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If you had to rely on one Fire Emblem lord for protection, who would it be?


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5 minutes ago, Roland said:

Let's say you have the option to recruit one of the Fire Emblem lords as a bodyguard, who would it be, and feel free to say why.


My obvious pick goes to Ike.

Ike; no contest. Ike is the best swordsman in all Tellius, he has experience from his days protecting Elincia, and let's look at his competition:

  • Marth would just be like, "I am a prince before I am a bodyguard" and wander off.
  • Roy's not much of a fighter; being more of a strategist.
  • Micaiah is more used to needing a bodyguard than being a bodyguard.
  • Chrom would wander off to go herd sheep.
  • Corrin would believe the assassin with the exposed dagger and black hood and robes is a nice friendly guy and let him get close enough to stab me.
  • Robin would be busy planning tactics for tackling the day's activities and trying to tip scales.
  • Sigurd would be busy with some kind of Rotisserie dinner at his friend Arvis' house.
  • Ephraim and Hector would charge right at a supposed assassin, only to realize it's a harmless old man wearing a hood because it's raining outside, all while the real assassin hits me with a javelin.
  • Celica would run around desperately trying to defer the job to Mila only to find that Mila can't help.
  • Alm would either do the same thing as Ephraim and Hector, or he would unknowingly kill my dad as part of some kind of elaborate conspiracy.
  • Lucina would scare me off by referring to herself as Marth; making me think Marth's applying for the job and I would turn her down; thinking she was Marth.
  • Eliwood would be too ill to help and send his son Roy in his stead.
  • I don't know anything about Erika or Lyn.
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1 minute ago, silveraura25 said:

Sigurd because he's the most powerful of all lords. It's a knight's duty to protect their people

Yeah, but... Sigurd failed to do that. 

The correct answer is Ike. 

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4 minutes ago, vanguard333 said:

Chrom would wander off to go herd sheep.

Perfect lol.

My money's on Ike. He fights for his friends! Plus everything that everyone else said.

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3 hours ago, silveraura25 said:


I mean, beyond that, Sigurd failed to protect his wife, his best friend, his sister, his brother-in-law and his father. And his ideals and lack of foresight are what led to Arvis doin' his thing. 

I struggle to think of a Lord who did a worse job at protecting people close to them. Even Leif, whose whole deal is needing to grow up through failure and learn to lead in a far more hostile environment than Sigurd did, managed to have most of his liberation force actually survive. There's really nobody besides Shannan and Oifey that Sigurd successfully protected. 

Edited by Slumber
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So I'm just going to assume that I die, since everyone else is assuming they live and I like to be unique.

Marth - Would probably cry for me later, when I'm already long dead. Lame.

Alm - He'd probably just stand there. Nope.

Celica - Pray to Mila that I'd go to some peaceful afterlife. Sweet, but meh.

Sigurd - He'd be devastated inside, but wouldn't really portray it to me when I'm dying. Not feeling it.

Seliph - Not sure how he'd react, Seliph is the most forgetable lord imo, so I'll just say he does nothing.

Leif - He'd leave me and then say to his friends, when they're already out of the castle, that they need to go back to get me. By then, I'm dead, the thought is nice, but nope.

Roy - Roy would get super depressed, which isn't good, so no for his sake. 

Eliwood -similar case to Roy, but he wouldn't be as depressed and would probably get over it relatively fast. 

Lyn - The objectively best choice in this situation. She'd stay by my side, and she's hot. Boom, hot bodyguard chick to die with.

Hector/Ephraim/Ike - Basically would all stand and be stoic. Hector would take it the worst, while Ephraim and Ike wouldn't really care.

Eirika - Similar to Lyn, just not as hot imo.

Michiah - Would probably revive me with her powers. Although then the assassin would just kill her and me again so meh.

Kris - No clue

Robin - He'd probably be the one killing me

Chrom - He'd somehow be far enough away to bust out into a full run to get to me, and then fall on his knees with anguish. Probably get a good music track out of the deal too. 

Lucina - Time Travel into a different timeline where I didn't die

Corrin - Would be sad and that junk.

So in other words, Lyn and Eirika.

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3 hours ago, Slumber said:

I mean, beyond that, Sigurd failed to protect his wife, his best friend, his sister, his brother-in-law and his father. And his ideals and lack of foresight are what led to Arvis doin' his thing. 

I struggle to think of a Lord who did a worse job at protecting people close to them. Even Leif, whose whole deal is needing to grow up through failure and learn to lead in a far more hostile environment than Sigurd did, managed to have most of his liberation force actually survive. There's really nobody besides Shannan and Oifey that Sigurd successfully protected. 

A bodyguard will be near their employer at all times. The only time someone died within Sigurd's reach that he could be responsible for is (spoilers) all his allies that were the result of betrayal. It ain't called a dagger in the back for nothing as you weren't expecting it. And the deaths that occur were beyond his reach as there were several foes forming a alliance that were responsible for all that. Such shit happening is the nature of Judgral. Judgral isn't dark fantasy-ish for nothing. The events in other continents in FE series is all sunshines and rainbows compared to events taking place in Genealogy. If anything, Sigurd's experiences would be considered a blessing in other places.

Sigurd is probably the most powerful lord because crusader weapons OP : P. It's also a defensive one in nature so he can be a magic shield for you

Did I also mention that he has a mount and canto+ as well? The very meaning of rescue

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Just now, silveraura25 said:

A bodyguard will be near their employer at all times. The only time someone died within Sigurd's reach that he could be responsible for is (spoilers) all his allies that were the result of betrayal. It ain't called a dagger in the back for nothing as you weren't expecting it. And the deaths that occur were beyond his reach as there were several foes forming a alliance that were responsible for all that. Such shit happening is the nature of Judgral. Judgral isn't dark fantasy-ish for nothing. The events in other continents in FE series is all sunshines and rainbows compared to events taking place in Genealogy. If anything, Sigurd's experiences would be considered a blessing in other places in other places.

Sigurd is probably the most powerful lord because crusader weapons OP : P. It's also a defensive one in nature so he can be a magic shield for you

Did I also mention that he has a mount and canto+ as well? The very meaning of rescue

A bodyguard is supposed to be near their employer at all times.

Just like a husband is supposed to be near his wife at all times, and we know how that turned out.

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I mean, it's quite obviously Ike. I've only hit chapter 10 in PoR and he's already on royal bodyguard duty. I bet he'll just keep getting more from there and he's capable even at that point.

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Ike! I love him, and he's so strong that he's considered the strongest hero in lore! Just ask Old Hubba and the Askrs. :3 And as pointed out, he already basically has experience as a bodyguard since he protected Elincia.

Chrom going to herd sheep though lmao. XD

If I could pick anybody besides a lord though, then no doubt it's Freddy Bear. He IS a bodyguard! And very strong! <3

Edited by Anacybele
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2 hours ago, Slumber said:

Just like a husband is supposed to be near his wife at all times

She stayed behind to look after her newborn. Just because of one mistake Deirdre (another person that's not Sigurd) made by leaving to search for Sigurd doesn't mean Sigurd's abilities are questionable. Is a man a failure of husband if he's at work and their wife dies in a car crash as she wanted to surprise him with some pastries? No

And it's not like he's supposed to hound her 24/7, unless it's a battlefield. Evil wizards that teleport is something no one could have really predicted in a safe haven. There was knowledge of evil mages conspiring to start a war or something, but no one signed up for that shit (teleporting wizards with mind control powers)

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3 minutes ago, silveraura25 said:

She stayed behind to look after her newborn. Just because of one mistake Deirdre (another person that's not Sigurd) made by leaving to search for Sigurd doesn't mean Sigurd's abilities are questionable. Is a man a failure of husband if he's at work and their wife dies in a car crash as she wanted to surprise him with some pastries? No

And it's not like he's supposed to hound her 24/7, unless it's a battlefield. Evil wizards that teleport is something no one could have really predicted in a safe haven. There was knowledge of evil mages conspiring to start a war or something, but no one signed up for that shit (teleporting wizards with mind control powers)

You can make as many excuses as you want, but nobody in the franchise has proven to be a worse bodyguard in the franchise than Sigurd.

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15 minutes ago, Slumber said:

You can make as many excuses as you want, but nobody in the franchise has proven to be a worse bodyguard in the franchise than Sigurd.

Now hold the phone. There have been plenty of worse bodyguards than Sigurd. Any of the lords are definitely better than him in that regard, but out of every FE character, including the villains since nobody is an all inclusive statement, there are worse bodyguards.

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2 minutes ago, DarthR0xas said:

Now hold the phone. There have been plenty of worse bodyguards than Sigurd. Any of the lords are definitely better than him in that regard, but out of every FE character, including the villains since nobody is an all inclusive statement, there are worse bodyguards.

Maybe out of the whole cast, sure, but this thread is about the lords.

Probably should have made that clearer, but take it with the context of the thread.

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1 hour ago, Anacybele said:

Ike! I love him, and he's so strong that he's considered the strongest hero in lore! Just ask Old Hubba and the Askrs. :3 And as pointed out, he already basically has experience as a bodyguard since he protected Elincia.

Chrom going to herd sheep though lmao. XD

If I could pick anybody besides a lord though, then no doubt it's Freddy Bear. He IS a bodyguard! And very strong! <3

All that strength won't help him when gets put to sleep by a sleep staff. XD


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How has Hector not entered this discussion yet? Sure he has issues with mages and their ilk, but Ike is no mage killer either. Plus Hector is far more loyal than a self proclaimed mercenary who could be coerced with coin or word to switch sides (assuming your enemies didn't buy his loyalty already). Plus Hector is the only lord capable of rescuing all Wyvern riders/knights/lords in his game, and there is no way that I exist in a Fire Emblem universe and do not find a way to ride a Wyvern... or die trying. The Runner up award goes to Sigurd who is not only the strongest lord stat wise but also canon wise (except when Ike is powered by Yune in the final strike, only then does he reach holy blood with holy blade levels of strength and match Sigurd) but also wouldn't slow me and my wyvern down.

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I like how it seems that everyone goes on the assumption this scenario takes place in the fiction of FE. Well, perhaps that's how they want to answer...

Anyway, If I could have a FE lord as bodyguard, then I go with Micaiah. As much feats they can do, I doubt even the likes of Ike can guard you from a mugger with a firearm reliably. Micaiah may not either, but her foresight powers could give us ample warning time to act, and she could use a Warp staff to send me away from the danger. Or something.

Now, if I was in a FE-esque setting... hmm... I'll probably have to think this over...

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