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4 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

Stuff like this makes me glad I mostly focus on single player games with the occasional local multiplayer session with friends.

There are some great communities out there, but usually for the less competitive games and more party based

Osu community was pretty chill (atleast when i used to play it) for example

Mario Maker community from what i watch is also pretty chill & Fun.

Orange Juice is fun rage xD

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2 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

There are some great communities out there, but usually for the less competitive games and more party based

Osu community was pretty chill (atleast when i used to play it) for example

Mario Maker community from what i watch is also pretty chill & Fun.

Orange Juice is fun rage xD

Yeah, there are some good communities. It's just a shame they get overshadowed by all the garbage ones.

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2 hours ago, DragonFlames said:

Wow, that sucks. Yeah, RNG is a mad, mad mistress.

Speaking of which, two level ups and a class change later and SUDDENLY the Golden Deer are as strong as the other houses, with Lysithea finally becoming the nuclear warhead people were touting her as, one-shotting pretty much everything in her wake. What. The. Actual. Hell? Here I was ranting about how terrible they are, and the game proved me wrong yet again. I feel dumb now. Thanks, Three Houses...

Thanks for standing up for me, but this kind of stuff really isn't something to get into an argument over, I believe.

Yeah, it's the worst, along with Edelgard having 6 dex, 10 as a lord.

As far as getting angry over something small, your right, sorry about that.

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Just now, lightcosmo said:

Yeah, it's the worst, along with Edelgard having 6 dex, 10 as a lord.

As far as getting angry over something small, your right, sorry about that.

No need to apologize.

Poor Edelgard.
For me, she grew up to 16 speed and stopped there. All the way to the final chapter. You can imagine my utter joy at such amazing things happening. At least her defenses were decent, so it wasn't THAT much of a problem, but I dearly wished she could double at least something. 
Another weird thing that happened to me during my Black Eagles run is that Linhardt insisted on keeping his stats even. Never once was one stat (except HP) significantly higher than another stat. Sounds kind of amazing, doesn't it? Well, the stats were all pretty low, so he fell behind very, very quickly to the point where I could never safely put him in range of anything without him dying to it.

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19 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

No need to apologize.

Poor Edelgard.
For me, she grew up to 16 speed and stopped there. All the way to the final chapter. You can imagine my utter joy at such amazing things happening. At least her defenses were decent, so it wasn't THAT much of a problem, but I dearly wished she could double at least something. 
Another weird thing that happened to me during my Black Eagles run is that Linhardt insisted on keeping his stats even. Never once was one stat (except HP) significantly higher than another stat. Sounds kind of amazing, doesn't it? Well, the stats were all pretty low, so he fell behind very, very quickly to the point where I could never safely put him in range of anything without him dying to it.

Wow, that's awful luck, I had her at 30! All three lords so far have been insane for me. 

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8 hours ago, DragonFlames said:

His VA is the best part about the guy, anyway. He's great.

I looked up his VA and found out he's the voice of Joseph Joestar in the English dub of JoJo Part 2. And because Lorenz shares the same voice as Joseph, i can't overlook this thing that was brought to my attention

Lorenz bears the Crest of Gloucester. The Crest of Gloucester is based on The Hermit arcana. Lorenz's English voice actor also voiced Joseph Joestar. Joseph's Stand is Hermit Purple.

Lorenz is a JoJo confirmed.


8 hours ago, DragonFlames said:

The best among them is Lysithea, but even she isn't much better than any other unit in the game. I now see why everyone calls her the best unit in the game

People say she's great because she eats the Death Knight for breakfast, lunch and dinner. I can confirm this is true. I was able to take down the Death Knight the second time he showed up thanks to Lysethia.

2 hours ago, Shrimperor said:

Best thing about Nep in smash: Salt in smash fanbase
>Sword use

Give her crits like Hero for even more salt. 

2 hours ago, DragonFlames said:

FYI, I wasn't aware Bayonetta was universally hated.

Bayonetta was actively hurting the competitive scene. Smash 4 at EVO 2018 was a nightmare. Two Bayonettas at Grand Finals and both players were just fucking around for 10 minutes.

People don't hate Bayonetta anymore because she got nerfed to oblivion in Ultimate but many say she didn't deserve to be nerfed to that extent.



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2 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Two Bayonettas at Grand Finals and both players were just fucking around for 10 minutes.

And Sakurai shaking his head at the pre-release tourney because of Bayo.

2 minutes ago, Armagon said:

 People don't hate Bayonetta anymore because she got nerfed to oblivion in Ultimate but many say she didn't deserve to be nerfed to that extent.


Many still panic tho at any small buff she gets.

Tbf, she isn't Smash's hate kid anymore, it's Hero now.

RnG oP BaD


Seeing people wanting to ban him before some tourneys is facepalm worthy

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3 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

Tbf, she isn't Smash's hate kid anymore, it's Hero now.

RnG oP BaD


Seeing people wanting to ban him before some tourneys is facepalm worthy

Agreed. I only agreed to Hero being banned at Super Smash Con (which i don't know if they did) because he was being released like the week before and that's not enough time for people to learn the matchup. But honestly, Hero isn't that good from a competitive standpoint. People point to Hocus Pocus doing shit like making Hero huge or actually invincible but Hocus Pocus can also

  • shrink you
  • Poison you
  • Kill your MP
  • Self-destruct your stock

You're more likely to get something bad out of Hocus Pocus rather than something good. Hero's areials are also pretty bad. Sakurai forgot to give him a Bair (the joke here is that Hero's Bair has so many frames of startup that it's a completely unviable move. Even Ganon Utilt comes out faster). Hero's a mid-tier character at best, there's no reason to ban him.

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10 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Agreed. I only agreed to Hero being banned at Super Smash Con (which i don't know if they did) because he was being released like the week before and that's not enough time for people to learn the matchup. But honestly, Hero isn't that good from a competitive standpoint. People point to Hocus Pocus doing shit like making Hero huge or actually invincible but Hocus Pocus can also

  • shrink you
  • Poison you
  • Kill your MP
  • Self-destruct your stock

You're more likely to get something bad out of Hocus Pocus rather than something good. Hero's areials are also pretty bad. Sakurai forgot to give him a Bair (the joke here is that Hero's Bair has so many frames of startup that it's a completely unviable move. Even Ganon Utilt comes out faster). Hero's a mid-tier character at best, there's no reason to ban him.


In general, the Smash community is way too ban happy imo. Especially when it comes to Stages. There are other stages beside Pokemon Stadium and Smashville, ya know

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13 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

Especially when it comes to Stages. There are other stages beside Pokemon Stadium and Smashville, ya know

People are quick to ban the small stages or anything with slopes while legalizing all the big (but not too big) stages. So when campy characters win more because all the legal stages benefit them, people are clueless as to why campy characters do so good.

That said, if Yggdrasil's Altar (a "big" stage) gets banned, i'm done. It's literally Battlefield, Kalos and Town and City rolled into one. It's perfectly legal.

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26 minutes ago, Armagon said:

People are quick to ban the small stages or anything with slopes while legalizing all the big (but not too big) stages. So when campy characters win more because all the legal stages benefit them, people are clueless as to why campy characters do so good.

That said, if Yggdrasil's Altar (a "big" stage) gets banned, i'm done. It's literally Battlefield, Kalos and Town and City rolled into one. It's perfectly legal.

they will find a reason to ban it.

Honestly, i also think they should play some more with hazards tbh. Not every moving platform should be insta banned <.<

I can understand stuff like cave of life getting banned and the like. But not Hazards that players should be able to deal with or slopes tbh

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2 hours ago, Armagon said:

People are quick to ban the small stages or anything with slopes while legalizing all the big (but not too big) stages. 

I dont know why stage bans matter, it hardly matters. To others, I mean. 

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I'm 75% or so in the Golden Deer route. I decided to go for a little break and start Pillars Of Eternity for the switch since that's the last route I'll do.

Fun CRPG game so far but I swear this game has more text in some single box conversations than Planescape Torment had. Which is not really an issue, it's just a bit of a surprise.

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Finished Infinite Space. A review of sorts for this game, developed primarily by a company called Nude Maker (just don't tell anyone that), with help from Platinum Games of action genre fame, and licensed by Segaaaaaa!.:



As said before about the story, it’s good, but restrained by the limitations of the system it was made on. Moving beyond that description, the narrative starts slowly, picks up, shifts over to a new arc, and then gradually builds itself back up.

An issue I have with it though is that it is a little diffuse. You have the Epitaph stuff, which at the beginning is accompanied by a space pirates focus because they’re easy for a novice like Yuri to destroy. You later have the big bad stuff, and you get plenty of political infighting amongst the nations of the Magellanic Clouds. And there are small choices and larger temporary route splits, which have differing narratives, battles, and rewards.

But due to all these elements with a universe where I’m counting ~13 countries, you don’t get very much of an in-depth feel for any of them, just enough understanding to go on and distinguish them. Although to be fair, the sci-fi scope of this game isn’t about individual planets or planetary systems, it is about seeing the entirety of the universe, which to be so broad, requires a lack of depth elsewhere.

Nonetheless, I’d say the narrative is the game’s greatest strength.



On the player side, the bazillion crew members you can optionally recruit, outside of a Tavern talk or three, almost never show up after they join. Most of these characters are missable, so that offers an explanation.

Of the main cast, I don’t think any of the hero characters grow significantly. Yuri the main character has the most growth of course, I’d say I like him. Everyone tends to stick to some trope handled in a subdued manner. They’re nice people, but overall, this is a plot-driven game I’d say, not a character-driven one, even if I got attached to a couple of them. 

The villain side is thinner than the heroes I’d say, but they aren’t painfully bad, just a bit lacking due to a lack of screentime. 


Music and Graphics:

Music has isn’t memorable, but not bad. Sound effects are grating on the other hand sometimes, namely those of all the lasers, plasma, and solid ammo your space navy shoots.

The CGs and character profile artwork is good. The game tries its best to make 64-bit era+ (but less than GC) polygons into distinctive warships of space, which the game’s primary visual emphasis, and there it succeeded I believe.


Non-Combat Gameplay:

This game has a lot of easily missable crew members and blueprints for modules and ships. Some of this stuff you can only choose at missing out on other things. Other cases require doing things that you’d have no idea you’d have to do. But, a blind player can should be able to make it through even when they miss on most of this, as long as they understand the game and do well with that they can find.

Figuring out where to go next is something of a problem in this game. There is no story log if you drop the game for a while and come back to it. And sometimes the game just isn’t as clear as it should be about where you should go next. A few times it actually just wants you cruising around. Navigating the game’s starlanes and nondescript planets with many different names creates another problem, at least early on.

Everything about this game is handled with the touch screen, I think it works elegantly. You can tap to skip battle command animations, which seriously speeds things up. And the L button speeds up text in case you have to retry a battle and have to sit through the same dialogue again.

Completion of the game unlocks a New Game+ feature. Unfortunately, all that carries over is character stats and levels and current money. No ships, no blueprints, nor fame, which means this NG+ you can’t put on cruise control unless you grind for a lot of money at the end. 

You unlock Extra Mode too, which apparently is a pure ship battles mode, with the ability to acquire any ships and characters from the game. A “free mode” unrestrained from the narrative. However, you must first have obtained the characters and blueprints in a playthrough I believe. 

The third thing that unlocks at game’s end is the entire Database, now it’ll show more than Celestial Objects. It lists all obtained characters, fighters, and ships, with a little descriptive blurb of each. And it tells you what percentage of them you’ve unlocked, completing the database will require three playthroughs at least, probably more actually.


Combat Gameplay and Shipbuilding:

At the beginning of the game, this game is hard and very intimidating. The game has a HELP feature with almost all the tutorials you need located there, but being a text dump, it still leaves one overwhelmed. The lack of Fire Emblem’s modern “highlight a stat/skill and you can read what it does” is sorely missed in this game. 

The thing is, once you understand how the game’s ship battles operate, it becomes much easier. And by the end of the game, my fleet could OHKO random battles with the Normal command. And story fights were harder, but not brutal nor significantly more complex.

Melee combat, which you rarely must do and is never a choice for story battles unless thou must use it, is a barebones guessing game of rock-paper-scissors. Barring a few early fights and one spike of a battle later on, this is very easy. Just be sure to assign a Security Officer and underling with a good Combat stat, and ideally Space Warrior or maybe Marksman/Commander/Death Blow. Add Security Rooms and Crew Cabins to your ships if you need the extra attack/HP. The indoors you have to walk through are just the same corridors and movements again and again, no labyrinths, do nothing to these short lairs.

Even though spaceship battles are simple, I did experience some enjoyment over the long process of saving money to buy new ships and then deck them out in good modules, upgraded weapons, and fighters. It takes A LOT of money to buy new things (selling anything gives you back ~75-80% of its value, that’s good), and if you don't grind, you'll find yourself perpetually short on cash. That is, until late in the game, when boss battles start giving out 20k+, that is when money stops being such an issue. Nonetheless, ideally, you shouldn't have to upgrade your ships that often if you buy wisely and tune up what you do purchase.

Now when it comes to buying ships, UI could be better before you buy, it really should let you see the modular space layout beforehand, but buying and resetting without saving suffices in absence of it. It doesn’t explain what the handful of battleship skills do either. Nor is there a renaming feature either once you buy a ship, so if you don’t like what you first called it, you’ll have to buy the thing all over again. 

Then there is the sheer number of ships available. Fast and small Destroyers, Cruisers as a middleweight with good Anti-Air stats, Battleships are the big and slow monstrosities everybody loves, and Carriers are lightly armed, but can store more Fighters than anything else. And Fighters are extremely good. Lastly there is an Other category of a miscellaneous mix of fairly weak combat and utility ships.

Four main categories isn’t the problem, what is how the categories can spiral out of control. Which of so many competing vessels do you buy? Well stats and module space tell this story, but there are so many some seem utterly redundant and outright inferior to others. The Adrasteia was one of the worst cases of this, it comes in the second half of the game, but has sub-2000 Durability, which is really bad for a Battleship at that point. Although I did use two Eudoras through Zenito, and didn’t replace the other until after Adis. The quantity induces some “paradox of choice”, wherein you can’t decide which to get because you don’t know which is really the right choice.

The positive to this sea of machines voyaging through space is that you aren’t lacking for aesthetic variety in starship design. Every country and bandit group gets its own armada; as you play through the game, you’ll never see a recolor of a bogey back from an earlier chapter. Though since ship stats do gradually go up (and make a big jump at one point), you can’t entirely stick with what blocky DS graphics space arks you like. Not the worst game in terms of powercreep by any means though. The Carrier I bought at the start of the second half of the game lasted me to the final battle.


All that said, this was my flagship by the game's end:



Zenitonian Absoluta class battleship, christened by thee the "Zohar"! (Beautiful concept art by the way.)

No access to an infinite amount of energy unfortunately, but it alone has the highly advanced Zenitonian Neural Operating System (NOS) embedded into its design. This cybernetics/mind-meld technology improves human response times across an entire fleet, massively improving accuracy and evasion.

As for armaments, it has three good unadjustable large plasma cannons, and two slots for small guns of my choosing. More importantly, it has a catapult with room for hangars able to store up to 40 fighters (Intrigos the finest in Large Magellanic Cloud of course), two-thirds of a carrier's maximum capacity. It's part-battleship, part-carrier, and eschews a useless and showy BFG for supreme aim and agility.


Should You Find A Copy of Infinite Space?:

Whether you’d want to play Infinite Space is one question I won’t answer for you, I can see the gameplay being something of a turnoff. But I’d consider watching an LP for the story if you like sci-fi. I certainly won’t call it legendary, but I liked it, it’s good. I enjoyed the game.

The game from what I'm aware is rare and pricey FYI. And you can't delete files, only overwrite them. And you can't do anything about the Database, which means you'll miss on ~200 Fame total (easily obtained from a handful of fights), and you won't want to look at it to avoid some spoilers.



@Armagon you might want to watch such an LP if you can find a good one, there is just a hint of the Xeno- franchise Infinite Space's narrative, since it derives inspiration from a shared source. Though it doesn’t come until nearing the end to show itself I’ll admit, so the rest might bore you. And I’ll say that overall, this isn’t as good at Xeno- in this shared aspect. I'm just informing you of this.

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I just beat Fire Emblem Three Houses. Normally when I talk about games I rate them, but I just don't physically feel in a state to do such a long write up so...

  • The Fire Emblem stuff in this Fire Emblem game rocks
  • The monastery busywork is something I wish I could skip altogether.
  • Really likeable cast. Inexcusable villains. 
  • New Game+sounds like its tastefully handled.
    • but yeah right asking me to play this game again lol
  • I rate this game a 7.9 out of 10. 
    • Better than expected
      • second place consideration for GOTY so far. Behind Resident Evil 2. But I just got DMC5 and Sekiro as birthday gifts. Let's rock, baby.



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On 8/10/2019 at 9:33 PM, lightcosmo said:

Wow, that's awful luck, I had her at 30! All three lords so far have been insane for me. 

For me, only Dimitri has proven himself insane.
Have a problem? Throw Dimitri at it and watch it disappear... except Mages. Mages are a problem for him due to his kinda low resistance. That way, he reminds me of Radiant Dawn Ike.

On 8/10/2019 at 10:00 PM, Armagon said:

I looked up his VA and found out he's the voice of Joseph Joestar in the English dub of JoJo Part 2. And because Lorenz shares the same voice as Joseph, i can't overlook this thing that was brought to my attention

Lorenz bears the Crest of Gloucester. The Crest of Gloucester is based on The Hermit arcana. Lorenz's English voice actor also voiced Joseph Joestar. Joseph's Stand is Hermit Purple.

Lorenz is a JoJo confirmed.

First Dorothea with her hat, now Lorenz. Sothis has the "ZA WARUDO!" power, and

Edelgard pulls a "It was me, Dio!" moment when she reveals herself to be the Flame Emperor.

Someone in the writing staff loved JoJo, I guess. XD

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finally finished God Eater Resurrection for PS4. that took a while, but it's been a fun run nonetheless.

i gotta say they did a really good job at improving/expanding the game with new features and story arcs. mixed with the strong nostalgia from the PSP era, the game overall has been way more entertaining and enjoyable than i expected.

the only downpoint was the online mode, since that feature is pretty much dead due to the game being a bit old and probably not having an active playerbase like it used to have when it was released. you can still find a couple of people online once in a while, but that's become quite rare.

time to say goodbye and move on. it shall rest in my library section of beloved games, among my favorites.


about what's coming up next, i plan to play and complete one more chapter of the GE saga before Code Vein gets released in september. i don't know if i'll make it in time, but i'll try anyway. and if i won't make it, guess i'll just leave it in standby for a while.

now playing on PS4:



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Decided to ditch FF13, and do a New Game Plus run of Persona 3 Portable instead. Defeated the first full moon boss and (finally!) got access to the compendium and all of the cool toys I wanted to play with again!

As for World of Final Fantasy, I just finished Edgar's Castle Figaro quest.

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Now Claude refuses to level strength and Lysithea is still severely speed screwed.
I'm beginning to really hate randomized level ups, I swear.

In other news, the Golden Deer story is the most intriguing so far (Chapter 10). A lot of things come to light or are hinted at that the other routes didn't deal with. Glad they keep even the pre-time skip portion of the game differently enough for each house.

While we're at it, I wanted to take a moment to really praise the voice acting in this game. It's seriously top-notch. You can tell many of them had great fun with their characters. In particular, Sothis, Claude, and Alois stick out, as do Bernadetta, Seteth, Edelgard, Dimitri... heck, I could list the entire cast here.
Also, Allegra Clark (as Dorothea), Veronica Taylor (as Manuela), Cherami Leigh (as Rhea), as well as Billy Kametz (as Ferdinand) are really good singers. Like holy crap, they're better than some "singers" that are actually in the music business today. In my insignificant, non-professional opinion, at least.

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Beat all routes of three houses now and my opinions on some things.

The storyline was better than I expected, which was nice. The game never felt "boring" to me, I always was enjoying going through it. The characters were good, at least some of them were. Negative side of things.

The balance was awful, not surprised, really. Not that it bothers me so I dont count this, but I know alot of people think that going through the months takes too long, I enjoyed it. Guess that's actually a positive. I hate low growths, since you can get stuck purely cause your characters stuck. The arts were much to similar to Echoes, I wanted to see much more. All in all, pretty good, and I expected alot less.


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So i've rereached the timeskip and i'm finally starting to get interactions i've been wanting to see. This one is from Crimson Flower Ch.12 (so before the timeskip but after the route split in Black Eagles)






Don't tell me what to do, Annette.

There's also another bit after this where Gilber states that if Annette is siding with the Empire, he has no choice but to kill her. Now i'm really looking forward to see their convo during the final map.

In other news, i did Marianne's paralouge and it's basically Sothis' paralouge but it's also Fog of War. Definitely a contender for top 5 worst maps in the series. In the end, i manage to win but just barely.

Can't wait to this map on non-Crimson Flower routes where i don't have access to the busted Galeforce Axe.

Ch.15 of the route also ended up being easier and it wasn't just because of NG+.


Because i recruited Alois, there was a Warrior boss where he normally would've been if he wasn't recruited. He also moves, making it much easier to stop the burning woods plan. There's also a generic female Sniper boss on the map and i'm assuming that would've been Shamir if i didn't recruit her.


15 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

@Armagon you might want to watch such an LP if you can find a good one, there is just a hint of the Xeno- franchise Infinite Space's narrative, since it derives inspiration from a shared source. Though it doesn’t come until nearing the end to show itself I’ll admit, so the rest might bore you. And I’ll say that overall, this isn’t as good at Xeno- in this shared aspect. I'm just informing you of this.

Hmm, reading what you wrote about it, it does seem like something i might like. Even without the bit of Xeno stuff, i'm a fan of sci-fi plots. I'll definitely consider watching an LP, since it's a DS game and DS emulators are pretty bad (same reason why i stopped playing Soma Bringer. I liked what i saw but i just didn't feel like putting up with the emulator).

10 hours ago, DragonFlames said:

Sothis has the "ZA WARUDO!"

More accurately, Sothis has Mandom. If you don't know, Mandom is a Stand from JoJo Part 7 that turns back time by exactly 6 seconds and that's what i referred to Divine Pulse before we knew what it was called. 

3 hours ago, DragonFlames said:

Billy Kametz (as Ferdinand)

No wonder Ferdinand sounds familiar. His VA is the same guy who voiced Josuke in the JoJo Part 4 dub. Damn, there's a good chunk of JoJo voice actors here. There's Patrick Seitz (the voice of Dio) who's the VA of Jeritza (and also a few other FE characters from Heroes but he's using his Dio voice for Jeritza) and on the Japanese side of things, Koyasu (voice of JP Dio) voices Seteth.


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17 hours ago, Armagon said:

More accurately, Sothis has Mandom. If you don't know, Mandom is a Stand from JoJo Part 7 that turns back time by exactly 6 seconds and that's what i referred to Divine Pulse before we knew what it was called.

Ah, I see. I don't know a lot about JoJo, except the memes. Though I will admit, I'm not particularly interested in the anime itself.

17 hours ago, Armagon said:

No wonder Ferdinand sounds familiar. His VA is the same guy who voiced Josuke in the JoJo Part 4 dub. Damn, there's a good chunk of JoJo voice actors here. There's Patrick Seitz (the voice of Dio) who's the VA of Jeritza (and also a few other FE characters from Heroes but he's using his Dio voice for Jeritza) and on the Japanese side of things, Koyasu (voice of JP Dio) voices Seteth.

It's always interesting to recognize voice actors from other stuff, in particular when the "new" character is entirely different from the "old" one.
I still can't get over the fact that Sothis has the same voice as Morgana (the "Go to sleep!" meme cat from Persona 5), while her Japanese voice actress, Tomoyo Kurosawa, is the same one as my favorite character from Nights of Azure (Christophorus).
Dorothea was a disgruntled witch who was annoyed by nearly everyone around her (Dronya from Labyrinth of Refrain), Caspar and Lorenz were a demon samurai (Rokurou Rangetsu, Tales of Berseria) and a Digimon (Shoutmon from Digimon Fusion) at one point, whereas Hubert was a pancake-loving detective (Goro Akechi, Persona 5) and even a kind-hearted protagonist with the power to "tune" witches (Alto, Stella Glow).
Rhea, for her part, used to be a spunky mage (Mae, Fire Emblem Echoes), a badass class president (Makoto Nijima, Persona 5), a lazy bum with a split personality, one of which is a true sadist (Plutia/Iris Heart, Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth 3), and a harem-seeking female king who loves to go on about her CALIBER (Million Arthur, Megadimension Neptunia VII).
And Edelgard was the mother of the first Jin emperor (Wang Yuanji, Dynasty Warriors), and also a blonde gamer girl who takes great pride in her... assets (Vert, Neptunia franchise).
And the kicker: Manuela is Ash from Pokémon. Try to unsee that next time you stare at her... erm, jiggly parts.
I'm repeating myself, but these people are seriously amazing, voicing so many different characters and making all of them unique. And I'm sure I've missed some here. These were just the first that came to mind.


As for my Golden Deer playthrough, I've reached the time skip and was bombarded with A-supports. But now, at least, I can definitively say that the Golden Deer have become my favorites as far as characters go. I still somewhat dislike Lorenz and Leonie, sure, but the others make them seem like less of a problem. Also, shout-out to Claude being a true bro. The only A-supports Byleth is missing now is his A-supports with Hilda and Lysithea. I have them ready, but the game tells me I need to wait a while longer, which is strange, because I got everyone else's A-support just fine. The only other characters this happened with post-time skip were Edelgard and Dimitri. 
I sincerely hope that I don't need to do a Paralogue to unlock them (as they usually require characters from other factions), because the only characters I have recruited are the ones the game gave to me and Alois (it felt wrong not to recruit him).
Also, Seteth is a beast.

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53 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

The only A-supports Byleth is missing now is his A-supports with Hilda and Lysithea. I have them ready, but the game tells me I need to wait a while longer, which is strange, because I got everyone else's A-support just fine. The only other characters this happened with post-time skip were Edelgard and Dimitri. 
I sincerely hope that I don't need to do a Paralogue to unlock them (as they usually require characters from other factions), because the only characters I have recruited are the ones the game gave to me and Alois (it felt wrong not to recruit him).

Lysithea's A support is tied to the plot, if I recall it unlocks after Chapter 16.

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