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ATTN topics banned + a reminder about FFtF


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Basically ATTN topics tended to call someone out and cause a bunch of flaming to happen, which is why we're banning them.

That has nothing to do with the topic title though. There have been plenty of topics that have been meant to call out or spite another member.

And though some of the ATTN topics could be transferred to PM, some can not. Or, sometimes they are about a certain issue that may need more than one person's opinion and have it be open to several people.

IT's not the topic itself that bothers me, it's the honking dickheads who say: "This is a stupid topic." that piss me off. I don't understand why people can't just ignore topics that they don't want to be a part of. It's a simple concept.

A perfect example of what I mean: http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?...c=8641&st=0

Edited by Lyle Dayek
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What was personally offensive or annoying about this specific kind of topic? They weren't the source of flame, that was the people making the specific topic.

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Okay, just to point something out to people.

I do NOT think this means that any confrontational post is subject to a rule violation.

If a topic about a site update is made, it's obvious that it has to address the whole forum. Also if someone makes a topic saying something like, "I love you all," but doesn't make it an "ATTN," topic, or make a title meant to address anyone, or the entire board, it's NOT a violation.

Also any confrontational post is NOT a violation, that would mean if ANYONE disagreed with anyone else and said so, that it would be warn worthy.

That would be like this:

Person 1: "I like Barrack Obama, I think he's a good president."

Person 2: "I disagree, I think McCain would have been a better president."

That, although it's targeting the person above them, is NOT a violation, it's a disagreement.

I can already foresee people using this misinterpretation of the rule to get topics they dislike closed, and people they dislike warned.

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You can disagree, as long as you don't RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAEEEEEG about it.

I'm just stating what I did because I foresee people using the loopholes in the new rule to give reasons to report people out of spite or disliking something.

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You can disagree, as long as you don't RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAEEEEEG about it.


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Then they should delete the old PMs in their PM box. Simple.

Well, if they're new or don't realize it, or whatever. Though I dunno if it shows "PM Box full" on the index.

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Well, if they're new or don't realize it, or whatever. Though I dunno if it shows "PM Box full" on the index.

I wouldn't exactly expect someone new to have 500 PMs in their inbox and I'm sure someone would notice that bar that would say "100% full". ^^

Edited by Fireman
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What about topics that reintroduce a user to the forum? I don't mean to snitch or nothing, but technically, that topic made for Shad when he came back was confrontational. Yet, it had no flaming, it had no spam, and if you thought it was annoying, there is something wrong with you. I think mods and admins need to show good judgement instead of autolocking every single topic that has another member's name in the title or opening post. Basically, you're destroying part of our interaction with other members.

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That's fine saying WELCOME BACK SO AND SO

But saying "Hey Lyle. Don't you think this rule is stupid lulz?" isn't.

I think ATTN topics should still be allowed, but you're right about stupid little topics like that.

But if I were to make an ATTN topic to address a certain issue or have a discussion with people, I think that would be fine.

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That wasn't my complete point though. The point is that this rule is too easily loopholed and broken to be enforced, so why make it a rule at all? For example, people can mask the title to make it not look confrontational, but then say something about someone else in the opening post.

Plus, I don't want the higher ups going "Oh my god! This topic is directed at another user or a group of users! We must lock the topic even though we don't understand what it is about!" A lot of fun moments are killed this way. I believe they should be fairly assessing these type of topics instead of closing their eyes and clicking the lock button. A few ATTN topics do deserve to be locked, but most are just harmless and are simply a joke, which applies to all topics confrontational or not.

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