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Tempest Trials+: The Holy Guard (May 25th) [SPOILERS]

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4 hours ago, BrightBow said:

Sigrun and Sanaki referencing their conversation when we first saw them together in PoR is actually quite appropriate, seeing how IS treats her as blatant pedophile bait. So she is most certainly not "save" in Heroes.

Oh for Naga's sake, not this again. Sanaki is a character from the least sold Fire Emblem games in japan and she also always dresses tastefully, including this particular alt. If they wanted that easy, lovely lolicon money they could have chosen another character who was more familiar to their new otaku fans (like Nowi and Nyx), not someone fron perhaps the least "anime" games in the series.

Even after an entire Tempest Trial with her that seems to be entirely wholesome can you please consider the idea that it's a misunderstanding this time?

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I'm using a flier team of Sigrun, legendary Ryoma, flying Nino, and legendary Azura and it seems to work well enough, I just need to not make dumb mistakes.

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My team was Lucius, Elincia, B!Sanaki and Hoshidan!Micaiah early this morning. I got a few orbs, did a full pull on the banner and got both Pent and Fjörm! Once Lucius reached 5K HM I switched to Fjörm, Pent, Louise and Micaiah. Pent and Louise already have A support, oh and I also am at 15K so I merged Louise right away for +1! I just meed more stones to upgrade her bow to +Spd.

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I'm currently running Bride Tharja, Bride Ninian, vanilla Myrrh, and Bride Fjorm. Not having a physical unit is a bit scary with Flora stalking me everywhere, but I seem to be managing so far, at least.

Not having coherent C skills at all on the team is probably part of the problem, though.

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I decided to do an all calvary run (which I usually don't do since I prefer flying and infantry) and it's been surprisingly effective! Even more crazy because I don't have a healer OR a dancer.

Louise, LA!Titania, NY!Laegjarn and E!Alfonse. Gave Titania and Laegjarn Ward/Goad Calvary respectively for this (since usually they're on a mixed team), and man do they decimate. Particular shout-out to NY!Laegjarn who is def the hero of this team. But I'm still shocked with how effective they are without any support!

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9 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

I'm currently running Bride Tharja, Bride Ninian, vanilla Myrrh, and Bride Fjorm. Not having a physical unit is a bit scary with Flora stalking me everywhere, but I seem to be managing so far, at least.

Not having coherent C skills at all on the team is probably part of the problem, though.

I think the only C skills that team needs are just Fortify Fliers on BB!Ninian as well as Hone Atk on her Sacred Seal slot. The rest of the C skills on the team can be anything.

Edited by XRay
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Running Pent & Louise (Supporting each other duh), NY! Azura and Boot to the head Cecilia. 

Funny thing, usually it's Cecilia who murder Pent. Only exceptions are if I do some major screw up along the way and have to use back up team and kill Pent with my best green mage... Cecilia. Quite ironic. 


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