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15 hours ago, DragonFlames said:

I know you can get it in a chest in a paralogue, but I missed it, so I didn't have it.
Yeah, the low growth rates can screw you over if you're unlucky. That's what happened to Byleth in my first run. The second seems to be going a little better, at least.

I don't mind it because getting stat screwed really, I enjoy playing games on higher difficulties, but with low growths you compete with enemies that are assumed to get a lot of stats when you can hardly get any. I want it to be difficult because of good enemy setups, not because i'm so restricted in what my team is capable of.


14 hours ago, Armagon said:

Pretty much this. Relics are pretty much just there for when you want that extra damage for Demonic Beasts. Though i will say Edelgard's Relic has a busted Combat Art in that it's basically Galeforce except it doesn't have to kill the enemy to activate. Though it does cost 4 durability in a 20 use weapon. But still, i used it like three times to deal as much damage as i could to the final boss before it broke (durability aside, there's no limit to how many times you can use it during a turn). 

Oh it will. Her unique class and it's promotion are basically just the spiritual successor to Hector Great Lord. If her defense is lacking right now for you, i wouldn't worry about it. She'll get it back. I believe the way promotion works in this game is like SoV where promotion gains simply bring the character up to par with whatever class they're becoming.

Don't forget the weapons 60 accuracy. When Edelgard has 6 dex like she did for me, your in for a rough ride.

I think the jump between part one and two, your characters gain levels as well, and get stats for those levels.

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Played some more Tokyo Xanadu eX+.
My impressions after 2 Chapters (+ their Side Stories):

  • Gameplay: at first i was meh at it (especially with how janky MC is), but with every feature added and every Character coming it keeps growing on me and i am liking it. Karate Kloe Sora is very very fun to play as, and the bosses have been getting a bit better as well, after the very weak and samey first 3 bosses (still, there's alot of room for improvement). White Shroud is also fun. Dungeon design is ehhhhh, but that doesn't bother me that much tbh.
  • Story: yeah, i am not digging this. Then again, i already expected it, since i really am not into the whole high school thing. I might just skip non--major NPCs and only do Quests  + dungeons. Atleast this time around the MC doesn't suck the world around him and make the world revolve around him, and Characters other than MC actually interact with each other. 
  • Falcom music is kickass as usual
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I'm done with Tales of Vesperia, the main story.

A certain boss was terribly strong in a bad way:



Brilliant Cataclysm! 

He went into Over Limit about 6 times, maybe more. He always trigged his Mystic Arte and crippled everyone, while killing at least one person every time, since his covers the entire map and so I can't dodge it with Yuri just free running away.

I ran out of Life Bottles, and the sheer amount of Over Limit was just unfair. Why? What was I doing wrong?

The rest of the plot was still rather weak, especially lacking for villains. But the gameplay remained fun and none of the characters took a jarring narrative hit. The late reintroduction of an old Tales reoccurring element I like was unexpected. 

To loosely rank the playable characters for their character and plot roles:



  • Yuri
  • Judith



  • Repede (Why did they make the dog playable? And his total absence of any relevance in the narrative is fine, it just leaves him more another fighter than anything else. A good dog though.)
  • Karol
  • Flynn (His friendship with Yuri is great, but I think the "work inside vs. outside the law" dynamic between the two was heavily undercut on Flynn's side)
  • Rita
  • Patty (She started fine, cute even, but by the end, her maritime expressions became a bit overdone.)



  • Raven (He didn't have to do what he did, it felt forced to fill in a trope.)
  • Estelle (Her 2nd arc material weighs her down.)

I dropped the final boss battle to Easy, since I wanted to get it done, and I was down to 7 Life Bottles before it. Unfortunately, to get the shortcut working that’d get me out of there quickly, I need to have a stronger Sorcerer’s Ring, which is optional and I missed it. Bad design. The final battle itself was easy on Easy, but I could see how it'd be terrible on the higher difficulties.

Now I can relax and do the sidequest stuff whenever on a second playthrough. I just didn't feel like it, I have to force myself to finish games as is. Tens of hours of sidequests would have stopped that from happening.

Overall, would I say Vesperia is worthy of the semi-legendary status that Tales fans generally give it? No. It isn't perfect, no game is. But, it is still a good game. And Yuri its beloved posterboy deserves his reputation, so half of the legend checks out okay.

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I'm playing a lot of Three Houses. Finished Edelgard's route and now am on Blue Lions. I'm still in the mindset that is one of the best Fire Emblem games made, although it has flaws like any other game.

I guess I'll put my updated impressions here as well (originally posted in the Spoiler Thread for Three Houses), but I'll place them under spoilers just in case. I tried to remain somewhat spoiler free, but you can never be sure.


So, after beating the route, I definitely see why people say "That's it?" and "Where's the payoff" as there is no real epilogue. After beating the final boss, there's some narration, the S support confession, and then straight to character endings and the credits. Also, there may have been the expectation of fighting against "Those Who Slither In The Dark," but they are simply a footnote and are handled off-screen in the endings.
There's also some unanswered questions. While they could be handwaved away by saying "just play the other routes," it would have been nice it they were explained on all of them. Different perspectives can give slightly different answers on how they look at things, and some players may not get around to playing all the routes.

Now, Edelgard's route does end logically fighting against Rhea and the Church.The progression is also logical as we go from battle to battle, but I suppose it would have been nice to expand on the story arcs against the Golden Deer and Blue Lions as well as finish off TWSITD after Rhea. Both the Golden Deer and Blue Lions get 2 maps each while the rest is focused on the Church, which has 3.
Given how Edelgard's route has 18 chapters instead of 21 or 22, there is space to expand. I would love to have one more chapter each for the Blue Lions and Golden Deer, and then maybe one or two chapters to finish off TWSITD after handling the Church. I guess the main concern is how one hypes up battles after fighting Rhea, but adding a closing act would have been better instead of ending it abruptly on a "high note." If Three Houses had a proper postgame, handling TWSITD can be put there to at least close things out (so everything still "ends" after Rhea, but loading the postgame file will allow the player to finish off TWSITD and mess around with postgame stuff). Sadly, there is no post-game content that I am aware of. Just New Game +...

Despite all that, I still loved my time with Edelgard's route. It's going to be weird to start from the beginning and play a different route as I gotten attached to my Black Eagle students. While a part of me just wants to recruit all of them, for first time playthroughs I'm trying to keep my recruitment low so I can still feel the despair of war. Lysithea will always be spared though, and I plan on recruiting Petra for my next run (Blue Lions). Hopefully at some point players will figure out all of the different combinations so I can listen to them without having to play through a million times.

* * * * *

Overall, I suppose Three Houses will end up being one of those games where the "journey matters more than the destination." Part One does a nice job of setting up things and ramping up the tension for the last 4 chapters. Part II, at least for Edelgard's, did feel logical in progression. However, it felted rushed and I wanted more, as 7 chapters split across 3 factions wasn't enough for me. It also didn't deal with TWSITD, which is somewhat of a bummer.

Now I'm off to play the Blue Lions to see a different perspective on things. It's going to be weird having a different set of characters, but we'll see what happens next!

* * * * * NEW! * * * * *

To address some other things...

Killer Weapons - You can forge Killer Weapons from Steel Weapons. Of course, Killer Weapons can be obtained by loot as well. // Also, I made a Wo Dao for my Petra (upgrade from a Killer Sword). She was basically critting enemies all the time.

"Legendary Weapons" - Basically the weapons you can forge from special Rusted Weapons, such as Mercurius or Gradivus. While they are nice, they are definitely not worth the cost. Lots of special materials, locked behind Professor A+ rank, and they cost a bunch of gold too. I managed to make Mercurius, but I probably only swung the sword once and never bothered with it again as I was already at endgame with other gear. // I preferred to just use Iron and Silver weapons, save for certain characters who had certain builds (Petra = Crit, Ferdinand = Spear of Assal)

"Free Gold" - I believe the gold source changes, as least on Black Eagles. Instead of relying on Professor Rank, you just do the "Supply Run" quest each month to receive a set amount of gold. The monthly gold is still there, just from a different source and a different amount.

"Dorms Pillar Clipping" - I believe this was intentional clipping as it makes it easier to navigate that area. If it had collision, one would be running into those pillars constantly.

Motivation - I never really had Motivation problems as I always capped out my student's Motivation by eating a lot in the Dining Hall (which can be done multiple times). The only times I had issues when is when I did battles back to back so I didn't get the chance to explore and motivate my students again.

Demonic Beasts - Fun concept. Pain in the butt once they start throwing a million at you, especially since Gambits are limited and when these beasties get "upgraded." It gets worse if you have to split your party and take on multiple at once. // Despite my complaints, I wouldn't mind seeing this type of system return in future installments. I think a "Commander" class would be in order that doubles the available Gambits so I can handle these guys more effectively.

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I'm only on Chapter 9 of Three Houses, but I suppose now is a good a time as any to ramble about it. I'll talk about spoilers up to the beginning of Chapter 9 (of the Golden Deer, if that makes a difference), so be aware of that. If any of my inane conspiracy theories about the plot turn out to be right, I would prefer if you didn't let me know until I finish the game. Anyway...


I don't remember having too much difficulty outside of fighting Edelgard and Dimitri during the Battle of the Eagle and Lion, and Raphael and Ignatz's paralogue (mostly because one of the wolves went after the group that wasn't equipped to deal with it). I don't like Demonic Beasts too much. Fighting one at a time is fine, but Sothis's paralogue making you fight six Demonic Beasts at once? And four of them are flying so they can go after your weaker units? I skipped it for now but I don't know when I'll be ready for it. I restarted Lorenz's paralogue once, but it wasn't too bad the second time so I think I got unlucky the first time.

As for characters, I still haven't recruited anyone from the other houses, though I've been waited until the end of Part I to try. I got Cyril in Chapter 7, and during Chapter 9 I got Manuela, Hanneman, Catherine, and Shamir all at once. I like how all the characters are written, and there's so much worldbuilding and politics that I'm having trouble keeping track of it all.

But man, Chapter 8 really threw in a bunch of mystery boxes, didn't it? A village is infested with zombies and our friend Tomas turns out to be evil! Before release I joked to myself that Tomas was the true mastermind of the story (you know, because it's funny for an unassuming old guy to be the true villain), but it turns out that he actually is an evil mastermind, though presumably not the mastermind. I didn't suspect anything about him until Sothis said she found him suspicious, but at this point I have trouble trusting any plot important character. Is Rhea Seiros after she found the fountain of youth and started impersonating her descendants? Seiros's remains weren't in her coffin, so either she came back from the dead or she never died to begin with. Will the final boss be Seiros transformed into a giant dragon (hopefully not a Demonic Beast)? Is Jeritza really the Death Knight, or is it a red herring? They seem to have the same voice actor, thank you Patrick Seitz. Is Jeralt Thales? I was hoping that IS wouldn't do the "your dad is an evil cultist" thing again after Awakening, but I think Jeralt seems too nice to secretly be the main villain, what with giving Byleth their mother's ring and all (though the name of Byleth's mother on her gravestone is worn away, curse you plot convenience!). Most of the cast finds it hard to believe that Tomas is an evil mastermind, and Kronya is probably just Monica, but her demeanor changed since her kidnapping so something's probably up with that.

Speaking of villains, I love mysterious masked villains so I like the Flame Emperor so far. He seems noble relative to Solon and friends, if his offer to join forces with Byleth was genuine, so maybe he has a legitimate motivation for trying to conquer Fódlan. After getting Edelgard in Heroes I figured the Flame Emperor is her disgraced father, or Edelgard's father is the guy he was talking to in one cutscene (since he also has purple eyes). My latest conspiracy theory is that he's Claude, since Claude is conveniently absent whenever the Flame Emperor shows up and, again, I have trouble trusting any plot important character. But that doesn't make as much sense as the other theories, as I think he'll be unmasked before the timeskip and Claude is still Claude and apparently not recognized as a masked criminal, so I don't expect it to be right. In any case, the Flame Emperor is definitely a Char and I'm mildly disappointed that there isn't a route where you side with him.

Oh yeah, Sothis is also the name of the goddess. I wonder what that means? Maybe she and our Sothis are sisters, and their parents were uncreative with names? Flayn is probably a dragon too, but maybe she's their cousin on account of having a different name. Or maybe Flayn is Saint Cethlenn herself?

But back to business, on the first day of the Ethereal Moon Byleth got a C support with Alois. Firstly I didn't know you could have support conversations with characters you haven't recruited, so that was a surprise. It would explain why Rhea is supportable. Alois shared some rather strange facts about Jeralt, so maybe Jeralt is really Seiros's husband who gained immortality somehow. But more importantly, it's time for the dance! I can get a dancer now but I don't know who it will be yet, though I think I'll take Marianne to the ball if the choice offered by the Gatekeeper means anything.


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Going through Three Houses in New Game+, i'm at amazed at how easy it was to recruit Lysethia. Simply use renown to buy a character's B-Support and they'll join you when you ask them to, regardless of their original requirements. 

At any rate, i'm still doing the same path again just to see interactions i missed but i'll also be doing a save before the Black Eagles route split. My original plan has changed as well. I was originally going to do Black Eagles -> Golden Deer -> Blue Lions but hearing that Black Eagles - Silver Snow and Golden Verdant Wind (Golden Deer) have the same maps the entire game, i've decided to save the latter for last and do Azure Moon (Blue Lions) after Silver Snow but before Verdant Wind. I'm also gonna play those three routes on Normal. I did Crimson Flower on Hard, i got my challenge, now i just want the rest of the story. I want to see as much as i can before the fall term starts. (Edit: nah, NG+ makes things broken, Hard is fine)

Also, one minor nitpick i have is that the game doesn't start in January. It start on April 20th, which is a cool nod to the series' first debut but the chapter numbers and the months don't sync up and that bothers me. Then again, i suppose it's using Japanese school years as it's base.

22 hours ago, Sire said:

Demonic Beasts - Fun concept. Pain in the butt once they start throwing a million at you, especially since Gambits are limited and when these beasties get "upgraded." It gets worse if you have to split your party and take on multiple at once. // Despite my complaints, I wouldn't mind seeing this type of system return in future installments. I think a "Commander" class would be in order that doubles the available Gambits so I can handle these guys more effectively.

Yeah, i think the concept can work, it just needs work. I think a "Commander" skill would be better though because if it were a Class, then you'd probably have to make everyone that and i wouldn't like that.

I also just wish HP damage carried over. My friend says it's to "prevent you from one-shotting Demonic Beasts" but you can already one-shot their individual health bars anyway, so what's the point? All it does is make these kinds of battles last longer than they should.

14 hours ago, Lightchao42 said:

Sothis's paralogue making you fight six Demonic Beasts at once? And four of them are flying so they can go after your weaker units? I skipped it for now but I don't know when I'll be ready for it. I restarted Lorenz's paralogue once, but it wasn't too bad the second time so I think I got unlucky the first time.

I recommend doing this one at the last second. That's what i did. You have until the last free day of January, i think (i didn't bother remembering the in-game names for the months).

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Just reached Chapter 9 in Black Eagles.
Good lord, New Game+ really breaks the game (which is already kind of broken if you know what you're doing). I have Dorothea's Reason level at A already and she's spamming Meteor like no tomorrow. Even without it, between Dorothea and Annette, Dorothea is the better unit. One 3 range spell in Thoron, and Meteor on top of an acceptable Speed growth makes her far outclass Annette as far as Mages go. And this is coming from someone whose Annette was blessed to heck and back, making her the second strongest unit on the Blue Lions. 
With all that said, the strongest in the Black Eagles right now is far and away Petra. That girl is crazy strong, and probably everything Lyn wanted to be in FE7.
In other news, my Byleth isn't stat screwed this time. Yay!
And in other OTHER news, the guys I said got on my nerves grew on me. Caspar and Ferdinand have some really entertaining supports, as does Hubert. In particular, Ferdinand and Linhart's C-support was comedy gold, and Hubert's creep factor lends itself to some quite funny moments, too.

Something that could be considered spoiler-y about Edelgard (though I think it's not too bad, read at your own risk):

I realized my joking about the plot being inspired by Romance of the Three Kingdoms/Dynasty Warriors is not too far off, actually. I am convinced Edelgard's character took inspiration from the likes of Cao Cao and Nobunaga Oda, the latter as depicted in Samurai Warriors, what with her being driven by ambition (Cao Cao's main motive in Dynasty Warriors), and wanting to do away with old norms, even outright being disgusted by them (like Nobunaga Oda). As someone who has these two as his favorite Warriors characters, this automatically makes Edelgard the best lord out of the three.

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2 hours ago, DragonFlames said:

Good lord, New Game+ really breaks the game

It really does. I hope that's what Lunatic is for, when it gets added in for free in the near future. A difficulty balanced around all your NG+ bonuses.

2 hours ago, DragonFlames said:

I have Dorothea's Reason level at A already and she's spamming Meteor like no tomorrow.

Huh, so Meteor can be used more than once. I mean, i don't remember if i got her Reason rank to A but i remember Meteor always being a once use spell (so when Ch.17 of the Crimson Flower route rolled around and one of the enemy mages had a 4 use Bolting, i was a bit peeved).

2 hours ago, DragonFlames said:

With all that said, the strongest in the Black Eagles right now is far and away Petra. That girl is crazy strong, and probably everything Lyn wanted to be in FE7.

Agreed. Petra is so good in this game, especially in Avoid tiles. I had her as an Assassin and i'm thinking of making her a Wyvern Lord this time. Dear God, Wyvern Lord with 40 speed.

Anyway, while you aren't there yet, i will drop the Crimson Flower route requirements (no spoilers). You don't have to look at them if you don't want but i recommend that you do so that you'll be able to make a save before the route split (saves you time by making it so you don't have to replay the first half of Black Eagles twice).

  1. Get Edelgard's Support with Byleth to C+ (you've probably already done this)
  2. In Ch.11 (January), explore the Monastery during any free day and talk to Edelgard and go with her to the Empire


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1 hour ago, Armagon said:

Anyway, while you aren't there yet, i will drop the Crimson Flower route requirements (no spoilers). You don't have to look at them if you don't want but i recommend that you do so that you'll be able to make a save before the route split (saves you time by making it so you don't have to replay the first half of Black Eagles twice).

It's not like I'll be getting to the Black Eagles anytime soon, but do you get a choice at the route split or are you forced into one route or the other depending on if you fulfilled the requirements?

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3 minutes ago, Lightchao42 said:

It's not like I'll be getting to the Black Eagles anytime soon, but do you get a choice at the route split or are you forced into one route or the other depending on if you fulfilled the requirements?

If you fulfill the requirements, you get to pick at the route split (and there's a save right before it). If you don't, you're locked into the Silver Snow route, which is the default Black Eagles route.

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Playing through three houses golden deer this time, and at first I thought recruiting was absurdly hard, without new game +, this time I got roughly around 70% or so, so far of the cast. I've played both black eagle routes and crimson flower was much better, to me.

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23 hours ago, Armagon said:

Huh, so Meteor can be used more than once. I mean, i don't remember if i got her Reason rank to A but i remember Meteor always being a once use spell (so when Ch.17 of the Crimson Flower route rolled around and one of the enemy mages had a 4 use Bolting, i was a bit peeved).

Well, technically "spamming" isn't the right word, because she can only use it, like, twice. But it's still pretty awesome.
The third (?) tier Mage class (the one one tier below Gremory) gets a skill that doubles Black Magic uses.

23 hours ago, Armagon said:

It really does. I hope that's what Lunatic is for, when it gets added in for free in the near future. A difficulty balanced around all your NG+ bonuses.

Yeah, that would be good. Being able to use stuff like Thoron, Meteor, Brave and Silver Weapons by Chapter 6 is disgusting.

23 hours ago, Armagon said:

Agreed. Petra is so good in this game, especially in Avoid tiles. I had her as an Assassin and i'm thinking of making her a Wyvern Lord this time. Dear God, Wyvern Lord with 40 speed.

I entered Petra into the dance competition. She won, of course, and now her Avoid is constantly increased by 20 due to that Sword Avoid +20 skill... Only very few are able to even lay a finger on her, so her semi-low defenses don't matter anymore. Holy s***.

23 hours ago, Armagon said:

Anyway, while you aren't there yet, i will drop the Crimson Flower route requirements (no spoilers). You don't have to look at them if you don't want but i recommend that you do so that you'll be able to make a save before the route split (saves you time by making it so you don't have to replay the first half of Black Eagles twice).

  Reveal hidden contents
  1. Get Edelgard's Support with Byleth to C+ (you've probably already done this)
  2. In Ch.11 (January), explore the Monastery during any free day and talk to Edelgard and go with her to the Empire


Thank you!
I just reached the route (but not the time skip) and I can already tell it's going to be my favorite.

Shame about Flayn, though. I really like Flayn.

Also, is Edelgard meant to be this adorable? I just got her B-support and I went "Awww" throughout the whole thing...
Between Dorothea, Petra, and her, picking an S-support is going to be hard.

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i'm playing the last chapters of Thracia 776 on my phone, while doing the remaining post-game challenge missions in God Eater Resurrection on PS4.

if there's someone else playing GER as well, i may be able to give some help with story missions or anything else since i don't have much left to do anyway.

currently waiting for Code Vein in September.

Edited by Fenreir
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In Ch.8 of my Three Houses NG+ playthrough. Two things.

  1. I've recruited quite a bit from the other Houses. I have Lysethia (recruited before Ch.6 and she Dark Spiked the Death Knight to, well, death), Annette, Ingrid, Ashe, Leoine and Marianne. Still trying to get Felix and Sylvian (please, i have the required stats leveled up and a C-Support with both of you, please join my House already).
  2. So i know i said i was doing both Black Eagle routes -> Blue Lions -> Golden Deer. However, i took a listen to the final map theme of the Golden Deer route and good God, that song is very close to being as good as Twilight of the Gods. I still think Twilight of the Gods is best final map theme in the series but God-Shattering Star comes in at a very close second place. What i'm trying to say here is that i'm going back to my original plan of both Black Eagle routes -> Golden Deer -> Blue Lions. 
10 hours ago, DragonFlames said:

The third (?) tier Mage class (the one one tier below Gremory) gets a skill that doubles Black Magic uses.

Ah, that explains it. I made Dorothea a Dancer (originally it was Petra but then i found out Dancers could use magic so i reloaded the save) so i never got that skill you're referring to.

10 hours ago, DragonFlames said:


  Reveal hidden contents

Mmm, yeah, i was a bit upset at Flayn leaving. I mean, i didn't invest too much into her so i guess it's not a big loss but still.


10 hours ago, DragonFlames said:

Also, is Edelgard meant to be this adorable? I just got her B-support and I went "Awww" throughout the whole thing...

Edelgard's A-Support is also really heartwarming (and S-Support but that comes with the territory). 

See, it's so weird because Edelgard's kinda been a controversial character right now (as in, most people agree she's well written but whether or not they like her is a different story) but playing Crimson Flower first made her (as of right now) my favorite Lord in the series. Me liking her won't change, even with knowledge of the other routes because at the end of the day, all routes are canon.

10 hours ago, DragonFlames said:

Between Dorothea, Petra, and her, picking an S-support is going to be hard.

I agree. Bernadetta too. I said it before but every girl in the Black Eagles is best girl.

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Two chapters into Edelgard's route and I love it! It's everything I expected and then some!

One of my favorite moments so far:

Byleth returns after five years and the first thing Edelgard does is hug him. It's so cute, I literally can't even.

8 hours ago, Armagon said:

Ah, that explains it. I made Dorothea a Dancer (originally it was Petra but then i found out Dancers could use magic so i reloaded the save) so i never got that skill you're referring to.

I stuck with Petra, because of the avoid +20 skill when using swords, something Dorothea can't exactly make much use of the way I set her up. And honestly? I didn't feel like I absolutely required a Dancer, so... yeah.

8 hours ago, Armagon said:

Edelgard's A-Support is also really heartwarming (and S-Support but that comes with the territory).

See, it's so weird because Edelgard's kinda been a controversial character right now (as in, most people agree she's well written but whether or not they like her is a different story) but playing Crimson Flower first made her (as of right now) my favorite Lord in the series. Me liking her won't change, even with knowledge of the other routes because at the end of the day, all routes are canon.

I have yet to get the A-Support (working on it), but I look forward to it already.

Even playing Crimson Flower second (and only just starting out, pretty much) makes her my favorite Lord in the series, largely because I find myself agreeing with a lot of things she says and wants to do. And considering the two characters she was likely inspired by are also among my favorites in their respective games, me liking Edelgard is kind of a no-brainer (even if I kinda wish she kept the long-hair look from before the time skip).
Though Dimitri is incredibly well written, too. Heck, nearly every character I've got to know so far (so, pretty much everyone except the Golden Deer) is well written in this game. I do agree that a character being well-written and likeable are two different issues, as the latter is 100% a matter of subjectivity.

8 hours ago, Armagon said:

I agree. Bernadetta too. I said it before but every girl in the Black Eagles is best girl.

Add Annette and maybe Lysithea to that list, but yes, you're absolutely right.

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9 hours ago, Armagon said:

In Ch.8 of my Three Houses NG+ playthrough. Two things.

  1. I've recruited quite a bit from the other Houses. I have Lysethia (recruited before Ch.6 and she Dark Spiked the Death Knight to, well, death), Annette, Ingrid, Ashe, Leoine and Marianne. Still trying to get Felix and Sylvian (please, i have the required stats leveled up and a C-Support with both of you, please join my House already).

Is New Game + worth it, or does it just make the game to easy? I opted not to play it, but I was curious.

About recruiting Sylvain, does he join earlier if Byleth is female?

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4 hours ago, DragonFlames said:

And honestly? I didn't feel like I absolutely required a Dancer, so... yeah.

Imma be honest, i don't use Dancers that much in most games. Looking at each game

  • Shadow Dragon (+remake) and Gaiden don't have them
  • Mystery of the Emblem (and the remake) has Phina but she dies in like one hit and there isn't really a point to use her.
  • Genealogy of the Holy War has Sylvia and Lene/Laylea and their Dance effect is AoE so they're actually pretty useful.
  • Thracia 776 has Lara but i don't know how good she is because i dropped the game, the piece of shit that it is.
  • Binding Blade has Larum and Elfin, depending on which "route" you take but they can't even attack so what's the point. The only time they ever need to be on the field is to recruit Percival.
  • Blazing Blade has Nils and Ninian, who also can't attack but they can provide buffs (including a crit buff which makes Luna far more broken than it already is). Also you're legally required to get that Eliwood and Ninian A-Support.
  • Sacred Stone has Tethys, who falls in the same spot as Larum and Elfin.
  • Path of Radiance and Radiant Dawn have the Herons and while they can't attack, they're very mobile and can provide buffs.
  • Awakening has Olivia, who is busted.
  • Fates has Azura, who is there from near the start of the game and she has Ike levels of Strength growth so yeah, she's good.
  • Shadows of Valentia doesn't have a Dancer technically but Saint Faye has exclusive access to the Anew spell, which is just Dance. It comes in really late though so the spell won't get use outside of Thabes, where it's a Godsend.

As for Three Houses, Dancers aren't that needed and they'll still likely be serving combat roles as opposed to dance and it also doesn't promote either. However, they're pretty useful when dealing with Demonic Beasts, so it's still good to have one.

4 hours ago, DragonFlames said:

(even if I kinda wish she kept the long-hair look from before the time skip).

Yeah, i kinda do miss her longer hair too. You know, despite all the good things i have to say about Edelgard, her post-timeskip design is probably my least favorite of the three Lords. It's more of a minor thing and doesn't really matter in the long-run, i'm just putting that out.

4 hours ago, DragonFlames said:

Heck, nearly every character I've got to know so far (so, pretty much everyone except the Golden Deer) is well written in this game.

Agreed. I haven't really found anyone i truly dislike yet even if Sylvain is just worse Inigo/Laslow (speaking of which, he finally joined me, all i need know is Felix and the Blue Lion House is mine). If there is someone i might truly dislike though, it'll probably be Lorenz from the Golden Deer House. He feels way too much like that kind of noble character that's just way to prideful and arrogant and "commoners should know their place" kind of dude and i've always disliked these kinds of characters. Those are just first impressions and that might change once i get to know him more and hey, i thought i'd dislike Caspar when i saw the previews and look how he turned out.

4 hours ago, DragonFlames said:

Add Annette and maybe Lysithea to that list, but yes, you're absolutely right.

Oh i meant specifically in the Black Eagle House but yes, Annette and Lysethia are also best girls. And Marianne and Hilda, from what i've seen of them. Ingrid and Mercedes are probably the only ones who i'd say aren't in the best girl club but they ain't bad at all. Fun fact about Annette, her voice actress also sang the English version of Lifelight in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate.

Annette for Smash confirmed.


2 hours ago, lightcosmo said:

Is New Game + worth it, or does it just make the game to easy? I opted not to play it, but I was curious.

It does make the game easy to play but for now, that's kinda a good thing. Regardless of which route you take, Part One is the same with only slight variations on the events. It isn't until Part Two where the story is drastically different depending on the route. As such, New Game+ makes getting through the same Part One to get to the unique Part Twos easier and quicker.

Edited by Armagon
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I'm in the middle of chapter 12 now, so now it's time to get my thoughts in order before the time skip. I haven't been able to recruit any other students, but there's always next playthrough. In year 1181, war was beginning...


So with Chapter 9, the good news is that Jeralt isn't evil, but the bad news is that he's dead. Byleth gets points for remembering to use Divine Pulse afterwards. Monica turned out to be Kronya, as I expected, but it seems to be a kill-and-replace situation rather than Monica being brainwashed like I thought. It turns out Jeralt took Byleth from the Church to protect them from Rhea's plotting, and Byleth's mother is actually Rhea's... something, darn Alois's inconvenient interruption.

In Chapter 10, we dunk on Kronya to avenge Jeralt before Solon kills her and traps Byleth in the Fly of Despair. Then Byleth fuses with Sothis, goes Super Saiyan, and dunks on Solon. It's a bit odd that 2/3 of the villain group is dead less than halfway through the game, but maybe they're just pretending to be dead. Thales is still unaccounted for, but now Rhea wants Byleth to do... something, and Byleth gets a new class for his trouble.

Chapter 11 has us finally fight the Flame Emperor (and some other guy), who has the Crest of Flames for some reason. Maybe those who slither have something to do with that? The Flame Emperor turns out to not be Claude, but Edelgard! I suppose my last post was funny to those who knew that already, since that means there actually is a path where you side with the Flame Emperor. Wait, does that mean Hubert is the Death Knight, or did she somehow brainwash Jeritza into working for her? Anyway, Edelgard wastes no time in taking over the Empire and waging war on the Church. She's out for blood, clearly, and Dimitri is after her head for some reason. It seems Claude is the only reasonable lord around here... I was expecting five years of relative peace before the war broke out. Also it seems Byleth got luckier than Robin and Julius in that he's the vessel for a good god, not an omnicidal one (well, so far at least).

I also made sure to finish every available paralogue before the time skip. I recommend you do Lorenz's, it's not too hard and Thyrsus is very useful. I don't have much to say on the paralogues plotwise, aside from Seteth and Flayn's...


While I did notice Rhea's hesitation when she referred to Flayn as Seteth's sister, I took that to mean they weren't related and Seteth adopted her for her protection. The truth is that Flayn is Seteth's daughter, though the jury is still out on if they're dragons or the Saints Cichol and Cethleann.


Edited by Lightchao42
Got the year wrong
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8 hours ago, Armagon said:

It does make the game easy to play but for now, that's kinda a good thing. Regardless of which route you take, Part One is the same with only slight variations on the events. It isn't until Part Two where the story is drastically different depending on the route. As such, New Game+ makes getting through the same Part One to get to the unique Part Twos easier and quicker.

Oh, I knew that since I've played Black Eagles both routes and Golden Deer so far. I just dont want to make the game too easy, was all.

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On 8/4/2019 at 1:19 AM, Rosalina said:

@Interdimensional Observer

As for the final boss did you unlock its third form?

Because this is actually the "true" battle. 

I did not see a third form.

*Looks up the requirements*

This game had the cursed user kill count = weapon strength equips like other Tales? I didn't find a single one of them over the course of the entire game.



After delaying despite good and fast progress because I couldn't decide who to support between Nova Nacio and Kalymnos, I got back to Infinite Space. I chose Kalymnos, but the route split is ultimately insignificant and short-lived. The plot stuff that did happen was good enough for what is ultimately a diversion from the real focus.

Fights were getting too hard though, and I opted to spend two thirds of my 60k in funds sitting around on a new cruiser (a Eudora) and outfitting it and my other two ships (a Pallas battleship and another Eudora) in full with modules and new weapons, something I had never done before. This evened the odds and made things closer to fun.

The narrative has at last with the ending climax of its first part reached the highs of drama I was told the game would have. Though it leaves me wishing so much that the game was on something other than the old DS. It has a good story to tell, and the CG use is excellent, but voice acting and so much more in presentation could be had with a remake.

I have to see where the second arc starts tomorrow, the game's promise is showing.

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So, I just finished Edelgard's route. I loved every second of it, by far better than Blue Lions, story-wise. Here are some thoughts (no spoilers):

  • Edelgard is the best lord in the series. She's extremely well written and interesting. Among many multi-layered characters, she's definitely one of the most complex. I've said this before, but I find myself agreeing with a majority of her goals. Unit-wise, Dimitri runs circles around her, though. Maybe I was RNG-screwed, but Edelgard's speed failed her more than once. Luckily, she's tanky as hell, but she didn't double anything by the end.
  • The characters in general, however, are weaker than the Blue Lions, particularly on the male side. While Caspar, Ferdinand, Hubert, and Linhardt grew on me, I can't say I like them more than Dimitri, Dedue, Ashe, or Felix. On the other hand, the female characters are great, each and every one of them. My favorite ended up being Bernadetta, because I could identify with her the most though I didn't romance her in the end.
  • The route is a little short with only 18 chapters, compared to Blue Lions' 22. It doesn't bother me THAT much, though, because I liked the maps themselves overall a tad bit more. The only thing that bothers me about this will be talked about in the spoiler-y section.

Speaking of which, next I will talk about some spoilers, so only read when you have finished that route yourselves!

  • The one thing that bothers me about Edelgard's route is that 'TWSINTD' (i.e. Those Who Slither In The Dark - because Hubert is a goddamned Chuuni XD) are dealt with in the Epilogue... even though there would be at least four more chapters to deal with them to make the full 22 of the Blue Lions route.
  • The final battle was awesome. The map itself was a bit annoying, but the battle against the Immaculate One was great! THIS is how to do a Dragon fight!
  • Dragons apparently bleed green. What are they? Vulcans? XD
  • And now, me gushing about Cherami Leigh: she portrayed the character of Rhea perfectly. Both her "kind" side and her deranged one were believable, and you felt the emotion and anger behind every single work she spoke. Her Dragon voice was also badass, even if it had effects added to them to make it sound more monstrous. I will play this game with Japanese voices someday, but I can say this right now: at least Cherami Leigh as Rhea is a tough act to follow.

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Three Houses. A lot of it. As would be expected of some FE fans after release.

Even as late as one chapter prior to endgame, I have been very much personally engaged with the story and characters. I mean, just today, I have seen before me a truth/twist that makes things make so much sense and yet I feel idiotic for it. I’m sure those who might know will understand at least a little bit. Only characters I never cared about were Those Who Slither in the Dark, but knowing that FE focuses on the development of your motley crew of students-turned-heroes softens the blow. And I have high hopes for how everyone else is on the other routes.


I have seen a guide of making good DND villains while going through the late game on the GD route, and Edelgard seemed to tick a lot of boxes. Even though I am playing Blue Lions next, I look forward to seeing Edelgard in action up close and personal.

It was this video, by the way: 




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Still playing Three Houses. As I may have mentioned before, I finished Edelgard's route and am now playing the Blue Lions. I finally reached the timeskip....

Man, I'm hyped again for the game. Redoing Part One was somewhat of slog, despite "rushing" through old convos and seeing things from a new perspective. But when things started picking up... Oh boy. All the stuffs. Spoilers for Blue Lions and El's route ahead.


To capture my initial reactions on the Discord...



Wows. Just Wows. Blue Lions Chapter 12 Spoilers (with some Black Eagle stuff) -  Well, that was one heck of a way to end the chapter. I thought by Byleth defending the place we would still hold the Monastery. Guess not. Also, sorta fun to see the Immaculate One on our side instead of an enemy, even if it was just a cutscene.

Seeing the cutscene on how things go was way better than a simple CG for the Black Eagles. Although, being owned by a Dragon is better than getting owned by a Dark Magician Dude when the timeskip happens. (Edit: I guess all Byleth did was spin around in a river for 5 years...)

Shame what happens with Rhea though. In the Black Eagle route, she stays with the Blue Lions. Here she just vanishes.
* * * * *
Now to get to the interesting stuff I haven't seen before. To Part II of Blue Lions!
* * * * *
... Wait what?  This is way different than how it went down in Black Eagles... Looks like the Empire controls everything already!
* * * * *
Welp, doing Blue Lions makes me believe that El's route is more and more of a last minute addition. -  We get a reunion cutscene with Dimitri! Edelgard just gets a CG. I wonder how the other two routes go.
* * * * *
At either rate, I'm hype again for the new stuff. I can't wait to see where this goes.

Overall, I'm hyped again to see how everything goes. Granted, this may be because I did Edelgard's first and she has the most unique route while the others are apparently "shared," so I don't know how much enthusiasm I will have when I get around to them.

Even though I somewhat benched Ashe, he remained a good boy and saved Annette from the fearsome flying monsters during Chapter 12. I guess that's one benefit of having "lower growth rates" all around as levels matter a bit less and weapons (alongside Combat Arts) matter more.

Also, Insane Dimitri is fun to see. At least Edelgard kept a level head while she did the cold calculations. Dimitri is all emotion and that desire for vengeance. I'm sure he gets a redemption arc later, but still.

I can't wait to see what comes next. I'm looking forward to that "rematch at Gronder Field" because of the music and because it didn't happen on El's path. I heard the music, but I know little of what will transpire there.


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