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Our Top 5 Most Wanted Mythic Heroes


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1 minute ago, omegaxis1 said:

I think that might very well be the point, though. 

By my reckoning the pool of possible mythics excluding humans is:

  • Naga
  • Mila
  • Forseti
  • Maybe Shadow/Dark Dragon Medeus?
  • Fomortiis
  • Ashera
  • Ashunera
  • Anankos
  • Maybe Deghinsea? I think this is a stretch as IIRC he's just a very powerful Dragon Laguz, so IDK if he would qualify.
  • Maybe Gotoh in his Divine Dragon form? Certainly not in his "human" form, though.

Maybe I've forgotten someone or you could stretch the definition to include some others, but otherwise we'd be running out of potential new Mythics by the end of the year.

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9 minutes ago, Icelerate said:

What makes someone like Anri or Altina more deserving than someone like Ike? 

Well for Anri, he was a peasant, so he had no resources, no real power behind him, and went on a journey all by himself, crossing a desert that was known as the desert of death, a volcanic area, a mountain that's 5000 meters tall I think, and then after getting Falchion, he booked it back and faced off against Medeus singlehandedly and beat him. No help, no backup, he was all alone. 

It's almost inhuman what he was able to do, but he did it. 

1 minute ago, Robert of Normandy said:

By my reckoning the pool of possible mythics excluding humans is:

  • Naga
  • Mila
  • Forseti
  • Maybe Shadow/Dark Dragon Medeus?
  • Fomortiis
  • Ashera
  • Ashunera
  • Anankos
  • Maybe Deghinsea? I think this is a stretch as IIRC he's just a very powerful Dragon Laguz, so IDK if he would qualify.
  • Maybe Gotoh in his Divine Dragon form? Certainly not in his "human" form, though.

Maybe I've forgotten someone or you could stretch the definition to include some others, but otherwise we'd be running out of potential new Mythics by the end of the year.


Mythics come every two months, though. So 2 years at minimum.

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11 minutes ago, omegaxis1 said:

Would any human characters even be Mythics? 


2 minutes ago, Icelerate said:

What makes someone like Anri or Altina more deserving than someone like Ike? 

Two swords > One sword

They best fit the definition of Legendary Heroes, but since those are established to be lord alts, Mythic is the only way they could be added.

That said, we already have too many sword Legendaries, we don't need any sword Mythics,

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1 minute ago, Icelerate said:

That makes him just an ordinary man, not a guy who is worshiped or has godlike powers. 

Yes. I am aware.

And honestly, I doubt he would be a mythic hero added in. Simply because he's supposed to be just a legendary figure. To make him there would mean to actually make him a real character, give him dialogue, etc. Hence why I doubt he would. 

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6 minutes ago, Baldrick said:



Two swords > One sword

They best fit the definition of Legendary Heroes, but since those are established to be lord alts, Mythic is the only way they could be added.

That said, we already have too many sword Legendaries, we don't need any sword Mythics,

Elimine is the only human character I expect to see as a Mythic because she essencially became an ascended being.

I wonder if we ended up getting all the Lords characters and characters kind of expected to apply (Alm, Celica, Sigurd, Seliph, Eliwood, Micaiah, Corrin, Xander)... what would happen after that?, I'm mean, new game only arrive each 3~4 years.

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I'd say they're going to have to get creative at some point since there aren't enough literal gods or divine beings to fill up 20 slots (assuming they're going to get the new effects just like Legendary Heroes).

Once they're done with gods or super-powered dragons, all that's really left is to probably do lore characters (Anri, Tellius 3 Heroes, 12 Crusaders, Elibe's 8 Legends, etc).

Though now that I think about the 8 Legends, Brammimond would be awesome, and we need some excuse to get Apocalypse in the game since they didn't give it to Raigh or Sophia (and Niime likely isn't getting it).

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51 minutes ago, Icelerate said:

What makes someone like Anri or Altina more deserving than someone like Ike? 

I don't know about Anri, I see him more as a legendary hero, but in Altina's case, she directly served the goddess as one of Ashera's Three Heroes and was blessed by her, so she is technically kinda god-like. Same thing with Soan and Dheginsea (though due to the fact that the latter is still alive in the Tellius saga until RD Part 4 Endgame, he'd just be the same guy we meet in the games).

Also, as mentioned earlier, Mythic banners are probably the only way these characters would ever get in.

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Being a Mythic Hero isn't all it's cracked up to be. In fact, given their lack of functionality right now, I'd rather all my favourite heroes be regular heroes instead of Mythic ones right now. (And for the cherry on top, they don't even get a trainee bonus. Now don't get me wrong, I'd much rather trainee bonuses not exist, but in a world where they do, it's far better to be in the class of unit that can have them)

Therefore all Mythic heroes from now on should just be Camilla alts.


P.S. I only just read today that even the stat buff from Mythic blessings don't work outside ARs, making them completely worthless to me. I see absolutely no reason to ever give anyone any of these blessings over a regular one. Baffling design.

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5 minutes ago, Humanoid said:

P.S. I only just read today that even the stat buff from Mythic blessings don't work outside ARs, making them completely worthless to me. I see absolutely no reason to ever give anyone any of these blessings over a regular one. Baffling design.

Hopefully once players have enough of the new blessings to make a team or two with them, they'll be added in the Blessed Gardens so they get another use. But as it is now...yeah, not really super useful.

Edited by Anacybele
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I'm not even 100% sure what qualifications a Mythic hero would have to have. I mean, Idunn has arguably just as much going for her as Athos, but she hasn't been made a Mythic. So why would Athos? But, at the same time, Athos is one of the 8 Legends, so...he's kinda-sorta maybe qualified? I dunno. Guess we'll see.

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41 minutes ago, Humanoid said:

P.S. I only just read today that even the stat buff from Mythic blessings don't work outside ARs, making them completely worthless to me. I see absolutely no reason to ever give anyone any of these blessings over a regular one. Baffling design.

The blessings aren't useful outside of Aether Raids, but outside of Aether Raids, the Mythic Heroes themselves count as if they always have all 4 elemental blessings. For example, right now, because it is Water and Light season, if you field Eir and Legendary Azura in the same non-Aether Raids map, Eir would receive +3 HP and +4 Res from Azura.


26 minutes ago, Fire Emblem Fan said:

I'm not even 100% sure what qualifications a Mythic hero would have to have. I mean, Idunn has arguably just as much going for her as Athos, but she hasn't been made a Mythic. So why would Athos? But, at the same time, Athos is one of the 8 Legends, so...he's kinda-sorta maybe qualified? I dunno. Guess we'll see.

Being qualified to be a Mythic Hero doesn't guarantee you a spot as one, but being unqualified to be a Mythic Hero guarantees you won't get a spot. Just because Idunn didn't get a spot as a Mythic Hero doesn't mean she didn't qualify (it really just means they probably wanted to release her sooner rather than later given the slow release rate of Mythic Heroes).

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5 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

The blessings aren't useful outside of Aether Raids, but outside of Aether Raids, the Mythic Heroes themselves count as if they always have all 4 elemental blessings. For example, right now, because it is Water and Light season, if you field Eir and Legendary Azura in the same non-Aether Raids map, Eir would receive +3 HP and +4 Res from Azura.

Cool, I guess I can be content just building up Eir as a floating fourth unit to fit in any season's team while completely disregarding Light Blessings (of which I only have three anyway). I keep hearing that I should keep two copies around, but I'm guessing that's only relevant to ARs and so I'm still strongly considering just merging all three of mine (two +HP copies plus the neutral one once I get around to clearing Book 3 Chapter 1). That said, I'm not really playing enough to really properly build units and teams lately so there's a lot of inertia.

Incidentally, does the bonus from fielding a Mythic hero alongside a Legendary one come with the equivalent arena score bonus too from having an active blessing? And I'm guessing it doesn't allow the Mythic hero into content like Blessed Gardens?

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38 minutes ago, Humanoid said:

Incidentally, does the bonus from fielding a Mythic hero alongside a Legendary one come with the equivalent arena score bonus too from having an active blessing?

I'm 90% sure the answer to this is "yes". (I think it was mentioned in the patch notes...?)


38 minutes ago, Humanoid said:

And I'm guessing it doesn't allow the Mythic hero into content like Blessed Gardens?

Mythic Heroes are indeed not allowed.


38 minutes ago, Humanoid said:

I keep hearing that I should keep two copies around, but I'm guessing that's only relevant to ARs

Yeah, that's specifically for Aether Raids.

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7 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

I'm 90% sure the answer to this is "yes". (I think it was mentioned in the patch notes...?)

Just looked it up and that appears to be correct - 3.1.0 notes:

Example: When the seasons are Icon Season Water 2.pngIcon Season Wind 2.png for Legendary Effects and Icon Season Light 2.pngIcon Season Dark 2.png for Mythic Effects...

○ If Fjorm: Princess of Ice and Eir: Merciful Death are deployed in an Aether Raids raiding party, Fjorm: Princess of Ice will receive HP+5 and Res+5. Additionally, victory will earn more Lift.

○ If Fjorm: Princess of Ice and Eir: Merciful Death are deployed in the Arena, Eir: Merciful Death will receive HP+3 and Spd+3. For opponent selection in the Arena, this effect will be treated the same as if the Hero has a blessing conferred on them.

Interesting because I had a play with the arcticsilverfox score calculator earlier and it doesn't support the mechanic. Instead it weirdly it lets you assign an elemental blessing to Mythic heroes, I guess in order to simulate this effect (instead of being a bug).

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2 minutes ago, Humanoid said:

Interesting because I had a play with the arcticsilverfox score calculator earlier and it doesn't support the mechanic.

Huh. That's kind of a pity because you could theoretically run, say, a team of Azura, Hector, Eir, and Yune on a Water-Fire-Light-Dark week and still get the maximum blessing bonus instead of needing two Legendary Heroes of the same element.

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i'm not including altina, deghinsea, soan and lehran since they're not gods (as far as i know, i could be wrong), i would expect to see them as legendary heroes (because that's what they are in tellius), but intsys fucked legendary heroes up, so no tellius legends for us i guess (unless a legendary heroes round 2 happens, that is)


5) Loki (colorless beast or dragon, flying)

4) Loptyr (colorless dragon, armored)

3) Ashera (blue tome, infantry)

2) Ashunera (red tome, infantry/armored)

1) Forseti (green dragon, infantry)

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1) Forseti (green dragon flier, with his breath having the same reverse-desperation effect as the Forseti tome. The only downside would be that, being a Mythic, he can't be Wind.)

2) Mila (green or blue, probably armor? but I wouldn't rule out the possibility that they make her fly just because they can. Gotta contrast Duma and put those hair-wings to use.)

3) Naga (green or blue, different outfit from Awakening please and thank you)

4) Medeus

5) Lotyr/Loptous

and I don't actually want her, but I expect Loki to be one somewhere down the line, so they might as well get it over with.

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5 hours ago, Yexin said:

i'm not including altina, deghinsea, soan and lehran since they're not gods (as far as i know, i could be wrong), i would expect to see them as legendary heroes (because that's what they are in tellius), but intsys fucked legendary heroes up, so no tellius legends for us i guess (unless a legendary heroes round 2 happens, that is)


5) Loki (colorless beast or dragon, flying)

4) Loptyr (colorless dragon, armored)

3) Ashera (blue tome, infantry)

2) Ashunera (red tome, infantry/armored)

1) Forseti (green dragon, infantry)

I'd like to remind you that Duma himself isn't even a god, and yet he's still a Mythic Hero. And while Altena, Deghinsea, Soan, and Lehran technically aren't gods either, they are Ashera's champions and received her blessing, so that technically means they are godlike in a way.

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2 hours ago, Gregster101 said:

I'd like to remind you that Duma himself isn't even a god, and yet he's still a Mythic Hero. And while Altena, Deghinsea, Soan, and Lehran technically aren't gods either, they are Ashera's champions and received her blessing, so that technically means they are godlike in a way.

1) it would be hilarious if naga doesn't show up as a mythic hero

anyway, despite what she says, i consider her, as well as other divine dragons, as gods

that's what intelligent systems does too, after all, otherwise duma wouldn't have been a mythic hero

2) well, we sure disagre on this topic

we'll just have to wait and see, i guess

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2 hours ago, Gregster101 said:

I'd like to remind you that Duma himself isn't even a god, and yet he's still a Mythic Hero. And while Altena, Deghinsea, Soan, and Lehran technically aren't gods either, they are Ashera's champions and received her blessing, so that technically means they are godlike in a way.

Duma most certainly is a god. From Wikipedia's article Deity:


deity is a supernatural being considered divine or sacred. The Oxford Dictionary of English defines deity as "a god or goddess (in a polytheistic religion)", or anything revered as divine. C. Scott Littleton defines a deity as "a being with powers greater than those of ordinary humans, but who interacts with humans, positively or negatively, in ways that carry humans to new levels of consciousness, beyond the grounded preoccupations of ordinary life". In the English language, a male deity is referred to as a god, while a female deity is referred to as a goddess.

By this definition (specifically Littleton's definition, which gives concrete criteria), Naga, Mila, Duma, Loptous, Holsety, Ashera, Yune, Ashunera, Askr, Embla, Nifl, Muspell, and Hel all definitely count as gods. Grima is probably a god, though I don't know enough to argue either way, as well as Mediuth and Anankos. Eir is probably a god, but I don't think we've actually seen her demonstrate as such (besides granting near-broken amounts of HP and Res).

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