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SF's "Write Your Butt Off" Competition HD II.5 Remix


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3 minutes ago, TheSilentChloey said:

Get ready to watch all the Birthright siblings die!!!  This is...going to be very dark...oh god what evil have you made me want to unleash...

Just don’t make it unnecessarily dark.

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3 minutes ago, Azure, Roundabouted Out said:

Just don’t make it unnecessarily dark.

Killing off anyone is dark...that's a given especially since I did classic mode BR and got sick of the ghosts that were floating around...


Also going to be from Corrin's POV because he's the one pulling the strings...

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20 minutes ago, Azure, Roundabouted Out said:

Heads: Write a story about a solo ending or a paired ending of a playable unit of your choice (as in, what can be seen as the end credits roll). For example, you can write about Felix’s solo ending in Verdant Wind or, alternatively, Felix’s paired ending with Lysithea in Verdant Wind. Any ending in Fates (especially paired endings) can be edited by the writer for the sake of having a more coherent storyline.

I got heads, so that's neat. I may skip though, not currently feeling anything.

OP has updated OP.

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22 minutes ago, Benice said:

I got tails...  ;-(

Since Lyon is a playable charcter, (sort of, via the Lagdou ruins...) could I change the plot a bit and kill him off?

I was thinking about how that would work. But I have decided that they will not count. Will edit the prompt post.

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I recently did an entry that used a paired ending (the one with Sylvain x Byleth), so I'd rather do a take on the second one and not flip a coin. I might have an idea already too, but I'll have to see how I can develop it.

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I used a random number generator instead of a physical coin, designating 1 as heads and 2 as tails. I got 1, darned! I can enjoy writing a little bloody murder. To recall something I assembled for fun one day last year:


Everyone but Alm dies along the way.

Their deaths weight heavily on Alm's mind, and he grows increasingly emotionally fatigued by it all, regretful of his actions, but knowing he must continue onwards to correct his mistakes, even though they grow. Not even Celica is above the black spectre.

Berkut lives longer than Jedah, who is stabbed to death by Berkut in a fit of rage at Duma Temple after the Rinea sacrifice, but Jedah smiles happily as he passes on, knowing the ultimate warrior of the degenerate god is born. So that Alm may acquire the Falchion and save Celica, Mycen buys time for him from the empowered Berkut, losing his own life in the process.

Conrad spends the entire time inside Duma Temple fighting soulless Celica, and when Alm shows up he lets himself die to get her to come to something of her senses.

Mila is only able to restore Celica's soul, and her body is badly injured from all the fighting, so she is quite weak. Alm brings her to the double doors to Duma's chamber in his arms, and together they open them just enough to pass through. Afterwards, Celica collapses dying of her injuries, her brand hand resting in Alm's. Alm walks into Duma's chamber and Duma watches a one-on-one duel between Alm and Berkut, with Celica's soul powering Alm and that plus the Falchion gives Alm the power to overcome the transformed Berkut. Afterwards, Alm slices through Duma in a single blow. Thanking Alm for his act with his final words, everyone is by the last act of his powers revived. The end.

What happened to Marle and Heste? Genny, who along with Valbar and Saber were the only survivors of Celica's group besides Conrad to get into Duma Temple, was "played with" by Jedah, Berkut, their minions and the sisters in Duma's chamber before Alm got into the Temple. Genny, to honor her promise to Sonya, commits an act of holy suicide by blowing herself and Sonya's sisters up with her, liberating their souls. Valbar tanks a horde of arrows, swords, lances, Mogall strikes, and even magic blows, he slightly injures Berkut and then goes to stab Jedah for revenge for Kamui and Leon, but is killed. Berkut gripes that such a stupid hulk could bother him and that he needs more POWAH! Saber after Valbar's initial round of tanking, goes on a rampage, slicing through many of the human enemies and all the Mogalls, he gets as far as Duma himself, whom he leaps and strikes at, but then has his lungs pierced by Duma's tentacles in midair.

Sonya herself is among the casualties at the top of Duma Tower after Celica gives over her soul. Jedah at first decides to purge everyone, only to change his tune and capture the rest for execution later after some fighting. Sonya attempts to exact revenge on Jedah once more, suffering a terrible wound as a result. Genny tries to heal Sonya, but tells her to concern herself with others first, they need it more. Sonya then relays her last words to Genny and tells her to leave her alone, she still has one trick left up her sleeve. Left completely undefended and alone, Sonya soon becomes the target of countless enemies, and then she casts Excalibur on herself, creating a ginormous wind explosion that rips her to shreds and takes many of the Terrors with her. Just before she does this, she mutters to herself that in suicide Jedah will be denied her soul, she will die freely and on her own terms.

Deen is never recruited, he is fought an enemy and dies with nothing more than passing recollection of his good and bad memories going by in his head before his eyes shut one last time. Jesse gets even less, he never appears outside of Silque's recruitment by Alm, when she recalls memories of the handsome man who rescued her, and then died for her. Leon is another Duma Tower victim, after having attempted to rain arrows upon Jedah in the prior battle in the swamp, Jedah decides he will deal with this bold little gnat. Jedah shows his full magical might and strikes Leon, injuring him. Jedah then decides Leon is of interest to the Duma Faithful and when he warps away, takes Leon with him. Leon is later shown alone in Duma Tower, subject to various forms of torture, which he dies of and is then reduced to a soulless pawn of Jedah, with a helmet placed over his head and a new name given to conceal his former identity. He is among those who are fought in Duma Temple later.

The resurrection shrines? They don't exist. This said, the Necrodragons of the Dragon Shrine do appear, as the pawns of the mercenary boss en route to Mila Temple, and it here that Kamui dies to them them in an ambush attack.

Pirates also manage to tame the Necrodragon of Seabound Shrine, which is slain through via Seraphim, but only after Boey puts himself in harm's way to attempt to kill the Necrodragon via casting Sagittae, although he fails and only gets out a Thunder. Boey is left permanently wounded by this, but it triggers Celica to learn Seraphim to destroy the Necrodragon. Boey remains on hand as a friend to Celica and casts the occasional spell, but withdraws from the main fray. At Dolth Keep, Celica lacks the vitality to spam enough Seraphim to overcome Dolth's Necrodragon spam, and Nomah, Mae, and Sonya can't do enough spellcasting either. So Boey then tries to cast Sagittae once more, and does so unleashing a massive rain of magical arrows on Dolth Keep, this nearly depletes his life and he falls to his knees, a surviving Necrodragon then rushes in and grabs him in its mouth, playing with his body like a rag doll. This infuriates Mae enough to learn Seraphim and she blows up the Necrodragon, which then releases a healing shower, the final gift of Boey, who through that being tossed around was still alive to feel it all.

Palla dies in Grieth's Citadel. After the battle is won, a few surviving bandits flee into its inner parts in desperation. One runs into the prison and attempts to rape Est, but Palla and Catria get there before it can happen. Palla and Catria stop the attempted rapist, but another bandit sneaks up from behind and cleaves off all of Palla's left arm, and she dies of massive blood loss on the spot. 

Est dies before Catria, overcompensating for her sister's death, she perishes in the first encounter with Mogalls outside of Duma Tower. This was foreshadowed by her rather reckless behavior in the two Mires, where the swamp conditions made the Pegasus duo essential to victory. What does destroy all those Mogalls however is Shining Seraphim- the tandem magic attack of Celica and Mae.

Catria survives for not much longer, when things go south atop Duma Tower, she attempts to escape with Mae on her pegasus by flying off the Tower to the ground safely below. A bolt of lightning from the stormy sky above strikes the pegasus however, Mae is tossed off the pegasus onto the Tower safely, but Catria plunges with her steed killed. Gargoyles try to rend her as she falls, but she stabs them all gone. Nothing can stop her from going splat however.

Mae sees Catria's fate, and with Boey dead and Celica taken away her soul gone, she has nothing left to lose. When she sees a magical barrier blocking their escape by stairs has been erected, she blasts it with everything she has to destroy it so everyone can get out. She is successful, and everyone does flee down the stairs, and Sonya wipes out the enemies at the top with her final attack. However, it is a long trip to the bottom and there is plenty of fighting on the way down, not to mention even more monsters coming up from behind. Rather than let Valbar or someone else protect the backside, Mae does so, and it is in this way that she dies, an arrow from the legions of menaces passing through her heart. But of course, she fires off one last spell to nuke a bunch of them. Of course, nobody escapes Duma Tower, they get to the entrance, where they see Catria's impact spot, and then Jedah captures them all.

Atlas, who goes they way of a jack of all trades sword, lance, bow, axe fighter (never mind the impossibility!) being a greenhorn experimenting with his promising potentials, dies in the storming of Duma Gate. Somebody had to be the vanguard through the defenses, and Atlas chooses to be the one since he has continually shown himself inferior to everyone else. He is badly injured, but manages to sneak through the defenses alone to where the boss is, ready to cast for a second time his Upheaval spell, the first casting of which Atlas saw as it wrecked Celica's forces. Atlas thus comes out of his stealth and swinging a small axe, decapitates the guy as he just finishes the spell. The spell this backfires, leveling Duma Gate and Atlas is killed by falling debris.

Nomah, dies ascending Duma Tower. Earlier, he displays signs of ill-health, then he attempts like Sonya to challenge Jedah at the Swamps of Duma, which does not go over exactly well (note that through the combined might of everyone, Jedah is defeated here after the Mogalls are blasted through, but it does convince them of how strong he is). During the ascent of Duma Tower, old Nomah feels fatigued by the climb and asks if he may rest for a moment, everyone else is willing to rest with him, but he tells them to hurry on and despite their protests, they go along with it. Nomah then mutters to himself how useless he is as an old man, and patiently waits for the monsters to come and devour him, better him than the rest. Strangely, very few Terrors come to take his life, which he takes a sign they're focusing on Celica and co.. He then senses at one point a very strong terror awaiting near the top of Duma Tower, and decides he must do something about it, but how to get there? While Celica and co. confront this Terror, say a White Dragon or Garuda, a large magic blast destroys it, and then it is noticed that Nomah is suddenly there. He tried as Jedah and all those other Duma Faithful can do, that is warping, thinking it would be the only way for him to catch up with the rest. Unfortunately, it took a lot out of him, as did the spell, and he needs to rest for a moment more. But Celica cannot rest, Alm is in danger and cannot for prophecy's sake die, thus he convinces Celica and co. to go on to the very top without him, while he closes his eyes one last time.


...The fates of Alm's crew will be detailed later, but know there will be BLOOD! Except for Zeke, Minerva needs no Whitewings, but for Archanea's sake, Zeke will have to fall into a river- his memories surviving this time.

But, I'll check the archives for character endings and see if something spurs the imagination. I'll keep it peaceful.


...A check of Thracia's endings didn't give me anything that said "I can and must do this!" unfortunately. I can see some good ones, like Ilios's, but Ilios would require a specific comedic hand I don't possess to work.

Edited by Interdimensional Observer
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Alright, addressing feedback here we go.

On 11/11/2019 at 6:42 AM, TheSilentChloey said:


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I can honestly say that this piece blew me away.  Which is an amazing achievement considering Tharja is one of my least liked characters of the Shepherds' entire cast, only just above the dislike I have for Validar and outright disdain I have for Excellus.  Sure it uses Tharja's A support with Noire, but that's not a bad thing at all.  In fact I think that is what sells this piece even more.  I find the best fan-fics tend to pull as close from the canon as possible but take enough creative licence from the canon to switch things up.

I'm kind of hard pressed for cons, but I do consider that in of itself a sign of how much I enjoyed this piece.






Have you ever watched Ghast's Support Science videos? I found his Tharja one incredible and it basically 180-d my opinion on her. Here's the link in case you feel so inclined.

On 11/11/2019 at 10:35 AM, Ottservia said:




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This was a good one and the internal conflict with Tharja logical side and her kind nature was well portrayed though something felt missing. I dunno as I was reading this I just felt like it was something. I have no clue what it would be though




I also felt something was missing as I entered it. Looking back at it, what I think I was missing was originality - for the most part it's just a barely-modified direct copypaste of the basic Support, whereas the Severa piece was its own fully-original piece in a canonical setting, albeit with some artistic liberties taken. This just doesn't quite provide the same setting.


On 11/12/2019 at 12:44 PM, Azure, Roundabouted Out said:




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Another great Awakening fic in this round. This time with Noire and Tharja. You got Tharja’s own feelings across well. Really, this style of writing is what I want to do, maybe first-person perspective too. Once again, this puts the script in a new perspective, as the support shows a different side to Tharja. One side even Tharja did not know she had. And while I have yet to know the original characters mentioned here, I thought it was a neat little thing that they all had the same gesture in how they use their thumb to scratch their upper lip. Reminds me of how Rhajat bites her left thumb at the end in Fates.


Glad you liked it. I find I tend to feel better about my first-person writing than my third-person writing. For the other characters, this piece is set in a unique spin on the Fire Emblem series in general, one example of which can be found here, and most of them are based on actual FE characters, including Sillva, who in fact is Rhajat, hence the comment about similarities and the shared mannerism, which I always thought was scratching their lip, not biting their thumb. Fun fact, her clothing, mentioned to be based on a legendary Necromancer, is in fact based on one only Arilon, who is based on myself, knows about. Second fun fact, yes, I do actually scratch my upper lip while thinking, and I'm reasonably certain this was picked up from Tharja and Rhajat. I also picked up Anna's habit of placing my left index finger against my cheek for a while. Anyways, Luna and Sola are explained in another piece I did, found here, so that's who they are.

We'll see if I can find time to scribble something out for this round, I'm intrigued by the coin toss.

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So question @Azure, Roundabouted Out So by canonical does that mean I can’t do something like Owain’s father taking an arrow for his son? Or Laslow dying in Birthright? Cause those are canonical events though they are not explicitly shown just told or strongly implied. Would events like that be considered ‘canonical’?

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1 hour ago, Ottservia said:

So question @Azure, Roundabouted Out So by canonical does that mean I can’t do something like Owain’s father taking an arrow for his son? Or Laslow dying in Birthright? Cause those are canonical events though they are not explicitly shown just told or strongly implied. Would events like that be considered ‘canonical’?

I’d consider the former to be canonical, but not the latter, since Laslow dying in Birthright Chapter 26 can be avoided. But you can still consider the latter event to be canon, like how former students outside of your class in Three Houses being killed can be canon, in spite of how some of their deaths are avoidable (since the deaths of unrecruited Ferdinand and unrecruited Lorenz are unavoidable). Like a headcanon, sort of.

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1 hour ago, Benice said:

I can't decide whether to kill lots of people or just one, and also whether to go comedy or tragedy. Any advice?

Why would you turn a death into a comedy? That's disgusting.

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41 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

Why would you turn a death into a comedy? That's disgusting.

In this context yes it kinda would be but there are plenty of cartoons and such that make light of death like road runner and Tom and Jerry. A lot of amusement can be found in using death as a punchline 

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1 minute ago, Ottservia said:

In this context yes it kinda would be but there are plenty of cartoons and such that make light of death like road runner and Tom and Jerry. A lot of amusement can be found in using death as a punchline 

I swear Wiley Coyote must be an immortal unkillable eldritch god.

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1 hour ago, Anacybele said:

Why would you turn a death into a comedy? That's disgusting.

I take it you've never seen the Loony Toons.


23 minutes ago, Ottservia said:

In this context yes it kinda would be but there are plenty of cartoons and such that make light of death like road runner and Tom and Jerry. A lot of amusement can be found in using death as a punchline 

I think the slapstick comedy is also a staple of those shows as well, what with the amount of pain it would really cost IRL.

22 minutes ago, Dragoncat said:

I swear Wiley Coyote must be an immortal unkillable eldritch god.

This is also true of a lot of characters.  XD


Tbh I don't particularly enjoy making light of death, but I know there are a lot of shows that do.  It doesn't mean that the knee jerk reaction should be "OMFG get that crap outta here how dare you make light of what's supposed to be a serious topic".  There are a lot of different kinds of comedy that neuro normal people find genuinely funny even if people on the spectrum do not.  It's up to said person to decide whether they'll read/watch or not.  That said you shouldn't be discouraging people from being creative.  Why do you think I gave people the option to play the theme how they liked it?

Because I didn't for one damn second want anyone to feel they couldn't have a go, that is terrible and not what I stand for as a person.

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6 minutes ago, Dragoncat said:

May I just add that Ana lost her brother to suicide so that may be affecting her reaction.

As much as I feel sympathy having lost certain very close family members myself, I still wouldn't have such a knee jerk reaction that she has shown here.


Which is partly why I said I don't particularly like to make light about death in general,  but I also know that kind of reaction is mildly uncalled for.


I am sorry if it came across so harshly.

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9 minutes ago, TheSilentChloey said:

As much as I feel sympathy having lost certain very close family members myself, I still wouldn't have such a knee jerk reaction that she has shown here.


Which is partly why I said I don't particularly like to make light about death in general,  but I also know that kind of reaction is mildly uncalled for.


I am sorry if it came across so harshly.

You're actually getting better about the harshness of your responses! I didn't find rudeness in this one, or not as much as I have before, so kudos to you.

It was a knee jerk reaction yeah, but also an understandable one.

I will add that there are some things certain people will just never find funny under any circumstances and that is okay. Like for example, mine is treating the death of an animal as a joke or animal cruelty/abuse. I refuse to watch National Lampoon Christmas Vacation because of the cat death that was treated as ha ha so funny joke. ...Yet I eat meat even knowing that factory farms are horrible horrible to the animals, but yeah.

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52 minutes ago, TheSilentChloey said:

I take it you've never seen the Loony Toons.

Of course I've seen that show. I don't recall any characters ever dying in it though. Tom & Jerry didn't have any death in it either. It is implied that they committed suicide off-screen in one episode, but it's not treated as a joke there as far as I can tell.

And yeah, as Dcat pointed out, my brother took his own life four years ago, and on top of that, I was the one that found his body and to this day I still have some trauma over it on occasion. So I will never find death or someone dying funny, nor can I ever approve of the idea of turning it into a joke. It's just how I feel.

I didn't mean to make anyone upset though, so my apologies for that.

Edited by Anacybele
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1 hour ago, Anacybele said:

Of course I've seen that show. I don't recall any characters ever dying in it though. Tom & Jerry didn't have any death in it either. It is implied that they committed suicide off-screen in one episode, but it's not treated as a joke there as far as I can tell.

And yeah, as Dcat pointed out, my brother took his own life four years ago, and on top of that, I was the one that found his body and to this day I still have some trauma over it on occasion. So I will never find death or someone dying funny, nor can I ever approve of the idea of turning it into a joke. It's just how I feel.

I didn't mean to make anyone upset though, so my apologies for that.

None needed my dear friend just making a point to look at things in the greater picture is all. What one finds funny is a highly subjective thing which is why Comedy is hard to critique. Dark humor is still humor but to some it’s a bit of a sensitive topic. It’s all a matter of taste at the end of the day.

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Just now, Ottservia said:

None needed my dear friend just making a point to look at things in the greater picture is all. What one finds funny is a highly subjective thing which is why Comedy is hard to critique. Dark humor is still humor but to some it’s a bit of a sensitive topic. It’s all a matter of taste at the end of the day.

Another example is how I still think fart jokes are the funniest shit ever when I probably shouldn't.

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1 minute ago, Ottservia said:

None needed my dear friend just making a point to look at things in the greater picture is all. What one finds funny is a highly subjective thing which is why Comedy is hard to critique. Dark humor is still humor but to some it’s a bit of a sensitive topic. It’s all a matter of taste at the end of the day.

Yeah, I understand. And that's all true. I do admit that my sense of humor seems to be...different. Compared to others, anyway. More often than not, I find myself laughing at stuff that no one else does and vice versa.

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21 hours ago, Anacybele said:

Why would you turn a death into a comedy? That's disgusting.


There’s actually like four different definitions of comedy in literature in addition to the style you’re talking about. For example, the first definition this site gives references Dante’s Divine Comedy, which is about a journey through the seven circles of hell, which I doubt was written with humorous intent judging solely by the Yu-Gi-Oh! archetype based on the book, Burning Abyss. While I assume it was the definition you were thinking of that Benice was also talking about, it’s also quite feasible to write a comedy about death using one of the other definitions, so sometimes it might be best to double-check first. Also consider that your learned-something-new-today moment, those of you who weren’t already aware of this stuff!

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1 minute ago, SoulWeaver said:


There’s actually like four different definitions of comedy in literature in addition to the style you’re talking about. For example, the first definition this site gives references Dante’s Divine Comedy, which is about a journey through the seven circles of hell, which I doubt was written with humorous intent judging solely by the Yu-Gi-Oh! archetype based on the book, Burning Abyss. While I assume it was the definition you were thinking of that Benice was also talking about, it’s also quite feasible to write a comedy about death using one of the other definitions, so sometimes it might be best to double-check first. Also consider that your learned-something-new-today moment, those of you who weren’t already aware of this stuff!

Oh. Huh, interesting! Learn something new every day indeed.

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