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[DATAMINE] Apparently, we may be having somthing special comming.


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1 hour ago, Etheus said:

RNG stats are the main reason why PvP in Fire Emblem games will always suck

did you play fates' or shadow dragon's multiplayer? shadow dragon may have had a problem with stat capping, but fates had it's own problems, due to the game not incentivising the player to play offensively, the point is they guy who attacks first is the loser due to damage being too high in fates at high levels making survival nearly impossible or the guy who runs all cavs is the winner due to just being able to sit at the end of the enemies range and warp everyone in.

shadow dragon had the opposite problem, with fog of war and the castle incentivising offense rather than waiting for your foe to get bored.

Edited by thecrimsonflash
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8 minutes ago, thecrimsonflash said:

did you play fates' or shadow dragon's multiplayer? shadow dragon may have had a problem with stat capping, but fates had it's own problems, due to the game not incentivising the player to play offensively, the point is they guy who attacks first is the loser due to damage being too high in fates at high levels making survival nearly impossible or the guy who runs all cavs is the winner due to just being able to sit at the end of the enemies range and warp everyone in.

shadow dragon had the opposite problem, with fog of war and the castle incentivising offense rather than waiting for your foe to get bored.

Okay. Let me rephrase that. RNG stats are not the only reason why FE PvP can suck, but they are the universal reason why it always will, unless they do the smart thing and give units uniform stats (as in the same as every other person's copy of that same character) in PvP.


Low hp growths and excessive incoming damage (meaning it's too easy to die) was one of the main reasons why Fates sucked in general, not just the pvp.

Edited by Etheus
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This will make it SO MUCH EASIER to decide who to manual and who to keep. :D For me personally, anyway. I'd rather be able to tell at a glance than to have to look it up. Anyone know when this'll be implemented?

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4 minutes ago, Mercakete said:

This will make it SO MUCH EASIER to decide who to manual and who to keep. :D For me personally, anyway. I'd rather be able to tell at a glance than to have to look it up. Anyone know when this'll be implemented?

No, because this is a datamine, but it's very likely to come in the same update that adds the merge changes, so early February.

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10 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

No, because this is a datamine, but it's very likely to come in the same update that adds the merge changes, so early February.

Yay~ Looking forward to it! :D

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  • Ghostface233 changed the title to [DATAMINE] Apparently, we may be having somthing special comming.
16 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

With the change to merging, seeing the extra points going to an arbitrary and seemingly random stat can easily be confusing to a player.

But already without the change to merging, two seemingly random stats got extra points. 

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If this is true, I can uninstall bolganone, we don't need chatbots to check IVs, and visit pages like Gamepedia less often.

I'm glad they realized how such a small thing can be so useful.

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5 hours ago, mampfoid said:

But already without the change to merging, two seemingly random stats got extra points. 

And now it will get much worse with two seemingly random stats getting 1 point and one seemingly random stat getting a huge number of points. And only the first merge does this.

And depending on the implementation, you could get a completely different behavior at lower levels. If it's a flat stat boost to the flaw stat equivalent to the difference at level 40, you're getting all of those stats at any level, but if it's actually just removing the flaw, then you'll see only 1 point at level 1 and 3-4 points at level 40, and probably anywhere between -2 and +5 in between.


The fact that the 2 merge points feel random isn't a problem because level ups already look random and merge levels look like level ups (it uses the same UI and adds a "+" value to the unit's level). However, level ups (by 1 level) are always +1 to individual stats, whereas the first merge will give unexpectedly large numbers.

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1 minute ago, Ice Dragon said:

And now it will get much worse with two seemingly random stats getting 1 point and one seemingly random stat getting a huge number of points. And only the first merge does this.

And depending on the implementation, you could get a completely different behavior at lower levels. If it's a flat stat boost to the flaw stat equivalent to the difference at level 40, you're getting all of those stats at any level, but if it's actually just removing the flaw, then you'll see only 1 point at level 1 and 3-4 points at level 40, and probably anywhere between -2 and +5 in between.

The fact that the 2 merge points feel random isn't a problem because level ups already look random and merge levels look like level ups (it uses the same UI and adds a "+" value to the unit's level). However, level ups (by 1 level) are always +1 to individual stats, whereas the first merge will give unexpectedly large numbers.

Yeah, it will be harder to get the mechanic. But like before, there will be people interested in that mechanic and research how it works and then there will be the common player who will be happy his unit got stronger. He/she (common player) might get disappointed by the second merge and research what went wrong, transforming himself into a more interested player. 

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