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Game of Thrones Battle between Men and the Night King


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So, I have watched the huge battle in season 8 episode 3 yesterday, and... *sigh*... ARGH!!!... it was so painful and frustrating to watch. The battle is just so freaking absurdly stupid. What the hell were the leaders thinking in terms of strategy and tactics? Here is my long list of comments and changes I would do.



WHY ARE YOU HIDING IN A CRYPT WHEN THE ENEMY IS A NECROMANCER!!!??? At least move the bodies OUT of the crypt before you hide in it. Go hide in the cellar or something. HUGE FACEPALM!!! /)_<

Tyrion is "useless" because he is too important to lose and cannot fight? The Khaleesi is outside fighting, and there is no reason to prioritize the safety of the Hand if the Hand's leader dies. He also has freaking BRAINS, which everyone outside fighting seems to lack, and clearly his brains are needed. And why did you agree to hide in a CRYPT!!!??? How could you NOT see that coming?

Why are they fighting IN FRONT of the castle!? They could have holed up inside and fought defensively. And if they have to fight outside, they should fight BEHIND the stake barrier.

They freaking wasted Dany's entire cavalry arm by charging them into an enemy that is immune to cavalry charges. You cannot break the wight's formation if they are immune to breaking. If they really want to charge the wights, do not freaking charge at them head on; wait until the wights are pinned by the castle walls, stake barrier, heavy infantry, etc. and then you have the Dothraki flank the wights.

Why did they not start with bombarding the wights with dragon fire? The Dothraki died for nothing.

Move the artillery pieces from the frontline to the BACKLINE! And why are they trebuchets and catapults, which are designed for shelling fortifications and still targets, instead of anti personnel artillery pieces like the ballista?

Get some shields for the infantry! Besides the Unsullied, no one else is using shields. Shields are like, you know, super important! And oh yeah, they wasted the Unsullied too by placing them IN FRONT of the stakes. The Unsullied could have been placed BEHIND the stakes and use the stakes for additional defense and stab any wights trying to breach the stake barrier. Dany threw her cavalry and infantry arm away for like nothing.

I am not sure if they have a moat, but if they did, then they should have cleared the moat. If they do not have a moat, then come on people, moats are like Fortification 101 stuff.

Why are the walls not packed with archers and defenders? Why are there obsidian spikes on the merlons, but no obsidian spikes in the gaps where the wights can crawl through? Why are the archers doing nothing when they could shoot at the wights standing right outside the stake barrier?


Basically, Dany lost everything she has on the battlefield in the fight against the Night King besides the dragons.

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To be fair Dothraki probably wouldn't have followed better tactics anyway. They likely think tactics are for nerds and wimps. In the lore their conquests even came to an end because they decided to just blindly charge straight into an Unsullied Phalanx rather than flank them. ''Because to the Dothraki men without horses are fit only to be run down'' Jorah sums up.

I'm more annoyed over who gets to be the MVP in the battle. Who is going to be the great hero of Westeros? Is it the king in the north who's also the chosen one? Is it the Mother of Dragons? No! Its....


The little girl. A newly trained ninja little girl but still, Arya is a character with absolutely no business killing the Night King. I really like Arya but I feel that's the only reason she gets the kill, because people really like her.


Edited by Etrurian emperor
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This episode proves a lot that the people in charge have no right in directing large-scale battles. Or maybe they don't know what they're doing anymore. There are more issues than the battles though

Yeah. They need to reboot season 8 or even everything past season 4. Funnily enough George doesn't watch the show. He says he doesn't have time, but he's promoting other things to watch. They probably paid him to keep quiet.

It doesn't get any better with episode 4. Starbucks memes :). Like critical said in his video at the bottom of this post, they retake scenes if there are any imperfections. They just took one shot and were done with it.

The next few episodes got their script leaked a few days before 4 came out. It contained a spoiler for a character death from 4 that very likely proves it's legitimacy. You can search for it. But it's definitely not that Tyrion betrays Dany one. That one reeks of bad fanfiction.

Mauler pretty much made a good review/rant of the episode (WARNING: a lot of cussing) that's being passed around a lot. There's also AngryJoe's video that I've seen mentioned, but there are two and I don't know which to link



If you want, here's moistcr1tikal's thought about GoT post-episode 4 of season 8. It pretty much hits the nail on the show's current flaws




Edited by redlight
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I'm disappointed in general.



The battle tactics are completely non-sensical on every level. (The suicidal cavalry charge, stationing all of the troops outside the castle, siege weaponry stationed outside the castle, the spikes placed behind their own troops, not enough archers, etc.) 



Arya killing the Night King makes logical sense but destroys multiple character arcs and invalidates all of the prophecies, namely Jon's, for the sake of empty subversion.



The lack of detail on the Night King and the White Walkers reduces the most interesting, cryptic part of the show into a boring subplot.



Having the final battle be a war against Cersei is an anti-climax. You mean to tell me that the idiot who backed herself into a nearly unwinnable corner by arming the Faith is our final boss? For real?


Cersei is NOT a competent player of the Game of Thrones. The showrunners just keep re-arranging the board in her favor.


Edited by Etheus
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8 minutes ago, Jingle Jangle said:

Never watched Game of Thrones but heard the 3rd episode is the equivalent of the Last Jedi.

It's not quite THAT bad. But they do share a lot of similar problems. Ditching quality writing for the sake of subversion being the big one. 

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2 hours ago, redlight said:

Yeah. They need to reboot season 8 or even everything past season 4. Funnily enough George doesn't watch the show. He says he doesn't have time, but he's promoting other things to watch. They probably paid him to keep quiet.

Possible but given by what George says about most changes he seems to be a fairly down to earth guy about the changes the show made. he's also quite familiar with the TV industry so I think he'd be more understanding than most writers about ''tv reality'' forcing changes. That and uh...its also kinda his fault for writing so sloooowly. 

19 minutes ago, Etheus said:

Arya killing the Night King makes logical sense but destroys multiple character arcs and invalidates all of the prophecies, namely Jon's, for the sake of empty subversion.



It retroactively also makes prince Rhaegar a bit of a scumbag. There's this implication he was desperately looking for ''the prince that was promised'' and that making a Stark baby was part of the prophesy. But no, apparently Rhaegar fought nobly, Rhaegar fought valiantly and Rhaegar abandoned his wife, his kids and doomed his dynasty because he was just horny. 


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2 hours ago, Etrurian emperor said:

That and uh...its also kinda his fault for writing so sloooowly. 

Yet I saw him some months ago on late night TV being interviewed when he was promoting some fictional history book for the ASoIaF world of like ~300-400 pages, with plans for a sequel he said. Can he get his priorities in order?


I don't watch GoT, nor read the books, too bloody and sexual and the like for me, though the fantasy and politics sound good. Nonetheless I paid a little attention to what was being said about this episode because it seemed fun to do so. Apparently the choice to make things so dark was for realism's sake, unlike some LotR movie the directors of GoT looked to for guidance, where a grand night battle was intentionally unrealistically lit up to high heaven for the sake of making things clearly visible.

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15 hours ago, redlight said:

Funnily enough George doesn't watch the show. He says he doesn't have time, but he's promoting other things to watch. They probably paid him to keep quiet.

Maybe he is tired of his own story already. He has been working on this for like over 10 years.

13 hours ago, Cure Naga said:

This is probably pretty dumb to ask, but is Game of Thrones worth watching now that it's almost over?

I have only seen the first and maybe second episode of season 1 and episodes 1 to 3 of season 8, so I am not sure how good the rest of the show is. Outside of the tactical stupidity, I think the show looks pretty good based on the few episodes I have seen.

I plan to read the first five books before I binge watch the show from beginning to end. I have finished the first book, but I have not gotten around to continue the rest.

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