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I'll keep this short.

I'm in the mood for Shadow Dragon and I wan't to play it with a twist...

The rules are



1. There will be 10 character slots

2. Marth is used (duh) and doesn't count as a unit slot

3. Jagen will be used and doesn't count as a unit slot (pls guys I actaully want to enjoy this play through and I need me some Jagen)!

4. Re-classing is acceptable and you can suggest a character and what class you want them to be if you would like.

5. Don't feel bad about giving me certain units as I don't mind (heck I've had sniper Tomas slay Medeus with Parthia on a H5 run before).

6. The game will be played semi efficiently... Not super fast but not save abusing in the arena and all that nonsense.

(EDIT) 7. No secret characters as I find killing off all your guys a chore and wan't to play somewhat fast.

Chosen Characters



1. Linde

2. Swordsman Gordin (I probably will make him a Palladin to put that sword rank into wyrmslaying later)

3. Dolph (I think he is better than Macellan)

4. Pirate Roger (resorted to this after he couldn't get the ladies)

5. Beck (The Legend)

6. Swordsman Hardin

7. Dark Mage Draug

8. Merric

9. Minerva

10. Xane



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Draug: Cavalier -> Dracoknight

Apparently Draug on a mount with a lance breaks Shadow Dragon.

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45 minutes ago, Dayni said:

Draug: Cavalier -> Dracoknight

Draug can't be reclassed to either of those in Shadow Dragon because no merged class sets. Even trying to merge the class sets through hacking will overload the RAM and make it crash. I've tried.

Lemme try picking a unit: Beck, the ballistician in Chapter 13. If you'll allow a second pick per person, then I'd pick Merric. Have him reclass to Curate/Bishop for staves as you see fit.

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5 hours ago, Purple Mage said:

Draug can't be reclassed to either of those in Shadow Dragon because no merged class sets. Even trying to merge the class sets through hacking will overload the RAM and make it crash. I've tried.

Lemme try picking a unit: Beck, the ballistician in Chapter 13. If you'll allow a second pick per person, then I'd pick Merric. Have him reclass to Curate/Bishop for staves as you see fit.

I did forget, sorry.

Hardin then. Mercenary/Hunter -> Horseman.

Edit: Genghis Hardin breaks SD too. Well crap.

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15 hours ago, Ether said:

Linde. Keep her a Mage -> Sage

I like this one because I usually just use Merric because he comes way earlier, I'm excited to see how she turns out.

14 hours ago, DarthR0xas said:

Gordin. First reclass him to Myrmidon, then upon promotion reclass him again to either a Paladin or a Dracoknight. I'd prefer Dracoknight, but your choice.

I'll make him a draco on some maps but I would like to have him a Pally for later maps to put that sword rank into the wyrmslayer, so I'll switch him around where needed :)

10 hours ago, NobodiePichu said:

dolph and or macellan, knights -> generals

I think I'm rolling with Dolph because he's just better if I recall correctly and I'm not sure what I'm gonna do with him.... I'll figure something out 

Maybe I'll spam him with stat boosters and save them all for him.

8 hours ago, NinjaMonkey said:

Roger: Pirate -> Berserker

Guess he resorted to pirating after having no luck with the ladies?

3 hours ago, Purple Mage said:

Lemme try picking a unit: Beck, the ballistician in Chapter 13. If you'll allow a second pick per person, then I'd pick Merric. Have him reclass to Curate/Bishop for staves as you see fit.

You're a Saint! This will be very useful as I already have an idea what some of my forges are going into. Also if I get no one else voting in the next little bit I will add Merric to the list.

1 hour ago, Dayni said:

Hardin then. Mercenary/Hunter -> Horseman.

I'll probably switch him back and forth to get the weapon ranks up, and I honestly feel that the horseman class fits his design better than paladin anyways so I like this.


Anyways guys we have 4 more picks and I'm liking the choices so far.

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1 hour ago, JimmyBeans said:

I'll probably switch him back and forth to get the weapon ranks up, and I honestly feel that the horseman class fits his design better than paladin anyways so I like this.

I just realised I made a terrible mistake again. I really need to keep the class sets in mind. I wish it could be this way, but sadly no.

I guess I'll go with Myrmidon -> Swordmaster. I really apologise.

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10 hours ago, Dayni said:

Draug: Cavalier -> Dracoknight

Apparently Draug on a mount with a lance breaks Shadow Dragon.

There is a Japanese code to make this happen, however I lack the knowledge and resources to convert it to a US region. 

Anyone interested in helping, I can give the code to convert?

Video to help convert HEX codes, I think its only for Windows emulators though. So someone with a windows would need to do it.

The code if anyone wants it.


0204ACE4 E59A0040
E2000080 00000030
E59FC020 E59CC000
E28CC07C E59F0018
E3A02050 E0000092
E080000C E58A0040
E59A0040 EA012B0F
02198444 00000xxx
94000130 FDFF0000
D0000000 00000000 

For Hardin, the XXX would be 013


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On 2/8/2019 at 8:48 AM, Azure in a Roundabout said:

Draug: Dark Mage->Sorcerer

Sounds like fun! I've heard about this one quite a bit but never actually tried it.


Edit: Also since this had been up for a while and we have 2 more spots anyone seeing this can vote twice if they desire, that goes for people that have voted already as well.

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8 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

Can I get you to add Minerva, my favorite of the Archanean characters

May I say that you have excellent taste? Also she is pretty good so I'm happy she gets to help me out with this run.

Also I created this topic a while ago and still need one more spot so if you or anyone else would like to vote again for the last person feel free to.

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9 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

How about the wild card Xane.

Sounds good to me

1 minute ago, NinjaMonkey said:

No healers until either Linde or Merric promotes... this should be fun.

looks like less forges and more vulneraries.....

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6 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

Do you plan on LPing, Streaming, or doing a write-up of your playthrough?

I will be doing a write up for sure so I'll be posting that here so anyone who is interested can see how my run is going.

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Forgive me of the double post but with the nature of this topic I found it necessary.

Alright so I had a busy weekend but now that it's over I can start this PMU!

Chapter 1: Was pretty tough at first actually because 3 units had to sit in the back the entire chapter. I had Jagen tank at first dishing out punishment with the silver lance but when he got low I had him go down to draw some of the pirates away from everyone else to stall them out.

Draug was definitely the MVP of chapter 1 though because the guy can take 4 hits from those pirates, and being on the fort allows him to take 5... Gordin just chipped for him and draug got most of the kills only barely above Jagen.

The Issue was the boss because Marth gets doubled by him and so Draug and Gordin had to chip away at him forever until Jagen healed on the fort and then enemy phased him with silver lance a few times until we finally got him. Draug had a 33% hit rate on the boss with his javelin but hit him a few times to get his second level up this chapter in which he got speed again! I've got a picture below showing off his glorious 5 speed in chapter 1, it's so nice that he is leveling it now even though I haven't been able to switch him to dark mage yet, hes gonna be a speedy boy...

@Azure in a Roundabout Great Choice! I can already tell draug is gonna be a hard carry this run.

But as @NinjaMonkey said I won't get a healer until I promote Draug or Merric, so I'm gonna try to get Merric to level 10 by chapter 10 which is when we get our first master seal and early promote him so Draug gets more levels for his speed because I believe as a Dark Mage his speed growth is something like 70% or something pretty good.



Chapter 1 was completed in 32 turns.

Chapter 2: We had to take this one pretty slow at first and just choke all 3 points in the beginning of the level as I tried to find something to do with all of the dead weight I couldn't use . But Draugs 2 levels of speed last chapter payed off really well for this chapter because usually the stat increases on the pirates spell his end in one round of combat on H5, but now that he doesn't get doubled and has a little more DEF he walled pretty well. The only people who doubled him besides the boss were the 2 Cavs but they only did 5 dmg a hit so he could survive 2 rounds of combat with them while we chipped them with Gordin.

We made it to the Boss in about 20 turns which is a little slow but not bad considering I did it with 4 units but the issue was the boss itself which was not a very fun time.... This boss has a hand axe and 11 speed which means the only reason Jagen doesn't get doubled is because he got a point of speed in a level up this chapter and luckily Marth got some speed as well so he could tank a hit too. and since we didn't do any damage to this guy we had to take turns enemy phasing the boss while the other rested on the fort until the hand axe broke allowing us to actually kill this guy. Marth and Jagen got to C rank swords this chapter because of this disaster and it would of been nearly impossible if Jagen and Marth hadn't of gotten speed earlier. Still though I am not proud of the turn count.....



Chapter 2 was completed in 157 turns.

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Chapter 3: Probably the only map I can think of that gives you more units than the enemy.

I had to reset a few times early because I couldn't clear the enemy fast enough with my 4 units and got sandwiched by the fighters and thiefs, but I finally did it by choking out the guys up top that were chasing Lena and Julian, I sadly lost Ogma and Castor but they were not picked anyways so it didn't matter.

It didn't take me to long to get to the boss but the issue, just like the previous chapter, was the boss! He has 14 Spd and a hand axe and doubled all my usable units as Jagen and Marth were only 1 speed to low. I attempted to have Draug break his weapon and heal on the fort because he somehow had enough defense to live getting doubled by this man but I had to go back to the checkpoint because he got 2% crit while we were at turn 90 or something.

After the reset I had Marth try and tank him so he could maybe level speed since the boss had a 40% chance to hit him and I got a crit with an Iron sword after a few turns which saved me a lot of time. After that I had Jagen finish him off and beat the level a lot quicker than I expected thanks to luck.

Chapter 3 was completed in 34 turns.



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Chapter 4: I finally get to bench the dead weight and reclass my units! Check out my glorious 8 spd draug and my legendary 4 strength Gordin...



This level was pretty tricky at first because I struggled finding a way to kill the fighters on the right before the cavalry led by the legend Matthis got me from behind, only 4 units is pretty hard man...

After a few resets I forged Marth's rapier up to the point where it barely killed the Cavs and just ran up cutting off and killing the thieves while funneling all the fighters and Cavs across the bridge. I pretty much ran the gauntlet around the map and put Marth in range to kill 1-2 cavs per turn while outrunning the fighters. I had only 1 vulnerary but without it I would not of been able to do that strategy.



After all the Cavs died (including Matthis) I just kited the fighters with steel sword Jagen in the couple forts on the way to Merrics village until we killed them. Speaking of Jagen check out the level up he got this chapter, looks like my luck is turning up.



And we finally got Merric which is someone I can use, now we get up to 5 people! After that we quickly killed the horsemen and the rest of the level was a breeze (I'm sorry), easily killing the one range boss and getting the riders bane which Jagen is gonna have some fun with.

This chapter took a while the beat sadly because the only thing I could think of is to literally run around the entire map until we kill everyone, but despite that I enjoyed this chapter because usually you have no reason to go up there like that and the normal strategy changed because of the nature of this run, so it's cool that stuff got to be different this time around.

Chapter 4 was completed in 41 turns.

Also for those of you who are seeing this I'm gonna be spending most my money of forges so if you have any ideas of weapons to forge and want to request names go ahead and let me know as I would love to forge a bunch of weapons the run.

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Chapter 5: I knew that this level would be difficult unless i rushed the boss because the reinforcement start coming at turn 10 and they last a while. If you look on the map in the pictures you can see that I didn't even touch wendells little group, I only killed the cavs with forged ridersbane because they run at you right away, and I also let the village get destroyed because I don't need the firestone for obvious reasons. I just ran left asap the save hardins group and kill all the cavs, the forged rapier and forged ridersbane were mvp's in this chapter.



I was pushed back a bit by the knights and archers but i was still able to complete the chapter pretty quickly before i got overrun by reinforcements. The boss should of been really easy because he is 1 range but Merric missed the finishing blow and so Hardin and Jagen had to finish him off with Hardin thankfully hitting a 55% javelin so Jagen could finish him off with silver lance. I'm glad he got his lance use in right before he gets reclassed into a swordsmen....

Also I find it funny that the previous chapter gives you a silver sword and asks you to give it to Hardin... Even though he can't use it at all, hes not even close actually to B rank. Atleast maybe as a swordsman he can work for his own silver sword more reliably.

Chapter 5 was completed in 13 turns.




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