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Not really.

I have too much going on to be going through the game again and again and again, with a strategy guide, getting every little thing. This dates back to games like Donkey Kong Country; instead of saying "wow, I need to get the real ending!", I'm saying "fuck you! I beat King K. Rool, and I want the ending now! I don't want to go back for fucking coins!"

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Depends on the game.

I once collected all Dog Tags in every difficulty mode on Metal Gear Solid 2: Substance. (There was also European Extreme, which was a right bitch...)

I also completed the Pokedex in Pokemon Yellow.

I also managed to get gold in every race in gran Turismo 2.

To hell if I remember how I had the patience to do these things back then.

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I often never do. (I WAS going to get 100% supports in FE7, but the data got deleted so I'm doing it all over again. I'm up to 25% again so far.)

I was on my way to 100% supports, too... My cartridge wiped itself. Now I'm using an emulator to play it on my laptop. Much more reliable.

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Games like Banjo-Kazooie, Mario, and the like, hell yeah. The Achievement system of the Xbox 360 is right up my alley too. Simple, fun checklists to go through for some replayability and uniqueness.

Games like Fallout, Elder Scrolls, and Knights of the Old Republic, I'd rather not bother. Far too much to do.

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Games like Banjo-Kazooie, Mario, and the like, hell yeah. The Achievement system of the Xbox 360 is right up my alley too. Simple, fun checklists to go through for some replayability and uniqueness.

Games like Fallout, Elder Scrolls, and Knights of the Old Republic, I'd rather not bother. Far too much to do.

I completely forgot about Banjo-Kazooie.


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It really depends on what game it is. Some games, like FE7/8's support library, I honestly can't be bothered (I did get all the CGs and Sound Room in FE7 though). Metroid I get 100% (especially MP3, where your map tells you where all but like four upgrades are and scans carry over to new playthroughs). I got the Pokedex on Gold, and in the process Yellow, but I actually wasn't trying...

It really depends how much useless crap you have to get, and what you get for it. FE supports are good, but they screw with how I play the game, so I haven't got many for people like Renault and Karla (just one actually, B Canas and Renault on HNM). But on the other hand, I haven't tried for 100% on Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory because there's no reason to do so, really, apart from being able to brag I can beat a game with guns without killing anyone. I got 99.something% on Gran Turismo 4, which I'm pretty damn proud of. Just a few license and missions to go, but since they're so anal with their requirements I'll probably never get it.

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I like speed-running Resident Evil, but I hate getting 100%, like in games such as Final Fantasy X-2. Some of things in that are ridiculous (order your missions to get an extra 0.0000000001653%? Hell y- no.).

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I don't because I can't find the time to actually complete a game if I want to play others. However, I will play it enough to see the entire story and secret scenes. Otherwise...no. (And now I really don't thanks to the new invention of youtube and video game clips. <___< )

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I do that most of the time in Metroid games.

Oh God, it's such a pain in the ass to get 100% in Metroid, especially Zero Mission. I still haven't figured out how to get that one Super Missile in Brinstar. :(

I commend you, good sir.

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Oh God, it's such a pain in the ass to get 100% in Metroid, especially Zero Mission. I still haven't figured out how to get that one Super Missile in Brinstar. :(

I commend you, good sir.


Later in that video, it's revealed.

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