Fates, since they serve the support role well, due to hidden weapons focusing more on debuffing than on doing damage, and "Live to Serve" (when healing an ally, recover the same amount of HP) is an excellent skill for a healer. I just kinda wish they gave a durability increase like war monks/clerics did in Awakening, since they're still pretty weak as a promoted class. I'm torn on whether or not I want them to return, although part of that reason is also because I don't know whether I want hidden weapons to return, since debuffing is helpful to use, but annoying to confront. I'm also not all that comfortable about the fanservice aspect of the class, (although I will admit that if butlers get a third tier option called Batman, I will be very tempted to say "keep them"). It doesn't help that the reason why two of your characters start out as maids could either be more innocent than it sounds at first, or even more despicable.

Needless to say, making them costumes rather than a class is already making me cynical towards the DLC. When will IS learn that most times the rule of awesomeness overcomes the rule of sexy?

Hah! Maybe for you and me, but not for the people that bring in most of the dough. There's a reason we're getting fetish outfits as every single DLC.

How did I not notice that dark mages have some neat casting animations before?

I didn't show you well enough, probably.

Huh, what do you know? Yoda is wielding a green lightsaber, just like his namesake.

That's a brave sword. Brave swords are green in this game.

Also, that is a very good quote.

I agree, yes.

Holmes route really did have the short end of the stick.

Someone make a counter of how many times that's the case.

How many updates of his route are there?

Holmes sword animations are so much fun to watch.

Hey, that's something going for him!

Yoda ups his dodging game by splitting himself into three this time.

Yoda just keeps going.

Julia should really wear some leggings, where's Tom's bandanna?, and general animations are still as great as ever.

Tom left his bandana inside the tank.


Whew. It may not seem like much, but that wore me out. Even skimming previous updates was a greater task than I was expecting, and they were on the short side.

"Not seem like much"?! You replied to six friggin' updates! There was no need... just a quick comment on the major events, like Barker's death, would've been enough!

Really though, it was a combination of being tired after work, ironically being exhausted after playing videogames to relax, and being in a noisy environment that made it hard to write that lead to me being as late as I was. Guess I'm in the process of getting used to the next stage of life of having a job and less free time.

Anyway, since this took me long enough as is, tomorrow I'll focus on what you and others have said.

Please don't lose sleep over this. The objective is to entertain you, not wear you out!


On 9/23/2019 at 1:00 PM, The Roger The Paladin said:

Sounds like it. Do they wear them in dragon form too? And if so what's their brassiere size when in dragon form? (no one's going to get the reference and I'll look sicker than I already do)

...to be completely honest, you look above average for this thread. Compared to the mod constantly throwing vague threats at me, our favourite bloodthirsty cinnamon roll, Arkis's fanboy overthere, and the man behind the wheel who can't seem to stop getting innocent people killed in the worst ways possible.

Personally my explanation would be "Schroedinger's unit". These units are both simultaneously recruited and not recruited until someone canonically confirms one or the other.

Schroedinger's Arran: Arran is both safely recruited and killed when his village is razed until the player in FE11 does one thing or the other. Then FE12 confirms that he dies.

Ah. The reason's a bit more complex and involves me getting sick enough when she wanted to do something she convinced herself I was actually uninterested. So by the time I did get better, she moved on. Which is life for you.

Hey, I did not mean to pry.

Well, you see... when I was extremely young, I took  to playing the "Captain America & The Avengers" game on the Mega Drive with my father. I wanted to learn the bow like Hawkeye. So my grandfather had me learning archery before I even hit pre-school. Mind my father, my mother, and any one of my brothers also learned archery. Fact is sometimes we take the stock of ~500-ish arrows out in the yard and just shoot a target over and over. Go figure, you do enough arrows in a cluster like that, you eventually learn the "splitting an arrow with another arrow" Robin Hood trick works... albeit by accident. Other thing you learn is that repeated use of a bow will, regardless of calluses, eventually leaves you with some very painful fingers. Might take a few dozen shots. Or maybe a few hundred if you've done a lot. The fact I tend to wear gloves means I can't last as long without as my family.

I learned to use a sword for other reasons, though I can't say I'm half as fancy with one as with a bow having been a teenager by then. The first type of blade I learned to handle was the more typical machete. Mostly for clearing scrub around the place to help my grandfather (I learned to use axes for similar reason. Though the fact I've gotten pretty good at throwing axes and knives is an aside). The rest came later with more traditional "you stab with the pointy end" swords which I decided to learn because I already sort of had a skill-set that could lead to it.

All that said, I'm absolutely hopeless with spears. I've tried. If I throw one, half the time it spins 90 degrees before it hits the target because I let go to early/late. Could be because I'm throwing it too much like a hatchet, where the spin helps it get in. Point is, having a large enough property means getting to mess around with weapons practice someone on a smaller place couldn't.

I am hopeless with everything, so it's really not like your spear weakness is too much of an issue.

Mostly because he'd never be a knight as a Horseman that raids villages. It'd go against his beliefs.

I liked Ashe enough. He seemed a bit too "muh precios innocunt boi" at first, and in all honesty, he's pretty much just that, but I always appreciate a character with connections to bosses. I mean, half of what makes Lentzenheimer as great (as in, well-written) as he is are his connections to a bunch of playable characters!

On a related note, I've got a boss tier list ready, akin to the one I made for the last LP. I want to wait till the final update to publish it, but man can I not wait to discuss it.

1, as 10 would be Vega. You hate Vega and want to stay away from him. Is that logic sound?

Ergh... sound logic, I suppose. Sound as crazybus.

I really think Kaga was going the Star Wars route here.

So uncivilized.

Wow. This level has less colour than an EA game.


Maruj is the Red Baron? The World War I Flying Ace? Mother Fokker.

No, he's not the Red Baron. He's the Red Baron's plane.

W1vfq8mv o

Man, that's not the type of frame you plan for what with it requiring a mage in enemy range, but it's worth it if you get it.

Mages get all the style in these games.

I think I mentioned in this thread my story about the one where I dreamt what I recall as a Succubus attacked me in my sleep. (Well, It's what best fits with what it attempted and it escaping through that portal). Still haven't found the knife I dreamt I plunged into it before kicking it off. Despite the fact I know it was in the frame of my bed due to paranoia about burglars at the time.

Yeah, you did. Still find it a funny story.

Also, can't help but think of this. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mike_the_Headless_Chicken

Oh God, that's... actually kind of like what I saw, only in chicken form.

If I could come up with lyrics for "Zach's Lament", this would surely be part of them.

Five updates to go. Write your magnum opus in this time lapse, my man.

He's a great fighter-pilot though.

He's a fascinating kid, at least.

It's horrible but I keep misreading that. I need to make a silly edit later.

Misread? What do you misread? "Paella" as "polla"? 'Cause in that cause, you probably should not do any silly edits, lest you risk getting a warning.

He may be one of the worst units in the game, but he's survived. That's more than can be said for some people. Including some of my favourite units actually.

Juliattisnacordst and Lionel are probably the losses I regret the most. Attrom... well, I like Attrom, and I hate losing Renee and her staves, but for this run in particular, those two were far more impactful.

Then again, Lionel was doomed from the start. He was a traditionally-used unit in one of my LPs, which are famous (hah, "famous") for avoiding those units like the plague. He was not to be. Maybe if it had been Ezekiel, he would've lived. And I wouldn't have had to go with a single healer per route.

  Reveal hidden contents

Or for that matter a non-boss named Petra. Whose paralogue ironically pulls a similar "get to the exit/rout" bait and switch. Albeit with ambush spawns. The type that spawn in your turn when you get close meaning they all get to move enemy phase. Is it any wonder I've developed a dislike for Petra just based on the fact she's involved in three of the game's "surprise fuckery" moments?

Yeah, I'm not too crazy about her, myself. Not even as a character. I despise her voice. It's just an American with bad grammar. And then I see people saying that her bad english is... somehow more realistic than other depictions in fiction? What? Excuse me? I understand that over-the-top accents can get grating, but... she has no accent at all, and that's not the way it works! Foreigners don't just speak perfectly but make grammatical errors ever so often! Heck, most (myself included) would probably be the complete opposite: Make few mistakes, but the accent's so thick that it defeats the whole purpose of speaking in english!

Zach does something mildly relevant. Think on that.

C H A R A C T E R   D E V E L O P M E N T ! ! !


20 hours ago, eclipse said:

On the bright side, Krishna won't be listed twice in the dead units section.

The less deaths, the better.

Speaking of deaths, I'd just like to say this: The fact that the most popular FE youtuber is only one death short of having as many casualties as me, while also having lost far more important units than I did (seriously, selling Lot's life for 20 bucks was downright embarrassing) in even more pitiful ways, makes me very, very happy. Turns out it wasn't just me. Hah!


To die:

Ypjmutqd oTvio61gq o

Good news, everyone: today's update isn't boring. Quite the opposite, in fact. It has exactly two scenes, plus three segments that last about ten seconds (this is one of them), yet it might just manage to be one of the top plot updates in the LP. So fasten your seatbelts. We're in for quite the ride.

92x381co o

Oh, hey! Long time no see, Richard, Tia, and--

...ahhh, blistering barnacles...

Yabfv7r5 o

Gifg77uy oGuenchaos...!

W1bjm9gj oYou've saved me the trouble of coming to fetch you, Earth Shaman. Now all the ingredients I need are right here. The world will be reborn this day!

Gifg77uy oI won't be a pawn in your game, Guenchaos! I've come here to put an end to you and all your scheming!

W1bjm9gj oWhat say you, Prince Richard? Will you oppose me as well? Surely you don't intend to break our deal after all this time...

Mnz2znpl o

Gifg77uy oRichard!? No... You can't be serious...

Kv5wulqf oI'm afraid so, Tia. Sage Guenchaos has promised me the Kingdom of Leda in exchange for you.

4lt3brpp o ...well. I can't say I'm surprised, but I am quite disappointed.

Gifg77uy oRichard...

Ik8ydby3 o

Kv5wulqf oDon't pretend like you actually cared for me. I've done nothing but work hard for you, to earn your affections, to prove myself... but you rejected me. You took all my love and crushed it! You made a fool of me in my court!

Gifg77uy oYou're wrong! You're wrong, Richard... When you proposed, it was just so sudden, I couldn't give an answer right away... My head was so full of emotions then, and I didn't want to make any rash decisions...

Dwk2lkua o

Kv5wulqf oIt's funny what we let slip when we're put on the spot, isn't it, Tia?

0zfd96rn o It's funny how much everyone reading this wants you dead right now, isn't it, Richard?

Gifg77uy oNo, that's not what I meant... Please, Richard! You have to believe me! I do love you! I want to marry you!

W1bjm9gj oThat's quite enough, Tia. Drop your sword, like the good man said. Thank you for your cooperation, Richard.

Kv5wulqf oShe's all yours, Guenchaos. I don't care what you do with her... But remember: Leda is mine, and you're going to help me take it.

W1bjm9gj oNaturally, Prince Richard. We did have a deal. But you, too, should bear in mind that your loyalty now lies in our god Gerxel. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a ritual that requires my utmost attention.

Adgvofek o

Gifg77uy oRichard!!

Kv5wulqf oTia... Farewell...

C7msjerh o
Ekchzplk o

W1bjm9gj oYour darling Richard was nothing but a greedy, manipulative swine, no different than the rest of his kind. Now come, Tia. You will don the holy garments of the Earth Shaman, and then you will join the others.

0zfd96rn o I like how Guenchaos has apparently been keeping his beloved's clothes around since she was forever turned into Kranion. That's both disturbing and... a little sad, frankly.

W1bjm9gj oDo not think of opposing me. Without your blessed sword, you cannot even touch me.

Rfyt9fme o

Well. There goes the last shaman. The end of the world can happen now. Thanks, Richard. I hope you're proud of yourself. Oh, who am I kidding. Of course he's proud of himself.

Y6wmq3lf o

...eeerrrgh... Holmes? What... what in the world happened to your face?

8pq7puj5 oHold on, Katri... I promise I'll save you!

0zfd96rn o No, seriously, why does he look more evil than Lentzenheimer all of sudden?




Ttrekix9 o
Rlvcwioc o
Igwkybel o
Egrt5xk2 o
V09pfwhh o
Rpthnk7y o
Kzg2o3fm o
Wa2oaylf o
84evwzjt o
Cz0luiet o
X9jqrl8q o
Ef80umkg o
O5xbvksz o
Pyebmhog o
Weftxpic o
60ryd9lq o
N2u6cdtb o
Yhurzuqe o
Uwrs1c1z o
3dfog2uu o
Vbqetanz o
5xnbuvtj o




Ro0kzebb o

Whatever. Another labyrinth time. Just as with the holy sword maps, this is Runan's version of the last Holmes chapter, and it's way better too. For one...

Blggaghp oCn0y9r9r o

The boss isn't generic.

Cb9r49x3 o

Carla has changed from her emperor-seducing attire to an outfit similar to Sierra's for the grand finale. I like it, it's a neat touch.

...I'll shut up now. This is one of the best scenes in the entire game. I want all of us to enjoy it.

Rqqssoyw oNo, Sister, I just...

Hlcfgyha oEver since the Ledan Crusade, people across Lieberia became paranoid of Zoans. You were too young to remember, but even successful merchants like our parents were subjected to wanton discrimination.

Jefxhoam o

Hlcfgyha oThey tortured them, forcing them to confess they were servants of Gerxel... And then they were publicly executed in the town square. Our own neighbours gathered around us and raised their fists, shouting, "Death to Zoans! Death to traitors!" They murdered our parents and our older sisters right in front of us. I know you remember that.

Rqqssoyw oYes...

Hlcfgyha oYou and I were four and seven, and Reevan law prohibited the execution of children under thirteen... So we were thrown in the prison camps. For five long years, we suffered in those pits with all the other Zoan children.

Rqqssoyw oYes, Sister, I remember...

Hlcfgyha oAnd when I turned thirteen, it was my turn. I still remember the faces of the people who came to my execution... Smiling, laughing, shouting... Fellow Reevans, calling for my death, even after I'd suffered so much.

W2yguypg o

Rqqssoyw o...

0zfd96rn o ...is the game trying to... make the cultists... sympathetic? But that is not allowed! Every FE game needs a faction of dark mages that is cartoonishly evil and can't do no good! Look at Three Houses, everyone calls it the greatest FE story ever in ever, and it has the Those Who Slither In Th... uh, Irrelevant Foreheads to fill the "appallingly bad" quota!

Hlcfgyha oHe taught me sorcery, and how to defend myself against the Zoan Hunters. He may not be a Zoan himself, but the hatred he feels for the pagans who slaughtered our people is genuine. The only way we can truly revive our people is to revive our nation, the Zoa Empire. We're the only ones who can do it. If we don't, our children and our children's children will forever be despised for their heritage, with no redemption...

Rqqssoyw oYes, but...

Hlcfgyha oDon't you understand how much I've sacrificed for this opportunity, Zieg?!

Hoofrpea o

0zfd96rn o Hoo, boy. Plot-twist number 1. She doesn't mean our Shigen, of course, but rather Shigen Sr., after whom Yoda named our Shigen. But that doesn't change the fact that Shigen is the son of the game's Gharnef, more or less. And this isn't even the biggest twist we'll get today. That's coming a bit later.

Hlcfgyha oI had to leave the man and son I loved so much and go serve as a concubine for that withered old man, Bahanuk... But I endured it all. Even when Shigen betrayed me, I endured it to carry out His Excellency's will. I replaced the queen and cajoled the king, and Canaan moved as the Pontiff willed. Do you know why I was so loyal, Zieg? Why I was ready to endure anything to get control of Bahanuk?

0zfd96rn o Because you're an insane cultist? Please say it's because you're an insane cultist... please don't make me feel bad about killing the cultists too...

Pnq3zwe7 o

4lt3brpp o ...you were supposed to be the irredeemable bad guys! Who am I supposed to hate now!? Tatus?! Oh, of course it's Tatus... Tatus probably was among the crowd, laughing away at the sight of 13 year olds being decapitated! Alongside Richard!

Hlcfgyha oYes, I made Bahanuk invade Reeve in the hopes of rescuing you... When I heard that you had been freed, I couldn't hold back my tears.

Rqqssoyw oDuke Gramud tried to have us freed, but it wasn't until the Imperial Army came that we were released.

0zfd96rn o I like how even the Gerxelians admit that Gramud was great. Of course, that didn't stop them from killing him...

Rqqssoyw oI am eternally grateful for everything you've done for me, Sister, and I have not forgotten the grudge of our people.

Hlcfgyha oIt was unforgivable, what they did to you.

0amf7tcb o

0zfd96rn o This. Let me stop here for a second. This line perfectly encapsulates everything that I love about this game's story (well, except for Eugen). Remember way back when we first recruited Zieg? Remember how he told Kate a sob story about how the cult of Gerxel had tortured him, killed his family and friends, utterly destroyed him? Turns out, it was not the truth, but it was not a full lie either. He did get tortured. His family and friends did get killed. He did get utterly destroyed. But not by the cult of Gerxel. It was Reeve. The "good guys", apparently. All of that, all of Zieg's scenes with Kate, everything had been building up to this. The reveal that it was actually us that did it.

And now I don't know who to root for, because all of this doesn't excuse what she did to Barker and everyone else in Canaan, but if we win here, who's to say the status quo won't be established once more? We've got Zoans in our ranks, after all. Who's to say they won't be pursued? Who's to say Tatus won't win?

This is why I love this game's story. My favourite part of it. There isn't a single faction that is completely, cartoonishly evil. Even the evil cult of darkness and badness is sympathetic to an extent. I adore this sort of stuff, it's great. IntSys should steal this from Kaga.

Rqqssoyw oIt was my anger and my prayers to God that sustained me through it all. "I will have revenge on them." That thought alone kept me going.

Hlcfgyha oAnd we will have our revenge, Zieg. When Gerxel is revived, our people will be liberated from their suffering. I will do anything to see this through. I threw away my husband and child so that I might protect the children of Zoa.

R9hplufu o

0zfd96rn o Oh, and just in case you thought that was it for Zieg's character, turns out he wasn't even pretending to get along with Kate and the others. He truly begun to have doubts in his time with us. And now he has no idea whether to hate us for what he suffered for over two decades, or forgive us because we have people like Kate.

Rqqssoyw oI would never betray you, but...

Hlcfgyha oJust think of our people, Zieg. When Gerxel is revived, they will be saved. For the sake of the ceremony, the pagans must not be allowed to reach the Pontiff. Do you understand me, Zieg?

Rqqssoyw oI understand. I will defend this passage with my life. You can leave it to me, Sister.

Hlcfgyha oThank you, Zieg. I, too, wish things didn't have to be this way. That we could start over, and live out our childhood days as a normal family... I know this has not been easy for you... But liberation will soon come.

Rqqssoyw oSister...

Hhkphucy o

Carla leaves, and...

Musfwpkz o

Zieg steps forth as the true Camus of this game. Not only that, but one of the greatest Camuses in the entire series. Because, indeed, that is what he is. In a game with a nation notorious for being full of sympathetic characters, I find it amazing that the customary Camus is part of the evil dark faction. My only regret is that I didn't forego all my running jokes to use him more. The effect is lost a bit if you don't actively use and care about him. Still, this is brilliantly done. My favourite villain in the game, hands down, and I daresay one of my favourite villains in the series. As much as I like Orson, I cannot deny that Zieg is Orson multiplied by a factor of ten. He's just... God, so great.

Oh, and in case the heartache wasn't bad enough already... see that in the cell, with the two zombies? Kate? Yeah. Can you tell where this is going?

Hyl6ox1r o

Llibn6rp oWell, it's about time! We've been walking for three days straight... Alert the other groups that we've found the correct path.

Ih49ob2i oI'll send the messengers. They should make their way over to us in a short while.

Llibn6rp oIn the meantime, let's make our way a little bit closer to the exit. Finding Enteh is our top priority.

Ih49ob2i oYes, Milord Runan!

0zfd96rn o Is it too much to ask that you guys let me recruit the cultists-- Oh, what am I saying. I ask that question every time. It invariably leads to the same result. Except when the characters are either truly horrible or plain forgettable. Then they join just fine. Maerchen is going to survive Zieg... urghh...!

Well, one way or another, next time's the penultimate chapter of the game. Zieg stands in our way to Guenchaos, and he won't be moving. Kate has returned just in time to have her already-broken heart pulverized into a bloody mush. On a scale from 1 to 10, how awful do you think the next update will be? Find out, same place, God knows when because I am unable to keep a schedule. Farewell.

Death count: Attrom
                        Indiana Jones

                        The Roger The Paladin


Reset count: 3 (Runan: 1 - Katri: 1 - Holmes: 1)

Dishonorable reset count: 1

Dullahan's done with my incompetence: 7


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Richard is the one character I loath almost as much as those self-pontificating, sociopathic avatars in Awakening and beyond. Dooming the entire world just because the girl he was crushing on didn't instantly accept. Not like she has other things to worry about or anything, what with the whole war going on and shit.
I guess Aethin's translation here must still be fairly accurate. I can of course see why he felt the need to change some stuff later on in an attempt to salvage that trainwreck. But we will be getting to that soon enough.

On a positive note, the thing with Zieg is genuine brilliant. He only ever spoke the truth except for that one tiny detail that changes everything.
You can tell they were going for something similar with the Lopto Cult in FE4. Especially when conquering the Yied Shrine in chapter 7. But it was all very surface level. And it didn't exactly help that all the cultists actually shown on screen where still cackling evil. So it's nice to see that concept finally fully realized here.

Edited by BrightBow
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Well, there's Richard.  Even his green hair can't save him from being trash, morally speaking.  So there is a cartoonishly evil villain, but he doesn't look like the typical ugly one.

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11 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

What are you talking about? Pugi aside, TRS's axes are far better! I mean, look at the Dolharken!

Dolharken is nice, 90 use Brave Axe is nice (and I should have actually used it), Killers are nice, Hammers and Poleaxes have uses.

But, there is no way to mitigate AS loss in TRS. Sure, human enemies are usually molasses, but Dolharken's 20 Wt means at very most, Samson or Barts will be looking at 3 AS. Dolharken gives them a hefty counter with 20 Mt, but they won't be ORKOing. I even question how much tankiness the damage-halving gives them, but I could be wrong on this point. But for me, none of the dedicated Axers or Lionel managed to get that much Def, I can't recall exactly why, but even with all the HP he had, Samson seemed, I dunno, squishy in Def compared others to the point it weakened Dolharken's boost?

Con made all the difference for me. Against enemies just as weak, Thracia's lot of Axers are better off than TRS's. 

To return to the Dolharken again, it is only one Axe. Sure it and the Brave could feasibly last Samson or your other choice of primary Axe user the entire rest of the game. But one shouldn't ignore that when it comes to fancy toys, Axes didn't get every last one of them. Swords got the lionshare, with almost as nice Braves and Killers, accompanied by the Schram, the Sol, the Luna, the Lukuud.

-Not that you need fancy toys all the time, and when it comes to commonplace weaponry, Axes are inferior by virtue of their weight. So I contend. But to be fair, I didn't have any Axe users with Runan besides Zieg, and Raphael dismissed the use of Axes out of hand. Maybe Axes are just not so good on Holmes's side.


11 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Eswikv5x o

(Side note: I also have a godly Elen. Compensation for last time?)

+9.45 HP, + 3.5 Mag, -4 Skl, +0.6 Spd, Lck is average, Def is +0.15, Res is average. Angelic Robed? Her Magic is a 50% growth, so you did better than average with the coin flips. She must have lost an equal amount of eyesight to gain the inner faith to grow that Magic stat, but I don't think thats a big deal.


11 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

To answer your question: I have no idea what kind of saffron my father uses when he makes paella, what he thinks of it, or what he thinks about Iran. So yeah. I can't really say much more than that.

I was joking with a factoid I read once. It was in this magazine article. An enjoyable short history of the luxurious red spice. A statistic here puts Spain at exporting 190000 kilos of saffron in 2010, but only 1500 kilos were produced in the country, the rest had to come from somewhere else. And Iran at the time produced 96% of the saffron crop. 

I was not at all popping in politics with this, why would I ruin this topic with that odious thing? The only nukes I'd be willing to entertain is how much excessive saffron it'd take to nuke your tastebuds. 


11 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Yeah, he's basically this game's Rudolf, yet not only does he die immediately, his death is also completely overshadowed by his son's death.

Corrected! Canaan is Rigel, not Archanea under Hardin. For Sennet must be Alm. Or, Bahanuk is proto-Brendan Reed, his brain went to total mush once a young lady, certainly young enough to be his daughter in this case, came walking by.


11 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

...eeerrrgh... Holmes? What... what in the world happened to your face?

When characters stick to the exact same expression for 95-99% of the game, the one time there is a facial expression change, it ends up being atrocious. There is no excusing how poor and bizarre this is. Why didn't Runan get something similar with Enteh? Or Zieg a nice dying face as though he had achieved apotheosis?


11 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Kv5wulqf oI'm afraid so, Tia. Sage Guenchaos has promised me the Kingdom of Leda in exchange for you.

Why would you ask for a kingdom that has been in utter chaos for 50 years and needs a real fixing up? Take something else, like... well actually, most of Lieberia is probably in the dumps to some extent. Canaan has been under Gerxel-manipulated rule and just lost a war, Salia has been under mixed control, Reeve was ransacked by Enteh's father and then Canaan. You should've asked for Welt, that is probably not so badly off.


11 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Hlcfgyha oYes, I made Bahanuk invade Reeve in the hopes of rescuing you... When I heard that you had been freed, I couldn't hold back my tears.

Now this is the kind of sibling love FE needs more of! Willing to order a full-scale invasion of another country just to rescue your little brother. I mean, Guenchaos would have liked some sort of attack sooner or later to grab Princess H2O, but this is touching, albeit not exactly the right thing to do.

Can I nominate Carla for the "Sister of the Century" award? Just like I nominated Elisabeth Farnese for "Mother of the 18th Century", because she gave all Spain she had, just to get her two little boys each a throne of their own.


11 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Zieg steps forth as the true Camus of this game. Not only that, but one of the greatest Camuses in the entire series. Because, indeed, that is what he is. In a game with a nation notorious for being full of sympathetic characters, I find it amazing that the customary Camus is part of the evil dark faction. My only regret is that I didn't forego all my running jokes to use him more. The effect is lost a bit if you don't actively use and care about him. Still, this is brilliantly done. My favourite villain in the game, hands down, and I daresay one of my favourite villains in the series. As much as I like Orson, I cannot deny that Zieg is Orson multiplied by a factor of ten. He's just... God, so great.

I'll concur on on the Sorrowful Knight point. Zieg manages to have all three of:

  • A likable personality
  • Good hesitation in performing their duties
  • An understandable loyalty to a cause, which they ultimately die for

This is in contrast to Camus and Eldigan, who really lack the last of these three qualities of model Camushood. Or Selena Fluorspar who lacks the second quality if having the first and third.


11 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

doesn't excuse what she did to Barker and everyone else in Canaan

Speaking of Canaan, I'm not really sure of what I actually make of their leadership.

They were there, they seemed nice enough, but I didn't really develop much tender feelings for them. They were never truly the enemy, and yet they hardly chaffed at obeying the King doing the conquest and defense despite knowing full well Gerxel controls it all and its wrong. Ernst and Barbarossa might have been a little redundant too. And I don't think they deserved to be confronting Runan, he has nothing to do with them. I'd rather have experienced Sennet's journey and placed them there.

They're, as odd as it might sound, Doric columns. They're classical, they look fine, they're what holds up the roof as I walk from the entrance of the journey to its conclusion (but only for Runan- Holmes has nothing to do with them, undermining the amount of limelight they get). But they don't jump out at me as splendidly artistic.


BTW, how much would you have wanted to experience Sennet's adventure?

And how much would you wanted to have experienced Tia's adventure? -If they gave her a retinue beyond just Richard the Lionspined (lets pretend they weren't important enough to visibly make it into the Leda castle ruins battle)?


11 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

On a scale from 1 to 10, how awful do you think the next update will be?

Having gone through it myself, I'd say a 3/10, pretty easy. It looks worse than it actually is. Maybe a 5/10 if you can't get to certain spots in time and then things go south.


On 9/22/2019 at 7:32 PM, BrightBow said:

It most certainly was a better way to spend time then the 3DS games just freezing for several seconds on every critical hit or skill activation.

Fair point, I forgot all those cut-in pauses with the same old quips. Maybe it stems from me having animations mostly off in Fates and SoV. Those would delay things significantly, more than any of RD's little trigger alerts that you got a critical or skill proc.


10 hours ago, BrightBow said:

You can tell they were going for something similar with the Lopto Cult in FE4. Especially when conquering the Yied Shrine in chapter 7. But it was all very surface level. And it didn't exactly help that all the cultists actually shown on screen where still cackling evil. So it's nice to see that concept finally fully realized here.

Similar is putting it mildly. Agreed on the handling of the Zoans.

I'd say this game has flat villains on the whole, it didn't give me much reason to think Guenchaos as anything but generic and not worth caring about. But the last two chapters do throw in real effort for improving the Gerxel villains, late much, but appreciated. Carla is psuedo-Sonia before Sonia was a thing- but far better, and Guenchaos is some sort of Gharmangal fusion. 

Edited by Interdimensional Observer
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16 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Wendy kills the Brilliant Dumbass.

Nkbkcaqj o

That is all.

Oj0oj93c o

If she kills Murdock, I'll let you know.

So tell me, is she still worse than Barth and Macellan if she achieves that? (technically yes)

16 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Eswikv5x o

(Side note: I also have a godly Elen. Compensation for last time?)

You mean the growths last time or the story last time? Because if we we factored both it'd probably end in her capping everything she could.


16 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

but what does dark magic do, exactly?

It crushes your soul and leaves you a withered husk that looks like it fell out of a sarcophagus. Or at least that's how I think of Nosferatu.


16 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Mine tend to be the opposite: hodgepodges of absolute nonsense.

I recently had a dream where Ferdinand Von Aegir was inexplicably in my high school year. Because fuck logic. He was complaining because we had a school ball (which, spoiler, never happened in reality and probably stems from the same source as him) and he, other than myself was the only one who couldn't get a date because all the girls were taken except one whose boyfriend (according to dream lore) died the prior week in a car crash so she was sitting this one out. This resulted in him complaining with the expected "but I am Ferdinand Von Aegir". Meanwhile I, because dream logic, removed the tuxedo I had on for the event (because apparently we both had the bright idea to get dates AT the event) and switched into normal clothes in front of everyone like it was a normal thing to do, and then left to the nearby 7/11 for a slurpee.


16 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Hah! Maybe for you and me, but not for the people that bring in most of the dough. There's a reason we're getting fetish outfits as every single DLC.

Jokes on them. It just means I don't have to buy the DLC. Because you cannot stop an object at rest. Or appeal to a fetish that's non-existent.


16 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

...to be completely honest, you look above average for this thread. Compared to the mod constantly throwing vague threats at me, our favourite bloodthirsty cinnamon roll, Arkis's fanboy overthere, and the man behind the wheel who can't seem to stop getting innocent people killed in the worst ways possible.

Is that sicker than average? Also love how "Arkis's fanboy" is used like an insult when it sounds the most wholesome of the lot. But the reference relates back to a post asking "what is Mt. Lady's brassiere size when in big forme" (something to do with My Hero Academia characters I don't quite know). Regardless, it resulted in a number of omegle spy mode variations.
-"what is gannondorf's brassiere size when in pig forme"
-"what is ridley's brassiere size when too big"
-"what is shantae's brassiere size when in elephant forme" (which I once saw answered with "64DD")
and of course, my favourite
"what is malificient's brassiere size when in dragon forme"
Mind you the last one's only my favourite because I'm the idiot responsible for the poorly spelled mess.

16 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Schroedinger's Arran: Arran is both safely recruited and killed when his village is razed until the player in FE11 does one thing or the other. Then FE12 confirms that he dies.

Well, FE12 also confirms that he was safely recruited first. But pretty much how I consider it to work. I'd have said the same applied for Frey... except he was very obviously the canon sacrifice.

16 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Hey, I did not mean to pry.

Ah. But the thing is, we're talking something nearly a half decade ago. I'm well over it by now. Even if I've not been on a date since. When you look at it that way... it's not just dating "simulators" I seem indifferent to.

16 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I am hopeless with everything, so it's really not like your spear weakness is too much of an issue.

The fact that people read your LPs begs to differ. Entertaining people is a skill, and so is maintaining a sense of humility when doing so.


17 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I liked Ashe enough. He seemed a bit too "muh precios innocunt boi" at first, and in all honesty, he's pretty much just that, but I always appreciate a character with connections to bosses. I mean, half of what makes Lentzenheimer as great (as in, well-written) as he is are his connections to a bunch of playable characters!

On a related note, I've got a boss tier list ready, akin to the one I made for the last LP. I want to wait till the final update to publish it, but man can I not wait to discuss it.

I recall one of Ashe's supports revealed there's a rather canonical reason for his ability to pick locks. That was one of my favourite aspects of the character. But generally speaking, I felt the Blue Lions route superior to the Black Eagles and Golden Deer routes in the early game because of the fact you had characters who tied in to these early game bosses like Miklan and Lonato. Then there was Annette with Gilbert, who you got as a green unit.


Not to mention Mercedes with the Death Knight, or Dimitri's history with Edelgard not being mentioned in the other routes I've played. Throw in the fact that Felix is actually related to Rodrigue unlike the counterpart for the Golden Deer route, or Dedue's "death... and you've got a bunch of characters that relate back to most of what you experience.


17 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Oh God, that's... actually kind of like what I saw, only in chicken form.

Mind, poor Mike was still alive (as much as living without a head is living). One possible explanation I've seen posited was that Mike was a mutant, because people have (unfortunately) taken to attempting to replicating him for their own fifteen minutes of fame. Something I consider utterly abhorrent. None have succeeded, so the theory is that his brain-stem was positioned differently from the average chicken due to his genetics. Can't help but think this was the chicken equivalent of Ernst. I mean, surviving after being decapitated so you can serve as food is the chicken equivalent to dying standing up. It's an ultimate act of defiance to fate.


17 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Misread? What do you misread? "Paella" as "polla"? 'Cause in that cause, you probably should not do any silly edits, lest you risk getting a warning.

I wish I did not google that. So no. The silly edit is safe.


17 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Heck, most (myself included) would probably be the complete opposite: Make few mistakes, but the accent's so thick that it defeats the whole purpose of speaking in english!

Given English is my native tongue, and other kids would assume I was foreign back in my school days because I picked up an accent atypical of my own country somehow... I wouldn't be surprised. The fact they could never decide what sort of foreign I was always amused me. (I've heard assumptions from everywhere from Germany to Norway). Mind it didn't help my vocabulary was atypical of someone in that age group, you'd hear complaints about my use of the language that where entirely erroneous. Even in written form, I specifically recall being told I'd spelt "meat wrong" when I used the word "mete", despite the two being different words with different meaning. So long story short, don't worry about it. It literally can happen to anyone.


17 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Kv5wulqf oI'm afraid so, Tia. Sage Guenchaos has promised me the Kingdom of Leda in exchange for you.

4lt3brpp o ...well. I can't say I'm surprised, but I am quite disappointed.

Yeah, that Rattlesnake Dick joke I made way back? That turned out prophetic.


17 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Adgvofek o

Gifg77uy oRichard!! 

When even he recognizes he's a piece of shit.


17 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

0zfd96rn o No, seriously, why does he look more evil than Lentzenheimer all of sudden?

I think he's serious for once. He's got a clear goal and knows what he's doing. This is a new Holmes.


17 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

0zfd96rn o ...is the game trying to... make the cultists... sympathetic? But that is not allowed! Every FE game needs a faction of dark mages that is cartoonishly evil and can't do no good! Look at Three Houses, everyone calls it the greatest FE story ever in ever, and it has the Those Who Slither In Th... uh, Irrelevant Foreheads to fill the "appallingly bad" quota!

I'd argue cartoonishly evil works sometimes. Lord knows my favourite villain of all time is Judge Death (who is literally a lunatic who decided only the living commit crime, so the solution to crime is to kill everyone). But sometimes having a sympathetic backstory to a villain works better. Especially if you contrast it with someone more cartoonishly evil... like Lentzenheimmer. You know, the guy even these guys hated?


17 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

4lt3brpp o ...you were supposed to be the irredeemable bad guys! Who am I supposed to hate now!? Tatus?! Oh, of course it's Tatus... Tatus probably was among the crowd, laughing away at the sight of 13 year olds being decapitated! Alongside Richard!

Tatus, Richard, Lentzenheimmer, Slaver, Codha, Waluigi pretending to be a Fire Emblem character to get into smash while threatening to burn Leonie at the stake. Take your pick.


18 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
0amf7tcb o

0zfd96rn o This. Let me stop here for a second. This line perfectly encapsulates everything that I love about this game's story (well, except for Eugen). Remember way back when we first recruited Zieg? Remember how he told Kate a sob story about how the cult of Gerxel had tortured him, killed his family and friends, utterly destroyed him? Turns out, it was not the truth, but it was not a full lie either. He did get tortured. His family and friends did get killed. He did get utterly destroyed. But not by the cult of Gerxel. It was Reeve. The "good guys", apparently. All of that, all of Zieg's scenes with Kate, everything had been building up to this. The reveal that it was actually us that did it.

I saw where this was going earlier in the conversation. I mean, you don't fake a back full of scars if you're not an insane cultist.


18 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

0zfd96rn o Is it too much to ask that you guys let me recruit the cultists-- Oh, what am I saying. I ask that question every time. It invariably leads to the same result. Except when the characters are either truly horrible or plain forgettable. Then they join just fine. Maerchen is going to survive Zieg... urghh...!

Well, one way or another, next time's the penultimate chapter of the game. Zieg stands in our way to Guenchaos, and he won't be moving. Kate has returned just in time to have her already-broken heart pulverized into a bloody mush. On a scale from 1 to 10, how awful do you think the next update will be? Find out, same place, God knows when because I am unable to keep a schedule. Farewell.

Truly an interesting update. Though it kind of reminds me of my old jokes about Dagon being persecuted for his hat... and now it's kind of close to the truth. I really need to stop influencing reality with my jokes.

Now, seeing as Eugen is back... and by extension a certain thieving lowlife has returned... I think it's time to unveil a song inspired by my recent discovery from the Les Miserables sound-track. To the tune of "Javert's Suicide" (or the Camus anthem), I present "Narcus' Suicide". Definitely not to be confused with any lost episode creepypasta. (Inspired by events long in the LP's past)


Who is this man, what sort of lackwit is he?
To be employed by my lord then steal from me?
I found him at last, dying of thirst.
His acts in the past had left him accursed.
All it would take was a stroke of my sword.
Vengeance was mine, yet I made him serve my lord.

Damned if I let you off so easy you thief.
Damned if I give you such a swift death.
I serve my lord, and my lord has been mocked.
So you'll serve us both til you no longer draw breath.

Lest you think this mercy,
Remember you belong to me.

And try to betray me,
Nobody shall grieve.
I have not forgotten.
I will not be deceived.

You will now begin to slave away,
You who never worked an honest day.
Your future grim but still it persists.

The riches you once sought,
Were all for naught.

Be you greedy or evil,
You should know,
That in granting you your life today,
I've took it even so.

So you will work for me,
And do as you are told,
I'm taking now your fate,
In an iron stranglehold.
There's nowhere you can go.
No exit you can take.
Your suffering will grow.
Of that make no mistake.


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So that silly (and lazily done) edit I promised relating to misreading The Patron Saint of LP™ and misreading his comments about Spanish stereotypes.

On 9/26/2019 at 3:02 AM, Saint Rubenio said:

Misread? What do you misread? "Paella" as "polla"? 'Cause in that cause, you probably should not do any silly edits, lest you risk getting a warning.

As said... no. Now you can guess how I misread it.

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Okay, so lets see if flipping the order will do anything.

On 9/25/2019 at 1:02 PM, Saint Rubenio said:
Ypjmutqd oTvio61gq o

Good news, everyone: today's update isn't boring. Quite the opposite, in fact. It has exactly two scenes, plus three segments that last about ten seconds (this is one of them), yet it might just manage to be one of the top plot updates in the LP. So fasten your seatbelts. We're in for quite the ride.

Thank goodness this is a shorter update, because I'm tired of SF's bullcrap with longer posts.

On 9/25/2019 at 1:02 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Kv5wulqf oI'm afraid so, Tia. Sage Guenchaos has promised me the Kingdom of Leda in exchange for you.

4lt3brpp o ...well. I can't say I'm surprised, but I am quite disappointed.

Considering how often "I'll help you if I get X place as a reward" is in both fiction and real life, it isn't really all that surprising.

Although, considering said deals also tend to backfire quite often, either with backstabbing or the people in the land don't take kindly to the new leadership, Richard probably won't actually gain anything. And of course, there are 5 updates left, so...

On 9/25/2019 at 1:02 PM, Saint Rubenio said:
Dwk2lkua o

Kv5wulqf oIt's funny what we let slip when we're put on the spot, isn't it, Tia?

...Well, he just lost some points in his "good motive" score.

On 9/25/2019 at 1:02 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

0zfd96rn o I like how Guenchaos has apparently been keeping his beloved's clothes around since she was forever turned into Kranion. That's both disturbing and... a little sad, frankly.

Hanging onto mementos isn't all that odd.

Having someone else wear them in a ritual, on the other hand…

On 9/25/2019 at 1:02 PM, Saint Rubenio said:
Y6wmq3lf o

...eeerrrgh... Holmes? What... what in the world happened to your face?

He's... trying to squint to get a better view?

I suppose this answers the question nobody asked about what Holmes looks like from a different angle. A quick check shows that his armor also adjusts him looking forward, so it's not an entirely lazy change.

On 9/25/2019 at 1:02 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

8pq7puj5 oHold on, Katri... I promise I'll save you!

This got a large laugh out of me, and reminded me that the game still has 80's (or is it 90's?) anime hair at points.

On 9/25/2019 at 1:02 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

0zfd96rn o No, seriously, why does he look more evil than Lentzenheimer all of sudden?

He's showing his serious side to tell everyone "no one messes with my treasure!"

On 9/25/2019 at 1:02 PM, Saint Rubenio said:
Weftxpic o
60ryd9lq o

This has the potential to end badly in all sorts of ways, and I'm debating on which one to place my bet.

On 9/25/2019 at 1:02 PM, Saint Rubenio said:
Yhurzuqe o
Uwrs1c1z o

I am morbidly and worriedly intrigued.

On 9/25/2019 at 1:02 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

0zfd96rn o ...is the game trying to... make the cultists... sympathetic? But that is not allowed! Every FE game needs a faction of dark mages that is cartoonishly evil and can't do no good! Look at Three Houses, everyone calls it the greatest FE story ever in ever, and it has the Those Who Slither In Th... uh, Irrelevant Foreheads to fill the "appallingly bad" quota!

Honestly, this reminds me of Solidus's situation in Metal Gear Solid 2, just replace "sympathetic" with "awesomeness". It's not a "too little, too late" kind of situation, but rather they go from "works just fine" to "became extremely intriguing characters"... right before the game is about to end.

As much as it makes future playthroughs interesting with this knowledge, it also means that we don't get to see what else the game could have done with it.

On 9/25/2019 at 1:02 PM, Saint Rubenio said:
Hoofrpea o

0zfd96rn o Hoo, boy. Plot-twist number 1. She doesn't mean our Shigen, of course, but rather Shigen Sr., after whom Yoda named our Shigen. But that doesn't change the fact that Shigen is the son of the game's Gharnef, more or less. And this isn't even the biggest twist we'll get today. That's coming a bit later.

Thank you for pointing that out, because that's a twist that's dependent on paying attention to the story, and I'm bad at doing that if I'm not playing the game itself, it seems. It helps that the twist is effective even if that mistake is made.

On 9/25/2019 at 1:02 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

0zfd96rn o This. Let me stop here for a second. This line perfectly encapsulates everything that I love about this game's story (well, except for Eugen). Remember way back when we first recruited Zieg? Remember how he told Kate a sob story about how the cult of Gerxel had tortured him, killed his family and friends, utterly destroyed him? Turns out, it was not the truth, but it was not a full lie either. He did get tortured. His family and friends did get killed. He did get utterly destroyed. But not by the cult of Gerxel. It was Reeve. The "good guys", apparently. All of that, all of Zieg's scenes with Kate, everything had been building up to this. The reveal that it was actually us that did it.

And now I don't know who to root for, because all of this doesn't excuse what she did to Barker and everyone else in Canaan, but if we win here, who's to say the status quo won't be established once more? We've got Zoans in our ranks, after all. Who's to say they won't be pursued? Who's to say Tatus won't win?

This is why I love this game's story. My favourite part of it. There isn't a single faction that is completely, cartoonishly evil. Even the evil cult of darkness and badness is sympathetic to an extent. I adore this sort of stuff, it's great. IntSys should steal this from Kaga.

Amazing how simple scenes that appeared to be building up a simple twist was actually setting up a larger one.

I wish I could give a more in-depth comment... but despite all it's slip ups, the story is really damn good at its heights.

On 9/25/2019 at 1:02 PM, Saint Rubenio said:
R9hplufu o

0zfd96rn o Oh, and just in case you thought that was it for Zieg's character, turns out he wasn't even pretending to get along with Kate and the others. He truly begun to have doubts in his time with us. And now he has no idea whether to hate us for what he suffered for over two decades, or forgive us because we have people like Kate.

This is why getting revenge on a whole people is pointless.

On 9/25/2019 at 1:02 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Zieg steps forth as the true Camus of this game. Not only that, but one of the greatest Camuses in the entire series. Because, indeed, that is what he is. In a game with a nation notorious for being full of sympathetic characters, I find it amazing that the customary Camus is part of the evil dark faction. My only regret is that I didn't forego all my running jokes to use him more. The effect is lost a bit if you don't actively use and care about him. Still, this is brilliantly done. My favourite villain in the game, hands down, and I daresay one of my favourite villains in the series. As much as I like Orson, I cannot deny that Zieg is Orson multiplied by a factor of ten. He's just... God, so great.

It seems that everyone you fight in the last part of the game is either a Camus or a generic dark mage.

On 9/25/2019 at 1:02 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Oh, and in case the heartache wasn't bad enough already... see that in the cell, with the two zombies? Kate? Yeah. Can you tell where this is going?

Either an insanely challenging side objective to keep a character alive that's possible but difficult for the player to pull off, or Kate dies no matter what even if the game presents it like it's possible to save her.

With Kaga, it could really go either way.


So I'm having troubles again with posting, and since I'm wondering if the size of them is causing something to act up, I'm posting the reply to the gameplay first to see what happens.

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3 hours ago, Hawkwing said:

So I'm having troubles again with posting, and since I'm wondering if the size of them is causing something to act up, I'm posting the reply to the gameplay first to see what happens.

Depends on the error you're getting!  A little more detail would be nice!

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