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SF's "Write Your Butt Off" Competition HD II.5 Remix


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"The empire, long divided, must unite; long united, must divide. Thus it has ever been." 

These are the opening words from the first chapter of the famous Chinese Novel, Romance of the Three Kingdoms. To many who study Chinese history, there is the theory of history having cycles that often repeat throughout time. Dynasties rise and dynasties fall, but the Mandate of Heaven endures. Of course this is merely one theory among many used to analyze history, perhaps this idea is not so useful for looking at the past. 


So the theme is "History Repeats" wether you choose to write about something as big as a nation as personal as a single lifetime is all in your hands. Perhaps history does not have to repeat itself, perhaps it only rhymes. Either way, the idea of the past repeating itself must be present, even if only as a fear. I'm a big fan of historical fiction and drama myself, but I'd love to see whatever you guys come up with for the prompt!

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Hmmm I already have one idea that springs to mind maybe even two. Also gosh darn it that’s two prompts now where  my “The Sun’s Gentle Hands” story would’ve worked geez.

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Lol, so just four of us again this time? Alright, then.

TITLE: One Last Time


...I think I’ve played this song before,

Two brothers, standing on opposite sides of a room, both in front of a closed metal shutter.

The melody is different but I hear the drums of war.

One, garbed in hues of battle, driven by rage and hatred in a mad quest to end those who wronged him.

So it seems, my mission is the same,

The other, clothed in the color of peace, having reluctantly taken up his weapon against his wishes once more.

What always ends in bloodshed,

“Get out of my way, Rock.”

Begins as just a game.

“You know I can’t, Blues.”

History repeating,

“Why do you still fight for them?”

Who do they call when robots need defeating?

“How long do we have to keep doing this, Blues?”

History repeating,

“Until there’s only one race standing - whichever it may happen to be. Until then, we’ll fight.”

Who do I call when I’m broken and bleeding?

“This doesn’t have to happen again, Blues - we can achieve peace, if we only try!”


The anger in his eyes was tangible even through the dark glasses that smoothly fit into the red helmet.

“How can there be peace while two sides stand, Rock?”

“Roll and I achieved it - they accept us, and they’d accept you too.”

Accept? At best, they use you, and you buy into their lies - when you get down to it, you’re a machine, one who calls himself a man. You fight for their lies - I fight for our dream.”

“You fight for a dream that can never be, Blues - say you win, say humanity is destroyed. What then? Will you really be done, or will you just find someone new to hate?”

You’ve been here before,

“Your arguments are noise, same as always! You claim to fight for peace, but you’re the one geared for war, with the variable weapon system. Do you even think about how you got all of those?”

The blue warrior was silent for a long moment.

You know what’s in store,

“...I remember all of them, Blues - every single one, every day, and there isn’t a day where I don’t regret what I’ve had to do. I never kept those weapons, though - each time I stopped Wily, each time I thought I’d finally found the peace that would last, I deleted the weapon data. It was the only thing I could do, to try and let them rest in peace.”

Mankind is obsolete,

“You dare act like you can just let them go?! You killed them, Rock - robots, like us, who just wanted to be free to make their own choices! And you didn’t stop, either, you kept going, and in the end you left a trail of blood and slaughter far exceeding what would have happened if you’d just let things run their course.”

History will repeat,

“I did what had to be done, Blues.”

“So said every blood-covered war hero and every criminal dictator. You really are just like the humans.”

This could be,

“I’ve made my choice, Blues. It’s not too late for them - not too late for you, either. You could still turn this around, we can stop the fighting - together.”

The last time,

“...You still think I would abandon them? You still dare to think that I can forgive them for what they’ve done?!”

A red glove clenched the handle of a shield tightly, trembling with rage.

“No, Rock, it’s too late for me. I can see it’s no use convincing you, either.”

One last time.

“I’m sorry, Blues, but I can’t give up on them.”

“...Then you know how this must end.”

...The same way it always had. No matter how many times, the world would only repeat, the same script, the same path, every time.

My name is Mega Man,

“...So be it.”

If this is what it takes - to fight, every time it’s needed - to reach the peace I seek…

And I’ll do all I can,

“I’m sorry, brother.”

To save Mankind.

...Then I’ll fight, One Last Time.

NOTES(Post-Read, please):


Holy cow, an excuse to write about Megaman?! HECK YES
So, this piece is small, but I feel like it'd just feel unwieldy if I tried to add any more to it, so I'm keeping it as is. The italicized pieces are direct quotations from three songs by a band that makes songs using Megaman game music, The Megas, who I love to listen to because they bring a very unique spin on the classic idea of what exactly is happening in the games, and they cover a lot of different styles of song, from the upbeat-yet-sad Don't Mess With Magnetman to the tragic western The Quick And The Blue to the interesting film noir idea of GeminEye. The songs I used here are I Want To Be The One/Dr. Wily, which is the last three sentences, Make Your Choice, which is the bit just before that, and the first bit came from the song that I immediately thought of upon seeing the Theme, titled of course History Repeating. The bits in the story are from Part 1 of the song, and the title is the subtitle for Part 2. Initially, I wanted to add in some sort of future vision where we see the fight between X and Zero from X5, showing that in this case history really is doomed to repeat for all time, but the story felt like it'd reached just the right length so I didn't. Regardless, X Vs Zero is a great music track to listen to for this piece, especially a piano rendition or Falkkone's Symphonic Metal Cover, though you can also read it plain or listen to the three songs the story directly draws from. You can also catch a couple other bits of lyric I added in as well.

I imagine the setting to be somewhere after Megaman 5, though the songs only go up to the lone Megaman 4 rep, Cracked Skulls. History Repeating specifically pulls from Megaman 3, if memory serves, but it seems to me to be more fitting for one of the later titles given the feel of the song - Megaman's been fighting for so long he's not sure how much more he can take, a really interesting look into Megaman's possible thoughts on the fact that every single Megaman game follows the exact same formula of Kill Bots, Beat Wily, Peace Restored, and we're up to Megaman 11, so that's a lot of same-old, same-old for our Blue Bomber to slog through.

Is it historical? No, so sue me. All the same, I hope you guys enjoy a look into one of my personal favorite franchises.

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3 hours ago, SoulWeaver said:

Mega Man

The Megas

Stopping the story at the right length and not adding too much


A+ my friend. This was an exciting submission to see. Fantastic. Magnifico. Italian hand gesture. I salute you.

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Four days to go and I just get there...


Title: Repeated History

Words: 1,007

Fandom: Fire Emblem Awakening


"The future is built upon the past...but your kind will never see it!"


A scream pierced the night air, as she sat bolt upright, panting heavily.


It was just a dream…


She was shaking like a leaf and a sigh followed by a hacking cough caught her attention.  "Lucina...is everything alright?" The croaky voice of Robin washed over her and she realised that not only was he awake but that he'd need another round of Stahl's tonic which had been helping him breathe a bit better as he was currently fighting illness and was struggling to breathe because of it- he had another round of coughing that certainly didn't help matters.  The medicine had been helping Robin through the worst of his coughing fits thus far while they had to wait for a physician to arrive for a more definite diagnosis and perhaps better medicine to help him.


Of course naturally Lucina's Aunt Lissa had suggested the tonic in the first place, as she'd been unable to help with her healing stave- magic unfortunately couldn't heal sickness, only physical wounds like cuts or broken bones and not infections which unfortunately was what Robin seemed to have at present.


"I'm fine." She assured the tactician, whom she'd married in secret- though to be fair it wasn't like they could parade the fact that they were in love out in the open, as numerous Shepherds would disapprove of the relationship.


He smiled weakly before another round of coughing racked his lithe frame, he couldn't speak for a moment and Lucina knew how much he wanted to.  There were things that sometimes she just knew when it came to Robin.


His gentle amber eyes regarded her as he managed to get in a shaky breath, "You sure?" He croaked as Lucina got up to fetch him some of the tonic.  He saw the bottle and pulled an unhappy expression akin to a child who knew something nasty was on the way, but was resigned to having to deal with it.


"I'm sure." She said smiling softly as Robin eyed the spoon with a less than pleased expression.  Lissa had said a spoonful every four hours unless Robin was sleeping like he should be. Robin made the expression Lissa found funny.  He really disliked the tonic, "Okay, here."


The speed at which Robin threw the tonic down his throat wasn't enough to stop him tasting it and the expression of displeasure was quick to make itself known.


In all the time she'd known him, Robin rarely disliked anything, though she was beginning to wonder if that wasn't actually true.  She had to smile at the thought. At least it was helping her to forget the nightmare of her future…


Robin wrinkled his nose and gave her a half smile before exhaustion kicked back in and his eyes closed as he fell asleep.  Lucina smiled softly and gently kissed Robin's forehead. As long as he would be okay, she could work on putting the nightmare behind her.




The future is built upon the past…


Lucina blinked as the words whispered in her mind.  She had been at her desk, lost in thought as she had been writing to her father.  The parchment having been blank, the quill not even close to the ink pot. What could she tell him that wouldn't cause problems between them?


The physician had arrived and suggested that it was best for Robin to rest and keep taking the tonic- he was almost better.  Yet that didn't change the fact he was still coughing.


Still as Lucina wondered what to send to her father, she was for the most part sure of only one thing- that she would let him know little of where she was, just so he wouldn't have reason to worry so much about her.  It was only fair after all- and she had a feeling he'd be alright with that. Knowing that she was well would in her mind at least be fair enough.


She had to smile as Robin sat curled up in their bed, eyes closed with his breathing deep and even.


He knew that Lucina frequently wrote letters to her father, if only to reassure Chrom that she was well.  Though Robin didn't know why she chose to do that when she could speak with Chrom herself.


Lucina read through the letter and smiled to herself.  She said the same things as always, assuring that all was well.  She didn't write about her dream in which Grima featured so prominently- her father didn't need to know about the old nightmare and it was completely pointless to worry him over what was a silly dream with no real meaning…


Lucina looked over at Robin again with a warm smile.  She would have some news to share with him later, news that she felt her father didn't need to know about just yet as she hadn't told him she was married.  She was well aware that it could be cause for problems later on, but with the way things were…


She was sure that they would understand, after all it wasn't like her parents had made it clear that they'd married until after the war came to an end.


She had to chuckle at the irony of the situation.


Her father had a very clandestine wedding with her mother and they had kept their relationship secret for quite some time.  In fact almost no one actually knew about the relationship between Lucina's parents until the day the Council had pressed Chrom to take a wife and he shot back with the statement that he'd already married her mother to the shock of all who were present for that meeting except Maribelle herself, so perhaps, Lucina realised, history was repeating itself.  She looked over Robin again and smiled, brushing his hair off his face. He wasn't feverish, and his breathing was calm, deep and even. She chuckled softly. She supposed that this was one history that could be allowed to repeat itself.

So I have no idea what that was...have fun reading I guess XP

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Title: A Truce on Frigid Air

Words: 1715

Fandom: Classic Spyro(Ripto's Rage)


“No! Noooo! I can’t swim!” A small orange dinosaur wearing a black cloak flailed and struggled in the icy cold water. “Help me! Get me out! Somebody!”

A purple dragon only slightly larger than the drowning dinosaur swooped down from the air and landed on the shore of the frigid lake, where a mole in a white coat and glasses, a cheetah wearing a winged jet pack, and a faun in traditional leafy faun clothing were examining a wounded pterodactyl. “Is the pterodactyl going to live?” The dragon asked. “I didn’t have a chance to tell you, but while I was looking for more orbs in Skelos Badlands, the Bone Builder chief told me Ripto had kidnapped his wife’s pet pterodactyl.”

The dinosaur disappeared under the water, and a few bubbles rose to the surface. Then the water became still. The cheetah let out a celebratory whoop. “Ripto is finished! Woohoo!”

The faun smiled at the dragon. “We can’t thank you enough, Spyro...now I’m sure the professor can set up the portal to Dragon Shores ASAP. After we see to this poor creature! She’s suffered so much!” The pterodactyl let out a pained, quiet screech in response. Ripto, the pint sized dinosaur tyrant who had just froze and drowned, had forced the unfortunate pterodactyl to be his steed during his showdown with the dragon who had been brought in to stop his conquest.

Professor Egbert shook his head sadly. “The pterodactyl is gone. I will tell Chief Gronk...that Ripto killed his wife’s beloved pet, not you, Spyro. The Bone Builders are...primitive and almost feral in nature. We want them to view you as a friend. They won’t understand.”

Spyro folded his wings. “I honestly only tried to hit Ripto. But sometimes I’d miss. That combo fly and flame powerup was amazing, by the way. I’d love to just use it for fun someday.” One of the areas in Winter Tundra was Metropolis, a sprawling, high tech city inhabited by droids. An inventor droid had created a way to strengthen a dragon’s fire breath into long range fireballs and allow the dragon to fly instead of just glide. The powerup wore off eventually, but it was just enough time for Spyro to shoot down Ripto completely.

The professor patted the dragon’s shoulder with a gnarled digging claw. “You are a good dragon. And a good friend. You have earned your vacation.”

At the superportal, the professor fitted the orbs and power crystal retrieved from Ripto into their proper slots on the portal. The portal whirred to life, and the words “Dragon Shores” appeared in the hologram, along with an image of a beach.

“I won’t be a stranger.” Spyro smiled at the small group in front of him. He had been brought here on his way to Dragon Shores originally, because the Avalarians couldn’t deal with Ripto on their own. What better than a dragon, a great, fire breathing magical creature, to help? Naturally Spyro had been annoyed at first, but the only way he could go home was to get rid of Ripto, and these three had become his friends.

“Professor, keep track of your pencils and good luck finding the age of the universe. Hunter, find those running shoes. Stay out of trouble. Elora…” Spyro tilted his head at the faun. “Ripto would have been a bad king, but you? You’ll be a good queen. I’m sure the rest of Avalar would agree, and the place DOES need someone running it.” Spyro spread his wings and gave his friends a final nod and smile. “I’m off to the beach!” And with that, the dragon was gone.


“You birds know you have taken enough water from Zephyr! You don’t need as much as you take!”

“Without constant water flow, our machines will cease to function!”

“We don’t care about your stupid clink clanging machines!”

Elora sighed. This peace conference was a disaster...as queen of Avalar, it was her duty to mediate conflicts and find a solution both parties liked. Zephyr and Breeze Harbor, however, were extremely difficult.

The faun queen pounded on the table in front of her to silence the argument. “The land blubbers of Zephyr are not completely innocent here, multiple times, Breeze Harbor has had metal ore stolen. Metal ore is not as needed of a resource and does not replenish as fast as water, I propose an agreement be reached that Breeze Harbor can have a small amount of water from the Zephyr springs per month. If any more is needed, the Ice Builder tribe has graciously offered some glacier melt off and will help transport it if needed.”

Colonel Blob of the land blubbers gurgled in response. The land blubbers were a race of intelligent worms with small clawed graspers. They had been at war with the breeze builders, a bird race, for over five years.

“The breeze builders will not agree to a small amount.” Blob spat. “They will take over their quota. And the Ice Builders will lose all the water in Crystal Glacier.”

The communicator Elora was holding beeped. “Queen Elora! Your majesty!” The voice on the other end was gruff and struggled to pronounce the word “majesty”.

“What do you need, Gronk? I’m in the middle of a meeting with the breeze builders and land blubbers.”

“This not Gronk! This Gronk’s cousin Glug! Gronk stuck in cave in Crystal Glacier with wife and kids! Big snowball roll down hill. Block cave! Now Chief and Chief’s wife and kids can’t get out and Ice Builders been smacking snowball all morning and not moving! Need dragon! Need dragon to spit fire! Melt snowball!”

Elora sighed. “Sorry, Glug. Spyro, our dragon friend, is not here.”

“Call him back! Need his help!”

“It’s not that simple.”

Beaky of the breeze builders raised his wing. “Your highness. Perhaps we can all go to Crystal Glacier and try to help?”

“Pheh. Your weapons won’t do much either.” Blob scoffed.

“No. But land blubbers can dig. And have acidic slime. Make yourselves useful for a change.”

Blob trembled in rage. “You absolute feathered...scheming-”

“ENOUGH!” Elora snapped. “We are all Avalarians. The Bone Builders and Ice Builders have asked for help, so we will give it.”

Glug whooped and hollered on the other end. “Hurry! Cousin get cranky if he miss lunch!”


A family of primitive humanoids consisting of a father, mother, baby girl, and two young boys huddled for warmth in a snow cave. The only light was coming from a small crevice that was too high to reach. The mother turned to her husband. “No hear Ice Builders outside no more! Left us!”

The baby wailed, as if she understood the dire situation she was in. The younger boy sniffled and the older pointed at a hole that was appearing in the ground, snow and dirt spraying up from it. “Something coming! Maybe monster!”

A slick worm head popped out of the hole. The Bone Builder family was instantly upon the land blubber, pointing spears at him. “Woah, folks, I’m friendly!” The land blubber threw up his graspers to guard his face. “My name is Tub! Tub of the land blubbers! I’m here to help you!”

Chief Gronk lowered his spear. “Oh. Uh. Ice Builders send you?”

“Your cousin Glug did. The Ice Builders led us to you.” Tub smiled. Land blubber mouths were filled with teeth, and their acidic saliva painted the teeth a constant yellow, so he looked slightly intimidating to the Bone Builder children. The younger boy even hid behind his mother. But Gronk felt that he could trust the land blubber.

“Chief Gronk.” Gronk jabbed a thumb into his chest. “My wife, Teek. My boys, Tonk and Zug. My girl, Urrg.” Gronk introduced each family member with a gesture.

Tub nodded. “Well met. Now, you folks need to step away from the snowball. We’re getting you out with explosives.”

The older boy perked up. “Kablammo!”

“Yes, Kablammo!” Gronk ruffled his son’s hair. “Boom boom!”

“We no keep those in Skelos Badlands.” Teek said. “Always go boom on own. Big mess. We buy some month ago. Buy too much. Went boom on own. Danger. Throw rest in lava. More big mess. But no more. Now we no get no more.”

The two boys ran around imitating explosive noises. Clearly they hadn’t been as traumatized by the attempt to keep explosives in their homeland as their mother.

Outside the cave, a breeze builder was wiring an ignition device to a TNT barrel placed in front of the offending snowball. The land blubber beside him shook his head in amusement. “You mean to tell me, you can set these things off from a distance and NOT have to get outta there lickety split?”

“Me just hope not hurt friends.” The Ice Builder chief commented.

“I told the messenger to tell them to stay out of the way.” Blob assured him.

“Okay, countdown!” The breeze builder announced. “Three! Two! One!” 

“Kaboomies!” The Ice Builder chief yelled as the TNT exploded. When the dust settled, a family of Bone Builders and a land blubber walked safely out of the cave.

Gronk ran straight to the Ice Builder chief. “Tuk! How goes it? Thanks much!” Glug approached, and Gronk spoke to him. “Cousin! I live!”

“No thank me.” Chief Tuk shook his head. “Thank breeze builders and land blubbers. Could spend all day all night trying smash snowball with spears!”

Gronk raised an eyebrow and stared at his rescuers. “Friends! Me have advice! You fight. Everybody know. You fight for long time. But you work together today. No friends who work together to help other friends should fight.”

“He’s right.” Elora spoke up. “All of Avalar would agree. Please...make a compromise!”

Blob and Beaky exchanged a shifty glance. After a brief silence, Beaky spoke. “I was being stubborn, yes. I suppose. Shall we meet tomorrow to make a plan?”

Blob produced a small smile. “I’m willing. If anything, teach me how you invent things like that ignition device!”

And thus it was, that day in Crystal Glacier, that the surprising wisdom of a Bone Builder led to a truce between Zephyr and Breeze Harbor...and the creatures of Avalar were truly beginning to get along.



Credit to Desrosaur on Deviant Art for the ideas of why Zephyr and Breeze Harbor were at war in the first place.

Creative license taken as usual, mainly changing a few aspects of the battle with Ripto, unimportant. The Professor did not have a name, just a title, so I named him after a mole scholar from the Redwall books.

Ice Builder and Bone Builder are capitalized but not breeze builder and land blubber because it's the difference between a tribe/named group and a species imo.


Edited by Dragoncat
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Well I learned something rather amusing about you two today. 😛

My childhood was Zelda and any game where I could play as Luigi. lol Luigi's Mansion 3 is going to be the biggest release this year for me. And it comes out on Halloween! Maybe one of these days I should write an entry with him and Mario and them.

Edited by Anacybele
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1 hour ago, TheSilentChloey said:

It only encompassed, oh I don't know my childhood XD


44 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

Well I learned something rather amusing about you two today. 😛

My childhood was Zelda and any game where I could play as Luigi. lol Luigi's Mansion 3 is going to be the biggest release this year for me. And it comes out on Halloween! Maybe one of these days I should write an entry with him and Mario and them.

Zelda and Mario Bros games are a big one for the "childhood game" too. And hey! I'd love you to do a Luigi entry!

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46 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

Well I learned something rather amusing about you two today. 😛

My childhood was Zelda and any game where I could play as Luigi. lol Luigi's Mansion 3 is going to be the biggest release this year for me. And it comes out on Halloween! Maybe one of these days I should write an entry with him and Mario and them.

The only Nintendo games I missed were some of the less well known titles and of course LoZ because I just wasn't lucky to get to play them.  Mind you my parents weren't exactly pleased I became a gamer but that's neither here nor there.

3 minutes ago, Dragoncat said:


Zelda and Mario Bros games are a big one for the "childhood game" too. And hey! I'd love you to do a Luigi entry!

Funnily enough Spyro was about the only PlayStation game I got to play that I liked, the games aimed at "girls" were a bit of a joke back then.  However I do hope the remakes come to the switch so I can play them XD

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1 minute ago, TheSilentChloey said:

The only Nintendo games I missed were some of the less well known titles and of course LoZ because I just wasn't lucky to get to play them.  Mind you my parents weren't exactly pleased I became a gamer but that's neither here nor there.

Funnily enough Spyro was about the only PlayStation game I got to play that I liked, the games aimed at "girls" were a bit of a joke back then.  However I do hope the remakes come to the switch so I can play them XD

I never understood parents who hate video games and forbid their children from playing them or hate that they play them. Dcat's parents hate games and hate that she's a gamer too. Video games are great and it makes me so glad I have parents that not only are fine with my gaming habits, but even have supported it by buying me games for birthdays and Christmas and play games themselves. My stepdad plays PC and Xbox games, my mom has played Zelda and also plays PC games, etc. Hell, my mom originally bought me a Switch as a surprise, but she didn't know I was already at GameStop on launch day buying one myself. XD She gave the one she bought to my stepbrother.

Funny thing is, we're basically the only gamers in our family though. My stepdad's mom played Zelda a lot back in the day, and I have an uncle on my mom's side that used to play too. But that was years ago. Nobody else on either side of my family does. Not even on my real dad's side. No one else in my dad's family is even really tech savvy, now that I think about it.

Video games are not so evil like some people make them out to be. It's how you play responsibly that matters. You can't blame video games for some dumb kid deciding to do something stupid because he saw it in a video game. He's making a dumb choice, the game didn't force him to do it. If video games were so bad for you and so unhealthy, why would fucking RETIREMENT HOMES have Nintendo Wiis? Why would the military be using games to help them as well?

It just...it just makes me so upset when ignorant people insult video games and disallow their poor children to play. These poor kids miss out on so much fun.

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12 minutes ago, TheSilentChloey said:

However I do hope the remakes come to the switch so I can play them XD


6 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

I never understood parents who hate video games and forbid their children from playing them or hate that they play them. Dcat's parents hate games and hate that she's a gamer too. Video games are great and it makes me so glad I have parents that not only are fine with my gaming habits, but even have supported it by buying me games for birthdays and Christmas and play games themselves. My stepdad plays PC and Xbox games, my mom has played Zelda and also plays PC games, etc. Hell, my mom originally bought me a Switch as a surprise, but she didn't know I was already at GameStop on launch day buying one myself. XD She gave the one she bought to my stepbrother.

Funny thing is, we're basically the only gamers in our family though. My stepdad's mom played Zelda a lot back in the day, and I have an uncle on my mom's side that used to play too. But that was years ago. Nobody else on either side of my family does. Not even on my real dad's side. No one else in my dad's family is even really tech savvy, now that I think about it.

Video games are not so evil like some people make them out to be. It's how you play responsibly that matters. You can't blame video games for some dumb kid deciding to do something stupid because he saw it in a video game. He's making a dumb choice, the game didn't force him to do it. If video games were so bad for you and so unhealthy, why would fucking RETIREMENT HOMES have Nintendo Wiis? Why would the military be using games to help them as well?

It just...it just makes me so upset when ignorant people insult video games and disallow their poor children to play. These poor kids miss out on so much fun.

A bit of an exaggerated rant like you told me on Discord yes...and for anyone else, my parents are more in "dislike" and "do something else with your free time" territory and they have gotten better.

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