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MK404's Sprites and Sketches

Mage Knight 404

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Her eyes are a little wonky. The head shape is a funny shape, but I can't really put my finger on it. Something's also off with the torso; I think the groin plate looks a little too flat while the skirt looks a little too puffed out - they're kind of like conflicting objects.

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Princess? Pfft. Her unpromoted class should be Battle Maiden, because Princesses don't look this kickass.

Her left and right feet disturb me, maybe it's the point of view that makes her left leg look much shorter than her right.

The middle finger on her left hand... maybe it's the shading around that area, but it makes the pinky look too long.

Point of view of her right shoulder and shoulder piece are kind of funky, but that's just me.

Her head and face - I can't put my finger on it. Proportion? The hair?

Torso and thigh area - The belt should create some sort of crease, and if there is, it's not visible enough. Her thighs (the visible area of skin there is where the thighs) seem to be acting as her hips, but this cannot be, which is why she looks a bit short and not exactly 'womanly'.

There should be more shading done to around her elbows, as it makes it look two dimensional, since she's holding a rod, this throws off the effect of her holding it. That, and her right arm looks like it's being squeezed by her gloves to where that skin shows off. The rod itself could use shading.

I hope this was useful.

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You must really like making full-bodies, MK404. ;)

Carol: I think her arms and legs look a little too straight. Their outlines should generally curve around the muscle structure of the limbs, which you can always look up in anatomy books. On the right side (our POV), the outline sort of curves right over the crease under her chest area. The outline should either go with the crease, or you should remove the crease and shade that area in a different way--it depends on how big her chest is, really. Also, the area around her ponytail is a little strange. If her hair is being pulled back by her ponytail, her hairline should reflect that, but right now it's just a smooth curve.

I like how you did her pose though; it gives personality to the character. I think you should define the direction that her feet are facing a little more.

Lachesis: First off, let me say that I love how you did the designs on her clothing as well as the colors of the sprite.

In addition to what other people have said, it looks like she's holding the staff with only her left ring finger. Her legs also look like they're the same thickness throughout, when her thighs should be noticeably thicker than her shin/ankles. The left side of her cape (our POV) is much higher than the right even though there doesn't seem to be much of a reason for it to be there. The creases in her torso area all seem to be going the same way, which would look a little awkward unless she's turning her body.

If you flip the sprite, you'll notice that her face and hair look like they're all leaning to the far side. Perhaps you should move the features inward a bit.

Also, I've noticed this on several of your sprites, but you tend to make eyebrows very dark and close to the eyes. I'm not sure if this is actually a problem, but I don't think the official sprites do that very often, and someday you might want more room to work with the eyebrows to make a face more expressive.

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I've actually been a fan of your work for a while now <.<

I always find myself impressed by your full bodies especially, concidering I'm nowhere near capable of doing such : P

(Played your hack too btw = D)

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Blackavar: You have no idea. First it was battle scenes, now these.

I don't have any sort of anatomy book or the like anywhere near me, and I usually work best when I have visual aid on what needs fixing.



This is Heather, a Pegasus Knight. You may know her from my FE ROM hacks. I wanted to redo her full body for some time to give her more personality to match her friendliness, so...there you go. Compare with the one I did of her a while back and *dare* you tell me which is better.



I slightly modified Heather's design to make her stand out a little more. Also, that sword she has is her personal little trinket of doom.

Edited by Mage Knight 404
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First off, your sprites are really amazing, and I mean REALLY awesome.

But with your new Heather, it seems to me that her left leg (her left, not ours) is tilted to the side. Unless she's supposed to be standing on the side of her foot, you may want to shift her toe to our left.

But again, really great work. You don't want to see my sprites.

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At first I thought behind the ear was empty space, but I notice it's on the older one too....maybe I'm wrong and it's an earring?

You meant those white pixels below the ear? They are an earring.

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If you have played my FE7 ROM hack to the end and witnessed the character endings, you may have noticed that Chris and Jenny had a son and daughter. While the son is still a young'un...


Here is that daughter. Meet Claire, a Mercenary, and the Marisa of A Sacred Dawn. She's not going to be that woman of few words like the character before her, and while she may not be in her parent's profession, she's just as skilled as both of 'em.

Edited by Mage Knight 404
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Wow, you really put alot of detail into her hair, didn't you? I like it.

I think her right shoulder looks a bit high. Other than that, sexy.

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  • 2 weeks later...

While she likely won't be as popular as Claire, let's bring back another blond.


It's Melanie, Charlie's girlfriend in a more Dancer-like pose. I like most of it, but, honest opinion here, guys. What do you think of her hands? I'd like some tips before I complete it.

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The hands seem fine, but I've a few problems with the shoes. Since she's standing on her toes, shouldn't they be somewhat creased? Also, I don't think her facial position and expression really match her body, but, that's the art of full-bodies, I guess.

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The positioning of her right thumb (the one on the left) is incorrect. A thumb doesn't sprout from the lower palm of one's hand. That taffy cloth she is holding can have better shading where it circles behind her. Also, her left arm seems to bend in the middle where it goes from shirt to skin; either the shirt sleeve needs to change, or her arm needs to be angled down before bending at the elbow.

Overall, they're all very nice full-body drawings. Seriously.

And sorry for the taffy comment, was the first thing to came to mind when staring at the looped part.

Edited by Bohemund
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  • 2 weeks later...

Didn't show her face sprite before in this sprite topic, so...


If you haven't played Final Fantasy IX before, then allow me to introduce Princess Garnet Til Alexandros 17th, or, you can call her Dagger. Either is fine.

Edited by Mage Knight 404
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